99 Ways To Lose 1 Pound Every Month While Still Eating The Foods You Love

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99 Ways to Lose 1 Pound Every Month

While Still Eating the Foods you Love

Jonah Y Joseph
99 Ways to Lose 1 pound Every Month while Still eating the foods you love.
Huge Differences by Making Tiny Changes.
Hey, I’m Jonah. I just wanted to say Thank you for grabbing a copy of this valuable listicle. Before we get into it, I
want to introduce myself and tell you what to expect.

To put it in a nutshell, I was diagnosed as a person with diabetes in 2015 and decided that I didn’t want to take
medication. I’d always heard about people putting diabetes into remission, so I decided to give it a try myself and
can say that in 2021 I am still drug-free. My diabetes nurse, whom I visit for my annual check-ups with, has been
telling me for the last 5 years to continue what I am doing because whatever it is, it's working!

All of this was only because of the small tiny changes I started to make to my lifestyle.
The one main thing that motivated me was those 15 minutes of the Diabetes course that I attended; instead of
becoming dependant on medication, in the course, I was told that "lose 100 calories a day which can help you lose
as astonishing 10 pounds in a year" even 100 calories extra a week is losing something if 100 a day is difficult, the
good thing is that you will see huge differences with these tiny changes that you make.

100 calories is not a huge sacrifice; it's a biscuit or 2.

Inside you will find multiple ways of shredding 100 calories, some with minimum effort that you might enjoy, like

Let's get right into the list, which I hope you will put into practice and enjoy 😊
A Simple Formula.

There are 2 ways of losing 100 calories per day,

1 Eating fewer calories.

2 Burning more calories.

The formula is simple and all about figures, inputs vs. outputs. The bottom line is that if you eat fewer calories than
you burn, you will lose weight.

To help us understand, let’s take a look at the figures. A pound of fat is around 3,500 calories. If we lose 100
calories each day and continue this for the entire year,365 days, that is roughly 36,500 calories which is equivalent
to 10 pounds of fat!

An even faster way to do this would be to put in double the effort, so You lose 20 pounds in a year by doing both,
removing 100 calories from your diet and burning 100 extra calories each day.

Choosing the right foods will not only give you energy all day long and help satisfy your hunger, so you eat less.
This will also help you look and feel better, improving your overall health.
Easy Ways to Burn 100 Calories.

Let’s begin with the calorie-Burning side of the equation:

1. Buy a pedometer and walk an extra 2,000 steps, roughly equivalent to 1 mile.

2. Walking the dog or playing fetch for 20 minutes.

3. Jog for 10 minutes.

4. Doing 30 minutes of general housekeeping.

5. Pulling weeds or planting flowers in the garden for 20 minutes or mowing the lawn.

6. Pedalling an exercise bike for 13 minutes at the speed of 15 miles an hour.

7. Climbing up and downstairs for 18 minutes or running up and down for 10 minutes.

8. Jumping rope/skipping for 10 minutes.

9. Swimming for 15 minutes or 7 minutes for a vigorous front crawl.

10. Work out in your living room with an exercise video for 15 minutes.

11. For golfers carrying your clubs for 15 minutes.

12. High-impact aerobics for 10 minutes.

13. Yoga for 20 minutes.

14. Mopping the floor for 20 minutes.

15. Washing the car for 20 minutes.

16. Playing tennis 11 minutes for a game of singles & 16 for doubles.

17. Walking uphill for 13 minutes.

18. Zumba for 9 minutes.

19. Moderate weight lifting for 25 minutes.

20. Ironing for 34 minutes.

21. Stretching and relaxing for 30 minutes.

22. Rollerblading for 10 minutes.

23. Cooking for 40 minutes.

24. Shopping for 40 minutes.

25. Play mum/dad and carry your child for 24 minutes.

26. Bowling for 30 minutes.

27. Painting for 18 minutes.

28. Give a massage for 25 minutes.

29. Using the sauna for 15 minutes.

30. Rejig your room for 14 minutes.

And here are some tips from the calorie-cutting side of the equation:
1. Eating an open sandwich, no top slice.

2. Portion size your quinoa-half the portion and fill up with veggies instead.

3. Select non-fat milk.

4. Use smaller size cups and bowels.

5. Replace the continental breakfast with some fruit instead.

6. Use Greek yogurt instead of full-fat yogurt.

7. Try veggie noodles instead of your regular noodles.

8. Try cauliflower crust pizza instead of the traditional crust.

9. Cream cheese; go for low fat instead of full fat.

10. Share your bagel with someone or save it for another time.
11. Replace coffee syrups with a sprinkle of cinnamon and nutmeg.

12. Use cooking spray instead of butter to prepare your eggs.

13. When eating Mexican at your favorite restaurant, leave out the tortilla chips.

14. Swap white rice for cauliflower rice.

15. Load up your omelet with veggies instead of cheese and meat.

16. Ditch white bread for wholemeal bread.

17. Customise your spaghetti with vegetables instead of meat.

18. Instead of cheese, put extra lettuce, tomato, onions, and pickles on your burger.

19. Instead of mayo in your salads, go for avocado hummus or Greek yogurt.

20. Pick tuna, which is packed in its own water rather than in oil.

21. Top your pizza with more veggies and half the cheese instead of putting on fatty meats.

22. When using tortillas go for the smaller taco size rather than the burrito size.
23. Substitute fat-free sour cream in recipes and replace it with Greek yogurt.

24. Make your salad dressings with balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil instead of the store-purchased dressing.

25. Order pizza with grilled chicken instead of pepperoni.

26. Trim and remove all fat from your meats.

27. Enjoy salads without croutons by adding nuts for that crunch instead.

28. Grill, bake, or broil your meats rather than fry them.

29. Portion control meat servings to 3 to 4 ounces (roughly a deck of cards).

30. Go skinless with chicken for a leaner dish.

31. Grill mushroom instead of meat as a side dish or even as a main.

32. Use just 1 spoon less of butter margarine or oil in your recipe; chances are you won’t even notice.

33. Reduce the amount of cheese in casseroles and appetizers.

34. Season steamed vegetables with lemon and herbs instead of with butter.
36. For dessert, eat only a sliver, bite or taste and share with a friend.

37. Have an ice cream in a cup rather than in a cone.

38. Start with a salad so you will eat fewer calories overall.

39. Choose a middle slice of cake where there is less frosting.

40. Garnish your deserts with berries instead of whipped cream and icing.

41. Cut a ½ slice of cake, slice your slice.

42. Have chocolate sorbet instead of chocolate ice cream.

43. Instead of custard or pudding, opt for fresh fruit.

44. Have fruit-based pies over pecan or cream pie.

45. Follow the low-fat diet when making mixes out of a box.

46. Go for a cupcake rather than a slice of cake.

47. Bake with applesauce and substitute half the oil.

48. Have sparkling water with lemon instead of regular soda.

49. Replace sugar in iced tea with a splash of real fruit juice.

50. Go for a small or medium drink instead of a large.

51. Top your waffle with fruit instead of butter and maple syrup.

52. Replace 1 glass of soft drink with a glass of water.

53. Go for a smaller size sweet potato.

54. Use sparkling water in place of tonic or soda.

55. Choose 100% real fruit juices instead of concentrates and cordials.

56. Squeeze your own juice instead of the carton juice.

57. Use skimmed milk in your coffee and half the sugar or syrup.

58. Have frozen fruit instead of a popsicle.

59. Have a smoothie made from non-fat yogurt, skimmed milk, and fresh fruit instead of a milkshake made with ice

60. Blend your smoothie without juice. Use water instead. You won’t notice the difference in taste.

61. Pour individual servings into a small-sized bowl rather than eat right out of a bag.

62. Try raw vegetables for a crispy snack rather than having chips/crisps.

63. Try baked chips instead of the regular fried ones.

64. Have canned fruit which is packed into its own juices rather than in syrup.

65. Eat a smaller size fruit or split a large fruit and save half for another time.

66. When using dips, try dipping fruit into fat-free yogurt and veggies in salsa.

67. Instead of dried fruit, try fresh fruit.

68. Try the homemade ice pop/lolly using real fruit instead of an ice cream sandwich.

69. Portion control high-fat snacks like nuts etc. have 1 less handful.
This was not an extensive list and is just some ideas to get you started on how you can lose 100 calories or even
more, remember it's all about the mindset. Firstly you have to believe in yourself that you can do this!

I hope you have enjoyed this listicle and hope you put this into practice. If you want to learn more ways and get
helpful advice about how to successfully reverse and put your diabetes into remission as I have, then take a
look at my Facebook Group where you will learn about the steps that I took to do this and also get to meet and
talk to likeminded people who share the same thought process and you and me. 😊

Click on the link below to join!


Enjoy, stay safe, take care, and hopefully speak to you soon!

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