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‘JESUS WAS CRUCIFIED IN THE MIDDLE OF -nsaperet manatee ee THE THREE SABGATHS AND THREE PREPARATION DAYS DURING THE SEVEN DAYS OF THE PASSOVER THE SEVEN OAYS OF UNLEAVENED BREAD fg 4 2 | 3 ~ai pie | SS. (amen ES ae | == | wearin t 1 Wegessay Tal faa Sealy Sin [eda ‘THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS ON A SABBATH MORNING Tah isan 7h Nisan “ein Nisan Tan PREPARATION DAY HIGH SABBATH PREPARATION DAY FIRST SABBATH eon “Thursday Fray a —" THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS ON A SABBATH MORNING “ath Nisan 7h Nisan “Th Nisan “Tin Nisan PREPARATION DAY HIGH SABBATH PREPARATION DAY FIRST SABBATH Last Supper > Conviction ‘The guarding of the tomb begins | The women prepare te spies Resurrection Day > Crucaion > Burial earsnes ewes 6 Eon Wednesday “Thursday Friday Saturday = * * Crucifixion Death Resurrection Ee ikea soi Nan a Preparation Day 5 ne 27 188 Neont4 14 a wen san? 17 Bopamecme "aie Preparation Day Preparation Day First Sabbath 2 8 wu 2» ae an aw sraaveone —'* beyeatee omer bey Sete Omer Boyramecme — Bystnecme "By petne Omer Preparation Day Preparation Day 2nd Sabbath fa a0 a2 a2 ma 2924 com Dorsnervecme eytetteone — Seyzatmeoner “Sey sutzeoner “Say tne omer Systeme Bayete Ome Preparation Day 3rd Sabbath Be aa ssa a oy te ne wie Dayar omer ‘oy te one 2m ‘oy ete one reparation Day 7 188 Nant 14 8 samone Hyaalsanay 1 Preparation Day Preparation Day 1st Sabbath wi » i au aw Ey Eisen ne Corvamcme — *Utscmecme © Siveme mer Preparation Day Preparation Day 2nd Sabbath SG izave ore Gey naeeomer * bartameone “oer isameome “ Emieamome | Preparation Day 3rd Sabbath rr 42 50 By isateeore —“Soyzoaenomer —° by21 ee ore gs Byatetme one 10 ay 21 one hz yn ne ome Pa om sete one Deysatte one Dye One Daye One 5 Eoyaremone Bay20 ee One ne ayaa ener Day 0st Ore 22 Boyer emcee wattle Ea ow [ee eee ee | smn #4 Beyssetmecrme "Bayete ome Preparation Day 4th Sabbath ne 182, 139 ug. 1g| Bayzretmmoner —"Bayzsetmecree —'°Bayzoermecmee "Bayonet me Preparation Day 5th Sabbath were wou 015 218 2| Dtetemoner —"Dayasettecmee "Day asertecmme "Bayar the Proparation Day 6th Sabbath =m 2521 na a | Boyttettmoner Baytzettmcmee "7 Bay tsehtecmme "Bay ate hee Preparation Day 7th Sabbath 32 ta 0 1| Elysewemore —*Baysootemcrme Preparation Day

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