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From Perceptron to Deep Neural Nets

Adi Chris Follow

Dec 25, 2017 · 19 min read

. . .

a machine learning engineer, I have been learning and playing
with deep learning for quite some time. Now, after nishing all
Andrew NG newest deep learning courses in Coursera, I decided to put
some of my understanding of this eld into a blog post. I found writing
things down is an e cient way in subduing a topic. In addition, I hope that
this post might be useful to those who want to get started into Deep

Alright, so let us talk about deep learning. Oh, wait, before I jump directly
talking about what a Deep Learning or a Deep Neural Network (DNN) is, I
would like to start this post by introducing a simple problem where I hope it
will give us a better intuition on why we need a (deep) neural network.

By the way, together with this post I am also releasing code on Github that
allows you to train a deep neural net model to solve the XOR problem

The XOR, or “exclusive or”, problem is a problem where given two binary
inputs, we have to predict the outputs of a XOR logic gates. As a reminder, a
XOR function should return 1 if the two inputs are not equal and 0
otherwise. Table 1 below shows all the possible inputs and outputs for the
XOR function:

| input1 | input2 | output |
| 1 | 1 | 0 |
| 1 | 0 | 1 |
| 0 | 1 | 1 |
| 0 | 0 | 0 |
Now, let us plot our dataset and see how is the nature of our data.

def plot_data(data, labels):

data: np.array containing the input value
labels: 1d numpy array containing the expected label

positives = data[labels == 1, :]
negatives = data[labels == 0, :]
plt.scatter(positives[:, 0], positives[:, 1],
color='red', marker='+', s=200)
plt.scatter(negatives[:, 0], negatives[:, 1],
color='blue', marker='_', s=200)

positives = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])

negatives = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 1]])

data = np.concatenate([positives, negatives])

labels = np.array([1, 1, 0, 0])

plot_data(data, labels)
Maybe after seeing the gure above, we might want to rethink whether this
xor problem is indeed a simple problem or not. As you can see, our data is
not linearly separable, hence, some well-known linear model out there,
such as logistic regression might not be able to classify our data. To give you
a clearer understanding, below I plot some decision boundaries that I built
using a very simple linear model:
tweaking a simple logistic regression model to build several decision boundaries

Having seen the gure above, it is clear that we need a classi er that works
well for non-linearly separable data. SVM with its kernel trick can be a good
option. However, in this post, we are going to build a neural network
instead and see how this neural network can help us to solve the XOR

What is Neural Network?

Neural Network or Arti cial Neural Network is a very good function
approximators that based loosely on the ways in which the brain is believed
to work. Figure 1 below shows the analogy between the human biological
neuron and an arti cial neural network.
Figure 1. (a) Structure of neurons in brain (b) Analogy of Arti cial Neural Network With Biological Neural Network
— image taken from

Without going into too much detail on a biological neuron, I will give a
high-level intuition on how the biological neuron process an information.

Our neuron receives signals through Dendrite. This information or signals

are then passed through to the Soma or the Cell Body. Inside the cell body,
all of the information will be summed up to generate an output. When the
sumed up result reaches a threshold value, the neuron res and the
information will be carried down through the axon, then to other connected
neurons through its synapses. The amount of signal transmitted between
neurons depends upon the strength of the connections.
The whole aforementioned ow is something that is adopted by the
arti cial neural network. You can think of the dendrite as the weighted
inputs based on their synaptic interconnection in an arti cial neural
network. The weighted input is then summed up together inside a ‘cell-
body’ of the arti cial neural network. If the generated output is greater than
the threshold unit, the neuron will “ re” and the output of this neuron will
be transferred to the other neurons.

So, you can see that the ANN is modeled using the working of basic
biological neurons.

So, How do this Neural Network works?

In order to know how this neural network works, let us rst see a very
simple form of an arti cial neural network called Perceptron.

For me, Perceptron is one of the most elegant algorithms that ever exist in
machine learning. Created back in the 1950s, this simple algorithm can be
said as the foundation for the starting point to so many important
developments in machine learning algorithms, such as logistic regression,
support vector machine and even deep neural networks.
So how does a perceptron works? We’ll use a picture represented in Figure 2
as the starting point of our discussion.

Figure 2. Perceptron — Source

Figure 2 shows a perceptron algorithm with three inputs, x1, x2 and x3 and
a neuron unit which can generate an output value. For generating the
output, Rosenblatt introduced a simple rule by introducing the concept of
weights. Weights are basically real numbers expressing the importance of
the respective inputs to the output [1]. The neuron depicted above will
generate two possible values, 0 or 1, and it is determined by whether the
weighted sum of each input, ∑ wjxj, is less than or greater than some
threshold value. Therefore, the main idea of a perceptron algorithm is to learn
the values of the weights w that are then multiplied with the input features in
order to make a decision whether a neuron res or not. We can write this in a
mathematical expression as depicted below:
Now, we can modify the formula above by doing two things: First, we can
transformed the weighted sum formulation into a dot product of two
vectors, w (weights) and x (inputs), where w⋅x ≡ ∑wjxj. Then, we can move
the threshold to the other side of the inequality and to replace it by a new
variable, called bias b, where b ≡ −threshold. Now, with those
modi cation, our perceptron rule can be rewritten as:

Now, when we put all together back to our perceptron architecture, we’ll
have a complete architecture for a single perceptron as depicted below:
Figure 3. A single layer perceptron architecture

A typical single layer perceptron uses the Heaviside step function as the
activation function to convert the resulting value to either 0 or 1, thus
classifying the input values as 0 or 1. As depicted in Figure 4, the Heaviside
step function will output zero for negative argument and one for positive
Figure 4. The shape of the Heaviside step function — Source

The Heaviside step function is particularly useful in classi cation task in

cases where the input data is linearly separable. However, recall that our
goal is to nd a classi er that works well in a non linearly separable data.
Therefore, both a single layer perceptron and the Heaviside step function is
obviously pointless here. Later, as you’ll see in the next section, we’ll need to
have a multiple layers that consists of several perceptrons along with a non
linear activation function.

Speci cally, there are two main reasons why we cannot use the Heaviside
step function —( see also my answer on
1. At the moment, one of the most e cient ways to train a multi-layer
neural network is by using gradient descent with backpropagation (we’ll
talk about these two methods shortly). A requirement for
backpropagation algorithm is a di erentiable activation function.
However, the Heaviside step function is non-di erentiable at x = 0 and it
has 0 derivative elsewhere. This means that gradient descent won’t be
able to make a progress in updating the weights.

2. Recall that the main objective of the neural network is to learn the
values of the weights and biases so that the model could produce a
prediction as close as possible to the real value. In order to do
this, as in many optimisation problems, we’d like a small change in
the weight or bias to cause only a small corresponding change in the
output from the network. Having a function that can only generate
either 0 or 1 (or yes and no), won’t help us to achieve this objective.

Activation Function
The activation function is one of the most important components in the
neural network. In particular, a nonlinear activation function is essential at
least for three reasons:
It helps the neuron to learn and make sense of something really

They introduce nonlinear properties to our Network.

we’d like a small change in weight to cause only a small corresponding

change in the output from the network

We’ve seen that the Heaviside step function as one example of an activation
function, nevertheless, in this particular section, we’ll explore several non-
linear activation functions that are generally used in the deep learning
community. By the way, a more in-depth explanation of the activation
function, including the pros and cons of each non-linear activation function,
can be studied in these two great post written by Avinash Sharma and

Sigmoid Function
The sigmoid function, also known as the logistic function, is a function that
given an input, it will generate an output in range (0,1). The sigmoid
function is written as:
Mathematical Formula of the Sigmoid Function

Figure 5. The shape of the Sigmoid Function

Figure 5 draws the shape of the sigmoid function. As you can see, it is like
the smoothed out version of the Heaviside step function. However, the
sigmoid function is preferable due to many factors, such as:

1. It is nonlinear in nature.

2. Instead of outputing 0 and 1, now we have a function that can give a

value output 0.67. Yup, as you might guess, this can be used to represent
a probability value.
3. Still related to point (2), now we have our activations bound in a range,
which means it won’t blow up the activations.

However, the sigmoid activation function has some drawbacks:

The vanishing gradient. As you can see from the preceding gure, when z,
the input value to the function, is really small (moving towards -inf), the
output of the sigmoid function will be closer to zero. Conversely, when z, is
really big (moving towards +inf), the output of the sigmoid function will be
closer to 1. So what does this imply?

In that region, the gradient is going to be very small and even vanished. The
vanishing gradient is a big problem especially in deep learning, where we
stack multiple layers of such non-linearities on top of each other, since even
a large change in the parameters of the rst layer doesn’t change the output
much. In other words, the network refuses to learn and oftentimes the time
taken to train the model tend to become slower and slower, especially if we
use the gradient descent algorithm.

Another disadvantage of the sigmoid activation function is that computing

the exponential can be expensive in practice. Although, arguably, the
activation function is a very small part of the computation in a deep net
compared to the matrix multiplication and/or convolution, so, this might
not become a huge problem. However, I think it is worth to mention.

Tanh Function
Tanh or hyperbolic tangent is another activation function that is commonly
used in deep neural nets. The nature of the function is very similar to the
sigmoid function where it squash the input into a nice bounded range value.
Speci cally, given a value, tanh will generate an output value between -1
and 1.
Mathematical formula of the Tanh function

Figure 6. The shape of the tanh function

As mentioned earlier, the tanh activation function has characteristics similar

to the sigmoid function. It is nonlinear and it is bound to a certain range, in
this case (-1, 1). Also, not surprisingly, tanh shares the same drawbacks as
what the sigmoid has. It su ers from the vanishing gradient problem and as
you can see from the mathematical formula, we need to compute the
exponential, which oftentimes is computationally ine cient.
ReLu (Recti ed Linear Unit)
Here it comes the ReLu, an activation function that was not expected to
perform better than sigmoid and tanh, yet, in practice it does! In fact, this
lecture says by default, use the ReLU non-linearity.

The ReLu has a very nice mathematical property in which it is very

computationally e cient. Given an input value, the ReLu will generate 0, if
the input is less than 0, otherwise the output will be the same as the input.
Mathematically speaking, this is the form of the ReLu function
Figure 7. The shape of the ReLu function

Now, you may ask, “isn’t that a linear function? why do we call ReLu as a
nonlinear function?”

First, let us rst understand what a linear function is. Wikipedia says that:

In linear algebra, a linear function is a map f between two vector spaces that
preserves vector addition and scalar multiplication:

f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y)

f(ax) = af(x)

Given the de nition above, we can see that max(0, x) is a piece-wise linear
function. It is piece-wise because it is linear only if we restrict its domain to
(−inf, 0] or [0,+inf). However, it is not linear over its entire domain. For
f(−1) + f(1) ≠f (0)

So, now we know that ReLu is a nonlinear activation function and it has a
nice mathematical property and also computationally more e cient
compared to sigmoid or Tanh. In addition, ReLu is known to be “free” from
the vanishing gradient problem. However, there is one big drawback in
ReLu, which is called the “dying ReLu”. The dying ReLu is a phenomenon
where a neuron in the network is permanently dead due to inability to re
in the forward pass.

To be more precise, this problem occurs when the activation value

generated by a neuron is zero while in forward pass, which resulting that its
weights will get zero gradient. As a result, when we do backpropagation,
the weights of that neuron will never be updated and that particular neuron
will never be activated. I highly suggest you to watch this lecture video
which has more in-depth explanation on this particular problem and how to
avoid the dying ReLu problem. Please go check it!

Oh, one more thing about ReLu that I think worth to mention. As you may
notice, unlike the sigmoid and tanh, ReLu doesn’t bound the output value.
As this might not become a huge problem in general, it can be, however,
become troublesome in another variant of deep learning model such as the
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). Concretely, the unbounded value
generated by the ReLu could make the computation within the RNN likely
to blow up to in nity without reasonable weights. As a result, the learning
can be remarkably unstable because a slight shift in the weights in the
wrong direction during backpropagation can blow up the activations during
the forward pass. I’ll try to cover more about this in my next blog post,
hopefully :)

How does a Neural Network Predicts and Learns?

Figure 8. The Multi Layer Perceptrons

The architecture depicted in Figure 8 above is called the multi-layer

perceptrons (MLP). As its name implies, in MLP, we simply stacked multiple
perceptrons into several layers. The one depicted above is a network with 3
layers: an input layer, a hidden layer, and an output layer. However, in the
deep learning or neural net community, people don’t call this network as
three layers neural network. Usually, we just count the number of hidden
layers or number of hidden layer along with the output layer, hence two-
layers neural network. The hidden layers simply mean neither an input nor
an output layer. Now, as you might guess, the term deep learning solely
implies, we have “more” hidden layers :).

So how do a neural net generates a predictions?

A neural network generates a prediction after passing all the inputs through
all the layers, up to the output layer. This process is called feedforward. As
you can see from Figure 8, we “feed” the network with the input, x, compute
the activation function and pass it through layer by layer until it reaches the
output layer. In supervised setting task, such as classi cation task, we
usually use a sigmoid activation function in the output layer since we can
translate its output as a probability. In Figure 8, we can see that the value
generated by the output layer is 0.24, and since this value is less than 0.5,
we can then said the prediction, y_hat, is zero.

Then, as in typical classi cation task, we’ll have a cost function which
measures how good our model approximate the real label is. In fact,
training in neural network simply means, minimize the cost as much as
possible. We can de ne our cost function as follows:

Mean Squared Error

So the objective is to nd some combination of w’s and b that could make

our cost J, as small as possible. To do this, we’ll rely on two important
algorithms which are Gradient Descent and Backpropagation.

Gradient Descent Algorithm

For those of you who have been doing machine learning might already
know about the gradient descent algorithm. Training a neural network is
not much di erent from training any other machine learning model with
gradient descent. The only notable di erence would be the e ect of
nonlinearities in our network that makes our cost function become non-

To give a better intuition, let us assume that our cost function is a convex
function (a big one bowl) as depicted in Figure 9 below:

Figure 9. The schematic of the Gradient Descent — Source

In the diagram above, the horizontal axes represent our space of
parameters, weights and biases, while the cost function, J(w, b) is then
some surface above the horizontal axes. The red circle depicted in the
diagram above is the original value of our cost w.r.t the weights and bias. To
minimize the cost, we now know that we have to go to the steepest path
down the bowl. But the question is, how do we know which direction to
step? Should we increase or decrease the value of our parameters? We can
do a random search, but it will take quite a long time and obviously
computationally expensive.

There is a better way to nd which direction we should go, in tweaking the

learnable parameters, weights and biases. Calculus teaches us that the
direction of the gradient vector, at a given point, will naturally point in the
steepest direction. Therefore, we’ll use the gradient of our cost function
w.r.t our weights and our biases.

Now, Let us simplify things by just looking the cost w.r.t the weights as
depicted in Figure 10 below.
Figure 10. Visualization of negative and positive gradients — source

Figure 10 pictures the value of our cost function w.r.t to the value of the
weights. You can think of the black circle above as our original cost. Recall
that the gradient of a function or a variable can be positive, zero or
negative. A negative gradient means that the line slopes downwards and
vice versa if it is positive. Now, since our objective is to minimize the cost,
we then need to move our weights in the opposite direction of the gradient
of the cost function. This update procedure can be written as follow:
Figure 11. Parameters update — Gradient Descent

where α is a step size or learning rate and we’ll multiply this with the partial
derivative of our cost w.r.t the learnable parameters. So, what does α used

Well, the gradient tells us the direction in which the function has the
steepest rate, however, it does not tell us how far along this direction we
should step. Here is where we need the α, which is a hyperparameter that
basically control the size of our step, like, how much should we move
towards a certain direction. Choosing the right value for our learning rate is
very important since it will hugely a ect two things: the speed of the
learning algorithm and whether we can nd the local optimum or not
(converge). In practice, you might want to use an adaptive learning rate
algorithms such as momentum, RMSProp, Adam and so forth. A guy from
AYLIEN wrote a very nice post regarding various optimization and adaptive
learning rate algorithm.

In the previous section, we’ve talked about the gradient descent algorithm,
which is an optimization algorithm that we use as the learning algorithm in
a deep neural network. Recall that by using gradient descent means that we
need to nd the gradient of our cost function w.r.t our learnable
parameters, w, and b. In other words, we need to compute the partial
derivative of our cost function w.r.t w and b.

However, if we observe our cost function J, as depicted in Figure 12 below,

there is no a direct relationship between J and both w and b.

Figure 12. Mean Squared Error

Only if we trace back from the output layer, the layer that generates y_hat,
way to the input layer, we’ll see that J has an indirect relation with both w
and b, as shown in Figure 13 below:

Figure 13. The schematic of the backpropagation

Now, you can see that in order to nd the gradient of our cost w.r.t both w
and b, we need to nd the partial derivative of the cost with all the
variables, such as a (the activation function) and z (the linear computation:
wx + b) in the preceding layers. This is where we need a backpropagation.
Backpropagation is basically a repeated application of chain rule of calculus
for partial derivatives, which I would say, probably the most e cient way to
nd the gradient of our cost J w.r.t all the learnable parameters in a neural
In this post, I’ll walk you to compute a gradient of the cost function J w.r.t
W2, which is the weights in the second layer of a neural network. For
simplicity, we’ll use the architecture shown in Figure 8, where we have one
hidden layer with three hidden neurons.

To nd the rate of change of y_hat w.r.t z2, we need to di erentiate our

sigmoid activation function with respect to z.
Now, once we have the value of our partial derivative J w.r.t W2, we can
update the value of our W2 using the formula shown in Figure 11 in the
previous section.

Basically, we’ll perform the same computation with all the weights and
biases repeatedly until we have a cost value as minimum as possible.

Neural Nets for Solving the XOR Problem

Great! I guess we’ve covered pretty much everything that we need to know
in order to build a neural network model, and even a deep learning model,
that would help us to solve the XOR problem.

While writing this post, I’ve built a simple neural network model with only
one hidden layers with various number of hidden neurons. The example of
the network that I used is shown in Figure 14 below. Also, I presented some
decision boundaries generated by my model with di erent number of
neurons. As you can see later, we can say that having more neurons will
make our model become more complex, hence creating a more complex
decision boundary.
Figure 14. A two layers neural net with 3 hidden Neurons

Figure 15. Decision boundaries generated by one hidden layer with several hidden neurons

But, what would be the best choice? having more neurons or going deeper,
meaning having more layers?

Well, Theoritically, the main bene t of a very deep network is that it can
represent very complex functions. Speci cally, by using a deeper
architecture, we can learn features at many di erent levels of abstraction,
for instance identifying edges (at the lower layers) to very complex features
(at the deeper layers).
However, using a deeper network doesn’t always help in practice. The
biggest problem that we will encounter when training a deeper network is
the vanishing gradients problem: a condition where a very deep networks
often have a gradient signal that goes to zero quickly, thus making gradient
descent unbearably slow.

More speci cally, during gradient descent, as we backprop from the nal
layer back to the rst layer, we are multiplying by the weight matrix on each
step, and thus the gradient can decrease exponentially quickly to zero or, in
rare cases, grow exponentially quickly and “explode” to take very large

So, to wrap up this lengthy post, these are a few bullet points that would
brie y summarise it:

The intuition, the Neural Net introduces non-linearities to the model

and can be used to solve a complex non-linearly separable data.

Perceptron is an elegant algorithm that powered many of the most

advancement algorithms in machine learning, including deep learning.

Intuitively, deep learning means, use a neural net with more hidden
layers. Of course, there are many variants of it, such as Convolution
Neural Net, Recurrent Neural net and so on.

Activation function is extremely an important component in neural net

and YES, you should understand it.

Currently, Gradient Descent with Backpropagation is the best

combination that we use to train a (deep) Neural Net.

Having more hidden layers not necessarily improves the performance of

our model. In fact, it su ers from one well-known problem called the
vanishing gradient problem.

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