Labour and Industrial Law: Multiple Choice Questions

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1. Who is an Adolescent as per Factories Act, 1948?
a. Who has completed 17 years of age
b. Who is less than 18 years
c. Who has completed 15 years but less than 18 years.
d. None of these
Ans. c

2. Which one of the following is not a welfare provision under Factories Act,
a. a) Canteen
b. b) Creches
c. c) First Aid
d. d) Drinking wat
Ans. d
3. First Aid Boxes isr<to
a. 125
b. 135
c. 150
d. 160
Ans. c
4. Section 67 of the Factories Act stri,,dly;i_;r_o,hibits the employment of a child
below the age of:
a. 12 years
b. 14 years
c. 16 years
d. 18 years
5. Before beginning to occupy or use any premises as a factory, the occupier
must give to the Chief Inspector at least __ days prior written notice-
a. 30
b. 15
C. 45
d. 60
Ans. a

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- Labour and Industrial Law

t be appointed if Organization is engaging 0

Safety Officers are o r lllor,
~~~s -
a. . 1000
b. 2000
c. 500
d. 750

Ans. a
7_ Section 2 ( I< )of the Factories Act 1947 deals with:
a. Manufacturing Process
b. Factory
c. \i\1orker
d. None of these
A11s. a
8. Adult worker is a worker wh_o has attained the age of
a. 21 years
b. 18 years
c. 16 years ·.~'\.\..
d. None of the abo~
·, •. • Y',/•''
A11s. b ;.,r-; i; .;, ;f;~·

9. If the fact&~ ~mpI:i · ould appoint qualified

-- -------- t6 carry out
a. Safety Officer
b. Welfare officer
c. Security officer
d. None of these

Ans. a
IO. Creche is to be
a. 25
. . 'l ·
provided i f _ or more lady employees are engaged.
b. 32
c. 30
d. 40

A11s. c
ll. Certifyi
ng surgeon
a. Central G
h. Act--
. s are appointed by the _ _ for the purposes oft 15
b S ove1nment
. tate Govern
c. r:· 1 ment
~1t ,er Central G
d· Neither
· c ' overn Inent or State Government
entral Gov .
Ans. b
ernment nor State Government


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Multiple Choice Questions 7

12. The Factories Act, 1948 requires that-

a. Cleanliness shall be maintained in every factory
b. Effective arrangements of disposal of wastes and effluents shall be made
in every factory
c. Effective provision for ventilation and temperature shall be made in every
d. All above are correct
e. Ans. d
13. The Factories Act was enacted on-
a. 23rd September, 1948
b. 23rd September, 1945
c. 23rd September, 1946
d. 23rd September, 1950
14. In case of Factory, of the factory shall be liable to pay the wages to
employees employed by hi ·· '.the payment of wages act.
a. HR Manager
b. Production Mana '

d. Manager.
15. "Hazardous h finished products,
by-product ,.
a. Cause material imp :iw1,,1,, n , e persons engaged in the
industry ,,w;;.
b. Result in the 'pollution of the
c. Any one of above
d. None of above
Ans. c
16. In every factory-
a. Natural light or artificial light or both shall be provided
b. Effective arrangements for wholesome drinking water shall be made
c. Latrines and urinals shall be provided, separately for males and females
d. All above
17. In Factories Act, 1883 the overtime wages were given for work beyond ....
a. 10
b. 14

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Labour and Indu s trial Law
Mult iple Choice Questions 9

c. 12 d. Partly incorrect statement because an adolescent must have completed his

d. 8.
tenth yea r of age but his eighteenth year
~ <iCi
18. The following does not fall within the scope of the term "power"- C
2.3, The Factories Act, 1948 extends to- . ro
a. Electrical energy which is mechanically transmitted a nd is not generated a. The whole territory of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir u
by human or animal agency (/)
b. The whole territory of India except the State of Himachal Pradesh E
b. Any form of energy which is mechanically ro
c. The whole territory of India except the North Eastern States
c. transmitted and is not generated by human or animal agency
d. The whole territory of India
d. Electrical energy or any other form of energy which is mechanically .c
transmitted and is generated by human or animal agency
e. None of above
~ -~

24. A 11 calendar year" means- ,:::,

Ans.c • · The period of twelve months beginning wi th the first of March in any year Q)
b. The period of twelve months beginning with the first day of January m C
19. The object of Factories Act, 1948 is- any year ro
a. To consolidate and amend the law regulating the functioning of factories c. The period of twelve months beginning with the first day of December
b. To consolidate and amend the law regulating the establishment of factories in any year
c. To consolidate and amend the law regulating labour in factories d. The period of twelve months beginning with the first day of April in any
d. None of above year
~ Ans. b

20. According to the defi Act, 1948, an "adult'' is 25. Site Apprai by-
a person who has comp a. StateG
a. His eighteenth year of b. Central
b. 'His fourteenth year of c. Either b ntral Government
c. His sixteenth year of a d. Neither by State Government nor b Central Gove rrunent
d. His tenth year of age Ans.a
~ 26. A person who is or becomes
ZI. It is the duty of the occupier to ensure __ while they are at work in the surgeon-
factory- ~ • · The occupier of a factory
a. The health of all workers b. Directly or indirectly interested in the factory
b. The safety of all workers c. Directly or indirectly interested in any plant or machinery connected with
c. The welfare of all workers the factory
d. All above d. All above are correct
~ A11s. d

22. An uadolescent" means 27. Child is a person who has not completed his __ year of age
but has not com I t d ~-pe~son who has completed his fifteenth year of age a. Sixteenth
P e e 1s eighteenth year-
Correct statement
a. b. Fifteenth
b. lncorrectstatement b c. Fourteenth
c. Partly incorre t .,. ' ecause no such age is provided by law d. Tenth
c Swtementbec dh·s
sixteenth yea r of b ause an adolescent must have complete 1
age ut not eighteenth year Ans. b
- 10
. .
Labour and Industrial Law

by the occupier to the Chief Inspector before usi

Multiple Choice Questions II

28 The written notice given . ng 33, Obligations of Workers under the Factories Act 1947 was discussed in section
. a remises as a factory must contain- .
P d ·tuation of the factory and ,ts postal address a. 78
a The name an s1
b: The name and address of the occupier, manager and the owner of the b. 101 iii
c. 111 C
premises . . C1l
c. The nature of the manufacturing process earned on m the factory d. 99 (.)
d. All above ~ E
34. The term Sabbatical is connected with C1l
a. Paid leave for study
29. "Day'' means a period of twenty-four hours beginning al midnight ..c
b. Paternity leave +-'
a. True
c. Maternity leave
b. False "C
d. Quarantine leave Q)
c. Partly true
d. Partly false ~ C
Ans. a 35. Every District Magistrate shall be __ for his district- (.)
a. Chief Inspector U)
30. "Week" means a period of seven days beginning at midnight of __ or such
b. Additional Chief Inspector .
other night as may be approved in writing for a particular area by the Chief
Inspector of Factories- - c. Inspector
a. Sunday d. Deputy Inspector
b. Saturday Ans. c
c. Monday 36. "Factory" means a premises where _workers are working on any day of the
d. Wednesday preceding twelve months, and in which a manufacturing process is being
Ans. b carried on with the aid of power-
.' a. lSormore
31. Manufacturing process is the Erocess for- b. 25 or more
a. M~king,_altering, repairing, ornamenting, finishing, packing, a substance c. 20 or more
with a view to its use, sale, transport, delivery or disposa1, d. lOormore
b. Pumping oil, water, sewage and generating, transforming or transmitting Ans. d
c. cb_omdiposing types for printing, printing by letter press, lithography, or book 37. Factories Act determines the wor~ng hours for child as-
m ng a. Five and half hours per day
d. Each one of above b. Seven hours per day
c. Four and a half hours per day
d. Eight hours per day
32. An adult worker can work t h .
a. 8 up O - rs 1n a day as per factories Act, 1948. ~
b. 9 38. Section 79 of the Act deals with __ with wages-
C. ]Q •· Annual leave
d. 12 b. Medical leave
c. Special leave

- d . Holiday
La.boU~ and Industrial Law 13
Multiple Choice Questions
- . •here twenty or more workers are _workin~ and in any part
44, The penalty for any contravention of the provisions of the Factories Act and
39, The premises" f . g process is being earned on without the aid of
of .. which a manu actunn Rules is- .....
a. Imprisonment up to 2 yea rs C
power- ·1h·n the meaning of Factories Act, 1948
a. ls a factory w1 1 • b. Fine up to Rs. 1,00,000/- C
b. ls a workshop within the meaning of Factories Act, 1948 cc
c. Both (a) and (b) CJ
c. ls a shop within the meaning of Factories Act, 194~ Cf)
d. Any one of above
d. ls a cottage industry within the meaning of Factories Act, 1948 E
~ cc
40. The Factories Act, 1948 has been enacted primarily to-
a. Provide safety measures to workers
b. Promote health of workers
45. Every worker has the right to obtain from the occupier, information relating
to health and safety al work-
a. True
b. False, because no such right is conferred on worker by the law
c. Promote welfare of workers c. Partly true, because right to information is res tricted to health alone and C
d. All the above. not safety .· cc
d. Partly true, because right to information is restricted to safety alone and CJ
A11s.d Cf)
not health
41. As per the Factories Act, 1948, working hours for adult person shall not be
more than __ hours in any week·
a. 36 46. The duties of certifying surgeon indude-
b. 42 a. Examination and certification of young persons
c. 48 b. Examination of pe ons engaged in factories in dangerous occupations or
d. 54 processes
c. Medical supervision for any factory where illness is caused due to the
Ans. c
nature of the manufacturing 'process carried on
42. An Inspector has the power to- d. All above
a. Enter any place wh ich is used as a facto ry and examine the premises, plan~ Ans. d
machinery, article or substance'
b. Inquire into any accident or dangerous occurrence 47. Every factory shall be securely fenced by safeguards of substantial
construction- ·
c. Requi re the production of registers and any other document relating to the
a. True
factory and seize, or take copies thereof
d. All above b. False
c. Partly true
d. Partly false
43 · "Oc~upier'' of a factory means the person who has ultimate control over the
affairs of the factory- ~
a. Correct sta tement 48. In every factory, provisions shall be made-
b. Incorrect statemen t a. For washing facilities
c. Partly correct statement b. For first-aid appliances
c. For canteens

d. Parll y Incorrect Statement
d. All above
Labour and Industrial Law
14 Multiple Choice Ques tions 15
t ry the occupier has to give how many days notice to
49. To dose down a fac o 54. In relation to any industrial dispute concerning __ the appropriate
the authorities: Government is Central Government
a. 30 days a. Any industry carried on by or under the authority of the Central Govt. <iCi
b. 60 days b. A railway company C
c. 9()days c. Industrial Finance Corporation of India Limited formed and registered <O
d. 14 days under the Companies Act, 1956 Cf)
A11s.b d. All above E
SO. Who is an adolescent as per Factories Act, 1948: Ans. d ()
a. Who has completed 17 years 55. The temporary closing of the workplace or suspension of the work at the ..c
b. Who is less than 18 years of age workplace by the employer is known as _ _ -~
c. Who is more than 15 years but less than 18 years of age a. lay-off "'C
d. None of these Q)
b. lock-out
Ans. c c. retrenchment C
d. none of the above · <O

SI . Industrial Disputes Act extends to-- 56. Which of the following acts has direct relevance for grievance handling
a. Whole of India except the Stateof)ammu and Kashmir practices?
b. Whole of India except the State of Maharashtra a. Industrial Disputes Act ~
c. Whole of Ind ia except the State of)harkhand - b. Factories Act
d. Whole of India ' C.

A11s.d d.
52. Which provisio_n under the Industrial D_isputes Act, 1947 guarantees the right
of workmen Ja1d•off to claim for compensation? 57. Problems f stries does not include
a. Section 25-0 a. More working
b. Section 26 b. Lack of leave faci
c. Section 25-C c. Less wages
d . Section 25-M d . Hazardous working conditions
~ ~
53. Under_the_l~dustrial Disputes Act, if the employer terminates the services 58. The expression 'Appropriate Government' has been rigidly defined in
of a~ m~iv,dual workman, any dispute/difference arising out of such Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 in section:
termination shall be deemed to be a. 2(a)
a. industrial dispute b. 2(b)
b. individual dispute c. 2(aaa)
c. both individual and industrial dispute d. 2(g)
d . none of these

~ 59. Section 10-A, Industrial Disputes Act refers to
a. voluntary reference of disputes to arbi-trati~
b. definition of workman
Labour and Industrial Law
Multiple Choice Question.s 17
c. definition of industry
d. appeals 65. Which of the following is a valid industrial dispute: . . . .
a. A dispute connected with resettlement is an industnal dispute for ii is
Ans. a
question relating lo non-employment . .
60. - - he so Ie responsibility for enactment of labor laws which applies
_hast b. Dispute on Jock-out in disguise of closure is an industnal dispute
to all over India. c. An industrial dispute includes difference between employer and workman <1l
a. State Government including minority unions u
b. Central Government d. All of the above E
c. Both state and Central Government Ans. d <1l
d. None of the above.
66. The term "lay-off'' has been defined under the Industrial Disputes Act .c
A11s. b
a. Section 2(kkk)
61 . The term 'Employer' has been defined in the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 "O
under seclion: b. Section 2(o) (l)
a. 2(g) c. Section 2(/) C
b. 2(j) d. Section 3(1) <1l
c. 2(aaa) u
~ (J)
d. 2(k)
67. The expression 'Lay-off' is defined in section:
~ a. 2(aaa)
62. The term "lock-out" under the Industrial Disputes Act is defined in b. 2(g)
a. Section 2(1) c. 2(d)
b. Section 2(o) d . 2(kkk)
c. Section 3(1)
d. Section 2(m)
68. Which of the following is not a valid industrial dispute:
a. A dispute between the authorities of an educational institution and the
63. As per section 2(j) of the Act, the term_Industry includes: subordinate staff
a. Indian Standard Institution b. A genuine and bona fide c losure
b. FICO c. Claim for compensation by employer for loss of business through illegal
c. All India Rad io strike
d. All of the above d. All of the above
~ ~
64. Which of the following is not an industry: 69. Which of the following is a valid condition for lay off:
a. Army Ordinance department a. Shortage of coal power or raw material
b. Telecom department b. The accumulation of stock
c. Khadi & Village Industrial Board c. Breakdown of machinery
d. Hospital run by Government d . All of the above
~ ~
70. The word 'closure' has been defined in section of Industrial Dispute Act, 1947:
a. 2(cc)
b. 2(kkk)

Labour and industrial Law
Multiple Choice Questions 19
C. 2(g)
c. 11th March, 1946
d . 2(00)
d . 11th March, 1948
Ans. d
71 , ;::;.,hment had been defined in Industrial Dispute Act in section: C
77. Which of the following is a competent authority to try an Industrial Dispute <tl
a. 2(cc) (J
in over sphere: (f)
b. 2(kkk) a. Board of conciliation E
C. 2(g) <tl
b. Labour court
d . 2(00) c. Tribunal
Aus. d d. All of the above .....
72. The onus to prove the justification of retrenchment lies on:
a. The employer 78. Which of the following is a workman under the Industrial Dispute Act: (I)
b. The workman a. Employees of municipality C
c. Both <tl
b. Inspectors and Salesman of a company (J
d. None of the above c. Head clerk in Rajya Transport Authority (f)

~ d. All of the above

73. Which of the followin chment: Ans. d

a. Compulsory retire n 79. Under which section of the Industrial Dispute Act, parties to a dispute can
b. Termination of sen workmen for shortage of work refer a matter to an arbitrator: ·
c. Termination of servi rs' who had worked for more 240 days a. Section 9
d. All of the above · · · b. Section 10
74 · The term Strike had been defined in sec;ion ..... of Industrial Dispute Ad,
Ans. c
a. 2(q)
b. 2(d) 80. In which of the following is Central Government called an 'Appropriate
c. 2(aaa) Government' in respect of industrial dispute:
d. 2(n) a. An industry carried on by a railway company
b. A dock labour established under section SA of the Dock Workers (Regulation
~ & Employment) Act, 1948
75. The compulsory closure of th I k c. A bank company
is called: e P ace of employment or suspension of wor
d . All of the above
a. Lockout
b. Dismissal
c. Layoff 81. Average pay has been de fined in Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 in section:
d. Retrenchment a. 2(a)
b. 2(b)

c. 2(aaa)
76. The Industrial Dispute Act 1947 d. 2(g)
a. llU1 March, 1947 • was enacted on:
b. 11th March, 1949
- 20
Lab-Our and Industrial Law
Multiple Choice Questions 21
'h been defined in which section of Industrial Dispu•-
82. The term 'award as LC
87. If workman is paid monthly, his average pay shall be equal to the average
Act, 1947:
of his wages of
a. 2(a)
a. 4complete calendar months preceding the date on which the average pay cii
b. 2(b) becomes payable C
c. . 2(aaa) (1l
b. 3 complete calendar months preceding the date on which the average pay (.)
d. 2(g) becomes payable Cf)
A11s.b c. 2complete calendar months preceding the date' on which the average pay E
83. There is a prohibition on representation of the parties by __ in any
becomes payable
d . 5 complete calendar months preceding the date on which the average pay
proceeding before conciliation officer- · ..c
becomes payable
a. An office bearer of a registered trade union
Ans. b
b. A workman employed in the industry in which the worker is employed "C
c. A legal practitioner 88. The term "award" is defined in. Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 as Q.)
d. An officer of an association of employers a. An interim determination of any industrial dispute by any Labour Court, C
Ans. c Industrial Tribunal or National Industrial Tribunal (.)
.. '
84. The following are some of the ublic utility service--
b. A final determination of any industrial dispute by any Labour Court, Cf)
Industrial Tribunal or National Industrial Tribunal
a. Any railways rvice for the carriage of passengers c. An interim or a final determination of any industrial dispute by any Labour
or goods by ai Court, Industrial Tribunal or National Industrial Tribunal
b. Any postal, tel d. An interim or a finf ldete:mination of any industrial dispute by any Labour
c. Any industry r to the public Court or Industrial ·Tr!bunal anii not National Industrial Tribunal
d. Each one of ab Ans. c
A11s. d
89. Proceeding a workman from an employee is
85. Industrial Dispute on for the investigaticxl started und
and settlement of in a. Section
a. Correct b. Section 33B
c. Section 33C
b. ~artly i~cor_rect because the pureose of ~nactment is only settlement of
mdustnal dispute and not investigation d. Section 330
c. Partly incorrect b~cause t~e p~rpose of enactment is only investigation and ~
not settlement of mdustnal dispute
90. Industrial Disputes Act was enacted on-
d. :~~;rect ~ecfaused th~ purpose of enactment is neither investigation nor a. 11th March, I 945 •
men o m ustnal dispute
b. 11th March, 1946
~ c. 11th March, 1947
86. Which of the followin cond "f d d . 11th March, 1948
compensation to a workmg a 1 .d' 10ns are necessary for entitlement an
n •• -off: ~
a. He must be a workman other th .
b. Must be named m· an badh or casual workman 91. Every board, court of inquiry, labour court, industrial tribunal and national
muster roll
c. He has completed not less than tribunal shall exercise the power of Civil Court under Civil Procedure Code,
d. All of the above one year of continuous service 1908 for the purpose of:
a. Enforcing attendance of any person and examining him on oath
b. Compelling production of document and material object
- :2:_2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

c. Insuring Comm1ss1
Labour and Industrial Law

. .oner for examination of witnesses

Multiple Choice Questions

97. In case of a workman who is paid daily, his average pay shall be equal to

d. All of the above the average of his wages of_ ._

a. 15 full working days preceding the date on which the average pay becomes C
Ans. d C
--workmen who commences or act in furlheranc~ of a S'.rike which is Cll
92. Any th d trial Dispute Act must be pumshed with:
b. 10 full working days preceding the date on which the average pay becomes u
illegal under e I n us . payable
a. Imprisonment not exceeding one month c. 12 full working days preceding the dale on which the average pay becomes E
b. Fine not exceeding fifty rupees payable u
c. With both, imprisonment of one month & fine of rupees fifty
d. All of the above
A11s. d ~
d. 6 full working days preceding the date on which the average pay becomes
payable -
93. "Industrial establishment" means an establishment in which any industry 98. A cessation of work by the employees is known as- C
is carried on- a. Stoppage of work C
a. Correct b. Strike u
b. Partly correct c. Lay-off
c. Partly incorrect d. Lock out
d. Incorrect Ans. b
Ans. a 99. Wages means all remuneration capable of being expressed in terms of money,
94. When an employ men! to a workman on which is payable to a:workman in respect of his employment-
account of.....,__, it is
a. · Shortage of coal, po,
b. The accumulation of c.
Ans. a
A11s. d
100.The term wages indudes-
95. A workman who commences or continues an illegal strike shall be punishable a. Allowances
Wtlh- b. Value of any house accommodation; light supply, water supply; medical
a. Imprisonment up to one mo~th, or fine up to Rs. 50/ - or both attendance etc.
b. Imprisonment up to one month, or fine up to Rs. 1000/- or both c. Travelling concession
c. lmprisonment up to one month d . All above
d. FineuptoRs.100/-
~ 101.Failure of employer to give employment to the employees owing to shortage
96. The temporary closure of l f k 1·s of power or raw materials or the break•down of machinery, is-
known as- P ace O employment or suspension of wor a. Retrenchment
a. Suspension b. Termination
b. Lock-out C. Lay off
c. Dismissal d. Dismissal
d. Layoff
1,abour and Industrial Law
MuU.iple Choice Questions 25
, , f • :----
·onsareproh1b1ted romcomrruttingun,.,
1<menandtra eum • · h bl ' th -...r 107.Mark incorrect statement in respect of Conciliation Officers-
102.Employers, ,~or d any violation thereof is pums a e w1 -
labour practtce an . ths or fine up to Rs. 500 /- or both • · They are appointed by the appropriate Government
a. Impnsorun
ents up to six mon
ths or fine up to Rs. 1000/- or both b. They are appointed by State Government <iCi
b Imprisonment up to shree1x mononths or fine up to Rs. 1000 /- or both c. They are charged with the duty of mediating in the industrial disputes C
c. m
I prisorunent up to t m /
three onths or fine up to Rs. 500 - or both
d. They are duty-bod to promote the settle mt of industrial disputes u
d. Imprisonment up to m Cf)
Ans. b
A11s.b 108.ln case of closing downs of undertaking, the worker shall not be entitled to CIJ
103.~rm "retrenchment" does not include- a. Notice
a. Voluntary retirement b. Compensation ....
b. Superannuation c. Alternative employment
c. Termination of the service resulting from non-renewal of the contract of d. Compassionate employment "O
employment or for health reasons Ans.c C
d. None of above is included within the scope of the term C
109.The Labour Courts and Industrial Tribunals are established by- u
A11s.d a. The Central Government Cf)
104.A person employed in any industry to do any manual, unskilled, skilled, b. The State Government
technical, operational, clerical or supervisory work for hire or reward is c.
called- .~ d.
110. The following Ile s ilie Presiding Officer'
d. of a Labour C6urt
a. A sittin or··
b. A Districtfudge ving minimum years
105.21. "Industrial dispute" means ___w..,h icl\ is connected with the employment of judgeship .
or non-employment or the terms of employment or with the conditions of c. Any person who h n India for minimum 7 years
labour, of any person · ,: · d. Each one of above
a. Any dispute or difference between employers and employers ~
b. Any dispute or difference between employers and workmen
111. In an industrial establishment emP.loying 50 or more workmen, the employer
c. Any dispute or difference between workmen and workmen nit provide for a _ _ settlement o'f industrial, disputes-
d. Any one of above
• · Grievance Settlement Authority
A11s. d
b. Labour Welfare Officer,
c. Works Committee
106.~!::J't:opriate ~~vernment may require the employer lo constitute a worl<l
ee consisting of represe n ta11ves
- k me n- d. Public Informa lion Officer
of employers and wor
a. If 150 or more workmen a ~
b If 200 0 re employed in the estabhshment
. r more workmen are em I d .
c. If JOO or mo km P oye m the establishment 112. Every inquiry or investigation by a Labour Court and an Industrial Tribunal
rewor en are em I d. shall be deemed to be a judicial proceeding
d. The appropriate Go . P oye m the establishment ell¢
of the number of vt.kmmay give such direction lo the employer irrespe a. Correct

- ~
wor en empl d.
oye m the estabhshment b. Incorrect, because inquiry or investigation °by a Labour Court alone is
deemed to be a judicial proceeding
LabO"' and Industrial Law
26 Multiple Choice Questions 27
. . investigation by a Industrial Tribuna] al
red, t,ecause inquiry or . ~
c. . lncor . dicial proceeding 117.Labour Courts and Industrial Tribunals may give appropriate relief in case
is deemed· to be a JU
d. Incorrect, e
b cause inquiry
. or investigation by a Labour Court 0
. . . I .
t deemed to be a 1ud1aa , proceeding
I an
of discharge or dismissal of workmen-
• · Correct, provided that they are satisfied that the order of discharge or
Industrial Tribunal ,s no C:
dismissal was not justified C
Ans. a b. Incorrect, because only Labour Court may give appropriate relief in case u
-- . ts are expressly excluded from the scope of,._ of discharge or dismissal of workmen Cl)
113.The followmg emo1umen ""
term "wages" c. Incorrect, because only Industrial Tribunal may give appropriate relief in E

a. Bonus . .
case of discharge or dismissal of workmen
b. Contributi?n of the employer to any pension fund or provident fund
c. Gratui ty
d. Each of above
d . Incorrect, because neither Labour Court nor Industrial Tribunal can give
any relief to workman in case of discharge or dismissal
Ans. a
Ans. d 118.Conciliation Officer shall h d conciliation proceedings and if a settleinent
is arrived al- C
114.An employer who is a party to a dispute shall be entitled to be r~presenld a. He will send a report thereof to the appropriate Government

in any proceeding by- u

b. Along with report, he will also send to the appropriate Government a Cl)
a. An officer of an association I of employers of which he is a member memorandum of the settlement signed by the parties to dispute
b. An officer of a federatio~ of. associations of employers to which tht c. Both (a) and (b) above are obligatory on the part of Conciliation Officer
association is d . Neither (a) nor (b) above are obligatory on the part of Conciliation Officer
c. Any other e
Ans. c
d. 119.U no settlement of dispute is reached in the conciliation proceedings, the
Ans. d Conciliation Officer ·
a. Shall se11i:I to the appropriate Government a full reRort of the steps taken
US.Labour Court and Industrial Tribunal are v~sted with the same powen • by him for bringing a settlement
are vested in. a Civil Court in respect of- b. Alongwith report, he will also send the reasons on account of which a
a. Enforcing attendance of any person and examining him on oath settlement could not be arrived at
b. Compelling the production ofd~ments c. Both (a) and (b) above are obligatory on the part of Concilia tion Officer
c. Issuing commissions for the examination of witnesses d . Neither (a) nor (b) above are obligator on the part of Conciliation Officer
d. All above
~ 120.Retrenchment means the termination by the employer of the service of a
116.After considering the rt f . f ·1urt ol workman for any reason, othenvise than as a punishment inflicted by way
cil " . repo °
Conciliation Officer in respect of 31 of disciplinary action-
~:. talion proceeding, the Appropriate Government may make referen«<
a. Correct
a. Labour Court, b. Partly correct because even a punishment inflicted by way of disciplinary
b. Industrial Tribunal action is also included within the scope of the term
c. National Tribunal c. Partly correct because retireme~t also amounts to termination of service
d. Any one of above hence included within the scope of the term
d. Incorrect

Labour and Industrial Law

28 t hall publish the award passed by Labo Multiple Choice Questions 29

. t govemmen s ur
121.Theappropna e th date of its receipt-
within - from e 126.The Conciliation Officer is bound to submit his report within _ _ days of
the commencement of the conciliation proceedings
a. 60 days
a. Thirty
b. 30days C
b. Forty-five C
c. 90 days co
c. Fourteen (.)
d. None of above
d. There is no such limitation prescribed in law en
. d t in the course of conciliation proceedings sh•" E
122.A settlement arnve a .. i,: Ans.c co
bindingon- u
a. All parties to the industrial dispute .

b. All other parties summoned to appear m the proceedings as parties to

c. The heirs, successors or assigns of the- employer in respect of

127.A workman having completed one year of continuous service maybe
retrenched by the employer only when he is
a. Given one month's notice in writing and paid compensation equal to 15
day's average pay for every completed year of continuous service
establishment b. Given 15 days notice in writing and paid compensation equal to 15 day's C
average pay for every completed year of continuous service C
d .. Allabove co
c. Given one month's notice in writing and paid compensation equal to 30 (.)
A11s. b
day's average pay for every completed year of continuous service en
123.Before going on strike, a __ d~ys notice to the employer is necessary- d. Given 15 days notice in writing and paid compensation equal to 30 day's
a. . Fourteen average pay for every completed year of continuous service
b. Thirty Ans. a
c. Forty-five
128.At least _ _ days before the date of intended closure of undertaking, the
employer must serv~ a n0tice thereof on ·- the appropriate Govt.-
Ans.a a. 30
. ~-
ll4.A wo_rkman shall be ~eemed io be in continuous' service for a period of_7
b. 60
c. 90
yea'. ,f he has actually worke_d under the employer for not less than IUJI
d . 120
dunng preceding twelve calendar m~ntlts-
a. 180 ~
b. 246,
129.A workmen shall not be entitled t~ compensation-
C. 9()
•· If he refuses to accept any alternative employment
d. 150
b. If he do"". not present himself for work at the establishment at the appointed
~ time dunng normal working hours at least once a day
125.A conciliation proceedin h c. If such laying-off is due to a strike or slowing-down of production on the
a. A memorand f hg s all be deemed to have concluded part of workmen
um O t e settlem t · · d. lneach of above mentioned cases, no compensation is payable to the
b. Appropriate G en •s signed by the parties .
overnment rec . h cilia workman
officer etves t e failure report of the con
c. Reference is made lo the . ~
pendency of concil' ti Labour Court, or Industrial Tribunal duril\! 130.The retrenched workmen shall be offered employm t · f
d. In any one of b ,a .on proceedings h . en 1n pre erence over
A a ave situations ot er persons, 1f the employer proposes to employ any persons- ·
~ a. Correct statement
b. Incorrect statement
c. Partly correct statement

= 1,abour and Industrial Law Mult. iple Choice Questions 31

c. Both (a) and (b) above
d. Partly incorrect statement d. Neither (a) nor (b) above ....Cl)
Ans, a
~ C:
- 0 on strike- .. . . C:
131.No person shall g_ th d t of strike specified m notice l36.According to definition provided in Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 in Section Cl)
( th expiry of e a e 2(j), the term "Industry'' means- u
a. Be ore e f y conciliation proceedings before a con · ·
b. During the pendency O an
•· Any business or trade E
officer ft the conclusion of conciliation proceedings b. Any undertaking, Cl)
c. Within seven days a er c. Any manufacture u
d. All above are correct d. All above

Ans. d Ans. d
-- k h ctually worked under an employer for not less than "C
132.lf a wor man as a . . 137.An employer proposing to effect any change in the conditions of service of Cl)
during preceding six calendar months, he shall be deemed to be m contin any workman must give 21 day's notice-- C:
service for a period of six months- Cl)
a. Correct
b. Incorrect, because no notice of change is necessary en
c. Incorrect, because 30 day"s notice is required by law
c. 90 d. Incorrect, because 90 day's notice is required by law
d. 80
Ans. a
Ans. b
138.An employer ~r continues an illegal lock-out shall be
133.An employer can punishable
a. Without givin to the workman a. lmpriso th, or fine up to Rs. 500/- or both
b. Before the exp · b. Impriso e up to Rs. 1000/- or both
c. During the pe ngs before a con · · c. Imprisonmen up on
officer d. Fine up to Rs.1000/-
Ans. b
139. The following persons are also workman in la lion to an industrial dispute-
134.U •. workman having completed one year of continuous service is Jaid a. A person who has been dismissed
he is- b. A person who has been discharged
a. Not entitled to any compensation c. A person who has been or retrenched
b. :~tied to compensation which shall be equal to SO% of the total of d. All above
as~c wages and dearness allowance ~
c. Entitled to compensation wh·ch h basi<•.,g<I
d. Entitled to . 1 s all be equal to 50% of the .•, of 140.Where a company commits an offence under Industrial Disputes Act 1947
basic wages and d which h II b 01_
s a e equal to 4010 o f the to"" a. Eve,yDirectorofsuch company shall be deemed to be guilty of such offence
An;. b earness allowance . b. Only the Managing Director of such company shall be deemed to be guilty
- of such offence
135.An empl . ·
Oyer tntending to cl \J~ c. No Director of such company shall be deemed to be guilty of such offence
appropriate Covernment os~ down the undertaking must serV•. 1,ppl d. None of above

a. To an undertaki . a notice thereof but this condition shall no .,
b . ng in which 1 th I vew ~
· fo an undertakin . ess an fifty workmen are emP o,
cana) g set up forth ·d•eS,
s, dams or for oth e construction of buildings, bO 0
er constru .
ction work or project
Multiple Choice Questions 33
Labour and Industrial Law
l4S.An individual dispute becomes industrial dispute when it is taken up by
· . h"b"fon that an employer cannot _ _ during the pendency
141.There is a pro I I i .. . .
a. Union only. ...
b. Union orsubstantial number of workmen. C
of conciliation proceeding before a conc1hahon officer- . . C
c. Continuous support of union.
a. Alter the condition of service of a workman concerned m the dispute Cll
d. Subsequent support of union. (J
b. Discharge or punish any workmen concerned in such dispute for any (f)
misconduct connected with the dispute ~ E
c. Discharge or punish any workmen concerned in such dispute for any C1l
146. Which of the following statements are tnie? u
misconduct, whether or not connected with the dispute J. All employees are workmen. ..c
d. Only (a) and (b) are correct
II. All employees are not workmen.
III. All workmen are employees.
142. Where a workman is paid weekly, his average pay shall be equal to the IV. All managerial staff are workmen. Q)
average of his wages of Codes: C
a. 4 complete weeks preceding the date on which the average pay becomes a. Jandll Cll
payable b. II and Ill (f)
b. 3 complete weeks preceding the date on which the average pay becomes c. Ill and JV
payable · ,.,., -~ · d. I and Ill
c. Scomplete weeks preceding II:• date on which the average pay becomes Ans. b
payable . _
d. 6complete weeks preceding the date on which the average pay becomes 147.ln which of the e Court held that medical
payable representative is
a, Standard ~ac111
b. Anand Bifznr P
143.Any money du er 1 nder a settlement or an c. Workmen V. Gre
award may be re ; d. J& J Dechane V. S
a. If the workman ppropriate Government
Ans. d
b. If such application r from the date on which the
money became due ..., r 148.ln which of the following cases the GHERAO was declared illegal 7
c. By the Collector as arrears of larld reyenue on the basis of a certificate issued a. Bangalore Water Supply & Sewerage Board V. Raj appa
by the appropriate Government. ,. b. Jay Engneering Works Ltd. V, Staie of West Bengal
d. All above are correct • fr c. Hindustan Motors Ltd. V. Tapan i5umar
Ans. d d, O.P. Gupta V. Union of I,,dia
144.A workman who is a party to a dispute is entitled to be represented in any ~
proceeding by- 149.Assertion(A) : Before Bangalore Water Supply case educational institutions
a. Any member of the executive or office bearer of a registered. trade union were excluded from the definition of an industry.
of which he is a member Reason (R): Main purpose of such institutions is to impart education, and
b. Any member of the executive or the office bearer of a federation of trade not to run business or trade.
unions to which the lrade union affiliated Codes:
c. Any other workman employed in the industry in which the worker is a. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation.

b. Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct ex planation.
d. Any one of above
c, (A) is true but (R) is false.
Labour and Industrial Law Multiple Choice QuestioM 35
d . Contribution paid by the employer to any Pension Fund or Provident Fund
d. (A) is false but IR) is true.
~ Q)
~ C
155,The Object of Minimum Wages Act is- C
150.Rctrcnchmcnt means (1'
r ment of workman a. To provide for increase the minimum rates of wages in certain employments
a. Voluntary re ,re . f vorkman on the ground of continued ill- b. To provide for increasing the dearness allowance in certain employments Cf)
b. Terminati on of the service O a '
health . f km f
c. To provide for fixing minimum rates of wages in certain employments E
c. Term ina ti on by the employer of the service o wor an or any reason d. To provide for fixing basic pay in certain employment
whatsoever I f th
d. Termination of the service of the workman as a resu t o e non-renew
of the contract of employment
al ~
156.Minimum rates of wages may be fixed by-
a. The hour
~ b. The day Q)
THE MINIMUM WAGES ACT, 1948 c. The month C
d . Any of the above wage periods ()
151.Thc Minimum Wages Act was passed on: Cf)
Ans. d
a. l st March, 1946
b. llth April, 1946 157. "Appropriate Govemment 11 _ _ is the Central Govemment-
c. 1st March, 1948 a. In relation to a scheduled employment ca rried on or by the authority of
d. None o f the above the Central Government ·
b. In relation to a ra iiway administration or a mine or oil field
Aus. c
c. In relation to any Corporation established by the Central Government
152.The Minimum Wages Act applies: d. All above are correct
a. To the whole of India Ans. d
b. Except the state of Jammu & Kashmir
c. Except State of Assam, Pondicherry, Dadar Nagar & Haveli 158.The Minimum Wages Act was eno1cted on
d. None of the above a. 20th March, 1948
b. 15th March, 1948
Aus. a
c. 17th March, 1949
153.An employer who pays to any emp loyee less than the minimum. wages- d. 18 March, 1948
a. Shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term up to six months
b. Shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term up to three months, or
with fine up to Rs. 500/ - or with both 159.The term Appropriate Government under the Minimum Wages Act means:
c. ShJII be punishable with imprisonment for a term up to six months, or a. State Government
with fine up to Rs. 500/ - or with both b. Central Government
d. Shall be punishable witl, imprisonment for a term up to six months, or c. Either the Stale Government or the Central Government
with fine up to Rs. 1000/ -, or with both d . None of the above
Ans. c
154. l.Yithin the meaning of Minimum Wa A es 160.Punishment for payment of less than minimum wage under the Minimum
a. House rent allowance ges ct, 1948, the following are wag Wages Act is:
b. House accommodation, a. Imprisonment upto3 months or fine upto rupees 500 or both
c. Supply of light, water, medical attendance, b . Imprisonment upto 6 months or fine upto rupees 500 or both

Labour and Industrial Law
~---------==-------------:--.----- , -
I- - __
Multiple Choice Questions
_ _ _ _ __:3~7
-_-_-_-d_o_e_s_n_o_t_fa_I_I_w_i-:th_i_n_t_h_e_s_co_p_e_o_f_t_h_e_te_r_m_'_'w_a_g_e_s' -'-
c. Imprisonment upto 6 months or fine upto rupees 1000 or both 165
d. None of the above a. All remuneration payable to a person in respect of his employment ....Q)
b. House rent allowance
Ans.b C
c. House accommodation C
161 .For fixing the minimum rates of wages, the following are taken into (1l

d. Both (a) and (b) above u
a. Rate or wages for time work ~ E
b. Rate of wages for piece work 166.The Minimum Wages-
c. Rate of remuneration to apply in the case a. Are paid in cash only
d. All above b. May be paid in kinds when Central Government so authorizes
Aus.d c. Can never be paid in kinds ·3:
d. Both (a) and (b) are correct "C
162.An ''adolescent" means a person who-
Ans. d C
a. Has completed his tenth year of age but has not completed his eighteenth C
year 167.lf an employee works on any day in excess of the number of hours constituting CJ
b. Has completed his fourteenth year of age but has not completed his a normal working day, the employer shall- Cl)
eighteenth year a. Pay him compensation for such excess work
c. Has not completed his ~ighteenth year of age b. Pay him overtime for every ..,hou~ so worked in excess
d. Has completed his tenth year of age but has not completed his fourteenth c. Allow him leave in lieu of such excess work
year d.
A11s. b Ans. b
163.The appropriate Government shall appoint an Advisory Board for the 168.The Authori!Y es Act may direct the employer to pay
purpose of · to the empl/!y es paid to him are less than
a. . Co-coordinating tlie work of committees and sub-committees the minimum.rate
b. Advising the appropria te Gover;;,ment generally in the matter of fixing a. Yes
and revising minimum rates of wages b. No because the autl-iority is not vrsted with such power
c. Both (a) and (b) c. No because there is no such provision in law
d. None of above d. No because neither there is a law to this effect nor the authority
Ans.c is vested with such power
164.Mark incorrect statement in respect of Central Advisory Board- ~
a. It ad vises the Central Government- in the matters of the fixation and 169. For fixing wage rate, the appropriate Government may fix-
revision of minimum rates of wages
a. A minimum rate of wages for time work
b. It has no power to advise the State Governments in the matters of the b. A minimum rate of wages for piece work
fixation and revision of minimum rates of wages
c. A g uaranteed time rate
c. It co-ordinal~s the work of the Advisory Boards
d. All above
d. It consists of persons representing employers and employees in equa l
number and independent persons not exceeding one-third of its total ~

number of members 170.lf it is established that payment of wages made by employer to the employee
A11s. b is less than the minimum rates of wages-
•· The Authority may direct the employer to pay to the employee the amount
by which the wages paid to him are less than the minimum rates of wages
Labour and Industrial Law
l- Multiple Choice Questions
38 39

b. The Authority may also direct the employer to pay to the employee a b. Loss of confidence may also be a ground for discharge simpliciter of the
compensation not exceeding ten times the amount of such excess workman ....Cl)
c. The Authority is competent to give the directions as at (a) and (b) above c. Both (a) and (b)
d. The Authority is not competent to give the directions as at (a) and (b above I d. Neither (a) nor (b) C
Ans.c ~ (.)

171.;;:;n the meaning of Minimum ~ages Act, 1948, a person who has
completed his eighteenth year of age 1s called-
I 176.Under the provisions of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, the appropriate
government can by order in writing
a. Refer the dispute to a Board for promoting a settlement of the dispute u
b. Refer any matter appearing to be relevant to the dispute to a court for
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. Neither (a) nor (b) "
172."Mere illegality of the strike does not per se spell unjustifiability'', J. Krishna ~ co
Iyer. In which case declared so: 177. Who is liable to pay compensation in case of death or permanent disablement? Cf)
a. Chandramalai Estate v. Its workmen a. Owner of the vehicle
b. Associated Ce111ei1t Ltd. v. ·Tizeir zOorkmen b. State Government
c. Gujarat Steel Tubes v. Gujnrat Steel 1i1l,es Mazdoor Sabha C.
d. Indim, General Naviga tion of Railway Co. Ltd. v. Their workmen d.
Ans.c Ans. a
173. Which of the following can be considered retrenchment under the provisions 178.Strike is the
of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947? ' ) a. TheEm
a. Termination due to ill~health ., b. The Emplqyer
b. Abandonment of job_by an employee c. Both (a) and (b)
c. Termination on account of reaching th~ age of • superannuation d. None of the above
d. None of these
Ans. d
179.Which of the following is not an industrial action in India?
174.ln which of the following cases the 'Gherao' was declared illegal? a. Lockout
a. Ba11gnlore Water Supply & Sewage Board v. Rnjappn b. Strike
b. /ny £11gi11eeri11g Works Ltd. v. State of West Bengal c. Picketing
c. Hindu sta11 Motors Ltd. v. Tap Kumar d. Mass casual leave
d. O.P. Gupta v. U11io11 of India
Ans. b
ISO.An Industrial Dispute may be brought before the Labour Court :
175.Which of the following statement is true for loss of confidence by management a. By an aggrieved party
in the workman?
b. By both the parties
a. Even when dismissal or discharge is held to be wrongful, the court may c. By both the parties with prior permission of the Government
not yet order reinstatement if the employer is able to establish that the
d. By reference by the appropriate Government
workman held a position of trust and there was loss of confidence
Aus. d
Labour and Indu s trial Law

lSl.Under which Section of Industrial Dispute Act, an individual dispute is

- Multiple Choice Qu.esrion.s

186,The object of the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) 'Act, 1986 is

deemed to be an industrial dispute a. To prohibit the engagement of children in certain employment's <ii
a. Section 2A b. To regulate the conditions of work of children in certain other employments C
b. Section 2 c. (a) and (bl above ro
c. Section 3 d . (d )eithe r (al nor (bl en
d. Section 5
Ans. b t87,The Child Labour (Protection and Regulation) Act was enacted on: u
182.Supreme Court held 'Bandh' unconstitutional in the case of:
L Cl1n11dra v. U11io11 of India
Prnbl,at Kumar v. Slate of Kerala
a. 23rd Decembe r, 1988
b. 23rd Decembe r, 1986
c. 23rd Novembe r, 1986
c. Raudlier K11111ar v. Un ion of India d. 23rd December, 1985
d. None of the above A11s. b C
Ans. d u
188. Which of the following is an establishment: en
AND REGULATION) ACT, 1986 b. Restaurant
c. Eating h ou se
183.The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act was enacted on-. d . All of the above
a. 23rd December, 1966
Ans. d
b. 23rd December, 1985
c. 234 Decembe r, 1987 189.The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986, extends eb
d. 23rd December, 1988 a. Whole of India
b. Whole of India except the State of Jammu and K.,shmir
c. Whole of India except the State of Mahara shtra
184.A person is said to be a child: d . Whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir and the State of
a. Who has not completed 12 years of age Maharashtra
b. Who has not completed 14 years of age
c. Who has not completed 16 years of age
d. None of the above 190.In relation to - - - - 1 the appropriate Government is Central Government
a. An es tablishment und er the control of the Central Government
Ans. b
b. A railw ay ad m inistration--.
185.0bject of the Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986 are: c. A mine o r o il field
a. To bar the employment of ch ildren below 14 years of age d . All above
b. To regu late the conditi ons o f work o f children in employment not
prohibited from working ~
c. (a ) and (b) both 191.Child is a person who has not completed his__ year of ago--
d . No ne o ( the above a. Eighteenth
Aus. c b. Fourteenth
c. Tenth
d. Twelfth

42 La.bour and Industrial Law
Multiple Choice Questions
192.Appropriate Government means:
b. False
a. Central Government in case of establishment under control of Central
c. Partly true
Governmen t
d . Partly false
b. State Government exce pt for establishment under control of Central C
Government ~ co
c. (a) and (b) both 198.Mark incorrect statement in respect of Child Labour Technical Adv is O ry (f)
d . None of the above Committee-- E
Ans. c a. It is constituted by Central Government
193.For the purposes of the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986,
the term "day" means-
• · A period of 12 hours beginning at 6 a.m. and closing at 6 p.m.
b. It advises the Central
c. Government for the purpose of addition of occupations and processes to
the Schedule ·
d. It also advises the State Government for the purpose of addition of Q)
b. A period of 24 hours beginning at mid-night occupations and processes to the Schedule C
c. A period of 8 h ours beginning at 10 a.m. and closing at 6 p .m. e. None of above C
d . A period of 6 hours beginning at 10 a.m. and closing at 4 p.m. co
Ans. c
Ans. b
199.If any person employs any child or permits any child to work in contravention
194.The term "establishment" indudes- of Section 3, he shall be punishable with-
a. A shop and commercial establishment, a. Imprisonment for a term not less than 6 months but which may extend
b. A workshop, to 1 year, or a fine/ not less than Rs. 10,000 /·but which may extend to Rs.
c. A residential hotel, restaurant and eating house 20,000/-, or both '
d . AU above b. Imprisonment for a' term not less than 3 months but wluch may extend
Ans.d lo 1 year, or a fine, not less than Rs. ,000/- but which may extend to Rs.
20,000 /-, or both '
195.The term "family" in relation to an occupier means the individual, the c, lmprisonm~nt .for a term not less than 3 months but which may extend to
individuals spouse, his children, his brother or sister 1 year, or~ fine, not less than Rs, 4,10,000/- but which may extend to Rs.
a. Correct statement ... 20,000/-, or both
b. Incorrect statement because the term does not include brother d. Imprisonment for a term not less than 1 year bu t which may extend to
c. Incorrect statement because th e term does not include sister 2 years or a fine, not less than Rs. 10,000 /- but wluch may extend to Rs.
d. Incorrect sta tement because the term nei ther includes brother nor sister 20,000/-, or both
Ans.a ~
196,ln relation to an establishment, an occupier is a person who- THE PAYMENT OF GRATUITY ACT, 1972
a. ls in occupation of the establishment
200.The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 came in force on:
b. Has the ultimate control over the affairs of the establishment
a. 16th Septembe r, 1972
c. H as allowed any other person to occupy the establishment
d . ls a tenant in the establishment b. 16th September, 1971
c. 16th October, 1972
d. 16th October, 1971
197.~ection 3 of th~ ~~ild Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986, ~

imposes a prohibition on employment of children in certain occu ations
and processes- P
a. True
44 Labour and Industrial Law Multiple Choice Question,
201.The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 applies to- d. Allabove
a. Every factory, mine, oil field, plantation, and port ._
Ans. d Cl)
b. A rail way company C
c. Every shop or establishment in which ten or more persons are employed 201.Superannuation takes place when- C
• · The employee attains the age fixed for vacating the employment co
d. All above are correct (.)
b. The employee attains the age of 50 years Cf)
Ans.d c. The employee attains the age of 65 years E
202.ln relation to __ appropriate Government Central Government- d. The employee attains the age of 55 years
An establishment belonging to the Central Government
An establishment having branches in more than one State
A major port, mine, oilfield or rail way company
d. All above
208. The term "wages" means all emoluments earned by an employee in accordmce
with the terms and conditions of his employment, except-
a. Bonus or commission
Aus.d C
b. House rent allowance C
203. The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 was enacted on: c. Overtime wages
a. 23rd September d. All above
b. 25th October Ans. d
c. 23rd November
d. 25th September 209.Gratuity becomes payable to an employee on the termination of his
employment after he has rendered continuous service-
•· For not less than 2 years
204. Employee means any person employed on wages 'n any establishment, b. For not less than 5 years
factory, mine, oilfield, railway company or shop, to do any skilled, semi• c. For not less than 7 years
skilled, or unskilled, manual, supervisory, technical or clerical work- d. For not less than 10 years
a. Correct
b. Jncorrect ~
c. Partly correct 210.An employee is entitled lo gratuily-
d. Partly incorrect a. On his superannuatiorl
Ans. a b. On his retirement resignation
c. On his death disablement due accident or disease
205.An employee is entitled to payment of Gratuity if he has rendered continuous d. Any of the above
service for not less than:
a. 1 year ~
b. . 2 years 211. The amount of gratuity shall be equal to 15 days wages for every completed
c. 5 years year of service-
d. None of the above •· Based on the average of wages drawn by the employee for preceding 12
Ans. c months
b. Based on the wages drawn by the employee at the commencement of his
206.Apart from the employee and spouse, __ are also covered within the employment
me.1ning of the term "FamilY'- c. Based on the last wages drawn by the employee
a. His children d. Based on the w~ges drawn by the employee in the month of January of lhc
b. His dependent parents and the dependent parents of the spouse year in which he became eligible lo gratuity
c. The widow and children of his pre-deceased son
46 Labour and Industrial Law I Multiple Choice Questions
212. The gratuity of an employee shall be forfeited if his services are terminated 217_An appeal ~g~inst th~ order passed by Controlling Authoril ma
a. For any act, willful omission or negligence causing any damage or loss to . Y Y be
Preferred within a penod of days from the date of the th e receipt
the property of the employer I a. 90
of order-
b. For his riotous or disorderly conduct or any other act of violence on his b. 30 r:::
part c. 60 u
c. For any act which constitutes an offence involving moral turpitude d. 45 en
d. Each one of above E
~ (1J
21s.If the appellant satisfies the Appellate Authority about sufficiency of reasons
213. The employer shall arrange to pay the gratuity to the eligible employee
for delay in filing the appeal, the Appellate Authority may- +-'
within __ days from the dale it became payable- a. Extend the limitation period by a lurther_period ol 30 days -~
a. 90 b. Extend the limitation period by a further period of 60 days -0
b. 60 c. Extend the limitation period by a further period of 15 days r:::
C. 30 d. Extend the limitation period by a further period of 45 days r:::
d . 15
Ans. b u
219.An appeal by aggrieved employer shall not be admitted unless at the time
14.If the employer fails t ith a period of 30 days from which of preferring the appeal, he •
it became paya erest on gratuity amount due- a. Produces a certificate of ,t he Controlling Authority that he has deposited
a. False with him the gra
b. True b. Deposits with the tuity amount
c. c. Furnishes ' curlty_ aunt within a specified period
d. d. Either (a) br (b) ab
215.For the purpose of cond'!cting an Inquiry, the controlling authority shall 220.lf any employer kno statement for avoiding the
have the same powers as are ves,ted in a Court in respect of- payment of gratuity, ith-
a. Enforcing the attendance of any person or examining him on oath a. Imprisonment for with fine up to Rs.10,000/-or
b. Requiring the discovery and production of documents with both
c. Issuing commissions for the examination of witnesses and receiving b. Imprisonment for a term u with fine up to Rs. 5,000/- or
evidence on affidavits with both
d. All above c. Either imprisonment for a term up to six months or with fine up to Rs.
A11s.d 10,000/- but not both
d. Imprisonment for a term up to 1 year or with fine up to Rs.' 10,000/- or
216.The order passed by the Controlling Authority is appealable before- with both
•· A Civil Court
b. A High Court ~
221 -An employer Who-contravenes or defaults in comply14 -wi th any of th e
c. The Appellate Authority as may be specified by the appropriate Government
d. No appeal lies provisions of this Act shall be punishable with-
a. Only imprisonment for a term not less than 3 months but may exteoct to
1 year .
b On! . tend to Rs. 20,000 I
· Y with fine not less than Rs. 10,000/ · but may ex 1
c· E"tt h er imprisonment for a term not less than 3 mon th 5 butmayextendto
::_48:::__ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____:La=bo:::u::r::_:a::n::d:_:I::_:nd::u::s:.._t_ria_l_La_w_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j b.
Multiple Choice Questions

Ahmedabad (P) Primary Teachers' Assn. v. Administrative Officer,

(l004) 1
year, or with fine not less than Rs. 10,000/- but may extend to Rs. 20,000/.
~=~ I
d. Imprisonment for a term not Jess than 3 months but may extend to 1 year, j c. University of Delhi v. Ram Nath, AIR 1963 SC 1873 ciiC:
or with fine not less than Rs. 10,000/· but may extend to Rs. 20,000/-, or d. Madras Gymkhana Club Employees Union v. Gymkhana Club, AIR 1958 SC 554 C:
with both I ro
~s.a u
Ans. d
227.According to the definition ?,f the term given in the Trade Union Act,19l6, E
222. The amount of gratuity cannot be attached in execution of any decree or order the following are "workmen - ro
of any civil, revenue or criminal Court- a. All persons employed in any trade or industry who are in employment of u
a. True the employer with whom the trade dispute arises ....
b. False b. All persons employed in any trade or industry who are not in the
c. Partly true employment of the employer with whom the trade dispute arises "CJ
d . Partly false c. All persons employed in trade or industry, whether or not in the C:
Ans. a employment of the employer with whom the trade dispute arises C:
d. All persons employed in any company
223.ln case of inconsistency between the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, and any (f)
Ans. c
other enactment-
a. The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 shall and 228.The term "Registrar" is defi~ed in Trade Union Act, 1926, according to which
b. The Payment f Gratuity Act, 1972 shall prevail over inconsistentenactrnent it includes-
c. The other enactment shall prevail over the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 a. A Registrar of Trade Unions appointed by the appropriate Government
d. No overriding .effect granted 6y law to the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 b. Additional o trar of Trade Unions
Ans. b c. The Reg· - head or registered Office
TRADE UNION ACT11926 d. Allabo

224. Trade Union Act, 1926 provides fo'r ~

a. The registration of trade urtlons 229. Trade Union Act was enacted on-
b. Recognition of registered trade unions as juristic' persons with all attendant a. 25th March, 1926
benefits such as perpetual succession and the ability to sue in its own name b. 25th March, 1925
c. Certain immunities to the registered Trade Union c. 25th March, 1927
d. All above d. 25th March, 1924
225.The number of persons required to form a Trade Union is 2JO.The essential elements to constitute a "T;ade Dispule11 are-
a. 6 a. Existence of a dispute between employers And workmen; or between
b. 7 Workmen and workmen; and between employers and employers
C. 8 b. The dispute connected with the employment or non-employment f
d. 9 c. The dispute must relate to the terms of employment or the co nd itions 0
Ans. b labour
d. Allabove
226.A teacher i~ not _a workman falling under the category of Workman under
the lndustnal Disputes Act, 1947. This was upheld in which case? ~
a. A. Su,ularambal v. Govt. a/Goa, Daman and Diu, (1988) 4 SCC 42
Labour and Industrial Law
Mult iple Choice Questions

231.lf lhe name of Trade Union proposed to be registered is identical with the 236_The rules of a Trade Union ~ust contain following provisions-
name of any existing union, the Registrar may require the applicants to alter a. The name of the Trade Uruon and the Object for which it has been established
thename- b. The purposes /or which the general funds of the Trade Union shall be
a. True
c. applied Mainl~~ance of a list of the members of the Trade Union and C
b. False adequate fac1hh es /or th~ mspechon thereof by the office-bearers and C
c. Partly true members of the Trade Umon (.)
d . Partly false d. All above
Aus. n
232.A ''Tr.1dc Union" is formed for the purpose of-
a. Regulating the relations between workmen and employers or between
workmen and workmen, or between employers and employers
b. Imposing restricti ve conditions on the conduct of any trade or business
237.A person shall be disqualified for being a member of executive or any other
office-bearer of a registered Trade Union if-
a. He has not attained the age of eighteen years
b. He has not attained the age of twenty-one years
c. None of above c. He has been convicted of any offence involving moral turpitude and C
d. All above sentenced to imprisonment C
d. Both (a) and (c) above are correct (.)
Aus. d (/)
Ans. d
233.A Trade Union may be registered on fulfillment of following requirements-
a. It must have a minimum seven workmen 238.Where a registered Trade Union of workmen ceases to have the requisite
b. It must represent 10% of the workmen engaged or employed in that industry number of members, th ·
c. It must have as its member at least 'one hundred workmen engaged or a. Shall cancel the re
employed in that industry b. Shall ask the .t ricfe' to minimum required
d . All above c. Shall ta t is presented before
A11s. d him
234.The procedure for registration of a Trad e Union is provided in __ of Trade
Union Act, 1926, ~
a. Section 8 239-The registration of a Tracie Union may be withdrawn or cancelled by lhe
b. S!!ctio n 7 Registrar if he is satisfied that
c. Seclion 10 a. The certificate has been obtained by fraud or mistake
d. Section 12 b. The Trade Union has ceased to exist
A11s. n c. Has willfully and after notice from the Registrar contravened any provision
of this Act
235.Application for registration of a trade union shall be accompanied by a copy

d. In any of the above mentioned circumstances
of the rules and following particulars-
a. The names, occupations ~d addresses of the applicant members ~
b. The name of the Trade Uruon and the address of its head office 240-"Registered Trade Union" is a trade union which-
c. The titles, names, ages, addresses and occupations of the office- bearers a. ls registered under this Act
of the Trade Union \ b. Has four members
d. All above c. Both (a) and (b)
A11s.d d. None of above
52 Labour and Industrial Law

241 .. If the Registrar refuses to register a Trade Union or withdraws or cance4

245 .Which one of the following statement is true?
the registration, the remedy lies- a. The general funds of a registered trade union shall not be s t
a. Before the Court appointed by the appropriate Government in this behalf payment of salaries. pen on the ....Cl)
by way of appeal b. A regis'.ered Trade ~on _may constitute a separate fund for the promotion C
b. Before the High Court by way of second appeal challenging the order of of the av1c and pohhcal mterests. C1l
first appellate Court c. No appeal lies against the order of refusal of the Registrar to register a (f)
c. None of above because the decision of Registrar is final and conclusive Trade union.
d. Both (a) and (b) above d. Every registered Trade Union shall not be a body corporate C1l
Ans. d ~ .c.
242. The general funds of a registered Trade Union may be spent for various 246. Which one of the following statement is true? -~
purposes, some of which are- a. The general funds of a registered trade union shall not be spent on the -0
a. Payment of salaries, allowances and expenses to office- bearers of the Trade payment of salaries. Cl)
Union C
b. A-registered Trade union may constitute a separate fund for the promotion C
b. Prosecution or defence of any legal proceeding to which the Trade Union of the civic and political interests. C1l
or any member thereof is a party, c. No appeal lies against the order of refusal of the Registrar to register a (f)
c. Allowances to members or their dependants on account of death, old age, Trade union. r.
sickness, accidents or unemployment of such members; d. Every registered Trade Uruon shall not be a body corporate.
d . (d) Each one of above purposes Ans. b
Ans. d
247.How many me ration of trade union under the
243.The certificate of registr is conclusive evidence Trade Unio
that the Trade Union has r Trade Union Act, 1926 a.
a. Corre~t statement •, b.
b. Incorrect sta tement
c. Partly correct statement d.
d. Partly incorrect statement
Ans. a
248.Contribution to political fund of trade uni9n is
244.For dissolution of a registered Trade Union- a. Compulsory for all members .
a. A notice of the dissolution must be made and shall be signed by the b. Not compulsory for all members
Secretary and seven members of the Trade Union
c. Compulsory for office bearer ·
b. Such notice shall be sent to the Registrar within fourteen days of the d. Compulsory, if employer wants
!!E_s. a
c. The dissolution shall have effect from the date of registration of dissolution·
notice by the Registrar 249-Match List • I with List - II and select the correct answer using th e codes
d. Allabove given below :
Ans. d List-I (Subject)
'.: Appointment of Registrar
11 • Appeal
iii. Amalgamation of Trade unions
iv. Cancellation of registration
Li st.u (Provisions of Trade Union Act, 1926)
_S_4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _La_bo___u_r_a_n_d_I_nd_u_s_tn_·a_l_La_w_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1. Section 24
r ••4 Under
Multiple Choice Questions

- - ; e provisions of the Trade Unions Act, 1926, any person who has
b f ·

2. Section 10 w · . d the age of may be a mem er o a registered Trade Union subject to

attainel s of the Trade Union to the contrary Q)
3. Section 3 anyru e
4. Section 11 a. 14 years C:
Codes: (ii (iii (iii) (iv) b. 15 years (.)
a. 2 4 1 3 c. 18 years Cl)
b. 4 132 d. 21 years E
C. 3 41 2
~ u
d . 1321
Ans. c

250.ldentify the case that is related lo the need for promotion and preservation I
2SS.The Trade Union Act applies to:
a. Un-registered Trade Unions only
b. Registered Trade Unions only
of internal democracy within trade unions c. Both C:
a. Jay Engineering Works Lid. v. Slale of West Bengal d. None of the above C:
b. Railway U11io11 v. Regd. of Trnde Unions ONGC Workmens Ans. b
c. Association v. State of West Be11gal
d. Hamm,antlla Rno v. Dy. Registrar of Trade Unions 256.To be a member of trade uni~n a person must attain the age of:
a. 16 years
Aus. c
b. 18 years
251. Which of the following statements holds true regarding imprisonment c. 21 years
under the provisions of Section 14(3) of the Child Labour (Prohibition and d. 15 years
Regulation) Act, 1986
a. ~
b. It may extend to two years
c. It 1nay extend to sh. months a.
d. It m ay extend to one month b. 10
C. 9
Ans. d
d. 8
252.The provisions of do not apply to trade unions registered under the provisions
of Trade Union Act, 1926
a . The Co-operative Societies A~t, 1912
I ~
258 -The Trade Union can contribute to a political party :
b . . The Companies Act, 1956 a. From its common fund with consent of its member
c. Both (a) and (b) b. From its common fund
d . Neither (a) nor (b) c, By raising a fund for this purpose from voluntary subscription by its
Aus. c members
d . None of the above
253.The British Trade Union Congress was established in the year:
a. 1868 ~
b. 1862 259.Und · U · .
i er which sections of Trade Union Act, a Registered Trade nion !s
c. 1900 frntnuned from its criminal liability where an act done by the members ,n
d. 1892 Urtherance of their trade disputes:
a. Section 17 .
Ans. b
b. Section 15
Labour and Industrial Law Multiple Choice Questions
56 57

c. Section 20 d. All of the above

d. Section 16
265 _Tenn of the office of the members of the Standing Committee under section cii
THE EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE ACT, 1948 9 of the Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948 shall be: C
2 years ctJ
a. u
260.The 'object of the Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948 is- b. 3 years Cf)
a. To provide for certain benefits to employees in case of sickness, maternity c. S years E
and employment injury
b. To consolidate and amend the law regulating labour in factories
d. 6 years u
c. To provide for fixing minimum rates of wages in certain employments ~ +-'

d. To provide for bonus on the basis of profits or on the basis of production 266.A person shall be disqualified for being chosen as a member of the Standing
or productivity I Committee if he i s: "C
a. Declared unsound mind by a competent Court C
b. Discharged solvent C
261.The contribution payable under the ESI Act in respect of an employee shall c. Convicted of an offence involving immoral turpitude u
comprise of Cf)
d. All of the above
a. contribution payable by the employer only
b.. contribution payable by ·the employee only
c. contribution pay~ le by the government only 267.Anorderof the Em lo ees' our! shall be enforcement as if it were:

Ans. d
d. contribution payable by employer and employee a. An order passe
b. A decree asse ou
c. (a) and
262.According to ESI Act, 1948, ent" means the Central d. None of,
Government in respect of
a. Establishments under the overnment ~
b. A railway administration ma1or por 268.lf any person fails uti SI Act, he shall be
c. A mine or oil-field punishable with-
d. All above •· Imprisonment for a term which may extend to four years
Ans. d b. Imprisonment for a term whicH may extend to three years
c. Imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years
263. The term 'employee' has been defined in section of the Em lo ees' Stat•
Insurance Act, 1948: p y d. Imprisonment for a term which may extend lo one year
a. 2(9) ~
b. 2(10)
269,Which of the following Courts is competent lo try an offence under the Act
c. 2(11)
a. Metropolitan Magistrate
d. 2(8)
b. Judicial Magistrate First class
Aus.a c. Judicial Magistrate Second class
d. Both (a) and (b)
264. 'Depend~nt' under section 2(6Al of the Employees' State Insurance Act, 1!»t
a. u,g1bmate or adopted son who has not attained the a e of 25 ears ~
b. Unmarned daughter legitimate or adopted g Y

c. A widowed mother
58 La.hour and Indu strial Law
► Multiple Choice Questions 59

270."Employee" means any person-employed for wages in the work of a facto - - "dependant" does not embrace-
21s.'fh• term ....Q)
a. Who is directly employed by the principal employer on any work ry_ A widowed mother
b. Who is employed by or through an immediate employer on the premises a. A legitimate or adopted son or daughter, who has attained the age of C
the factory or establishment on work which is ordinarily part of the wo: b. eighteen years and is infirm and w holly dependent on the earnings of the C
of the factory or establishment insured d eceased (J
c. A minor illegitimate son, an unmarried illegitimate daughter, who are not Cl)
c. Whose services are temporarily lent or let on hire to the principal employer
d. Allabove dependent on the earnings of the insured deceased E
d. A widowed daughter-in-law, wholly dependent on the earnings of the u
271.Pcrmanent total disablement means:
a. Disablement of permanent nature ~
insured deceased

b. Incapacitates an employee for all work which he was capable of performing 276.Miscarriage means expulsion of the contents of a pregnant uterus prior to
prior to the accident twenty-sixth week of pregnancy- C
a. Correct statement C
c. Both (a) and (b) ro
d. None of the above b. Incorrect statement because the period is twenty-fourth week (J
c. Incorrect statement because the period is twenty-eighth week
Aus. c
d. Incorrect statement because the period is twenty-second week
272.Mark incorrect s tatement in respect of Appeal arising out of an order passed
Ans. a
by Employees' Insurance Court- ·
a. No appeal lies 2.77.A factory exclusively engaged in the process of __ , is said to be a "seasonal ,
b. An appeal shall lie to High Court if it involves a substantial question oflaw factory''-
c. The prescribed limitation period for preferring appeal is 90 days •· Cotton ginning ·
d. The period of limitation for preferring an appeal to High Court is 60 days b. Manufacture of coffee, indigo, lac, rubber, suga r, gur o r tea
c. Decortications of groundnuts,
d. Any one of above processes
273.The foll~wing -relatives f~II within the d~finition of the term 'family'-. ~ j ,
a. A child wholly dependent on insured person who is receiving education!
till he or she attains the age of twenty-one years 278 -Punishment for making false statement or giving false statement under the
b. An unmarried daughter
c. An infirm child who is wholly dependent on insured person, so long as •· Imprisonment upto 6 months or fine not exceeding 500 rupees
the infirmity continues b. Imprisonment upto 6 months or fine not exceeding 2000 rupees
d. All above c. Imprisonment upto 1 year or fine not exceeding rupees 1000 or both
d. None of the above
274.As defined in ES! Act, 1948, "factory'' means a premises where __ work•"
279,The foll . .
are working on any day of the preceding twelve months, and in which' . ~wing 1s not an ingredient for constituting "permanent
manuiacturing process is being carried on with the aid of power- partial disablement"-
a. JO or more • · A disablement
b. 25 or more b. Temporary nature of the disablement
c. . 20or more c. Must reduce the earning
d. 50 or more d. capacity of an employee
Ans.a e. Permanent nature of the disablement
► J
Labour and Industrial Law Multiple Choice Questions 61

280.The following amounts are expressly excluded from th e scope of the tetni ~ Functions
under general superintendence and control of the Corporation
"wages" defined in ESI Act- · 1 c. All above are correct
a. Contribution paid by the employer to any pension fund or provident ¾Id <ii
b. Any travelling allowance or the value of any travelling concession Ans. d C:
:.c-- ho makes false statement shall be punishable with under ESI C
c. Any gratuity payable on discharge; 286_Any person w co
d. All above Cl)
a. Imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months
Aus. d E
b. Fine not exceeding two thousand rupees co
281.The term "seasonal factory'' includes a factory which is engaged in any process c. Imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months, or fine not u
of blending, packing or repacking of tea or coffee-
For a period not exceeding six months in a year
For a period not exceeding seven months in a year
exceeding two thousand rupees or both
d. None of above -
c. For a period not exceeding eight months in a year ~ Q)
287.The terrn "family" has been defined in the ESI Act, 1948 to mean- C:
d. For a period not exceeding nine months in a year C:
Ans. b
282.A person who ~ shall be disqualified for being a member of the
a. Spouse
b. Minor legitimate or adopted child dependent upon the insured person
c. Dependent parents

Corporation, the Standing Committee or the Medical Benefit Council- d. Allabove

•· ls declared to be of unsound mind by competent Court
b. ls an undischarged insolvent ~
c. Has been convicted o · turpitude 288.Mark the wrong sta dical Benefit Council-
d. All above a. It advises th (2 ·n Committee on matters
Aus.d relating to the a efit
b. It has pq~ers of · · tmedical practitioners
283."Tcmporary disablement" as to meilical tre
a. Which requires m~ilic c. It administers the
b. Which renders an emp ncapable of doing the work d. Allabove
c. Both (a) and (b) above Ans. c
d. None of above
Aus.c ·1
289 fu nd called _ _ _ is established in which all contributions under ESI
ct are paid and which is held and administered by the Corporation-
284.The insured persons and their dependants are entitled to the foUowi•S
a. Sickness benefit
I •· Employees Provident Fund
b. Employees State Insurance Fund
c. Employee's Benevolent Fund
b. Maternity benefit d. Employees' Relief Fund
c. Disablement benefit
d. All above
290,"fhe Emplo ees
A11s.d a p Y State Insurance Fund can be expended for-
. •yment of ben fit d
insu d e s an provision of medical treatment and attendance lo
285.Mark correct statement in relation to the Standing Committee- re persons
•· Shall administer the affairs of the Corporation b. Payment of f · h
Stand' ees and allowances to members of the Corporation, I e
b. May exercise any ft] f tJil
Corporation ° ,e powers and perform any of the functions 0 mg Committee and the Medical Benefit Council,
62 Labour and Industrial Law Multiple Choice Questions 63

c. Est~bli~hment and maintenance of hospitals, dispensaries and Othe, -c. - - f

The rate o con
tribution payable by a principal employer in respect of any
employee Q)
d . All above d. Each one of above disputes C
Ans.d C
,4ns.d C1l
291.The benefits which may be availed of by the insured person and his) :.;...- t · ·ury" is a personal injury to an employee caused by-
6 ''Employmen mJ . (f)
dependants include- 29 · •d t arising out of and in the course of his employment E
a Anaca en . .
• · Medical benefit b: An occupational disease arising out of and m the course of his employment C1l
b . Funeral expenses in respect of insured person who has died c. Both (a) and (b) above
c. Both (a) and (b) above .c
d . . Neither (a) nor (b)
d. None of above
Aus. c ~ "C
297.There is an express probation on receiving for the same period C
292.The right to receive any payment of any benefit under this Act- a. Both sickness benefit and maternity benefit C
a. ls neither transferable nor assignable b. Both sickness benefit and disablement benefit for temporary disablement C1l
b. Is not liable to attachment or sale in execution of any decree c. Both maternity benefit and disablement benefit for temporary disablement (f)
c. Both (a) and (b) above are correct d. All above are correct
d. None of above
Aus. c
298.lf any dispute arises as to__!___, the Employees' Insurance Court is
293.Recipient of sickness or disablement benefit shall observe following competent to decide the same-
conditions- a. The per yer in respect of any employee
a. He shall remain under medical trea~ent at a disp~nsary, hospital, or clinic b. The rig o the amount and duration
provided under thi~Act and carry out the instructions of the medical officer thereof
b. While under treatmen~ he shall not do anything which might retard or c. Any dir 'v of any payment of
prejudice his chances of recovery dependants· be
c. He shall allow himself to be examined by any duly appointed medical d. Each of above
d. Allabove
299 -Mark wrong statement in relation to powers of Employees' Insurance Court-
•· It is deemed to be Civil Court
294. The _ _ constitutes an Employees' Insurance Court- b. It is vested with all the powers of a Civil Court of summoning and enforcing

a. Central Government ~ttenda~ce of witne_sses; compelling the discovery and production of

b. State Government ments, and admirustenng oath and recording evidence
C. Either Central Government or State Government c. Its ord er is not a decree and hence unenforceable
d . Neither Central Government nor State Government d. Itsorderisenforce abl eas1·1·1twerea d ecreepassedmasUitbya
· · c·1v1·1court
~ .
Ans. I,
-- I
~~ 300,The premises wh
295.The Employees' Insurance Court is competent to entertain and deci Which ere twenty or more workers are working, and in any part of
disputes relating to- ·()11 a. 1 a manufacturing process is being carried on without the aid of power-
a. Status of person as employee and his liability to pay employee's contribub
b. n,e rate of wages or average daily wages of an employee I b. I
c. 1
s a worksho
s a factory ·th·
"th• th
pw, m emeaningofESIAct, 1948
w, mthemeaningofESIAct, 1948
s a shop w"th· h
1 mt e meaning of ES! Act, 1948

64 Labour and Indu s trial Law
> Multiple Choice Questions 65

. d . ESI Act 1948 the term "wages" means-

d . Is a manufacturing unit within the meaning of ESI Act, 1948 . to definition conta1ne in , ,
306 According . "d or payable in cash to an e mployee
~ . All remuneration pa• I . espect of any period of authorized leave, ciiC:
•· a men! to an emp oyee m r
301.The following claims shall be decided by the Employees' Insurance Court, b. to~k-~ur legal strike or lay-off C:
a . Claim for the recove ry of contributions from the principal employer
c. Both (a) and (b) Above (J
b. Claim by a principal employer to recover contributions from any irnmedi,~ (f)
d. Neither (a) nor (b) Above
employer E
c. Any claim for the recovery of any benefit admissible under this Act
d . All above
Aus. d
302.The following relatives fall within the meaning of the term "dependant of

307.Th• Payment of Bonus Act was enacted on-

a. 25th September, 1965
a deceased insured person11- (I)
b. 25th September, 1966 C:
a. Widow c. 25th September, 1964 C:
b. A minor legitimate or adopted son d. 25th September, 1963 (J
c. An unmarried legitimate or •1opted daughter (f)
d . Each one of above ~
308.Mark incorrect statement in relatioii to Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
A11s. d
a. It extends to the whole of Ind.ia
303.A disilblement is known as "permanent total disablement" when- b. It applies to e · r
a. It is of pe rmanent nature c. It appli in which twenty or more persons a re
b. It incapacitate_s an employee fo~ all work employ
c. Both (a) and (b) d. It appli ch te n or more persons are
d . Neithe r (a) nor (b) employ
Aus. c ~
304. In addition to the scheme of benefits, the Corporation may- . w,d 309 -The object of Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 is to provide for the payment of-
a. Promote measures for the improvement of the health and welfare of lilS a. Overtime allowance on the basis of profits or on the basis of production
or productivity
persons • . e,sol1l
b. Promote measures for rehabilitation and re-employment of insured P b. Salary and wages on the basis of profits or on the basis of production or
who have been disabled or injured I productivity
c. Bonus on the bas Of fi h . . . .
C. Incur expenditure in respect of such measure d. All above •s pro Is or on t e basis of production or productivity
d . All above
~ 310.Accountin .
JOS.The term "confinement'' means- g year in relation to a corporation is-
a. (a) The period in re f h
a. Labour resulting in the issue of a living child . f1 the gene I b . spec! 0 w 1ch any profit and loss account is laid before
I. . the ,ssue o b. Th ra ody m its meeting
b . Labour after twenty-six weeks of pregnancy resu tmg 1n
e year ending on th d h"
living child . . he issue of 1 corporatio e ay on w 1ch the books and accounts of the
c. Labour after twenty-six weeks of pregnancy resulting m I c. Th n are to be closed and balanced
•year comm •
d ead child d. Each encmg on the 1st day of April
one of above
d. Each one of above ~
66 Labour and Industrial Law
p Multiple Choice Questions

3 11. The Payment . of Bonus Act, 1965 says that "salary

· ~ ~ anv the accounting year is the period-
or wage"
rcm~n_erahon payable to an employee in accordance with rneans ~ 316.In re• ! lion t6 aof
which''any profit and loss account laa·d b e fore 1t
· m· annua I
condaltons of hi.s employment, except- terrns ••• a. In respect . . made up whether that period is a year or not <iC:i
.J . Bonus eneral meeting ,s '
;e ear commencing on the 1st day of April C:
b. Any travelling concession b. y d. on the day on which the books and accounts of the co
The year en ang
c. Commission Cf)
c. corporation are to be closed and balanced
d . All above E
d. All above co
~ u
312.Allocable surplus means
a . 60% of available surplus
b . 50% of available
31 7
-Thfollowing amounts are expressly excluded from the scope of the term
o e . II
"salary and wages -
a. Contribution paid by the employe r lo any pension fund or provide nt fund
C. 67% of available surplus where a company which has not made b. Retrenchment compensation, gratuity, retire ment bene fit and ex gratia C:
-arrangements for the declaration and payment of the divid d II. c. The value of supply of light, waler, or other amenity C:
out of its profits en s payab; co
d. Allabove u
d . Both (a) and (c) are correct Cf)
A11s. d
318.The employer is bound to pay the minimum bonus prescribed by Section 10
313.ln terms of Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, the following amounts fall wilhil a. If he has allocable surplus in the accounting year
the scope of the term "salary or wage"-
b. lfhe has no allocable surplus in the accounting year .
a. Dea rness allowance
c. Irrespective of whether he has any allocable surplus in the acco unting
b. The val ue o f .my house accommodation year or not ;
c. The VCll u e of supp ly of light, water, or other amenity d. None of above
d . 11,e va lue of any m edical attendance ·
Aus. a
319.The following su ms s h a II b e deducted from the gross profits as prior
314 .Direcl t.>.x means any lax chargeabl; under-
a. The Income-tax Act a. Amount of depreciation
b . The Super Profits Tax Act, 1963 b.
t. A . · en t aII· owance or development allowance
Amount of investrn
c. The Companies (Profits) Surtax Act, 1964 mount of direct tax
d . Each one of above stated laws d. Allabove

A11s. d ~
320.Anem 1
315.To be called an employee under the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, a perso' I p oyee shall be entitled I0 b .
or notless than k" onus ,f he has worked in the establishment
must satisfy the following conditions-- a. Forty-five - - wor mg days in that year-
a . H e must be e mployed in an industry b. Thirty
b. His salary o r wage should no t exceed Rs. 10,000/-p.m. u,l <. Sixty
c. He mus t have been e mployed to do any sl<llled or unsl<llled, man
d. Ninety
supervisory, managerial, administrative, technical or clerical work
d. All above ~
,111s. d
Labour and Industrial Law 69
Multiple Choice Questions

32 l.While calculating direct tax payable by the employer, no a c c ~ h nter into agreements for grant of bonus
taken of- • al( b, and employers may e

a . Any loss incurred by the employer in respect of any previous a

under • d1ffere
nl forrnula, provided that-
. vious approval of the appropriate Government
yea r ccountu,1 ch greement, carries pre h . . c:::
•· Su a h II not deprive the employee of his rig t to minimum c:::
b . Any arrears of depreciation b Such agreement s a
C. An y exemption conferred on the employer · bonus of 8.33% · f 8 33% · f (.)
S ch employees shall not be entitled to be paid bonu~ m excess o . . o ' (J)
d . All above c. u has no allocable surplus in the accounting year
theemp Iayer E
~ co
d. All above are correct u
322.Any bonus due to an employee may be recovered from the employer as
arrear of land revenue--
a. Correct s tate ment
b . Partly correct s tateme nt because the money due cannot be recovered as
1 1:1
327.I any cus tomary or interim bonus has been paid to an empJoyee, the
employer- .
a. Is entitled to deduct the same· from the amount of bonus payable by him (I)
arrears of land revenue C:
to the employee C:
C. Jnco rrcct s tate ment beca use such sums are non-recoverable b. Is prohibited from d educting the same from the amount of bonus payable co
d . Incorrect s ta tement beca use no provision of law provides for recovery of by him to the employee (J)
bonus c. ls entitled to deduct the same from the salary of such employee but n o t
Aus. n from the amount of bonus payable by him to the employee
d. Is prohibited from deducting the same from the salary or from the amount
323.An employee shall be deemed to have worked in an establishment for th, of bonus payable by him to the employee
a. He has been laid off under an agreement
b. H e has been on leave including maternity leave, with salary or wage 328.If any person cOntravenes any of he revisions of this Act or fails to with the
c. He has been absent due to temporary disablement caused by accident direction or requisition-
arising o ut of and in the course of his employment a. He shall be Punishable with imprisonment up to two months
d . All above b. He shall be punishable with fine up to Rs. 2000/-
Ans.d c. He shall be punishable with imprison~ent up Lo six months or with fin e
up lo Rs. 1000/- or with both ,
324.An employee who is dismissed from service for __ shall be disquaiifitd d. He shall be punishable with im p risonment up to two months or with fine
for bonus- up 10 Rs. 2,000 /- or with both
a . Fraud ~
b. Ri o tous or violent beh aviour while on the premises of the establishment 329.For the purpose of t . .
c. The ft, misappropriation or sabotage of any property of the establishment has been com pr d ••-~~r a1mng whether any of the provisions of .this Act
a. Enter an te w1 , an Inspector may-
d . Any one of above
b Y establishment or any premises
Ans. ,t . Examine any accounts book .
-- f the employm I f ' s, regi sters and other documents relatmg to
en ° persons or the
J25.Section 10 of Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, prescribes a minimum bonus O,
_ 10 be paid by every employer to every employee-
<. Make cop· f
ies o , or take extracts f
paymen °
t f 1
sa ary or wage or bonus
maintained in relat t h rom, any oak, regis te r or other docume nt
a. 10% o f the sa lary ea rned by the employee in that accounting year d. All above ion o t e establishment
b . 8.33% of the "'11a ry earned by the employee in that accounting year
c. 8.75% o f the sa lary earned by the employee in that accounting year
d . 9.33% of the sa lary earned by the employee in that accounting year

70 Multiple Choice Questions
Labou r and Industrial La.w

330.The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, does not lo apply to the employees of- -----.,
• Th• rayrnen o
fWages Act, 1936 extends to-
Life Ins urance Corporation of India
.1 .

b . Indian Re d Cross Society

3:15. le of India •
•· The whhol f India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir
b Thew oeo H C
c . Uni versities and other educational institutions . The whole of India except the State of aryana co
d . All above c. The whole of India except the State of Mampur
Aus. d E
Ans.a ". co
- .
331.Section 11 of Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, prescribes maximum ceiling of 336.Accord1ng p 1 {Wages Act, 1936, the "appropriate Government m u
to aymen o
the bonus payable to an employee al __ of salary earned- . relation to __ is the Central Government- .c
"· 10% •· Railways -~
b. 20% b. Air transport services "C
c. 12% c. Mines aod oilfields (].)
d. 15% d. All above C
Aus.b Ans.d u
332.Thc following employees arc not governed by Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 337.A mine, quarry or oilfield is an industrial establishment-
a. Employees o f those in stitutions which have been established not for a. Correct statement
purposes of profi t b. Partly incorrect statement be::a~se oilfield is not an industrial es tablishment
b . Employees of the Reserve Bank of India c. Partly incorrect statement because a mine is not an industrial establishment
c. Employees of Unit Tnist of India d. Partly incorrect statement because a quarry is not an industrial establishment
d . All above, ~ ' l38.lf • penalty ee which results into loss of
wages, it do ages-·
333.The Payment of Wages Act was enacted on- b. Reduction to a
C. Suspension
a. 23rd A pril, 1936
d. Each of above cas
b. 23rd April, 1935
c. 23rd April, 1937 ~
d. 23rd April, 1947 339.An establishment in which a • •
an indu I · 1 . ny work relating lo _ _ is being carried on is
s na estabhshment-
~ . of rnon•Y o• a. The construction develo t .
334 _The term ",vages" means all remuneration expressed an terms Ioyee-- or canals ' pmen or mamtenance of buildings, roads, bridges
. capable of being so expressed which would be payable to an ernp b. Operations connected . h . .
a. Correct s tatement eratioOS c. The gene 1· wit nav1gallon, irrigation or the supply of water
ra ion transm·s . d d"
Incorrect s tatement because the term includes only cash remun atiofl ~ d. All above are c~rrect • s1on an istribution of electricity
b. th t the rernuner
c. Incorrect statement because it is not necessary a . ~
expressed in te rms of money eratiofl "1 340.TJie b"
d. Incorrect s tate m e nt be cause it is not necessary that the rernun o Ject of the Pa
a. The P•Yme t f byment of Wages Act, 1936 is lo regulate-
capable of be ing expressed in terms of money b no onusto t· I
. The payment b cer am c asses of employed persons
~ by accident y employers to their workmen of compensation for injury
Labour and Industrial Law Multiple Choice Questions 73

c. The payment of wages of certain classes of employed persons

c. Bonus
d. The payment of insurance amount to the insured persons d. Allabove
~ C:
341.According to Payment of Wages Act, 1936, the following are covered With;,, 346_An aggrieved e~ployee may prefer an appeal against the order passed in
the meaning a£ the term "industrial or other establishment"- I original proceedings--
a. Tramway service, or motor transport service engaged in carrying passer, a. If the total amount of wages withheld exceeds one hundred rupees (/)
or goods or both by road, for hire or reward gen b. If the total amount of wages withheld exceeds two hundred rupees E
b. Air transport service c. If the total amount of wages withheld exceeds twenty rupees u
c. Dock
d. All above
A,rs. d ~
d. If the total amount of wages withheld exceeds ten rupees

347.Mark incorrect statement in respect of responsibility of employer-

342.Claims arising out_of deductions from wages or delay in payment of wages a. Every employer is responsible for the payment of all wages to persons C:
arc heard and decided by~ who may be appointed by the appro rial I employed by him C:
Government- p '1 b. Every employer shall fix periods in respect of which wages shall be payable
a. Comm/~~ ion e r fo_r Workme n's Compe nsation; Regional Labour (/)
to the employees
Commissioner; Assistant Labour Commissioner I c. Every employer shall fix the wage-period not exceeding one month

b. Presiding Officer of Labour Court or Industrial Tribunal
d. None of above as all above are correct
c. A Judge of a Civil Court or a Judicial Magistrate
Ans. d
d. Any one of above as appointed by appropriate Government
A,rs. d . 348.An Inspector a hall be an Inspector for
I the purpose
343 ·r~•dw:s;; ~: an _employee shall be paid to him without deductions of any
m , u o owmg deduction are permissible- . Ia. True
b. False
a. Fines
b. Deductions for absence from duty
c. Deductions for damage to or 1 • O oods
attributable 10 e 1 , oss g or loss of money, d i rec t 1y
mp oyee s neglect or default ~
~ ~~ow \ 349.An Inspector may-
Ans. d a. M~ke examination and inquiry; ~uire production of any regi5lerorrecotd;
seize or take copies of such registers or documents · .
344.A workshop in which articles are d
their use, transport or sale . 1;
. 0 u_ced or manufactured with a view to b. Ente · . f ct ry or industnal
r, inspect and search any premises of any railway, a 0
a. True ts an m ustrial establishment- or other establishment .
c. s . ed pon any railway
b. False uperv1se the payment of wages to persons employ u
c. Partly true or tn any factory or industrial or other establishment
d. All above .
d. Partly false
Ans. a ~
345.The terrn "wages" employed in the p I th:
!a~ment of Wages Act, 1936 provides foran appeal
hnutation period of which is-
before District Court.

a. Value of the supply of light ayment of Wages Act does not include-'
b Val , water etc. a. 30 days
. ue of house accommodation b. 60days
74 Labour and Industrial Law Multiple Chcice Questions
c. 90 days Any sum which is payable to an employee on terminati f
c. on o employment
d. 120 days d. All above cii
Ans.a C
~ C
351.An aggrieved employer may prefer an appeal against the order passed ;,,I
356_The following amounts are not "wages" within the meaning of the Payment
original proceedings- of Wages Act- · (/)
• · If the total sum directed to be paid by way of wages and compensation a. Contribution paid by the employer lo any pension fund or provident fund E
exceeds three hundred rupres I co
b. Value of medical attendance u
b. If such direction has the effect of imposing on the employer a financial
liability exceeding one thousand rupees, or
c. TraveJling allowance or the value of any travelling concession .c
c. Both (a) and (b) are correct ·
d. All above -~
d . Both (a) and (b) are wrong ~ "C
A11s. c 351.Section 22 of the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 places a bar on institution of C
suits in any Court in respect of- C
352. The authorities appointed under Payment of Wages Act, 1936, have all th, co
a. The recovery of wages (.)
powers of a Civil Court for the purpose of- (/)
b. Any deduction from wages
a. Taking evidence
c. Both (a) and (b)
b. Enforcing the attendance of witnesses
d. Neither (a) nor (b)
c. Compelling the production of documents
d. All above Ans.c

Ans.d 358.The employer · · g deduction's from the wages of

anemploye . .
353.Section provides for penalty for offences under the P_ayment of Wages Act, a. Deducti n, amenities and seMces, supplied
by thee
a. 22
b. Deductio115 or recovery and loans
b. 18 c. Deductions of inco mployee
C. 20
d. Allabove
d . 21
354.U an employee dies, his undisbursed wages shall be-
a. Paid to the person nominated by him 359 -The type of disablement envisaged under th e Emp lo Yees. Compensation
ilar to that the
b. Deposited with the prescribed authority, if no nomination is made Act that reduces the capacity to work in any employments•~ to as
c. Either (a) or(b) worker was performing at the time of the accident is referre
d . Neither (a) nor (b) a. permanent partial disablement
Ans.c b. permanent total disablement
c. temporary disablement
355.According to definition given in Payment of Wages Act, 1936, the term "wages'! d. temporary total disablement
would include- ·
a. Any remuneration payable under any award or settlement between th' i ~
parties I 360."Wages" under the Employees' Compensation Act f being estimated in
b. Any remuneration to which the person employed is entitled in respect 01 1 a· .includes any privilege or benefit
. w h IC
" h 1·s capable o
overtime work or holidays or any leave period I money


.:. Labour and/ndu::_st_ri_a_lLa_w_ _ _ _ _ __

.. 1 e or bene-fit w tc
h' h. ~
1s capable of be· ---~---::----------177
Multiple Choice Qu:esrion.s

b. does not include any pnv1 eg Ill& -

366.A - ' kn own a s" permanen td',sab lement" when-
disablement ,s
•· It is of permanent nature
estimated in money be efit which is not capable of being estillla,~
c. includes any pnvilege or n "" b. It reduces the earning capacity of an employee aiC
in money c. Both (a) and (b) C
d. none of the above d. Neither(a) nor (b) ()
-- . k , Compensation Act, 1923 is to provide for-
~ E
361.The ob1ect of Wor mens C1l
a. Th e payment of
bonus to certain classes of employed persons
. . .
367,A _ _ of a deceased workman falls within the scope of the term
b. Payment by employers to their workmen of compensation for miury by
c. The payment of benefit to certain classes of employed pe~sons
I a. Son or daughter who has attained the age of 18 years and who is infirm
b. Minor brother or unmarried or widowed sister
c. Widow
d., To provide for bonus on the basis of profits or on the basis of productiQi
d. All above C
or productivity C
Ans. d C1l
Ans.b ()
368.The employer shall not be liable lo pay compensation lo the workman if the Cl)
362.The liability of employer to pay compensation to a workman shall ariso-- injury caused to him does not result in his-
a. When the workman sustains personal injury •· Total disablement for a period exceeding three days
b. Such personal injury is caused to workman by an accident b. Partial disablement for a period exceeding three days
c. Such the accident,must arise out of and_in the course of employment c. Either total or partial disablement for a period exceeding three days
d . When all above conditions are satisfied d. Either total or partial disablement for a period exceeding five days
363. The Workmen Com 369.Mark incorr;ct state~ent in relation of the definition of a seaman provided
a. 15th March, I 924 in Workman ~ompensation Act, 1923
b. 5th March, 1923 a. Seaman means any person forrni g part of the crew of any ship
c. 13th March, 1924 b. The Master of the ship is not covered within the meaning of the term
d. 15th March, 1924 "seaman"
Ans.b c. The Master of the ship is also a seaman
d. None of above
364.The Workmen's Compensation Act was enacted on-
a. 5th March, 1926 ~
b. 5th March, 1925 l?O.Minor is a person who has not attained the age of:
c. 5th March, 1923 a. 16 years
d. 5th March, 1921 b. 15 years
A11s.c c. 18 years
d. 21 years
365.Following rel~tives of a deceased workman are "de endant''-
a. Minor legitimate or adopted son P ~
b. Unmarried legitimate or adopted d h 371 · 0 Minor1' means a person who-
c. Minor child of a pre-decease aug ter a. Has not attained the age of 21 years
d. All above d son or of a pre-deceased daughter
b. Has not attained the age of 18 years
Ans. d c. Has not attained the age of 16 years

La bour and Industrial Law
~78~----- _.!::.~.'.'.'.:-===---------:-------..
d . Has not attained the age or ZO years
' Multiple Choice Questions

ermanen t total disablement is caused to the wo k

377.Wherepensation shall be r man,the• amount
79 7
of comp
Ans. b 60 % of the monthly wages of the injured workman mulr1 1. d ,._
a. P ie by the Cl)
relevant factor C
372.A - - is not • dependant- t de endant on the eamin
a. A widowed daughter-in-law, who was no P gs of b. An amount of Rs. 90,000 l- C
the deceased workman . . e. Either (a) or (b) w hichever is more (J
b. Son or daughter who has attained the age or 18 years and who ts mfinn d. Neither (a) nor (b) en
c. Widm,· E
d. Unmarried legitimate or adopted daughter ~ u
Aus. a
373.'7otal disablement" means such disablement-
•· Which may be of temporary or permanent nature
378_1f a Commissioner receives information from any source that a workman
has died as a result of an accident arising out of and in the cou,.. of his

•· He may send by registered post a notice to the workman's employer Cl)
b. Which incapacitates the workman for all work b. He may require the employer to submit within 30 days a statemenfas to C
c. Both (a) and (b) the reasons of death C
d . Either(a) or(b) c. He may further require the employer to indicate whether he is or is not (J

A,rs. c liable to deposit compensation , en

d. All above are correct
374.The term "wages" includes any privilege or benefit which is capable of being
estimated in money, but exdudes-
a. Travelling allowance or the value of any travelling concession
b. Contribution paid by the employer towards P.ension or provident fund
I Ans. d
379.There shall be
accident ca
ioyer to pay compensation, if the
s taken place-
c. Sum paid to a workman to cover any s~cial expenses entailed on him by a. Due to an was under influence of drink or
the nature of his employment · drugs
d . All above b. Due to WI u 1s0 e ence o e mjured \4?0rkman to an express orcier
Aus.d for the pu; pose of securing e safe of workmen .
c. Due to willful disregard !:iy' t of any safety guard or device
375.An appeal shall lie to the from the orders of Commissioner- d. Any one of above
•· District Judge
b. Civil Judge Senior Division
380 -W lhe amount of
c. High Court · here partial disablement is caus ed to the workman,
d. No appeal is provided compensation shall be-- th levant
a· 60"'
,o of the monthly wages of the inured workman mu ltipliedby ere
Aus. c
376.A person is a workman if he is- b. An amount of Rs. 90,000 /-
a. A raiJway servant c. Either (a) or (b) whichever is more
b. A master, seaman or other member of the ere r h. d aptain c, d. Neither (a) nor (b)
other member of the crew ol an aircraft w o as tp an a c
~ .
c. A driver, helper, mechanic, cleaner of a motor vehicle 381.TJie . , one month from the date
d . All abo,·e . employer must pay the compensation w 1th1 n
11 fell due, failing which he shall be liable to pay- nt
A11s. d
a. Simple interest at the rate of 12% p.a. on the unpaid amou
b. Penalty not exceeding 50% of such amount

80 Labour and Industrial Law
Multiple Choice Questions
injury results into death, the amount of com . 81
C. Both (a) and (b) abo,·e 387 wi,ere h pensahon shall b
· E ual to 50% of the man! ly wages of the deceased km ,_
J\us. c
None of above
a. bi
the relevant factor
wor •n multiplied
b. An amount of Rs. 80,000/- ro
382.~r the provisions of the Workmen's Compensation Act, th e amount of c. Either (a) or (b) whichever is more u
compensation in respect of deceased workman- (f)
d. Neither (a) nor (b)
•· Cannot be paid directly by the employer E
b. Shall have to be deposited with the Commissioner ~ u
c. If paid directly by an employer shall be deemed to be no payment of
d. All above arc correct
)SB.The question of liability of any person to pay compensation under Workmen's
Compensation Act shall be settled by-
a. Commissioner
A11s.d b. Civil Court Q)
c. High Court C:
383.The amount of compensation deposited by employer with the Commissioner ro
in respect of a deceased workman-
d. None of above u
• · Shall be apporti oned among the dependants of the deceased workman ~
b. May be allotted to any one dependant of the deceased workman 389.A matter relating to compensation shall be done by or before the
c. Either (a) or (b) above Commissioner for the area in' which-
d. Nei ther (a) nor (b) above •· The accident took place which resulted in the injury
A11s . c b. The workma n o r in case of his death, the dependant claiming the
compensation ordinarily resides
384.According to Section 14-A, the compensation is the first charge on assets
transferred by employer- · ' c. The emploxer has his registered office
a. True d. Any one of abo!'.'e 1
b. False ~
c. Partly tru e
390.UnderWorkmen's Compensation Act,. 1923, the Com1russ10
. . ner has all powers
d. Partly false of a Gvil Court for the purpose of_:
Aus. '1 a. Taking evidence on oath"' ..,.
b. Enforcing the attendance of witnesses
385.The Commissioner !or \'\''s Compensation is appointed by-
a. Central Government c. Compelling the production of documents and material objects
b. State Government d. All above
Ans. d
c. Either by Central Government or by State Government
d . None of above - d to Commissioner a
391 -Whoever fails to maintain a notice-book, or lo sen
~ st atement, or to send a report, or to make a return-

3S6.The fol.lowing are the ingredients for constituting "partial disablement"-

a. A disablemen t
I •· Shall be punish able with fine up to Rs. 10,000/- 5 OOO/
b. Shall be punishable with fine which may exte nd to R\ 'or fine up to Rs.
c. Shall be punishable with imprisonment up to 3 mont 5
b. Temporary natu re of the disablement

5,000 I ths or fine up to Rs-
c. Must reduce the earning capacity of an employee d. Shall be punishable with imprisonment up to 3 mon
d . All above
5,000 I- or both
~ ~
Labour and Industrial Law

392. An appeal lies to High Court from the ~rder passed by the Commissioner-
a. Awarding as compensation a lump sum
b. Awarding interest or penalty
c. Providing for the distribution of compensation among the dependants of
a deceased workman ·
d. All above
Ans: d

Scanned with CamScanner

1. Factories Act, 1948 came into force on –
A. 1st April 1948
B. 1st April 1949
C. 1st March 1949
D. 1st September, 1949

Ans- B 1st April 1949

2.Under the Factories Act, 1948 health include –
A. Disposal of wastes and effluents
B. Artificial humidification
C. Spittoons
D. All of the above

Ans- D All of the above

3. Maternity Benefit Act came into force on-

A. 1949
B. 1976
C. 1961
D. 1965

Ans- C 1961
4. Section——- of the Maternity Benefit Act describes payment or
maternity benefit in case of death of a woman
A. Section 6
B. Section 9
C. Section 7
D. Section 3

Ans- B Section 7
5. Section 12 of Maternity benefit Act discusses the——-
A.Dismissal during absence or pregnancy
B.No deduction of wages in certain cases
C.Appointment of Inspectors
D.Inspectors to be public servants

Ans- A Dismissal during absence or pregnancy

6. Every person responsible for the payment of wages under——–
shall fix periods in respect of which such wages shall be payable
A. Section 2
B. Section 4
C. Section 3
D. Section 6

Ans- B Section 3
7. Section——- of Payment of wages Act describes Deductions
which may be made from wages
A. Section 7
B. Section 8
C. Section 9
D. Section 10

Ans- A Section 7

8. Section 12-A of Payment of wages Act discusses the ——-

A. Deductions for services rendered
B.Deductions for recovery of advances
C. Deductions for recovery of loans-Deductions
D. Deductions for payments to co-operative societies and insurance schemes

Ans- C Deductions for recovery of loans-Deductions

9. In the case of a monthly rated employee, the fifteen days’ wages

shall be calculated by dividing the monthly rate of wages last drawn
by him by ———–Days and multiplying the quotient by fifteen.
(a) 30
(b) 15
(c) 26
(d) 25
Ans- C 26

10. In the case of a monthly rated employee, the fifteen days’ wages shall be
calculated by dividing the monthly rate of wages last drawn by him by ———–
Days and multiplying the quotient by fifteen.
(a) 30
(b) 15
(c) 26
(d) 25

Ans- A 30
11) When did The Payment of Gratuity Act 1972, come into force?

A) 01 April 1955
B) 01 March 1955
C) 01 May 1955
D) 16 September 1972.

Answer –D) 16 September 1972.

12) When did The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act 1946, come into

A) 01 April 1936
B) 01 March 1937
C) 01 May 1935
D) 23 April, 1946

Answer –D) 23 April, 1946

13) When did The Employees State Insurance Act 1948, come into force?

A) 01 April 1966
B) 01 March 1967
C) 01 May 1960
D) 19th April 1948

Answer –D) 19th April 1948

14) When did The Payment of Bonus Act 1965, come into force?
A) 01 April 1965
B) 01 March 1965
C) 01 May 1965
D) 25 September, 1965

Answer –D) 25 September, 1965

15) When did The Equal Remuneration Act 1976, come into force?

A) 01 April 1976
B) 01 March 1976
C) 01 May 1976
D) 08 March 1976

Answer –D) 08 March 1976

16) When did The Child Labour (prohibition And Regulation) Act, 1986, come into

A) 01 April 1986
B) 01 March 1987
C) 01 May 1980
D) 23 December 1986

Answer –D) 23 December 1986

17) When did The Payment of wages act 1936, come into force?

A) 01 April 1966
B) 01 March 1967
C) 01 May 1960
D) 23 April 1936

Answer –D) 23 April 1936

18) When did the Industrial Disputes Act,, come into force?
A) 01 April 1949
B) 01 March 1948
C) 01 May 1947
D) 01 April 1947

Answer –D) 01 April 1947

19) When did The Trade Unions Act, come into force?

A) 01 April 1927
B) 01 March 1926
C) 01 May 1929
D) 1st June, 1927

Answer –D) 01 April 1949

20 ) When did Workmens Compensation Act 1923, come into force?

A) 01 April 1955
B) 01 March 1955
C) 01 May 1955
D) 1 July 1924
Answer –D) 1 July 1924

21) When did Maternity Benefit Act 1961, come into force?

A) 01 April 1966
B) 01 March 1967
C) 01 May 1960
D) 12th December 1961

Answer –D) 12th December 1961

22) When did the Minimum Wages Act, come into force?

A) 01 April 1966
B) 15 March 1948
C) 01 May 1960
D) 01 April 1949

Answer B) 15 March 1948

1. Under which of the following legislations there is a provision called ‘protected

(A) Trade Unions Act, 1926
(B) Industrial Employment
(Standing Orders) Act, 1946
(C) Factories Act, 1948
(D) Industrial Disputes Act, 1947

Answ er - (D)

2. Which one of the following is not a machinery for settlement of Industrial Disputes
under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947?
(A) Conciliation Officer
(B) Board of Conciliation
(C) Collective Bargaining
(D) Labour Court

Answ er - (C)

3. Under which Schedule of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 Public Utility Services
have been listed out?
(A) 1st Schedule
(B) 2nd Schedule
(C) 3rd Schedule
(D) 4th Schedule

Answ er - (A)

4. Which of the following statements about the definition of industry as given in the
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 is not right?
(A) It means any business, trade, undertaking, manufacture or calling of employers.
(B) It includes any calling, service, employment, handicraft or industrial occupation or
avocation of workmen.
(C) This definition has been revised in 1982 in a leading case of 1978.
(D) The revised definition has been implemented after due notification.

Answ er - (D)

5. ‘First come last go and last come first go’ is the principle of
(A) Lay-off
(B) Closure
(C) Retrenchment
(D) Dismissal

Answ er - (C)

6. Which of the following is machinery for settlement of industrial disputes?

(A) Indian Labour Conference
(B) Joint Management Council
(C) Industrial Tribunal
(D) Standing Labour Committees

Answ er - (C)

7. ‘Award’ under Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 is

(a) Not interim determination of labour court
(b) Not arbitration award under Section 10A
(c) Not final determination of labour court
(d) Not final determination of arbitration award under section 10A
(A) All statements are true.
(B) (a) and (d) are true.
(C) (b) is true.
(D) All statements are wrong.

Answ er - (D)

8. Grievance Handing Machinery is given in

(A) Industrial Disputes Act
(B) Factories Act
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above

Answ er - (A)

9. The dispute of individual workman is deemed to be industrial dispute if the dispute or

difference is connected with or arising out of the following where no other workman nor
any union of workman is a party to the dispute.
(A) Grievance of an individual workman.
(B) Discharge of an individual workman.
(C) Dismissal of an individual workman.
(D) Discharge, dismissal, retrenchment or otherwise termination of services of an
individual workman.

Answ er - (D)

10. List of unfair labour practices on the part of the trade unions and employers was
included in
(A) Factories Act
(B) Industrial Dispute Act
(C) Trade union Act
(D) None of the above

Answ er - (B)

11. Match the following schedules under the I. D. Act, 1947

(a) I schedule (i) conditions of service for change of which notice is to be given
(b) II and III schedules (ii) Labour courts and Industrial Tribunals
(c) IV schedule (iii) Industries which may be declared as public utility services
(d) V schedule (iv) Unfair labour practices

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(B) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
(C) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(D) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)

Answ er - (C)

12. Which of the following is an illegal industrial action as per law?

(A) Mutual Insurance
(B) Collective Bargaining
(C) Lock out
(D) Gherao

Answ er - (D)

13. Under the Industrial Disputes Act, which of the following cannot be considered as an
industrial dispute?
(A) When employer fails to keep his verbal promises
(B) When closure is a pretence
(C) When demand made for alteration of conditions of service of employees in a
cooperative society
(D) When the lock-out is in disguise of closure

Answ er - (C)

14. Which of the following statements about the Grievance Redressal Machinery given
under the Industrial not true?
(A) Every industrial establishment employing 20 or more workmen shall have one or
more Grievance Redressal Committee.
(B) Grievance Redressal Committee can resolve any dispute arising in the industrial
(C) It is a bipartite committee with equal number of members representing the employer
and workmen.
(D) There is a 45 days time limit from the date of written application to complete the

Answ er - (B)

15. The ongoing globalization in India requires drastic changes under which of the
labour legislations?
(A) The Factories Act
(B) The Employees’ State Insurance Act
(C) The Industrial Disputes Act
(D) The Employees’ Provident Funds Act

Answ er - (C)
MCQs 305 HR – Labour Laws

Few questions are repeated for a reason

Q.1. As per Factories Act "Factory" means any premises including the precincts thereof where
or more workers are working or viewer working on any day of the preceding 12 months, and
in any part of which a manufacturing process is being carried on without the aid of power, or
is ordinarily so carried on. [Sec 2(m)] a) 10
c) 50
b) 20
d) 100

Q.2. As per the Factories Act "Adult"means a person who has completed ...... yea r of age.
[Sec 2(a)]
a) Fifteenth
b) Sixteenth
c) Seventeenth
d) Eighteenth

Q.3. As per Factories Act, "Child" means a person who has not completed his ....... ......Year
of age. [Sec 2(c)]
a) Fourteenth
b) Fifteenth
c) Sixteenth
d) Eighteenth

Q.4.As per factories act which among the following are true in respect of the definition of a
worker'? [Sec 2(1)] "Worker" means a person employed
1) Directly or by or through any agency (including a contractor
2) With or without the knowledge of the principal employer
3) Whether for remuneration or not
4) In any manufacturing process
a) 3 and 4 only b) 1,3 and 4 only
c) 1 and 4 only d) 1,2,3 and4

Q.5. As per Factories Act, 'Factory" means any premises in during the precincts thereo f
where on ------------- or more workers are working or were working on any day of the preceding
12 months, and in any part of which a manufacturing process is being carried out with the aid
of power, or is ordinarily so carried on. [Sec 2(m)(i))
a) 10 b) 20
c) 50 d) 100

Q.6. As per Factories Act, a Factory does not include which among the following? [Sec 2(m)]

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1) A mine subject to the operation of the Mines Ad, 1952
2) A mobile unit belonging to the Armed Forces of the Union
3) A railway running shed
4) A HOTEL, restaurant or eating place
a) 1 and 2 only b) 1,2 and 3 only
c) 1,2,3 and 4 d) 1,2,4 only

Q.7. As per Factories Act, "----------,, of a factory means the person who has ultimate control
over the affairs of the factory. [Sec 2(n)]
a) Manager b) Owner
c) Director d) Occupier

Q.8 The _____of Railway Production Units have been appointed as "Occupiers" of the
respective units in terms of the provisions of the Factories Ad. 1948. (MC 23)
a) General Managers
b) Chief Personnel Officers
c) Chief Mechanical Engineers/ CWM
d) Chief Security Commissioners

Q.9. The Factories Act imposes the following obligations upon the employer in regard to his
workers. [Sec 7 A]
a) Health b) Safety
c) Welfare d) All the above.

Q.10. An workman employed in Carriage Works, Perambur has demanded to change the
working days from six days to five days without reducing the total working hours o f 471/2 per
week Can this be agreed to'? (Chapter VI)
a) Yes
b) No (Not more than 9 hrs in a day)
c) Can be negotiated
d) All of the above.

Q.11. Overtime under Section 59 (1) of the Factories Act, 1948 to the staff gov erned by the
same should be calculated on .
a) A daily basis or weekly basis, whichever is the prevalent practice b) A
daily basis
c) A weekly basis
d) A daily basis or weekly basis, whichever is more favorable to the employee Ans:
d (Sec. 55)

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Q.12. The provisions of Sec. 46 of the Factories Act, 1948 impose statutory obligation on the
Railway Administrations to provide and maintain canteens in Railway Establishments, which
are governed by the Factories Act and employ more than ----------- persons. a) 100 b) 150
c) 250 d) 500

Q.13. Section 2 (a) of the act defines the term .

a) Adult
b) Adolescent
c) Child
d) Calendar year

Q.14. According to the definition of "Week" under the Act, it is a period of 7 days beginning
at midnight on______ .
a) Sunday b) Monday
c) Saturday d) Friday

Q.15. As per the Act, a person who has not completed his 15th year of age is alan
a) Adolescent
b) Teenager
c) Child
d) Adult

Q.16. Section 2 (n) under the act defines

a) Publisher
b) Manager
c) Owner
d) Occupier

Q.17. As per the act, the floor of ever work room should be cleaned once every __
a) Day b) month
c) week d) hour

Q.18. The power of inspectors is discussed under of the Factories Act, 1948.
a) Section 9 b) Section 10
c) Section 11 d) Section 12

Q.19. The primary purpose of employee safety programme is to preserve the employees' a)
Mental health
b) Physical health
c) Emotional health
d) All of the above

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Q.20. The visual presentation of the ranking of work sites in a factory based on the number of
accidents reported from each site is called a) Accident Frequency Method
b) Spot Map Method
c) Incidence Rate
d) Severity Rate

Q.21. Which of the following involves redesigning of equipment, machinery and material for
the safe performance of the jobs?
a) Safety engineering
b) Safety campaigns
c) Safety committee
d) Safety training

Q.22. The responsibility for maintenance of employee health and safety is with
a) Employees b) Employers
c) Government d) All of the above

Q.23. Ensuring the safety, health and welfare of the employees is the primary purpose of the
a) Factories Act, 1948
b) Payment of Wages Act, 1936
c) Equal Remuneration Act, 1976
d) Industrial Disputes Act, 1947

Q.24. Which of the following is not connected with employee safety and health?
a) The Factories Act, 1948
b) The Mines Act, 1952
c) The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
d) The Dock Workers (Safety, Health And Welfare) Act, 1986

Q.25. When the people involved in the process comprehend unlikable results from their
interactions with the environment, it is specifically called
a) time stress b) anticipatory stress
c) positive stress d) negative stress
Ans: b .

Q.26. Inspections by superiors and interviews for promotion usually come under
a) Short term response stress
b) Long-term response stress c} Delayed response stress d} None of the above

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Q.27. Which of the following types •of personality is comparatively less exposed to internal
a) Type A personality b) Type B personality
c) Type C personality d) None of the above

Q.28. When the employee perceives threat in the environment even if there is no such threat
existing in the environment, it is normally described as a) organizational stressor
b) individual stressor
c) extra-organizational stressor
d) None of the above

Q.29. The exhaustion suffered by an individual due to continuous exposure to a stress

causing situation is normally known as
a) Entrapment
b) Tiredness
c) Irritability
d) burn-out

Q.30.______is a scientific and systematic effort to modify the characteristics of an

employee's job.
a) Job redesign
b) Time-out
c) Mentoring
d) Employee empowerment

Q.31. The first Factories Act was enacted in

a) 1881
b) 1895
c) 1897
d) 1885

Q.32. Who is an adult as per Factories Act, 1948?

a) Who has completed 18 years of age
b) Who is less than 18 years
c) Who is more than 14 years
d) Who is more than 15 years

Q.33. A person who has ultimate control over the affairs of the factory under Factories Act,
1948 is called as _
a) Occupier b) Manager
c) Chairman d) Managing Director.

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 5 of 62

Q.34. The space for every worker employed in the Factory after the commencement of
Factories Act, 1948 should be _____Cubic Meters.
a) 9.9 b) 10.2
c) 14.2 d) 13.2

Q.35. The provision for cooling water during hot weather should be made by the organization
if it employees or more employees. a) 200 b) 250
c) 300 d) 150

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Q.36. Who is an Adolescent as per Factories Act, 1948?

a) Who has completed 17 years of age
b) Who is less than 18 years
c) Who has completed 15 years but less than 18 years.
d) None of these

Q.37. Which one of the following is not a welfare provision under Factories Act, 1948?
a) Canteen b) Crèches
c) First Aid d) Drinking water.

Q.38. First Aid Boxes is to be provided for ____of persons

a) 125 b) 135
c) 150 d) 160

Q.39. Safety Officers are to be appointed if Organization is engaging or moreemployees.

a) 1000
b) 2000
c) 500
d) 750

Q.40. Canteen is to be provided if engaging employees more than __persons.

a) 250 b) 230
c) 300 d) 275

Q.41. Leave with wages is allowed for employees if they work for _____days in a month. a)
b) 25
c) 20
d) 28

Q.42. Welfare Officers are to be appointed if Organisation is engaging _____or more

a) 500 b) 250
c) 600 d) 750

Q.43. The Ambulance Room is to be provided if engaging employees more than _____ a)
b) 350

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c) 500
d) 450

Q.44. Crèche is to be provided if____ or more lady employees are engaged.

a) 25 b) 32
c) 30 d) 40

Q.45. An adult worker can work up to __ hrs in a day as per factories Act, 1948.
a) 8 b) 9
c) 10 d) 12

Q.46. Obligations of Workers under the Factories Act 1947 was discussed in section
a) 78
b) 101
c) 111
d) 99

Q.47. The term Sabbatical is connected with

a) Paid leave for study
b) Paternity leave
c) Maternity leave
d) Quarantine leave

Q.48. Section 49 of the Factories Act 1947 Says about

a) Welfare officer
b) Canteen
c) Rest room
d) Crèche

Q.49. Section 2 ( K )of the Factories Act 1947 says about

a) Manufacturing Process b) Factory
c) Worker d) None of these

Q.50. If the factory employs more than 1000 workers, they should appoint qualified --- ---------
to carry out the prescribed duties.
a) Safety Officer b) Welfare officer
c) Security officer d) None of these

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 8 of 62

Q.51. For contravention of provisions of Factories Act or Rules, the occupier shall liable for
punishment up to
a) 2 years or fine up to RS.1,00,000 or both
b) 6 months or fine up to 10, 000 or both
c) 3 three years or fine 10, 000 or both
d) None of these

Q.52. Manager of every factory should sent a annual report to the Inspectorate of f actories
containing details like numbers of workers employed , leave with wages, safety officers
,ambulance room, canteen, shelter, accidents in form no ______ on or before 31 st January
a) Form No : 22
b) Form No: 21
c} Form No: 25 A
d) Form No: 25 B

Q.53. If any employee found violating the section 20 of Factories Act 1947 shall be fine up to
a) Rs.10
b) Rs.5
c) Rs.15
d) Rs.20

Q.54. Section 41- G of the Factories Act 1948 says about

a) Fencing of machineries
b) Facing of machineries
c) Work on near machinery in motion
d) Workers participation in safety mgt.

Q.55. Who is responsible for payment to a person employed by him in a Factory under the
Payment of wages Act 1936
a) Accounts Manager b) HR manager
c) Manager d) Owner

Q.56. The applicant / occupier who propose to start the factory should submit the
a) Form No-1 b) Form No-.2
c) Form No- 2A d) Form No.1 A

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Q.57. The license fee can be paid to get a license for a factory maximum up to ...
a) One Year only b) Two Years only
c) Three Years only d) Five years only.

Q.58. The renewal application for a license submitted after December 31 st of the every year
shall paid the fine amount. a) 10 % of the license fee
b) 20% of the license fee
c) 30 % of the license fee
d) None of these.

Q.59. The Section 20 of the Factories act discusses about

a) Drinking Water b) Lighting
c) Spittoons d) Latrines and Urinals

Q.60. The employment of young person on dangerous machines shall be prohibited the
section -------- of Factories Act.1947.
a) Section 21
b) Section 22
c) Section 23
d) Section 24

Q.61. A suitable goggles shall be provided for the protection of persons employ ed in any
factory is discussed in the section ____
a) Section-36 b) Section-39
c) Section-40 d) Section -35

Q.62. A half yearly return for every half of every calendar year, in duplicate in Form
______so as to reach the inspector of factories on or before _______of the year
a) Form NO-20, 31st July
b) Form No 21, 31st July
c) Form No. 25, 31 st July
d) Form No. 24,31stJune

Q.63. An accident report, shall be confirmed by the manager by sending a separate report in
form no ---------- with details of number of person killed or injured to i) Inspector of Factories
within -----------hours of the accident. a) Form NO.18, 12 Hours
b) Form No. 18.A, 12 Hours
c) Form NO.18, 24 Hours
d) Form No 18 A , 24 Hours

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 10 of

Q.64. The particulars of the accident should be entered in separate registers kept as- Accident
Book- Form No for ESI office.
a) Form No -14, b) Form No -15
c) From .No-21 d) From No- 20

Q.65. Section-------- of the Factories Act describes about the rights of the workers
a) 111 b) 111 A
c) 110 d) 112

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Q.66. The occupier shall be punishable with imprisonment extend to _________mon ths or
fine ____or both for using false certificate of fitness.
a) two months, 1000 rupees
b) one year, 2000 rupees
c) Six months, 1000 rupees
d) one month, 5000 rupees

Q.67. The occupier fails to take remedial actions against apprehension of imminent dan ger
to lives or health of the workers ( 41 H), shall liable for punishment which may extend to an
imprisonment, up to 7 years, fine up to Rupees 2 lacs or both.
a) 5 Years, Rs25,000
b) 2 Years, Rs.1, 00,000
c) 7 Years, Rs, 2,00,000
d) 10 Years, Rs. 1,00,000

Q.68. In case of miscarriage. a woman worker shall be allowed weeks leave with wages
a) 12
b) 6
c) 4
d) 24

Q.69. Under the Payment of wages Act. 1936 payment of wages of establishments
employing not more than 1000 employees shall be paid within of the wage month.
a) 10'" day
b) 7''' day
c) 2'" day
d) 15'" day

Q.70. Under the Payment of waqes Act. payment of wages of establishments employing not
less than 1000 employees shall be paid within of the wage month
a) 7''' day b) 15'" day
c) 2day d) 10'" day

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 12 of

Q.71. An employee is eligible to get bonus under the Payment of Bonus Act. 1965 if he had
worked for not less than days in the preceding year
a) 30 b) 240
c) 160 d) 190

Q.72. An employee whose salary does not exceed is eligible or Bonus under the Payment of
Bonus Act.
a) Rs 3500
b) Rs 2500
c) Rs 6500

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 13 of

d) Rs 10000

Q.73. The employer's share of contribution under the ESI Act is

a) 12%s b) 8.33%
c) 1.75% d) 4.75 %

Q.74. The employee's share of contribution under the ESI Act is

a) 12% b) 8.33%
c) 1.75 % d) 4.75%

Q.75. Employees Provident Fund arid Miscellaneous Provisions Act. 1952 is applied to
establishments employing not less than
a) 10 employees b) 20 employees
c) 50 employees d) 100 employees

Q.76. An employee whose salary at the time of joining does not exceed shall become a
member of the provident fund under the Act.
a) Hs 10,000 b) Rs 7500
c) Rs 6500 d) Rs 5000

Q.77. Employee share of provident fund contribution is

a) 12 %
b) 8.33%
c) 1.75%
d) 4.75%

Q.78. Employer's share of contribution to the provident fund is .

a) 8.33% b) 12%
c) 3.67% d) 4.75%

Q.79. Employer's contribution to Employees' Deposit linked Insurance is .

a) 3.67 % b) 1.1 %
c) 0.5 % d) 0.05 %

Q.80. Layoff compensation is to be paid @ __________of average wages.

a) 15 days b) 50%
c) 60% d) 75 %
MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 14 of
Q.81. ______absolves the employer's liability under the Maternity Benefit Act and
Workmen's Compensation Act
a) Employees Provident fund Act
b) Industrial Employment (Standing Order) Act
c) Employees State Insurance Act
d) Industrial Disputes Act

Q.82. The employee welfare facilities available outside the organization are called
a) Intra-mural facilities b) Extra-mural facilities
c) Extravagance d) None of the above

Q.83. The employee welfare facilities available inside the organization are called
a) Intra-mural facilities b) Extra-mural facilities
c) Extravagance d) None of the above

Q.84. Who among the following has the responsibility for employee welfare?
a) Employers b) Central government
c) State government d) All of the above

Q.85. In the absence of statutory requirements, the employers may not provide even the basic
facilities to the employees. This is the basic assumption of the . a) Religious theory b)
Policing theory.
c) Appeasement theory d) Benevolence theory

Q.86. According to which theory, employee welfare is an investment which would multiply and
return to the employers in some other forms?
a) Religious theory b) Policing theory
c) Appeasement theory d) Benevolence theory

Q.87. An inclination to do something good for others can influence the employers to undertake
welfare facilities. This is the assumption of the .
a) Religious theory b) Policing theory
c) Appeasement theory d) Benevolence theory

Q.88. Making peace with employees by fulfilling all their needs without any resistance is the
essence of the
a) Religious theory b) Policing theory
MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 15 of
c) Appeasement theory d) Benevolence theory

Q.89. Which of the following benefits is covered under social security schemes?
a) Retirement benefit b) Compensation facilities
c) Medical facilities d) All of the above

Q.90. In which year was the Employees' State Insurance Act enacted?
a) 1948 b) 1976
c) 1923 d) 1961

Q.91. The primary purpose of employee safety programme is to preserve the employees' ....
a) Mental health
b) Physical health
c) Emotional health
d) All of the above

Q.92. The visual presentation of the ranking of work sites in a factory bas ed on the number
of accidents reported from each site is called_____
a) Accident Frequency Method
b) Spot Map Method
c) Incidence Rate
d) Severity Rate

Q.93. Which of the following involves redesigning material for the safe perfo rmance of the
a) Safety engineering
b) Safety campaigns
c) Safety committee of equipment, machinery and
d) Safety training

Q.94. The responsibility for maintenance of employee health and safety is with .
a) Employees b) Employers
c) 'Government d) All of the above Ans:d

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 16 of

Q.95. Ensuring the safety, health and welfare of the employees is the primary purpose of the
a) Factories Act, 1948
b) Payment of Wages Act, 1936
c) Equal Remuneration Act, 1976
d) Industrial Disputes Act, 1947

Q.96. Which of the following is not connected with employee safety and health?
a) The Factories Act, 1948
b) The Mines Act, 1952
c) The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 17 of

d) The Dock Workers (Safety, Health And Welfare) Act, 1986

Q.97. When the people involved in the process comprehend unlikable results from their
interactions with the environment, it is specifically called
a) time stress b) anticipatory stress
c) positive stress d) negative stress

Q.98. Inspections by superiors and interviews for promotion usually come under
a) Short-term response stress
b) Long-term response stress
c) Delayed response stress
d) None of the above

Q.99. Section 2 (n) under the act defines .

a) Publisher
b) Manager
c) Owner
d) Occupier

Q.100. "Welfare" is not part of the Factories Act, 1948.

a) True b) False

Q.101. The District Magistrate cannot become an Inspector as per the Act.
a) True b) False

Q.102. As per the act, the floor of ever work room should be cleaned once every .
a) Day b) Month
c) Week d) Hour

Q.103. The power of inspectors is discussed under ... of the Factories Act, 1948.
a) Section 9 b) Section 10
c) Section 11 . d) Section 12

Q.104. Under Minimum Wages Act an Adult means a Person who has completed a certain
a) Eighteen years
b) Fifteen years
c) Sixteen years

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 18 of

d) Nineteen years

Q.105. The Employees State Insurance Act was passed in the year_
a) 1923 b) 1948
c) 1956 d) 1947

Q.106. The labour or industrial problems increased when major industries came into
existence followed by technology of mass production in the early:
a) 18th century b) 19th century
c) 21 st century d) 20th century

Q.107. The Code of Discipline _______reiterated the faith of the parties in voluntary
a) 1923
b) 1942
c) 1958
d) 1947

Q.108. The first Factories Act was enacted in

a) 1881
b) 1895
c) 1897
d) 1885

Q.109. Who is an adult as per Factories Act, 1948?

a) Who has completed 18 years of b) who is less than 18 years age?
c) Who is more than 14 years d) who is more than 15 years Ans:a

Q.110. A person who has ultimate control over the affairs of the factory under Factories Act,
1948 is called as ___ a) Occupier
b) Manager
c) Chairman
d) Managing Director.

Q.111. The space for every worker employed In the factory after the commencement of
factories act, 1948 should be_________"Cubic Meters.
a) 9.9 b) 10.2
c) 14.2 d) 13.2

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 19 of

Q.112. The provision for cooling water during hot weather should be made by the organization
if it employees ________or more employees.
a) 200 b) 250
c) 300 d) 150

Q.113. Who is an Adolescent as per Factories Act? 1948?

a) Who has completed 17 years
b) Who is less than 18 years of age
c) Who has completed 15 years but less than 18 years.
d) None of these

Q.114. Which one of the following is not a welfare provision under Factories Act 1948.
a) Canteen b) Crèches
c) First Aid d) Drinking water.

Q.115. First Aid Boxes is to be provided for of persons

a) 125 b) 135
c) 150 d) 160

Q.116. Safety Officers are to be appointed if Organization is engaging fig or more

a) 1000
b) 2000
c) 500
d) 750

Q.117. Canteen is to be provided if engaging employees more than persons.

a) 250 b) 230
c) 300 d) 275

Q.118. Leave with wages is allowed for employees if they work for days in a month.
a) 15 b) 25
c) 20 d) 28

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 20 of

Q.119. Welfare Officers are to be appointed if Organization is engaging ___ or more
a) 500 b) 250
c) 600 d) 750

Q.120. The Ambulance Room is to be provided if engaging employees more than

a) 400 b) 350
c) 500 d) 450
Ans: c

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 21 of

Q.121. Creche is to be provided if----or more lady employees are engaged.
a) 25 b) 32
c) 30 d) 40

Q.122. An adult worker can up to hrs in a day as per factories Act. 1948
a) 8 b) 9
c) 10 d) 12

Q.123. Obligations of Workers under the Factories Act 1947 was discussed in section
a) 78 b) 101
c) 111 d) 99

Q.124. The term Sabbatical is connected with

a) Paid leave for study
b) Paternity leave
c) Maternity leave
d) Quarantine leave

Q.125. Section 49 of the Factories Act 1947Says about

a) Welfare officer b) Canteen
c) Rest room d) Crèche

Q.126. Section 2 (K) of the Factories Act 1947 says about

a) Manufacturing Process b) Factory
c) Worker d) None of these

Q.127. If the factory employs more than 1000 workers, they should appoint qualified
________to carry out the prescribed duties a) Safety Officer
b) Welfare officer
c) Security officer
d) None of these

Q.128. For contravention ot provisions of Factories Act or Rules. the occupier shall liable for
punishment up to
a) 2 years or fine up to Rs. 1.00.000 or both
b) 6 months or fine up to 10.000 or both
c) 3 years or fine 10.000 or both
d) None of these

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 22 of

Q.129. Manager of every factory should sent a annual report to the Inspectorate of factories
containing details like numbers of workers employed, Leave with wages, safety officers,
ambulance room, canteen, shelter, accidents in form no ____ on or before 31 st January
a) Form No : 22
b) Form No: 21
c) Form No: 25 A
d) Form No: 25 B

Q.130. If any employee found violating the section 20 of Factories Act 1947 sha ll be fine up
a) RS.10
b) RS.5
c) Rs.15
d) RS.20

Q.131. Section 41- G of the Factories Act 1948 says about

a) Fencing of machineries b) Facing of machineries
c) Work on near machinery in motion d) Workers participation in safety management

Q.132. Who is responsible for payment to a person employed by him in a Fa ctory under the
Payment of wages Act 1936
a) Accounts Manager
b) HR manager
c) Manager
d) Owner
Ans: d

Q.133. The applicant occupier who propose to start the factory should submit the
a) Form No-1 b) Form No-.2
c) Form No- 2A d) Form No.1 A

Q.134. The license fee can be paid to get a license for a factory maximum up to
a) One Year only b) Two Years only
c) Three Years only d) Five years only.

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 23 of

Q.135. The occupier has to submit the document on or before ______of every year to renewal
of a license for a factory. a) 31 st march of every year
b) 31 st December of every year
c) 31 st October of every year
d) 31 st April of every year

Q.136. The renewal application for a license submitted after December 31 st of the every year
shall paid the fine amount. a) 10 % of the license fee

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 24 of

b) 20% of the license fee
c) 30 % of the license fee
d) None of these.

Q.137. The Section 20 of the Factories act discusses about

a) Drinking Water b) Lighting
c) Spittoons d) Latrines and Urinals

Q.138. The employment of young person on dangerous machines shall be prohibited

the section _______of Factories Act. 1947.
a) Section 21
b) Section 22
c) Section 23
d) Section 24

Q.139. A suitable goggles shall be provided for the protection of persons employed in an y
factory is discussed in the section ______
a) Section-36
b) Section-39
c) Section-40
d) Section -35

Q.140. A half yearly return for every half of every calendar year, in duplicate in Form ____ so
as to reach the inspector of factories on or before _________ of the year
a) Form NO-20. 31 st July b) Form No 21. 31 st July
c) Form No. 25. 31st July d) Form No. 24. 31st June

Q.141. An accident report, shall be continued by the manager by sending a separate report in
form no, _____ with details of number of person killed or injured to i) Inspector of Factories
within _______hours of the accident.
a) Form NO.18. 12 Hours b) Form NO. 18.A. 12 Hours
c) Form NO. 18.24 Hours d) Form N018 A. 24 Hours

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 25 of

Q.142. The particulars or the accident should be entered in separate registers kept as-
Accident Book- Form No of ESI office: a) Form No. 12
b) Form No. 14
c) Form No. 15
d) Form No. 18

Q.143. Section ________of the Factories Act describes about the rights of the workers
a) 111 b) 111A
c) 110 d) 112

Q.144. The occupier shall be punishable with imprisonment extend to ________ months or
fine _______or both for using false certificate of fitness.
a) Two months. 1000 rupees b) One year. 2000 rupees
c) Six months. 1000 rupees d) One month. 5000 rupees

Q.145. The occupier fails to take remedial actions against apprehension of imminent danger
to lives or health of the workers ( 41 H). shall liable for punishment which may extend to an
imprisonment, up to 7 years. fine up to Rupees 2 lacs or both.

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 26 of

a) 5 Years. Rs 25.000 b) 2 Years.Rs. 1.00.000
c) 7 Years. Rs. 2.00.000 d) 10 Years.Rs. 1.00.000

Q.146. Where _________or more workers are employed in a factory. then there shall be a
Safety Committee in the factory. a) 100 or more workers
b) 150 or more workers
c) 200 or more workers
d) 250 or more workers

Q.147. Section 41 G of the Factories Act Discuss about the Workers Participation in
a) Section 40 .
b) Section 41 H
c) Section 41 G
d) Section 41 F

Q.148. Section 19 of Factories Act discusses about the ________

a) Drinking Water b) Lighting
c) Latrines and Urinals d) Artificial humidification

Q.149. Section ----- of the Factories Act discusses about the nomination of the manager of a
a) Section 7 (e)
b) Section 7 (f)
c) Section 7(g)
d) Section 7 (d)

Q.150. A general manager of a company can be appointed as an occupier of a company. a)

b) False

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 27 of

c) Can't Say

Q.151. Section _________of the Factories Act says about the definition for a factory.
a) Section 2(k) b) Section 2 (I)
c) Section 2( m) d) Section 2 (n)

Q.152. The Factories employing more than 1000 workers are required to submit t heir plan
for approval to
a) Deputy Chief inspector of Factories
b) Joint Chief inspector of Factories
c) Chief inspector of Factories
d) Additional Chief inspector of Factories.

Q.153. Under the Section 41 .A. of the Factories Act. The Site Appraisal C ommittee shall be
constituted once in ________year under the chairmanship of Chief Inspector of Factories.
a) Once in 5 Year
b) Once in 2 Year
c} Once in 3 Year
d) Once in a Year.

Q.154. 40 B. of the Factories Act discusses about the appointment of _________

a) Welfare Officer b) Manager
c) Safety Officer d) None of these.

Q.155. The occupier shall liable for punishment imprisonment for term of ___________or tine
_______or both for failure to comply with the provisions of Factories Act. a) 2 years, fine Rs.
One Lakh. b) One Year, fine Rs. 10.000
c) Six months, fine Rs. 50.000 d) One year, fine 1. 00.000

Q.156. To close down a factory. the occupier has to give ________ days notice to the
a) 30 Days
b) 60 Days
c) 90 Days
d) 14 Days

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 28 of

Q.157. If an employee alleges that, he was working for the employer and the employer denies
it. Who has to prove this fact?
a) Employer
b) Employee
c) Authority
d) Employer and Authority.

Q.158. The annual return under the Factories Act shall be submitted to Inspector of
Factories on or before ________
a) 31" January
b) 31" December
c) 30'''April
d) 31" March

Q.159. The license fee for the factory employs 500 workers using 250 Horse Power is
a) Rs.12,000
b) Rs.18,000
c) Rs.24,000
d) Rs.30,000

Q.160. The examination of eye sight of certain workers under the factories Act shall be done
at least once in every ______months
a) 6 months
b) 12 months
c) 18months
d) 24 months

Q.161. The number of elected workers in the canteen managing committee shall not be more
than - ---- or less than -------- - a) More than 5 or less than 2
b) More than 20 or less than 10
c) More than 15 or less than 10
d) More than 10 or less than 5

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 29 of

Q.162. The term of office of the canteen committee is _______years
a) one year b) two years
c) three years d) Four years

Q.163. The occupier of every factory employing-------- or more workers shall plant and maintain
trees within the premises of the factory.
a) 500 workers b) 250 Workers
c) 200 Workers d) 100 Workers

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 30 of

Q.164. By an Amendment Act of 1987 in Factories Ad 1947, who is to be appointed as an
a) Manager
b) General Manager
c) Human Resource Manager
d) Board of Directors

Q.165. If the factory employs more than 1000 workers, they should appoint qualified
________to carry out the prescribed duties
a) Safety Officer
b) Welfare officer
c) Security officer
d) None of these

Q.166. Obligations of Workers under the Factories Act 1947 was discussed in section--
a) 78
b) 101
c) 111
d) 99

Q.167. The term Sabbatical is connected with

a) Paid leave for study
b) Paternity leave
c) Maternity leave
d) Quarantine leave

Q.168. Section 49 of the Factories Act 1947 Says about

a) Welfare officer b) Canteen
c) Rest room d) Crèche

Q.170. Section 2 ( K )of the Factories Act 1947 says about

a) Manufacturing Process b) Factory
c) Worker d) None of these

Q.171. The Factories employees_________ or more workers the rest room and lunch room
shall be provided under the Act.
a) 100 Workers b) 150 Workers
c) 200 Workers d) 250 Workers

Q.172. Crèche is mandatory under the Factories Act where workers are employed a) 30
MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 31 of
b) 100
c) 30 women
d) 250

Q.173. A canteen for use of workers providing subsidized food is statutory under the
Factories Act where workers are employed.
a) 250 b) 1000
c) 100 d) 150

Q.174. Under Factories Act, appointment of a Safety Officer is mandatory where the no. of
employees exceeds_
a) 1000
b) 500
c) 100
d) 50

Q.175. The statutory minimum bonus is _

a) 8.33%
b) 10%
c) 24%
d) 20%

Q.176. Under the Factories Act no worker is permitted to work for more than __ hours in a
a) 8
b) 9
c) 10
d) 24 Ans:b

Q.178. Under the Factories Act, white washing of the factory building should be carried out in
every months a) 12
b) 24
c) 26
d) 14 Ans:d

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 32 of

Q.179. Repainting or re varnishing under the Factories Act is required to be carried out in
every years
a) 5
b) 10
c) 3
d) 1

Q.180. An employee whose salary does not exceed _______is eligible for Bonus under the
Payment of Bonus Act. a) Rs 3500

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 33 of

b) Rs 2500
c) Rs 6500
d) Rs 10000

Q.181. Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 is applied to
establishments employing not less than _
a) 10 employees b) 20 employees
c) 50 employees d) 100 employees

Q.182. Under the PF Act, 1952 "Insurance Fund" means .

a) Unit Linked Insurance Plan
b) Deposit Linked Insurance Fund
c) Employees' Group Accident Insurance
d) Medical Insurance Fund

Q.183. The scheme defined under section 2(i-b) of the PF Act, 1952 is .
a) Pension Scheme
b) Provident Fund Scheme
c) Family Pension Scheme
d) Insurance Scheme

Q.184. The section 2(i-a) of PF Act, 1952 defines .

a) Member b) Insurance
c) Insurance Fund d) None of these

Q.185. The Insurance Scheme is framed under sub-section (1) of the Section ______of the
PF Act, 1952. a) 8-A
b) 7-B
c) 6-C
d) 5-D

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 34 of

Q.186. The term "Member" is defined in the section ________of the PF Act, 1952.
a) 2U) b) 2(u)
c) 2(m) d) 2(p)

Q.187. Section 2(k-A) of the PF Act, 1952 defines .

a) Occupier of the factory b) Pension Fund
c) Establishment d) Pension Scheme

Q.188. The Employees' Pension Fund is established under sub-section (2) of the section .

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 35 of

a) 8-A
b) 7-A
c) 6-A
d) 5-A

Q.189. Section 2(kb) of the PF Act,.1952 defines .

a) Recovery Amount b) Recovery Office
c) Recover Officer d) Repayment Amount

Q.190. Section 2(11) of the PF Act, 1952 defines .

a) Superannuation
b) Annual Salary
c) Scheme Policies
d) Recovery

Q.191. The Employees' Provident Funds Appellate Tribunal which is constituted under sec
7-0 is defined under which section?
a) 2(j)
b) 2(k)
c) 2(1)
d) 2(m)

Q.192. Section 2 (1) of The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 defines .

a) Accounting year b) Allocable Surplus
c) Appropriate Government d) Available Surplus

Q.193. The term "Agricultural Income" is defined under .

a) Section 2(3) b) Section 2 (5)
c) Section 2 (2) d) . Section 2 (4)

Q.194. The Available Surplus is computed under which section of the Act?
a) Section 2 b) Section 3
c) Section 4 d) Section 5

Q.195. "Banking Company" is defined same as under Section 5 of the .

a) Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1949
b) Banking Companies Act, 1949
c) FINANCIAL Corporations Controlling Act, 1973
d) Reserve Bank of India Regulations Act, 1963

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 36 of


Q.196. Definition of "Company" under the act is same as definition of "Company" under
............ of the Companies Act, 1956.
a) Section 2
b) Section 3
c) Section 4
d) Section 1

Q.197. "Co-operative Society" is defined under .

a) Sec 2 (8)
b) Sec 2 (9)
c) Sec 2 (10)
d) Sec 2 (11)

Q.198. As per Factories Act ”Factory” means any premises including the precincts thereof
where or more workers are working or were working on any day of the preceding 12 months,
and in any part of which a manufacturing process is being carried on without the aid of
power, or is ordinarily so carried on. [Sec 2(m)]
b) 20
c) 50
d) 100
Ans: b

Q.199. As per the Fa ctories Act, ”Adult” means a person who has completed his ---—-- year
of age. [Sec 2(a)] a)

b) Sixteenth
c) Seventeenth
d) Eighteenth
Ans: d

Q.200. As per Factories Act ”Adolescent” means a person who has completed his ----- - Year
of age but has not completed his ------- - year. [Sec 2(b)] a) Twelfth, eighteenth

b) Fifteenth, twenty first

c) Fifteenth, eighteenth
MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 37 of
d) Sixteenth, nineteenth
Ans: c

Q.201. As per Factories Ad, ”Child” means a person who has not completed his -—---- year
of age. [Sec 2(c)]
a) Fourteenth
b) Fifteenth
c) Sixteenth
d) Eighteenth
Ans: b

Q.202. As per factories act which among the following are true in respect of the def inition of
a worker? [Sec 2(l)]
1) ”Worker" means a person employed
2) Directly or by or through any agency (including a contractor)
3) With or without the knowledge of the principal employer
4) Whether for remuneration or not
In any manufacturing process
a) 3 and 4 only
b) 1,3 and 4 only
c) 1 and 4 only
d) 1,2,3 and 4
Ans: d

Q.203. As per Factories Act 'Factory” means any premises including the precincts thereof
where on ------ - or more workers are working or were working on any day of the preceding 12
months, and in any part of which a manufacturing process is being carried out with the aid of
power, or is ordinarily so carried on. [Sec 2(m)(i)] a) 10

b) 20
c) 50
d) 100 Ans: a

Q.204. As per Factories Act a Factory does not include which among the following? [Sec
a) A mine subject to the operation of the Mines Act, 1952
b) A mobile unit belonging to the Armed Forces of the Union

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 38 of

c) A railway running shed
d) A hotel, restaurant, or eating-place
Ans: c

Q.205. As per Factories Act " —————————— " of a factory means the person who
has ultimate control over the affairs of the factory. Sec 2(n)]
a) Manager
b) Owner
c) Director
d) Occupier
Ans: d

Q.206. The _____ of Railway Production Un is have been appointed as ”Occupiers” of the
respective units in terms of the provisions of the Factories Act 1948.(MC 23)
a) General Managers
b) Chief Personnel Officers
c) Chief Mechanical Engineers I CWM
d) Chief Security Commissioners
Ans: c

Q.207. The Factories Act imposes the following obligations upon the employer in regard to
his workers. [Sec 7A]
a) Health
b) Safety
c) Welfare
d) All the above.
Ans: d

Q.208. A worker employed in Carriage Works, Perambur has demanded to change the working
days from six days to few days without reducing the total working hours of47 % per week. Can
this be agreed to? (Chapter VI)

a) Yes
b) No (Not more than 9 hrs in a day)
c) Can be negotiated
d) All of the above.
Ans: b

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 39 of

Q.209. Overtime under Section 59 (1) of the Factories Act, 1948 to the staff governed by the
same should be calculated on ---------.

a) A daily basis or weekly basis, whichever is the prevalent practice b)

A daily basis

c) A weekly basis
d) A daily basis or weekly basis, whichever is more favorable to the employee
Ans: d

Q.210. The provisions of Sec. 46 of the Factories Act, 1948 impose statutory ob ligation on
the Railway Administrations to provide and maintain canteens in Railway Establishments,
which are governed by the Factories Act and employ more than ----- - persons.
a) 100
b) 150
c) 250
d) 500
Ans: c

Q.211. Section 2 (a) of the act defines the term .......

a) Adult
b) Adolescent
c) Child
d) Calendar year
Ans: a

Q.212. According to the definition of "Week" under the Act, it is a period of 7 days beginning
at midnight on..........
a) Sunday
b) Monday
c) Saturday
d) Friday
Ans: b

Q.213. As per the Act, a person who has not completed his 15th year of age is a/an............ a)
b) Teenager

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 40 of

c) Child
d) Adult
Ans: c

Q.214.Section 2 (n) under the act defines..........

a) Publisher
b) Manager
c) Owner
d) Occupier
Ans: d

Q.215. As per the act, the floor of ever work room should be cleaned once every........
a) Day
b) Month
c) Week
d) Hour
Ans: c

Q.216.The power of inspectors is discussed under... of the Factories Act, 1948.

a) Section 9
b) Section 10
c) Section 11
d) Section 12
Ans: a

Q.217. Under Minimum Wages Act an Adult means a Person who has completed a certain
a) Eighteen years
b) Fifteen years
c) Sixteen years
d) Nineteen years
Ans: a

Q.218.The Employees State Insurance Act was passed in the year________. a)


b) 1948

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 41 of

c) 1956
d) 1947 Ans: b

Q.219.The labour or industrial problems increased when major industries came into existence
followed by technology of mass production in the early: a) 18th century

b) 19th century
c) 21st century
d) 20th century
Ans: d

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 42 of

Q.220.What are the benefits of getting regular and prompt wages?
a) Industrial harmony,
b) Change of workers' living conditions,
c) Change in productivity
d) Entertainment facilities
Ans: a

Q.221.The Code of Discipline ________ reiterated the faith of the parties in voluntary
a) 1923
b) 1942
c) 1958
d) 1947
Ans: c

Q.222.The first Factories Act was enacted in

a) 1881
b) 1895
c) 1897
d) 1885
Ans: a

Q.223. Who is an adult as per Factories Act, 1948?

a) Who has completed 18 years of age?
b) Who is less than 18 years
c) Who is more than 14 years
d) Who is more than 15 years
Ans: a

Q.224. A person who has ultimate control over the affairs of the factory under Factories
Act,1948 is called as _________ a) Occupier

b) Manager
c) Chairman
d) Managing Director.
Ans: a

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 43 of

Q.225. The space for every worker employed In the factory after the commencement of
factories act, 1948 should be-----------Cubic Meters.
a) 9.9
b) 10.2
c) 14.2
d) 13.2
Ans: c

Q.226. The provision for cooling water during hot weather should be made by the
organization if it employees _______ or more employees.
a) 200
b) 250
c) 300
d) 150
Ans: b

Q.227. Who is an Adolescent as per Factories Act? 1948?

a) Who has completed 17 years of age
b) Who is less than 18 years
c) Who has completed 15 years but less than 18 years.
d) None of these
Ans: c

Q.228. Which one of the following is not a welfare provision under Factories Act. 1948 a)

b) Crèches
c) First Aid
d) Drinking water.
Ans: d

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 44 of

Q.229. First Aid Boxes is to be provided for of persons
a) 125
b) 135
c) 150
d) 160
Ans: c

Q.230. Safety Officers are to be appointed if Organization is engaging fig or more

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 45 of

a) 1000
b) 2000
c) 500
d) 750
Ans: a

Q.231. Canteen is to be provided if engaging employees more than persons.

a) 250
b) 230
c) 300
d) 275
Ans: a

Q.232. Leave with wages is allowed for employees if they work for days in a month.
a) 15
b) 25
c) 20
d) 28
Ans: c

Q.233. Welfare Officers are to be appointed if Organization is engaging iii or more

employees. a)

b) 250
c) 600
d) 750 Ans: a

Q.234. The Ambulance Room is to be provided if engaging employees more than a)


b) 350
c) 500
d) 450
Ans: c

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 46 of

Q.235. Crèche is to be provided if----or more lady employees are engaged.
a) 25
b) 32
c) 30
d) 40
Ans: c

Q.236. An adult worker can up to hrs in a day as per factories Act. 1948
a) 8
b) 9
c) 10
d) 12
Ans: b

Q.237. Obligations of Workers under the Factories Act 1947 was discussed in section
a) 78
b) 101
c) 111
d) 99
Ans: c

Q.238. The term Sabbatical is connected with

a) Paid leave for study
b) Paternity leave
c) Maternity leave
d) Quarantine leave
Ans: a

Q.239. Section 49 of the Factories Act 1947Says about

a) Welfare officer
b) Canteen
c) Rest room
d) Crèche
Ans: a

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Q.240. Section 2 ( K )of the Factories Act 1947 says about
a) Manufacturing Process
b) Factory
c) Worker
d) None of these
Ans: a

Q.241. If the factory employs more than 1000 workers, they should appoint qualified ----------
-- to carry out the prescribed duties
a) Safety Officer
b) Welfare officer
c) Security officer
d) None of these
Ans: a

Q.242. For contravention of provisions of Factories Act or Rules. the occupier shall l iable for
punishment up to
a) 2 years or fine up to Rs. 1.00.000 or both
b) 6 months or fine up to 10. 000 or both
c) 3 three years or fine 10. 000 or both
d) None of these
Ans: a

Q.243. Manager of every factory should sent a annual report to the Inspectorate of factories
containing details like numbers of workers employed, Leave with wages, safety officers,
ambulance room, canteen, shelter, accidents in form no --- on or before 31 st January a) Form
No : 22

b) Form No: 21
c) Form No: 25 A
d) Form No: 25 B
Ans: a

Q.244. lf any employee found violating the section 20 of Factories Act 1947 shall be fine up to

a) Rs. 10
b) Rs. 5
c) Rs. 15

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d) Rs.20 Ans: b

Q.245. Section 41- G of the Factories Act 1948 says about

a) Fencing of machineries
b) Facing of machineries
c) Work on near machinery in motion
d) Workers participation in safety mgt.
Ans: d

Q.246. Who is responsible for payment to a person employed by him in a Fa ctory under the
Payment of wages Act 1936
a) Accounts Manager
b) HR manager
c) Manager
d) Owner
Ans: c

Q.247. The applicant occupier who propose to start the factory should submit the
a) Form No-1
b) Form No-.2
c) Form No- 2A
d) Form No. 1 A
Ans: b

Q.248. The license fee can be paid to get a license for a factory maximum up to a)
One Year only

b) Two Years only

c) Three Years only
d) Five years only.
Ans: d

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Q.249. The occupier has to submit the document on or before ------- of every year to renewal
of a license for a factory.

a) 31st march of every year

b) 31st December of every year
c) 31st October of every year
d) 31st April of every year
Ans- c

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Q.250. The renewal application for a license submitted after December 31st o f the every
year shall paid the fine amount.
a) 10 % of the license fee
b) 20% of the license fee
c) 30 % of the license fee
d) none of these.
Ans: b

Q.250. The Section 20 of the Factories act discusses about

a) Drinking Water
b) Lighting
c) Spittoons
d) Latrines and Urinals
Ans: c

Q.251. The employment of young person on dangerous machines shall be prohibited the
section -------- of Factories Act. 1947.
a) Section 21
b) Section 22
c) Section 23
d) Section 24
Ans: c
Q.252. A suitable goggles shall be provided for the protection of persons employed in any
factory is discussed in the section ---- a) Section-36

b) Section-39
c) Section-40
d) Section -35
Ans: d

Q.253. A half yearly return for every half of every calendar year, in duplicate in Form ------ so
as to reach the inspector of factories on or before ------------- of the year a) Form NO-20. 31st

b) Form No 21. 31st July

c) Form No. 25. 31st July
d) Form No. 24. 31st June
Ans: b

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Q.254. An accident report, shall be continued by the manager by sending a separ ate report
in form no, --- ------ with details of number of person killed or injured to i) Inspector of
Factories within --------- -hours of the accident .
a) Form N0.18. 12 Hours
b) Form N0. 18.A. 12 Hours
c) Form N0. 18. 24 Hours
d) Form N018 A. 24 Hours
Ans: a

Q.255. The particulars of the accident should be entered in separate registers kept as-
Accident Book- Form No of ESI office:
a) Form No. 12
b) Form No. 14
c) Form No. 15
d) Form No. 18
Ans: c

Q.256. Section -------- of the Factories Act describes about the rights of the workers
a) 111
b) 111A
c) 110
d) 112 Ans:

Q.257. The occupier shall be punishable with imprisonment extend to -------- months or fine -
------ -or both for using false certificate of fitness. a) Two months. 1000 rupees

b) One year. 2000 rupees

c) Six months. 1000 rupees
d) One month. 5000 rupees
Ans: a

Q.258. The occupier fails to take remedial actions against apprehension of imminent danger
to lives or health of the workers ( 41H). shall liable for punishment which may extend to an
imprisonment, up to 7 years. fine up to Rupees 2 lacs or both. a) 5 Years . Rs 25.000

b) 2 Years. Rs. 1. 00.000

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 52 of

c) 7 Years. Rs. 2.00.000
d) 10 Years. Rs. 1. 00.000
Ans: b

Q.259. Where ------------ or more workers are employed in a factory. then there shall be a
Safety Committee in the factory.
a) 100 or more workers
b) 150 or more workers
c) 200 or more workers
d) 250 or more workers
Ans: d

Q.260. Section 41 G of the Factories Discuss about the Workers Participation in

a) Section 40
b) Section 41 H
c) Section 41 G
d) Section 41 F
Ans: c

Q.261. Section 19 of Factories Act discusses about the --------- ---

a) Drinking Water
b) Lighting
c) Latrines and Urinals
d) Artificial humidification
Ans: c

Q.262. Section ----- of the Factories Act discusses about the nomination of the manager of a

a) Section 7 ( e)
b) Section 7 ( f)
c) Section 7(g)
d) Section 7 (d)
Ans: b

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 53 of

Q.263. Section ------ ---- of the Factories Act says about the definition for a factory. a)
Section 2(k)

b) Section 2 (I)
c) Section 2( m)
d) Section 2 (n)
Ans: c

Q.264. The Factories employing more than 1000 workers are required to submit the ir plan
for approval to
a) Deputy Chief inspector of Factories
b) Joint Chief inspector of Factories
c) Chief inspector of Factories
d) Additional Chief inspector of Factories.
Ans: c

Q.265. Under the Section 41 .A. of the Factories Act. The Site Appraisal C ommittee shall be
constituted once in ---------- year under the chairmanship of Chief Inspector of Factories.
a) Once in 5 Year
b) Once in 2 Year
c) Once in 3 Year
d) Once in a Year.
Ans: a

Q.266. 40 B of the Factories Act discusses about the appointment of --------------

a) Welfare Officer
b) Manager
c) Safety Officer
d) None of these.
Ans: c.

Q.267. The occupier shall liable for punishment imprisonment for term of ----------- or tine -----
--- --or both for failure to comply with the provisions of Factories Act. a) 2 years, fine Rs. One
b) One Year, fine Rs. 10.000
c) Six months, fine Rs. 50.000
d) One year, fine 1. 00.000

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 54 of

Ans: a

Q.268. To close down a factory. the occupier has to give ------- days notice to the authorities.
a) 30 Days

b) 60 Days
c) 90 Days
d) 14 Days
Ans: b

Q.269. If an employee alleges that, he was working for the employer and the employer

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 55 of

denies it. Who has to prove this fact?
a) Employer
b) Employee
c) Authority
d) Employer and Authority.
Ans: b

Q.270. The annual return under the Factories Act shall be submitted to Inspector of
Factories on or before ---—--— -------
a) 31 “ January
b) 31“ December
c) 30"‘April
d) 31“ March
Ans: a

Q.271. The license fee for the factory employs 500 workers using 250 Horse Power is Rs ----
a) Rs.12,000
b) Rs.18,000
c) Rs. 24,000
d) Rs.30,000
Ans: c

Q.272. The examination of eye sight of certain workers under the factories Act shall be done
at least once in every ----- months a) 6 months

b) 12 months
c) 18 months
d) 24 months
Ans: d

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 56 of

Q.273. The number of elected workers in the canteen managing committee shall not be
more than - ---- or less than -------- - a)
More than 5 or less than 2

b) More than 20 or less than 10

c) More than 15 or less than 10
d) More than 10 or less than 5
Ans: a

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Q.274. The term of office of the canteen committee is ---— ----- years
a) One year
b) Two years
c) Three years
d Four years
Ans: b

Q.275. The occupier of every factory employing-------- or more workers shall plant and
maintain trees within the premises of the factory.
a) 500 workers
b) 250 Workers
c) 200 Workers
d) 100 Workers
Ans: d

Q.276. By an Amendment Act of 1987 in Factories Ad 1947, who is to be appointed as an

a) Manager
b) General Manager
c) Human Resource Manager
d) Board of Directors
Ans: d

Q.277. If the factory employs more than 1000 workers, they should appoint qualified -----------
- to carry out the prescribed duties a) Safety Officer

b) Welfare officer
c) Security officer
d) None of these
Ans: a

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Q.278. Obligations of Workers under the Factories Act 1947 was discussed in section ----- a)

b) 101
c) 111
d) 99
Ans: c

Q.279. The term Sabbatical is connected with

MCQs - 305HR – Labour Laws Page 59 of

a) Paid leave for study
b) Paternity leave
c) Maternity leave
d) Quarantine leave
Ans: a

Q.280. Section 49 of the Factories Act 1947 Says about

a) Welfare officer
b) Canteen
c) Rest room
d) Crèche
Ans: a

Q.281. Section 2 ( K )of the Factories Act 1947 says about

a) Manufacturing Process
b) Factory
c) Worker
d) None of these
Ans: a

Q.282. The Factories employees ---------- or more workers the rest room an d lunch room
shall be provided under the Act.
a) 100 Workers
b) 150 Workers
c) 200 Workers
d) 250 Workers
Ans: b

Q.283. Crèche is mandatory under the Factories Act where ______________ workers are
employed a) 30

b) 100
c) 30 women
d) 250
Ans: c

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Q.284. A canteen for use of workers providing subsidized food is statutory under the
Factories Act where _____________ workers are employed.
a) 250
b) 1000
c) 100
d) 150
Ans: a

Q.285. Under Factories Act, appointment of a Safety Officer is mandatory where the no . of
employees exceeds ________
a) 1000
b) 500
c) 100
d) 50
Ans: a

Q.286. The statutory minimum bonus is ________

a) 8.33%
b) 10%
c) 24%
d) 20%
Ans: d

Q.287. Under the Factories Act no worker is permitted to work for more than _____ hours in a
day a) 8

b) 9
c) 10
d) 24
Ans: b

Q.288. Under the Factories Act, white washing of the factory building should be carried out in
every _________ months a) 12

b) 24
c) 26
d) 14
Ans: d

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Q.289. Repainting or re varnishing under the Factories Act is required to be carried ou t in
every ________ years
a) 5
b) 10
c) 3
d) 1
Ans: a

Q.290. An employee whose salary does not exceed ____________ is eligible for Bonus
under the Payment of Bonus Act.
a) Rs 3500
b) Rs 2500
c) Rs 6500
d) Rs 10000
Ans: a

Q.291. Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 is applied to
establishments employing not less than _______
a) 10 employees
b) 20 employees
c) 50 employees
d) 100 employees
Ans: b

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(This test paper is for practice and self study only and not to be sent to the Institute)
Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks : 100
[Attempt all questions. Each question carries 1 mark. There is no negative mark for incorrect answers.]

1. The factors which caused variation of minimum wages in India are –
I. Prices of essential commodities
II. Paying capacity
III. Productivity
IV. Differences in exchange rates.
Select the correct answer form the codes given bellow:
(A) I only
(B) IV only
(C) I, III and IV
(D) I, II, III and IV
2. In order to have a uniform wage structure and to reduce the disparity in minimum wages across the
country, the concept of National Floor Level Minimum Wage (NFLMW) was mooted. On the basis of increase
in the Consumer Price Index (Industrial Worker), the Central Government has revised the NFLMW from
time to time. The present NFLMW –
(A) Rs.80/-
(B) Rs.100/-
(C) Rs.115/-
(D) Rs 225/-.
3. Which of the following area, where central government is exclusively competent to enact legislations—
(A) Trade unions; industrial and labour disputes.
(B) Social security and social insurance; employment and unemployment.
(C) Welfare of labour including conditions of work, provident funds, employers’ lia­bility, workmen’s
compensation, invalidity and old age pensions and maternity benefits.
(D) Regulation of labour and safety in mines and oilfields    
4. A premises including precincts thereof is a ‘factory’ within the meaning of the Factories Act, 1948 wherein
a manufacturing process is being carried on without the aid of power and where the number of workers
working is –
(A) 10 or more workers
(B) 20 or more workers
(C) 15 or more workers
(D) 50 or more workers.
5. The present wage ceiling per month for the purpose of the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 is –
(A) Rs. 10. 000/-
(B) Rs. 15, 000/-
(C) Rs. 18, 000/-                                                           
(D) Rs. 20,000/-                    
6. Which Schedule of the Factories Act, 1948 specifies Beriyllium poisoning, Anthrax and Arsenic poisoning
or its sequelae etc, as notifiable diseases?
(A) First Schedule
(B) Second Schedule
(C) Third Schedule           
(D) Fifth Schedule
7. The present wage ceiling per month for the purpose of the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 is —
(A) Rs. 10. 000/-
(B) Rs. 15, 000/-
(C) Rs. 18, 000/-                                                           
(D) Rs. 20,000/-
8. As per Payment of Wages Act, 1936, in  railway factory or industrial or other establishment upon or in
which less than one thousand persons are employed, wages shall be paid before the expiry of the —
(A) Seventh day of the month.
(B) Tenth Day of the months
(C) Third Day of the months
(D) None of the above
9. The Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 protects the interest of workers in contingencies such as —
I. Sickness
II. Maternity,
III. Temporary or permanent physical disablement,
IV. Death due to employment injury resulting in loss of wages or earning capacity.
Select the correct answer form the codes given bellow:
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) I, III and IV
(D) I, II, III and IV
10. The verification of membership of unions operating in establishment in central sphere is conducted by
Chief Labour Commissioner office under Code of Discipline for the purpose of granting recognition as and
when directed by the –
(A) Ministry of Labour and Employment.
(B) ESI Corporation
(C) Labour Tribunal
(D) Office Bearer of Trade Union
11. As per the provisions contained in Chapter VB of the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 establishment employing
_____________ persons or more are required to seek prior permission of Appropriate Government before
effecting lay-off, retrenchment and closure.
(A) 50
(B) 100
(C) 250
(D) 500
12. ___________________ have been set up under the provisions of Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 for adjudication
of industrial disputes in an organisation.
(A) Lok-Adalat
(B) Industrial Tribunal
(C) Labour Court
(D) All of the above
13. Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 shall apply to every factory; and every other establishment in which
______________ are employed on any day during an accounting year:
(A) 20 or more persons
(B) 25 or more persons
(C) 30 or more persons
(D) 50 or more persons
14. As per Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, employees drawing salary or wages not exceeding ________ per
month in any industry are eligible for bonus.
(A) Rs. 10, 000/-
(B) Rs. 15, 000/-
(C) Rs. 18, 000/-
(D) Rs. 20,000/-
15. As per the Employees Pension Scheme, 1995, members on attaining the age of fifty-eight years and
having rendered minimum of _____ years of contributory service qualify for superannuation fund.
(A) 5
(B) 10
(C) 15
(D) 20
16. The term ‘same work or work of a similar nature” mentioned in the?
(A) Equal Remuneration Act, 1976
(B) Maternity Benefit Act, 1961
(C) Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946
(D) The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986
(E) None of the above
17. Which of the following enactment stipulates for nursing break to a women employee?
(A) Equal Remuneration Act, 1976
(B) Maternity Benefit Act, 1961
(C) Apprentices Act, 1961
(D) The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986
18. Award means an interim or a final determination of any industrial dispute are determined   by:
(A) Labour Court
(B) Arbitrator
(C) Both (A) & (b)
(D) None of the above
19. Which of the following statement is true about the Constitutional Validity of section 10 of the Industrial
Dispute Act, 1947?
(A) It is ultra-vires the Constitution
(B) It is intra-vires the Constitution
(C) Both (A) & (b)
(D) None of the above
20. The maximum amount of gratuity payable under the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 is –
(A) Rs. 5,00,000
(B) Rs. 7,50,000
(C) Rs. 10,50,000
(D) Rs. 10,00,000
21. Bonus must be paid to employees within a period of …………………….. months from the close of the
accounting year.;
(A) 8
(B) 9
(C) 12
(D) None of the above.          
22. The minimum number of members required for registration of a trade union is- .
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 7
(D) 10
23. The employer is required to send a report to the Commissioner for workmen’s compensation within
……………………… days of the death or serious injury of the workman.
(A) 7
(B) 8
(C) 9
(D) 10
24. As per Schedule to the Child Labour Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986, paper making is a.
(A) Occupation
(B) Process
(C) Both (A) & (b)
(D) None of the above
25. As per the Labour Laws (Exemption from Furnishing Returns and Maintaining Registers by Certain
Establishments) Act, 1988, an employer of any small establishment or very small establishment required
to furnishes a Core Return in:
(A) Form A
(B) Form B
(C) Form C
(D) Form D.
26. Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 applies to every establishment/ contractor in which
____________ workmen are employed or were employed on any day of the preceding twelve months as
contract labour.
(A) Ten or more
(B) Fifteen
(C) Twenty or more
(D) Twenty-five or more
27. The text of the Certified Standing Orders shall be prominently posted by the employer in_____________
and in the language understood by the majority of his workmen.
(A) English
(B) Hindi
(C) Devanagiri Script
(D) Language specified in 8th Schedule of the Constitution
28. _________________ means any trade or occupation or any subject field in engineering or technology or
any vocational course which the Central Government, after consultation with the Central Apprenticeship
Council, may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify as a designated trade for the purposes of
Apprentices Act, 1961.
(A) Designated trade
(B) Apprenticeship training
(C) Both (A) & (B)
(D) None of the above.
29. As per Employees’ Compensation Act, 1923, in case of permanent total disablement, the minimum amount
of compensation payable to an employee is ____________________.
(A) Rs. 90,000/-
(B) Rs. 1, 00,000/-
(C) Rs. 1, 20,000/-
(D) Rs. 1, 40,000/-
30. The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 shall not apply to establishments in which work
is of _____
(A) An intermittent or casual nature
(B) Permanent work
(C) Both (A) & (B)
(D) None of the above.
31. Violation of the Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986 shall be punishable with imprisonment
for a term not be less than ___________________.
(A) one month
(B) three months
(C) six months
(D) one year.
32. Under the Apprentices Act, 1961, Apprentice entitled for casual leave for the maximum period of
_____________ days in a year.
(A) 12
(B) 10
(C) 15
(D) 45
33. The appropriate government shall revise the minimum rates of wages under the Minimum Wages Act,
1948 at least once in every __________
(A) 2 years
(B) 3 years
(C) 4 years
(D) 5 years.
34. Employment Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act, 1959 does not apply in relation to
vacancies in any employment –
(A) in domestic service;
(B) to do unskilled office work;
(C) connected with the staff of Parliament
(D) All of the above.
35. The rate of employers’ contributions in the ESI Scheme is ___________%   .
(A) 4.75,
(B) 1.65
(C) 1.75
(D) 5.75
36. The first Factories Act was enacted in 
(A) 1881
(B) 1895
(C) 1897
(D) 1885
37. Who is an adult as per Factories Act, 1948?
(A) Who has completed 18 years of age
(B) Who is less than 18 years
(C) Who is more than 14 years
(D) Who is more than 15 years
38. A person who has ultimate control over the affairs of the factory under Factories Act, 1948 is called
(A) Occupier
(B) Manager
(C) Chairman
(D) Managing Director.
39. The space for every worker employed in the Factory after the commencement of Factories Act, 1948
should be________ Cubic Meters. 
(A) 9.9 
(B) 10.2 
(C) 14.2 
(D) 13.2 
40. The provision for cooling water during hot weather should be made by the organization if it
employees_______ or more employees. 
(A) 200 
(B) 250 
(C) 300 
(D) 150 
41. Who is an Adolescent as per Factories  Act, 1948? 
(A) Who has completed 17 years of age? 
(B) who is less than 18 years 
(C) who has completed 15 years but less than  18 years. 
(D) None of these 
42. Which one of the following is not Welfare provision under Factories Act, 1948 
(A) Canteen 
(B) Crèches 
(C) Alcoholic Beverage
(D) Drinking Water. 
43. First Aid Boxes is to be provided for ______ of persons 
(A) 125 
(B) 135 
(C) 150 
(D) 160 
44. Safety Officers are to be appointed if Organization is engaging______ or more employees. 
(A) 1000 
(B) 2000 
(C) 500 
(D) 750 
45. Canteen is to be provided if engaging Employees more than______ persons.
(A) 250
(B) 230
(C) 300
(D) 275
46. Leave with wages is allowed for employees if they work for_______ days in a month. 
(A) 15
(B) 25 
(C) 20
(D) 28 
47. Welfare Officers are to be appointed if Organization is engaging______ or more employees. 
(A) 500 
(B) 250 
(C) 600 
(D) 750 
48. The Ambulance Room is to be provided If engaging employees more than______ 
(A) 400 
(B) 350
(C) 500 
(D) 450
49. Crèche is to be provided if______ or More lady employees are engaged.
(A) 25
(B) 32
(C) 30
(D) 40
50. The term Sabbatical is connected with
(A) Paid leave for study
(B) Paternity leave
(C) Maternity leave
(D) Quarantine leave
51. Section 2 (K) of the Factories Act 1947 Says about 
(A) Manufacturing Process 
(B) Factory 
(C) Worker 
(D) None of these 
52. If the factory employs more than 1000 Workers, they should appoint qualified —————— to carry out
the prescribed duties
(A) Safety Officer
(B) Welfare officer
(C) Security officer
(D) None of these
53. For contravention of provisions of Factories Act or Rules, the occupier shall Liable for punishment up to 
(A) 2 years or fine up to Rs.1,00,000 or both
(B) 6 months or fine unto 10, 000 or both
(C) 3 three years or fine 10, 000 or both
(D) None of these
54. If any employee found violating the section 20 of Factories Act 1947 shall be fine up to
(A) Rs. 10
(B) Rs. 5
(C) Rs. 15
(D) Rs.20
55. Section 41- G of the Factories Act 1948 says about
(A) Fencing of machineries
(B) Facing of machineries
(C) Work on near machinery in motion
(D) Workers participation in safety mgt.
56. Who is responsible for payment to a person employed by him in a Factory under the Payment of wages Act
(A) Accounts Manager 
(B) HR manager
(C) Manager
(D) Owner
57. The occupier of a Factory has to submit the document on or before——— of every year to renewal of a
license for a factory. 
(A) 31st October of every year. 
(B) 30th June of every year
(C) 31st March of every year
(D) 31st December of every year
58. The renewal application for a license submitted by a factory after December 31st of the every year shall
pay the fine amount.
(A) 10 % of the license fee
(B) 20% of the license fee
(C) 30 % of the license fee
(D) none of these.
59. Where——————or more workers are employed in a factory, then there shall be a Safety Committee in
the factory.
(A) 100 or more workers
(B) 150 or more workers
(C) 200 or more workers
(D) 250 or more workers
60. A general manager of a factory can be appointed as an Inspector of factory under the Factories Act, 1948. 
(A) True
(B) False
(C) Depend on the Organizational Structure of the company
(D) None of the above
61. The Factories employing more than 1000 workers are required to submit their plan for approval to
(A) Deputy Chief Inspector of Factories
(B) Joint Chief Inspector of Factories
(C) Chief Inspector of Factories
(D) Additional Chief Inspector of Factories.
62. A weekly holiday was introduced in the Factories for the first time in the year———. 
(A) 1948
(B) 1931
(C) 1926
(D) 1923 
63. Under the Section 41A of the Factories Act, the Site Appraisal Committee shall be constituted once in——
——— year under the chairmanship of Chief Inspector of Factories.
(A) Once in 5 Year
(B) Once in 2 Year
(C) Once in 3 Year
(D) Once in a Year.
64. To close down a factory, the occupier has to give——— days notice to the authorities.
(A) 30 Days
(B) 60 Days
(C) 90 Days
(D) 14 Days 
65. The annual return under the Factories Act shall be submitted to Inspector of Factories on or before
(A) 31st January
(B) 31st December
(C) 30th April
(D) 31st March
66. The number of elected workers in the canteen managing committee shall not be more than——— or less
(A) more than 5 or less than 2
(B) more than 20 or less than 10
(C) more than 15 or less than 10
(D) more than 10 or less than 5
67. Designated trade defined under
(A) Equal Remuneration Act, 1976
(B) Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970
(C) Apprentices Act, 1961
(D) Employment Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act, 1959
68. Loss of a hand and foot of an employee due to accident Employees’ Compensation Act, 1923 treated as
(A) Permanent Total Disablement
(B) Permanent Partial Disablement
(C) Neither Permanent Total Disablement nor Partial Disablement
(D) None of the above
69. The body, by whatever name called, to which the management of the affairs of a trade union is entrusted
under Trade Union Act, 1926 means:
(A) Executive
(B) Office Bearer
(C) Registered Office
(D) Trade Union
70. Every woman entitled to maternity benefit under the the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 shall also be entitled to
receive from her employer
(A) Medical bonus
(B) Leave for miscarriage
(C) Leave with wages for tubectomy operation
(D) All of the above


71. Which of the following language not included in the 8th Schedule of the Indian Constitution?
(A) English
(B) Hindi
(C) Bengali 
(D) Punjabi
72. The Indian Constitution refers to minorities based on;
(A) Religion or Language
(B) Region or Culture
(C) State or Region
(D) Culture or Cast
73. Who among the following hold(s) office during pleasure of the president of India?
1. The Governor of the State
2. The Chief Election Commissioner
3. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India
4. The Attorney General of India
Select the correct answer form the codes given bellow:
(A) 1 only
(B) 1 and 4
(C) 1, 3 and 4
(D) 1, 2, 3 and 4
74. Preamble of the Constitution of Indian is ;
(A) Part of the Constitution
(B) Prelogue  of the Constitution
(C) Not a part of the Constitution
(D) None of the above
75. Summary trials will apply to such offences not punishable with imprisonment for a term exceeding :
(i) Two years
(ii) One year
(iii) Two months
(iv) Three months
76. Indian Law of Torts is based on:
(A) USA Law of Torts
(B) Australia Law of Torts
(C) England Law of Torts
(D) Latin Law of Torts
77. Which of the following conditions are required for the principle of res judicata to suits as applied by courts
vide section 11 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 —
(A) The matter directly and substantially arise in former and later suits
(B) The former suit has not been decided
(C) The said suit has not been heard and decided
(D) All the above are required for the application of res judicata.
78. Under law of torts, exception to the strict liability is —
(A) Inevitable accident
(B) Inevitable mistake
(C) Consent of the plaintiff
(D) All of the above.
79. Jus scriptum means:
(A) Written Law.
(B) Unwritten law
(C) Customary Law
(D) None of the above
80. What remedies are available to a defendant, if an ex-parte decree is passed against him?
(A) He may file an appeal against the ex-parte decree under Section 96 of the C.P.C.
(B) He may file an application for review of the judgement.
(C) He may apply for setting aside the ex-parte decree
(D) All of the above
81. Principle of Estoppel is based on: 
(A) the maxim ‘allegans contratia non est audiendus’
(B) Rule of evidence
(C) Both (A) & (B)
(D) None of the above
82. Under the Limitation Act, 1963, a suit for compensation for wrongful seizure of movable property under
legal process required to be filed within ______________ year from the date of the seizure.
(A) One year
(B) Two years
(C) Three years
(D) Four years
83. Essential characteristic of an injunction are:
1. It is a judicial process
2. It is to restrain or to prevent
3. Wrongful act
4. Final Order of the Court
Select the correct answer form the codes given bellow:
(A) 1 and 4
(B) 1 and 2
(C) 1, 2 and 3
(D) 1, 3 and 4
84. “Interpretation or construction is the process by which the Courts seek to ascertain the meaning of the
legislature through the medium of the authoritative forms in which it is expressed” was said by:
(A) Salmond
(B) Maxwell
(C) Crawford
(D) Lone Fuller
85. Where life or liberty of a person is involved, the Public Information Officer (PIO) is bound to provide information
under the Right to Information Act, 2005 within____________ :
(A) 30 days
(B) 35 days
(C) 24 hours
(D) 48 hours
86. As per the Limitation Act, 1963, the period of limitation relating to suits of immovable property to redeem or
recover the possession of property mortgaged is —
(A) 3 years
(B) 12 years
(C) 20 years
(D) 30 years.
87. A person against whom a decree has been passed or an order capable of execution has been made is
called .........................
(A) Lender
(B) Judgement debtor
(C) Legal representative of the debtor
(D) Any of the above.
88. As per the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, a witness cannot be compelled to give evidence relating to —
(A) Official communications
(B) Affairs of the State
(C) Communications during marriage
(D) All the above.
89. ………………… is a written statement of the deponent on oath duly affirmed before any court or any
Magistrate or any Oath Commissioner appointed by the Court or before the Notary Public.
(A) An affidavit
(B) Summon
(C) Warrant
(D) None of the above
90. Under the Specific Relief Act, 1963, recovering possession of property is a –
(A) Specific relief
(B) Preventive relief
(C) Either (a) or (b)
(D) None of the above.
91. Rule of ejusdem generis shall apply when –
(A) The statute contains an enumeration by specific words
(B) The members of the enumeration constitute a class
(C) The class is not exhausted by the enumeration
(D) All the above.
92. An arbitral award –
(A) must be in writing
(B) may be an oral decision
(C) either (A) or (B) depending upon the circumstances of the case
(D) must be in writing and made on a stamp paper of prescribed value.
93. Investigation and inquiry as per the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 are –
(A) The same
(B) Different
(C) Depend upon the circumstances
(D) None of the above.
94. Place of arbitration is important for the determination of the rules applicable to substance of dispute, and
recourse against the ………. .
(A) Award
(B) Arbitration
(C) Conciliation
(D) Mediation
95. The term ‘sufficient cause’ has not been defined in the Limitation Act, 1963. It depends on the
……………………… of each case.
(A) Circumstances
(B) History
(C) Time
(D) None of the above
96. In the interpretation of statutes, an important role is played as an internal aid by :
(A) Schedules
(B) Preamble
(C) Heading
(D) All the above.
97. Under the law of limitation, suits can be filed within three years in cases relating to :
(A) Seamen’s wages
(B) Hire of animals
(C) Price of goods sold and delivered
(D) All the above.
98. The right of review has been conferred by the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. It provides that any person
considering himself aggrieved by a decree or order may apply for a review of judgement to the —
(A) Appellate Court
(B) High Court
(C) District Court concerned
(D) Court which passed the decree or order.
99. The term ‘cognizance’ means —
(A) A crime
(B) Custody without warrant
(C) Arousing judicial notice
(D) Custody with warrant.
100. Extension of time limit under the Limitation Act, 1963 on showing sufficient cause may be granted for —
(A) Filing a suit
(B) Filing an application for execution of a decree
(C) An appeal in a labour court
(D) None of the above.
Test Papers



1. D 36. A 71. A
2. C 37. A
72. A
38. A
3. D 73. D
39. C
4. D 74. A
40. B
5. B
75. A
41. C
6. C
42. C 76. C
7. C
43. C 77. A
8. A
44. A 78. C
9. D
45. A 79. A
10. A
46. C 80. A
11. B
47. A
12. C 81. C
48. C
13. A 82. A
49. C
14. A 83. C
50. A
15. B 84. A
51. A
16. A 85. D
52. A
17. B 86. D
53. A
18. C
54. B 87. B
19. B 55. D 88. D
20. D 56. C
89. A
21. A 57. A
90. A
22. C 58. B
91. D
23. A 59. D
24. B 92. D
60. B
25. A 61. C 93. B

26. C 62. D 94. A

27. A 63. A 95. A
28. A 64. B 96. D
29. A 65. A 97. D
30. A 66. A
98. D
31. B 67. C
99. C
32. A 68. A
100. D
33. D 69. A

34. D 70. D

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