Jcnuory2007. .: XTQR Rlieq

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q€q qeTqdqg Xtqr*rlieq, +,Tf, qlr.iso

HR.lll Sectior:, 2nd Floor, DoorsancharBhavan
PMG Junction, Thiruvananthapuram.695033
sw . i qlTi lI:dE-F ;r1 ;,lqq)

Phone: 047 1.2523245, Fax: 017 1.2303823 n$nn*r $ANCnAR Nl&AM Llffi!?rE)
iA Gn!(. *! lraia Enlerprls*]

IBP / 2A1,9 /41 Dst

Sub: Time bound Upgrodolion to executives - E2-el
Ref: BSNL CO No.400.61 /2OO4.Pers dt. 18/01 /2007 &30/05/2007 .

Consequent on the issue of Time Bound Pr'omotior Policy by BSNL CO vide letters
cited un.der reference ond subsequeni ciorificotions issued ihere on, Approvol of Chief
Monoger, Kerolo Circle, Thiruvononthcpurom is hereby conveyed for plocing
the execuiives os per Annexure who hove been found eligible by the screening
oonnmittee. , from the IDA poy scoie of Rs.20600-40500 (E2) to the upgroded IDA pc-y
scole of Rs.24900-50500 (E3) with respeci ic the doie of review mentioned therein.

The cloie of eligibility for upgl'odotion should be os per ihe guidelines issued virJe
BSNL CC order no. 400.51 12004.?ers.! CoteC l81h Jcnuory2007. ,
. The upgrodotion of the executives will be under the following ternis cnd

The poy of the

executives who hcve been gronted scole upgrodoticn
sholl be fixed under the provisicns of porc 5l:tter No.l.50/2008.PAT(BSNL) do1ec
513l2OO9 reod with clorificoiion '8' of leiter,No.l.lll2aU.PAT (BSNt) doted 31l3l2ACt.
they sholl exercise option for fixotion of p.gy os per rurle{ within one monih. ln cose of
ony onomoly, the fixotion in ihe higher scole sholll not oe given effect ond the cose
moy be refe.rred to this office.

There will be no chonge in the substontive stotus, designotion, duties onC

. responsibiliiies of ihe executives, untess
ony chorrge is c,iqiered in ony specific contexi.

The iime bound upgrodotion r:f IDA poy scole of the executive under the poiicy
il personol to the executive concerned. So no cloim vrh<;tsoever con be mode L',i'
comporison on grounds of Seniorit,v, Closs, Community, Codre, Streom etc. Furthet,
except os provided in instCrri guidelines, no cioim ,ruill lie on occouni of ony of the other
provisions of FRSR in the context oi ooy scoles, poy fixcticn. :i-.rbstontive siotus etc.

Accounts seciion should confirm thcr.r oil these f>Lcutives hove .orpt"r.d ihe r
mondoiory troining/exbm for iheir eorlier upgrodotion in iime. These focts shouid be:
verified from Service Books before impler,renting'this pcy fixction. lf lt is not done witi-,.ir

K* a

the stipuloted perioo necessory oclron moy be cornqo out os per EPP order ono
subsequent clorificotions issued from time to time. '

The executives whose poy is upgroded to next higher IDA poy scole will hove io
compulsorily undergo ON LINE exominotion for rrpgroCotion os prescribed for being
eligible for drowol of 2no increment in Ihe upgroded IDA scole. li is to be completed
'within c period of two yeors from ihe dote oi issuonce of time bound IDA scole
upgrodotion order to the higher scole. Ho'wever, ihe executives who hove olreodv
retired or ore retiring wiihin o period of two yeors from the dote of issuonce of
timebound IDA scole upgrodotion order, shoil be exempted from such exom. Tiie
executive who foils to"suCcessfuliy undergo the prescribed ONLINE EXAM will not be
eligible for considerotion of next IDA scole upgrodotion even if he/she is due for
upgrodotion otherwise.
. The responsibility of ccmpletion cf monCctory excrninotion fully, rests with the
individuol executive.

ln cose ony discreponcy is observed in the ciue dote of review/upgrodotion in

respect' of ony executive the order should not be implemented in respect of the
executive ond the motter should be intimoted ond corrcurrefice should be obtoineo
fr':m this office.

lf ony disciplinory/vigilonce cose is pendingicantsn,ploted ogoinst ony of ihe

execu'iives who hove been ploced in the upgroded IDA scole, the some moy be
intimoted before implementotion of this order for iire porlicuior executive.

rTEr{I?F rcimiero (m.+i;Asst. Generol Monoger (i{R)
Ei E.c.o.E, qr.ri.fr.1tFor CGMT, BSN|
frryt^l ly:::r"h ro m' 53 opu

i utr: o4t 1.23otsoa*m, 23o4ai3

Copy to:

t. PGM(CM), TVM lf thore is ony chonge in the BA/Unit due to

2. DGM RTTC, Trivondrum ircnsfer etc, s[itoOle corrections be mode
j oi your end u,rder intimotion io this office.
3. CAO(P&E) , O/o CGMT,
4.' Cfficers Concerned
5. SDE(Estt), C/o CGMT TVM
qGq r-6ud?FF (rriqTrsrqieq, +{d qfrqsm
HR.Iil Section, 2nd Floor, DnorsancharBhavan ,,.k
ffi -d
l r{T{fr'Sqlr fqrrq ft{ffis
qrr:; al ;,r'i=

dn ne
PMG Junction, Thiruvananthapuram.695033 iff &ff '.rft I

Phone: 047 1.2523245, Fax: 047 L.2303823 EHAR&T $,,**:|** yJg*}! LrMrTHs

LIST oF EXECUTIvES ELIG|BIE FoR TIME BoUND upqrodotion from lhe scole
PAY to Rs24

Eligible date
si. Eligible
NAME (Shri/Smt) date of
\o- upgradation
rel ien

I(ARTHIK P NAIR 28 r001353 10fi0/1986 26/07/2019

SEKHAR S NAIR 20i001471 03/06/l 983 26/07/20t9

I nrrpexr 20t 001 783 I RTrc i

o2/ol/2ote I

DIDIN SKARIAH 01/01t2fi19

,IINTO JACOB 200900748

0itfr1/2018 22/06/2018
PRA.SANTH P i 2111000273 27105fi977 I ot/oz?otg
0l/t 0r?019
7 I lrlnrrrvs,rosl :0r00rs94 , !j/r0,r98, | (.o lr* ' 0t,0! r0,., I


VINEETHJI { 23/08t2019


KUNCHERIA 201001170 i 0t/01/2019

GOPIK.{ L 201002r05 30/tUt987 0,701t2at9


v€I?rdr r6rc6fers.
(qr.rit Assl.Generol Mqnoger (l-iR)
g* g.R.u.e^, crr.ri.fr .fu F o r C G M T, BS N LftFn-*iag{cT h i r u vo n q n f h o p u ro m. 3 3

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