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1/16/2020 pO 1 - Google Docs

In English you nurm;illy play II game bur do a lor of/ a bir of sport:
In the winter I do quite a lot of skiing; in the summer I play iconis and cricket.

Ball games and equipment

volleyball •
football (Am.Eng= :occcr) • rugby •
basketball '\If golf -~ baseball

tennis ,......:,::.-6)./4'"\ tablcte~4 cricket~

squash badminton
h= I.
- _. fIlU.e.: ri~§ 1

for most ball games you need boots or training shoes (trainer.;).
For tennis, squash and badminton you need a raclm.
for baseball and table tennis you need a bat. for golf you need clubs.
In tennis, volleyball and badminton there is a net across the middle of the
court. There is also a net around each goal in football. ..h, htad S()MfOt~t
a\\ o.f -¾tese. ~asic...-· ,,· 111 Things you can do with a ball aM.ol ,.\-,,
wovds ctYt- \',u,y
.ro~ ..\\.te.~ ~o-1-
qr -""eil-" li~e.wi~ ,al.4d . . Se i~ ·•~ a1,4rt<-
head it pass it' hi, it catch ir k1ck tr , l
*"ioustv Sfe~~i~. throw it IIMfOV .. th\.\-

~rico.,\lj J1llr..f
class wi-1-\.1 q.o.
rr Places and people
The p laying area for football, rugby, hockey and cricket is called a pitch; for 1ennis,
volleyball, basketball, and badminton ir is a court; for golf ir is a course.
Note: When you describe the playing amt for football and the area around for rhe crowd(=
the: people who watch, also called spectators), it is called a stadium, e.g. Wembley Stadium.
~~~~'4;'" ""'"~

IM~ -\1,\~ wiove. o\11 Pfilyers: Some games are played by-individuals, Olhcrs are team ~mes. ln a ream. one
player is the captain, and t.h cre is a manager (e.g. in football) or a coach (e.g. in basketball).
,.lo.! ~.\-c. a~ Officials: Football, rugby and hockey have a referee: bur ccnnis, cricket and baseball have an
umpire. In football the rcfc~ has a whistle to conrrol the game and rwo linesmen. In tennis
~rltti~ w\1, we \t4Y~ rhcrc 3rc line judges ro decide if rhe ball is 'in' or 'out'.

All o.f ~is. .o Other sports

Name Pl,1ce Equipment
athletics track vest, shorrs, running s.h~ or spikes
motor racing rrac.k crash helmet
swimming pool swimming costume (women); 1runks (men)
boxing ring vest, shorts, gloves, boots
skiing slopes (piste) nic.ks, ski suir, ski boots

70.1 Write: down six things you can do wirb a ball.

ba\~'itce.. ,-4,..
(dot\,+) Y\Ul.d.. ___ _..
.ce1J:c..~. __ __
ir ..~,c:,.-~. _
.. ~ 9.1/"'. .. it
. .. \.1;¼ ... ....
ir 'oO\IVIC j +
70.2 Write: down: +itble. ,l-t.Mvii~, +A!-VIVli~, l?oise.'oQII,
I five g;imes where you can hie the ball (with various kinds' of equipment). Vloc.\:.e.'f, !>111oo\:.e.r
2 four g;imcs where you can pass the ball. 'oA~l:.~+bQII, 1"11~bj (01111~ bAckwbvds),._foot'\ ( tio1\i )[hoaoJ
J three games where you can carch rhc ball. , ~t.\St ball, v-u~~~, "YlltY·,cc" foi>-Pait~ L eric-l:.etJ -p
4 two games where you can kick ihe ball. t"OIH" bq ll ,
5 one game where you can head the ball. fo?+\iq\\

1/16/2020 p01 - Google Docs

vu.le o-f ie-+s:

re-vti1..-+ -1-1,1 i!. -01.1<Z
70.3 ~ ,these words and put them in the correct columns below? (You can put a word in
more t.h :m one column if you wish.)
swimming gloves crash helmet course football racket tra,·k
ring boots pool motor racing ~~frslCII tennis ncr court golf
c.\u~ }
ifOVIS ol.f' pitch r.rack rrnnks boxing oals cosmme
t?> . o1'A\
shorts whisde vcsr
cfrivtrs 9 Sport Place Equipme11t

~Wil"'mi"I~ t!OO\ : -+vl.l1o1 ~s, s ~~~i11q c.o"'1,1~1e. [~i1MS1.1 HJ3'931es

{oo-l-'o11ll I pi-+c."1 boots, ~1,tor-l's,~00.-\l' 1 wltl ,~le.
WI01CY Y'IIC i"I~ -1-i,it':_ t.l"«Sh ke. IWI t+
"ttVl\'\iS C.01,H'+ nnt.e+-, ~e.-f-
lf C.Ov\ YSe lwb
xi~ iVI

70.4 Tme or false? If false, correct the sentence to make it true.

I The people who watch a football match arc the a.udience. F ( (x'ow4)
2 The official who gives the: score in tennis is the umpire. T
3 Athlcrcs wear shorts. I
4 You n~d a stick to play hockey. T
5 Boxers wear gloves. -r
6 Tennis is played on a pitch. F- ( t.olAM)
7 The rcfe.rec in football has a whistle. 1 _ , n. T \ W~ M- -t~l.1 VK~ L.o \...)
8 Women wear trunks for swimming. CWl'M!(\AIIt i;.,
4 +
70.S Answer these questions. If possible. ask a friend the quC5lions.

j~ !'. e.~ \c.illl O\\e

I Ate there any games or sports that you watch but don't play? If so,
what are they and where do you watch them?
2 Are there any games or sporn you play/do yourscH? If SC!, which?
c...LAS$ w,,t-f
,;.\\ d alw s 3 Are there any that you are good at?
11st. o\te.~e.1-f ~w1'f 4 Are any that you hate?
5 Arc there any that are nor played much in your country?
(~~O\'e. ~e. e.)(~114 6 Which game or sport is the mosr popular in your 1.-ountry?
;1,1er does) 7 Which game or sport is the most dangerous in your opinion?
8 Which game or sport requires the mosr strength?
9 Which one has the biggest crowds?
lO Cao re" ,urire dourA at leatt tRHe A2cre s2m1c/spaa;i, not ind::derf efJpH&iH

:f _f_ l Put die sports Into four g,oups.

NEA MP- i""" gym"""3 '"'" dirnbio,

volleyball basketball gotf tennis

lfiMA •MM MilMA
martial arts ~ -__j~
racket games ..±.t."1!1.iS _
ball games .JL0.\le.q.l?.. 1t.)I _'oasµ+~it!L~~\f
other sports .,mwis11c~_ c.J 1Y.11\11\13 2/7
1/16/2020 p01 - Google Docs

( Ollle,) tdV\ ~ol,(V1 le

avi4 b~l~vi~
I complete the sentences with the

balance bounce climb. htt jump l!ick

In the box.
/ I
1 In basketball pl~rs - ~OL{~U, !hit bill
usin, u,elr hands. 0
l XI.Q.J.ll~ U.- is very important in gymnastics. ,_
3 The ball can go forward in rugby when you T L
- ¥-\C..IG,- it
4 Th~re are two events that test the abilily to
.....,1MJ!1tf--: the high jump and t,h• long jump.
' K A- A i E L
5 vol! use a racket in tennis to _"_ _ the tv
ball back.
6 You need ~~ty tquipment to _..tii~L a •G
'( •C L
l Complete the aosswonl about spofls.
l Away ol fighting when, you hit people t.J L
wilh yol,I( hands.. feet. arms ,nd legs.
5 You need a mountain or rod<s for this sport
'e A· 5 le'.- -r 1b AL L
7 1Wo teams g<!t points by throwins a ban
through a net
Down T
I You use your hands and arms to hit the
ball over a high net. t
2 You can play singles o, doubles. You hm!
to hit a ball 011er a n,t with a racket C
6 You =
ActMlies that test your strength and sloll
a dub to hit • small ball into a
very small hole.

Read the passage

FAQs 3 ct. ca."' ·, udl -fr-it.i,,ds -fov l,\e.( f

Forty-seven teams came to Orban Hunt. Los Angeles Sure. Teams often have friends. near a PC
for a day of fun, adventure and puules. In Urban ready to help. They can watch you on our
Hunt, teams have to find answers to 12 questions interactive Urban Hu_nt map.
before the other teams. The answers are all around 4 Can I use my smartphone?
the city and you can phone your friends or use your
smartphone to help you. The.rules are simple - but Yes, you can but you don't need one to
answec.the questions.
compl.eting Urban Hunt isn't! 5 L o_ ·,_ ~vt. +o w~Cl.r ~V\"'1 c.lcrfTie.s
b_ wVIA + VIAff~ s ,~ l..{v-li:ioM h"'C11+ No, you don't have to wear funny dothes.
You get a list of 12-15 dues. You have to Som~ teams do but ifs not necessary.
answer them and return to the starting point 6 c. . do ; ~ve... +o solv2- --H-1e c..lctv.. \~ 1>lf'der
2 d \,,ow do i 9e+ orol(vi4 No, you don't. You can solve the dues in
You can only travel on foot or by public any order you like. You just have to find the
transport. You can't use private transport. quickest route around town.

l Match the questions with the answers 4 Find words In the passage to complete the
to the FAQs in the pass.age.. ,ul.11e.vt-\.A v-e.
William went on an ex.citing ___, walking and
a Can I call friends for help?
camping in the mountains.
b What happens in Urban Hunt?
2 rm not dever enough to do this crossword, it's a
c Do I have to solve the dues in order? very difficu It -MiJ
d How do I get around?
e Do we have to wear funny clothes?
l I can't find the answer to question s - can you
give me a c..l.l,4t? / ~i1,1+- / "'4
4 When you find a successful way to answer a
problem, you~ it
1 't
-+-hi~ e.!C t-Ye<!'.e. --'"uclilts _:,olf
-"'tis uerc,!'.t.. -ttcie.he.$ ~ol( {i111~
~e "!l~+ of \,\~1111Bs" b111+
wovds -fro~ -Kit passa~e, CMel )Joi
-f¼t. tu'\efr VU'a-'10\1
,h 111vtY¼;~~ ~~it.

hltps:// 317
p01 - Google Docs

I ~JJID lisffll to a team taking part in the Urban

Hunt and choose the corre<;t

Ji-{f tv-e,~ +- St.c-{·,01,15 What is the first due about? 4 What do they think about the second clue?
a It's easy.
of a a statue of the space shuttle b It's not easy or difficult.
f_ I !>T~ tv'IW t; b a statue of an astronaut C It's difficult.
ttre. ~oi"3 l,e. c a statue of a rocket 5 Whal is the answer to the next clue?
a a cartoon b a cinema c a concert hall
c.0112.nd ·,\'I de.-mil 2 How can the team go to little Tokyo?
6 Who has to go the1e7
la-ft.r ilr\ ¼e.. tolt rse... a by taxi b by bus Con foot a Dee Dee b the team
3 What do the team ha~ to take?
c the Urban Hunt organisers
111 a piece of the statue b a photo c a train
( bas, cr.tllV 1-ft,ah
-t-!1 i ~s w a.t- -for- A
Vl .f\,1,'L-1 Al\ ..\l\t.

He can play the piano. -- BWeYitl d!~ i l14i

can + i,!fi11iriv<' (can do I can pl.a y / can come r«.):
do do?
play I/we/you/ they play?
I/we/you/they } can can
btlshe/it Cal1llOt (can't) see he/she/it see?
come<«. come? r,tc.

B I can do something = I kumu ltoi11 w do it or it is possible for me to clo it:

• I can play th.c piano. My brother can play the piano too.
• S.tnh can. speak [t.iliaa but sbe can't speak Spanish.
• 'Can you swim?' 'Yes. but rm
not a very good swimmM'.:
ff·cm you chaioge twenry pounds?' 'I'm sorry. I c_an't.'
• I'm having a party ne:itt week but Paul and Jenny cau't come.
C For the past (yesterday/ la1t week etc.), we U5C could/couidn•t:
• Wbcn J \V;tS young, I could run very fut.
• Before Anna c:ime co Britain. she couldn't understand much English . Now she can
u.nderstnnd L'Vcrything.
• I was tired last night but I couldn't s.l eep.
• l had a p.irty last week but Paul and Jenny couldn't come.
D Can you .. . ? Could you ... ? Can l .. . ? Could I . .. ?
We use Can you .. . ? or Could you ... ? when we ask people to do thing,;:
• Can you open the door, please? or Could you open the door. pleas~?
• Can you wait :1 moment, plt.':1$e? "r Could you wait .. . ?

We use Can I have .. . ? or Could I have . . . ? l'O ask for something:

• (i11 a shop) Can I have thc,c postcards. plcase? ,,, Could I have . .. ?

Can I ... ? or Could I . .. ? = is it OK ro do something?:

• Tom, can I borrow your umbreUa? ,,r Tom , could 1 hormw your umbrella?
-lcllu, can I speak to Gerry, please? ,,r .. . could I speak ... '
• (0 11 the pbm1rj 1

bes-+ !.(SL it- ttlwa~s c,.1i-t'II -i

f~'IS~ 4/7
1/16/2020 p01 - Google Docs


31.1 Ask Steve if Ile can do these things: ,,


·;-t·' . :. ' .
~ .~, .. .,.., 1 '. 2
,f~.· ' 3~t/"

n .:
10 ~I LO M F.'l'l( ES . . ,,

7 I ···-·····-···"·----·.. ····· .. -··- ·········.....


can you do these things? Write sentences about yourself. Use I can or 1,an't
<J .. :........ ...... ........ ....... ........ ......... 11 ................................. ......
8 ......._........................... ...................... 10 .......... . - ··· .................................... 12 ..... ......,........................................ ,.. ..

31.2 Complete these sentences. Use can or can't+ one of these verbs:
eente .find hear see speak
I I'm sorry but we ..~t.~.!!'~.- to your party next Saturday.
2 I like this hotel room. You _..... - ..J:&?..\it. ...S.&: ................... the mountains &om the window.
3 You are speaking very quietly. I .........~~-'±......½~.r. ... ... . . you.
4 H:ive you seen my bag? 1 ...- .... ,.fl~.4. ....... ~~!L... ... .. it.
5 C'...atherin.e got the Joh because she ....-... ~A\!1 .....i.f.~~.~ ...... five language~. m .... .......

31.3 Complete these sentences. Use can't or touldn't + one of these verbs:
eat decide find go go .~
I I was tire.d but I .. ~!4!:\'.~. *-9.,...
2 l w:isn't hungry yesterday. 1 ........ ~Q-~.!.~11.! !......!?:.,±......... . my dinner.
3 Ann doesn't know what to do. She -...... C.~~-~±........ r!~/.~.! . ........ .
4 I wanted to spea!t to Martin yesterday hut I .....C~Y.\A~-~ .......:P.,'.!!!.~... ......... him.
5 Jim ................ .... -Ba. .. . . . ,.....
to the concert next.Saturday. He has to work.
6 Paula - ..... ...\.~~-!f..... ............ to the meeting last,veek. She was ill.
I have to do $0lm:rhing = it is nc-c~~ry for
A Thi6 i6111!1
me.dJw,e,. ~
me to do it:, I am obliged to do it
t.cll::t- It ~r !:i.n>e& Jn-..-r-rn--~ to do
I/we/you/they have
Cl.<U!f. to work
to go
.he/she/it has to Wtlllf ('/(,

• l'll,l,c lace fi>r work tomom>w. I have to go to the dentist.

• Jill st~tts work at. 7 o'clock, m shti has to get up at 6.
• You have to pan :1 tt•sr before you i:.111 get J driving lice nct•.

B Tlw pa~r (yesterday / last week is had to ... :

• I was late for work yc.-.tcrday. I bad to go to the denti\t.
• We bad to walk home hist night. There we-re uo buse1.
se..-it wi--"1 ~04 cu.~\\-t ..+o ~,.11re.- te4 wi--lt,
~v'~ ·1
i~~t ~ve- '"" wi-"' ~01..1 , ~ttvt-- ..\-1' V\tWe.. s~ wi-l-lA
jOtl tkv, -4-- l ~ve, 1
, v,1; 11 V\Ave.. su w,-l'i\ ~011 i 1Act1/e.. £e,)( w·,¼ ~04?
--H) us€ -H \{..t e:. ~~s+ ~v't, St-,; w,""'1 ,1,1 i V\~ .\i, hr,.ve,. ~e-,l wi-\\1 ~olf
,., 1l~W•t ~)~~ f 1:.-'f
~\tlo"'I~ t-i"ve. se-,c w~
lt(ll.f ·, U>\Ald ~°'ve.
woul~ "1Rl/t-
$ e-1(
j ~

~~;r.,:. r---~;~w%--
c {,' l \ t,~ i f Cl.\
at~ n""Q,, ;~ "'i-1'\,, JL1
. I •
lr·•1 '4, °'. Vtl'J<-' ·Tr>
n• H.
J.t-. i.ct 1,1 , ~ 1
»,_ 11,c_, i'l (' •· .r. ]'1
1t .. ,. ,,r"'t' / J~

r~+ ! I 11
1/16/2020 p01 - Google Docs

C In qucsticm~ and 11egntive1 we lL~c do/does (prt'jClll) and did (past) :


do l/we/you/tl1e)' I/we/you/they don't

have to ... ? have to ...
does he/she/it he/she/it doHn't


I/we/you/they 1/we/yuu/thcy
did have to ... ? didn't have to ...
he/site/it be/she/it

• Wh:ic time do you have to go to the dentist tomorrow?

• Does Jill have to work on Sundays?
• Why did they .have to leave the party e.ulyi
l don't have to {do something)"' it is nor necess:iry to do it:
• I'm not work.fog tomorrow, so I don't have to get up early.
• lln doem't have to work very hard. He'5 got. ~n L•:hy job.
• We didn't have to wait very long fur t.he bus.

D must and have to

Use mun or have to when you s:iy what you think is nccc:ss:11:y. whcn you give your opinion:
• Ir's a f.inwtic film. You must see it. or You have oo see. it.
When you ue not giving your personal opinion, use have to (rrat mwt):
• Jill won't be at work this 11fiernoon. She has to go to the doctor. (this is nor my
perron:il opinion - it i~ a fuct)
• lo many countries, mell have to do militJ.ry sc:.rvicc:. (this is not Ill)' opinion - it is the
bw in those countries)

34.1 Complete the sentences. Use have lo or ho to+ one ot these verbs:
do read speak travel
I My eyes .trc not very good. I ,.,\?.~;!;~J~... .. .. gl:m~
2 At rhc end of the course all the students .. J'.\RM:'?r................--~Q............. a tc~t.
3 Mary is studying litcrnture. She .._ ......~l.t!i... ,:'t.lL_(~g~-...... n kit of books.
4 Albcrt doesn't un<lerst:md much English. You .... J:'.\~.V..~..... ........ ~.¥.:-........ very slowly r.o him.
5 K;lle is not often ~t home. She ..... Y.lll.S. ....d:.o...... .... a lot in her job.
34.2 Completa the sentences. Use have lo or half lo+ one ofthese verbs:
answer buy change go '-Wftllt
I We ..... home l.ast night. There were no buses.
2 It's lace. I ,.... J'.ltaVe..:...... .... 51'.. ,. .... . now. I'll sec you tomorrow. L.••
3 I went to the supermarket ,1fccr work yestcrd,1y. 1 ......."..... ~.q~ ......1:0........ ...... some: food.
4 This train doesn't g-o all the way ro London. You ....... ~l!YL-:b?,......™tA.~e.. at Driscol.
5 Wt: did :ill cx:1111 yesterday. We ..... J.'JMd......::1:9......g.~s.~ "' six questions om of ten.

34.3 Complete the questions. Some are present and some are past.

I hJve to get up early tomorrow.

2 George hlld to wait a long timC'.
3 Liz Im to go somewhere.
4 We had to p:1y a lot or money.
:i I. haw to do some work.

p01 - Google Docs

Write sentences with don't/doesn't/didn't have lo... . d I

I Why are you goi11~t? You ~n't. .ruh .. i+ ~: .va ise ua
wov\( 2 Why is Ann wiliting? She ...d.~l/l!t 1/vtllt -h, .. Y'~ ...................... ........ ..... ........ ............ e v'OIC.t w't~
3 Why did you get up early? You .....M<t~•-4: Wli~....:fa . .se.:-r. ..... j .. .
?.!?... ~.l.!f.. ..... . .......... q\Ae,Wc,V\c"1j
~U'l, 4 Why is Paul working·so hard? . He .......,.~~~.~.t. . ...\-'.'.~l!'.t...... :.!Y...... . . r,'.t;. ....«r.'.:( ..............
;ll\'tO~~ali\ j'l.t.rYl · e4 ·
5 Why do you want to lem now? We ..... .d.ow+.: ... ~.v.'t. .....1:9. ....... \~.~.V.~ ....!1.~Y.(........... .......... .. r Y'IS IS "'3 I ·
Which Is correct? Sometimes must and have to are both correct. \I\A--tt4 v-ei foir '1¥13lish
I It's a great film. You must see/ have to see it. both are correct
lileve. ~l-lf'vrv1, 2 Ju many countries, m e n ~ / have to do military service. have to do Is correct
3 You can't park your c:1r here for nothing. Y o u ~ / ltave to pay.
'ct .sol id w"eM 11 4 I dido 't have any money with me last night, so l-1'1'1ll&t benew / had to borrow some.
us;l-'lj "~\litS+ 5 I c~ttoo much d1oco\are, l must .stop / have to stoQ. ~o-l¼
6 'Why is Paufa gohig now?' 'She =st reeei / has to meet somebody.'
7 What's wrong? You ntll~t tell / hav,e to tell me. I want to help you. bo-tvl

34.6 Write somethings that you (or your frUmds or family) have to do or had to do.
i (~o:~r:~l · t·tY~~+!~t;;~
3 ve:·-.. . ... . .. . . ;....~~-~m!
·½. ~
<ev;ry day) __ J..
. . ..~•·,·•. f•·~..~,... d t,4J
. .~f:o.~o·;:;·o~1. . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... . . .... . ..
( ) .., ..-1:9........... ....!f-............1................. . . . . :J:...... .. .. _......... . . . ... . . . . . .,. . .... .. . . . . . . .......
4 · (yesterd:Jy) ._ L\.1~.i ... .......... 'e1:1r.y......... 4~. . ... .«f··. - ·. ........... ............... _. .
m1. . . .. m

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