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TLS Exam questions

1. After teaching the steps of writing a story Arabic teacher asked the students to write their own stories.
Which of the following statements is the best feedback to give to a student?
a. ‘Your story is weak, and you need to think of a better plot’
b. ‘Please review the writing instructions I shared with you at the beginning of the unit’
c. ‘Your story would be better if you described your characters in more detail’
d. ‘A good story but your story needs to be improved’
2. What is the type of attention that occurs when a learner focuses on a particular topic for a period of time
while simultaneously ignoring all irrelevant information that is also occurring?
a. Forced
b. Active
c. Selective
d. Alternating
3. In teaching classes with many low-achieving students, teachers struggle with time management. There is
not enough time to focus on all the curriculum concepts. To address this problem, it is better to focus on
the concepts.
a. Which are the easiest to finish, covering as many concepts as possible
b. Which are totally new and were not learned previously
c. Which are the foundation of the new concepts in the following year
d. In the first units, or first lessons, because these units are more important than the last units
4. What is the international comparative assessment that measures student learning in reading, which UAE
participated in 2016?
d. EmSAT
5. Information Technology is essential to teaching. However, teachers differ in the degree to which they
employ technology in learning and teaching. Which of the following options is the basic principle in
organizing the use of information technology in learning and teaching?
a. Information technology is one of the options that can be used to support visual learners
b. Information technology distracts students, wastes lesson time, and often leads students to
undesirable practices
c. The use of information technology should be based on its value in achieving the targeted
educational goals
d. The use of information technology is an objective in itself, it must be planned for in parallel with
other educational goals
6. What is the main benefit of giving clear instructions for classroom activities?
a. Increasing students’ selective attention
b. Increasing students’ readiness
c. Increasing students’ self-efficacy
d. Increasing teaching time
7. Which of the following factors further contributes to reducing the classroom-learning time?
a. A high number of students in the class
b. Insufficient resources
c. Diversity of individual differences among students
d. School administration negligence
8. Which of the following emotional intelligence components could be considered as the third step in
attaining a high level of emotional intelligence?
a. Self-awareness
b. Self-regulation
c. Empathy
d. Motivation
9. Which of the following educational practices can reduce the intrinsic motivation of students to learn over
a. The excessive use of material rewards
b. Promoting the use of collaborative work
c. Increasing the number of school tests
d. Setting students’ evaluation criteria in collaboration with the students themselves
10. Which of the following factors is most important in helping the teacher to reduce students’ inappropriate
behaviours during the lessons?
a. Students’ prior knowledge level
b. Students’ proficiencies level
c. Students’ engagement level
d. Students’ achievement level
11. Which of the following teaching objectives needs to be rephrased?
a. The student should recognize the reasons behind catching the flu
b. The student should determine three basic features which are common among fluids
c. The student should record all their observations about burning a candle
d. The student should compare a desert climate and a temperate climate
12. The following statement can be included under which category
The human tongue has approximately 10,000 taste buds
a. Fact
b. Assertion
c. Hypothesis
d. Reason
13. While you are in classroom, there is a fire alarm. What is the first action you will direct your students to
a. Leave the classroom immediately through the nearest exit
b. Switch the power supply, water, if any
c. Lie down on the floor with hands on your heads
d. Stay in the corners of the classroom until the fire stops
14. Which of the following tasks is easiest for a concrete thinker?
a. Understand cause and effect
b. Understand similarities and difference between events
c. Generalize learning to new situations
d. Present an oral presentation
15. Why is it easy to deal with Cyber bullying cases?
a. Parents readily intervene to solve this problem
b. It can be easily ignored by the students
c. Evidence of it can be captures and saved
d. It is difficult for it to occur during school working hours
16. Which type of study involves repeated observations of the same variables or participants over short or long
a. Longitudinal study
b. Historical study
c. Experimental study
d. Cross-sectional study
17. Which of the needs among these is the basic need of Maslow’s hierarchical needs
a. Self-esteem needs
b. Belonging needs
c. Physiological needs
d. Safety needs
18. Which of the following practices would most help teachers promote equal opportunities in the classroom?
a. Using a variety of assessment
b. Planning lessons that reflect the uniformity of the students
c. Using hands-on activities during the lessons
d. Using stereotypes in examples and resources
19. Which one of the following factors has the strongest effect on the learner’s readiness to learn according to
Readiness theory in education?
a. The learner’s motivation
b. The learner’s cognitive style
c. The learner’s prior learning
d. The learner’s learning style
20. While implementing the role-play teaching strategy, why are students asked to try to figure out the way of
thinking of the characters they are playing?
a. To develop their imagination
b. To make the experience more engaging and memorable
c. For a deeper understanding of the characters
d. To help the students understand their own perspectives, goals, motivation, and feelings
21. What is the main benefit of giving clear instructions for classroom activities?
a. Increasing students’ self-efficacy
b. Increasing students’ selective attention
c. Increasing teaching time
d. Increasing students’ readiness
22. Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding blended learning and integration of
technology in the classroom?
a. Blended learning focuses on students’ learning, while technology integration focuses on teaching
b. In contrast to blended learning, technology integration in the classroom can be applied at different
c. Blended learning takes technology integration further by providing each learner with a more
personalized learning experience
d. Blended learning and technology integration in the classroom are the same
23. Which one of the following factors can cause learned helplessness in some students?
a. Repeated experiences of success
b. High learner self-efficacy
c. Repeated experiences of failure
d. Low learner self-efficacy
24. Which of the following facts if accurate regarding learning difficulties?
a. Learning difficulties are not issued with the brain’s ability to process information
b. Learning difficulties can be only verbal, and cannot be nonverbal
c. Learning difficulties usually cannot be cured
d. Learners with learning difficulties tend to have a low intelligence quotient (IQ)
25. How does bullying primarily affect the bullied student?
a. Increasing the student’s learned helplessness
b. Increasing the student’s hypothetical thinking
c. Reducing the student’s self-esteem
d. Reducing the student’s intellectual flexibility
26. Which of the following teaching strategies would be the best for a chemistry teacher to use when working
with extremely dangerous chemical materials during the lesson?
a. Inquiry
b. Case study
c. Demonstration
d. Cooperative learning
27. Students are assigned roles as buyers and sellers and are asked to strike deals and to exchange goods to
learn about marketing. Which teaching strategy is implemented here?
a. Simulation
b. Blended
c. Inquiry
d. Deduction
28. Which of the following statements is accurate about inductive and deductive teaching?
a. Deductive teaching is a method which moves from more specific to more general
b. Inductive and deductive teaching mean the same thing, and can be used interchangeably
c. Inductive teaching is a method which moves from more general to more specific
d. Inductive teaching is a method which move from specific to more general
29. Which of the following behaviours is considered an example of bullying?
a. A student hit his classmate after a fight between them which led to his classmate being admitted to
the hospital
b. A student has spread bad rumours about a group of students
c. A group of students refuses to mix with one of the students because of his strange habits
d. Out of jealousy, a student has repeatedly sent mean messages to a classmate who is academically
outperforming him
30. While the students were working on a task, one of the students completed her work in half the time of her
peers. What is the best strategy the teacher can use in this case?
a. Provide the student with more examples at the same level
b. Ask the student to double check the accuracy of her answers
c. Give this student more challenging problems
d. Ask the student to assist the teacher in supporting students who need more help
31. A mathematics teacher encourages the students to continuously solve problems in more than one way.
What is the best description of what the teacher is doing?
a. Being attentive to different learning styles
b. Encouraging students to develop cognitive flexibility
c. Being attentive to individual differences among students
d. Encouraging students to develop inferential skills
32. A teacher has a group of students who often struggle when answering questions. Which of the following
practices conflicts with the teacher’s intention to communicate to struggling students her positive
expectations for them and her support of their learning?
a. Rephrasing the question
b. Giving students some to adjust their answers
c. Praising the students’ attempts to answer
d. Redirecting the questions to other students
33. When students struggle to understand a topic, which is the initial strategy a teacher should adopt to support
a. Summarizing and repeating the main ideas of the topic
b. Identifying and addressing any misconceptions related to the lesson
c. Asking students to discuss the topic in groups
d. Enhancing the learning of the new concepts by introducing more classroom activities
34. Which of the following is unlikely to improve learner achievement?
a. Professional development on how learners learn
b. Professional development on instructional practices that are specifically related to the subject
c. Professional development on teachers’ knowledge of specific subject content
d. Professional development on how to assess learner attitudes
35. The statement below can be considered as:
If you add fertilizers to the soil, then the crops will grow faster.
a. Fact
b. Theory
c. Hypothesis
d. Law
36. Under which of the categories of Bloom’s taxonomy, the following statement can be included
The translation of an article from English to Arabic
a. Understanding
b. Analysis
c. Evaluation
d. Synthesis
37. Which one of the following procedures is the most important to ensure test validity?
a. Varying the types of questions included in the test
b. Allocating the test time according to the subtopics to be assessed
c. Including questions that measure higher and lower order thinking
d. Preparing the test specifications
38. While administering a national or international test to one of your classes, and after reading the official test
instructions, a group of students begin to ask additional questions regarding the test instructions and the
best items. What is the best thing to do in this situation?
a. Re-read the test instructions for students
b. Provide further clarification about the test instructions for all students
c. Provide further clarification about the test instructions only for students who have inquiries
d. Ask a student to re-explain the test instructions to the rest of the class
39. Out of the following which one indicates learning difficulty?
a. Dyslexia
b. Autism
c. Coronary disease
d. Physical disability
40. In which of the classroom set up does the learner assume the least active role?
a. Inquiry
b. Collaborative
c. Deductive
d. Inductive
41. What is the last stage of the Continuous Competence learning model?
a. Conscious competence
b. Conscious incompetence
c. Unconscious competence
d. Unconscious incompetence
42. Which of the following describes the difference between action research and academic research?
a. Action research is more likely to be quantitative whereas academic research is usually qualitative
b. The findings of action research are usually less generalizable to similar situations compared with
the findings of academic research
c. In action research, the researcher will not be personally involved in the research topic, while in
academic research, the researcher will participate in the research topic
d. Action research helps in solving certain problems while academic research does not
43. Which of the following activities during an introductory lesson would best support a teacher’s ability to
identify student misconceptions about the lesson topic?
a. Allowing students to review a variety of resources on the lesson topic and having them share one
thing they learned from their review
b. Asking students to brainstorm a list of things they want to learn about the lesson topic
c. Showing students, a series of statements about the lesson topic and having them rate each statement
as true or false
d. Pre assessing students’ knowledge of academic vocabulary related to the lesson topic
44. The graph below shows the rate at which something is forgotten after it is initially learned (A) and
reviewed (B, C, D). After which learning or review event does forgetting happen the fastest?

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
45. On attaining self-accomplishment you are in which level of Maslow’s hierarchy?
a. Physiological needs
b. Belonging needs
c. Self-actualization needs
d. Self-esteem needs
46. You believe that you cannot succeed as exams are not the right way to access. What type of learned
helplessness is this:
a. Internal stable
b. Internal unstable
c. External stable
d. External unstable
47. You are able to focus on a single item in spite of many distractions. What type of attention is this:
a. Focused
b. Selective
c. Divided
d. Executive
48. When is a child most ready to learn
a. When asking a question
b. When doing an activity
c. When answering in the class
d. When writing an exam
49. Research data that has not been used for previous study is called:
a. Observational data
b. Experimental data
c. Primary data
d. Secondary data
50. What do we call the assessment that reflects students’ achievements, evaluates them in real life situations,
and immerses them in tasks of high value?
a. Constructive
b. Qualitative
c. Authentic
d. Quantitative
51. What changes should be made in the following feedback given to the students that will help the teacher to
create a positive learning environment
We talked about this yesterday, did you forget?
a. ‘You need to try harder’
b. ‘You are supposed to remember the points discussed in the class’
c. ‘You had done this so well yesterday. I know you can get it today’
d. ‘I think you were inattentive when this was stated in the class yesterday’
52. One of the problems faced by teachers is the ability of some students to internalize concepts and learning
experiences, especially experiences that are totally new to them. Consequently, student learning tends to
be shallow and soon forgotten. What is the best technique to deal with this problem?
a. Including the new concepts in both formative and summative assessments
b. Organizing the concepts and the new learning experiences, so that it begins with the concrete, then
moves to the semi-concrete and gradually to the abstract
c. Organizing the concepts and the new learning experiences so that students start with the abstract,
then move to the semi-concrete and gradually to the concrete
d. Excluding any complex concepts from summative assessments
53. What is the action that helps students more for deep processing of information before answer the teacher’s
a. Raising students’ motivation towards learning
b. Wait time after the teacher asked the question
c. Teacher’s voice tone during asking the question
d. Setting clear instructions at the beginning of the lesson
54. Which of the following tasks is at the level of ‘synthesis’ according to Bloom’s Taxonomy of cognitive
a. Analyzing the relationships between concepts
b. Justifying a decision
c. Planning for a project
d. Translating an article
55. For which of the following concepts would the use of YouTube video clips be most effective to facilitate
student learning?
a. Concrete concepts
b. Alternative concepts
c. Abstract concepts
d. Social concepts
56. In a lesson that focuses on the issue of prices in local markets, the teacher distributed a worksheet that
includes a text about a number of assumptions and data related to the cause of the issue. Students were
asked to answer the following questions
 Decide which assumptions are correct and which ones are wrong
 Justify and support your decision with the appropriate evidence
Which strategy has been implemented in this lesson?
a. Inquiry
b. Critical thinking
c. Induction
d. Self-learning
57. Which one of the following statements represents a difference between a project and project-based
a. Project-based learning focuses mainly on the final product, and the project focuses on both the
process and final product
b. Project-based learning requires teacher guidance and team collaboration, while the project could be
done without teacher guidance and team collaboration
c. A project needs more planning than project-based learning
d. Both are the same thing and can be used interchangeably
58. Which of the following forms of professional development help the teacher further bridge the gap between
theoretical knowledge and practical application?
a. Brainstorming sessions
b. Educational conferences
c. Educational literature review
d. Training workshops
59. A teacher noticed that some of what students had learnt was forgotten. The teacher then started to plan
some lessons based on the principles of meaningful learning theories. What are the best practices that can
help the teacher achieve his goal?
a. Prepare a sufficient number of activities to help students practice the new learning inside and
outside the classroom
b. Praise outstanding students
c. Connect the topic of the lesson to the students’ prior knowledge through asking essential questions
at the beginning of the lesson
d. Form work groups, that work collaboratively and coherently
60. For which learning style would activities based on computer graphics, maps, graphs, charts, posters and
diagrams be the most suitable?
a. Tactile learners
b. Auditory learners
c. Kinesthetic learners
d. Visual learners
61. What is the most effective tool for collecting data to study the relationship between students’ achievement
and the number of days of attendance?
a. Distributing a questionnaire to the students, teachers and parents
b. Administrating student achievement tests
c. Conducting interviews with students, teachers and parents
d. Reviewing the records and documents related to the study
62. The graph below illustrates the relationship between student motivation level and academic performance.
Which of the following statements about the relationship is most accurate?

a. An acceptable level of student motivation results in a moderate level of academic performance

b. A very high level of student motivation maximizes their academic performance
c. Students’ motivation level always affects their academic performance positively
d. A very high level of student motivation affects their academic performance negatively
63. Which of the following statements about students’ self-efficacy is most accurate?
a. Students with high levels of self-efficacy work harder and persist longer
b. Students with high levels of self-efficacy participate less in classroom activities
c. Students with high levels of self-efficacy work and persist less
d. Studets with low self-efficacy are more tolerant of failure
64. Students learn most effectively when they are able to participate actively in the learning. Which one of the
following is the main cause for making learners passive observers?
a. Having fixed seating plans with students sitting in rows
b. Every teacher organizes their own seating plan differently for each class
c. A flexible seating arrangement with no permanent arrangement
d. Student seating plans change according to the requirements of the lesson.
65. Which of the following assessment methods is most likely to yield valid information about what students
know and understand?
a. Informal observation with a checklist
b. Student self-assessment
c. Peer assessment
d. Student journaling

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