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THEA ENIGESPHEH BE EMATA XS POY + TEXNS2N 3'7/2006 Tpageta Keopevour $x Aomvod, 108 75 Abhva. ‘yl. 210721.3016 xo 210.722 5030. Fx2107213916 Taxubpoen Bedeuvon: Gupie 3545, 102 10 Aatve ExSéeng-tieudursh ‘pions amare iano oppor Pape Spins Keloet, Eterporc keneroapoies Keron Béeay iitegmarnena a ohne "som Soro hem ASE, een Hvac boa. odes 0 Fetamste toe epepncion Tut exons Retiooes (5. agro ana} Oren, bs ‘ eae Tid onouboorts 96 € | ckawiide asco epo KTipio 80 Koromav orou Nondyou, Ml, ‘Toanshesp 32), Srrarort ros Tomer a 45. Slappa ara Siento von poroqpp Monn ‘Tedd toa tpt onan Eeeieermeree rimor Heyes va taipn Foyer hoyopes Tae, Soon pebaugee genoa erent enter pss Sa ce, ‘Se cyan et rene oar snes otantypente Anda Vn “Tod exdorm anayopeiera. sSerooni el wanapaywyés: Grketieen _ IB AIOE YNEPF ATIKH Soiree agnotecia: YoorTSiey Ranges emo” ‘stom Anreomev eptor epaig t TELS ANNUAL REVIEW DESIGN + ART IN GREEGE tices: '5Kleomenaus Sue GA-105 75 Athens, Greece ‘erztoraiaors ana 10725000 mianoe sing sss bl palate ee res eo omnis Fete Re oa ee extn Pav ng 0 pry (tx ma Gene €Coatopan, Farsoereams 80 P Gran Games eps, thcecus om b Poippcrane ee Peewee U8 150 pony Editorial assistants: a 1 epardEvanapoen el oy hr cdo A toeeteoa Peviket loner toni loa Pause chiar yes Coe Specie anatgeturaun on Sele sete tapas Ane aS cseitreraatnaiee Theanine at Papaos seeeter tee iene Sroogrph€ ne Secanecterant ent tcee we cer a ‘eens corr ons mos noua Saarinen and iy eoncma eri ‘The Maloney, ELLTE Lid, «Eris Set, Aventure i Geeace Press Neo ado. cn isoncoreiie 2. MONOGRAPHS, XVI CONTENTS: 1. FORUM RESEARCH 12. The iit of fer or the doight of arehtecture, DAFatoures 14 Whats algorithmic design? 8.0. Kotsopauioe 18 The geometry of teactals and its appiaton in architectural “design, MM Vyzantiadou and AV. Avdlas ARCHITECTURAL Offices - 1) 2 Sokratis Sirti, arhitects-urban planners Residence in Anthoupols, Nicosia architect S. Stratis ‘Coop square in Atienou. Service paviton, architect 5. ras Pavikon ina park at Athienou architect. Stratis Pavilion in an urban pak in Lakatamie, Neosa, architect Ss Svatis (ld port of Limassol, Cyprus, second prize architects SoSvatls and Mt Cosmas £38 ey NIKOS KTENAS 40. The geomeuy of sence, P. Tourin's 42 Tvee proposals onthe iit ofthe historical urban fabric ‘of Lugano, Switzerland, 196-2001 448 Transformation ofthe iakotont area of Ascona, Switzerland, 1999 Tyo urban projets, One geographical ein, elinzon- ubiaeco Constructing what the site awaits, PA. Croset Returing to Greece, Z. Kotsioni Contemporary and ancient emigrant, A. Simone Ofice and logis complex, Ino, Viola, 2002 tice and logistics complex, Thermi, Thessaloniki, 2001 ‘Automobile showroom and serie centr, Merouse, ‘Athens, 1855, ‘Twosaily house at Papegos, Athens, Nl, 2000, “Twosanily house at Papagos, Athens, 1098, House in Psychico, Athens, 2001 ‘Three residence comple, Ea Athens, 1988 Vecation house in Dimino, Korn, 1995 ‘Vacation house onthe stand of Andros, 1999, ‘The poetics of engagement, W. Messin ‘Simplictylcomplenty,S. de Gi? “A” as architect, A. Athanasiagou ‘A nomad's roots. The architecture of Nkos Klens, kTemme ‘Vacation house onthe sind of Samos, Marathocambes, 1098 Femily tomb and chapel, Gueyaqul,Equstr, 2000, ‘eropolie museum. nerational competion, Athen, 1990 How much tath can ton aplece of paper... KVassiiakou Biographical notes Ust of projects ets RLS R SRELRSsASe Aes 3. ARCHITECTURE Houses 100. Twortamly house in Aimos, Athens, architects Y¥iBvarchou, M. Nikofoutsou and M. Philppides 106 Vacation house on Antiparos island, architects deca ARCHITECTURE “142 House In Rodin, Achala, architects N. Travasaros and T. Travasaros 1116 House in Kapandi tica, architect A. Hohl 4120 House in Drossa, Ata, erchitect K, Valsamaki 124. Single family house on Aegina island, architoct H Messina’ 128, House and studio in Kissa, Athens, architects YeAnareadis and K. Glannopoules 132 House in Phermi,Atea, architect O. Papabarsiambous 136 Three residences in Nea Eres, Athens, architect yoReklamanis 138 House in Atmos, atnens architects L. Galata, Drissaies and T. Pepatcannoy 141 Threestorey house in Voua, Athens, architects AlMouretatos and M. Fuippopoulou (44 House in Nea Pentel, Athens, architects Deabaroumtin, G. Kavadse, A. Kalogiannie and Sp. Bouts 1148. Fivestorey apartment balding in Holand, Athens, architects. Abakoumbin, G. Kavradas, Ar alogiannie and Sp. Bout, 1152 Composer's house and studi in Nea Flothel Athens, architect M. Souvatzgis 153. Apartment building in Volos, architects K. Adamakis ange. Teavella pRovects/stupies 154 Resteuant in Chania, Cree, architects ACM, Nikforiadie and D. Skarake "158 Refreshment baron Letkads island, architects 1D: Abakounkin, G. Kaviadas, A. Kalogiannis ‘and Sp. Boutis 160 Automobile showroom, architects. Kepon and M. Pergamien 1162 International wine exhibition pavilon, architects G.Shourie and €. Stavropoulou 163. Wine tan, architects. Skourtis and E, Stavopoutou 4, VISUAL ARTS 1165. Nikos Alexiou. The invisible artist and the new space poetics, Teiziahie 97 Loukas Samaras ‘176. Panels Lazaiis. Reading archives. City digs, [Papadopoulos 1178. Kosts Volos. Bauhaus isnot our house, X.Ralpektsogiou “182 The apartment bling of Yee Béorgey "108 Varvara Mavrakak, “Homage” to Antigone “105. The memory of the walls. Maria Houlak's photographs. 1189. DESTE prize 2005 TI EINAl AATOPIBMIKOZ EXEAIAEMOX; ERTHPHE A. KRTEONOYAGE, APXITEKTRN 0 dpog akyopiOhexdg ovmpiverar oth xphon apaiperKioy Lmoheyorxd oxeBiaoueg nepuAsin —_REpIYpEpaY OAugUVA HE Tig TokAéG ka Sagapennég ‘yer teu, poceyviae Tod oxe5aqHO0."14 YOO, KOBE Kal UMORO VIO napaderypa, fy GAyopLBAK MOU Uncxovouy orig ousPageg autés pain tav texvno (1) To pyetextomns ox650 evar opanérpov Hag apxiTEKTOW, va mapoberyuo pag rero105, npéraong Bape and vy TexMMTG yovaMG, Eva Eva avaTHS ‘avalfmon ahyepOunv we6dBav —_Baypayia eva oUyBod ApxitextowKtig ovBeang, "Ero, i mapdoraon Thg oTaTIKAS xphon Tay irohoyiorKOv weBd3iwv —_aysTepIpOpLG TOV GepovteN TOY OXEB.GOyS BapetTaL auMmgug —_—_oTONYEIWY AG KaTaOREURC. (06 Gio Karnyopieg. H nocitn, Kai uovo f xofon yeweroiag epioadrepo TeXvIKA Kat orov oxeb:aqu0 npoimodére th Paoiovahonih, énmevrpive ory _xpfion UNoAoytopodeptacstepO nokovtous roo owr6c, To0 dépa, {no ante avarapaoraTH6 ué00, A ‘0 Kou, tiv Texvohoyia taW Yyewerpia unopel va éxe Babi, dnav, 7h BEATIN ovaTach éniuon —_BouKés éruMTedoNG iG rapsBOyUO, 6. H devtepn, ue nepioadrepo ovoxedovtag otiy Arhoroinan Tot ‘owveeriéc BAEYEIG eMmEVToLVEL TRoAUmAoKaU dvartapaoraTiKoo avi akyopeuh Nopayeyh uariatog Tig ZxoAtig Beaux Ars, XwpKaV oxéoEW Kai HopAaV.Nod 6 JIN.L, Durand katéAne oé a, ivan Béem aired Too Braxupioued 8080 ovrBEON Kara Try OnOIa ai ti eivar @dvoRGuKec oxeBIaoHsG; ——_Gxsia Kal of MoAUTOKTEER Ga émyephow va Siow wa ovr —_BravdFexgnpoéxunrav ano aha Gnavtnen He avawopés civ ioropia ~—-_-YeupeTpKd aToixeia (2) Euvendig, f ‘Th Epeuvag xai Tig npaKtiKng Tov emippoh Tay ovstraTOY inohowor ueou orov dvanapsoraone de unopei vi oxediaopo. napaBAcpeel de Enovow6ng ylati Tew, ¢ 6909 inohoyoudcr five deprra ovbeBauevg ue Th (computation) Exe spelg asics: yeueTpKh neptypaph ned vat Tov paquaré-apanto dvanapaorarne kai ouvéerK6 600. Anoho voy tty séxtiunone yon Hv avahunng Keno qudioviorit GcokGG Rai YeanETpag Kai SAYER Enxpére, 180g ti boyeva0n wag ‘iv artoroniaperaki ooh GAANAOUXing NpdEewy nou Kai Gvakoymg Gvanapactacng. H KataAhyouv € éva ouyxexpylévo ‘iia peraBaon oupBaive: of éva anoréheous. Erhy énoxh yas 0 dp0g —_aveTTpa UNOAOVIoTHS. Unoovtopbs neprAaufave erions ‘noponBoiuevoy oxed.aqu00 rod ai Tg BaKaoieg nov dxohouboWy ——_eraTpéne Td sicayouewa oxrpara ci hexrpovio’ inonovorés, H 8 épxGudg Kal apo exrtensoet TOUR, ‘nap Guug inoAoyeTh Bév civar ——_anarroiyevous GoxdunKoU davayraia ytd iy éxrékcon nohoyouotg Srtwconoel 1 nohoyouiv. "An thy énoxh rod ‘anoreneowa T6 napaeryya Te "AmoTOrEAN néniAvon nooBmGTa —_roTaOKEUC 6G Nooo eivaL 1 hous Tou TouelG The Epewvag ——_—EwBeuTd, HExtéheom vO {prov Merapon 1038028 2 Boi seit 6 (1882) CAD eres. Compt Ate Artec Deg urs Ebon Reseach, epson, Wasbden:Vinag. ‘Pal, (068 he For Boks frac, Na Vp Do. ‘4.541 Economou A (18980)

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