Consumer Behavior and Services Markrting 4wZhUPaSxM

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Academic Year: 2019-2020

Program: B.Com. (Hons.) Year: 11 Semester: Ill

Subject: Consumer Behavior & Services Marketing Batch: 2018-21

Date: 26th November, 2019 Time: 3.30 pin -5.30 pin (2 hrs)

Marks: 50 No. of Pages:i

Final Examination


1. Attempt any five out of seven questions.

2. Each Question carries equal marks.

3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

4. please answer each question on a separate page.

Consumer Behavior se.rvices Mk

Mateocare Ltd a Delhi based company well known for its dermatologist recommended 10

skincare range,. introduced a new line of shaving products for men. The company is

already well received in the market for lotions and deodorants for men.

a.\Explain classical and Instrumental conditioning. How can the company use stimulus

generalization or discrimination to market their new range of products? (5 marks)

b. Is instrumental conditioning applicable to this marketing. situation? How? (5 .marks)

2 Discuss the importance ofsubcultural segmentation to marketers offood products. 10

Identify a food product for which the marketing mix should be regionalized. Explain why

and how the marketing mix should be varied across geographic areas of India. (10

mark:s) 4/3
3 A research case study shared insights on how consumer behaviour encapsul`ates

various disciplines to captures the conscious and non-conscious aspects of a consumer.


of how it affects consumer behaviour.

Manish loves books and is a frequent traveller. He has decided that it would be more

convenient if he carried an e-book reader rather than multiple books in his bag during

his travels. Chalk out and explain the potential decision making process for Manish.



on impro-ving the customer experience through engagement practice customer

experience marketing. The goal is to stop selling products and services and start

meeting customer expectations and delivering personalized experiences. Analyse any

Marketing Experience you have had based on the six experiential components. Explain

the 6 components and state which were most crucial and why?

Core services and supplementary services can help firms to improve their service levels

and overaH client satisfaction. With the help of a flow & petals diagram identify, design


Southern cleaners based in Chennai decided to offer cleaning services to households

whose houses or apartments were affected by floods. The print and the media ads

which the company ran stated that company will use a patented system developed by

the US based world's largest cleaner and promised that they would remove all the

unpleasant odours from the flooded structures and leave a clean smell. The crews were

not used to cleaning flooded premises and were therefore trained to deal with mud,
milrdew and problems of making a flooded home or building inhabitable again. The

training could not be given for the required duration as the service was already

launched. Its sales reps who contacted owners of apartment complexes and shopping

complexes promised that the crews would come into an average size of an apartment

complex and have it looking and smelling like new one in two weeks. Those apartment

owners and complexes who employed their services commented unfavorably on sweet

smelling air freshener the company used to mask the foul smell and noted that the

mouldy odour was still perceptible. Also the time required to clean a complex was like

four weeks instead of two as was promised by their sales representatives.

a.Explain the service gaps enumerated in the above example (5 Marks)

b.Explain the strategies that can be used by Southern Cleaners to narrow and possibly

eliminate the gap. (5 Marks)


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