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Wolf Symbolism & Meaning
Are you misunderstood?

Do you need help learning how to make a stand yet, at the same time, avoid
a ght? Could your strength and stamina use an energetic boost? Wolf as a
Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal can help! Wolf helps you harness your
innermost wild nature so you can protect your emotional and physical well-
being. Delve deeply in Wolf symbolism and meaning to nd out how this
animal spirit guide can support, assist, and inspire you.

Wolf spirit can help!

(Article continues below video.)

Wolf Spirit Animal | Wolf Totem & Power Animal | Wolf Symbolism & Meanings

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Wolf Table of Contents

Wolf Symbolism & Meaning
Spirit Animal
Totem Animal
Power Animal
Native American Symbolism
Celtic Symbolism
Wolf Dreams
Astrology & Zodiac
Far Eastern Symbolism
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Back to all Spirit Animal Meanings

Wolf Symbolism & Meaning

If ever there was a complex animal spirit guide, Wolf is it. Their lore and
legend is lled with tales of terror. Elusive, almost ghostly, predators that
hunt in bloodthirsty packs – this is the savage reputation of Wolves.

But Wolves are the consummate comics of the wilderness. Their

commitment to and love of family is humbling, their communication skills
elegant, and their extreme intelligence awe inspiring.

And these traits are only the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

Wolf symbolism and meaning is rich and multidimensional.

When wolf appears in your life it may be time to take a close look at a
person or situation who may be a “wolf in sheep’s clothing”. Trust is earned,
do not give it freely. Pay close attention to what your instincts tell you.

While this Wolf symbolism seems negative, consider that He is an omen of

something you’re not seeing. Wolves have been observed to have a highly
developed “third eye” or “sixth sense”. Because you’re seeking out Wolf
symbolism and meaning, perhaps it’s time to work on cracking open your
intuitive senses.
Wolf is also very smart, loves autonomy and has a strong social character.

When you walk with Wolf you’ll discover your intuitive nature blossoming
alongside a healthy sense of self con dence. Remember, your soul still
remembers what it feels like to be wild and free – to trust your feelings and
choices! Look at the ordinary world in an extraordinary way!

Wolf sometimes appears when we face challenges for which we feel less
than prepared. Wolf reminds you that you have all the tools in your spiritual
treasure chest to handle this e ectively. Take a step back and see with fresh

For Seekers who feel afraid or threatened Wolf reminds us of how those
feelings put our entire psyche o balance. Yes, fear plays and important
role in personal safety unless it becomes all-consuming or is baseless. Don’t
let the darkness consume your Spirit.

Sometimes Wolf calls on us to become the Lone Wolf who breaks away from
that pack to discover the Sacred Self. During times of aloneness you
rediscover your dreams and passions. You also start uncovering the true
self and voice that howls at the moon with abandon!
***Special Note***

The phrase “Lone Wolf” is a bit of an urban legend. In fact, Wolves are social
animals who live and thrive best in well structured societies (packs).
However, in most packs there is an “Omega” Wolf. This Wolf is at the bottom
of the pack but plays an integral part in Wolf families in that they are the
tricksters, the comic relief. The Omega Wolf does spend more time alone
than the rest of the wolves in the pack but is still greatly loved and heart-
breakingly mourned when gone.

Wolf Spirit Animal

As a Spirit Animal, Wolf comes to support and teach us about matters of

personal power, balance, self-control and our animal instincts.

Wolves are misunderstood by many to be aggressive, vicious animals who

attack with no provocation. Nothing could be further from the truth.

In fact, Wolves go out of their way to avoid ghts. However, when they want
to be heard, when they want to stave o or deter an attacker, they will
stand their ground.
Wolves are incredible examples of standing in the seat of your own power.
They let it be known that they can ght to the death and are prepared to do
so but they rarely initiate combat.

Humans are animals and sometimes we overlook the gifts from nature that
are already within us. Life has an order and rhythm. When you run with a
pack there is a sense of community, and when you’re alone – liberation.

If you are not sure where your circle lies, Wolf’s howl helps you nd others
of a like mind. He also gives you the ability to mark your territory clearly
should anyone threaten that sacred space. Don’t be afraid to make your
position known.

Wolf Totem Animal

If you were born with a Wolf Totem, you have an innate connection with
Nature and a craving for freedom.

Your life is lled with the intense instincts of Wolf Spirit who constantly
keeps you vigilant in the face of potential danger.
Those born with Wolf medicine in their soul simply understand how to help
balance the world and aid in the creation of a more fertile and abundant
ecosystem for all.

To get a better understanding of how Wolves truly change the world, watch
this awesome Wolf video by Sustainable Human.

(Article continues below video)

How Wolves Change Rivers

Those who walk with Wolf sometimes don’t trust themselves as much as
they should. When you nd yourself falling into that emotional pattern rely
on your keen mind and logic to renew balance.

The key caution for Wolf people is your predatory nature. Now, here’s the
thing about a Wolf’s “predatory” nature – they mostly focus on taking down
the weak, sick, and elderly.

Rarely will a Wolf prey on a strong, mature adult. Surely Nature has a reason
for this but in terms of symbolism for humans, the lesson here is to make
sure that you do not choose to prey on those who are not able to stand
against you. Instead, focus on nding positive ways to put that predatory
energy to work in your life!

Wolf Power Animal

A word of caution – before you summon up Wolf medicine to be your power

ally, be very certain you can handle it. For eons, humans and wolves have
been bound together emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Because of this
bond, when you call on Wolf as a Power Animal He/She or They will appear.

Seek out Wolf medicine for assistance with creating emotional bonds. You
want to trust the people in your pack, and once those connections are made
you’ll defend your circle with ferocity, often using wits and words over

Wolf is a good helpmate when there is a rival vying for your territory. In
these situations Wolf helps you move swiftly and con dently. Your home is
your sacred space, as well it should be.

Native American Wolf Symbolic Meanings

Among Native Americans Wolf had dual symbolic values of both great good
and terrible evil. Hunting tribes were those that often revered Wolf as a
great warrior. Wolf medicine is that of devotion, victory, inventiveness,
safety and fertility.

Some Native American stories connect Wolf Spirit to human kind as an

ancient ancestor or Creator God. Pueblo tribes include Wolf as the guardian
of the east, while among the Zunis carrying a wolf image is a way of
manifesting well-being and protection.

Wolf as a Celtic Animal Symbol

The symbolic value of Wolf mixes liberally with Hound and Dog in Celtic
tradition as an emblem of bravery, faithfulness and integrity. Overall the
Celtic stories speak of Wolf as a guide who walked closely with the god of
the forest, Cernunnos.

Wolf Dreams
Wolf appearing in a dream tells of a time on the horizon where con dence
and composure is essential. You may nd yourself yearning for some alone
time so that you can return to a di cult situation with greater perspective.
Taking that time is the means to your success if you trust your gut.

Learn more about Wolf Spirit by reading Dreams About Wolves on!

Wolf in Astrology & Zodiac Signs

If you were born between January 21st and February 19th, you were born
under the Native American zodiac sign of Wolf. As a wolf you have
natural aptitude with futuretelling, and a strong sense of family and tribe.
Your pack remains close and loyal, and many respect you for your keen

Far Eastern Wolf Symbolic Meanings

Wolves, for the most part, had negative connotation particularly in Southern
Here seeing a Wolf presaged danger and death.

Northern China regarded them more favorably for their strength, courage
and cooperation which is why Wolf images appeared on weaponry. In this
region myths tell of Wolves ying heavenward bearing the spirits of the
dead to an ancestor God.

For more on Wolves, take a few minutes and watch The Hidden Life of Wolves
– a Nat Geo lm by Jim & Jamie Dutcher.

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