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Open Mock Test-17 (Code-A) All India Aakash

All India
Test Aakash
Series for
Series for NEET-2021

6. A particle moves along a circular path such that its 6.

MM : 720 OPEN MOCK TEST - 17 speed is decreasing. The velocity of Time : 3 Hrs.
the particle at
 
an instant is v and the total acceleration is a, then
 
a v  0
 
(2) a  v  0
Choose the correct answer :  correct answer :
Choose the  
(3) a  v  0 (4) a  v  0
1. A particle is projected upward with a speed 1. yuf fýLku WæðoíkhV 55 m/s Lke ÍzÃku «rûkÃík fhðk{kt
55 m/s. The distance travelled by the particle in 6th
7. ykðu Au. íkku 6th Mkufformula
Lz{kt fýuof fkÃku
B ÷wt ytíkh fux÷wt ? [g = 7.
second of its motion is [g = 10 m/s2] The dimensional
, where B and E are
10 m/s ] E
(1) 2.5 m (2) 5 m magnetic
(1) 2.5 m field and electric (2)field
5m respectively
(3) 2 m (4) Zero –1
(1) 2[Lm
(3) T] [LT–1]
(2) Zero
2. There are 50 divisions on circular scale of a screw M¢w
2. (3)øku[LT
sLkk–2]ðíkwo¤kfkh Mfu÷ (4)
Ãkh [L fkÃkk Au. ðíkwo¤kfkh
gauge. On two complete rotation of circular scale, Mfu÷Lku çku MktÃkqýo ¼ú{ý ykÃkðk{kt ykðu íkku M¢wøkus 1 8.
8. A copper sphere has cavity inside it. The mass of
screw moves by 1 mm. The least count of screw mm sux÷wt ¾Mku Au. íkku íku M¢wøkusLkwt ÷½w¥k{ {kÃkþÂõík
gauge is futhe
Úkþu ?is 20 kg. When completely submerged in
the water (density 1000 kg/m3), the apparent weight
(1) 0.1 cm (2) 0.1 mm (1) 0.1 cm (2) 0.1 mm
of the sphere is 20% less than true weight. The
(3) 0.05 mm (4) 0.001 cm (3) 0.05 mm
volume (4) 0.001
of the cavity inside cm
the sphere is [Take,
3. A fireman climbs up a vertically hanging light rope. 3. density
yu f n÷feof copper
Ëkuhe Ãkh= 9000
VkÞh{ukg/m and
Lk Wæðo g =[Ze
íkhV hÌkku2] Au.
10 m/s
The breaking tension in the rope is four times of the íku(1)Ëku1.77
heLke mçkú3 ufªøk VkÞf{uLkLkk ÷zLkAe 4 økýe Au. íkku
weight of the man. The maximum possible VkÞh{uLkLku fux÷ku {n¥k{ «ðuøk þõÞ çkLke þfu ?
acceleration of the fireman is (2) 1.77 × 10–3 m3
g (1) (2) 3g
(1) (2) 3g 2 × 10–3 m3
(3) 2.81
(3) 2.81 m3
(4) 4g (4) g 9.
(3) 4g (4) g
4. A block of mass 2.0 kg, moving on a horizontal
9. Mk{ûkeíkes MkÃkkxe Ãkh fluid
An incompressible 2.0 kg ˤLkku
flows in aç÷ku f x-ofyûk{kt
pipe 2
cross-section of area A which splits
m/s Lke ÍzÃkÚke x = 0 yuÚke Ëk¾÷ ÚkkÞ Au. òu up into two
surface, along x-axis, with speed 2 m/s enters the
½»ko ýçk¤ OFr1 yuand
x Lkk OrðÄu
2 of area of cross-section
Þ íkhefu Lke[u {wsçk
surface at x = 0. The frictional force Fr, as function
of x is given by A 2A
and 0; respectively
0  x  5 m as shown in the figure. The

3  3
 0; 0  x  5 m F 1 fluid flow at O1 is 3 m/s and in the pipe is
   of
 r ; 5 m  x  10 m
Fr    1 ; 
6 m/s. (
 Thex )2 speed of fluid flow at O2 is
 ( x )2 5 m  x  10 m
yÃkkÞ Au. íkku ç÷kufLke økríkQòo x = 10 m fux÷e nþu ?
The kinetic energy of the block at x = 10 m will be
(1) 2.6 J (2) 2.9 J (1) 2.6 J (2) 2.9 J

(3) 3.9 J (4) 3.4 J (3) 3.9 J (4) 3.4 J

5. A ball falls vertically onto a floor, with momentum p 5. yuf Ëzku þehku÷tçk heíku ík¤eÞk Ãkh Ãkzu Au suLkwt ðuøk{kLk
and then bounces repeatedly. The coefficient of p(1) Au3 m/s
yLku Mkíkík heíku Vhe
(2) WA¤u . òu hu~xexâwþLk
7.5 m/s
restitution is e. The total momentum imparted by the økwýktf e nkuÞ íkku Ëzk ðzu ík¤eÞkLku yÃkkíkwt fw÷ ðuøk{kLk
ball to the floor is (3) 4 m/s (4) 6 m/s
fu x÷wt ?
 1 e  10. An engine works between temperatures 27°C and
(1) p(1 + e) (2) p    1  ecannot

 1 e  127°C.
(1) p(1 +The
e) efficiency of the
(2) engine
p  be
 1 e 
(1) 39% (2) 15%
 1  e2  1 e
(3) p   (4) p  1  e2 
(3) 20% 1 e
(4) 24%
 1  e2  1 e (3) p  (4) p
 1  e2  1 e

Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456
Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash To
Open Mock Test-5 (Code-A) All India Aakash
All India
Series for
Series for NEET-2020

11. A particle is executing S.H.M. The maximum 15. yu

11. A fgalvanometer
fý Mk.yk.øk.ofhswresistance
fhu Au. fýLkku
400 {n¥k{ «ðuøonly
allows kv 15
acceleration of the particle is v and the maximum Au4% of the
. yLku main ðnu
{n¥k{ current
a Autoíkkupass
yk through
økrík {kxuit after
velocity is a. The amplitude of the motion is connecting a shunt
fuÃkrðMíkkh fux÷ku nþu ? resistance. The value of
resistance of the shunt is
v2 a2 2
(1) v10.1  a2
(2) 4.96
(1) (2) (1) (2)
a v a v
(3) 8.33 (4) 16.67
a2 2 a a2 2 and
a radius R = 0.2 m 16
(3) (4) 16. (3)
A uniform ring of mass m (4)
= 4 kg
v2 v 2
v in space such that its vangular speed about
12. Consider the following two statements. 12. ykÃku
centre÷ çkuof rðÄkLkku
mass is Lku 4æÞkLk{kt ÷ku. speed of the centre is
rad/s and
a. Capacitances are called inertia of electrical 8 m/s as shown in the figure. The kinetic energy of
a. rðãwík ÃkheÃkÚk {kxu fuÃkuMkexLMk yu szíð fne
circuits. the ring as observed by a man having speed 8 m/s
moving in same direction as the centre of ring is
b. Keeping only radius of cross-section of solenoid
b. Mkku÷uLkkuRz {kxu íkuLke ykzAuËLke rºkßÞk y[¤
constant, if number of turns of a solenoid are
increased, then its self inductance always
hk¾ðk{kt ykðu yu Mkku÷uLkkuRz{kt yktxkLke MktÏÞk
ðÄkhðk{kt ykðu íkku íkuLkwt ykí{ «uhý nt{uþk ðÄu Au.

The correct statement(s) is/are

íkku Mkk[k rðÄkLk(Lkku) fÞk Au ?

(1) Only a (2) Only b (1) {kºk a (2) {kºk b

(1) 2.56 J (2) 12.8 J
(3) Both a and b (4) Neither a nor b (3) yLkuJ b çktÒku
(3) a196 (4) Lkk
(4) 1.28a fu
J b
13. The equivalent capacitance of the following circuit 17. ykÃku
13. Force÷ x{eo Lk÷ A yLku
experienced by Ba {kxu Mk{íkwparticle
charged ÕÞ fuÃkuMkexLMk
in an
between terminals A and B is (all capacitors are electromagnetic
ÃkheÃkÚk yu (çkÄk field
s fuÃiskuMkexh
If the Au
yLku onËhufthe
 17
identical and have capacitance 4 F) fuparticle
Au.) of the particle is v and the
 
electric and magnetic fields are E and B
respectively, then which of the following is possible
  
(1) E  0, B  0, v  0, q  0
  
12 (2) E  0, B  0, v  0, q 120
(1) 12 F (2) F (1) 12 F (2) F
7   7
(3) E  0, B  0, v  0, q  0
28 28
(3) F (4) 27F (3)
(4) All of Fthese (4) 27F
3 3
14. In a potentiometer of one metre length, an 18. In a compound microscope, focal length of objective
14. 1 {exh ÷tçkkRðk¤k ÃkkuxuLþeÞku{exh {kxu y¿kkík emf
unknown emf voltage source is balanced at and eyepiece are 2 cm and 5 cm respectively. An 18
ðku Õxus Wæ¼ðí {kxu íkuLkwt Mk{íkku÷Lk ®çkËw 50 cm
object is placed at a distance 2.2 cm from objective.
50 cm length of potentiometer wire while a 6 V
If xfinal
uLþeÞku {exhLkk
image íkkh Ãkhat least
is formed ßÞkhudistance
6 V çkuof
battery is balanced at 30 cm length. The emf of
unknown voltage source is Mk{íkku
vision÷Lk (25
30 cm),÷tçkkR
cm thenAu magnifying
íkku yk y¿kkíkpower
emf Lkw
WËøk{Lkw t {wÕÞ fuand approximate
x÷wt nþu ? distance between
(1) 10 V
objective and eyepiece will be respectively
(2) 6 V (1) 10 V (2) 6 V
(3) 3 V (1) 60, 18 cm (2) 60, 26 cm
(3) 3 V (4) 9 V
(4) 9 V (3) 50, 20 cm (4) 50, 26 cm

Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456
Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash To
Open Mock Test-5 (Code-A) All India Aakash
All India
Series for
Series for NEET-2020

19. In a uniform magnetic field B, a wire in shape of a 22. Mk{kLk

19. Choose [wtçthe
ûkuºk B {k yuf yÄoamong
statement ðíkwo¤kfkh
the ðkÃkhLku
followingr 22
semicircle of radius r rotates about the diameter of rºkßÞkLkk yÄoðíkwo¤kfkh çkË÷eLku íkuLkk ÔÞkMkLku
(1) Inside bulk matter of a conductor electrostatic
the circle with angular velocity  as shown in the yLkw ÷ûkeLku ykf]rík{kt ËþkoÔÞk {wsçk  sux÷ku fkuýe
figure. If the total resistance of the loop is R, then ðuøkÚkefield
zero ykðu Au. òu ÷wÃkLkku fw÷ yðhkuÄ R

the mean power generated per period of revolution

nkuÞ íkku Ëhuf Ãkhe¼ú{ý WíMksoLkLkku Mkhuhkþ Ãkkðh
? of a conductor cannot have excess
is charge inside it in the electrostatic situation

(3) Electrostatic potential is constant throughout the

volume of the conductor and has same value on
its surface.

(4) Electric field is always conservative in nature

23. 20 g of ice at –20°C is dropped into a calorimeter
containing 20 g water at 10°C. The specific heat of
water is twice that of ice. The amount of water
contained in the calorimeter, when equilibrium is
2Br 2is
reached, B 2 2 r 4
2Br 2 2
B  r 2 4 (1) (2)
(1) (2) R 8R
R 8R (1) 20 g (2) 10 g
2B 2 2 r 4 2B 2 2r 4
(3) 5 g (4)
(4) 40 g
2B 2 2 r 4 2B 2 2 r 4 8R 2R 24
(3) (4)
8R 2R 24. A ray of light, incident on a prism at an angle of
20. yuf íkxMÚk Mkwðknf fu suLke MkÃkkxe økku¤eÞ LkÚke íkuLke
20. Inside a neutral conductor sample of arbitrary non- incidence
yt Ëh yuf 60°, økku¤emerges
eÞ LkÚke perpendicular
íkuðe çk¾ku÷ hnuto÷etheAu.other
, íku
spherical shape, a non-spherical cavity is present. fuface.
ðexe If (çk¾ku ÷){kt of®çkËw
the angle ðíkT isrðãw
prism ík¼kh
30°, then{wthe
Au. íkku
There is a point charge inside the cavity. The WËT ¼ðíke Ãk]c rðãwík¼kh ½Lkíkk fuðexeLke ytËh yLku
suffered by the ray is
induced surface charge density on the inner surface
çknkhLke MkÃkkxeLku yLkwYÃk íku Mkwðknf {kxu yLkw¢{u
(1) 90° (2) 60°
of cavity and outer surface of the conductor
respectively is (3) Mk{kLk
(1) 30° yLku yMk{kLk (4) 45°
(1) Uniform and non-uniform 25. (2)
A wave
yMk{kLktravels on a string. The equation of the
yLku Mk{kLk
wave is y = Asin(t – kx). It is reflected from a
(2) Non-uniform and uniform (3) yMk{kLk çktÒku MkÃkkxe Ãkh
heavier string tied to an end of the lighter string at x
(3) Non-uniform on both surfaces
= 0.Mk{kLk
(4) If 36% çktÒofku MkÃkkxe Ãkh energy is reflected back,
the incident
(4) Uniform on both surfaces
21. Ãk]then
Úðe the
ÃkhLkkequation of theMkk[ku
fkuR MÚkkLku reflected wave
ËeÃk yu Løk÷is30° Au. íkku
21. True dip angle at a place on the earth is equal to yk¼kMke zeÃk 8
yuLøk÷ fux÷ku ÚkkÞ òu íkuLkk zeÃk Mk{ík÷Lku
30°. The apparent dip recorded by a dip circle when [w
(1) tçkfeÞ
y  {uhezeÞLk
A sin(MkkÚku
t  kx60°
) Lkk ¾qýu Vuhððk{kt ykðu
its plane is at angle 60° with the magnetic meridian Au. íÞkhu
at that place, is 6
(2) tan
(1) ) tan1  2 
y 1 2 A sin(t  kx(2)
 10   
 2  2  3 3
(1) tan1   (2) tan1  
 3 3 6
(3) y   A sin(
 kx  t )
110 3
(3) tan   (4) tan1  3 
 3  2 
(3) tan1   (4) tan1  3 
 2  8
(4) y   A sin(kx  t )

Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456
Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash To
Open Mock Test-5 (Code-A) All India Aakash
All India
Series for
Series for NEET-2020

26. A uniform 50 m long horizontal rope of mass 6 kg is 31. çku

26. A {eºkku
small îkhk íkýkðÃkq
signal ðof Mk{ûkeíkes
voltage heíku
V ( t )  V0 sin t Ãkfzkðu ÷e 6
is applied 31
tightly held by two friends. One friend strikes the kg yLkuan50ideal
across ÷tçkkRLkeL.rLkÞ{eík
m inductor Then ËkuheLku yuf {eøk
rope and the second one feels the effect 2 s later.
(1)heÃkh MxÙkRf
Current I(t) fhu
leadsAu voltage
su çkeòV(t) îkhk íkuLke yMkh 2 s
by 90°
The tension in the rope is
ÃkAe yLkw¼ðkÞV(t)Au.leads
(2) Voltage íkku Ëkucurrent
he{kLkwt íkýkð
I(t) by sýkðku
90° .
(1) 20 N (2) 25 N
(3) 20 N
Current (2)with
I(t) is in phase 25V(t)
(3) 50 N (4) 75 N
(4) 50 N
Current (4) 75
I(t) leads voltage V(t)Nby 180°
27. A radioactive sample consists of two distinct
species having equal number of atoms N0 each 32. çku
27. huzeÞku ball
A small yuõxeð Lk{wLkk{kt
of mass 6 kg, þYykík{kt
moving Mkh¾k
with ayýw yku
initially. The mean life of one species is T and of the Ëhuf{ktstrikes
80 m/s,
N Au. yuhead-on
f Lk{wLkkLkku
hkþ SðLkfk¤ yLku
ball of Tmass
other species is 6T. The decay products in both 4 kg. The speed of the 4 kg sphere so
çkeò Lk{wLkkLkku 6T Au. çktÒku rfhýku {kxu ûkÞ Ëh that both 32
cases is stable. The total number of radioactive spheres completely stop after the collision is
Mk{íkku÷Lk {kt Au. íkku huzeÞku yuõxeð yýwyku 6T Mk{Þ
nuclei remaining at time 6T will be (1) 5 m/s
çkkË fux÷k hnuþu ?
 e  1 5
 e  1 6 (2) 12 m/s
(1) N0  6  (2) N0  7   e5  1   e6  1
 e   e  (3) N
(1) 8 0m/s
 6  (2) N0  7 
 e   e 
 e5  1   1  e 5  (4) 20 m/s
(3) N0  5  (4) N0    e5 of1 currents in 4  resistor
1  e 5  and 15 
 e   e6  33. (3)
0  (4) N0  
 e   e6 
resistor in the following circuit is
28. Consider a plane progressive wave y = Asin(t – kx).
The maximum speed of any medium particle will be
28. yuf Mk{ík÷{kt «Mkhý Ãkk{íkwt «økk{e íkhtøk y = Asin(t –
smaller than that of the wave speed, if (here kx) fkuRÃký {kæÞ{ {kxu fýLke ÍzÃk {n¥k{ nkuÞ ßÞkhu
symbols have usual meaning) íkhtøk ÍzÃk LÞwLkík{ çkLku. òu .... (ynª Ëhuf Mkt¿kk
  ÞkuøÞ {ík÷çk Au.)
(1) A  (2) A 
2 2  
(1) A  (2) A 
(3) A <  (4) A >  2 2
29. A block of mass m is suspended separately by two (3)
(1) A4 <
: 3 (4) A > 
different springs and is having time periods T1 and 29. fku
(2)R 1m: 1ˤLkk ç÷kufLku y÷øk y÷øk heíku çku M«eøkLke
T2 respectively. If same mass is connected to series MkkÚku ÷xfkððk{kt ykðu Au suLkku ykðíkofk¤ yLkw¢{u T1
(3) 9 : 1
combination of both springs, then its time period is yLku T2 Au. òu íkux÷k s ˤLku M«ªøkLkk ©uýe òuzký
(4) 3òu: z1ðk{kt ykðu íkku Lkðku ykðíkofk¤ fux÷ku Úkþu ?
(1) T1  T2 (2) T12  T22 34. Magnitude of electric field on axis of a uniformly
(1) T1  T2 (2) T12  T22
charged ring of radius R is maximum at a distance x
(3) 1 2
(4) T12  T22 from TT 1 centre of the (4)ring.
T1  T2 (3) 2
T12 The
T22 value of
T1  T2
x is
 
30. There are three vectors A  3i  2 j , B  3i  2 j and   34
30. ºký R MkrËþku A  3i  2 j , B  3i  2 j yLku
    (1)
C  6i  2 j . The unit vector along A  B  C is  2   
C  6i  2 j . íkku A  B  C {kxu yuf{ MkrËþ.

(1) i (2) j (2) 2R

(1) i (2) j
i  j i  j  k R
(3) (4) i 2j i  j  k
2 3 (3) (4)
2 3
(4) 2R

Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456
Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash To
Open Mock Test-5 (Code-A) All India Aakash
All India
Series for
Series for NEET-2020

35. On a fixed inclined plane, two conducting rails are 37. yu

35. f ÂMÚkík Zk¤
Amplitude of Ãkh çku Mkwðfield
electric knf in
an Lelectromagnetic
ku ÂMÚkík Au. yuf 37
fixed. A conducting rod of length L is placed on the Mkwwave
֍kkRLkk1.475 W/m ykf]
Mkr¤ÞkLku is nearly
rík{kt ËþkoÔÞk {wsçk
two rails as shown in the figure
Au. N/C
(2) 33.33 N/C
(3) 66.66 N/C
(4) 53.8 N/C
38. In the arrangement as shown in the figure, masses
of A and B are 2 kg and 1 kg respectively. Find the
magnitude of acceleration of the centre of mass of
both the blocks. (Neglect friction everywhere. String
is light and inextensible)

The conducting rod has mass m and it can slide on

yk Mkwðknf Mkr¤ÞkLkwt ˤ m yLku íku ½»koýhrník
the rails without friction. There exists a uniform
magnetic field B0 vertically upward in the region. At
Ãkkxkyku Ãkh Mkhfu Au. yk ûkuºk{kt WæðoíkhV [wtçkfeÞ ûkuºk
an instant, the conducting rod is released from rest. B0 ÷køkwt Ãkkzðkkt ykðu÷ Au. òu yk Mkwðknf Mkr¤Þk ÂMÚkh
The terminal velocity of the rod will be ÂMÚkrík{ktÚke Akuzðk{kt ykðu íkku íku Mkr¤ÞkLkku x{eoLk÷ ðuøk
mgR cos  fux÷ku nþu ?
B02L2 sin2  g g
(1) mgR cos  (2)
(1) 32 2 2 16
mgR sin  B0 L sin 
(2) g g
B02L2 (3) (4)
9 sin 
mgR 8 39
(2) 2 2
mgR sin  B0 L
(3) 39. The truth table for the circuit shown in the figure is
B02L2 cos2 
mgR sin 
mgR B02L2 cos2 
B02L2 sin2 
B02L2 sin2 
36. The height at which the weight of a body becomes
36. Ãk]ÚðeLke MkÃkkxe ÃkhLkk ÃkËkÚkoLkk ðsLk fhíkkt th ¼køkLkku
th of its weight on the surface of earth (Radius R), 4
÷ûký AÚkkÞ
B Yíku Ÿ[kR fR Úkþu
A. BÃk]ÚYðeLke MkÃkkxeÚke
is 0 0 0 0 0 1
(Ãk]ÚðeLke rºkßÞk R) Au.
3R (1) 0 1 0 (2) 0 1 1
(1) 31R 0 0 1 0 0
8 (1)
1 1 1 1 1 1
(2) RA B Y
4 (2) A B Y
40 0 0 0 0 1
(3) R
(3) R0 1 1
(3) (4) 0 1 0
(4) 2R 1 0 1 1 0 1
(4) 2R
1 1 1 1 1 0

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40. A block of mass m starts its motion from rest and is 44. m
40. TwoˤLkku ç÷kufheavy
identical yyuspheres
f ¾hçk[ze MkÃkkxe 10Ãkh
of masses 2
and 44
moving with a constant acceleration a on a each of þY
ÂMÚkríkÚke radius 10 cm
fheLku have a separation
Mk{ûkeíkes{kt y[¤ «ðuø100 k a cmÚke
horizontal rough plane. If the coefficient of friction between their centres. The gravitational potential at
økrík fhu Au. òu ç÷kuf yLku MkÃkkxe ðå[uLkku ½»koýktf
between the block and the ground is , the the midpoint of line joining their centres is
nkuÞ. íkku íkkífk÷eLk Ãkkðh t Mk{Þu Mk{ûkeíkes{kt ÷køkw
instantaneous power delivered by the applied (1) –6 × 10–4 J/kg (2) –2.67 × 10–8 J/kg
horizontal force at a time t from the beginning is Ãkkzu÷ çk¤ f îkhk–7
þYykíkÚke fux÷ku Úkþu ?–4
(3) –8.1 × 10 J/kg (4) –4.9 × 10 J/kg
(1) mat(g + a) 45. (1) mat(g plate
A parallel + a) capacitor is charged by a battery
and then isolated from it. If distance between the 45
(2) mgt(g + a) (2) mgt(g + a)
two plates is now increased, then
(3) mg2t (3)
(1) mg t field between the plates increases and
(4) ma 2
t difference remains the same
(4) ma2t
(2) Both electric field and potential difference
41. A current carrying wire ABCD runs along three 41. rðãwík«ðknLkwt ðnLk fhíkk ðkÃkh ABCD Lku [kuhMkLke ºký
remains the same
edges of a cube of edge length a, as shown in the a ÷tçkkRLke çkkswyku{kt ykf]rík{kt ËþkoÔÞk {wsçk {wfu÷
(3) Electric field between the plates decrease but
figure. There exists a uniform magnetic field 
 [u. íÞkt Mk{kLkdifference
potential [wtçkfeÞ ûkuºk B  B0 i ÷køkw
rLkÞ{eík increases
B  B i in space. The magnitude of magnetic force (4) ÷Electric fieldðkÃkh
between the plates
Ãkkzu Au. íkku yk Ãkh ÷køkíkk çk¤Lkwtremains same
{wÕÞ fux÷w t?
acting on wire ABCD is but potential difference increases
46. Who was awarded Nobel prize for the theory of the
unification of weak and electromagnetic interactions
between elementary particles
(1) Rutherford (2) Abdus Salam
(3) Arthur Ashkin (4) Donna Strickland
47. If the equation of the stationary wave is given by
 2ct   2x 
y  2IB
(1) 2A sin
0a   cos  (2) , then
3IB0 a which of the
(1) 2IB 0 a (2) 3IB0 a      
(3) 2IB0statement
a is correct
(4) IB 0 a
(3) 2IB0 a (4) IB 0 a
42. íkht
TheçkkRunitof= c 500is same yufof ËwxhLkk WËTøk{Úke
Lkk that
nm as
42. A beam of light of wavelength  = 500 nm from a  
distant source falls on a single slit 1 mm wide and
«fkþLkwt çkeò 1 mm M÷exLkk Ãknku¤kRðk¤kÚke ÃkMkkh
(2) The unit of xt is same as that of 
the resulting diffraction pattern is observed on a ÚkkÞ íku{ktÚke {¤íkwt Ãkheýk{e rððíkoLk 2 m ËwhLkk ÃkzËk
screen 2 m away. The width of central maxima is Ãkh òuðk unit
(3) The {¤uof Au2. c íkkuis same
that of
 t
(1) 2.4 mm (2) 2.0 mm fux÷e nþu ?

(3) 1.0 mm (4) 2.0 cm (4) 2.4
(1) Themm
unit of ct is same(2)
as 2.0
43. An electron in hydrogen atom makes a transition (3) 1.0 mm  (4) 2.0
 cm
48. If two vectors A and B are such that
from n1 to n2. If the time period of electron in initial  kusLk yýw
43. nkRzÙ  Mkt¢ktrík fhu Au.
 {kt R÷uõxÙkuLk n1 Úke n2 {kt 48
A  B  3 A  B , then the value of A  B is
state is 27 times that in the final state then òu þYykíkLke yðMÚkk{kt íkuLkku ykðíkofk¤ 27 økýku
(Symbols have their usual meanings) 1
ytrík{ yðMðLkkÚke
2 ......
(1) n1 = 3n2 (2) n2 = 3n1
2 2
(1)  A  B  AB  (2) A2  B2  2AB2
(1) n1 = 3n2 2  (2) n2 = 3n1
(3) n2 = 9n1 (4) n2 = 4n1
(3) n2 = 9n1 1 (4) n2 = 4n1 1
 2 2 2  2 2 
(3) A  B  3 AB  (4) A  B  3 AB 2

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49. A stone is dropped from the 25th storey of a multi 49. 25 {k¤ Lke yuf çknw{k¤eÞ R{khík ÃkhÚke yu[CHEMIST
f ÃkÚÚkhLku
storeyed building and it reaches the ground in
5 second. Number of storeys of building, the stone {wõík fhíkk 5 MkufLz{kt s{eLk Ãkh ykðu Au. íkku íkuLku Ãknu÷e
51. Density of O2 gas at 127°C and 4.1 atm pressure is 51
will pass through, in the first second of its motion is Mku(RfLz{kt fux÷kL {k¤
= 0.082 K–1 mol
atm ÃkMkkh fÞko–1)nþu ?
(1) 5 (1) 52 gL–1
(1) (2) 3 gL–1
(2) 1 (3) 12.5 gL–1
(2) (4) 4 gL–1

(3) 4 52. (3)

The4root mean square speed of H2, O2, N2 and CO2 52
at 27°C
(4) 10 will be in the order of
(4) 10
50. yu
(1)f CO
2 > OLku 2 rþhku
> N2÷>tçkH2MkkÚku
(2) Hfku
2 > ýu Nu2 >ÍzÃkÚke
O2 > CO«rûkó
50. A particle is projected with speed u at an angle 
(3) O2 > N2 > CO2 > H2 (4) H2 > O2 > CO2 > N2
with the vertical. Change in speed of the particle fhðk{kt ykðu Au. ÃkËkÚkoLke ÍzÃk{kt økríkÃkÚkLke {n¥k{
53. If the enthalpy of fusion of a compound is 49 kJ mol–1 53
when it reaches the highest point of trajectory from Ÿ[kRyu
at 77°CÚkíkku
the molar entropy change for the
starting point will be melting of the compound is (Melting point of
(1) ucos
compound = 77°C)
(1) ucos (2) usin –1 –1
(1) 75 J mol K
(2) usin (3) u(cos – 1)–1 –1
(2) 140 J mol K
(4) u(sin – 1)
(3) u(cos – 1) (3) 80 J mol–1K–1
(4) u(sin – 1) (4) 120 J mol–1K–1
54. If the enthalpy of hydrogenation of cyclohexene is
– x kJmol–1 and resonance energy of benzene is
– y kJmol–1 then enthalpy of hydrogenation of
benzene in kJmol–1 will be

(1) (– x – y) (2) (– 3x – y)
(3) (– 3x + y) (4) (x + y)
55. Which among the given molecules exhibit 55

(1) I only (2) I and III only

(3) III only (4) I, II and III
56. In which of the following compounds, C-Br bond 56
ionization will give most stable carbonium ion?

(1) (2)

(3) (CH3)3C – Br (4)

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Series for NEET-2020

57. Consider the following reaction 60. Lke[u

57. Lke «r¢ÞkLku
Correct acidicæÞkLk{kt ÷ku.
strength order of the given 60
compounds is

Major product P is LkeÃks P þwt nþu ?

(1) (1)
(1) (II) > (III) > (IV) > (I)
(2) (IV) > (I) > (III) > (II)

(2) (3) (IV) > (II) > (III) > (I)

(4) (IV) > (I) > (II) > (III)
61. Acetone and acetaldehyde can be chemically
distinguished by
(3) (3)
(1) I2/NaOH (2) 2, 4-DNP
(3) Tollen’s reagent (4) Both (1) and (3)
62. Monomer of natural rubber is 62
(4) (4)
(1) (2)

(3) (4)

58. 58.
63. Antihistamine among the following is 63
(1) Dimetapp (2) Ranitidine
Product B is a/an LkeÃks B þwt nþu
(3) Equanil (4) Penicillin
(1) Aldehyde 64. (1) ykÕzenkRz
Number of chiral carbons present in -D-glucose is
(2) Primary alcohol (1) «kÚkr{f
(2) 4 ykÕfkunku÷ (2) 5
(3) Carboxylic acid (3) 6 (4) 3
(4) Secondary alcohol 65. (3)
In which of theyufollowing
rMkz reactions C – C bond
formation takes palce?
59. The amine which will not react with Hinsberg’s (4) rîríkÞf ykÕfkunku÷
reagent is (1) Cannizzaro reaction
59. fÞku yu{kRLk neLMkðøko «r¢Þf yLku «r¢Þk ykÃkþu
(1) (2) Reimer-Tiemann reaction
(2) (3) Finkelstein reaction
(4) Swarts reaction
66. The metal which is refined by distillation is 66
(1) Copper (2) Zinc
(3) Tin (4) Indium
67. In which species p-d bond is absent? 67
(1) ClO4 (2) XeO 3

2 2
(3) CO3 (4) SO 4

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68. When copper and zinc react separately with dilute 76. ßÞkhu
68. Mole of fkuÃoxalate
kh yLku ions
y÷øk –y÷øk heíkuone
to reduce {tËmole
3 76
permanganate ion in acidic medium is
MkkÚku «r¢Þk fhu íÞkhu {¤íkk ðkÞwyku yLkw¢{u fÞk Au ?
nitric acid, the gases obtained respectively are
(1) N32O yLku N2 5 2 yLku N2O
(2) NO
(1) N2O and N2 (2) NO2 and N2O (1) (2)
2 2
(3) NO and N2O (4) N2O and NO2 (3) NO yLku N2O (4) N2O yLku NO2
2 2
(3) (4)
69. The correct order of boiling point of HF, HCl and 69. HF, 5HCl yLku HBr Lkk Wíf÷Lk®çkËw
3 Lkku Mkk[ku ¢{
HBr is sýkðku.
77. If percentage strength of H2O2 solution is 17% then
(1) HBr > HCl > HF (2) HF > HCl > HBr 77
(1) HBr > HCl > HF (2) HF > HCl > HBr the volume strength of the solution will be
(3) HF > HBr > HCl (4) HCl > HF > HBr
(3) HF > HBr > HCl (4) HCl > HF > HBr (1) 25 V (2) 28 V
70. Lke[u ykÃku÷k ÄkíðeÞ ÄLk ykÞLkku Ãkife MkkiÚke ðÄw Éý
70. Among the given metal cations which has highest (3) 56 V (4) 65 V
s÷eÞfhý yuLÚkkÕÃke fkuLke Au ?
negative hydration enthalpy? 78. (1)
Ti2+ statement among
2+ is
(1) Ti2+ (2) Co2+ K+ is
(1) Cr
(3) 2+
Hydration enthalpy of(4) V2+higher than Rb+
(3) Cr2+ (4) V2+
71. fÞw
(2)t Mkt feýo [wof
Density tçkfeÞ [kf{kºkk
sodium {qÕÞ than
is greater BM Ëþkoðþu?
3.87 potassium
71. Which complex will show magnetic moment value of (1) ]3– potassium O)6]3+ red and
(3) [Mn(CN)
Lithium 6and (2) [Cr(H
give 2crimson
3.87 BM?
(3) [CoF green colour respectively
(4) [Co(C2O 3]
to4)flame test
(1) [Mn(CN)6]3– (2) [Cr(H2O)6]3+
72. Lke[u
(4) LReducing
kk{ktÚke fÞwpower
t fkçkoÄof
kíðeÞ MktÞkuisshigher
lithium Lk MkkiÚkethan
¤ C–
(3) [CoF6] 3–
(4) [Co(C2O4)3] 3– O çktÄ Ëþkoðþu ?
79. Correct order of stability of +1 oxidation state of Tl,
72. Which of the following organometallic compounds (1) [Co(CO)4]– (2) [Ni(CO)4]
In, Ga and Al follows the order 79
will have weakest C – O bond?
(3) [Mn(CO)6]+ (4) [Cr(CO)6]
(1) [Co(CO)4]– (2) [Ni(CO)4] (1) Al > Ga > In > Tl (2) ln > Tl > Ga > Al
73. 25 ml of 0.2 M HCl with 25 ml of 0.2 M Ba(OH)2Lku
(3) [Mn(CO)6]+ (4) [Cr(CO)6] (3) Tl > In{¤íkk
> Ga > Al (4) fulnx>
r{© fhíkk ÿkðýLke pH ÷eGa
nþu> ?Tl > Al
73. What will be the pH of solution obtained by mixing
25 ml of 0.2 M HCl with 25 ml of 0.2 M Ba(OH)2? 80. (1)
7 statement among
1 following is
(1) 7 (2) 1 (3)
(1) 13 (4) 14
Graphite conducts electricity
(3) 13 (4) 14
74. fÞk MktÞkusLkLkwist used
(2) Graphite Mk{{kuas
÷hdrys÷eÞ ÿkðýLke
lubricant pH MkkiÚke
74. Equimolar aqueous solution of which compound will ðÄkhu nkuÞ?
have highest pH? (3) Diamond is bad conductor of electricity
(1) NaNO3 (2) NH4Cl
(1) NaNO3 (2) NH4Cl
(3) Diamond
CaCl 2 is thermodynamically
(4) Na3PO4 most stable
(3) CaCl2 (4) Na3PO4
75. Mktíkw÷allotrope
Lku Lke[uLkeof«r¢ÞkLku
carbonæÞkLk{kt ÷uíkk,
75. Consider the following reaction at equilibrium
81. 2NO(g) O2(g) 2NO
A metal+ crystallises 2(g)a cubic structure having
2NO(g) + O2(g) 2NO2(g) edge length 320 pm. If a unit cell of metal has two 81
òu atoms ne÷eÞ{
y[¤ Ëçkkýu then theËk¾÷
diameter of the
fhðk{kt metal
ykðu íkku, atom
If helium is introduced at constant pressure then approximately will be
(1) NO2 Lke WíÃkkËLk{kt ðËkhku Úkþu.
(1) Formation of NO2 will increase (1) 160 pm
(2) «r¢ÞkLkku Mktíkw÷Lk y[¤ktf çkË÷kþu.
(2) Equilibrium constant of the reaction will change (2) 226 pm
(3) NO2 Lkwt rðÞkusLk ðÄþu.
(3) Dissociation of NO2 will increase
(3) 80 pm
(4) Mktíkw÷Lk Ãkh fkuR yMkh Úkþu Lkne.
(4) There is no effect on equilibrium
(4) 277 pm

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82. 0.3 molal aqueous solution of a salt AX2 is 40% 88. ûkkh
82. AX2 Lkwpermissible
Maximum t 0.3 {ku÷÷ s÷eÞ
limit ofÿkðý
lead 40% ykÞLkefhý
in drinking water 88
ionized. If Kb for water is 0.52 K kg mol–1 then the Ãkk{ Au. òu ÃkkýeLkku Kb Lkwt {qÕÞ 0.52 K kg mol nkuÞ
is –1

boiling point of the solution will be íkku

(1) ÿkðýLkw
t zurf÷Lk®çkËw sýkðku
500 ppm (2) .500 ppb
(1) 100.28°C (2) 101.42°C (1)
(3) 100.28°C
50 ppb (2)
(4) 101.42°C
50 ppm
(3) 100.61°C (4) 101.81°C
89. (3) 100.61°C
Which (4) 101.81°C
among the following will undergo fastest 89
83. Mass of calcium deposited at cathode by passing a 83. rÃkøkk¤u÷k fuÂÕþÞ{ õ÷kuhkRzLkk ÿkðý{ktÚke 9.65 f÷kf
solvolysis in 50% aqueous ethanol?
current of 5 ampere for 9.65 hour to a molten {kxu 5 yu3Cl
ÂBÃkÞh «ðkn ÃkMkkh fhíkk fuÚkkuz Ãkh s{k Úkíkk
solution of calcium chloride is (1) CH
fuÂÕþÞ{Lkwt ˤ sýkðku.
(1) 20 g (2) 36 g
(2) 20 g
(1) (2) 36 g
(3) 40 g (4) 56 g
(3) 40 g (4) 56 g
84. Molar conductivities (m )
at infinite dilution of (3) HBr
84. KBr, yLku CH3COOKLke yLktík {tËLku {ku÷h
KBr, HBr and CH3COOK are 151.6, 427.7 and
114.4 S cm2 mol–1 respectively. Molar conductivity ðknfíkko (m ) yLkw¢{u 151.6, 427.7 yLku
(m ) for CH3COOH will be (4)
114.4 S cm mol Au. CH3COOH Lke yLktík {tËLku
2 –1

90. {ku
If ÷mass
h ðknfíkk (m ) fu
percentage ofx÷e ÚkkÞ ?in aqueous solution
glucose 90
(1) 464.2 S cm2 mol–1 (2) 161 S cm2 mol–1
is 36% then the molality of the solution is
(3) 276.1 S cm2 mol–1 (4) 390.5 S cm2 mol–1 (1) 464.2 S cm2 mol–1 (2) 161 S cm2 mol–1
(1) 276.1
(3) 2.250 S cm2 mol–1 (4) (2) 390.5
3.125 S cm2 mol–1
85. The rate constant of a reaction A  B is
2.303 × 10–4 s–1. If the initial concentration of A is (3) 5.125
85. «r¢Þk A  B {kxu ðuøky[¤kt (4) f4.612
2.303 × 10–4 s–1 Au.
4 M then time required for its 40% conversion into B 91. òu
The «r¢ÞfLke
ratio ofþYykíkLke
the energy Mkktÿíkk M nku
of 4first Þ íkku íkuLstate
excited kk 40%of 91
is (log 3 = 0.48, log 2 = 0.3) Lkwhydrogen
t yktíkh Batom
{kt Úkðk {kxufirst
to the ÷køkíkku Mk{Þstate
excited sýðku
of .He(log+
ion3 is
(1) 42.1 min 0.48,
(1) 1log : 2 2 = 0.3) (2) 1 : 4
(2) 36.7 min (1)
(3) 42.1
2 : 1 min
(4) 36.7
4 : 1 min
(3) 77.1 min (3) 77.1 min (4) 62.2 min
92. The maximum number of atoms is present in
(4) 62.2 min 86. MkkçkwLkwt Veý fÞk «fkhLkwt f÷e÷ Au ? 92
(1) 224 ml of CH4 at STP
86. Soap lather belongs to which type of colloid?
(2) yu
(1) 18hkugMkku
of÷glucose (C6H12 O6)su÷
(1) Aerosol (2) Gel
(3) Foam (4) Emulsion (3) Veý (4) R{ÕþLk
(3) 0.2 mole of urea
87. Match the species given in column I with the shape 87. Míkt¼- I {kt ykÃku÷ MÃkeMkeLku Míkt¼-II {k kÃku÷ ykfkh MkkÚku
given in column II and find the correct option (4) 22 g of CO2
Mkh¾kðku yLku Mkk[ku rðfÕÃk ÃkMktË fhku.
Column I Column II 93. Correct order of first ionization enthalpy of the given
fku ÷{-I is fku÷{-II 93
a. XeF4 (i) Linear
(1) F > O > N > C (2) N > F > O > C
a. XeF4 (i) hu¾eÞ
b. I3 (ii) Pyramidal (3) O > F > N > C (4) F > N > O > C

b. I3 (ii) ÃkeMk{ez÷
c. PCl3 (iii) Square planar 94. The isostructural pair among the following is
c. PCl3 (iii) Mk{ík÷eÞ [kuhMk 94
d. NO2 (iv) Bent 2
(1) SO3 and SO3 (2) PCl3 and ICI3
d. NO2 (iv) fkuýeÞ
a b c d
(3) SF4 and XeF4 (4) CO 23  and NO 3
a b c d
(1) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
95. (1) (iv) among
Which (i) the (ii)
has maximum bond 95
(2) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
(2) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
(3) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i) 
(1) (iii)
(3) O2 (iv) O 2
(ii) (2) (i)
(4) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
(3) (ii)
O 22  (iv) (i) (4) (iii)

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96. The energy of electron in third Bohr orbit of the 96. nkRzÙkusLk Ãkh{kýw {kxu ºkeS çnkuh fûkk{kt [BOTAN
hydrogen atom is –145.7 kJ mol–1. The energy of
electron in second Bohr orbit of H – atom will be R÷uõxÙkuLkLke Wòo–145.7kJ mol–1 Au. íkku nkRzÙkusLk
101. Mark the following statements as true(T) or false(F) 10
(1) – 32.83 kJ mol–1 (2) – 327.8 kJ mol–1 Ãkh{kýw {kxu çkeS çnkuh fûkk{kt hnu÷k R÷uõxÙkuLkLke Wòo
and select the correct option.
(3) – 818.2 kJ mol–1 (4) – 541 kJ mol–1 sýkðku.
A. In gymnosperms, vascular bundles lack sieve
97. Carbon dioxide gas does not follow Charles Law, (1) – 32.83 kJ mol–1 (2) – 327.8 kJ mol–1
Boyle’s Law and Gay Lussac’s Law at 200 atm (3) – 818.2 kJ mol–1 (4) – 541 kJ mol–1
pressure and 0°C because B. Pericycle
97. 0°C yLku 200 isðkíkkðhý
Ëçkkýu fkçkoLin monocot
k zkÞku õMkkRzstem.
(1) It is a linear molecule C.R÷Lkk
Spring wood
çkku rLkÞ{, [kÕMkocontains vessels
Lkk rLkÞ{ yLku økuÕÞwMwith narrowt
kufLkk rLkÞ{Lkw
(2) There is attraction among its molecules lumen.
Ãkk÷Lk fhíkku LkÚke fkhý fu ........
(3) Its molar heat capacity is very high A B C
(1) íku hu¾eÞ yýw Au.
(4) It is non-polar molecules (1) T F F
(2) íkuLkk yýwyku ðå[u ykf»koý çk¤ òuðk {¤u Au.
98. An aqueous solution of weak acid HX with 0.005 M (2) T F T
concentration shows a pH of 5. The ionization (3) íkuLke {ku÷h W»{kûk{íkk ¾qçk s ô[e Au.
constant of HX is (3) F F T
(4) íku yÄúwðeÞ yýw Au.
(1) 1 × 10–5 (2) 2 × 10–8 (4) F T T 10
98. 0.005 M Mkktÿíkk Ëþkoðíkk rLkçko¤ yurMkz HX Lkk s÷eÞ
(3) 2 × 10–3 (4) 5 × 10–7 102. Mark the odd one for primary meristem.
99. Consider the following representations ÿkðýLke pH 5 Au, íkku HX Lkku ykÞLkefhý y[¤ktf
(1) Phellogen
(1) 1Root
× 10apical
–5 meristem(2) 2 × 10–8
(3) × 10–3 bud
2Axillary (4) 5 × 10–7
99. Lke[u Ëþkoðu÷k MðYÃkku æÞkLk{kt ÷ku.
(4) Intercalary meristem 10
103. Find the incorrectly matched option. [Here ( )
These are sign indicates presence and ( ) sign indicates
(1) Identical
Feature/ Bryophytes Pteridophytes Gymnosperms
(2) Enantiomers structure
íkuyku.......... Au.
(3) Conformational isomers (1) Embryo
(1) ykËþo (2) RLkkÂLþÞku {Mko
(2) Seed
(4) Diastereomers
YÃkeÞ Mk{½xfku (4) zkÞkMxeheÞku{Mko
100. In the presence of a catalyst, the rate of reaction systemíkkÃk{kLku
100. 27°C WÆeÃkfLke nkshe{kt «r¢ÞkLkku ðuøk e3.33 Lkk
increases by a factor of e3.33 at 27°C. This implies (4) Flagellated 10
lowering of activation energy by (R = 2 cal mol K ) –1 –1 yðÞð îkhk ðÄu Au. íkku íkuLku yLkw÷ûkeLku Mkr¢Þfhý þÂõík{kt
male gamete

104. A red alga that can be used as source of food is

(1) 2 kcal (2) 28 kcal Úkíkku ½xkzku sýkðku. (R = 2 cal mol–1K–1)
(1) Laminaria (2) Chlamydomonas
(3) 14 kcal (4) 7 kcal (1) 2 kcal (2) 28 kcal 10
(3) Porphyra (4) Eudorina
(3) 14 kcal (4) 7 kcal
105. The main plant body is gametophyte in all of the
below given plants, except

(1) Volvox (2) Sphagnum

(3) Spirogyra (4) Selaginella

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Series for
Series for NEET-2020

106. Facilitated diffusion is similar to active transport as 112. .....

106. “A plantLkk Mktafter
kt MkkLkwfqr÷ík ðnLk yLku bushy”.
becomes Mkr¢Þ ðnLk
The 11
both çktpossible
Lku Mk{kLkreason
Au. of above phenomenon is
(1) Utilise energy for transport (1) ðnLk
(1) Removal of Lapical
{kxu Qòo buds promote growth of
kku ðÃkhkþ
(2) Occur against the concentration gradient lateral buds into branches
(2) Mkktÿíkk Zku¤ktþLke rðÁØ{kt ðnLk
(3) Require special membrane proteins (2) Removal of apical buds induce stem elongation
(3) rðrþü Ãkx÷ «kuxeLkLke ykð~Þfíkk
(4) Are non selective in nature as auxin suppresses production of gibberellins
(4) Mð¼kðu ÃkMktËøkeþe÷ Lk nkuðkLkk
107. Select the incorrect match (3) Apical buds release some hormone which kills
107. ¾kuxelateral
òuz ÃkMkt Ë fhku.
(1) Azotobacter – free living N2 fixer
(4) yu
(1) Íkuxkuçkubuds
Lateral õxh –have
auxins MÚkkÃkfare suppressed
(2) Thiobacillus denitrificans – oxidises nitrite to
in presence of cytokinin
nitrate (2) ÚkkÞkuçkMkurMk÷Mk rzLkkRxÙerVfLMk – LkkRxÙkRxLkwt
113. TheLkkRxÙ
plantux{ktwhich does
ykurfMkzu þLk not show any correlation
(3) Frankia – fixes nitrogen symbiotically
between exposure to light duration and induction of
(4) Bacillus ramosus – converts organic nitrogen to (3) £uÂLfyk – MknSðe heíku LkkRxÙkusLk MÚkkÃkLk
flowering is 11
(4) çkurMk÷Mk hk{kuMkMk – fkçkorLkf LkkRxÙkusLkLkwt
(1) Soyabean (2) Wheat
108. Which of the given is common in photosynthesis of yu{kurLkÞk{kt YÃkktíkh
tomato and sugarcane plant? (3) Henbane (4) Tomato
108. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke þwt xk{uxk yLku þuhze{kt «fkþMkt&÷u»ký{kt
(1) Number of carbon atoms in primary CO2 114. Staminate and pistillate flowers are borne on
separate Auplant
? bodies in
(2) Type of primary carboxylating enzyme (1) «kÚkr{f
(1) Papaya CO2 økúknf{kt (2)
LkLke MktÏÞk
(3) Total number of ATP consumed (3) «kÚkr{f
(2) Maize fkçkkuoÂõMk÷uþLk (4)
[f rose
(4) Total number of NADPH used 115. (3) fw÷theðÃkhkíkk
All of Lketrue
following MktÏÞk
for Vallisneria, except
109. Light reaction does not yield (1) fw
(4) Its÷ pollen
NADPHare Lke MktÏÞk by mucilage
(1) ATP (2) FADH2 109. «fkþ«r¢ÞkLke
(2) PollinationLkeÃks
occurs..... LkÚke. water
(3) NADPH (4) O2 (1)
(3) ATP
It shows geitonogamy(2) FADH2
110. What will be the total number of ATP produced from (3)
(4) NADPH (4)colourful
Its flowers are not very O2
one glucose molecule, if there is no ATP
110. òhf íkhefu ïMkLk fhíkkt {qºk®Ãkz fku»k{kt òu
consumption during activation phase or energy 116. Perisperm is
consuming phase of glycolysis in an aerobically
ø÷kÞfkur÷rMkMkLkk Mkr¢Þfhý íkçk¬ku yÚkðk Qòoøkúkne
(1) Triploid tissue
respiring kidney cell? íkçk¬k{kt yufÃký ATP ðÃkhkÞ Lknª íkku ø÷wfkuÍLkk yuf 11
(2) Remains of nucellus
(1) 40 (2) 38 yýw{ktÚke fw÷ fux÷k ATP rLk{koý Ãkk{u?
(3) Another name of endosperm
(3) 36 (4) 34 (1) 40 (2) 38
(4) 36
(3) Found in pea seeds (4) 34
111. The terminal electron acceptor of mitochondrial ETS
is 117. fýk¼Mkq
111. ºkeÞ ETS
“A progeny with {kt ytrík{blood
_____ R÷uõgroup
xÙkuLkøkúkne .....possible
is not Au.
to the
(1) H2Ocouple having O and AB blood groups”.
(1) H2O
Complete the above statement with suitable option. 11
(2) O2 (2) O2

(1) ATPase
B (2) AB
(3) ATPase

(4) Cytochrome c oxidase (3) MkkÞxku

(4) O ¢ku{ c ykurfMkzuÍ(4) Both (2) and (3)

Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456
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Series for
Series for NEET-2020

118. ‘In any cross, if recombination frequency is 5%’, it 118. fkuRÃký

123. ‘An Mktfhýkt, òucell
eukaryotic ÃkwLk:Mkso
ykð]ríkík 5% nkuÞRNA
íkku 12
means íkupolymerase
Lkku yÚko I may not form
(1) The distance between genes is 5 CM hnRNAðå[uLkwt
(1) sLkeLkku ytíkh 5 (2)
Au. rRNA
(2) Number of recombinants is 5 in 10 progenies
(3) 10
(2) tRNA
Mktíkrík{ktÚke 5 Mktíkrík Ãkw(4)
Lk:MktPeptidyl transferase
ÞkuSík nþu
(3) Their crossover value is 1/5
124. (3)
‘UGA does nott {qcode
ÔÞríkfhýLkw forAuany
ÕÞ 1/5 . amino acid’. All of the 12
(4) Out of total progeny produced, 5 are parental below given conclusions can be withdrawn from the
types (4) rLk{koý Ãkk{u÷ ík{k{ Mktíkrík{kt, 5 rÃkík]«fkh suðe nþu
above statement, except
119. Identify the wrongly matched pair 119. ¾kuxe òuz ÃkMktË fhku.
(1) UGA is a nonsense codon
(1) Birds – Male is AA + ZW
(2) Ãkûkeyku
Codon –is Lkh
(1) AAin+nature
(2) Klinefelter Male – 44 + XXY
(3) õ÷kRLk
(2) GeneticVucode
Õxh Lkh – 44 + XXY
is degenerate
(3) Turner Female – 44 + XO
(4) xLko
(3) h {kËk – 44
Translation + XO
terminates when ribosome reaches
(4) Butterfly – Female is AA + ZO
(4) Ãkíkt røkÞkof –mRNA
{kËk AA + ZO
120. Study the given pedigree chart and select the 12
125. Lke[u
120. Himgiri variety
ykÃk÷ of ewheat
rÃkrzøkú [kxo {kxu Mkk[ku rðfÕÃk ÃkMktË fhku.
correct option regarding it.
(1) Is biofortified

(2) Is resistant to leaf and stripe rust

(3) Is low yielding

(4) Is a Mexican wheat variety
126. A fungus is not used in the extraction of 12
(1) The trait shown in above pedigree is (1) yk rÃkrzøkúe rn{kurVr÷ÞkLkw ÷ûký Ëþkoðu Au.
(1) Amylase
haemophilia (2) II ÃkuZe{kt yMkhøkúMík {kËkLkku sLkeLk«fkh aa yÚkðk
(2) Statin
(2) The genotype of affected female in II generation Aa nkuE þfu.
can be aa or Aa (3) Cyclosporin A
(3) I ÃkuZe{kt Lkh ðknf nkuE þfu Lknª
(3) In first generation male cannot be carrier for the (4) Streptokinase
trait (4) WÃkh Ëþkoðu÷ yr¼ÔÞrfík {kxuLkwt sLkeLk Võík
127. During sewage treatment, methane is formed 12
(4) Gene for above given trait is found in females {kËk{kt òuðk {¤u Au.
(1) In anaerobic sludge digester
only 121. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke fÞwt ÷ûký Ähkðíkk ðxkýkLkk Akuz{kt,
(2) In tertiary treatment step
121. A pea plant having which of the given traits can yr¼ÔÞÂõík íkuLke þwØ òík{kt s þõÞ Au?
express its feature only in pure line condition? (3) In primary settling tank
(1) yøkúeÞ Ãkw»ÃkMÚkkLk (2) Ãke¤k çkes
(4) By aerobic bacteria
(1) Terminal flower (2) Yellow seed
(3) ÷e÷ku þªøk htøk (4) økku¤ çkes
(3) Green pod (4) Round seed 128. In which of the given interactions, both the species
122. RNA yýw{kt ..... Lke nkshe þfÞ LkÚke.
are benefitted? 12
122. RNA molecule cannot have
(1) r{ÚkkR÷ Þwhuraurelia
(1) 5Paramecium Mk÷ and P. caudatum
(1) 5 methyl uracil

(2) Ribose sugar (2) rhçkku

(2) Clown Í þfo
k sea anemone

(3) N-glycosidic bond (3)

(3) N- ø÷kÞfku
Fungi andrMkrzf
roots çkt
ofÄhigher plants

(4) Cytidine monophosphate (4) MkkÞxerzLk

(4) {kuLkkuVon
Orchid growing kuMVumango

Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456
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Open Mock Test-5 (Code-A) All India Aakash
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Series for
Series for NEET-2020

129. The r-selected organisms usually 129. ÃkMktËøke MkSðku

136. r-Choose the pairMkk{kLÞ heíku organelles that do not
of cell 13
contain any nucleic acid
(1) Show long life expectancy (1) ÷ktçkk SðLkLke yÃkuûkk Ëþkoðu Au.
(1) Plastid, mitochondria
(2) Have large body size (2) {kuxwt þheh fË Ähkðu Au.
(2) Ribosome, chloroplast
(3) Show extensive parental care (3) ðÄw Mk{Þ MkwÄe rÃkík]íð Mkt¼k¤ Ëþkoðu Au.
(3) Nucleus, vacuole
(4) Have short generation time (4) xqtfku SðLkfk¤ Ëþkoðu Au.
(4) Centriole, vacuole
130. Pyramid of number of a tree ecosystem cannot be 130. ð]ûk rLkðMkLkíktºkLkk MktÏÞkLkk rÃkhkr{z ... þfÞ LkÚke.
137. Which of the following may or may not be found in
(1) Upright (2) Inverted 13
(1) MkeÄk
chromosomes (2) ŸÄk
of a eukaryotic cell?
(3) Spindle shaped (4) Both (2) and (3)
(1) ºkkf
(3) ykfkhLkk
Primary constriction (4) (2) yLku (3) çktLku
(2) Telomere
131. Choose the odd one w.r.t. converters or
(3) íkhfku
131. YÃkkt Satellite
yÚkðk xÙkLMkzÞwM(4)
Mkt˼uo yMktøkík ÃkMktË
138. fhku .
Daughter cells produced after meiosis I are/have
(1) Algae (2) Hydra
(1) ÷e÷
(1) Genetically similar to (2)
k cell 13
(3) Diatoms (4) Angiosperms
(2) zkÞu
(3) Haploid
xBMk set of chromosomes
(4) ykð]]¥k çkesÄkhe
132. All of the below given are off site (ex-situ)
(3) Same ploidy as that of parent cell
conservation strategies, except 132. Lke[u
Lke ík{k{ ÃkhMÚkkLk (ex-situ) Mkthûký ÃkØrík Au,
(4) Always
rMkðkÞ fu diploid
(1) Wildlife safari park (2) National park
139. Scientific naming of organisms involve some
(3) Botanical garden (4) Zoological park (1) ðkRÕz ÷kRV MkVkhe Ãkkfo (2) hk»xÙeÞ WãkLk
universally accepted rules. Which of the given rule
133. Polyblend (3) ðLkMÃkrík WãkLk (4) «kýe WãkLk 13
is against the naming rules of ICBN and ICZN?
(1) Is recycled modified plastic 133. Ãkku÷eç÷uLz {kxu Mkk[wt ÃkMktË fhku.
(1) Scientific names are generally taken from Latin
(2) Is an electronic waste (1) yu ÃkwLk:[r¢ík ÃkrhðŠíkík Ã÷kÂMxf Au.
(3) Is a mixture of plastic and radioactive elements (2) R÷uuõxÙkurLkf f[hku Au.
(2) First word of scientific name denotes genus
(4) Cannot be used to make roads as it melts at (3) Ã÷kÂMxf yLku hurzÞkuyuÂõxð ík¥ðkuLkwt r{©ý Auu.
(3) Binomial nomenclature includes author citation
high temperature
(4) Ÿ[k
along íkkÃk{kLku Ãkeøk¤íkw
with generic namet nku
andðkÚke hMíkkepithet
specific (Mkzfku)
134. Identify the incorrect one for ozone. çkLkkððk WÃkÞkuøk{kt ÷uðkíkwt LkÚke.
(4) Generic name and specific epithet are
(1) It can be an air pollutant 134. ykuÍseparately
kuLk {kxu ¾kuxunderlined
wt ÃkMktË fhku.when printed
(2) In stratosphere it act as a shield
the«Ëq »kf nkustatement.
wrong E þfu Au.
(3) Its exposure may cause snow-blindness (2) MxÙuxkuMVeÞh{kt yuf õð[ (Zk÷) íkhefu ðíkuo Au.
(1) Yeast is a unicellular sac fungus that produces 14
(4) It is not a major greenhouse gas (3) íkuLkk MktÃkfoLku ÷eÄu ÃkkhÃkx÷ ytÄíkk ÚkE þfu Au.
edible fruiting bodies
135. ‘A water body has high BOD’. It indicates that (4) íku {wÏÞ økúeLknkWMk ðkÞw LkÚke.
fkuE Organism
135. ‘(2) s¤kþÞ ðÄwcausingBOD {qÕÞsleeping
Ähkðu Au.. sickness
su Mkq[ðu Au has
(1) Its DO is also high
(1) íkuflagella
{kt DO for
Ÿ[w nþu
(2) Its polluting potential is very high
(3) íkuInLke Agaricus,
(2) karyogamy
«Ëq»ký «uhðkLke ûk{íkk ¾qçkisŸ[edelayed
Au. after
(3) It has low amount of organic matter dissolved in plasmogamy
(3) íku{kt ykuAk «{ký{kt ykuøk¤u÷ fkçkorLkf ÃkËkÚkkuo
it (4) hnu
White ÷k Auspots
. seen on mustard leaves are due to
(4) It is useful for drinking purpose a member of phycomycetes
(4) ÃkeðkLkk nuíkwÚke WÃkÞkuøke Au.

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Open Mock Test-5 (Code-A) All India Aakash
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Series for
Series for NEET-2020

141. Organisms responsible for production of biogas 147. çkkÞku

141. Select økuMthe
k WíÃkkËLk {kxu match.
incorrect sðkçkËkh Mkseð ...... 14

(1) Are heterotrophs (1) rð»k{Ãkku

(1) Centriole»ke Au. : Helps in cell division in

(2) higher plants

fku»krËðk÷{kt ÃkuÃxezkuø÷kÞfkLk Ähkðíkk LkÚke.
(2) Lack peptidoglycan in their cell wall
(2) ûkkhíkk
(3) Nucleolus
yLku : Not
yurMkzLkk çknku¤kbounded
ÔÞkÃk{kt Sðebyþfu any
(3) Can survive at high range of salinity and acidity
(4) ykuÂõMksLk ðøkh Sðe þfíkk LkÚke.
(4) Cannot survive without oxygen (3) Chromatophores : Take part in photosynthesis
142. çkkuðkRLk MÃkkutSVku{o yuLMkuVu÷kuÃkÚke ..... Lku ÷eÄu ÚkkÞ Au.
142. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy is caused by (4) Protoplast : Is a cell without cell wall
(1) fkhf su yMkk{kLÞ Vku®Õzøkðk¤wt «kuxeLk Au.
(1) An agent which is abnormally folded protein 148. Oxidation of fats and synthesis of lipids respectively
(2) RNA ðkÞhMk 14
(2) A RNA virus takes place in
(3) çkuõxurhÞkuVks
(1) Mitochondria and rough ER
(3) A bacteriophage
(4) ykuAk ykÛðeÞ¼khðk¤twt RNA Ähkðíkk fkhf
(2) Rough ER and smooth ER
(4) An agent that contains RNA of low molecular 143. Lke[uLkk ík{k{ fux÷kf «kurxMx MkSðkuLke r¢ÞkrðrÄLku
weight (3) Mitochondria and smooth ER
÷eÄu ÚkkÞ Au, rMkðkÞ fu
143. All of the following involve activities of some (4) Peroxisome and mitochondria
(1) ÷k÷ ¼híkeLke ½xLkk
protists, except 149. A diploid plant cell, which is undergoing meiosis has
(2) zkÞyuxku{urMkÞMk Ãk]Úðe rLk{koý
(1) Red tide phenomenon 24 chromosomes. What will be the number of
(3) ËqÄ{ktÚin
ke ËnªLke çkLkkðx 14
bivalents zygotene stage?
(2) Diatomaceous earth formation
(1) MkSðku
(4) 24 {kt {u÷urhÞk hkuøk
(3) Making of curd from milk
144. yûkðíkeo
(2) 6 shkÞwrðLÞkMk {kxu yMktøkík ÃkMktË fhku.
(4) Malaria disease in organisms
(3) ÷ªçkw
(1) 12 (2) hkR
144. Choose the odd one for axile placentation.
(4) xk{u
(3) 48 xk (4) òMkqË
(1) Lemon (2) Mustard
150. ¾ku
145. xe òuz IIÃkMktdiffers
‘Meiosis Ë fhku.from mitosis’. Above statement
(3) Tomato (4) China rose (1) ðxkýk{kt
holds Mkqºkku –
true because ÃkýoLkwt YÃkktíkh 15
145. Find the wrongly matched pair (1) MkkRxÙ
(2) Mk{kt ftIIxfthere
In meiosis fûkfr÷fkLkw
– is separationt YÃkkt
of íchromatids
(1) Tendril in pea – Modified leaf (2) yu
(3) ÷ku{kt fktIIxcan
Meiosis k occur
– Ãkýo
kwt YÃkktíkhsomatic cells
(2) Thorn in Citrus – Modified axillary bud (3) zwThere
(4) tøk¤e{kt is
noË –DNA
t YÃkktíkh just before
meiosis II
(3) Spines in Aloe – Modified leaf 146. fýk¼Mkqºk yLku nheíkfý çktLku
(4) The daughter cells formed after meiosis II are
(4) Bulb of onion – Modified root
(1) çku Ãkx÷ Ähkðu similar
genetically Au su{ktÚto
ke yík:Ãkx÷ îkhk as
each other r¢MxeLke
well h[Lkk
as to
146. Both mitochondria and chloroplast the parent cell
ÚkkÞ Au.
(1) Have two membranes in which inner membrane
forms cristae (2) 80S rhçkkuòuBMk Ähkðu Au.
(2) Contain 80S ribosomes
(3) yÄo MðkÞík yøkefkyku Au.
(3) Are semi-autonomous organelles
(4) Vkuxku VkuMVkuhefhý{kt ¼køk ÷u Au.
(4) Take part in photophosphorylation

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156. Select the incorrect match. 15

(1) Glomerular – Inflammation in glomeruli
151. The partial pressure of oxygen in deoxygenated and 151. yþwØ yLku þwØ (ykuõMkesLkrðrnLk yLku
oxygenated blood in mm Hg respectively is nephritis
ykuõMkesLkÞwõík) ÁrÄh{kt ykuõMkesLkLkwt yktrþf Ëkçk
(1) 159 and 104 (2) 95 and 45 (2) Gout
..... – . Accumulation of pyruvic
mm Hg nkuÞ Au
(3) 45 and 40 (4) 40 and 95 acid(2)
in joints
(1) 159 yLku 104 95 yLku 45
152. Volume of air that remains in the lungs even after
forced exhalation is termed (3) 45
(3) Glycosuria
yLku 40 – Presence
(4) 40of glucose
yLku 95 in urine
(1) Expiratory reserve volume (4) Renal
152. çk÷Ãkq ðohf calculi
WåAðkMk– çkkË
VuVMkk{kt hnuof insoluble
÷ nðkLkw t fË
(2) Residual volume ..... fnuðkÞ Au. masses of crystallised salts

(3) Inspiratory reserve volume (1) yufðkÞhuxhe ðkuÕÞwformed

{ within the kidney

(4) Tidal volume 157.(2) huMkezâw

Match the ÷Column-I
ðkuÕÞw{ with Column-II and choose the
(3) RLMkðkÞhu
correct xhe heÍðo ðkuÕÞw{
153. In the standard ECG of a normal person, end of
T-wave represents (4) xkRz÷ ðkuÕÞw{
Column-I Column-II
(1) Initiation of the ventricular contraction 153. Mkk{kLÞ ÔÞÂõík{kt ECG Lke
a. íkhtGliding
T- økLkwt ytrjoint
ík{¼køk Ëþkoðu(i)Au. Between humerus
(2) Beginning of the auricular diastole and pectoral girdle
(1) ûkuÃkfeÞ Mktfku[LkLkwt ykht¼Lk
(3) End of ventricular systole
b. fýo
(2) f zkÞMxku
Hinge joint ÷Lkwt þYykík (ii) Between the carpals
(4) Contraction of both the atria
c. ûku
(3) Ãkf Mktjoint
Pivot fku[Lkwt ytík (iii) Between femur and
154. Choose the incorrect statement (4) çktLku fýofkuLkwt Mktfku[Lk tibia
(1) The hepatic portal vein drains blood to liver from 154. yMkíÞ
d. BallrðÄkLkLkw t [ÞLk
and socket fhku.(iv) Between atlas and
kidneys. joint
(1) Þf] ík rLkðkÃkrþhk YrÄhLku axis
{qºk®ÃkzÚke Þf]ík{kt ÷kðu
(2) In the human RBCs, all their internal space is (1) Au . b(ii), c(iii), d(iv)
available for oxygen transport.
(2) {kLkðeÞ
a(iii), b(iv),RBCs {kt,
c(i), d(ii) íku{Lkwt ytËhLkwt yðfkþ 15
(3) Blood pressure in the pulmonary artery is more
(3) yku õMkesLk
a(iv), ðnLkd(iii)
b(i), c(ii), {kxu WÃkÞkuøke Au.
than that in the pulmonary vein
(4) Vw
(3) ÃVwMkeÞ
a(ii), b(iii),Ä{Lke{kt
c(iv), d(i)ÁrÄh Ëkçk VwÃVwMkeÞrþhkÚke
(4) Blood pressure in the mammalian aorta is
maximum during systole of the left ventricle.
ðÄkhu nkuÞ Au.
158. In the human body, the total number of floating ribs
(4) ûkuÃkfLkkrespectively
collar bones Mktfku[Lk areËhr{ÞkLk MkMíkLke
155. Choose the incorrect statement w.r.t human
{nkÄ{Lke{kt ÁrÄhËkçk MkkiÚke ðÄw nkuÞ Au.
excretory system. (1) 4 and 2 (2) 6 and 4
155. {kLkð WíMksoLk íktºkLkk Mkt˼uo yMkíÞ rðÄkLk þkuÄku.
(1) Nearly 70-80 percent of the glomerular filtrate is (3) 14 and 4 (4) 4 and 8 15
(1) ykþhu 70-80 xfk ø÷ku{uÁ÷h rVÕxÙuxLkwt ÃkwLk:þku»ký
reabsorbed in proximal convoluted tubule. 159. Complete
rLkfxðíkeotheøkqtÚanalogy w.r.t receptors
k÷k{Þe ¼køk/Lk¤efk andAutheir
îkhk ÚkkÞ .
(2) Ascending limb of loop of Henle is permeable to stimulus.
(2) nuLk÷uÃkkþLkwt Wæðoøkk{e ¼køk R÷uõxÙku÷kÞxTMk {kxu
electrolytes. «ðuþþe÷
Olfactory nkuÞ Au.: Smell :: Gustatory receptor :
(3) Descending limb of loop of Henle is ______.
(3) nuLk÷uÃkkþLkwt yÄkuøkk{e ¼køk Ãkkýe {kxu y«ðuþþe÷
impermeable to water. (1) nku Þ Au.
(4) Distal convoluted tubule is capable of (2) ËqPain
(4) hMÚk økqt[¤k{Þe Lk¤efkyku HCO 3– ykÞLkkuLkwt
reabsorbing HCO 3– ions.
(3) ÃkwSmell
Lk:þku»ký fhðk{kt Mkûk{ Au.
(4) Taste
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Series for NEET-2020

160. The sound waves in the endolymph of human 165. æðrLk

160. Choose íkhtøthe
kku {kLkðLkk
odd oneytw.r.t.
íkfýo reproductive
yuLzkur÷BV{kt cycle
MÃktËLkLkuin 16
internal ear induce a ripple in the A causing «ufemale
hu Au. suprimates
{kt A Lkk ÷eÄu B , C Lkk rðÁØ{kt
bending of B against C . (1)fu Au
sw Monkeys
. (2) Apes

Select the option which correctly identifies A, B (3) Humans

A B(4) Dogs C 16
and C respectively 166. Choose the incorrect
(1) heMkLkMko hku{statement.
fku»k xuõxkuheÞ÷
Ãkx÷ is produced by granulosa
(1) Inhibin f÷k cells in the
(2) ovary heÞ÷ hkuthe
inhibits { fkusecretion
»k heMkLkMko
of FSH.Ãkx÷
(1) Reissner’s Hair cells Tectorial f÷k
membrane membrane (2) Several hormones like hCG, hPL, estrogen and
xeBÃkurLkf arefýko
(3) progesterone ÂMÚkyku byytthe
produced zkfkh
(2) Tectorial Hair cells Reissner's f÷k økðkÚke
membrane membrane (3) Changes in GnRH pulse frequency in females is
(4) controlled hku{ fku»k levels
çkuMke÷h by circulating xuõxku
eÞ÷ and
(3) Tympanic Ear Oval window f÷k f÷k
membrane ossicles
161. hku
(4)øk Leydig
su nkÞÃkkucells
produce ÷eÄu Úkíkku LkÚke
in presence
(4) Basilar Hair cells Tectorial
membrane membrane (1) økúofuðLH
Lkku hkuøk (2) ¢uxeLkeÍ{
167.(3) Mkh÷human
During økkuRxhembryonic(4)development,
{eõMkeze{k by the end 16
161. The disease that is not caused by hypothyroidism is
of which week is the body covered with fine hair,
(1) Graves’ disease (2) Cretinism 162. fÞwt nku{kuoLk ËwøĆkðLkk Mkt˼uo «kusuMxuhkuLk {kxu
eye-lids are separated and eyelashes are formed?
(3) Simple goitre (4) Myxedema MkeLkoSMxef Au?
(1) 4 weeks (2) 12 weeks
162. Which of the following hormones is synergistic to (1) ø÷wfkøkkuLk (2) «ku÷uõxeLk
progesterone w.r.t. milk secretion? (3) 14 weeks (4) 24 weeks
(3) ÃkuhuÚknku{kuoLk (4) ANF
(1) Glucagon (2) Prolactin 168. In the process of oogenesis in a human female, the
(3) Parathormone (4) ANF 163. yMkíÞ rðÄkLk
formation þkuÄku. polar body occurs
of second
163. Choose the incorrect statement. (1) çkkW{u
(1) Before LkLke
birth økútrÚkyku ÞwrhLkeVuhMk Lk¤efkykuLkk
(2) Lkefxðíkeo Auzofu ykðu
birth÷e nkuÞ Au.
(1) Bowman’s glands are located in the proximal
At the time
end of uriniferous tubules.
(2) Constriction of skin’s blood vessels and (3) íð[kLke
(2) ÁrÄhðkrnLkeyku
Just at the beginning of Lonset
kwt Mktfofku[puberty
Lk yLku
contraction of skeletal muscles when it is too MLkkÞwLkwt Xtze{kt Mktfku[Lk, {Lkw»Þ{kt Lkfkhkí{f
(4) During fertilisation when sperm enters
cold, is an example of negative feedback in
cytoplasm t WËknhý
of ovumAu.
(3) The action of the autonomous nervous system 169. (3) ykt¾
If the Lke fefeLkwcycle
menstrual t Ãkhkðíkeo
of af{kLk MðÞt
human ðíkeo [uisíkkíkt
female ofºkLkw
36t 16
is pupillary reflex. daysfkÞo Au.ovulation
then . takes place on
(4) Endocrine glands regulate neural activity and th
(1) yt
(4) 14ík:†kðe
day økútrÚkyku [uí(2) 22ndøkríkrðÄLkw
kkfeÞ day t rLkÞ{Lk
nervous system regulates endocrine glands.
yLkuth [uíkkíktºk ytík:†kðe økútrÚkykuthLkwt rLkÞ{Lk fhu Au.
(3) 26 day (4) 16 day
164. Among the following, the first and last step in 164. Lke[u ykÃku÷{kt, {Lkw»Þ¼úqý rðfkMkLkwt «Úk{ yLku ytrík{
human embryonic development, respectively are 170. íkçk¬ku
ChooseAuthe. odd one w.r.t. analogous structures 17

(1) Syngamy, implantation (1) rMkLøku

(1) {e, øk¼o
Forelimbs of Mman
ÚkkÃkLkand cheetah
(2) Cell differentiation, cleavage (2) fku»k rð¼uËLk, rð¾tzLk
(2) Eyes of Octopus and mammals
(3) Cleavage, organogenesis (3) rð¾tzLk, ytøksLkLk
(3) Flipper of penguins and Dolphins
(4) Gamete transfer, syngamy (4) sLÞwMÚkkLkktíkhý, rMkLøku{e
(4) Wings of butterfly and birds

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Series for NEET-2020

171. The ancestor of modern day man who had the 177. ykÄw
171. rLkf a{Lkwsexually
Syphilis, »ÞLkk Ãkqtransmitted
ðos suLke {ÂMík»f ûk{íkk
infection, MkkiÚke
is caused 17
largest cranial capacity among the following is by theníke,
ðÄkhu infection
íku Au.of
(1) Homo sapiens neanderthalensis (1) Homo
(1) Neisseria gonorrhoeae
sapiens neanderthalensis
(2) Homo sapiens fossilis (2)
(2) Homo
(3) Homo erectus (3)
(3) Homo
Immuno deficiency virus
(4) Homo habilis (4) Homo habilis
(4) Human papilloma virus 17
172. If the frequency of the dominant allele in a 172. òu ðMíke{kt «¼kðe yu÷e÷Lke ykðíkoLk 0.7 Au, íkku
178. What is the primary nature of the drug that is
population is 0.7, calculate the frequency of ðMíke{kt rnxhku
heterozygous individuals in the population. obtained fromòthe
ÞøkMk ðiÞAtropa
plant Âõíkf økýíkhe fhku.
(1) 0.3
Painkiller (2) 0.21 (2) Antipyretic
(1) 0.3 (2) 0.21
(3) 0.42 (4) 0.7 17
(3) 0.42 (4) 0.7 (3) Depressant (4) Hallucinogen
173. òu «f]rík ðMíke{kt íku ÔÞÂõíkøkíkLke íkhVuý fhu Au su
173. If nature favours those individuals in the population 179. Choose the odd one w.r.t. viral diseases of poultry.
MkhuhkþÃkkºk {qÕÞ Ähkðu Au, íkku fnuðkÞ fu «kf]ríkf
which possess the mean character value, then it is (1) Pasteurellosis
said that natural selection leads to [ÞLk ..... íkhV Ëkuhe òÞ Au.
(2) Bird flu
(1) Stabilisation (1) ÂMÚkhefhý
(3) Fowl pox
(2) Directional change (2) rËþkøkík çkË÷kð
(4) Ranikhet
(3) Progressive change (3) «økríkþe÷ ÃkrhðíkoLk 18
180. Select the incorrect statement.
(4) Disruption (4) rðåAuË
(1) The world’s highly prized wool yielding
174. Select the option which contains only copper 174. rðfÕÃkLkwt [ÞLk fhku. fkuÃkh {wõík fhíkwt IUDs Au.
‘Pashmina’ is obtained from a goat
releasing IUDs (1) CuT, Lippes loop
(2) Some of the marine fishes that are eaten
(1) CuT, Lippes loop (2) Multiload 375, and
include Catla Cu7Rohu

(2) Multiload 375, Cu7 (3) Progestasert, LNG 20

(3) Homozygous purelines in cattle can be obtained
(4) Lippes loop, Cu7
(3) Progestasert, LNG 20 by mating of related individuals of same breed.
175. yMkíÞ rðÄkLkLkwt [ÞLk fhku.
(4) Lippes loop, Cu7 (4) Out-breeding is an important strategy in animal
(1) Mknu÷e {kir¾f øk¼orLkhkuÄf Au su [ÞrLkík yuMxTÙkusLk
175. Choose the incorrect statement. husbandry because it is useful in overcoming
Ãxh {kuzdepression.
inbreeding âw÷uxh Auu.
(1) Saheli is an oral contraceptive which is a
(2) MTP «Úk{ rºk{krMkf{kt Mkwhrûkík Au.
selective estrogen receptor modulator 181. Feature not shared by carbohydrates, lipids and
(3) øk¼oLacids
nucleic ke sLkeLkef
is that¾k{eLke íkÃkkMk {kxu Wßsð÷«ðkne
(2) MTP during first trimester is generally safe 18
fMkkuxe MðefkÞo Au.
(1) They are composed of carbon with functional
(3) The permissible use of the amniocentesis is for
(4) xugroups
Mx xâwattached
çk çkuçke «kuøkúk{kt f]rºk{ ðeÞoMkuðLk V÷Lk
detecting any genetic abnormality in the fetus
(2) fhðk {kxu ðÃkhkÞ
Monomers of Authese
. molecules undergo
(4) The test-tube baby programme employs
artificial insemination for fertilization 176. dehydration
{kLkðeÞ Ëun{kt fusynthesis
x÷k xfk to form polymers
÷Mkefk Ãkuþe MALT Ähkðu
176. In the human body, what percent of the lymphoid
tissue constitutes MALT?
Au(3)? They are found in acid insoluble fraction

(1) 80% (2) 90% (1)

(4) 80%
The molecules are (2)
together by covalent
(3) 50% (4) 20% (3) 50%
bonds (4) 20%

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182. Which of the following incorrectly identifies the 185. fku

182. ÷{ I {kt ykÃku
Restriction ÷ çktÄlength
fragment khý Mkk{u fku÷{ II {kt (RFLP)
polymorphism ykðu÷wt 18
structure given in column I with its corresponding
sigenerate fragments which are
ðyýwLku ¾ku xe heíku yku¤¾u Au?
biomolecule in column II?
(1) Used as vectors
Column-I Column-II
Column-I Column-II (2) Of the same restriction pattern for mutant and
normal -globin alleles.
(1) – MkerhLk
(1) – Serine (3) Produced by reaction of restriction
endonucleases and then detected by southern
(2) C5H10O5 – hkRçkkuÍ þfohk
blot analysis.
(2) C5H10O5 – Ribose sugar
(4) Always having in their middle a short fragment
of palindromic DNA.
(3) – ÞwhuMke÷
186. A market puts out a bin of tomatoes that have an 18
(3) – Uracil outstanding colour, flavour and texture. These
(4) CH3(CH2modified
genetically – Ãkk{exef
)14COOH tomatoes yurMkz
are the result of a
technique involving silencing of
183. {kÕxkuÍ, þw¢kuÍ yLku ÷uõxkuÍ yufçkeskÚke swËw Ãkzu Au.
(4) CH3(CH2)14COOH – Palmitic acid
(1) Bt toxin
fkhý fu...
183. Maltose, sucrose and lactose differ from one (2) Glyphosate
another due to the (1) íku{Lkk {kuLkku{hLke ðå[u ø÷kÞkurMkzef çktÄLkk ÷eÄu
(3) Meloidogyne incognita
(1) Type of glycosidic linkage present between the (2) ík{k{ þfohkyku{kt ø÷wfkuÍ økuhnksh Au.
(4) Polygalacturonase
187. (3)
íku{kt Mk{kðu
þ nudegrading
cell wall
fMkkuÍ {kuLkkuenzyme
{hLke MktÏisÞk
(2) Absence of glucose in all the given sugars 18
(1) þfo
(4) hk yýwyku{kt(2)
Cellulase fkçkoLysozyme
LkLke MktÏÞk
(3) Number of hexose monomers involved
184. (3) fýofLkk
Methylase s{ýk
(4) ¾q ýkLke h[Lkk
Chitinase ‘X’ Lku yku¤¾ku
(4) Number of carbons in the sugar molecule
188. yLku
The MkíÞ rðfÕÃkofÃkMkt
process PCR Ë fhku
in. which 94°C temperature
184. Identify the structure marked ‘X’ located in the 18
breaks the hydrogen bonds between the two
upper right corner of the right atrium and choose the
strands of the original DNA double helix, providing
correct option
the necessary single-stranded templates is
(1) Annealing (2) Denaturation
(3) Polymerisation (4) Ligation
189. Choose the correct palindromic sequence in DNA 18
(1) 5 – GATACC–3
3 – CCTAAG–5
(1) yuxÙeÞku-ðuLxÙeõÞw÷h Lkkuz
(2) 5 – CATTAG–3
(2) MkkRLkku -yuxÙeÞ÷ Lkkuz
3 – GATAAC–5
(1) Atrio-ventricular node
(3) rnMkLkk
(3) 5 – CCAATG–3
(2) Sino-atrial node
3 – CAATCC–5
(4) Ãkh®fsu íktíkwyku
(3) Bundle of His
(4) 5 – GAATTC–3
(4) Purkinje fibres 3 – CTTAAG–5
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194. The four sketches (A, B, C and D) given below 19

represent four different types of animal tissues.
190. Which group of animals belong to the same 190. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke fÞk «kýeykuLkwt sqÚk yuf s Mk{wËkÞ MkkÚku
Which of these is incorrectly identified in the
phylum? Mktoptions
÷øLk Augiven,
? along with its location and function?
(1) Chaetopleura, Aplysia, Dentalium
(1) [exkuÃ÷whk, yuÃ÷uMkeÞk, zuLxu÷eÞ{
(2) Limulus, Locusta, Pinctada (A) (B)
(2) r÷BÞw÷Mk, ðwfurhÞk, yuLMkkÞõ÷kuMxku{k
(3) Hirudinaria, Wuchereria, Ancylostoma
(3) rnhÞwzeLkuheÞk, ðwfurhÞk, yuLMkkÞõ÷kuMxku{k
(4) Pleurobrachia, Fasciola, Meandrina

191. Choose the incorrect statement. (4) Ã÷qhkuçkúurVÞk, Vurþyku÷k,(D)

(1) A common characteristic of all vertebrates 191. yMkíÞ rðÄkLkLkwt [ÞLk fhku.
without exception is the presence of a well
(1) ík{k{ {uÁËtTissue
ze rðLkk fkuELocation
yÃkðkË MkkÚku MkwrðÂõMkík
developed cranium.
e Ëþkoðu Au. Air sacs Form the
(2) Body of all reptilians is covered with dry and squamous of lungs diffusion
epithelium boundary
(2) ík{k{ MkrhMk]ÃkkuLke Ëin þw»f yLku þªøkzkðk¤e íð[k,
cornified skin, scales which are mesodermal
(2) (B) Simple Tubular
and they have external ears y™u þÕfcuboidal
Ähkðu Au su {eÍku z{o÷ Au, Secretion
parts of and
yLku íku çkkÌk
(3) In all chordates, notochord is present in fýo Ähkðuepithelium
Au. nephrons absorption

embryonic stage. (3) (C) Simple Fallopian Move the

(3) ík{k{ Ãk]c ðtþeyku{kt
columnar Lkkutube
xkufkuzo ¼úqýeÞ yðMÚkk{kt
particles or
(4) Sharks and Scoliodon differ from skates and nksh nkuÞciliated
mucus in a
rays as their pectoral fins are distinctly marked direction
(4) þkfo yLku Mfkur÷ÞkuzkuLk Mfux yLku hu Úke
swËe nkuthe
off from cylindrical bodies.
íku{Lkk Ãkuõxkuhu÷ rVLk Lk¤kfkh ËunÚke epithelium
y÷økÚke òuðk
192. Choose the odd one w.r.t. male reproductive
system of cockroach. {¤u(D)
Au.. Connective

bones of of
(1) Utricular glands 192. fkufhkuÞLkk «sLkLkíktºk{kt Mkt˼u Äku. blood
o yMktøkík þkucells
(2) Conglobate gland vertebral
(1) ÞwxÙeõÞw÷h økútÚke column
(3) Collaterial glands
195.(2) fkUø÷ku
Dense çkux økúconnective
regular tÚke tissue includes
(4) Seminal vesicles 19
(1) fku
(3) ÷xh÷ økútÚke
193. Improved breed of cattle and chicken are
(2) þw
(4) ¢kþÞ tissue
193. Zku
(3)h Adipose
yLku r[fLkLke
tissueMkwÄkhu÷ LkMk÷ku yLkw¢{u Au.
(1) Jersey and Leghorn
(4) sMkeo
(1) Ligament
yLku ÷uøkkuoLk
(2) Hisardale and Bikaneri ewes
196. An animal with a poison sting, aquatic life-style,
(3) Mule and Merino rams (2) rnMkkhzu÷ yLku çkefkLkuhe ½uxe
two-chambered heart and exhibiting poikilothermy,
(4) Bikaneri ewes and Merino rams is ¾å[h yLku {uheLkkuhu{
(1) Scoliodon
(4) çkefkLkuhe ½uxe yLku {uheLkkuhu{
(2) Hippocampus
(3) Trygon
(4) Torpedo
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Open Mock Test-5 (Code-A) All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2020

197. Selective estrogen receptor modulator which does 197. ytzÃkkík WÃkh yMkh Lk fhíkwt Ãkhtíkw øk¼oMÚkkÃkLkLkku yðhkuÄ
not primarily affect ovulation but inhibits
implantation is fhíkwt ÃkMktËøke{kLk yuMxÙkusLk heMkuÃxh Ãkrhðíkof .........
(1) Gossypol (2) Centchroman Au.
(3) Mala-D (4) LNG-20
(1) økkuMkeÃkku÷ (2) ÷uL[Ãkkuo{uLk
198. Small masses of lymphatic tissue occurring as
aggregates in the small intestine along the ileum are (3) {k÷k-ze (4) LNG-20

(1) Spleen (2) Peyer’s patches 198. LkkLkk yktíkhzkLkkt þu»kktºk{kt ÷Mkefk ÃkuþeLkkt Aqxk-AðkÞk
(3) Tonsils (4) Lymph nodes
Mk{qnku fÞk Lkk{u yku¤¾kÞ Au ?
199. Evolution of different species starting from a point
and spreading to other geographical areas as (1) çkhku¤ (2) ÃkuÞMko Ãku[
shown by the animals in the following diagram is
(3) fkfzk (4) ÷Mkefk økktX
199. Lke[u ykÃku÷ ykf]rík{kt yuf ®çkËwÚke þY Úkíkku rðrðÄ
«òríkykuLke Wí¢ktrík çkkË rð¼eÒk ¼kiøkku÷ef «Ëuþku{kt
Vu÷kÞ Au, su ...... íkhefu yku¤¾kÞ Au.

(1) Adaptive convergence

(2) Convergent evolution
(3) Adaptive radiation (1) yuzuÃxeð fkuLðsoLMk
(4) Analogy
(2)fkuLðsoLx Wí¢ktrík
200. Saliva in the mouth and tears in the eyes belong to
(3) yuzuÃxeð huzeÞuþLk
which barrier under innate immunity?
(4) yuLkk÷kuS
(1) Physical barriers
200. sL{òík «ríkfkhfíkkLkkt fÞk yðhkuÄ nuX¤ {w¾økw nkLke ÷k¤
(2) Cytokine barriers
yLku y©wykuLkku Mk{kðuþ ÚkkÞ Au?
(3) Cellular barriers
(1) ¼kiíkef yðhkuÄ (2) MkkÞxkufkRLk yðhkuÄ
(4) Physiological barriers
(3) fku»keÞ yðhkuÄ (4) ËunÄk{eof yðhkuÄ


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