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Proposed Experimental Design

for a Remedial Energy Solution

Villanueva, Boj N.
School of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, Mapua University, Muralla St., Intramuros, Manila

I. INTRODUCTION it comes to the share of electrical power, as the demand for

Nowadays, more than ever, electricity is considered to Residential power increases, while the demand for both
be a valuable resource due to the ever-more increasingly Commercial and Industrial power decrease. This leads to the
interconnected world people are living in. Access to the thought of utilizing alternative power sources and solutions for
internet, cellular services, and television news among other use in the Residential Section. Compared to the energy levels
things are the currently most popular ways that it is used. used in the Commercial and Industrial sector, the Residential
However, this does not discount electricity’s traditional role in sector uses less power, which makes alternative and renewable
powering our homes and industry. energy sources feasible for its use compared to the other two
Taking into account Meralco’s Q1 2021 Report, it can
be seen that the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic are still For this paper in particular, Solar Power will be used
affecting both electricity generation and consumption, as both as a source for the energy to be used within the local vicinity.
the values for Consolidated Energy Sales and Net System This is due to the high ambient temperatures present within the
Output have dropped by a clear amount from their values last area, as seen by some of the following pictures, which were
year. From this, it can be seen that the common folk have been taken at around noon to late afternoon.
struggling both to get and use the electricity that they need for
their day to day use, and as such it may be a worthwhile
consideration to begin looking for alternative energy sources
and renewable power to consolidate this need.
Additionally speaking, the necessity of electrical
systems cannot be stated enough when it comes to delivering
swift and accurate healthcare solutions, especially now in the
time of a pandemic. The vaccines for the coronavirus as
especially in need of adequate electrical systems, as for
example, the Pfizer vaccine is only stable below −70∘ C, which
cannot be achieved naturally anywhere within the Philippines.
Therefore, this paper will entertain the notion of
constructing a solar-based alternative energy source, using the
researcher’s current location of Cebu. Solar Energy will be used
for this solution due to the abundance of feasible locations
within the region for harvesting solar power, as well as its
flexibility when it comes to the different ways it can be
installed, utilized, and implemented.

This proposed experimental design solution will first Fig. 1. A typical afternoon in Cebu
and foremost, aim to (1) provide a detailed and complete
solution when it comes to the implementation of the proposed
solar energy system, and (2) discuss in full detail the operation It can be seen in these images that the atmospheric
of one such system, especially with regards to how it can conditions are nearly ideal for the use of solar panels, or in
operate in said condition. technical terms, a PV module, which converts solar energy into
DC power. Through the use of photovoltaic cells, electrical
energy can be generated and applied to a variety of different
III. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM uses. If there is an inverter present, the generated electricity can
One such unforeseen consequence of the COVID-19 even be made use of for AC appliances and applications. The
Pandemic is the global reduction of the demand for electricity. storage capabilities of a Solar PV system cannot also be
Not only in the Philippines, but all over the world, governments forgotten, as on occasion, rain is a very possible scenario for
have been urging people to stay at home in order to lessen the this location.
risk of Coronavirus transmission. This has created a shift when
There are various types of PV technology, which are
split into generations, with different performance and efficiency
levels for each one. The first two models on the left are those
that have been in the market for some time, with commercial
success, stability and proven results within the large-scale
electricity generation schema. However, while the third on is
still in the development phase as of yet, it is believed that it may
be capable or matching or even being able to exceed the
capabilities of the other two.

Fig. 3. Different kinds of Photovoltaic Systems

Fig. 2. High Solar Exposure even while
in the water Additionally, compared to the other methods of solar
power collection, and generation, the PV modules seen above
IV. METHODOLOGY and used in general come with a lower initial investment and
While there are already existing uses of Solar Power installation cost, which is ideal for the location I have
within the Visayas region, these are often large-scale industrial suggested.
power sources made for and by the industry or the commercial
sector. Even then, these provide power on a provincial basis, B. Features
not one well suited for home use, such as that of the Solar Farm
Compared to other, more traditional avenues of power
in Cadiz City, Negros Occidental, which carries a production
generation, solar power comes with a generally cleaner impact
capacity of 250-MW.
and carbon footprint. First and foremost, it does not generate
This paper’s suggestion for a smaller localized Solar exhaust gases, nor requires much maintenance work, allowing
PV system comes with the intent to make sure it is used for for the beneficiaries to be at ease during standard operating
individual homes and small communities. In part, this is due to conditions. In addition to this, there are no demands for a
a Solar PV system being only applicable to small appliance use, standard fuel supply, as such there is a much lower running cost
and unfit for large-scale business use, especially considering the for a long-term Solar PV system.
resources and capital available to the people of this region.
A PV system is known for its ability to reduce
transmission losses, and line resilience, which can all work
A. Electricity Generation together to create a more consumer-friendly utility, which
The main way in which electrical power is generated allows for the people to reap the benefits of generating a small
through the use of Solar Energy is achieved through the usage fraction of it’s own power, however, this is not without its
of PV modules. These PV modules directly generate electricity caveats.
from solar irradiation, compared to other indirect methods like Compared to a large-scale power grid, individual PV
centrated and parabolic solar power collectors. The studies systems are incapable of massive amounts of power, which
shows that PV systems are far better at small scale and specific limit their use to mainly home appliances and smaller use,
power generation in an area, compared to the other solar power which might not benefit those who are looking to create a profit
gathering methods. or make a business from it. The mini centralized system is
While admittedly, the power generated everyday is not mainly inexpensive, but both power generation and
consistent and may vary depending on the sunlight levels consumption are limited to a few houses at maximum.
received, this is not that considerable of a concern due to the
lower energy requirements present for merely residential use. C. Site Feasibility
The main components of a Solar Power system include One of the biggest critical issues where the use of Solar
the PV Module, the main portion which converts Solar Power PV systems are concerned is site selection. This is due to the
into electricity, a battery to story electricity for use later, a necessity of weather factors when it comes to the amount of
charge controller to protect the batter, and various DC-AC electricity generated. There are several models to be considered
accessories which are used to make sure that the energy when it comes to choosing which locations are suitable, but the
generated can be utilized by the people within the residence. primary considerations for such locations are as follows.
First off, Solar PV systems require much in the way of to case basis, much like the use of a Solar PV system itself,
wide open spaces to generate maximum power capabilities, which changes with the weather.
such as insisting that the presence of tall tress or shadows be Building on this, the Solar PV battery also plays a big
minimized or even outright removed at all costs. This allows for role when it comes to the design of the Solar Home System as
the greatest amount of exposure to solar irradiation. While the it may impact the sizing, design, and consumption. There are
pictures above do show a large amount of vegetation, there are several batteries in use currently for Home Systems and the
also such spaces in that location where both the conditions newer models allow for flexible capacity which can greatly aid
above are met, such as the Toledo Solar Farm seen below. Such those Residences with various and ever-changing needs. Now
spaces are not uncommon in said location. that Solar PV batteries are becoming more and more
application-specific and oriented, there is no doubt that both the
ease of access and use of Solar PV systems will continue to
improve in the future.

First off, I would like to acknowledge Dr. Gorgonio
Vallestero for introducing this topic, which I have no doubt,
will be very important to me in the future as I begin to deal with
real-life problems and applications that I have picked up in
Mapua University. Additionally, from the life lessons given at
the end of every class, it can be said that he has not only
contributed to my skills formation, but to my values formation
as well.
Fig. 4. Toledo Cebu Solar Farm Aerial View Next off, I would like to acknowledge my parents for
giving me the opportunity to study here in Mapua and putting
And the second, and perhaps most pressing concern their faith in me to pursue my dreams in life.
when it comes to the choice of site for a PV system is that, Lastly, I would like to thank my friends and
usually, PV systems are considered the last resort for renewable classmates, for through them I receive the utmost support when
energy within an area. This is due to that said area having very it comes to the endeavors that I so choose.
little in the way of potential for other sources of power such as REFERENCES
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