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Journal of Apicultural Research

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Antibacterial activity of polyphenol-rich extract of

selected wild honey collected in Sabah, Malaysia

Philip Yap, Mohd Fadzelly Abu Bakar, Herbert Lim & David Carrier

To cite this article: Philip Yap, Mohd Fadzelly Abu Bakar, Herbert Lim & David Carrier (2016):
Antibacterial activity of polyphenol-rich extract of selected wild honey collected in Sabah,
Malaysia, Journal of Apicultural Research, DOI: 10.1080/00218839.2016.1151633

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Journal of Apicultural Research, 2016


Antibacterial activity of polyphenol-rich extract of selected wild honey collected in
Sabah, Malaysia
Philip Yapa, Mohd Fadzelly Abu Bakara,b*, Herbert Limc and David Carrierd
Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation, University Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia; bFaculty of Science, Technology and
Human Development (FSTPi), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Batu Pahat, Malaysia; cLagud Sebrang Agriculture Research
Station, Tenom, Malaysia; dCentre for Plant Sciences, School of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
(Received 22 April 2013; accepted 18 February 2014)

Four types of Sabah wild honey produced by bee species native to Sabah; namely Apis cerana, Apis andreniformis, Apis
nuluensis and Apis koschevnikovi were collected from January to April 2012. This study was conducted to determine the
Downloaded by [Australian National University] at 02:41 14 March 2016

antibacterial activity, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) activity, total phenolic and flavonoid contents of this wild
honey. All samples were extracted using 80% and absolute methanol. For antibacterial activity, wild A. cerana honey
showed the strongest effect against all five different bacteria strains tested with its greatest activity against Bacillus cer-
eus with the value of 16.00 mm (100% concentration) in 80% methanol extract. As for the MIC activity, wild A. cerana
and wild A. nuluensis honey have the lowest MIC value against the tested bacteria with the lowest against Bacillus cereus
and Bacillus subtilis. Total phenolic and total flavonoid contents were highest in the wild A. cerana honey with the values
of 10.43 ± .02 and 8.76 ± .00 mg/g in 80% methanol extract. These findings suggested that the wild honey from Sabah
have a wide range of phytochemical content and antibacterial activities against different strains of bacteria which might
contribute to the development of pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals products.

Actividad antibacteriana del extracto rico en polifenoles de miel seleccionada

silvestre recogida en Sabah, Malasia

Se recogieron cuatro tipos de miel silvestre producida por especies de abejas nativas de Sabah; a saber, Apis cerana,
Apis andreniformis, Apis nuluensis y Apis koschevnikovi entre enero y abril de 2012. Este estudio se realizó para determinar
la actividad antibacteriana, la actividad de la concentración mı́nima inhibitoria (CMI), y el contenido de fenoles totales y
de flavonoides de esta miel silvestre. Todas las muestras fueron extraı́das con metanol al 80% y absoluto. Para la activi-
dad antibacteriana, la miel silvestre de A. cerana mostró el efecto más fuerte contra todas las cinco cepas de diferentes
bacterias probadas con su mayor actividad contra Bacillus cereus con el valor de 16,00 mm (concentración 100%) en
extracto de metanol 80%. En cuanto a la actividad de CMI, la miel silvestre de A. cerana y A. nuluensis tienen el valor
más bajo de CMI contra las bacterias probadas con el nivel más bajo contra Bacillus cereus y Bacillus subtilis. Los con-
tenidos totales de fenólico y de flavonoides fueron más altos en la miel silvestre de A. cerana con los valores de 10,43
± 0,02 mg/g y 8,76 ± 0,00 mg/g en extracto de metanol al 80%. Estos hallazgos sugieren que la miel silvestre de Sabah
tiene una amplia gama de contenido fitoquı́mico y actividad antibacteriana contra diferentes cepas de bacterias que
podrı́an contribuir al desarrollo de productos farmacéuticos y nutracéuticos.
Keywords: Sabah honey; antibacterial activity; MIC activity; total phenolic and flavonoid contents

Introduction and actions of active biological compounds, honey can

Honey is a sweet, viscous liquid produced by honey be used as a natural therapeutic substance (Gullett
bees. It is made by the bees from nectar gathered from et al., 2010). The application and used of honey in medi-
flowers, and consequently contains various phytochemi- cine as a natural remedy has been performed for thou-
cals (Al-Waili, 2004). Sabah has four types of honey sands of years with recorded use by many different
bees from the genus Apis (Koeniger, Koeniger, & Tingek, ancient societies (Zumla & Lulat, 1989). Thus, the
2010). New species of Apis have recently been discov- potential applications for honey in primary health care
ered, namely A. nuluensis that can be found in the region are very promising especially in the pharmaceuticals and
near mount Kinabalu (Koeniger et al., 2010). nutraceuticals fields (Burkill, 1935). Modern scientific
Physicochemical and phytochemical properties of research strategies into the medicinal properties of
wild honey can be due to natural variations composi- honey will undoubtedly result in a beneficial contribu-
tions as they originate from different plant varieties and tion to human health worldwide.
collected from different geographical locations (Yannio- Honey has been reported to have at least 181 sub-
tis, Skaltsi, & Karaburnioti, 2006). Due to its content stances, which include phenolic acids, flavonoids, certain

*Corresponding author. Email:

© 2016 International Bee Research Association

2 P. Yap et al.

Table 1. Antimicrobial activity of wild Sabah honey against S. aureus in 80% and absolute methanol extracts.

Inhibition zone (mm) Inhibition zone (mm) of Inhibition zone (mm) of

of wild A. cerana wild A. andreniformis Inhibition zone (mm) of wild A. koschevnikovi
honey honey wild A. nuluensis honey honey
Concentration of 80%
methanol extracts (v/v)
25 4.00 ± .06d 1.00 ± .02d 2.00 ± .00d 1.00 ± .05d
50 5.00 ± .24c 2.00 ± .12c 4.00 ± .02c 2.00 ± .00c
75 6.00 ± .00b 3.00 ± .06b 5.00 ± .02b 4.00 ± 2.00b
100 8.00 ± .03a 5.00 ± .21a 6.00 ± .03a 5.00 ± 1.00a
Concentration of
absolute methanol
extracts (v/v)
25 1.00 ± .01b 1.00 ± .00d 1.00 ± .00c 1.00 ± .02b
50 1.00 ± .04b 2.00 ± .01c 1.00 ± .03bc 2.00 ± .00b
75 2.00 ± .00b 3.00 ± .03b 2.00 ± .05b 3.00 ± .02b
100 3.00 ± .04a 4.00 ± .01a 3.00 ± .00a 4.00 ± .06a
Downloaded by [Australian National University] at 02:41 14 March 2016

Note: Values presented as mean ± standard deviation (n = 3), results in column with different alphabets are significantly different (p < .05).

Table 2. Antimicrobial activity of wild Sabah honey against B. cereus in 80% and absolute methanol extracts.

Inhibition zone (mm) Inhibition zone (mm) of Inhibition zone (mm) of

of wild A. cerana wild A. andreniformis Inhibition zone (mm) of wild A. koschevnikovi
honey honey wild A. nuluensis honey honey
Concentration of 80%
methanol extracts (v/v)
25 2.00 ± .01d 2.00 ± .01d 3.00 ± .01d 1.00 ± .05d
50 3.00 ± .24c 3.00 ± .01c 4.00 ± .04c 2.00 ± .02c
75 6.00 ± 2.00b 4.00 ± .26b 5.00 ± .02b 3.00 ± .04b
100 16.00 ± .33a 5.00 ± .05a 7.00 ± .02a 5.00 ± .02a
Concentration of
absolute methanol
extracts (v/v)
25 1.00 ± .01d 1.00 ± .22c 1.00 ± .00d 1.00 ± .02b
50 2.00 ± .05c 2.00 ± .01b 2.00 ± .02c 1.00 ± .03b
75 4.00 ± .07b 2.00 ± .01b 3.00 ± .22b 2.00 ± .01b
100 8.00 ± .02a 3.00 ± .06a 4.00 ± .01a 3.00 ± .02a
Note: Values presented as mean ± standard deviation (n = 3), results in column with different alphabets are significantly different (p < .05).

Table 3. Antimicrobial activity of wild Sabah honey against B. subtilis in 80% and absolute methanol extracts.

Inhibition zone (mm) Inhibition zone (mm) of Inhibition zone (mm) of

of wild A. cerana wild A. andreniformis Inhibition zone (mm) of wild A. koschevnikovi
honey honey wild A. nuluensis honey honey
Concentration of 80%
methanol extracts (v/v)
25 2.00 ± .00d 1.00 ± .06d 2.00 ± .03d 1.00 ± .02d
50 3.00 ± .03c 2.00 ± .02c 4.00 ± .02c 2.00 ± .01c
75 4.00 ± .02b 3.00 ± .03b 5.00 ± .01b 3.00 ± .02b
100 5.00 ± .01a 4.00 ± .01a 6.00 ± .03a 4.00 ± .08a
Concentration of
absolute methanol
extracts (v/v)
25 2.00 ± .01c 1.00 ± .03c 2.00 ± .01d 1.00 ± .03a
50 2.00 ± .02c 1.00 ± .02bc 3.00 ± .02c 1.00 ± .03a
75 3.00 ± .11b 2.00 ± .03b 4.00 ± .05b 2.00 ± .00a
100 4.00 ± .00a 3.00 ± .01a 5.00 ± .02a 2.00 ± .00a
Note: Values presented as mean ± standard deviation (n = 3), results in column with different alphabets are significantly different (p < .05).
Antibacterial of Sabah honey 3

Table 4. Antimicrobial activity of wild Sabah honey against E. coli in 80% and absolute methanol extracts.

Inhibition zone (mm) Inhibition zone (mm) of Inhibition zone (mm) of

of wild A. cerana wild A. andreniformis Inhibition zone (mm) of wild A. koschevnikovi
honey honey wild A. nuluensis honey honey
Concentration of 80%
methanol extracts (v/v)
25 2.00 ± .00d 1.00 ± .01d 1.00 ± .05c ND
50 3.00 ± .02c 2.00 ± .00c 2.00 ± .01bc ND
75 4.00 ± .01b 3.00 ± .02b 2.00 ± .00b ND
100 5.00 ± .02a 4.00 ± .00a 3.00 ± .02a ND
Concentration of
absolute methanol
extracts (v/v)
25 1.00 ± .03d 1.00 ± .00b 1.00 ± .00a ND
50 2.00 ± .00c 1.00 ± .02b 1.00 ± .00a ND
75 3.00 ± .01b 2.00 ± .01b 2.00 ± .00a ND
100 4.00 ± .02a 3.00 ± .03a 2.00 ± .04a ND
Downloaded by [Australian National University] at 02:41 14 March 2016

Note: Values presented as mean ± standard deviation (n = 3), results in column with different alphabets are significantly different (p < .05), ND = not

Table 5. Antimicrobial activity of wild Sabah honey against S. enteritidis in 80% and absolute methanol extracts.

Inhibition zone (mm) Inhibition zone (mm) of Inhibition zone (mm) of

of wild A. cerana wild A. andreniformis Inhibition zone (mm) of wild A. koschevnikovi
honey honey wild A. nuluensis honey honey
Concentration of 80%
methanol extracts (v/v)
25 2.00d ± .04c ND 2.00 ± .08d ND
50 3.00c ± .02b ND 3.00 ± .01c ND
75 3.00 ± .22ab ND 4.00 ± .01b ND
100 4.00 ± .01a ND 5.00 ± .00a ND
Concentration of
absolute methanol
extracts (v/v)
25 1.00 ± .03d ND 2.00 ± .00c ND
50 2.00 ± .00c ND 3.00 ± .02b ND
75 3.00 ± .01b ND 4.00 ± .04a ND
100 4.00 ± .00a ND 4.00 ± .05a ND
Note: Values presented as mean ± standard deviation (n = 3), results in column with different alphabets are significantly different (p < .05), ND = not

enzymes, ascorbic acids, organic acids and protein com- anti-allergic, antithrombotic and vasodilator actions. It
pounds that possess a health-promoting potential also possess other antibacterial properties due to its
through their antibacterial activities (Us National Honey osmotic effect, acidity, hydrogen peroxide activity as
Board, 2003). The phytochemical compounds in honey well as phytochemicals factor mentioned (Molan, 1992).
have become the aim of the past studies due to the cor- The presence of hydrogen peroxide in honey is formed
relation exists between the phenolic and flavonoid con- by the glucose oxidation process catalysed by glucose
tents with their biological properties (Martos et al., oxidase present in the honey and makes honey more
2000; Tomás-Barberán, Martos, Ferreres, Radovic, & likely to become antibacterial agent (Snowdon & Cliver,
Anklam, 2001; Yao et al., 2003). Analysis of phenolic 1996). In fact, the major antimicrobial influence of honey
compounds has been regarded as the promising way in is due to the presence of hydrogen peroxide; however,
determination of floral and geographical origins of honey when used medicinally, the non-peroxide compounds
due to their stable presence in the flower nectar such as phenolic and flavonoids are important since the
(Yao et al., 2003; Alvarez-Suarez, Tulipani, Romandini, potency of the antibacterial activity to be reduced by
Vidal, & Battino, 2009). The natural antioxidants com- the action of catalase in human body by breaking down
pound such as flavonoids, exhibits a wide range of bio- the hydrogen peroxide (Molan, 1992). Differences in the
logical effects including antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial activity of honey extracts due to the
4 P. Yap et al.

differences in content of their active compounds which, Antimicrobial Study

in turn, can be influenced by the methods of extractions Preparation of test materials
(Snowdon & Cliver, 1996) with crude extractions show-
Test materials were prepared by diluting the wild honey
ing the strongest activity as compared to esters extrac-
extracts at different concentrations (v/v), 25, 50, 75 and
tions (Okeke, Iroegbu, Eze, Okoli, & Esimone, 2001).
100 l/ml, in distilled water.
These properties of honey can inhibit the growths of
both pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria (Molan,
1992). To date, honey has been reported to have an
inhibitory effect on up to 60 species of bacterial includ- Disc diffusion method (Burt, 2004)
ing both aerobic and anaerobic, and Gram-positive and Antimicrobial activity was determined using disc
Gram-negative strains (Molan, 1992). diffusion method as described by Burt (2004). Sterile
Honey has been proven to be effective in gastroin- agar plates were inoculated with five different bacte-
testinal disorder, in the treatment of some serious rial strain, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 1721 (S. aur-
burns and wound cases, as an antimicrobial agent as well eus), Bacillus cereus ATCC 10702 (B. cereus), Bacillus
as providing gastric protection against acute and chronic subtilis ATCC 6633 (B. subtilis), Escherichia coli ATCC
gastric lesions (Abd-El Aal, El-Hadidy, El-Mashad, and 25922 (E. coli) and Salmonella enteritidis ATCC 4931
El-Sebaie. 2007). Along with the antimicrobial properties (S. enteritidis), A six-millimeter diameter of Whatmann
Downloaded by [Australian National University] at 02:41 14 March 2016

mentioned, the recovery of the cell and the hearing pro- No.5 filter paper soaked with each of wild honey at
cess is accelerated (Molan, 1992) due to the osmotic different concentration and placed into the agar.
characteristics in honey. Besides the internal factors, the Different honey concentration (w/v) were used along
diversity of flora, origin and substrate condition makes with standards antibiotics, Ampicillin (AMRESCO,
honey as antibacterial agent (Molan, 1992). These fac- 0339) 100 l/ml and Canamycin (AMRESCO, 0408)
tors are related with the analysis of chemical com- 100 l/ml and disc soaked in 80% methanol as stan-
pounds especially phenolic and flavonoids which become dards controls, respectively. The agar plates were
the floral markers and as antimicrobial agent (Tan, Wilk- incubated at 37 ˚C for 24 h. The diameter of the
ins, Holland, & McGhie, 1989). By having these proper- clear zone surrounding the paper disc of inhibited
ties, it will destroy the growth of some pathogenic bacterial growth was measured (mm). All tests were
bacteria (Chick, Shin, & Ustunol, 2001). This study was performed in triplicate.
conducted to determine the antimicrobial activity and
phytochemicals (phenolic and flavonoid) contents of
selected honey of Sabah and investigate the correlation Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) (Broth dilution
between the parameters. method)
The MICs of the wild honey extracts were determined
by broth dilution method as described by Amsterdam,
Materials and methods
1996;. MIC values of the four wild honey samples were
Wild honey samples determined against the same five bacterial strains as the
From January to April 2012, wild honey samples from disc diffusion method; S.aureus, E.coli, S.enteritidis, B.cereus
four different bee species (Apis cerana, Apis andreniformis, and B.subtilis. In this method, the honey extracts that
Apis nuluensis, Apis koschevnikovi) were collected around have strong antimicrobial effect (inhibitory
Sabah. The locations were Agricultural Research Station zone > 1.00 mm) regardless concentration, were further
(ARS), Tenom, Sabah, Malaysia; Mesilau, Sabah, Malaysia analysed using broth system (Heunvelink et al., 1998).
and Bundu Tuhan, Ranau, Sabah, Malaysia. Manuka honey Graded doses (v/v) sample of honey were used along
and sugar analogue (consists of 40% fructose, 30% glu- with the initial concentration of 250 l/ml, followed by
cose, 10% maltose and 20% water) were used as posi- 125, 62.5, 31.25 and 15.625 l/ml. Overnight broth cul-
tive and negative control for all assays. The bee tures (diluted to the concentration of working inocu-
specimens were deposited into the insect collection lums) of each bacterial strain were prepared in nutrient
room, BORNEENSIS, University Malaysia Sabah (UMS). broth in which .1 ml of wild honey extracts was added
to each tube. The turbidity was visually compared
against McFarland value of .5 standards (Heunvelink
Sample extraction et al., 1998). McFarland standards are used as visual tur-
Wild honey samples (.7 g) were extracted for 1 h with bidity standards for preparation of suspensions of
70 ml of solvents (80% methanol or absolute methanol) micro-organisms and bacteria inoculated for antibacterial
at room temperature. The solvents were evaporated activities. The lowest concentration of honey in the ser-
using rotary evaporator (El-Gendy, 2010). The extracts ies that inhibited the growth rate of bacteria was con-
were decanted into vials and tested for their antibacte- sidered to be the MIC, expressed in l/ml. All tests were
rial and phytochemical activities. performed in triplicate.
Antibacterial of Sabah honey 5

Determination of total phenolic content Statistical analysis

Total phenolic content of the honey extracts were All experiments were carried out in triplicates and the
determined as described according to Beretta, Granata, values were presented as mean ± standard deviation
Ferrero, Orioli, and Facino (2005), using Folin-Ciocal- (SD). One-way analysis variance (ANOVA) followed by
teu’s reagent. .7 g of honey sample with 70 ml of 80% Pearson’s coefficient correlation (r) were evaluated
methanol was subjected to vacuum rotary evaporator using Prism 5 statistical software. The confidence level
for 1 h. The extract was transferred into the vials and of statistical significance was at p < .05.
used for total phenolic assay. About 100 l of extract
was mixed with .75 ml of Folin-Ciocalteu’s reagent (pre-
viously diluted 10-fold with distilled water); vortex for Results
2 min, .75 ml of sodium bicarbonate added to the mix- Antimicrobial activity
ture and allowed to stand for 90 min at 22 ˚C. The mix- The antimicrobial activity of four wild Sabah honey
ture was the transferred to a cuvette and the against five different bacteria strains; i.e. S. aureus, B. sub-
absorbance measured at 725 nm using uv-spectropho- tilis, B. cereus, E. coli and S. enteritidis, were determined
tometer. The total phenolic content of the samples by their ability to inhibit the growth of the bacteria is
were expressed as gallic acid equivalents (mg of GAE/g shown in Tables 1–5, for both 80% and absolute metha-
of honey).
Downloaded by [Australian National University] at 02:41 14 March 2016

nol extracts. The antimicrobial activities were greatest

in 80% methanol extracts as compared to absolute
methanol extracts. The largest clearer zone of inhibition
Determination of total flavonoid content
(mm) of the bacteria regardless the concentration, con-
Total flavonoid content of honey was measured as sidered to be the greatest inhibition was with wild A.cer-
described by Zhishen, Mengcheng, and Jianming (1999), ana honey extracts against Gram-positive bacteria B.
with slight adjustments. About 100 l of honey extract cereus, where it showed 16.00 mm inhibition zone at
was added to 4 mL of distilled water and .3 ml of 5% 100% concentration (80% methanol extract). The
NaNi3 immediately added. At 5 min, .6 mL 10% AlCl3 absence of zones of inhibition indicated that the antimi-
was added and at 6 min, 2 ml of 1 M NaOH and 2.1 ml crobial activity could not be detected (ND) for this wild
of distilled water added before thorough mixing. The honey as the bacteria was resistant against the concen-
mixture was transferred to a cuvette and the absor- tration of the wild honey extracts. Standard antibiotics
bance measured against a blank at 510 nm using UV- (Canamycin and Ampicillin) and positive control, Manuka
spectrophotometer. Total flavonoid contents of the honey showed greater inhibition zone against all the
samples were expressed as rutin equivalents (mg of tested bacteria while sugar analogue did not show inhi-
RUE/g of honey).

Table 6. Antibacterial activity of positive control against tested bacteria.

Canamycin (g/ml) inhibition zones (mm) Ampicillin (g/ml) inhibition zones (mm)
Bacteria 25% 50% 75% 100% 25% 50% 75% 100%
S. aureus 12.00 ± .01d 14.00 ± .01c 16.00 ± .01b 20.00 ± .01a 8.00 ± .01d 9.00 ± .01c 10.00 ± .01b 12.00 ± .01a
B. cereus 12.00 ± .01d 14.00 ± .01c 16.00 ± .01b 18.00 ± .01a 10.00 ± .01c 12.00 ± .01b 13.00 ± .01ab 14.00 ± .01a
B. subtilis 10.00 ± .01d 12.00 ± .01c 14.00 ± .01b 16.00 ± .01a 8.00 ± .01d 10.00 ± .01c 11.00 ± .01b 14.00 ± .01a
E. coli 10.00 ± .01c 12.00 ± .01b 13.00 ± .01ab 14.00 ± .01a 6.00 ± .01d 8.00 ± .01c 10.00 ± .01b 12.00 ± .01a
S. enteritidis 12.00 ± .01c 14.00 ± .01b 15.00 ± .01b 18.00 ± .01a 10.00 ± .01d 12.00 ± .01c 14.00 ± .01b 16.00 ± .01a
Note: Values presented as mean ± standard deviation (n = 3), results in column with different alphabets are significantly different (p < .05).

Table 7. Antibacterial activity of positive control against tested bacteria.

Manuka honey inhibition zones (mm) (absolute

Manuka honey inhibition zones (mm) (80% methanol) methanol)
Bacteria 25% 50% 75% 100% 25% 50% 75% 100%
a a a a c bc ab
S. aureus 4.00 ± .01 5.00 ± .01 6.00 ± .01 8.00 ± .01 2.00 ± .01 4.00 ± .01 5.00 ± .01 6.00 ± .01a
B. cereus 4.00 ± .01d 6.00 ± .01c 8.00 ± .01b 10.00 ± .01a 3.00 ± .01c 5.00 ± .01b 6.00 ± .01b 7.00 ± .01a
B. subtilis 2.00 ± .01d 4.00 ± .01c 6.00 ± .01b 8.00 ± .01a 2.00 ± .01d 3.00 ± .01c 4.00 ± .01b 5.00 ± .01a
E. coli 2.00 ± .01d 3.00 ± .01c 4.00 ± .01b 6.00 ± .01a 1.00 ± .01d 2.00 ± .01c 4.00 ± .01b 5.00 ± .01a
S. enteritidis 2.00d ± .01 3.00c ± .01 4.00b ± .01 5.00a ± .01 1.00 ± .01c 2.00 ± .01bc 3.00 ± .01b 4.00 ± .01a
Note: Values presented as mean ± standard deviation (n = 3), results in column with different alphabets are significantly different (p < .05).
6 P. Yap et al.

Table 8. Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) activity of wild Sabah honey extracts against different bacteria strains in 80%
methanol extracts.

Bacteria S. aureus B. cereus B. subtilis E. coli S. enteritidis

Wild A. cerana 62.50 ± .00a 31.25 ± .00a 62.50 ± .00a 125.00 ± .00a 62.50 ± .00a
Wild A. andreniformis 125.00 ± .00a 62.50 ± .00a 62.50 ± .00a 125.00 ± .00a
Wild A. nuluensis 62.50 ± .00a 62.50 ± .00a 31.25 ± .00a 125.00 ± .00a 125.00 ± .00a
Wild A. koschevnikovi 250.00 ± .00a 125.00 ± .00a 125.00 ± .00a
Manuka 31.25 ± .00a 62.50 ± .00a 62.50 ± .00a 62.50 ± .00a 62.50 ± .00a
Note: Values presented as mean ± standard deviation (n = 3), results in column with different alphabets are significantly different (p < .05).

Table 9. Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) activity of wild Sabah honey extracts against different bacteria strains in absolute
methanol extracts.

Bacteria S. aureus B. cereus B. subtilis E. coli S. enteritidis

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Wild A. cerana 125.00 ± .00a 62.50 ± .00a 125.00 ± .00a 250.00 ± .00a 125.00 ± .00a
Wild A. andreniformis 250.00 ± .00a 125.00 ± .00a 125.00 ± .00a 250.00 ± .00a
Wild A. nuluensis 125.00 ± .00a 125.00 ± .00a 62.50 ± .00a 250.00 ± .00a 250.00 ± .00a
Wild A. koschevnikovi 250.00 ± .00a 250.00 ± .00a 250.00 ± .00a
Manuka 62.50 ± .00a 62.50 ± .00a 62.50 ± .00a 125.00 ± 00a 125.00 ± .00a
Note: Values presented as mean ± standard deviation (n = 3), results in column with different alphabets are significantly different (p < .05).

in 80% and absolute methanol extracts. The MICs were

Table 10. Total phenolic content and total flavonoid contents lowered in 80% methanol extract compared to absolute
of four wild Sabah honey.
methanol extract. The screening results showed that
Samples Total phenolic1 Total flavonoid2 the overall inhibitory concentrations of the four wild
Sabah honey extracts against S. aureus ranged from
80% methanol extracts
Wild A. cerana honey 10.43 ± .02b 8.76 ± .00b
62.50 to 250 l/ml, whereas for B. cereus and B. subtilis
Wild A. andreniformis honey 9.90 ± .01c 8.09 ± .00c ranged from 31.25 to 250 l/ml, for both 80% and
Wild A. nuluensis honey 8.78 ± .01d 6.67 ± .00d absolute methanol extract, respectively. As for Gram-
Wild A. koschevnikovi honey 7.93 ± .02e 5.48 ± .01e negative bacteria, E. coli ranged from 125.00 to 250 l/ml,
Manuka honey 10.61 ± .01a 9.84 ± .00a whereas S. enteritidis ranged from 62.5 to 250 l/ml for
Absolute methanol extracts
Wild A. cerana honey 9.72 ± .03a 7.77 ± .00b
both 80% and absolute methanol extraction,
Wild A. andreniformis honey 9.32 ± .00b 6.14 ± .00c respectively. Positive control, Manuka honey screening
Wild A. nuluensis honey 8.40 ± .01d 5.27 ± .00d results showed the overall concentrations against five
Wild A. koschevnikovi honey 7.80 ± .01e 4.67 ± .00e tested bacteria ranged from 31.25 to 250 l/ml, in both
Manuka honey 8.81 ± .01c 8.07 ± .00a 80% and absolute methanol extraction, respectively
Note: Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation (n = 3) (Tables 8 and 9).
which with different alphabets are significantly different at p < .05.
Total phenolic content was expressed as mg gallic acid equivalents in
1 g of honey (mg GAE/g honey). Total phenolic content
Total flavonoid content was expressed as mg rutin equivalents in 1 g
of honey (mg RE/g honey). The result of this study showed that the total phenolic
content levels were highest in the wild A. cerana honey
closely followed by A. andreniformis honey, then A. nulu-
bitory effect against all of the tested bacteria (data not ensis and A. koschevnikovi honey for 80% and absolute
shown) (Tables 6 and 7). methanol extracts, respectively. Manuka honey phenolic
content level was highest in 80% methanol extract as
compared to absolute methanol extract while sugar ana-
Minimum inhibition concentration (MIC) activities
logue did not have phenolic content (data not shown)
The MICs of the four wild Sabah honeys were deter- (Table 10).
mined against five different bacterial strains via visual
observation against McFarland standard (Heunvelink
et al., 1998). The MICs were determined according to Total flavonoid content
the turbidity clearness via visual observation. The MICs The result of this study showed that total flavonoid con-
of four wild Sabah honey extracts showed marked varia- tent was highest in the wild A. cerana honey followed by
tion between tested micro-organisms (Tables 8 and 9) A. andreniformis, A. nuluensis and A. koschevnikovi honey
Antibacterial of Sabah honey 7

for both 80% and absolute methanol extracts, respec- properties of honey properties increased when diluted
tively. Manuka honey flavonoid content was highest in with organic solvent or water due to the combination
80% methanol extract as compared to absolute metha- of hydrogen peroxide (Taormina, Niemira, & Beuchat,
nol extract while sugar analogue did not have flavonoid 2001). Hydrogen peroxide has the ability to penetrate
content (data not shown) (Table 10). and specified protein and polysaccharide molecules
(Sapers & Simmon, 1998). It could generate a short-lived
singlet oxygen species that biocidal against Gram-posi-
Discussion tive and Gram-negative bacteria (Taormina et al., 2001).
Honey has been shown to display potent antimicrobial Ukuku (2004), reported that the Salmonella population
activity in the treatment of wound infections due to its on cantaloupe was significantly reduced after washing it
high osmotic properties and the presence of phenolic with 2.5 and 5% hydrogen peroxide solutions. According
and flavonoids compounds (Kirnpal-Kaur, Tan, Boukraa, to Adil, Cetin, Yener, and Bayindirli (2007), the addition
& Gan, 2011). In this study, the antibacterial activity, of small amount of organic solvents creates more polar
MIC, total phenolic and total flavonoid contents of medium which facilitates phenolic and flavonoids extrac-
selected wild honey from Sabah were tested for the tion. In addition, the mixture of alcohol and water sol-
first time and revealed their potential to become medic- vent were said to be more efficient in phytochemicals
inally beneficial antimicrobial agent. extractions compared to mono-component solvent. The
Downloaded by [Australian National University] at 02:41 14 March 2016

In the preliminary antimicrobial studies, the four wild difference in the antimicrobial activity might be due to
Sabah honey extracts showed promising effect against the differences in the source of plants phenolic and fla-
the different bacteria strains tested, especially against vonoid (Taormina et al., 2001). Besides that, the crude
Gram-positive bacteria where B. cereus was the most phenolic phytochemicals extracts should have strong
susceptible bacteria since the inhibitory zones were the antimicrobial activity due to the combination of active
largest, followed by S. aureus, B. subtilis, S. enteritidis and and non-active components in extracts (Okeke et al.,
E. coli in both 80% and absolute methanol extract 2001). The presence of non-peroxides compounds like
(Tables 1–5). The variation in the bacterial susceptibility flavonoids degrading the cytoplasm membrane of the
might be due to the physiological structure of the cell bacteria and lead to cell autolysis due to loss of potas-
membrane. The presence of a thick lipopolysaccharides sium ions (Hamouda & Marzouk, 2011). This was in
layer as the outer membrane in Gram-negative bacteria agreement with Mirzoeva, Grishanin, and Calder (1997)
such as E. coli and S. enteritidis might explain why it were who reported that flavonoid contents in honey
not susceptible to Gram-positive bacteria (Alzoreky & increased membrane permeability and bacterial lose the
Nakahara, 2003). The thick layer could act as the ability to synthesis energy, membrane transport and lead
mechanical layer that prevents the invasion of other to motility. In addition, Mahopatra, Thakur, and Brar
compounds thus reducing the injury or lethality in the (2010) described that methanol extract was the most
bacterial cells (Nostro, Germano, Marino, & Canatelli, effective as an antimicrobial agent showing maximum
2000). According to Abd-El Aal, El-Hadidy, El-Mashad, inhibitory activity when compared to ethanol and ethyl
and El-Sebaie (2007) and El-Sukhon, Abu-Harfeil, and acetate. All four of the wild Sabah honey extracts
Sallal (1994), honey has a greater inhibitory effect on showed significance different in 80% methanol extract
isolated Gram-positive bacteria as compared to Gram- against Gram-positive bacteria for antimicrobial activity
negative bacteria due to the differences in the polarity, (p < .05).
solubility and method of extractions. This is in agree- The MICs studies showed that the most susceptible
ment with Willix, Molan, and Harfoot (1992) and Bilal, bacteria to honey were Pseudomonas spp. followed by
Molan, and Harfoot (1998), who found that wild honey, E. coli, B. cereus, B. subtilis and S. aureus (Cooper &
inhibited the growth of S. aureus. Molan (2001) stated Molan, 1999). This was in agreement with the prelimi-
that S. aureus is one of the bacterial species that most nary MIC’s result where all four wild Sabah honey
likely susceptible to the antimicrobial activity of honey. extracts sensitive against all five different bacteria strains
This is due to the susceptibility of S. aureus against the in 80% and absolute methanol extracts. B. cereus was
osmotic effect, pH effect and occurrence of hydrogen the most susceptible micro-organism, followed by S. aur-
peroxides and non-peroxides compounds which inhibit eus, B. subtilis, E. coli and S. enteritidis (Tables 8 and 9).
the bacteria growth (Postmes, Van Den Bogaard, & The differences in the concentration ranges showed that
Hazen, 1993). higher concentrations extract were required to inhibit
The zone of inhibition of the 80% methanol extract Gram-negative bacteria. All the four wild Sabah honey
was greater compared to absolute methanol extract extracts exhibited weak inhibitory effect against E. coli
against all five bacteria (Tables 1–5) with wild A. cerana and S. enteritidis as higher concentration of extracts
honey extracts showed the greater antimicrobial activity (125–250 l/ml) were required to exert the inhibitory
(16.00 mm against B. cereus), whereas wild A. koschevni- effects on this bacteria. These differences in MIC’s activ-
kovi honey extracts showed the weakest antimicrobial ity might due to the differences in the plant source from
activity (no inhibition against Gram-negative bacteria). which the raw material of the honey was collected
According to Chinakwe (2006), the antimicrobial .Taormina et al. (2001) also reported that different
8 P. Yap et al.

plants contain different phenolic content that can exert cantly higher in flavonoids content as compared to cul-
different antibacterial activities. tured Malaysian honey for both types and geographical
The presence of glucose oxidase increased the locations factors. The differences in percentage of yield
antibacterial activity due to the presence of glucose oxi- of phenolic and flavonoids between these samples were
dase at the surface of honey in which reduces the atmo- due to botanical resources of the geographical origins.
spheric oxygen into hydrogen peroxide which acts as Plus, different honey bee species have different capacity
antimicrobial barrier and giving the low values of MIC of ability to cover the access of nectar in much wider
(Stinson, Subers, Petty, & White, 1960). Normally, low areas, such as wild A. dorsata or giant honey bee which
antibacterial activity will have a high MIC value but some can cover up to 2 km compared to the dwarf honey
honey extracts that produced large inhibition zones also bee or A. andreniformis (Koeniger & Koeniger, 2000).
have high MIC value. Thus, broth dilution method was There was a significant different of total phenolic con-
the best method to determine a more accurate MIC tent among the four wild Sabah honey (p < .05).
value in their antibacterial activity against the test The phenolic and flavonoids might be phytochemicals
micro-organisms due to the effectiveness indirectly giv- that suspected to contribute to the antibacterial activity
ing results precisely (Kim, Davidson, & Chung, 2001). of wild honey of Sabah. Hence, the correlation analysis
However, all four of the wild Sabah honey extracts was performed to investigate the relationship between
showed no significance different in both extract for the phytochemicals and antibacterial activity in wild honey
Downloaded by [Australian National University] at 02:41 14 March 2016

MICs activity (p < .05). of Sabah. The analysis showed that antimicrobial activity
Honey comprises phenolic acids, esters and flavo- was strongly positive correlated with the phenolic con-
noids were the mostly abundant in phytochemicals com- tent for both 80% and absolute methanol extract
pounds (Yao et al., 2003). The colorimetric assay based (r = .904, p < .05). Total flavonoid content was moder-
on the reaction of Folin-Ciocalteu reagent widely used ately positive correlated with antibacterial activity in both
as determination of phenolic contents in honey (Aljadi & 80% and absolute methanol extract (r = .622, p < .05).
Kamaruddin, 2004; Alvarez-Suarez et al., 2009; Bal- The results were acceptable since both were subclasses
trušaitytė, Venskutonis, & Čeksterytė, 2007; Beretta of phenolic compounds (Alcaraz, Blanco, Puig, Tomas, &
et al., 2005; Bertoncelj, Dobersek, Jamnik, & Golob, Ferretti, 2000). In addition, the exceptionally high correla-
2007; Henriques, Jackson, Cooper, & Burton, 2006; tion between phenolic and flavonoid extracts were an
Kim, Jeong, & Lee, 2003; Meda, Lamien, Romito, Millogo, indication that most compounds in the total phenolic con-
& Nacoulma, 2005; Prior, Wu, & Schaich, 2005; Single- tent comprised of flavonoids (Ferreres et al., 1994).
ton, Orthofer, & Lamuela-Raventós, 1999) .The results In conclusion, this study showed that all four wild
showed that the total phenolic content was higher in honey samples from Sabah possessed an active antibac-
wild A. cerana honey while lower in wild A. koschevnikovi terial and polyphenol-rich extract that based on the his-
honey in both 80% and absolute methanol extract torical background of the health properties of honey
(Table 8). According to Chye and Ng (2008), wild and the health benefits of phenolic and flavonoids that
Malaysian honey was significantly higher in phenolic acids honey contents, has the potential to be used in medici-
compared to cultured Malaysian honey for both types nal field. However, further studies are needed to maxi-
and geographical locations factors. Highlands were mize the potential and discover the new unreported
mostly surrounded by primary forests with abundant benefits of honey.
botanical resources compared to lowlands. Thus, the
yield of the extracts obtained differs from each other
since the plant sources visited by the bees were diverse Acknowledgements
(Taormina et al., 2001). There was a significant different We are indebted to Agriculture Research Station (ARS),
of total phenolic content among the four wild Sabah Tenom, Sabah, for the for the accommodation and technical
honey (p < .05). assistance, to Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation
(ITBC) and School of Science and Technology (SST) University
Flavonoids were subclasses to the phenolic com- Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia for the use of the laboratory facilities
pounds (Ferreres et al., 1994). The aluminium chloride and technical assistance.
method was used to determine the flavonoid contents
in honey (Aralas, Mohamed, & Abu Bakar, 2009;
Arvouet-Grand, Vennat, Pourrat, & Legret, 1994; Mark- Disclosure statement
ham, 1982; Meda et al., 2005; Nagai, Sakai, Inoue, Inoue, No potential conflict of interest was reported by the
& Suzuki, 2001; Nor Qhairul Izreen & Mohd Fadzelly, authors.
2013; Özkök, D’arcy, & Sorkun, 2010; Tomas-Barberan,
Ferreres, Garcia-Viguera, & Tomas-Lorente, 1993;
Zhishen et al., 1999). The results showed that the total References
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