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Power of Thanks

A dialougue with Fareeha.

What is important in life? Money, relations, religion or assets? Fareeha took a sip of coffee

and asked this question to me and my wife. Fareeha was a 56 years old Aunt of my wife.

We were confused to reply. I said money and my wife replied relations, simultaneously.

Fareeha smiled and said you both are right but I am afraid your incompatibility may harm

your happy life.

“If you don’t have money how can you deal with wishes of your relations?” I replied.

“Relations doesn’t need money, they need attention, emotions and love with respect” argued

my wife”

Fareeha cut our conversation and shared her experience! “I think a man should lose all to get

all”. We couldn’t understand the claim of that old lady. Fareeha explained that in her young

age early after her marriage a time came when she losed all and then spent her whole life to

again gain that assets of life. She worked hard and earned money. Once upon in her life due

to a misery life she loosed her all relations. She forgot her religion. For the education of her

three children and treatments of her ill husband she sold all her assets like jewelry and home.

We astonished and were looking her with surprised sights. Fareeha told her husband was an

addict and never worked after marriage. This led her and her family towards a very miserable

life. She faced a lot of challenges in her life. But stood up with courage.

To whom you blame for such circumstances in life? I asked Fareeha.

“The life is not meant for blaming, it is meant for solving.” Fareeha took a sigh of relief and

said that she is wonderful for herself, only because she never thought to blame. She just

remained busy to solve her problems.

What about your husband? My wife asked !

He was addict, he didn’t worked in his life. Sometimes when I couldn’t have enough money

for his drugs, he used to beat me. I hide a little money for my children’s education health and

living. In start people in my relations used to help me but with a time they started to ignore

me. For them my recognition was just like the beggars. So I decided to do something in life.

I purchased a candle maker machine, some raw material and started to make candles and

selling them on shops. This made me busy 16 hours a day. Whenever I went to shops the

asked the brands. By time my earning increased and my children got admissions in

universities. I employed 15 working women who used to sell candles. After coming out from

bad times I again started to participate in family functions. I saw now with the power of

money and status I am prestigious in my society?

What about your husband? Said my wife

He is still on bed having the drugs. Freeha replied.

Why you don’t left her?. I mean he has no role in your life, your success even grooming your


Fareeha smiled! And took a sigh of relief for a while, and then said Yes!. You might be right.

But he made me such a woman.

How! I said.

Fareeha replied whenever I helped him, he say Thanks, I am happy with the power of this


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