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Challenges of Written Correspondence among

BACOM students in Online Learning

Lopez, Marifel C., Punay, Jaypeh Ju D.,
Benguet State University, Humanities Department

I. INTRODUCTION A recent study by Amponsah et al. (2020), reveals

that students who gain admission to tertiary education
Communication and education are inextricably linked face new challenges because the transition period
(Diloyan, 2017). As stated by Andrade, (2015), Petrie, from high school to college frequently brings new
(2011), and Ajmal et al. (2019), communication is stressors and necessitate coping strategies. Although
central to education and a critical component in there are ways to cope with the stress and unexpected
pedagogical practices and institutions to ensure situation, as Kwaah & Essilfie (2017) suggests that
student success. Bakar et al. (2020), defined students may use a variety of strategies, the most
communication as a dynamic aspect of our lives common of which was prayer or meditation,
because it is used to deliver information, thoughts, emotional support from family and friends, and self-
perceptions, and common understanding among distracting activities such as watching TV and
society. In any academic setting, verbal, nonverbal, listening to music. Nevertheless, because of the
and written communication are all evident, with diverse backgrounds, each student has it will be
writing being the most commonly used method, impossible to cope and adjust instantly amidst the
particularly in higher education (Barrett et al. 2020). pandemic.

However, because of the COVID-19 pandemic that According to Crawford et al. (2020), the community
imposed a global threat to the health of people around lockdown and quarantine responses in the country
the world. It pushed billions of people and institutions steered students and teachers to study and work from
to close down, severely affecting most of the world's home, which delivered online learning platforms.
economy and most especially education. Forcing
academic societies worldwide to adapt and shift from As communication and mode of learning became
the traditional mode of learning to online learning online, the importance of effective communication
(Sahu, 2020). A study conducted by 424 universities plays a massive role in building students’ character
worldwide by Suresh et al. (2018, as cited in Coman and relationship with their instructors (Alawamleh et
et al., 2020) revealed that research, conference, al., 2020). Bates (2016) mentioned that faculties can
international movements, and educational institutions use informational strategies for education, student
have had to suffer from the pandemic, with most participation, and evaluation that can be learned
universities saying that they must adopt online specifically in an online environment or written
learning and faced many challenges. Although, in communication. Due to the current mode of
most countries such as the USA, India, South Korea, instruction, written communication became the
UK, China, and Australia, online-based education had prominently used method for delivering and
prevailed even before the pandemic happened (ICEF submitting instructional materials and activities. As
Monitor, 2012). Betts (2009) stated, "in online education, written
communication is a primary form of communication
Meanwhile, in the Philippines, even though a research between the institution and students as well as faculty
study by Enriquez, (2014) explains that virtual and the students."
learning has been around for the past years in
classroom activities and instructions. Still, the abrupt The recent study of Simbulan (2020) found that
pedagogical shift to online learning brought in huge teachers and students used smartphones and other
adjustments to educational institutions, instructors, learning gadgets to exchange messages through text
and students who primarily are new to entering higher messaging, e-mail, and Facebook messenger.
education institutions. Furthermore, Alawamleh et al. (2020) argue that
communication particularly in the educational areas
Lopez, Punay

must be examined, as teacher-student communication inbox which facilities both students and teachers to
can reinforce a better learning familiarity and build a communicate easily and provide feedback efficiently
more beneficial environment. (Shaharanee et al., 2016; Sudarsana et al., 2019) as
well as the Facebook messenger that is used by
Lately, numerous studies have been conducted to students in reaching their teachers regarding the
investigate the effects of online learning on students' content of their subject, asking for permissions or
performance during the COVID-19 pandemic but few excuses, and questions related to class schedules or
studies have ventured into exploring how written examinations (Abu-Alruz, 2014; Draskovic et al.,
communication between students and instructors 2013; Gunnulfsen, 2016).
Subsequently, Lawrence et al. (2019, as cited in
According to Sparks et al. (2014), written Brown et al., 2020) assert that miscommunication can
communication is the process of effectively delivering create barriers that may alter the meaning of a
multiple types of messages to different audiences in message. These barriers include semantics,
written form. Conversely, online learning is a type of intrapersonal, interpersonal, physical, and context
distance education that takes place over the internet in issues that may specifically worsen in an online
which a course is thoroughly planned ahead of time to environment.
be delivered online (Bates, 2016). However,
according to an article by Delas Peñas (2020), one of Moreover, few researchers have been able to draw on
the major problems with this method of learning is structured remedies to improve written
that it may affect the students' involvement and communication between students and instructors. But
communication in their course and instead become according to a study by Arrieta et al. (2020) and an
unproductive learners making them unfit for online article by Wilson (2017), they suggested that there are
learning. available ways and practices that instructors may
apply when communicating with their students, one of
Similarly, a recent article by Milosievski et al. (2020) which is providing accurate contact information and
observes that to most students, several of their online availability time. Arrieta et al. (2020) further
instructors barely teach and discuss the given explained that listening and attending to students’
instructional materials with them. As a result, students concerns and giving meaningful feedback is essential
are forced to learn the subjects themselves without the to creating great rapport with students.
proper guidance of their instructors making it hard for
the students to communicate with their instructors According to Hattie (1999), feedback is a critical
whenever they want to ask questions or concerns component of the assessment process and has been
regarding their subjects. deemed as the most effective and influential mediator
because of its significant effect on student learning (p.
A further research study by Baticulon et al. (2020), 9).
and Fabito et al. (2020) reveals that the most Similarly, continuous feedback allows instructors "to
frequently encountered barriers and difficulties of determine if students understand the course materials
students were adjusting to learning styles, having to and if lectures are presented clearly and logically"
perform responsibilities at home, having trouble (Section 6.2: Student Assessment, n.d., as cited in
clarifying topics and discussions with their O'Neil, n.d., p.9).
instructors, poor internet connection for submitting
activities, and limited communication between Additional findings (Section 6.2: Student Assessment,
educators and learners. n.d., as cited in Palloff & Pratt, 2006) states that
through instructors asking for more information or
On the other hand, learning technologies such as asking the student to share some aspect of their
email and other tools for correspondence can be used professional expertise helps facilitate the discussion
for students (Dabbagh & Bannan-Ritland, 2005, as and engage the student in this instance. Hence, with
cited in Colorado & Eberle, 2010) to send private the sudden shift of learning, the researchers decided
messages to their instructors which is usually and the need to conduct this vital study to explore the
commonly used method for communication in online challenges and provide ways of improving written
learning (Horton, 2006; Repman, Zinskie, & Carlson, communication as perceived by students.
2005, p. 59). Additionally, other tools for
correspondence includes Google classroom private In this regard, this study will be conducted to analyze
Challenges of Written Correspondence among BACOM students in Online Learning

the challenges encountered by BACOM students in

written correspondence with their instructors in terms The researchers will conduct the study at Benguet
of online learning. The consequences of the State University (BSU) main campus at Balili, La
challenges identified and the ways on how to improve Trinidad, Benguet.
written communication between BACOM students
and instructors. Although researches on the challenges The participants of the study are first-year students
of online learning have been studied, few types of from the degree program Bachelor of Arts in
researches have explored the challenges of written Communication (BACOM) under the College of Arts
correspondence among students therefore, a study and Sciences (CAS).
must be conducted. Specifically, this study aims to
answer the following questions: According to Krueger (2002), the preferred number of
participants when executing focus group interviews
1. What are the challenges encountered by BACOM must be between 8 to 10 people. With that, the
students in written correspondence with their researchers propose to interview (10) first-year
instructors? students from the two sections of Bachelor of Arts in
2. What are the consequences of the challenges Communication (BACOM). From a total population
identified by BACOM students in written of forty-three (43), five (5) from BACOM 1A will be
correspondence with their instructors? selected, and from a total population of forty-four
3. How can written correspondence between BACOM (44), five (5) from BACOM 1B will be also selected.
students and instructors be improved? The participants of the study will be chosen through
purposive sampling with the criteria that he/she is: (1)
Theoretical & Conceptual Framework an enrolled first-year BACOM student, (2) using
Google Classroom private inbox, Facebook
II. METHODOLOGY messenger, and E-mail when communicating with
their instructors, (3) and actively participating in
This chapter discusses the research design, online learning. The researchers will chose the study
respondents or the subject of the study, instruments of participants based on the study’s purpose and will
the study, validity, and reliability of the study. also consider the participants‘ availability,
genuineness, and openness.
The study will use a qualitative approach in
interpreting and analyzing the data to have an in-depth Through the implementation of the Community
understanding and corroboration regarding this study. Quarantine, the researchers will administ the study
The researchers aligned it to phenomenological study, utilizing the presence of Google meet in performing
which focuses on personal perceptions and a full the interview. A semi-structured type of interview will
understanding of the structure of individual be used for the creation of the interview guide. It is an
experiences. This structure directs experiences of how in-depth interview in which respondents must answer
an individual comes to understand the world open-ended questions that are predetermined, allowing
(Littlejohn and Foss, 2005). The main aim of this the interviewers to be equipped and prepared during
approach is to arrive at a definition of the essence of the interview. (Jamshed, 2014). In qualitative research,
the phenomena in question and to study the singularity semi-structured interviews are a popular data
of experiences as of what to be observed and viewed collection method, and the consistency of the
by the researchers, with the aim of determining what interview guide has a significant impact on the study's
the phenomenon is all about, what convinces it or performance. Furthermore, it enables the interviewee
whether it is occurring at all. (Creswell, 2013). This to freely think of their answers which generate a
approach applies to the study as the phenomenological successful reciprocal information exchange between
method focuses on experienced meaning instead of the respondents and interviewers (Kallio et al., 2016).
describing direct behavior and actions (Polkinghorne,
1989). The interview guide comprises nine (9) questions
which will be answered based on the perceptions of
the respondents and will also be sent to the them
Site and Participants earlier than the set date of the focus group interview.
Giving them time to prepare their answers and have a
Lopez, Punay

smooth flow of communication between the reliability of the research process, the researchers will
respondents and researchers. organize a pretesting of the interview guide through a
pilot testing interview for BACOM first-year
The researchers will employ dual moderator focus students. Afterward, it will be then validated through
group type as part of the interview. In this kind of the content validation to see if it could really identify
focus group interview, two moderators work together. to what is supposed to be identified before it will be
One moderator is in charge of asking the questions, revised to its ultimate form. 
and the other is in charge of making sure the questions
are answered by the respondents. A single moderator Data Analysis
is more likely to get distracted, hence having two
moderators will ensure that all the queries are In this study the researchers will be using a scheduled
discussed and the participants remain focused on the online focus group interview to analyze the gathered
dialogue. (Krueger & Casey, 2000). Heto yung wala data. This way, the researchers will be able to get the
pa dun sa reference na nailagay ko ta e-book kasi. Eto answers of the respondents that will be interviewed.
siya: Krueger, R. A., & Casey, M. A. (2000). Focus
groups: A practical guide for applied research, 4th ed. It will be consolidated and subjected to thematic
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc. analysis using the reflexive type of thematic analysis.
Braun et al. (2019) defined Reflexive thematic
Accordingly, a pilot testing interview comprising ten analysis as a process of analyzing contextual evidence
(10) respondents will be organized by the researchers in order to address general or specific research
to guarantee the accuracy and viability of the interview questions regarding people's experiences,
guide. In which if ever there will be suggestions and perspectives, and representations of a phenomenon. It
changes on the questions, the researchers will revise consists of six processes in performing the analysis
the queries before it will be further validated by the namely, Familiarization with the Data, Coding,
validator. Generating themes, Reviewing themes, Defining and
naming themes, and Writing up.
Consequently, the interview guide will be then verified
by Ms. Manilyn R. Cacanindin, who is a perfect fit for In addition to that, deductive and semantic approach
the validation of instrumentation for the validator is a will be applied to further help the researchers arrive at
licensed professional teacher with a Doctoral degree in themes and categories. A deductive method begins
Philosophy in the English Language. with certain preconceived themes that you expect to
see expressed in the results, based on theory or prior
Procedure experience. While explicit content of the data is
analyzed in a semantic approach (Caulfield, 2020).
After the construction of the interview guide and the
type of interview that will be used, the research Moreover, the results will be assessed and interpreted
instructor and school head will approve it before in narrative form.
conducting the study. Furthermore, to determine the


Appendix A

Challenges of Written Correspondence among BACOM students in Online Learning

Interview Guide
Challenges of Written Correspondence among BACOM students in Online Learning

Warm up Question

 How are you coping with the current mode of communication in online learning?
Main Questions

I. Challenges encountered by BACOM students in written correspondence with their instructors:

1. What struggles have you been facing in online learning in terms of your written communication with
your instructor in clarification, receiving instruction and private message?
2. What do you think are the main reason that makes it hard for you to communicate with your instructor in
written form?
3. What circumstances do you think are affecting your written correspondence with your instructors?

II. Consequences of the challenges identified by BACOM students in written correspondence with their

1. What do you think would be the effects of the struggles you have mentioned in terms of your written
communication with your instructor in clarification and private message?
2. What do you think would be the outcome of the circumstances affecting your written correspondence
with your instructors?
3. How did it interrupt you in your written correspondence with your instructor?

III. How can written correspondence between students and instructors improves:

1. In your perception, what strategies should students and instructors do to achieve a productive and
harmonious written communication?
2. How do you resolve disagreements with your instructors such as corrections of answers in exam or
scores and clarifications through written correspondence?
3. In your opinion, what adjustments between students and instructors should be done to cope with the
challenges of written communication?

Final Question
 Is there anything else you'd like to say before we wrap up the interview?
Lopez, Punay


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