SOW - Send Mail Client Configuration

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SOW and Activity Plan against Service Request


SoW and Activity Plan against Service Request

Mobilink (FRF Data Center), Lahore.

Prepared By: Iftikhar Ahmed Document Version 1.7

Date: 29 March 2017
Page 2 of 3
SOW and Activity Plan against Service Request

Send mail client configuration required

Customer: Mobilink Requested By: Bilal Ayub
Application Name: N/A Number of Servers 22
Host Names: Geny, genx, fmsdb01, Serial #: SGH49521F8, Contract Detail:
fmststdb, ICTPRD, SGH48270WS,
ICTTST, RAID2, SGH450X8LD, Under Renewal
mnpdb01, mnpdb02, SGH450X8SY,
cmptlevc1, cmptlevc2, SGH203Y1WD,
comptel01, comptel02, SGH203Y1WF etc
biodb1, biodb2, hy-prod-
oracle-1, hy-prod-oracle-
2, etldts01, etldts02,
Task Description Send mail client configuration


Mobilink DB team requires email alerts from the servers, for which email/SMTP agent configuration is

Configuration of Sendmail SMTP Relay on above servers

Notes & Assumptions:

1- Sendmail package is installed.
2- Sendmail service is configured to run on server boot.
3- Host is trusted on mail relay server / Mobilink SMTP domain.
4- Mail relay server IP and alias is known.

Prepared By: Iftikhar Ahmed Document Version 1.7

Date: 29 March 2017
Page 3 of 3
SOW and Activity Plan against Service Request

Send mail client configuration required

Mobilink DB team requires email alerts from the servers, for which email/SMTP agent configuration is

1. Scope Pre-requisites
Sr. # Activity detail Activity Time Downtime Owner
1. Document the installed versions of sendmail
2. Document the sendmail paths and binary locations Multilynx
3. Document the availability of sendmail package 1.0 Hr

1. Activities list and timelines

Sr. # Scope and Activity details Activity Downtime Owner
Activity Multilynx
1. Check Connectivity with network.
2. Check connectivity with mail relay host.
Telnet mail relay host and test by sending mail to
Edit hosts file to add mail relay host IP information for
name resolution
5. Edit mail daemon file to set mail client startup on reboot.
Edit mail configuration file to add mail relay host and 1 hr./server
6. NO Multilynx
domain information
7. Edit mail client file to add host name of client
Copy submit conf file and edit to add relay host and
domain information.
9. Restart mail client.
10. Send a test mail using sendmail/mailx commands.
11. Verify test mail sent and delivered
Total Time required for this activity
Total Time required for the activity of 1 servers 20 Hours
Total effort required to complete the defined scope 2.2 man-day

4. Roll back options

Activity detail Downtime Owner
Edit and remove smart host
Edit RC files to disable start on boot
Stop sendmail and verify the configuration 1 hour NO Multilynx

5. Commercials
Activity detail Total (PKR)
Send mail client configuration FoC

Prepared By: Iftikhar Ahmed Document Version 1.7

Date: 29 March 2017

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