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Pre Wedding Ceremony

Mehndi Ceremony
The Mehndi ceremony is the first ritual of Muslim wedding. It is held at the home of the bride on the eve of
the wedding ceremony or a couple of days before it. A relative or a mehandiwali applies mehandi on the
hands and feet of the bride. The bride wears simple clothes on the day. According to custom the bride
must not step out of the house for the next few days until her marriage.

Mehndi to bride should go from Grooms’ house


Haldi(turmeric paste) should be sent to bride from grooms house. This shall be applied to bride.

And the intending husband is asked to offer a Mahr to the bride. The Quran says, give women their Mahr
as a free gift, but if they of themselves be pleased to give up to you a portion of it, then eat it with
enjoyment and with wholesome result.

The Mahr may be cash, kind or non-material (like training or teaching something). It can be paid up front
or can be in form of promise to pay upon demands decided prior to the solemnization of marriage. Moajjal
(immediate), Muwajjal and Indat-talab (on demand). However, it is much recommended to pay it before or
at the time of Nikah itself.


This is celebrates one-day prior to Nikah. Its just welcoming groom family and conducting some
functions/activities. One of it very important is Sali-ka-rasm in which brides’ sister does rasm to groom
and collects gifts from him. Exchange of gifts & sweets.

The Wedding Ceremony

Welcoming the Baraat

The groom arrives at the wedding venue with a wedding procession or baraat consisting of relatives and
friends accompanying a band of musicians to announce their arrival. A lot of playful games are played
and a welcome drink is served to the groom's family.


On this day whatever bride wears should be from grooms house: jewellery, clothes etc

It is on day four the actual Muslim Nikaah or wedding ceremony takes place. Nikah can be conducted at
the home of the bride or the groom, or at any other convenient venue. The nikaah ceremony is presided
over by the qazi or law officer. The qazi appoints two men as witnesses (Gawah) on the groom`s behalf,
to receive orders for the nikah from the bride`s family. In addition to the presence of two witnesses, the
presence of the two `Walis` (the bride's and the bridegroom's father) is also necessary. The bride's father
is required to care for and protect her rights and the groom's father to endorse his rights.
On the day of the Nikaah the elder members of the two families decide the amount of Mehar (nuptial gift).
Refreshingly, unlike dowry custom in India, in Muslim Nikah, Mehar is a compulsory amount of money
given by the groom's family to the bride. The Qazi personally asks the bride if she has agreed to marry
the groom and whether she accepts the quantum of mehar. Once the bride gives her consent the Qazi
reads the marriage contract to the groom. After the groom gives his consent, the Nikaah-Nama or
marriage contract must be signed by the bride, the bridegroom, their Walis, the witnesses and the Qazi.
The Nikaah-Nama also contains certain terms and conditions, which are in accordance with the religion
and agreeable to both parties. A noteworthy condition is that in case of a disagreement between the two
partners, the girl has a right to divorce her husband.

After the Nikaah-Nama is signed, the Qazi delivers a sermon called Khutba, consisting of verses from the
Quran which were recited by the prophet and which lay particular emphasis on obligations toward women.
The Qazi explains the meaning of these verses to the audience with an explanation of the mutual rights
and duties of the spouses.

The Nikah Ceremony: According to Shariah, the wife-to-be says, "I have given away myself in Nikah to
you, on the agreed Mahr."

Immediately, the bridegroom says, "I have accepted the Nikah."

With these pronouncements, they become husband and wife.

Permission of the Bride-to-be/Father

The girl's consent is necessary and has to be taken by her representative, directly.

In case of a virgin/spinster the father's or the grandfather's permission is also necessary. However if the
permission is unreasonably withheld under some conditions or the girl has no father/paternal grandfather
it is not necessary. However, a woman who is not a virgin, does not require any permission in case of

Valima (Dinner)
Valima is highly recommended on the groom. The relatives, neighbors and friends must be invited for

Post Wedding Ceremony

The bride's family bids her a farewell before she departs for her husband's house. The bride's father gives
her hand to her husband and tells him to take protect and take good care of her.

Welcoming the Bride

At the groom's house, the groom's mother holds the Islamic Holy book Quran above the head of her
newly wed daughter-in-law as she enters her new home for the first time.

The Chauthi is the fourth day after the wedding. It is customary for the bride to visit the home of her
parents on this day.
The Valimah is the lavish reception that the groom's family hosts after the Nikaah. It is a joyous occasion
that brings together the two families, their relatives and friends.

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