Earth Sci

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► The EARTH is a very small part of a vast universe but is our HOME.

It provides the resources that support our modern society and the
ingredients necessary to maintain LIFE.

► Knowledge and understanding of our planet are critical to our

social well-being and vital to our SURVIVAL.

Daily reports remind us of the destruction caused by:

- without PAGASA we can't prepare for the typhoon

- We have to know how strong, epicenter, will there be a tsunami

- Not a natural cause mostly because of human
- Either caused by Urban or river filling

- Can be caused by rain or earthquakes
- Also caused by human activities (cutting down trees)

► To comprehend, prepare for, and solve these and other concerns

requires an awareness of how science is done and the scientific
principles that influence our planet, its rocks, mountains,
atmosphere, and oceans.

Why is the earth the most important planet in the universe?

- All forms of living things can be found on this planet
Branches of earth science

► How Earth’s landforms and rock change over time
► Study of
- Earth's lithosphere
- Substances that make up the earth
- Processes that shape the earth
- How these materials and processes have changed the earth
over time
- Earth structures
- Search for fuels, minerals, study natural hazards, and
work to protect the earth’s environment.

► Two fields
Volcanology (volcanoes)
seismology (earthquakes)

- Helps predict and mitigate the effects of natural disasters

such as volcanic eruptions, major quakes, tsunamis, and
- Geologists are at the forefront of the quest for natural
resources such as oil, natural gas, and other raw materials.

► help predict and mitigate the effects of natural disasters

such as volcanic eruptions, major quakes, tsunamis, and

►Geologists are at the forefront of the quest for natural

resources such as oil, natural gas, and other raw materials

► involves a very broad area of study, only two of the major

fields are generally accepted:
- Physical Geology
- The solid part of the earth
- Earth's surfaces processes where the hydrologic cycle,
erosion, and weathering are studied
- Earth’s internal processes where tectonics and
volcanism are involved
- Historical geology
- Mainly concerned with how the earth has evolved by
investigating its life-forms through fossils
- Fossils are the remains of plants and animals
preserved on the earth's crust

► Branches of geology
- Study of nature, origin, and processes of changes of
landforms such as the rising and subsiding of continents
and mountains

- Study of the physical phenomena of the earth such as its
magnetic field, the flow of heat from the interior, and the
study of gravity including tides

- Study of the chemical composition of the earth and laws
governing the distribution of elements within the earth

- Those who map out the different layers of strata of the
different kinds of rocks that make up the earth
► Study of the ocean and ocean currents
► Study of earth's ocean - their composition, movement,
organisms, and processes

► Oceans
- Cover most of our plate
- Resources of food and other commodities
- A major influence on the weather and climate change

► Water is being cycled together with the atmosphere and

hydrosphere, which affects the different climates;

► Oceanographer
- study currents, storms, or waves
- Evaluate movement of subsea tectonic plates that might
cause rifting and tsunami waves
- Seek to understand and protect marine ecosystems
- Work for governments for the fishing or energy industries
or shi[[ing concerts
- Work to develop the ocean as a resource and protect it from
human impact - utilize the oceans while minimizing the
effects of our actions

► Branches of oceanography
Physical oceanographers
- Interested in tides, waves, currents, and how water
densities and temperature affect them

Chemical oceanographers
- Primarily concerned with the composition of seawater

Marine biologists
- Closely examine all life forms in the ocean together with
their environment.
► Study of weather and atmosphere
► Study weather and climate patterns

► Study of
- Atmosphere
- How processes in the atmosphere determine earth’s weather
and climate
- Changes in temperature, air pressure, humidity, and winds
affecting the weather

► A very practical science because everyone is concerned about

the weather particularly that of climate changes

► Types of meteorologist
Broadcast meteorologists
- Interpret and report weather data on television or radio to
inform the public and protect us when severe weather

Forensic meteorologists
- Determine how weather conditions may have contributed to
accidents or caused damage to property

- Study the large-scale weather patterns for a given region
over long periods of time

Weather -short term

Climate -longer term

► Branches
- Involves the study of the past and present climate concern
with longer variation
► Study of stars, planets, and space
► Study of the sun moon stars planets comets gas galaxies gas
dust and other non-earthly bodies phenomena

► Study of stars planets and space (NASA)

► Astronomy and astrology were historically associated, but

astrology is not a science and is no longer recognized as having
anything to do with astronomy

*Astrology -reading of stars

► Moderns astronomers tend to fall into two fields:

Observational astronomers
- In the observational field focus on direct study of stars,
planet, galaxies, and so forth

Theoretical astronomers
- Model and analyze how systems may have evolved

► Different types of astronomers

Planetary astronomers
- Focus on the growth, evolution, and death of planets

Solar Astronomers
- Spend their time analyzing a single star - our sun

Stellar Astronomers
- Turn their eyes to the stars, including the black holes,
nebulae, white dwarfs, and supernova that survive stellar

Galactic Astronomers
- Study our galaxy, milky ways

Extragalactic astronomers
- Peer outside of it to determine how these collections of
stars form, change, and die

- Focus on the universe in its entirety, from its violent
birth in the big bang to its present evolution, all the way
to its eventual death

Why is it important to study?

Earth is a dynamic state, it is in a continuous process of
changing and developing. Others would refer to earth as a living
machine because there are so many continuously occurring process
that needs to be explained

We need to understand the mechanism by which the only planet

that supports life functions

It is only through knowing this mechanism can we SAVE AND


Different scientists and philosophers of earth science

Aristarchus’ heliocentric model
Ptolemy’s geocentric model
Copernicus’ heliocentric model
Brabe’s model
Galileo Galilei
Kepler’s model
Newton’s model

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