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Research Title: Effects of Cognitive-behavioral Group Counseling on Student’s Academic

Performance of Grade 6 under-achieving students.

Research aim: The researcher aims to determine the effect of cognitive-behavioral group

counseling to academic performance of grade 6 students of Melencio M. Castelo E/S

Research Gap: The researcher may have learned through literature review that homeroom

guidance is initiated to conduct program to address the problem during modular learning and

according to review related literature, studies found that these students are still experiencing poor

academic performance this pandemic. For this reason, these students may experience low

academic performance. It was found out that no study has been conducted on the effects of

cognitive behavioral group counseling as a part of treatment to academic performance.

Why the need to study?

Dependent Variable – SF 9 Academic GWA

Independent Variable – Regular Homeroom Guidance, CBT.

Background of the study

Core elements:

Explain the research important

1. A brief discussion to what is known under investigation

2. An articulation of the research gap or problem that needs to addressed.
3. What the researcher would like to do or aim to achieve (Research goal)
4. The thesis statement, that is, the main argument or contention of the paper
5. The major significance or contribution of the study to a particular discipline.
6. Articulation of hypothesis of the study

Start the background of your study with a discussion on the meaning, nature and dynamics of the term
Cognitive-behavioral Group Counseling.

Underachievement is defined as a discrepancy between a child’s school performance and some index of
his or her actual ability, such as intelligence, achievement, or creativity score, or observational data
(Davis and Rimm 1985). DepEd (2020) Specifically, under-achievement is measured by the school form 9
(School Learners Report and Achievement) within numerical data of 75 below GWA consist of courses of
Science, Math, E.P. MAPEH, English, Filipino, and T.L.E.  San Antonio (2020) claims that academic
performance clearly affected the teaching and learning process that usually takes place in school this
times of pandemic. Certainly, our learners cannot avoid its impact on the academic performance of the
students. At present, DepEd claims under memorandum 20 that the counseling period is a part of the
class program. However, there is a need to update and improve its implementation guidelines. Some
schools reported that the Homeroom period is being used for classroom cleaning, an extension of
breaks, collection of reply slips, and the like. Clearly, the current practices do not aid the realization of
the program objectives which results in an unaddressed issue to academic performance (Diosdado,
2020). Hence, it is precisely in this context that the researcher aims to determine the effects of
integrating Cognitive-behavioral Group Counseling to homeroom guidance as a treatment to address the
academic performance of underachieving students. The researcher argues that there is a need to
determine the effect of cognitive-behavioral group counseling on these underachieving students so that
we can integrate cognitive-behavioral group counseling as a reference study in addressing the academic
performance during a pandemic. Indeed, it is only when we have performed treatment as a practical
solution to the problem. And in the case of students of Melencio M. Castelo Elementary School who are
having underachieving academic performance, determining the effects upon treatment of cognitive-
behavioral Group Counseling may be the very first steps in addressing the problem.

According to records and based on the researcher’s firsthand experience with students in some
elementary schools in the Philippines, indeed, there are students purposefully applied in a
psychotherapy group context by a person referred to as a counselor to remediate the academic
problem. The purpose of these counseling activities is to teach the knowledge and skills necessary to
avoid developmental problems effective in coping and adjusting to new normal. (Kahn, 2018).

As a matter of fact, The study of Brigman and Campbell (2003) also showed that elementary and middle
school learners who were part of the cognitive behavioral therapy and group interventions that
emphasized cognitive, and social self-management skills consistently exhibited good performance in
Mathematics and Reading. Furthermore, the study of schloesberg (2001) supported the
effectiveness of group counseling . They showed that there is a significant improvement in terms of
learners behavior, attitude and knowledge in the areas of goal-setting, problem, solving and career
exploration and school resoruces.

Given the above discussion, it is evident that there are students in public schools who are experiencing
poor academic performance results by the current pandemic situation. And as we can see, Cognitive-
behavioral Group Counseling may positively affect students but also their future career plans and total-
well- being. Again, it is for this reason that the researcher attempts to determine the effects of Cognitive
Behavioral Group Counseling of students in Melencio M. Castelo Elementary school who are
experiencing poor academic performance.

Showing of the gap (Sabihin yung mga problema)

Main goal of the study.

Opening paragraphs

Research Design
the researcher will use a Quasi-experimental design to ensure that the groups are alike as
possible. The study consisted of a pretest/posttest course to both control and experimental group.
This study designed with a pretest and posttest to measure student academic achievement before
and after the treatment. The research was design was chosen because it allows the researcher to
determine the changes in students’ academic performance and the impact, if any, the treatment
had on the subjects.

Purposive sampling from the class of 1000 students of underachieving student. in each 12
sections. Criteria for participation in the study were students with unsatisfactory GWA and
willingness to attend group meetings regularly during homeroom guidance for 12 sessions.
This study is quasi-experimental and consisted pretest/posttest control and experimental design. This
study is designed with a pretest and posttest to measure student academic performance before and
after the treatment. The study measured effects in students academic performance as a result of the
treatments. This research design was chosen becuae it allow the researcher to determine changes in
student academic performance and the effect, if any, the treatment had on the subjects. Without a
pretest it would be difficult to measure effects and therefore conclusions would be valid.

The chosen instrument for this study is the School Form 9 developed by Department of
Education. The SF9 comprises of courses use in measuring academic performance of students. The

Statement of the problem

The purpose of the study is to determine the effect of Cognitive-behavioral Group Counseling to in
academic performance of under-achiever grade 6 students. More specifically, it seeks to find answers to
the following questions:

1. What are the pre-test course of grade 6 students in undergoing Cognitive-Behavioral Group
2. What are the pre-test course of Grade 6 students undergoing regular Homeroom Guidance?
3. What are the post-test course of the grade 6 students undergoing cognitive behavioral therapy?
4. What are the post-test course of the grade 6 student’s regular homeroom?
5. What, if any, is the difference between the pre-test and post-test of the students doing
Cognitive-Behavioral Group Counseling?
6. What, if any, is the difference during post-test and pre-test underwent regular homeroom


The hypothesis for Question 4, there are no significant relationship to students taking part

in the Cognitive-behavioral Group Counseling.

The hypothesis for Question 5, there are no significant relationship to students taking part

in the regular homeroom guidance.

Assumptions of the study

1. Students taking part in the Cognitive-behavioral Group Counseling will show

positive growth in academic performance compared to students that did not

participate in the treatment.

Significance of the study

The significance of this study is to broaden a group counseling study using the cognitive-

behavioral group counseling to enhance academic achievement in public elementary schools.

Students who are transitioning from elementary to high school often see a drop in their grades

due to the current pandemic situation, teachers might not notice that a student is no taking

effective notes or struggling with how to study for a specific course. With the present research, it

is believed that cognitive-behavioral group counseling can make a huge impact on the roles of

teachers, administrators, and student academic achievement.

Research Setting

The study will be conducted in an public elementary school in Quezon City. The school

generally follows the DepEd K-to-12 curriculum guidelines in assessment. Furthermore, it uses

general weighted average (GWA) as a measure of academic performance measured by the school

form 9. Quarterly marks are given to update students’ academic progress, comprises outstanding,

Satisfactory, Very Satisfactory, Satisfactory, Fairly Satisfactory, Did Not Meet Expectations

Report on Learning Progress and Achievement

Descriptors Grading Scale Remarks

Outstanding 90-100 Passed
Very Satisfactory 85-89 Passed
Satisfactory 80-84 Passed
Fairly Satisfactory 75 – 79 Passed
Did Not Meet Below 75 Failed


Research Population

The population will include 1000 grade 6 underachieving student of Melencio M. Castelo

Elementary School. The sample comprised 60 students of controlled group under the regular

homeroom classroom and 60 students under the experimental group for the 2nd quarter S.Y. 2021

– 2022 academic year, age 12 – 13 years old.

Nature –Cognitive Behavioral in Groups is empirically derived from psychotherapy (Beck & Weishaar,
2000). Cognitive-behavioral Group Counseling generally described as a high value on interpersonal and
interactional climate of group undergirded by the belief that the group is vehicle of change and that
member-to-member interaction is a primary mechanism of change (Bieling, 2009).

Specifically, (Burlingame et al., 2004) Cognitive-behavioral Group Counseling is a form of structured

groups, where processes factors have an influence on group members, over and above the influence of
a specific theoretical approach to treatment.

Academic performance based on SF9-Report on Learning Progress and Achievement

From Grade 4 to 6, the following are the required pretest and posttest course: Filipino, English,

Math, Science, Mathematics, Araling Panlipunan, Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan,

MAPEH, and EsP. (DepEd Order 8, s. 2015) indicate that learners will be assessed through

formative and summative assessment through national and international assessments to check if

they are meeting the key stage standards and evaluate the effectiveness of the programs.

Generally, it follows the DepEd K-to-12 policy on curriculum guidelines in assessment.

Furthermore, it uses general weighted average (GWA) as a measure of academic performance

measured by the school form 9. Quarterly marks are given to update students’ academic
progress, comprises outstanding, Satisfactory, Very Satisfactory, Satisfactory, Fairly

Satisfactory, Did Not Meet Expectations. (DepEd Order 8, s. 2015)

Report on Learning Progress and Achievement

Descriptors Grading Scale Remarks

Outstanding 90-100 Passed
Very Satisfactory 85-89 Passed
Satisfactory 80-84 Passed
Fairly Satisfactory 75 – 79 Passed
Did Not Meet Below 75 Failed


Definition of Terms

Academic Performance. pertains to all academic courses related needs or concerns of learners.

This serves as a guide to implement strategies and activities to support and maximize each

learner’s ability to learn which include but not limited to creative and critical thinking,

communication skills and problem-solving skills. (DepEd Order 8, s. 2015)

Cognitive-Behavioral Group Counseling - (Bieling et al., 2004) Cognitive-behavioral Group

Counseling is a form of structured groups, where processes factors have an influence on group

members, over and above the influence of a specific theoretical approach to treatment.

Regular homeroom guidance - is a comprehensive, developmental and proactive program designed to

equip K to 12 learners with life skills on three domains: Academic Development, Personal and Social

Development and Career Development. (DepEd 20, 2020)

Shifting-Self Focus

provides an atmosphere that shifts focus on other group members and on the group

itself. CBT therapies CBT therapies promotes this shift by facilitating group members in

providing support, reassurance, and sharing strategies with the group. In addition,
facilitating members provide support that helps students to reassure and share strategies to

the group. (Bieling et al. 2009).

Group Cohesiveness

Group Cohesiveness may be defined as the conditions that hold the group members

within the group. (e.g. feelings of comfort and belonging, valuing the group, and

unconditional acceptance by other group members.) (Bloch & Crouch, 1985).

In addition, cohesive groups can increase participation, acceptance among groups,

self-disclosure, security, openness and susceptibility among member (Yalom 1995)

Emotional Processing in the Group Setting.

The group setting promotes open expression and processing of emotions. By

balancing the agenda of each group session with processing thoughts and feelings among

members. (Bieling et. Al, 2009)

In addition, the processing of here and now may help student to elicit important

automatic thoughts, assumptions, beliefs and behaviors that become a target for

intervention. (Bieling 2009)

Practicing Skills/ Exposure

After group members practice new skills, exposures, or role plays in the group, it is

important to process the experience with the group as a whole before moving on in the

session. (Bieling et al. 2009)

This helps students build group cohesion and also provides important feedback.

Planning Homework
Homework can also be planned with attention to group process, instead of having each member

go around and plan his or her homework with the therapist, group members can be involved to

help think of potential homework that practices problem solving skills and potential obstacles. It

also increases motivation of group members when they return to group. (Bieling et. Al 2009).

Regular Homeroom Guidance


This chapter will discuss the research design, setting, population and instruments, as well as the

data gathering procedures and the statistical treatment of the data gathered.

Research Design

the researcher employs a Quasi-experimental design. The study consisted of a pretest/posttest

course to both control and experimental group. This study designed with a pretest and posttest
quantitative descriptive analysis to “measure learners’ progress and to adjust instruction
accordingly. Classroom assessment informs the learners, as well as their parents and
guardians, of their progress. (DO 8, 2015) (p.28). The research design was chosen because it
allows the researcher to determine the changes in students’ academic performance and the
changes, if any, the treatment had on the subjects.

Research Setting

The study will be conducted in an public elementary school in Quezon City. The school

generally follows the DepEd K-to-12 curriculum guidelines in assessment. Furthermore, it uses

general weighted average (GWA) as a measure of academic performance measured by the school

form 9. Quarterly marks are given to update students’ academic progress, comprises outstanding,

Satisfactory, Very Satisfactory, Satisfactory, Fairly Satisfactory, Did Not Meet Expectations
Report on Learning Progress and Achievement

Descriptors Grading Scale Remarks

Outstanding 90-100 Passed
Very Satisfactory 85-89 Passed
Satisfactory 80-84 Passed
Fairly Satisfactory 75 – 79 Passed
Did Not Meet Below 75 Failed


Research Population

The population will include grade 6 underachieving student with the GWA of 75 below. Criteria

for participation in the study were students unsatisfactory GWA and willingness to attend group

meeting regularly during homeroom guidance and cognitive group counseling for 12 sessions.

Research Instrument

Pretest and Posttest course based on DO 21, s. 2018

Medium of teaching and learning in Grade 6

Courses should have one forty minute (40 min.) session. At the end of quarter, learners

will be assessed through national assessments and international assessments to check if they are

meeting the key standards and evaluate academic performance. (DO 55, s 2016) (p.30)

Medium of Teaching and Learning in Grade 6 Courses

English English, Science, Math, Music, Arts, PE, EPP
Filipino Filipino, Araling Panlipunan, Edukasyon sa

Assessment of Academic Performance based on Report on Learning Progress and


Quarterly marks are given to academic performance. Results of the School Form 9 feed

into the system assessment of DepEd, together with data gathered from international and national

assessments, which the teachers opted to participate in for specific learning areas. (DO 55, s

2016) (p.32)

Descriptors Grading Scale Remarks

Outstanding 90-100 Passed
Very Satisfactory 85-89 Passed
Satisfactory 80-84 Passed
Fairly Satisfactory 75 – 79 Passed
Did Not Meet Below 75 Failed


Scoring and interpretation

Appendix A shows the sample grading scale format. Learners from Grades 1 to 12 are graded

on Written Work, Performance Tasks, and Quarterly Assessment every quarter. These three

are given specific percentage weights that vary according to the nature of the learning area.

This results in the total score for each component, namely Written Work, Performance Tasks,

and Quarterly Assessment. Raw scores from each component have to be converted to a

Percentage Score. This is to ensure that values are parallel to each other.

To compute the Percentage Score (PS), divide the raw score by the highest possible score

then multiply the quotient by 100%. This is shown below.

Percentage Scores are then converted to Weighted Scores to show the importance of each

component in promoting learning in the different subjects.

 Percentage Score is multiplied by the weight of the component found in Table 4 for Grades

1 to 10. The product is known as the Weighted Score (WS).

The sum of the Weighted Scores in each component is the Initial Grade. This Initial Grade will
be transmuted using the given transmutation table to get the Quarterly Grade (QG). he Quarterly
Grade for each learning area is written in the report card of the student.

The average of the Quarterly Grades (QG) produces the Final Grade.
The General Average is computed by dividing the sum of all final grades by the total

number of learning areas. Each learning area has equal weight. The Final Grade in each

learning area and the General Average are reported as whole numbers. Table 8 shows an

example of the Final Grades of the different learning areas and General Average of a Grade

4 student.

  learner progress is shown quarterly to parents and guardians through a parent-

teacher conference, in which the report card is discussed. The grading scale, with its
corresponding descriptors, are in Table 10. Remarks are given at the end of the grade level.

Content Validity

A group of 2 teachers and 3 master teachers in public schools would assess content

validity. These experts would review whether the school form 9 represents the construct

being measured. Their inputs would be considered to improve and finalize school form 9.

Ethical Consideration

Due to pandemic situation, public schools across the country apply different learning

modality. Melencio M. Castelo in particular has adopted blended learning to practice

physical distancing procedures. Because of this,

Date Gathering Procedures

The treatment Cognitive-behavioral group will conduct in 12 sessions

once a week during homeroom guidance. Each session followed a similar format of a
discussion of the session goal, a review of a brief summary of member experience and

group studying. The session objectives were as follows. Session 1 aimed to establish

relationship among group participants, to provide information regarding the group goal

and process. Session 2 was to explore group cohesiveness and shifting focus towards

low academic achievement. Session 3-6 emphasized practical skills/exposure (reading

skills and time management). Session 7-9 centered on Emotional Processing in the

group setting, such as no friends, lack of confidence, internet addicted etc. planning

Homework. Session 12 reviewed group learning, exchanged feedback and encouraged

to maintain member connections after the group dissolved.

All 120 participants were given pretests and posttest courses on measurement of

academic performance based on the school form 9. These 2 groups were randomly

divided into the experimental and control conditions. The experiment group received

intervention for 12 sessions during homeroom guidance, 30 mins. per session, once

weekly for 2 quarters.

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