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1. Practice 7 : Plans and Choice

Task 2 : Fill in the blanks according to your preference

1) Would you like to wear a T-shirt or a safari while on a tour ?

Ans : I’d rather wear T-shirt when traveling

2) Which do you prefer- coffee or tea ?

Ans : I prefera a coffee

3) Do you prefer teaching or practising law ?

Ans : I’d rather be a teaching

4) Would you like lassi or orange juice ?

Ans : I’d prefer the refreshing orange juice

5) Would you like to watch a horror film or a sosial play ?

Ans : I’d love to watch sosial play

2. Practice 11 : Help
Bellow are some situasion in which people you know tell you about a problem they have
make conversation in which you express willingness or offer help. Pay particular attention
to attitude.
A . Ayu plans to pay for drinks at the cafe but the money is gone

Ayu: “Hi Ninan, what do you want to drink?”

Ninan: “Oh I want to order apple juice”

Ayu: “This time I paid for your drink”

Ninan: “Wow, thank you very much, it’s really not possible for you to pay”

Ayu: “Yes because I just got a salary”

Ninan: “wow, congrats”

Ayu: (call the waiter to pay for the drink)

Ninan: “why is your face restless?”

Ayu: “My money suddenly disappeared. How about this, can I ask you for help?”

Ninan: “wow how come it can be lost, what should I help?”

Ayu: “Can I borrow your money? Tomorrow I will replace it”

Ninan: “oh sure”

Ayu: “Thank you well, sorry to bother you”

Ninan: “oh no problem, next time we have to be careful with money”

Ayu: “OK next time I’ll be careful”

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