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G-Zone CHAPTER 01 기본 개념 Extra

[입문편] (Unit 01-02) Test

※ [1-5] 다음 밑줄 친 부분이 목적어인지 보어인지 쓰세요.

1. My grandfather knows everything. ( )

2. Those women are nurses. ( )

3. His uncle builds houses. ( )

4. Her aunt makes cookies. ( )

5. The children are happy. ( )

※ [6-12] 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 품사를 쓰세요.

6. Andrew runs fast. ( )

7. They have many dogs. ( )

8. We have a fun time together. ( )

9. Bruno and Amanda live there. ( )

10. Wow! That is amazing. ( )

11. I want an orange and a sandwich. ( )

12. Celina and I love cats. ( )

※ [13-18] 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 수식어를 모두 고르세요.

13. My husband and I exercise every day.

① ② ③

14. His son usually studies at night.

① ② ③ ④

15. The little girl has a pretty face.

① ②③ ④ ⑤

16. Jessy’s brother lives in Paris.

① ② ③

17. She and her sister are good dancers.

① ② ③ ④

18. Seongjin plays the piano well.

① ② ③ ④

※ [19-24] 다음 밑줄 친 부분이 구인지 절인지 쓰세요.

19. The monkeys in the zoo are very noisy. ( )

20. I dream that I am flying. ( )

21. Drinking tea is good for your health. ( )

22. We are sad to hear that you are leaving. ( )

23. Susan often reads when she takes the train. ( )

24. My father is 40, and my mother is 42. ( )

※ [25-33] 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 문장 성분이 무엇인지 [보기]에서 골라 쓰세요.

[보기] 주어 동사 보어 목적어 수식어

25. My father often fishes. ( )

26. I usually get up at 6 in the morning. ( )

27. Please don’t talk loudly here. ( )

28. We are her students. ( )

29. The T-shirts are old. ( )

30. Evan’s younger sister swims well. ( )

31. Helena paints on walls. ( )

32. She and I often go to the library. ( )

33. Ian’s father is a careful driver. ( )

※ [34-38] 다음 중 품사가 나머지와 다른 하나를 고르세요.


① take ② have ③ like ④ class ⑤ buy


① ball ② sit ③ song ④ mother ⑤ cake


① lovely ② here ③ too ④ often ⑤ very


① happy ② beautiful ③ candy ④ friendly ⑤ sunny


① with ② or ③ in ④ from ⑤ by

※ [39-40] 다음 밑줄 친 단어의 품사가 나머지와 다른 하나를 고르세요.


① You need a good sleep.

② This coffee is too hot.

③ The dress is very pretty.

④ This movie is too long.

⑤ The little boy smiles happily.


① Jennifer has many friends.

② Sam teaches English.

③ I eat an apple each day.

④ The park near my house is peaceful.

⑤ My aunt is a scientist.
CHAPTER 01 기본 개념 (Unit 01-02) 정답


1. 목적어 2. 보어 3. 목적어 4. 목적어 5. 보어


6. 부사 7. 명사 8. 형용사 9. 부사 10. 감탄사 11. 접속사 12. 대명사


13. ③ 14. ②, ④ 15. ④ 16. ③ 17. ③ 18. ④


19. 구 20. 절 21. 구 22. 절 23. 절 24. 절


25. 동사 26. 수식어 27. 수식어 28. 보어 29. 보어

30. 수식어 31. 동사 32. 수식어 33. 주어


34. ④ 35. ② 36. ① 37. ③ 38. ②


39. ⑤ 40. ④

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