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8/26/2020 Grant Guidelines

What types of support will be offered?

1. Local initiatives are prioritised through direct grants, based on reviewed project proposals,
which include clear guidelines on monitoring and evaluation of the project processes.
2. Both new and existing local projects are considered for direct grants: existing projects are
supported with the clear understanding of scaling them up by using unique or innovative
methodologies; new projects are supported depending on whether they fulfil the criteria set
out for specific project types.
3. Replication projects are supported through direct grants, where innovative ideas have
been successful and need funding for expansion. This applies to implementation projects as
well as product development.
4. Repayable grants are given to SMMEs and local entrepreneurs to develop or make
available simple technologies or services and create the necessary local markets. Local
entrepreneurs often lack access to capital markets to develop a business. These grants
assist them to get going. In the spirit of sustainability, the grants are repaid after a set time
when the business is established. If the business fails to become sustainable the grant is
not repeated unless the grantee clearly shows that its impact on the community warrants
the repayable grant to be converted into a non-repayable donation.
5. A combination of grants and loans is granted i.t.o. product development, manufacturing
and distribution.
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Grant Foci

1. Strictly water and sanitation-related programmes and projects

2. Strictly water and sanitation-related education issues
3. Strictly water and sanitation-related technology issues

Grant Parameters

1. Grant amounts are determined by the scope of the project

2. Matching funding is encouraged

Grant Deadlines

Visit GWF on! Grant submissions can be made any time throughout the year and the Foundation will award grants
at the discretion of the Board and Management.

Grant Application Process

1. Letter of Enquiry:

To be considered for a grant, the initial contact should be a letter of enquiry. Please limit the letter to
no more than four pages (Arial 11 pt). Organisations proposing projects which fit the Foundation's
areas of interest are invited to submit a full proposal. The letter of inquiry must include the following:
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1. A description of the project and its expected outcomes as they relate to the Foundation's
area of interest.
2. A proposed project budget (no details needed).
3. The amount requested with an explanation of how the funds will be allocated within the
4. If you apply for the first time, please describe your organisation and its legal status.
5. Phone and email enquiries will not be entertained without the letter of enquiry.

2. Full Proposal
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8/26/2020 Grant Guidelines
View a Simulated Project Proposal (.pdf)

News 3. Grant Application

Photo Gallery When a full proposal is requested, all applications should submit the proposal with a completed
Grant Application Form.

View the Grant Application Form

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