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Nine Gold Medals Summary by David Roth

Olympics are held once every four years. Athletes from all over the world
train hard to participate in this event. Winning a medal in the Olympics is
the dream and the ultimate goal of every athlete of the world. However,
the setting of the scene of this poem is that of ‘Special Olympics’. In
these Olympics, differently-abled persons, who have some problems in a
particular part of the body, participate in various sports events. The
contestants put in a lot of preparation and practice. Everyone hopes to
win a medal. The spectators are as excited as the contestants. They cheer
and encourage the contestants.

Of all the events in Olympics, the hundred-metre race is the most

prestigious. The athlete who wins it, is remembered as the fastest man in
the world. So, for Special Olympics mentioned in the poem, this was the
final event, hence the most prestigious. The hundred-yard race was
about to begin. The athletes took position at the starting blocks. They
began to run immediately after the starting pistol was fired. However,
one of them was unable to run and fell down on the track. The action
had begun and already one episode had taken place. Now it could be
noticed how eight contestants were strong and ran forward, while the
ninth, who was the smallest, fell down. He cried out with pain of
disappointment. He had trained hard but did not get the opportunity to
show his talent. All his dreams of winning the medal were shattered.

When the remaining eight contestants saw him fall, they, instead of
continuing the race, came to the help of their fellow contestant. All the
athletes had dreamt of winning the medal. However, they readily forgot
their dream and came forward to help the boy. Then all the nine
contestants walked hand- in-hand to the finish line. The audience was so
moved by the exemplary behaviour of the contestants that it stood up
and clapped. There were now nine winners, instead of one and each one
was given a gold medal. All the contestants displayed empathy turning
the Special Olympics into a really ‘special’ one.

Lesson Learnt from the poem

In fact the poem brings out the ideas of compassion, team work and
sportsmanship through the exemplary behaviour of the athletes. He
shows how human values are as important as the spirit of competition. In
the poem, the , contestants leave aside their desire to win the medal to
help a smaller and weaker contestant and they all go hand-in-hand to
the finishing line. Ultimately we come to know that sports is not only
about winning medals but also they are about learning the values of
cooperation, sharing, competing and complementing.

Nine Gold Medals Summary Stanzawise Word-Meanings, Paraphrase and


1. The atheless ………………………. the games

Paraphrase : The poem begins with the occasion of a ‘Special Olympics’

which meant for differently abled persons. It was an international sports
event which was very prestigious for every athlete who was participating
in it. Many athletes joined the ‘Special Olympics’. They came from
different countries to participate in various sports events. They were full
of the spirits of enthusiasm, determination and valour. They were
overwhelmed with the strong desire of winning medals for their nations.
They were fired with the longing to win a medal, gold, silver or bronze.
They were very well aware of the fact that the competition would be very
tough. They had trained themselves for months so as to participate in
the athletic events and emerge victorious.

Reference to the Context: These lines showing an imaginary situation of

a race in which the contestants were ready to compete against one
another to win the medal, have been extracted from the poem entitled
Nine Gold Medals, written by David Roth

Here the poet describes an international athletic event where the

sportspersons from different countries had come together to run for
medals. All of them reared dreams and aspirations in their hearts to win
Explanation : Once Special Olympic games which meant for physically
challenged sportspersons, were organised. In this international sports
event, where many athletes had come to participate. All of them had
dreams of achieving medals in this prestigious event. They had cherished
great determination, strong desire and aspiration to get success in the
event. By winning medals, they want to bring name and fame for
themselves and for their nation. All of them had been strenuously
practising for months to run and to win and thus they had prepared
themselves in every-way for winning the medals. Nine athletes had
qualified for the final race of hundred metres. All the nine athletes were
ready to run hundred metre race.

2. All round ………………… to begin.

Paraphrase : The viewers had reached the ground where the last race of
the event was going to take place. They had gathered around the
ground so that they could encourage those participants or contestants
who took part in that race competition. The final event of the day was
about to begin. It was the last race, a hundred-metre race. There was a
lot of excitement in the crowd. The participants also seemed to be in
great excitement as they were hopeful to win the medals.

Reference to the Context: These lines presenting the sight of the final
event of the Special Olympics, have been extracted from the poem
entitled Nine Gold Medals, written by David Roth.

1. In these lines, the poet brings to us the imaginary sight of last

event of the Special Olympics.
2. The poet shows how the spectators and players are seen excited
before the beginning of any event.

Here the poet describes the exciting sight of the ground where the last
event of the Special Olympics was going to take place. The hundred-
metre race was about to begin. Not only the athletes but also the
spectators were full of enthusiasm and excitement.

Explanation: Nine athletes who had qualified for the final race of
hundred metres were fully prepared. It was the test of their preparations
which they had been making for a long time. With their strong desire,
determination and dream of winning the medal, they were about to
enter the ground. The spectators, had already gathered all around the
ground to encourage the players. They seemed to be as excited as the
participants. All were aware of the fact that it was the final event of the
day. The last race was going to begin.

3. The loudspeakers …………………the gun.

Paraphrase: An announcement on the loudspeakers was made to call the

names of those participants who were participating in this final race and
were asked to come m the starting point of the race. All the nine young
athletes, on hearing the announcement came forward and took position
at the starting blocks. All the contestants participating in the race were
full of enthusiasm and aspiration. They seemed to be determined to give
their best performance. Now they were ready to run and were waiting for
the sound of the gun to start running.

Reference to the Context: These lines depicting the last event of hundred
metre race of the Special Olympics which was about to start and the
excitement that pervaded the atmosphere of the ground, have been
extracted from the poem entitled Nine Gold Medals, written by David

1. In these lines, the poet presents an imaginary sight of the final

event of the Special Olympics.
2. The poet shows how the athletes focussed on winning the race and
how they were determined to win the race.
3. Without strong will power and determination, no great
achievement can be made.

Here the poet tells us about the determination and strong will power of
winning the race of those athletes who were called to run the final race.

Explanation: The atmosphere of the ground was favourable to those nine

athletes who were about to come on the track to run their final race of
hundred metres. As it happens in an international event, before the race
started, the name of all those nine athletes participating in the race were
announced through loudspeakers. Those whose names were called,
stood there with their determination at the starting line and took their
position. Now they seemed to be fully concentrated at the sound of gun
fire which meant to start the race.

4. The signal.. ………………… to the ground.

Paraphrase : All the nine athletes (runners) standing at the starting line of
the race, were in full concentration waiting for the sound of the gun to
start running. The pistol sound was made to signal the beginning of the
race and as soon as the runners heard the loud noise of firing, they
started to run to reach their final destination. But an unexpected thing
took place as they started running. One 6f the youngest contestants
among them stumbled and lost his balance and fell on his knees on the
running track. Perhaps, due to being merely a boy, he was weaker
contestant and his legs gave in and he fell.

Reference to the Context: These lines presenting the tragic fate of the
youngest athlete who fell on the running track, have been extracted from
the poem entitled Nine Gold Medals, written by David Roth.

Here the poet describes the tragedy which took place with the youngest
athlete who, as the race started, fell on the track due to stumbling and
could not run. And thus his dream of winning the medal was shattered.

1. These lines are full of sorrow and lament at the tragic fate of the
youngest athlete.
2. Here the poet brings to us the real picture of the imaginary sight
because he presents the inner feelings of those who, after being
failure in fulfilling their dream of winning gold medal in any
international event, are utterly broken in heart and feel

Explanation : As it was known to all the athletes participating in the final

event of race that to win gold in the international sports event was very
prestigious and it could bring fame and name for them, they seemed to
preserving their will power and determination. But a tragic incident took
place with the youngest one. When the signal was given with the pistol
fire and the race started, the youngest athlete stumbled, staggered and
fell on the running track. By falling on the track, he had lost the
opportunity to win the gold medal. His aspirations and dreams were
shattered. He was entirely broken and was surrounded with the feelings
of utter disappointment.

5. He gave …………………occurred.

Paraphrase : As the youngest contestant fell on the ground on his knee,

he was shaken to the core of heart. He could not think even in his dream
that such unexpected thing would take place with him. Indeed it was a
sudden jerk to his life when he, with a strong desire and determination
was going to make an achievement. He was on such a turn of life that
was his greatest dream and aspiration and for this he had been waiting
for a longer. The youngest athlete gave a loud cry in utter
disappointment. He felt a great pain to see his dreams and aspirations
shattering. His efforts brought him no fruit to him but in vain. The poet
who was standing there, saw everything. He kept saying that afterwards
something very strange and incredible happened there.

Reference to the Context: These lines showing how the youngest athlete
felt after being failure in the final race, have been extracted from the
poem entitled Nine Gold Medals, written by David Roth.

1. In these lines the poet brings to us a very heart-touching sight of

the youngest athlete who, after being failed, was wholly broken in
2. The pain and mental auguish which the youngest fellow felt makes
the atmosphere of the ground gloomy.
3. The poet creates suspense by saying that the next was going to
happen very strange and surprising

Here the poet describes the heart-moving sight of the fallen athlete. The
fallen athlete was completely broken in heart. He was full of frustration
and disappointment. His heart was crying in pain at his failure.

Explanation: As the athletes began to run immediately after the starting

pistol was fired, one of the youngest fellows, somewhat weak physically,
fell on the running track and could not run again. He cried out in pain,
frustration and disappointment. His sole dream of winning medal in this
prestigious competition was completely shattered. All his efforts and
preparations proved futile. He had trained hard but did not get
opportunity to show his talent. But whatever happened next was very
strange and astonishing. The next happening stunned every present in
the ground. Such strange thing did not happen in this competition by

6. The eight other …………………his feet.

Paraphrase : On hearing the loud cry of the youngest contestant, the

remaining eight contestants stopped their race and looked hack at their
fallen fellow. As all those were determined to win the race and it was
their sole aim, they were not expected to stop but continue. All of them
had trained themselves for so long to compete and win. It was their
ultimate destination to fulfil their dreams arid aspirations, but instead of
reaching their final goal, they, one by one, turned round and came back
to the fallen athlete. Supporting the youngest athlete, they lifted him to
his feet. Indeed, it was a very wonderful and worth praising sight of this
event. No one had seen such a sight in his or her life.

Reference to the Context : These lines conveying the idea of empathy

and human values and message that what values most in life is the sense
of sharing others’ pains and sorrows, have been extracted from the
poem entitled Nine Gold Medals, written by David Roth.

The poet has projected human values through an imaginary situation. He

brings to us that true sportsmanship lies in sharing others’ pains and
being helpful and cooperative towards others. Those eight athletes who
were full of the spirits of competition, gave importance to human values
and showed true sportsmanship by helping their fallen fellow athlete.

Explanation : According to the poet, when the youngest fellow who was
competing with other eight athletes, had fallen on the running track by
He gave out a loud cry in utter pain, frustration and disappointment. As
soon as the other fellows heard his cry, they atonce stopped at their
places and instead of contiuning the race, turned back one by one and
came to the help of their fallen companion. Though they had been
training and preparing, themselves for a long ,tinie for this important
moment, they forgot their mission and came to help the fallen fellow.
They lifted their fellow to his feet.

7. Then all nine ………………… the mark.

Paraphrase : As the other eight contestants heard the loud cry of their
fallen fellow, they at once stopped their race and instead of completing
the race, they turned back to help him. They lifted him on his knee giving
him support. Then all the nine athletes joined hand, and walked hand-in-
harid to the finishing line. Thus hundred metre race had been changed
into a walk of hundred metres. The poet says that the banner hanging
above said that it is ‘Special Olympics’. Indeed it was the Special
Olympics as the contestants’ worth praising behaviour enhanced the
uniqueness of the event.

Reference to the Context : These lines celebrating human values

‘pertaining to kindness, cooperation and empathy, have been extracted
from the poem entitled Nine Gold Medals, written by David Roth.

Here the poet indicates how human values in sportsperson are as

important ‘ as thte spirit of competition. Indeed, it was the spirit of true
sportsmanship which forced the eight athlete to leave their race
incomplete and to come forward ‘ to help their fallen fellow.

1. In order to enchance the quality of our life we need to develop

empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand and accept others
who are different from us.
2. Empathy works wonders when applied. It encourages positive
behaviour towards others who are in need.
3. The poet also shows that empathetic behaviour is applauded by all.

Explanation: The nine runners were participating in Special Olympics to

achieve their dreams of winning the gold medal. All of them had been
strenuously practising for months to run and to win, but a tragic
situation came in their way. While running to achieve their goal, the
youngest runner fell down by stumbling and the other eight runners,
leaving their mission in the midway helped the fallen fellow. Thus they
set aside their desire to win. They empathised with him. They came
together as a group. They stood by each other. Joining each other’s
hands, they continued their race not by running but by walking. The
banner above read ‘Special Olympics’, was appropriate as the
contestants’ 1 behaviour added the uniqueness of the event.

8. That’s how …………………ever will.

Paraphrase: Then, all the contestants holding each other’s hands walked
to the finishing line and they reached on the ultimate mark. Having
reached at the finishing point they were still holding hands. Now, there
was not one winner but nine winners. Each of them was given a gold
medal, for they completed their race together. The audience was so
moved by the exemplary behaviour of the contestants that it stood up
and clapped. All the contestants displayed empathy turning the Special
Olympics into a really special one. The banner above read ‘Special
Olympics’ and the nine smiling faces spoke more than the words that the
poet wrote to narrate the incident.

Reference to the Context : These lines showing that sports is not only
wihning medals but they are also about learning the values of
cooperation, sharing, competing and complementing, have been
extracted from the poem entitled Nine Gold medals, written by David

1. Simply stated, empathy is the ability to put oneself in another

shoes. That is exactly what the eight contestants had done.
2. The athletes participating in the race in Special Olympics display
friendliness, kindness, team work and cooperation.

By presenting the idea of empathy, the poet points out how human
values are as important as the spirit of competition. The poet presents
the situation of a race where the contestants leave aside their desire to
win the medal to help a smaller and weaker contestant.
Explanation: On hearing the painful cry of the youngest fellow, the eight
runners who seemed to be determined to win the gold medal after
making rigorous practice and preparation, stopped their race in the
midway and turned back to help their fallen fellow showing true
sportsmanship. By lifting him on his feet, all they stood together and
joining each other’s hands started walking to the finishing line. In this
way all the athletes finished their race.

Even after reaching on the finishing line, they still held hands together.
Now there was not one who won gold medal but all the nine athletes
were awarded with nine gold medals. The audience was so much moved
by this remarkable and unique sight that it stood up and clapped for
their wonderful behaviour. All the contestants displayed empathy turning
the Special Olympics into a really special one.

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