Togado, Rica Mae Beed 3B

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Let's Get Started!

With your pen and paper, list down the importance of English as a language in general, as many as you
can. Identify (only four) which among you have written are the most significant. Write a short essay
about them using the sentences as your main ideas. Complete them by supplying all the necessary
details. Use Google platform if necessary to make your essay interesting.

▶️Importance of English as a Language:

🔹 English is the language of International Communication

🔹 English gives access to more entertainment

🔹 English gives more access to the internet

🔹 English makes it easier to travel

🔹 English can make you smarter

🔹 English is the language of Business

🔹 English is the language of Science

🔹 English is the language of Computers

🔹 English is the language of Diplomacy

🔹 English is the language of Tourism

English is the language of International Communication

Although English is not the most widely spoken language in the world, it is the official
language of many countries and is spoken by millions of people worldwide. Being able to converse in
English is more than just being able to communicate with native English speakers; it is the world's most
widely spoken second language. If you want to communicate with someone from another country, the
chances are that you will both be able to do so.
English can make you smarter

Learning a language affects your brain and makes use of all of your memory
resources. Aside from the social and communicative benefits, learning a second language will literally
make you smarter. To get there, you'll need to train your brain — not the sort you do at the gym, but
the kind you do at home.

English is the language of Science

In the field of science, English is the universal language. Although many countries
continue to publish journals in their local tongues, English is now the most effective means to share
research findings with scientists around the world.

English makes it easier to travel

Indeed, even in countries where the local language employs a different sort of
alphabet, airport announcements, train schedules, emergency alerts, and street signs are frequently
available in English.

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