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Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions

and recommendations gathered by the researchers.


This study was conducted using descriptive methods of

research and purposive sampling. The respondents of the study

are the 31 students who were pregnant during the year 2007-

2010. They are chosen because they are the one involved in the

study. The main tool used in gathering the needed data was

questionnaire and this study was conducted during the school

year 2010-2011.

Specifically, it answered the following questions:

1. How may the profile of the respondents be described in terms


1.1 Age

1.2 Age When Pregnant

1.3 Year Level when Pregnant

1.4 Family Monthly Income

1.5 Religion

1.6 Marital Status

1.7 Number of Siblings

1.8 Age of Parents

2. What year did the mushrooming of hotels begin?

3. What are the reasons on the prevalence of Hotels in

Cabanatuan City?

4. What are the effects of the prevalence of hotels in the City

as to its:

5.1 Advantages

5.2 Disadvantages

5. What is the implication of the study to the morality?

Summary of Findings

1. Profile of the Respondents in terms of:

There are 3 respondents have age ranges from 18-19 years

old with 10 % , 8 have ages of 20-21 years old with 26% , 13

have ages of 22-23 with 42% , and 7 respondents whose ages 24

and above with 22%.

Age when pregnant


There are 13 respondents who got pregnant at age ranges of

16-17 years old with 42 %, 7 respondents got pregnant at age

ranges of 18-19 years old with 23% ,10 respondents got pregnant

at age ranges of 20-21 years old with 32% and 1 respondent got

pregnant at age of 22 with 3%

Year Level when Pregnant

There are 13 respondents who got pregnant during their

first year in college with 41.94%, 18 respondents got pregnant

during their second year college with 58.06%

Family Monthly Income

There are 21 respondents whose family monthly income ranges

from P 20,001- P 30,000 with 67.75% and there are 10 respondents

whose family monthly income ranges from 30,001-40,000 with



The table shows that there are 25 respondents who are

catholic with the percentage of 81%, 4 respondents are Iglesia

ni Cristo with 13% and 2 of them are Jehova’s witnesses with 6%.

Marital Status

The finding shows that there are 19 respondents are single

with the percentage of 61.29% and there are 12 respondents who

are married with 38.71%.


Number of Siblings

The table shows that 5 of the respondents are the only

daughter of their parents with 16%, 9 respondents have only 1

sibling with 29%, 12 respondents have 2 number of siblings with

39%, 3 respondents have 3 number of siblings with 10% and 2

respondents have 4 and above number of siblings with 6%.

Age of Parents

The table shows that there are 10 respondents have parents

age ranges of 31-40 with 32%, 13 respondents have parents age

ranges of 41-50 with 42%, 5 respondents have parents age ranges

of 51-60 with 16% and 3 respondents have parents age ranges of

60 and above with 10%.

2. Year of mushrooming hotels in the City

There are 14 hotels built at present in Cabanatuan city

based on our study, from the year 2005-2006 hotels were just few

and it was ranging from 7 to 8 numbers of hotels, during the

year 2007 prevalence of hotels started to increase until the

present year.

3. Reasons on the Prevalence of Hotels

The reasons on the prevalence of hotels based on our

survey, Rank 1 is Boost of economy with weighted mean of 4.61

and interpreted as strongly agree, rank 2 is low cost of land

that are potential in putting up hotel industry in the City with


4.45 in weighted mean and interpreted as strongly agree, rank 3

is Encourage potential tourism industry in the province with

4.29 and it means agree , rank 4 is too many travelers that

needs lodging in their stay in the city with 4.19 and

interpreted as agree and the last is Prevalence of students that

are taking up HRM course with 4.10 in weighted mean and it means


4. The effects of the prevalence of hotels in the City as to its:


The advantages of prevalence of hotels in the city, rank 1

is will create employment and job opportunity for others with

4.61 and interpreted as strongly agree, rank 2 additional tax

for the government with 4.45 and interpreted as strongly agree,

rank 3 is a safe and convenient stay in the hotel with 4.29 and

interpreted as agree , rank 4 is Low cost of lodging will

emerge with 4.19 and interpreted as agree, and the last is there

is an alternative lodging area for them in case they did not

want to go home or decided not to go home because of distance of

their home with 4.10 and interpreted as agree.


Rank 1 is Short time period in the hotel encouraged others

to patronize the hotel in a small amount of money with 4.51 and

it means strongly agree, rank 2 is it will encourage couple or


in relationship couple to take hotel as their safe haven with

4.33 and interpreted as strongly agree , rank 3 is Encourage

pre-marital sex with 4.16 and interpreted as strongly agree,

rank 4 is Encourage teenagers to discover what’s inside the

hotels with 3.83 and interpreted as agree and the last is it

will reflect that the city has too many prostitutes that needs

many hotels to cater the needs with 3.53 and it means agree.


Researchers concluded the following:

1. We found out that students who got pregnant from the year

2007 -2010 have ages 22 and above. When it comes to their age

when they got pregnant, majority of the respondents were at the

age of 16-17. Students of NEC who were pregnant were on their

first year and second year of the college years , this implies

that during at their early ages, when they were just new as

college students, enters new responsibilities. In terms of

family monthly income, majority of the respondents have family

monthly income that can support their family and can send their

children at school even if it is a nursing course. In terms of

their religion, findings shows that majority of the respondents

are Roman Catholic .In terms of marital status findings shows

that majority of the respondents are single. Although they


already have their child, they are still not yet married it also

shows how these respondents involved in premarital sex. Finding

shows that majority of them are having small number of family

member because most of them have few siblings. Researchers also

proved that majority of the respondents have the younger age of


2. Based on our interview to some old residents in Cabanatuan

City there were just few hotels in Cabanatuan City at the year

of 2005 to 2006 but during the year 2007, prevalence of hotels

including La Parilla Hotel, Cabanatuan Travel Lodge, El Greco

Hotel, Manrio Hotel, Abby Gail’s Inn,Cabanatuan Lux Lodge, Casa

Carmelita, De Luxe Restaurant and Hotel, Magic Court, Texas,

Village inn Hotel and Restaurant, Microtel Inn And Suites, Sogo,

sky ranch etc. was started to increase.

3. Based on the result of the study, respondents agreed that the

reason why there are many hotels in Cabanatuan city is because

of the fact that the economy is growing, lots of visitors or

travelers who needs a place to rest when they are here in the


4. We conclude, that the prevalence of hotels can result to

employment and job opportunity for others and the traveler will

be having a place to stay which is convenient and low in price

and there is an alternative lodging area for them in case they


did not want to go home or decided not to go home because of

distance of their home. On the other hand, the prevalence of

hotels in the province may result to misconception among

neighboring province , it may reflect the province as an area of

having too many prostitutes and encourages many college students

to take hotels as their safe haven or encourage pre-marital sex.


The following are the recommendations:

1. Local government should implement strict rules and

regulations on the guest of the hotels, implement the

strict compliance of the guest that will be admitted to the

hotels so that they may avoid early pregnancy

2. Parents should properly guide their children regarding the

relationship that they are going to enter so that avoidance on

the consequences may absorb.

3. College students should study first before going into

relationship and the possibility of taking hotels is neglected

4. If possible student should not be allowed to enter the

hotels without their parents.


5. Proper information dissemination should be given to the

public about the advantages of hotel in the economy of the


6. Extra services should not be given by hotel administrator

to avoid misconception about the hotel.

7. Educate partners who are not yet married specially those

students about the factors that may affect their morality and

their future.

8. Another study should be conducted on the prevalence of

hotels in Cabanatuan City so that determination of the effect

among the Morality of every individual may achieved.


Implication of the Study to the Morality

The study educates every individual specially those students

for some factors that may affect their morality, so that upon

reading this material, they may aware on the possibilities of

consequences and they can prevent any negative morality trait

that might happen.



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Appendix A

Cagayan Valley Road

Cabanatuan City

December 21, 2010

Dr. Aurora R. Carbonell
Dean, College of Nursing
Nueva Ecija Colleges

Dear Madam:

The undersigned are Bachelor of Science in nursing students

in Nueva Ecija Colleges and are undergoing a research study
entitled “The Prevalence of Hotels in Cabanatuan City and its
Effect to the Morality” and the Nueva Ecija Colleges has been
chosen as the site of this study.

In this connection, the researchers are soliciting your

favorable permission to conduct a survey among the nursing
students who were pregnant during the year 2007-2010.

We assure you that the findings of the study will be

benefit everybody, especially the respondents, we will also
assured that all information to be provided by the respondents
will be held in strictest confidence and shall serve no purpose
except for the study.

We hope this request will merit the most favorable

Thank you.

Respectfully yours,

Cristine Fajardo

Christine Joie Fernando

Jenny May Galapo

Patria Roseanne Garcia

Approved by:


Dean, College of Nursing

Appendix B

Nueva Ecija Colleges

Cabanatuan City

December 21,2010

Dear Respondents:


In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the subject

Introduction to Nursing Research, we would like to conduct a
research study entitled: “The Prevalence of Hotels in Cabanatuan
City and its Effect to the Morality”.

In connection with this, may we solicit your sincere

cooperation in answering the herewith-attached questionnaire.
Please feel free to express yourself. Rest assured that all your
information shall be kept and strictly confidential.

Any support you may give will be highly appreciated. Thank

you very much.

Very sincerely yours,

Cristine Fajardo

Christine Joie Fernando

Jenny May Galapo

Patria Roseanne Garcia

Approved by:


Dean, College of Nursing

Appendix C
Republic of the Philippines
Nueva Ecija Colleges
Cabanatuan City

Part 1: Information about you, please supply the needed data.

Name (optional)_____________________ Parents occupation:

Age: Mother:
18-19____ Teacher___
20-21____ OFW___
22-23____ Buy and Sell___
24-above___ Nurse____
Age when Pregnant: Others (specify)______
16-17____ Father:
18-19____ Farmer___
20-21____ Teacher___
22-23____ Policeman___
24-above____ OFW___
Year Level when Pregnant: Buy and sell___
1st Year___ Others (specify)___
2nd Year___
3rd Year___
4th Year___
Family Monthly Income: Age of Parents:
P 10,000- P 20,000____ 31-40____
P 20,001- P 30,000____ 41-50____
P 30,001- P 40,000____ 51-60____
P 40,001- P 50,000____ 60-above____
P 50,001- P 60,000____
P 60,001- above ____
Religion: No. of Siblings:
Roman Catholic____ 0___
Iglesia ni Cristo____ 1___
Muslim____ 2___
Jehova’s Witnesses____ 3___
Others (specify)____ 4-above___
Marital Status:

Direction: This questionnaire seeks your objectives,

honest and fair evaluation of your perception about the
prevalence of hotels in Cabanatuan City and its influence
to the Morality. Please indicate your rating on the
different items by checking the rating on the corresponding
column provided.

Verbal Interpretation Values

Strongly agree 5
Agree 4
Fairly agree 3
Disagree 2
Strongly disagree 1

2. What are the different reasons on the prevalence of hotels

in Cabanatuan City?

5 4 3 2 1

1.Boost of economy

2.low cost of land that are potential in

putting up hotel industry in the City

3.Encourage potential tourism industry in the


4.Too many travelers that needs lodging in

their stay in the city

5.Prevalence of students that are taking up HRM


3. What are the effects of the prevalence of hotels in the

City as to its:

5 4 3 2 1
1.there is an alternative lodging area for
them in case they did not want to go home or
decided not to go home because of distance of
their home

2.Low cost of lodging will emerge

3.a safe and convenient stay in the hotel

4.will create employment and job opportunity

for others

5.additional tax for the government

a safe and convenient stay in the hotel

5 4 3 2 1
1. it will encourage couple or in relationship
couple to take the hotel as their safe haven

2. encourage pre-marital sex

3. Encourage teenagers to discover what’s

inside the hotels will reflect that the city has to many
prostitutes that needs many hotels to cater
the needs
5. Short time period in the hotel encouraged
others to patronize the hotel in a small
amount of money

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