Every Day

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WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
TOPIC Every day
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends
LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Present simple for routines
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of short simple texts
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 1.3 Use appropriate listening strategies in a variety of contexts
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words by using visual clues when a teacher or
classmate is speaking
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. To sing a song
2. To talk about everyday activities
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON 1. Students will be presented the new vocabulary by miming
each of the everyday activities. Teacher pretend to brush
teeth and while miming, say I always brush my teeth.
Students repeat ad mime after teacher. Teacher do this
with the other phrases and present new vocabulary with
LESSON DELIVERY 1. Students introduce the flashcards and play a circle game to
practice the phrases. Teacher gives out the flashcards so that each
student has one card. Students asked to tell the class what is on
their card.
2. Students will listen to a song about a boy called Mike. They listen
and hold up their card when they hear their action. Teacher plays
the recording once. Teacher plays the recording again. This time,
all students should mime all the actions as they hear them.
3. Students asked to look at SB p.15. Let them listen to the song and
follow the words before drawing a line to match the pictures, as
shown in the example on p.15.
Grammar Box
1. Teacher mimes brushing teeth and says I always brush my
teeth in the morning. Teacher writes the sentences on the
board. Students asked to guess what always means and
elicits that we use it to describe an action that happens all
the time.
2. Students do the same for the other two adverbs of
frequency sometimes and never, by miming 2 different
activities. Teacher elicits that we use sometimes when
referring to an action that doesn’t happen as often and
never for an action that doesn’t happen at all.
3. Students invited to say similar sentences that are true
about themselves. Students direct attention to the
grammar box. Teacher read the sentences out load and
students repeat. Students pointed out that the shaded part
of each bar indicated how often an activity takes place.
4. Teacher elicits that for he, she, and it we add –s, or –es to
the verb. Students asked to refer the table on the board
and say things they remember about their classmates.
POST LESSON Post Lesson Task 1 : Spot the differences
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item. , Choose an item. ,

Choose an item. , Choose an item.

21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK -
Moral Values –
Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
SUCCESS CRITERIA Students talk about everyday activities
REFLECTION Attendance:__/__
_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ pupils need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
TOPIC Every day
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends
LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Present simple for routines
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 2.1.2 Find out about and describe basic everyday routines
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of purposes in print
and digital media
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 4.3.2 Spell an increased range of familiar high frequency words accurately in guided writing
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. To sing a song
2. To talk about everyday activities
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Teacher play the song from Student’s Book p.15 Activity 1 and
encourage students to sing along.
LESSON DELIVERY 1. Students review the vocabulary flashcards from last lesson with
the whole class by playing a guessing game. Students introduced
the word cards as you do this.
2. Students grouped in pairs or small groups to play a matching
game with a set of flashcards and word cards. The cards are spread
out, face-down. Students take turns to turn over two cards to try to
find a picture + a word that matches.
3. Teacher reviews adverbs of frequency by encouraging students
to tell you about their daily routines.
Activity 2(SB page 15)
1. Students direct attention to the picture and asked what
they think Alex is doing.
2. Teacher plays the CD and have students repeat.
3. Students divided into groups of four. Students directs their
attention to the table and explain that they will take turns
talking about activities they always, sometimes and never
4. Students writes about the other members of their group
and will use he or she and add –s or-es to the verb
5. Once students have finished filling in their tables, in turns
have each group report their findings to the class.
POST LESSON Teacher play a word game to review the spelling of a few words
the students have found challenging to remember.
Post Lesson Task 1 : Spot the differences
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item. , Choose an item. ,

Choose an item. , Choose an item.

21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK -
Moral Values –
Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
SUCCESS CRITERIA Students sing a song and talk about everyday activities
REFLECTION Attendance:__/__
_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ pupils need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
TOPIC Every day
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends
LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Present simple for routines
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using appropriate
reading strategies
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of short simple texts
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using appropriate
reading strategies
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of short simple texts
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. To identify the means of transport
2. To talk about how one gets around
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON 1. Students plays the game Don’t break the chain
2. Students get to sit in a circle. Teacher says I always comb
my hair. The students to your right has to say what you do
and add what s/he does.
3. Students continue in the same manner. The student who
doesn’t remember an activity someone else has mentioned
is out of the game.
LESSON DELIVERY Activity 1(SB page 16)
1. Students look at the presentation and pointing to all the
people that they know, ask Who’s that? Students asked to
tell what they think is happening.
2. Students asked to point to the appropriate pictures and
follow along as the CD plays
3. Teacher plays the CD again and students encouraged to
shadow read.
4. Students has been asked some comprehension questions
5. 3 students acted model out the story. 4 students chose to
act it out for the class, roles assigned to each students.
Then students act out the story in groups.
6. One or more groups of students perform to the whole
Activity 2(SB page 17)
1. Students read the story again to match the questions to
the correct answers. Students compared their answers in
pairs, then check as class.
Grammar Box
1. Teacher point to Suzie in activity 1 and students asked
Does Suzie ride her bike to school? Students encourage to
answer Yes, she does.
2. Teacher point to John in Activity 1 and students asked
Does he take the bus to school? Students encouraged to
answer No, he doesn’t. Students direct attention to the
grammar box.
3. Teacher read the questions and answers aloud and
students repeat. Students asked similar questions and they
encouraged to answer.
POST LESSON Choose an item.
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item. , Choose an item. ,

Choose an item. , Choose an item.

21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK -
Moral Values –
Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
SUCCESS CRITERIA Students identify the means of transport and talk about how one gets around
REFLECTION Attendance:__/__
_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ pupils need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
TOPIC Every day
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends
LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Present simple for daily routines (third person He/She -s)
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of purposes in print
and digital media
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 4.3.3 Plan, draft and write an increased range of simple sentences
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of purposes in print
and digital media
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 4.3.1 Use capital letters, full stops and question marks appropriately in guided writing at
sentence level
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. Plan, draft and write an increased range of simple sentences
2. Use capital letters, full stops and question marks appropriately in guided writing at
sentence level
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Task 1: Work Out the Words
LESSON DELIVERY 1. Teacher reviews the flashcards by putting them on the board
and eliciting sentences I xxx every day and I
always/sometimes/never xxx from the students
2. Students grouped in groups (one group for each flashcard). Each
group should draft a sentence for their picture, I
always/never/sometimes xxx. One students asked from each
group to come to the board and write their sentence. Supervise and
assist as necessary.
3. Teacher reviews with students how to change the sentence to
He/She and adding the third person -s by giving example sentences
(talk about yourself and then about male and female pupils).
Teacher might want to write the sentences on the board if you feel
it is necessary for your pupils.
4. Students showed your completed worksheet and talk to them
about what you do every day. Students will do a similar worksheet.
They can write about themselves or about someone in their family.
First, they should write three or four sentences in their notebooks.
5. Students has time to draft their sentences. Teacher monitors
carefully and give corrective feedback as necessary. Students asked
to exchange their notebooks with their partner to check each
other’s work for mistakes (if you could not check everybody’s
6. Teacher hands out the worksheets and students asked to write
their sentences. When they have finished writing, they can draw a
picture in the larger boxes for each one. Fast finishers can then
write more sentences.
7. Some students can come to the front and present their work to
the class. Try to choose a range of students, not only the more
proficient ones.
POST LESSON Learning diaries:
Students asked to think back on their learning so far this week. In
their learning diary, they can write:
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item. , Choose an item. ,

Choose an item. , Choose an item.

21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK -
Moral Values –
Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance:__/__
_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ pupils need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
TOPIC Every day
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends
LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Present simple for routines
CROSS-CURRICULUM ELEMENT Creativity & Innovation
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 5.3 Express an imaginative response to literary texts
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through creating simple action songs on
familiar topics
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 5.1 Demonstrate appreciation through non-verbal responses
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 5.1.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and songs
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through creating simple action songs on
familiar topics
2. Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and songs
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students asked to show you their toothbrushes. Students asked
questions and talk to them about the colour, size and type of
toothbrush they have.
LESSON DELIVERY 1. Students work in pairs to compare their toothbrushes. They
should try to make at least two sentences comparing them, e.g.
their colour: My toothbrush is red; Izzi’s toothbrush is pink; their
design: His toothbrush is a Spiderman toothbrush; her toothbrush
is an electric toothbrush, etc.
2. Students asked to show you how they brush their teeth. On the
board, draw some arrows to show up, down, left and right, round
and round. Students asked to move their toothbrushes in the
direction you tell them: Brush left; brush round and round etc.
3. Students hear a song and watch a cartoon about brushing your
teeth. Teacher plays the video a first time and ask some questions
while the song is playing, as you would with a story (e.g. What time
is it? Where is he? What has he got? What colour is his toothbrush?
5. Students will hear the song again, and this time they should
mime with their toothbrushes. Students encouraged to sing along
too if possible.
6. Using a daily routine flashcard, students shows how to change
the lyrics, e.g. ‘This is the way we wash our hair, wash our hair,
wash our hair. We do it in the morning/evening.’
Students work in groups of three or four to choose a daily routine
action and make a new verse of the song. They should practice the
actions together.
7. Each group perform their verse twice. The rest of the class
should join in the second time.
POST LESSON Students asked about the importance of keeping their teeth clean
and healthy, the best ways to brush their teeth and, if appropriate
for your context, visiting the dentist regularly.
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item. , Choose an item. ,

Choose an item. , Choose an item.

21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK -
Moral Values –
Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance:__/__
_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ pupils need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
TOPIC Every day
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends
LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Present simple, Yes/No questions
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of short simple texts
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 1.2.5 Understand a wide range of short supported questions
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. To identify the means of transport
2. To talk about how one gets around.
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Task 1: Work Out the Words
LESSON DELIVERY 1. Students work in pairs or small groups. Teacher give each
pair/group a set of word cards. The set includes the words from
the main vocabulary, all cut up and mixed up (e.g. take / the / bus /
walk / take / the train / drive). Students should work together to
try to arrange them to make the vocabulary phrases or words.
Consider including some of the vocabulary from Student’s Book
p.15 as well.
2. To check the answers, teacher says the expressions in question
form (e.g. Does Ali always take the bus to school? and students
touch the words as they hear them.
Activity 3 (SB page 17)
1. Students direct their attention to the first picture and
asked Does he ride his bike to school? Students
encouraged to answer Yes, he does.
2. Students explained that they will listen to similar
exchanges and that they will have to write the numbers 1-
4 according to the order in which they hear the exchanges.
3. The CD plays once, pausing after each exchange in order to
allow students enough time to fill on the correct numbers.
Activity 4 (SB page 17)
1. Students direct their attention to the two children in the
picture and asked to guess what they are doing.
2. The Cd plays and students chorally repeat the exchange.
3. Students divided into pairs and they do the activity.
POST LESSON Task 10: Test Your Memory
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item. , Choose an item. ,

Choose an item. , Choose an item.

21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK -
Moral Values –
Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
SUCCESS CRITERIA Students identify the means of transport and talk about how one gets around
REFLECTION Attendance:__/__
_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ pupils need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
TOPIC Every day
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends
LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Present simple Yes/No questions
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 2.1.2 Find out about and describe basic everyday routines
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 1.2.5 Understand a wide range of short supported questions
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. Find out about and describe basic everyday routines
2. Understand a wide range of short supported questions
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Task 1: Work Out the Words
LESSON DELIVERY Activity 4 ( SB page 17)
1. Students direct attention to the two children in the picture
and asked to guess what they are doing.
2. Teacher plays the CD and students have chorally repeat
the exchange
3. Techer could draw the table of the board.
4. Students divide into pairs and do the activity.
5. A few pairs of students invited to do the activity in front of
the class.
Activity NTB
1. Students asked their partners about their parents (or
another family member, as appropriate to students).
2. Students monitored do the pairwork activity and review
the question-answer form if necessary after the activity.
3. Students will do a class survey. Students received the
worksheet (one per pair) and asked to write a question
(for example, Do you … to school? or Does your dad/mum
… to work?)
4. Students asked 5 pair (10 pupils) their question and write
yes or no for each student they will interview. They should
use the ‘Answers’ boxes on the worksheet to keep count of
classmates’ answers then add up the total when they have
5. Teacher uses a model on the board to show how to
complete the chart on the worksheet. Each block
represents one answer. Students should colour the
number of squares for each answer, for example, if 7
pupils answer ‘Yes’ and 3 pupils answer ‘No’, then they
colour 7 left-hand blocks and 3 right-hand blocks.
6. Students complete the worksheet in their pairs.
POST LESSON Students’ work will be displayed. Students asked to look at the
questions and charts and tell you if they are surprised by any of the
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item. , Choose an item. ,

Choose an item. , Choose an item.

21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK -
Moral Values –
Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance:__/__
_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ pupils need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.
WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
TOPIC Every day
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends
LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Present simple for habits and occupations
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using appropriate
reading strategies
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 3.2.4 Recognise and use with support key features of a simple monolingual dictionary
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using appropriate
reading strategies
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of short simple texts
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. To identify and describe occupations
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Task 1: Work Out the Words
1.Students was told this is your job – you are a teacher, and
you teach and help children every day. Students was told
that today you will help them learn to use a dictionary.
Students showed a dictionary.
LESSON DELIVERY 1. Teacher elicits and writes the alphabet on the board
2. Teacher writes the word cat on the board. Model using a
dictionary to find the word and read the definition.
Teacher put the pictures of the people from SB p.18 on the
board. Students shows the word cards and put them
randomly on the board too.
3. Students divided in at least seven groups. One word
assigned to each group and student asked to find the word
in the dictionary. Students have time to find the word and
then students asked which picture on the board they think
their word belongs with. For each of the seven words, one
pupil asked to come out and move their word card next to
the correct picture on the board.
Vocabulary (SB page 18)
1. Students open their books to page 18. Students directs
attention to the vocabulary section at the top of pages.
Teacher plays the CD a few times and students point and
repeat. Students says the words again in random order
and repeat after teacher.
Activity 1 (SB page 18)
1. Students look at the presentation and asked what kind of
texts they are and where they would find a page like this
one (in a magazine). Students look at the pictures and
asked to guess what each person does.
2. The CD played and students follow along silently. The CD
played a second time and students encouraged to shadow
read. The third time the CD played pause after each phrase
for students to repeat.
POST LESSON Students asked if they have a family member who is a firefighter,
doctor or lifeguard.
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item. , Choose an item. ,

Choose an item. , Choose an item.

21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK -
Moral Values –
Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance:__/__
_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ pupils need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.
WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
TOPIC Every day
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends
LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Present simple for habits and occupations
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of purposes in print
and digital media
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 4.3.2 Spell an increased range of familiar high frequency words accurately in guided writing
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 2.2 Use appropriate communication strategies
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 2.2.2 Ask for attention or help from a teacher or classmate by using suitable questions
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. To identify and describe occupations
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Task 6 : Finger-Writing
LESSON DELIVERY 1. Teacher introduce the new occupations vocabulary using
Grammar Box(SB page 19)
1. Students directs attention to the grammar box at the top
page 19 and read it aloud. Students repeat.
2. Students asked what they think What do you do? means
and when we use this question. Teacher elicit that we use
it to ask about a person’s occupation.
Activity 2 (SB page 19)
1. Students explained that they have to refer to the previous
activity in order to complete the activity and circle Yes if
the sentence is true and No if the sentence is false.
Activity 3 (SB page 19)
1. Students direct attention to the pictures and asked to
name the occupations. Then they have to number the
pictures according to the sentences
1. Students reminded that they can ask for a classmate’s help if
they can’t read a word by putting up their hand and saying I do not
understand this word. Can you help me, please? You may want to
pre-teach this phrase. They can also ask you this question when
they need to.
2. Teacher shows the worksheet (see below) and explain that
students will do a crossword puzzle. Teacher model how to read
the clue and write the answer in the crossword. Students work on
the crossword in pairs or small groups. Teacher monitor and help
students as necessary.
3. Students asked what their parents do (their occupations).
Extend pupils’ vocabulary as appropriate.
POST LESSON Learning diaries:
Ask pupils to think back on their learning so far this week. In their
learning diary, they can write:
 New words I remember
 Activities I enjoyed
 A skill I did well in (L/S/R/W)
 A skill I need to do better in (L/S/R/W)
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item. , Choose an item. ,

Choose an item. Choose an item.

Choose an item. , Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK -
Moral Values –
Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance:__/__
_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ pupils need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
TOPIC Every day
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends
LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS He/She + present simple ‘s’; means of transport
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and songs
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 5.1.2 In addition to Year 2 text types: simple poems.
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 1.2.3 Understand with support short simple narratives
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. In addition to Year 2 text types: simple poems.
2. Understand with support short simple narratives
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON 1. Teacher puts flashcards or a picture of a child walking, a
car, a bike, and a bus on the board or on paper. Teacher
draws a child next to the car, bike and bus.
2. Students asked to give the children names: 2 children
should be girls and 2 children boys.
3. Students was told that the four children will be the
characters in the rhyme.
LESSON DELIVERY 1. Teacher uses the four pictures to say the rhyme verse by
verse. For each picture, students asked to suggest actions
to mime the means of transport.
2. When teacher have used all the pictures, say the whole
rhyme again and students asked to join in with the words
and actions.
3. Student repeat step 2 until they can say the rhyme
4. Students write the rhyme on the board with the items of
transport missing. Teacher asked to copy the rhyme and
add the correct means of transport
POST LESSON 1. Students asked to close their books and divide them into four
groups, one group for each picture.
2. Each group asked in turn to perform the rhyme for their picture,
so that the class performs the complete rhyme.
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item. , Choose an item. ,

Choose an item. , Choose an item.

21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK -
Moral Values –
Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance:__/__
_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ pupils need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
TOPIC Every day
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends
LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Present simple for habits and occupations
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of short simple texts
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 2.3 Communicate appropriately to a small or large group
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 2.3.1 Narrate very short basic stories and events
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. To identify and describe occupations
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON 1. Teacher reviews the occupations flashcards as necessary for
your pupils with a game chosen from the list in the introduction
that suits students’ needs and interests.
2. Students asked what they would like to be when they grow up.
Use this as an opportunity to review some more challenging
occupations vocabulary from previous lessons.
LESSON DELIVERY 1. Students shows the worksheet and asked to choose an
occupation and draw it on the worksheet. They should
write the occupation word under their picture. They
should NOT write their name on the worksheet at this
2. Students will talk about the person on their picture. They
should plan what they are going to say. They could write
notes in their notebooks.
3. Students asked to work in groups of 6–8. Teacher tries not
to group pupils who sit next to or near each other. They
put their pictures together. Each student in turn talks
about their picture. The other students listen carefully and
guess which picture is the student’s. Students asked to
note their guesses/answers in their notebooks so that
feedback can be done as a group after each pupil has had a
turn speaking.
Activity 4 (SB page 19)
Students directs attention to Alex and Tony in the picture
and asked to guess what they’re doing. The CD played and
students chorally repeat the exchange.
2. Students explained that they have to choose an occupation
and draw it on a piece of paper. Students divided into pairs
or in small groups.
3. Students take turns presenting their drawing and saying a
few sentences describing their occupations, as in example.
While students are doing this, teacher go around the class
and make sure students are using the correct structures.
4. A few students chose to present their drawings to the
POST LESSON Teacher repeat the activity as a whole class with the students you
have chosen, providing plenty of praise.
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item. , Choose an item. ,

Choose an item. , Choose an item.

21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK -
Moral Values –
Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance:__/__
_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ pupils need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
TOPIC Every day
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends
LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Present simple (want to)
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 2.1.2 Find out about and describe basic everyday routines
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 1.2.5 Understand a wide range of short supported questions
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. To identify and describe occupations
2. To talk about what people want to be when they grow up
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON 1. Students play Guess the occupations. Teacher places the
flashcards of the occupations on your desk face down
2. Students divide into 2 groups. Teacher chooses 4 students
from the first group to come up to the desk and pick a
flashcard. The students look at the occupation without
revealing it to the rest of the class.
3. The students then have to mime the occupation for a few
seconds. When they stop, the second group has to remember
and guess the occupation by addressing each of the students
in the first group and asking them questions.
1. Teacher pretends to be a pilot, a farmer and a photographer
and students asked to guess the occupations. Then teacher
says the occupations and what each occupation does and
students get to repeat after you few times. Teacher stick s the
flashcards of pilot, farmer, photographer, take photos, fly a
helicopter, grow fruits and vegetables on the board.
2. Teacher points to each flashcard and says the word/phrase
and students get to repeat a few times after you and mime the
corresponding action/occupation at the same time.
Activity 1 (SB page 20)
1. Students direct attention to the picture of Lucy and Sue and
asked to guess what they are doing. Students follow along in
their books as teacher play the CD.
2. Students direct attention to the pictures of the different
occupations. Students explained that they are going to
conduct a survey. Students divided into groups of five.
Students direct attention to the table in the activity and go
through it.
3. Students will take turns to ask the students in their group
what they want to be when they grow up and fill in their
tables. When all of the groups are finished, teacher choose a
member from each group to share the survey results with the
4. Teacher draws a table like the one in the book on the board,
to fill in with the students results as they are presents. When
all of the groups are done presenting, teacher tally up the
results and see which occupations is the most and least
POST LESSON Teacher gives feedback on the activity including a focus on / review of
common problems.
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item. , Choose an item. ,

Choose an item. , Choose an item.

21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK -
Moral Values –
Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance:__/__
_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ pupils need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
TOPIC Every day
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends
LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Present simple for habits
CROSS-CURRICULUM ELEMENT Patriotism & Citizenship
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using appropriate
reading strategies
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by visuals and the topic
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using appropriate
reading strategies
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of short simple texts
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by visuals and the topic
2. Understand specific information and details of short simple texts
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Teacher put the names of some well-known Malaysian charity
organisations on the board (e.g. CRC (Community Recycle for Charity);
SPCA (Society for the Protection of Animals); WWF Malaysia (World
Wildlife Fund); WorldVision; other local charities the students will
know). Charitable offers during Ramadan may help explain the idea.
Talk to pupils about what the organisations do, using some first
language and providing English vocabulary where suitable.
LESSON DELIVERY 1. Teacher uses the flashcards to pre-teach the vocabulary.
2. Teacher shows the pictures from Student’s Book p.115 and
ask students which vocabulary might belong to each picture.
Activity 1 (SB page 115)
1. Students direct attention to the pictures in the activity and
asked to tell you what they depict.
2. Teacher asks more questions to help children nderstand the
meaning of volunteering. The CD played and students shadow
3. The CD played once again, only this time student asked to
point to the pictures that show each organization
4. Students asked if they are volunteers in an organization. A
few students choose to read the texts aloud.
Activity 2 (SB page 115)
1. Students explained that they have read the sentences, refer to
the texts in activity 1 and write the corresponding letter
according to which organization they refer to.
POST LESSON Students talk about charity membership. Each student asked which
organization they would like to join and why. All students participated
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item. , Choose an item. ,

Choose an item. , Choose an item.

21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK -
Moral Values –
Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance:__/__
_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ pupils need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
TOPIC Every day
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends
LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Present simple for routines
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of purposes in print
and digital media
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 4.3.1 Use capital letters, full stops and question marks appropriately in guided writing at
sentence level
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 4.1 Form letters and words in neat legible print using cursive writing
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 4.1.2 Begin to use cursive handwriting in a limited range of written work*
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. To identify the means of transport
2. To talk about how one gets around
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON 1. Students play the game Don’t break the chain
2. Students get to sit in a circle. Teacher says I always comb my
hair. The student to your right has to say what do you do and
add what s/he does. Students continue in the same manner.
The student who doesn’t remember an activity an activity
someone else has mentioned is out of the game.
LESSON DELIVERY Activity 1 (SB page 21)
1. Students direct attention to the pictures on the page and
asked what the boy is doing in each picture. Students asked to
guess which family member is helping him with his
homework in the first picture. Students direct attention to the
daily planner, read it out loud and asked what they think it is.
2. The Cd played and students follow along in their books.
3. Teacher asks comprehension questions
4. Students direct attention to the questions in the box and
students answer them based on their personal information.
Writing Tips (SB page 21)
1. Students direct attention to the box with the Writing tips.
Teacher read the Writing tip out loud and explain it to the
students. Then teacher read the examples.
2. Students write the sentences on the board and students copy
them and fill in the blanks when necessary.
3. Students compare answers in pairs, then check as a class.
Optional-Working Whispers ( SB page 20)
1. Students divided into two teams and each team sit in a circle
2. Teacher sticks the flashcards of all the occupations students
know on the board.
3. One students from each group whispers to the student sitting
next to him/her a clue about an occupation. That student
whispers the sentence to the student sitting next to him/her
and so on. The last student has to stand up, go to the board,
touch the corresponding flashcard and say You’re a farmer.
4. If the student is correct, s/he gets a point for his/her team.
5. The team with most points wins
POST LESSON Students asked to think back on their learning so far this week and
write learning diaries
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item. , Choose an item. ,

Choose an item. , Choose an item.

21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK -
Moral Values –
Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance:__/__
_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ pupils need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.
WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
TOPIC Every day
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends
LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Present simple want to + be + occupation
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 5.2 Express personal responses to literary texts
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 5.2.1Ask and answer simple questions about characters, actions and events of interest in a
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 2.1Communicate simple information intelligibly
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 2.1.5Describe people and objects using suitable words and phrases
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. To listen and read for pleasure
2. To revise and consolidate vocabulary and structures learnt in previous lesson.
1. Teacher sticks the flashcards of the different occupations on
the board.
2. Teacher choose one of the flashcards without revealing it to
students. Students received clues about the occupation you’ve
chose. Student guess who it is by calling out the occupation.
LESSON DELIVERY Activity 1(SB page 22)
1. Teacher hold up the book or stick blown up colour
photocopies of the story of the board. Students will listen to
and read a story with the title What do you want to be?
2. Students discuss the title of the story and asked what they
want to be.
3. Students asked which occupations they recognize in the
picture. Students asked to look at the pictures and guess what
the story is going to be about
4. The Cd played and point to each frame on the board. Students
encouraged to point to each frame in their books. Students’
prediction checked. The CD played again and students asked
to point to each speech bubbl and follow along.
5. Students talk about what in each frame. Th CD played again
and students shadow read. Then teacher play it again, pasing
after each line. Students repeat in groups.
6. Students asked comprehension questions. Students divided
into groups of six and they act out the story. Students rotate
roles so that every student gets a chance to play each of the
characters and narrator.
7. Some groups invited to perform for the whole class.
Post-story activity
1. Students draw attention to the value and read it aloud.
2. Teacher explains it and dscuss it with students using L1.
3. Students asked some further questions related to the story
POST LESSON Students asked to tell teacher what new words they have learnt today.
Teacher focuses their attention on what they learned from the story,
including the storyline, the characters and the message(value)
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item. , Choose an item. ,

Choose an item. , Choose an item.

21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK -
Moral Values –
Choose an item.
Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance:__/__
_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ pupils need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
TOPIC Every day
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends
LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Review of unit language
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 3.2Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using appropriate
reading strategies
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of short simple texts
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 4.2Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of purposes in print and digital
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 4.2.4 Describe people and objects using suitable words and phrases
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. Understand specific information and details of short simple texts
2. Describe people and objects using suitable words and phrases
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Task 7 : Beat the Teacher
LESSON DELIVERY Activity 1 (SB page 24)
1. Students direct attention to the pictures of the children and
they encourage to say the everyday activities depicted in the
2. Students explained that they will listen to six exchanges and
that they will have to circle Yes or No according to whether
the everyday activities mentioned correspond to the pictures
or not.
3. The CD played pausing after each exchange so that students
may have the time to circle the correct answer.
4. The CD played again and students check their answers.
5. Students check their answers in pair first, then check as a
Activity 2 (SB page 24)
1. Students direct attention to the picture and students asked to
name the occupations.
2. Students explained that they will have to look at the picture,
read the text and complete it with the correct form of the
3. Students compare their answers in pairs first, then check as
POST LESSON Students asked to think what they have learned in unit 2 and how well
they feel they know the language now.
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item. , Choose an item. ,

Choose an item. , Choose an item.

21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK -
Moral Values –
Choose an item.
Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance:__/__
_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ pupils need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.

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