Factors Affecting The Immune System

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Factors Affecting the Immune System

Of Grade 12 Students in Sandiat National High School,

School Year 2021-2022

The Researchers:

Kenth Ivan Rambaod- Grade 12 Diamond

Arlene Jane Velasco - Grade 12 Diamond

Maria Theresa Pillos- Grade 12 Diamond

Ronald Bandonil- Grade 12 Diamond

Dominick Javier- Grade 12 Diamond

Juliet Dela Cruz- Grade 12 Diamond

Clyde Porlucas- Grade 12 Diamond


The Problem and Its Background


The immune system is a complex network of cells and proteins that defends the

body against infection. The immune system keeps a record of every germ (microbe) it has

ever defeated so it can recognize and destroy the microbe quickly if it enters the body

again. When the body senses foreign substances (called antigens), the immune system

works to recognize the antigens and get rid of them. B lymphocytes are triggered to make

antibodies also called immunoglobulin. These proteins lock onto specific antigens.

The problems that the mammalian immune system solves are not restricted to

higher animals; they are faced by all forms of life and are ignored by none. The pressure

that natural selection exerts is inexhaustible and unending. Emerging infectious diseases

have as much potential to shape future human history as the epidemics and pandemics of

the past. Managing this threat depends on understanding how to maximize the potential

of our sophisticated immune system in the service of human health (Nicholson, 2016)

An effective immune system must be able to interpret changes in the world

around it and respond appropriately. To do this, it has to solve a number of specific

problems. Immune systems have an uneasy relationship with the environment. Most of

the time an encounter with something new is harmless, but the small fraction of times that

it is not can be very dangerous indeed. An effective immune system must be able to
discriminate such differences, distinguishing self from non-self and distinguishing

harmless non-self from dangerous non-self. For much of the 20th Century, research in

immunology was focused on understanding how it achieved the former. It was spurred by

an important early observation: that it was possible for animals to develop specific

immune reactions against chemicals such as dyes, which had never existed in Nature. The

ability to learn how to recognize these previously unknown structures implied that the

immune system had solved the problem of how to classify and recall the shapes of

individual molecules. Unravelling the biological machinery that achieves this was a

signature achievement of 20th Century immunology.

The immune system's ability to adapt flexibly to strange environmental changes is

critical in fighting infections and cancer. Because our bodies have a remarkable capacity

for renewal, and almost every cell is a factory working day and night to turn over worn

out molecules, breaking them down into building blocks that are reused to make

replacements, infection or cancer can arise at any time. Every time a cell divides, there is

a small chance that it may develop a random unpredictable mutation that will transform it

into a cancer. Infections reproduce much more rapidly than their hosts and can change

their appearance to allow them to evade recognition. An effective immune system must

cope with this unpredictability.

We can picture this as an ongoing evolution of the environment and it presents a

special challenge for an immune system. In contrast with most organs, such as the heart,

which does the same job throughout life, the immune system needs to adapt to an

environment that is always changing. This problem is solved by investing in strategies

that exploit the power of random change itself. Using randomness in this way creates
waste, but preserves responsiveness. Even identical twins, which share the same genes,

have immune systems that become increasingly different from each other from birth to

old age, as each twin independently makes hundreds of thousands of unique random

responses to the environment.

Statement of the Problem

This study tends to know the factors affecting the immune system of grade 12

students in Sandiat National High School, School year 2021-2022.

Specifically, the study aims to find answer to the following questions.

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of the following variables?

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Parents` educational attainment

1.4 Monthly Income of parents

2. What is the grade of Grade 12 Students in Biology for the first and second


3. What are the factors affecting the Immune system of grade 12 students?


1. There is no significant relation between each factor and the immune system of

grade12 students?

Purpose of the Study

When you’re doing academic research, it’s important to define your purpose. That

is where a purpose statement comes in. It clearly this research is appropriate to capstone
research were. This project helps young people learn how to find and analyze

information and how to work with it efficiently.


We expect to find out the factors that can affect the immune system of the Grade

12 student in Sandiat National High School and it possible to conduct this research to

know what factors it really affects their immune system therefore if we find the weakness

of the respondents we can further to advice what they can do

Nature of the study

This study uses Descriptive method which involves observing and describing

behavior of a subject without influencing it in any way. The plan we can do is conduct

via questionnaire to all the Grade 12 Students in Sandiat National High School as our


Significance of the study

This study is important to School administrator, teachers, students, researchers

and to the future researchers.

School Administrator. This study will help the school administrator to create exercise

regarding to boost the immune system of the Grade 12 Students

Teachers. The result of this study will help the teacher formulating suitable activities that

will help students to improve their immune system

Students. The result of this study will inform the students on what factors affect their

immune System and for them to improve with their own

Researchers. The result of this study aims to locate the factors affecting the immune

system of grade 12 students

Future researchers. The result of this study will serve as basis to conduct another study

related to present study.

Theoretical Framework

Stibich Theory The immunological theory of aging asserts that the process of

human aging is a mild and generalized form of a prolonged autoimmune phenomenon. In

other words, aging which involves a highly complex series of processes—is suspected to

be largely controlled by the immune system. The process of aging is not fully understood

in the medical and science communities, and the primary cause has yet to be uncovered,

which is where theories like the immunological theory of aging come in.

As Stibich (2016) states: “humans age, they experience changes to almost all

physiological functions, including those related to the immune system. Medical experts

have proven that immune function does indeed decrease with age, which contributes to a

whole host of well-known issues among seniors, from increased health risks posed by

common infections like a cold or the flu to a greater occurrence of chronic inflammatory

diseases, such as gout and some types of arthritis.”

Further to understand the Stibich theory the immune system is made up of cells,

substances, and organs. The thymus, spleen, tonsils, bone marrow, and lymphatic system

produce, store, and transport cells and substances, such as antibodies, interleukins, and

interferon. As you age, critical cells in the immune system decrease in number and
become less functional. Those that are of special interest to gerontologists (scientists who

study aging) are the class of white blood cells called lymphocytes, which fight invading

bacteria and other foreign cells.

Lymphocytes fall into two major classes:

B-cells mature in the bone marrow. One of their functions is to secrete antibodies in

response to infectious agents or antigens.

T-cells develop in the thymus, which shrinks after puberty. There are two subtypes:

Cytotoxic T-cells attack infected or damaged cells directly. Helper T-cells

produce powerful chemicals, called lymphocytes, which mobilize other immune system

substances and cells. While the number of T-cells remains fairly constant as you age, the

portion of them that proliferate and function declines. Furthermore, T-cells destroyed by

cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation take longer to renew in older

people than they do in younger people.

Beyond making you more prone to common viruses and bacterial infections, such

immune system changes can have a much greater impact. Interleukins—of which there

are more than 20-serve as messengers, relaying signals that regulate the immune

response. Some, like interleukin-6, rise with age, and it is speculated that they interfere

with the immune response in some way. Others, like interleukin-2, which stimulates T-

cell proliferation, tend to decrease with age. When it comes to the immunological theory

of aging, some research points to increasing immunogenic diversification of human cells

as the culprit, as opposed to the shifting numbers of cells.

The theory holds that this increased diversification or cell mutation in old age

may eventually lead to a failure of cell recognition and the breakdown of certain

physiological systems, which ultimately triggers autoimmune-like reactions like chronic


Research Paradigm of the Study

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Respondent`s profile

 Environmental Immune System
 Personal factors
 Teacher Factors
 Health Factors

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

The researchers use the two boxes models where the independent variables

cover the respondent’s profile and the factors that can affect their Immune system while

the dependent variable contains the Immune System of the students.

Assumptions and Limitations

This capstone project will takes in their homes because we can’t conduct this in

face to face in terms of this ongoing pandemic we will give the Questionnaire to the

faculty staff and they distribute this to the Grade 12 students of Sandiat National High

School all of grade12 students will be our respondents for this project and we are the one

who make this project to fulfill.

Definition of terms

Affect- Make a difference to

Environmental factor- Influences of living organism

Factor- An element that consider something relevant when making decisions and


Personal factor- individual factors that result in a different set of the perception

Students- Who attend school

Teachers- A person who help the student to acquire knowledge

Teacher factor- Stand in the interface of the transmission of knowledge, values and

skills in the learning process. If the teacher is ineffective, students under the teacher’s

tutelage will achieve inadequate progress academically

Health Factor- shape the health of individuals and communities

Immunity- refers to the body's ability to prevent the invasion of pathogens

System- is an organized collection of parts (or subsystems) that are highly integrated to

accomplish an overall goal

Chapter 2

Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents various related literature and studies. Related literature

includes commentaries and reviews of other people regarding the reading, language

acquisition, and anxiety. Related studies include various researches, thesis, or studies

related to the present investigation.

Related Literature


The immune system has evolved to protect the host from a universe of pathogenic

microbes that are themselves constantly evolving. The immune system also helps the host

eliminate toxic or allergenic substances that enter through mucosal surfaces. Central to

the immune system’s ability to mobilize a response to an invading pathogen, toxin or

allergen is its ability to distinguish self from non-self. The host uses both innate and

adaptive mechanisms to detect and eliminate pathogenic microbes. Both of these

mechanisms include self-oneself discrimination. This overview identifies key

mechanisms used by the immune system to respond to invading microbes and other

exogenous threats and identifies settings in which disturbed immune function exacerbates

tissue injury (J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2010). Microbes generate a vast array of different

types of conserved structural components called pathogen-associated molecular patterns

(PAMPs), which can be recognized by cells of the innate immune system. This

recognition of "non self" signatures occurs through host pattern recognition receptors
(PRRs), suggesting that microbial-derived signals are good targets for innate immunity to

discriminate between self- and non self (Sci China Life Sci, 2016).

To answer this question, the factors that affect the immune system should be known first.

(Gastroenterology, 2011) identified that the intestinal immune system defends

against pathogens and entry of excessive intestinal microbes; simultaneously, a state of

immune tolerance to resident intestinal microbes must be maintained. Perturbation of this

balance is associated with intestinal inflammation in various mouse models and is

thought to predispose humans to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The innate immune

system senses microbes; dendritic cells, macrophages, and epithelial cells produce an

initial, rapid response. (John Wiley & Sons A/S, 2012) asserted that the means by which

phagocytosis and antimicrobial defense mechanisms are linked have expanded greatly in

recent years. It is now clear that the process of phagocytosis does more than just degrade

internalized microbes, but also helps coordinate the actions of the innate and adaptive

immune system. This review will discuss the means by which Toll-like receptor signaling

pathways are coordinated around the processes of phagocytosis, phagosomes trafficking

and autophagy and how these signaling pathways influence T-cell-mediated immunity. In

this regard, we propose that at the subcellular level, phagosomes represent the smallest

definable unit that links innate and adaptive immunity.

(Mucusol Immunol. 2011) ascertained that the human interface with the

microbial world has so far largely been considered through the somewhat restrictive

angle of host-pathogen interactions resulting in disease. It has consequently largely

ignored the daily symbiosis with the micro biota, an ensemble of symbiotic

microorganisms engaged in a commensal, and for some of them mutualistic, interaction.

This micro biota heavily populates essential surfaces such as the oral and intestinal

cavity, the upper respiratory tract, the vagina, and the skin. Host response to the

pathogens is characterized by quick recognition combined with strong innate (i.e.,

inflammatory) and adaptive immune responses, causing microbial eradication often at the

cost of significant tissue damage. Response to the symbiotic micro biota is characterized

by a process called tolerance that encompasses a complex integration of microbial

recognition and tightly controlled innate (i.e., physiological inflammation) and adaptive

immune responses.


Technological developments have allowed improvements in radiotherapy

delivery, with higher precision and better sparing of normal tissue. For many years, it has

been well known that ionizing radiation has not only local action but also systemic effects

by triggering many molecular signaling pathways. There is still a lack of knowledge of

this issue. This review focuses on the current literature about the effects of ionizing

radiation on the immune system, either suppressing or stimulating the host reactions

against the tumor, and the factors that interact with these responses, such as the radiation

dose and dose / fraction effects in the tumor microenvironment and vasculature. In

addition, some implications of these effects in cancer treatment, mainly in combined

strategies, are addressed from the perspective of their interactions with the more

advanced technology currently available, such as heavy ion therapy and nanotechnology

(Clinics (Son Paulo), 2018). The importance of ionizing radiation has historically been

limited to achieving local control of tumor cells. However, emerging evidence over the
last decade suggests an increasingly important role for radiation in amplifying the

antitumor immune response elicited by immunomodulatory agents. Combination of

radiation with immunotherapy has been shown to elicit powerful systemic responses in

several pre-clinical tumor models. Additionally, recent clinical observations support the

use of radiation therapy for augmenting antitumor immunity in the metastatic setting.

However, radiation dose and fractionation schedules for optimal synergy between

radiotherapy and immunotherapy are not well defined. Here we review pre-clinical and

clinical data relating to radiation dose and fractionation in the setting of immunotherapy

and discuss optimal strategies for combining the two therapies (Cancer Lett, 2015).

Major advances in the knowledge of cancer biology and its interactions with

tumor immune environment led to the emergence, in the last five years of new

immunotherapy-based treatment strategies in cancer patients. At the same time,

improvement in radiation technique and progress in radiobiology allowed in the last

decade to expand the applications of radiotherapy in a growing number of settings. At

present, there are strong theoretical basis to propose immune-enhanced radiation therapy

that may represent in the future a new paradigm of treatment, combining the intrinsic

power of radiotherapy to elicit a specific, systemic, tumor-directed immune response with

modern highly conformal and precise dose delivery, in order to maximize response at the

major site of disease and obtain durable disease control (Crit Rev Oncol Hemacol, 2017).

(Cancer Immunol Immunother, 2017) revealed that the cancer immune editing hypothesis

assumes that the immune system guards the host against the incipient cancer, but also

"edits" the immunogenicity of surviving neoplastic cells and supports remodeling of

tumor microenvironment towards an immunosuppressive and pro-neoplastic state. Local

irradiation of tumors during standard radiotherapy, by killing neoplastic cells and

generating inflammation, stimulates anti-cancer immunity and/or partially reverses

cancer-promoting immunosuppression lastly (Cancer Radiotherapy, 2017) estates that

Novel paradigms emerge in oncology today. Systemic treatments are more effective and

diversified along with an increased life expectancy in oligomer astatic patients.

Stereotactic radiotherapy using hypo fractionation opens new perspectives for local tumor


Related Studies


A study spearheaded by a (Stanford University School of Medicine, 2012)

scientist has tracked the trajectories of key immune cells in response to short-term stress

and traced, in great detail, how hormones triggered by such stress enhance immune

readiness. The study, conducted in rats, adds weight to evidence that immune

responsiveness is heightened, rather than suppressed as many believe, by the so-called

“fight-or-flight” response. The study’s findings provide a thorough overview of how a

triad of stress hormones affects the main cell subpopulations of the immune system. They

also offer the prospect of, someday, being able to manipulate stress-hormone levels to

improve patients’ recovery from surgery or wounds or their responses to vaccines.

A growing body of evidence instead suggests that the human immune system

which the science is “where intuition goes to die” may itself be responsible for many

people’s deaths. In an effort to find and kill the invading virus, the body can harm major

organs, including the lungs and heart. This has led some doctors to focus on attenuating
an infected patient’s immune response to help save them (Ed Yong, 2021). Nor the study

of (Goodman 2021) stated that this brings up an evolutionary puzzle: what’s the point of

the immune system if its overzealousness can kill the same people it evolved to defend?

The answer may lie in humanity’s evolutionary history: immunity may be as much

about communication and behavior as it is about cellular biology. And to the degree that

researchers can understand these broad origins of the immune system, they may be better

positioned to improve responses to it. Your immune system Evolves to Fight

Coronavirus Variants. “Essentially, the immune system is trying to get ahead of the

virus,” (Michel Nussenzweig, 2021) an immunologist at the Rockefeller University, who

conducted some recent studies that tracked this phenomenon. The emerging idea is that

the body maintains reserve armies of antibody-producing cells in addition to the original

cells that responded to the initial invasion by SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID.

Over time some reserve cells mutate and produce antibodies that are better able to

recognize new viral versions however in the case study of (Broullitte, 2021) revealed that

the mutations result in a more diverse array of antibodies with slightly different

configurations. Cells that make antibodies that are very good at neutralizing the original

virus become the immune system’s main line of defense. But cells that make antibodies

with slightly different shapes, ones that do not grip the invading pathogen so firmly, are

kept around, too.


 (Eldan Sambatyon, 2020) conducted a study to determine the best medicine to

boost your immune system that can fight against corona virus disease. The humble

Malunggay of the Philippines, known elsewhere as moringa, is proving to be a

powerhouse of nutrients that can boost your immune system against viruses, possibly

even from the dreaded novel corona virus. Like the saying goes, an ounce of prevention

is worth a pound of cure! So yes, now that the virus which originated from China is

officially in the Philippines, with reports of the first cases of the Novel Corona Virus

(NCoV) confirmed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Philippines’

Department of Health (DOH Philippines), prevention from contracting the virus is the

key. However (Secretary Dar, 2020) added that eating a healthy diet of fresh fruits and

vegetables, coupled with whole grains and lean protein – in addition to drinking sufficient

amounts of water – help boost our body’s immune system against illness and stress.

The case study of (Sambatyon, 2020) Honey has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory,

and antioxidant properties. It is very nutritious and contains amounts of vitamins and

minerals like niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, calcium, magnesium, manganese,

potassium, phosphorous, and zinc. Evidence also suggests that honey has antiviral,

antifungal and anticancer activities. A regular spoonful of (real) honey can boost the

immune system. It is also widely known to relieve cough and itchy throat. Nor not only

honey and Malunggay are the best medicine to boost the immune system of an individual

to fight against corona virus locally available virgin coconut oil is currently undergoing

clinical trials at the University of the Philippines – Philippine General Hospital (UP-

PGH) to test out its capability to boost the immune system of novel coronavirus positive

patients. Results from the ongoing VCO Clinical trials will determine whether VCO can

be used as an adjunct therapy for the patients (Quadra, 2020).

Taking care of our health is even more important during the COVID-19

pandemic. Having vitamins incorporated into our daily food helps us nourish our

stomachs and build our immune system. Some other healthy foods recently developed

include ginger, calamansi drinks and plant-based protein shakes (Cerbito, 2020)

Chapter III


This chapter is about the procedures and methods undertaken by the researchers in

collecting data to address the objectives of this study.

Methods of Research Used

This study used Descriptive method which involves observing and describing

behavior of a subject without influencing it in any way. The researchers take all of the

Grade 12 students of SNHS. The data are collected through questionnaires. The

researchers created questions on each of the factors and the respondents answer the

questions through the scale (1-5).

Respondents of the study

There were 54 Grade 12 students who enrolled in Sandiat National High School

for the school year 2021-2022. Table 1 presents the frequency and percentage distribution

of the respondents.

Table 1
Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents by Section

Grade 12 Actual Enrollees Frequency Percentage

Amethyst 29 30.5 50
Diamond 32 30.5 50
Total 61 61 100

Data Gathering Instrument

A questionnaire was chosen as a data gathering instrument. The Questionnaire is

written list of questions that people are asked so that information can be collected. Each

question is answered through scale 1- 5. The questionnaire has five questions each factor

where there are four factors, the Personal, Teacher, Environmental and Health factors

Data Gathering Procedures

1. The researcher asked permission from the principal`s office through a written letter in

order to authorize the distribution of questionnaire to the respondents.

2. Researchers asked the help of the teacher to distribute the questionnaire.

3. Questionnaires were personally distributed by the researcher through Google forms to

the Grade 12 students of Sandiat National High School. We asked for a little time for

them to answer our questionnaire.

4. Retrieval of questionnaire was done immediately after the respondents finished

answering the tool.

5. The collected questionnaire were check, tallied, presented, analyzed and interpreted by

the researcher.

Statistical Tools

1. Frequency and Percentage. It is used to determine the frequency and percentage

distribution of respondents in terms of age, gender and parent`s educational

attainments. The formula is

Formula: % = F/N x 100

% is Percentage
F is Frequency
100 is Constant Value
N is Total number of Respondents

2. Mean. It is used to determine the mean of each factors affecting the immune system

of the Grade 12 students. The formula for the mean is

X = FX/N
X is Mean
 is Summation Symbol
F is Frequency
X is weight of each item
N is number of cases

Scoring the Questionnaire

To give significant meaning to the data arrived at this was scored using the 5-

point Likert scale, the numerical values and weights of which are:

Scale Range Qualitative Description

5 4.20-5.00 Always
4 3.40-4.19 Often
3 2.60-3.39 Sometimes
2 1.80-2.59 Rarely
1 1.00-1.79 Never




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