2nd Activity L2

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If you are a Salesman, what Sales Personality you possessed and why?

Being a crew, I experienced different customers because of that I learned from it on how to communicate
with them. For me I possessed in emotional traits, why? Because you need to be prepare especially when
you are in work, clean your mind, separate the personal problem to your work.

Emotional awareness, or the ability to understand feelings, will help you succeed when
communicating with other people. If you are emotionally aware, you will communicate better.
You will notice the emotions of other people, and how the way they are feeling influences the
way they communicate. Sometimes, understanding how a person is communicating with you is
more important than what is actually being said. One of the important emotion the sales
person’s outlook. Emotions not only affect our results, they almost exclusively determine our
results. First, our own emotions affect our sales. When sales professionals are not connected
emotionally to their goals, they set themselves up for disheartenment, sadness,
discouragement, frustration, perhaps even disillusionment with sales in general, often referred
to as “burn out”. If you’re not emotionally attached to your goals, either get some new goals or
figure out what needs to be done to feel that burning desire to accomplish them. If not, you’re
setting yourself up for failure before you even begin.

The second important emotion is the salesperson’s feelings toward his or her product or
service. People sense our passion, or lack thereof, and that is what they’re buying. Prospects
are too busy today to want to spend much time gathering information. They want others to do
the research. But prospects are not stupid. They know that every salesperson is interested in
making a sale, at times regardless of whether or not that sale will be good for a particular
prospect. They base their level of trust on a salesperson’s level of passion for what he or she is
selling. Third emotional connect between salesperson and prospect. Rapport is not usually
considered an emotion, but I believe emotions affect whether or not rapport is built. Great
salespeople often hear their prospects say, “I just really feel good about you,” or “I really feel
like I trust you, and I don’t normally trust people this quickly.

Sometimes selling professionals are passionate about what they’re selling, but struggle to
communicate that passion. For those with more introverted personalities, sometimes their
passion is harder to perceive by those they’re communicating with. Emotion is the key and not
the emotion of the prospect. I hope it is now clear that the most important element of sales
and selling is emotion. And the most important emotion is the one found in the selling
professional. It is commonly said, “You can’t give love if you don’t have love.” The same is true
in sales: You cannot pass along the right emotions if you do not first own the right emotions.

What is your understanding on the meaning of Sales Personality
Every business is more than their product; a product no matter how good it is most often is not
enough to convince someone to buy it. This is what makes sales representatives important.
Every representative is the face of his or her company to clients, giving personality to an
inanimate product and business. A company’s brand and marketing strive to add personality to
the business, but salespeople really drive it home. This is where a salesperson’s personality
comes into play. A sales representative’s personality and attitude will shape the customers’
view of and feelings toward the product, company, and brand. The way a client feels about the
rep they interact with will often determine the way the client feels about the company, as well
as anything they sell, do or make.  A sales representative’s personality, then, must give clients
positive, confident feelings about the product or service they are considering. 

A sales person has characteristics vital to sales success. He is driven by challenges with a
mission to close. People may see a person with a sales personality as friendly and outgoing
but what they may not recognize is that he is friendly and a people-person with a purpose. He
speaks to people, assessing if this person may be a target customer. A person with a sales
personality focuses on one thing making the sale happen. Behavioral traits of a sales person
include assertiveness with an outgoing personality. Top sales performers rank on the top end
of the assertiveness scale. They are comfortable speaking up and asking questions. A person
with an assertive sales personality can convince a customer to agree with him and has no
reluctance in closing the sale.

People with high achieving sales personalities are motivated by the challenge to beat their
own track record and surpass all others. A sales person loves to be around people and can
easily form relationships. He is comfortable with social interaction and may be the one who
mingles the most at a party. There is a fine line between a person with a sales personality and
just another friendly person. A friendly person's focus may be on forming a relationship and in
the process, miss identifying target customers, whereas a person with a sales personality
shows moderation in affiliation and warmth, always focusing on the business prospect.


What importance of sales personality you think is more important

Be confident. Self-confidence, as the name implies, is one’s own confidence in

one’s abilities. Brown et al. explained professional confidence as something that is
inherently associated with self-confidence, professional identity, self-concept,
self-esteem, competent clinical confidence, professional self-concept, self-
efficacy, and critical thinking. Confidence is a subset of charisma. The best and
most charismatic salespeople believe fervently in themselves, their company and
their product or service. Confident salespeople act fearlessly and are willing to take
risks without worrying about hearing a “no” from a customer or losing out on a
potential opportunity. A salesperson who is confident of himself is very much
needed by most companies. They will sell each product confidently despite being
asked with various questions by customers. They need to act like they are an expert
and a problem solver when talking to a prospect, not like a person trying to sell
them something.

He/ She can confidently talk to the customers if his knowledge about the product
is perfect. Detailed knowledge about the product also helps the salesman to
remove doubts and suspicions about the products from the minds of the
customers. Demonstrating knowledge and acting this way is another great way to
gain the trust of your prospect or customer. With such enthusiasm and confidence,
customers will be excited and without much thought, customers will continue to
buy the product.

If a salesman is a little shy, the business opportunity is unsuitable for that person.
However, being a salesperson who has high confidence in dealing with customers is
not easy. If a person is always a person who has high confidence, they love their
company and they exude this pride when talking about their products and services,
because enthusiastic people always give their best. Every day they have a goal and
a goal in doing their job.

What Physical, emotional psychological and social traits is the most important
Everyone has been on the receiving end of customer service experiences that left us angry and
frustrated as well as experiences that left a positive impression. A recent study in the Human
Relations journal has shown not only that positive emotion from sales staff is contagious to a
customer, but that a satisfied customer also improves the customer service agent’s mood.
Employee emotions can have both positive and negative effects on the service experience and on
the customer, since the client sees it as the company’s attitude towards its customers, who
remain professional and practice "emotional intelligence" can boost a business' image of courtesy
and dedication to its customers. Positive emotions at work such as high achievement and
excitement have a desirable effect. Alternately, representatives who are unable to control their
anger or impatience generate an image of unprofessionalism and indifference.

Appearance plays a big part on the workplace not only in how your colleagues and
management view you, but also how you view yourself. When you look good, you feel good and
ultimately become more productive. The quality of your work might be the most important
thing but your appearance also leaves an immediate impression on your colleagues, including
management. Proper grooming and a professional appearance are important to gain respect in
the workplace. The way you look and carry yourself creates an impression on the people you
work alongside. Both men and women should take care of and look after themselves.

Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card, how you leave others feeling
after having an experience with you becomes your trademark”. A positive first impression is a
vital start to building a relationship with a potential client – you do not often get a second

It is said that when making a great first impression, the first five seconds are key. This tiny
amount of time will create a lasting impact and forge the direction of a relationship. A warm
and sincere welcome gives a sense of caring and makes people feel appreciated, as well as
making them feel that they have made a good choice in using a business in preference to


What important aspect of sales personality you think is the most important

When I was done reading the lesson 2 the most important aspect for me of a sales
personality is psychological traits. While it is rarely spoken about, the similarities
between psychologists and sales people is perhaps even more significant.  People seldom make
this comparison because the goals of psychologists and sales people are so fundamentally
different.  While a psychologist's goal is to help another person with no personal gain, a sales
person's goal is to close deals.

When most people think of salespeople they think of energetic, charismatic, money-driven, and
relentless.  Psychology Today frequently stresses the importance of psychologists being able to
build trust and empathy with their clients, noting that this is a key trait of successful
psychologists. Finding a salesperson who knows how to connect, build relationships, listen, and
build rapport is important for your culture and success.

Listening is the most important part of any sales process.  The ability to ask provoking
questions, get your prospect speaking, and practice reflective listening will elicit the prospect's
pain points, arm you with the knowledge to close the deal, and get the prospect to trust you.
For psychologists, listening is the crux of their profession.  Asking questions and listening closely
enables psychologists to extricate their clients' views and fix problems.  
To be a good listener, psychologists and sales people must be naturally inquisitive, always
probing for more information to get to the root of their client's beliefs, wants, and problems.

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