02 Molecular Bio A3 Revision-Sheet A3formatms

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IB Biology Topic 2 – Molecular Biology Revision Sheet

Carbon atoms can form four ______________ bonds. The most common Elements found in living things are: Condensation reactions are
Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Reactions which join two monomers resulting in the loss of a water molecule.
carbohydrates ,
Carbon compounds which life is based on are; _____________ _________ , _________ , _________ ,_________
Amino acids --> polypeptide
________________ protein
, ________________ nucleic acids
, ________________
Other elements & their functions are;
All the enzyme catalysed reactions in a cell Hydrolysis reactions are
Metabolism is _______________________________________ found in some amino acids
Sulfur - _________________________________ Reactions which separate two monomers, invlovling the addition of water.
building larger molecules from smaller molecules
Anablism is _______________________ e.g. Maltose --> Glucose
Bones and teeth, nerve impulses and muscle contractions
Calcium - _________________________________
breaking large molecules into smaller molecules
Catabolism is _____________________ Part of Hemoglobin molecuees
Iron - ____________________________________
Found in DNA RNA and phospholipids and ATP
Phosphorous _____________________________

Properties of Water: The importance of water for living things Molecular diagram of glucose Diagram of ribose, Fatty acids can be saturated, which means Diagrams of fatty acids
allows water to be pulled up xylem / surface tension they have no double bonds,
 cohesive
__________________  _____________________________
adhesive or monounsaturated that means
 __________________  water sticks to other things, capillary action
there is a single double bond
 excellent solvent allows transport of many substances in blood
__________________  _____________________________ or polyunsaturated.
 high specific heat capacity
__________________  water only changes temp slowly maintaining
_____________________________ there is more than one double bond
(thermal properties)
a stable environment for aquatic organisms
A cis isomer of a fatty acid is.
Also - lots of energy is lost by sweating.
has both H molecule on the double bond on the same side This is a 'trans'

The effect of Temperature on enzyme reaction rates is ________________ Examples of proteins: - a few details of each. Use this diagram of a generalized amino acid to draw molecular diagrams of
Increases up to optimum (~40°C) then decreases rapidly (denatures enzyme)
_____________________________________________________________ A hormone released into blood. binds to receptors in liver & lowers conc of glucose peptide bond formation.
Insulin ______________________________________________________
changes in pH change the shape of the active site.
pH affects enzymes by ___________________________________________ Enzyme which fixes CO2 to RuBP during photosynthesis - globular shape
RuBISCO _____________________________________________________
The further the pH is from the optimum pH of the enzyme - greater the effect.
Fibrous protein, long thin and very strong
Spider silk ____________________________________________________
and substrate concentration changes the rate of activity of enzymes because
the more substrate there is the faster the reaction, until all the active sites are full.
______________________________________________________________. A light sensitive pigment found in cells of the retina
Rhodopsin ____________________________________________________

. How does the shape of an enzyme help its function? __________________ Globular proteins with active sites which bind to a substrate.
Enzymes _____________________________________________________
The active site binds to the enzyme's substrate, it makes enzymes substrate specific
______________________________________________________________ all of the proteins expressed in a cell.
A proteome is _________________________________________________ 20
______________________________________________________________ How many different amino acids are there? ____________

The similarities in structure between DNA and RNA are DNA replication is controlled by these
both have sugar phosphate backbone
_________________________ ____________________________________ enzymes whose functions are:
both are made from nucleotides (base sugar phosphate units)
 uncoils and unzips DNA
The fact that A (adenine) always pairs with T (thymine)
Complementary base pairing is ____________________________________  DNA polymerase ______________
and C (cytosine) always pairs with G (Guanine)
______________________________________________________________ builds a new DNA strand on the original strand
the way a new strand of DNA is built on each of the
Semi-conservative replication is ____________________________________ the creation of a
Transcription of DNA is _____________
original strands. Half of the DNA in each strand is 'conserved'
_______________________________________________________________ single strand of mRNA from a DNA molecule
The enzyme can
Advantages or immobilization of lactase in alginate beads are _____________ 3 bases on a mRNA 3 bases on a tRNA molecule
A codon is ___________________ Anticodons are _____________________ the creation of a polypeptide
Translation is ______________________
be easily separated from the milk and reused if it is immobilized
_______________________________________________________________ from a mRNA strand on the ribosomes in a cell

© David Faure, InThinking http://www.thinkib.net/biology

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