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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

28 February 2021 2nd Sunday of Lent Year B

The Challenge to Bring Out

the Best in Us
n this Second Sunday of Lent, we are invited to reflect on the
message of Jesus’ transfiguration and apply it to our lives.
This event in the life of the Lord is an encouragement to let
our light shine by bringing out the best that is in us. This will become
a reality if we live our lives according to the teaching and example
of Jesus.
We are also challenged to remain steadfast in our faith even in
the midst of trials. The God who gave His only Son for us will surely
protect us from all evil and give us all the help we need.
Let this Eucharist be a profession of faith in God’s unfailing love
for us and a renewal of our commitment to live a “luminous life.”

P –Lord Jesus, in the splendor P –O God, who have com-

of the transfiguration you manded us to listen to your be-
filled your disciples with loved Son, be pleased, we pray,
joy and wonder. Lord, have to nourish us inwardly by your
Entrance Antiphon mercy! word, that, with spiritual sight
(To be recited only when no All – Lord, have mercy! made pure, we may rejoice to
Entrance Hymn is sung.)
P –Lord Jesus, at your transfig- behold your glory.
Of you my heart has spo- Through our Lord Jesus
uration the Father revealed
ken: Seek his face. It is your Christ, your Son, who lives and
face, O Lord, that I seek; hide that you are His beloved
Son. Christ, have mercy! reigns with you in the unity of
not your face from me.
All –Christ, have mercy! the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
Greeting and ever.
P –Lord Jesus, your transfigu-
ration was a foreshadow- All – Amen!
P – Praise and thanks to God
the Father of our Lord Jesus ing of your resurrection
Christ. May His grace and peace and ascension. Lord, have
be with you all! mercy!
All – And with your spirit! All – Lord, have mercy!
P –May almighty God have 1st Reading Gn 22:1-2.9.
Penitential Act mercy on us, forgive us our 10-13.15-18
P –As we gather to celebrate sins, and bring us to everlasting The sacrifice of Isaac was
the wonders of the Lord, let us life. not just a test of Abraham’s faith.
call to mind our sins and implore All – Amen! It was also a dramatic foreshad-
his forgiveness and strength. owing of the sacrifice of Jesus on
(Pause) Collect (Opening Prayer) Calvary.

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R – A proclamation from the Verse before the Gospel
Book of Genesis
All –(Praise to you, Lord Je-
God put Abraham to the sus Christ, King of endless
test. He called to him, “Abra- glory!)
ham!” “Here I am!” he replied. From the shining cloud
Then God said: “Take your son the Father’s voice is heard:
Isaac, your only one, whom you “This is my beloved Son,
love, and go to the land of Mo- listen to him!”
riah. There you shall offer him (Praise to you, Lord Je-
up as a holocaust on a height sus Christ, King of endless
that I will point out to you.” glory!)
When they came to the * I believed, even when I
place of which God had told said, “I am greatly afflicted.” Gospel Mk 9:2-10
him, Abraham built an altar Precious in the eyes of the In the episode of Jesus’
there and arranged the wood Lord is the death of his faith- transfiguration, we have the
on it. Then he reached out and ful ones. R. revelation of who he is (the Son
took the knife to slaughter his of God). The voice from the
son. * O Lord, I am your servant; cloud tells us also what our at-
But the Lord’s messen- I am your servant, the son of titude to him should be (“Listen
ger called to him from heaven, your handmaid. You have to him!”)
“Abraham, Abraham!” “Here I loosed my bonds. To you will I
am!” he answered. “Do not lay offer sacrifice of thanksgiving, P –The Lord be with you!
your hand on the boy,” said the and I will call upon the name of All –And with your spirit!
messenger. “Do not do the least the Lord. R. P –A proclamation from the
harm to him. I know now how holy Gospel according to
* My vows to the Lord I Mark
devoted you are to God, since will pay in the presence of all
you did not withhold from me All – Glory to you, O Lord!
his people, in the courts of
your own beloved son.” As the house of the Lord, in your Jesus took Peter, James,
Abraham looked about, he saw midst, O Jerusalem. R. and John and led them up a
a ram caught by its horns in the high mountain, apart by them-
thicket. So he went and took 2nd Reading Rom 8:31-34 selves. And he was transfigured
the ram and offered it up as a To those afflicted by tribula- before them, and his clothes
holocaust in place of his son. tions of all sorts, Paul proclaims became dazzling white, such as
Again the Lord’s messen- his unshakable conviction: no fuller on earth could bleach
ger called to Abraham from God’s love for them and all of us them. Then Elijah appeared to
heaven and said: “I swear by is boundless. them along with Moses, and
myself,” declares the Lord, R – A proclamation from the they were conversing with Je-
“that because you acted as you Letter of Paul to the Ro- sus.
did in not withholding from me mans Then Peter said to Jesus in
your beloved son, I will bless reply, “Rabbi, it is good that
you abundantly and make your Brothers and sisters: we are here! Let us make three
descendants as countless as the If God is for us, who can tents: one for you, one for Mo-
stars of the sky and the sands be against us? He who did not ses, and one for Elijah.” He
of the seashore. Your descen- spare his own Son but handed hardly knew what to say for
dants shall take possession of him over for us all, how will he they were so terrified.
the gates of their enemies, and not also give us everything else Then a cloud came, casting
in your descendants all the along with him? a shadow over them. From the
nations of the earth shall find Who will bring a charge cloud came a voice, “This is my
blessing – all this because you against God’s chosen ones? It beloved Son. Listen to him.”
obeyed my command.” is God who acquits us. Who Suddenly, looking around, they
will condemn? Christ Jesus it no longer saw anyone but Jesus
The Word of the Lord! is who died – or, rather, was
All – Thanks be to God! alone with them.
raised – who also is at the right As they were coming down
hand of God, and who indeed from the mountain, he charged
Responsorial Psalm Ps 116 intercedes for us. them not to relate what they
R –I will walk before the Lord, The Word of the Lord! had seen to anyone except when
in the land of the living! All – Thanks be to God! the Son of Man had risen from

GLOSSARY: • Moriah: The mountain on which Abraham was expected to offer his son Isaac in sacrifice. According to an ancient
tradition, Moriah is the hill in Jerusalem where Solomon built the temple. • Elijah: The greatest of the early prophets of Israel. He
exercised his ministry in the 9th century B.C. He was a strenuous defender of the uniqueness of the Lord against the worship of false
gods. Gradually, the expectation developed in Israel that Elijah would “return” immediately before the coming of the Messiah. • Son of
Man: A messianic title which Jesus used on many occasions, referring to himself. The Old Testament background to this title is Dn 7:13.

28 February 2021
the dead. So they kept the mat- C –For the Church: May she P –Lift up your hearts!
ter to themselves, questioning faithfully accomplish her mis- All – We lift them up to the Lord!
what “rising from the dead” sion of proclaiming to all nations P –Let us give thanks to the
meant. that Jesus is the only Savior. Let Lord our God!
us pray! R. All –It is right and just!
The Gospel of the Lord! P –It is truly right and just, our
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus C –For the Holy Father, our
duty and our salvation, always
Christ! Bishop and all other spiritual
and everywhere to give you
leaders: May they constantly thanks, Lord, holy Father, al-
Homily trust in God’s love even in the mighty and eternal God, through
midst of afflictions and opposi- Christ our Lord.
Profession of Faith tions. Let us pray! R. For after he had told the disci-
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed) C –For those who are undergo- ples of his coming Death, on the
All –I believe in one God, the Fa- ing severe trials: May they find holy mountain he manifested to
ther almighty, maker of heaven in the Lord the source of their them his glory, to show, even by
and earth, of all things visible consolation and strength. Let us the testimony of the law and the
and invisible. pray! R. prophets, that the Passion leads
I believe in one Lord Jesus C –For those who feel confused to the glory of the Resurrection.
Christ, the Only Begotten Son and uncertain: May they find And so, with the Powers of
of God, born of the Father be- meaning for their lives in the heaven, we worship you con-
fore all ages. God from God, teaching and life of Jesus. Let us stantly on earth, and before your
Light from Light, true God from pray! R. majesty without end we acclaim:
true God, begotten, not made, All – Holy, holy, holy . . .
C –For all of us: May we live
consubstantial with the Father; this Lenten season in total avail-
through him all things were Memorial Acclamation
ability to do what God wants, in
made. For us men and for our imitation of Abraham and Jesus P –The mystery of faith!
salvation he came down from Christ. Let us pray! R. All –When we eat this Bread
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy and drink this Cup, we pro-
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- C –Let us pray in silence for our claim your Death, O Lord,
gin Mary, and became man.* personal intentions. (Pause) until you come again!
For our sake he was crucified Let us pray! R.
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- P –God our Father, Source of
fered death and was buried, and all strength and consolation,
rose again on the third day in make us faithful to You till
accordance with the Scriptures. death, following the example of
He ascended into heaven and is Jesus Your Son, who lives and All – Our Father . . .
seated at the right hand of the shines for ever and ever. P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
Father. He will come again in All – Amen! All –For the kingdom, the
glory to judge the living and the power, and the glory are
dead and his kingdom will have yours, now and for ever!
no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, Sign of Peace
the Lord, the giver of life, who
proceeds from the Father and the Preparation of the Gifts Breaking of the Bread
Son, who with the Father and the P –Pray, brethren . . . All – Lamb of God . . .
Son is adored and glorified, who All – May the Lord accept the
has spoken through the prophets. sacrifice at your hands, for the Communion
I believe in one, holy, catholic praise and glory of his name,
and apostolic Church. I confess P –Behold the Lamb of God,
for our good and the good of all behold him who takes away the
one Baptism for the forgiveness his holy Church.
of sins and I look forward to the sins of the world. Blessed are
resurrection of the dead and the those called to the Supper of the
Prayer over the Offerings Lamb.
life of the world to come. Amen!
P –May this sacrifice, O Lord, All –Lord, I am not worthy
Prayer of the Faithful we pray, cleanse us of our faults that you should enter under
and sanctify your faithful in my roof, but only say the word
P –The splendor of the Trans- body and mind for the celebra- and my soul shall be healed.
figuration counteracts and helps tion of the paschal festivities.
us accept the sad reality of the Through Christ our Lord. Communion Antiphon
cross in the life of Christ, as well All – Amen! (To be recited only when no
as in ours. Trusting in the unfail- Communion Hymn is sung.)
ing love of the Father for all of us, Preface of Lent (2nd Sun.) This is my beloved Son,
we say: P –The Lord be with you! with whom I am well pleased;
All – Lord, we trust in You! All –And with your spirit! listen to him.

2nd Sunday of Lent (B)

Prayer after Communion
P –As we receive these glorious
mysteries, we make thanksgiv-
ing to you, O Lord, for allowing
Jesus, The Best Teacher
us while still on earth to be par-  Jess P. Balon
takers even now of the things of
heaven. The world is like an immense “learning center” in which most of
Through Christ our Lord. the teaching is done in an informal manner. All of us are enrolled in
All – Amen! this center because all of us have plenty to learn. On the other hand,
all of us are also teachers, even if we may not climb the rostrum of
a lecture hall and do not follow detailed syllabi and lesson plans.
With so many “teachers,” and surrounded by divergent opinions
and schools of thought, many may often feel confused.
P –The Lord be with you. It need not be so for us, for we acknowledge JESUS CHRIST
All – And with your spirit! as our best and most trusted TEACHER. He is the only one
P –Bow your heads and pray who deserves such title. (See Mt 23:10.) He is the mentor given
for God’s blessing. (Pause) to us by the Father to teach us the truths that really matter in life.
– Bless your faithful, we pray,
O Lord, with a blessing that Jesus is “different” from all other teachers. He is “different” in
endures for ever, and keep what he is, in what he says, and in the way he says it.
them faithful to the Gospel
of your Only Begotten Son. He is no ordinary teacher because he is no ordinary man.
May they always desire
and at last attain that glory The closest among his disciples were the first to realize it. They
whose beauty he showed had begun to wonder who that man could be who had the power
in his own Body, to the to quell storms and cast out devils. (See Mk 4:31 and 1:27.) In
amazement of his Apostles. the episode of the Transfiguration, the radiant aspect of Jesus’
Through Christ our Lord. whole person revealed the divinity hidden in him, and the voice of
All – Amen! the Father confirmed that visual revelation. “This is my Son, my
P – May almighty God bless beloved. Listen to him!” (Mk 9:7).
you: the Father, and the
Son, and the Holy Spirit. Jesus does not repeat half-assimilated notions. He brings a
All – Amen! teaching that is new and vital. Being the only one who knows the
P –Go in peace and live in the Father perfectly, he has come to reveal Him to all men. (See
presence of the Lord! Jn 1:18.) Jesus’ words are filled with divine wisdom, a wisdom he
All – Thanks be to God! wants to share with us to make our joy full. (See Jn 16:24.) That
is why the Father enjoins his disciples: “Listen to him!”

Realize the greatness He is also different from the teachers of his time. “They bind
of ChristÊs love for you up heavy loads on other men’s shoulders, while they themselves
by meditating on his passion, will not lift a finger to budge them” (Mt 23:4). Jesus is a teacher
death, and resurrection who teaches by example, even before teaching by words. His
with the help whole life is his most impressive “lesson.”
of the bestseller:
Through it and through his preaching, Jesus introduces us
The New Way to the mysterious wisdom of the cross and injects in us the
of the Cross hope of the Resurrection. His message is essentially one of
LOVE and LIFE. It is usually pleasant to hear, but demanding. It
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ahead of us and reminds us that, after the suffering of this
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