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contact A publication of the World Council of Churches



2 Understanding rational use of 17 Factors influencing consumer use
medicines of medicines
Features Experiences
5 Policies and structures to ensure
rational use of medicines
No 183 22 The challenge of rational use of
medicines in NIS
9 Strategies to promote rational use of 2006
25 Promoting rational use of medicines
medicines in Peru
Opinions 28 Sensitizing the public in Burkina
Faso about street medicines
10 Making the best use of medicines
31 Bible Study
12 How “rational” is our use of
medicines? 32 Titles of Resources
14 Lures to irrational use of medicines


Rational use of medicines requires that “patients receive medications appropriate to their clinical
needs, in doses that meet their own individual requirements, for an adequate period of time, and at
the lowest cost to them and their community.”1

M ore than 50% of all medicines

worldwide are prescribed, dispensed,
or sold inappropriately and 50% of patients
use of non-sterile injections is leading to
the transmission of hepatitis, HIV/AIDS and
other blood-borne diseases. Irrational use
fail to take them correctly.2 Conversely, of medicines can stimulate inappropriate
about one-third of the world’s population patient demand, and lead to reduced ac-
lacks access to essential medicines. Treat- cess and attendance rates due to medicine
ment with medicines is one of the most stock-outs and loss of patient confidence in
cost-effective medical interventions known, the health system.
and the proportion of national health bud-
gets spent on medicines ranges between Monitoring the use of medicines
10% and 20% in developed countries From 1990 to date, the World Health Orga-
and between 20% and 40% in developing nization (WHO) has created a database of
countries. Thus, it is extremely serious more than 700 published and unpublished
The proportion of
that so much medicine is being used in an surveys of medicine use carried out in
national health budgets developing countries and countries with
inappropriate and irrational way.
spent on medicines economies in transition. Results from this
Irrational use database were initially presented at the sec-
ranges between 10%
Common types of irrational use of medi- ond International Conference on Improving
and 20% in developed cine are: the Use of Medicines (ICIUM) that took place
countries and between  the use of too many medicines per in Thailand in 2004.3 Some updated results
patient (polypharmacy); from this database indicate that the use of
20% and 40% in medicines has remained much the same,
developing countries  inappropriate use of antibiotics, often slightly increasing over the last 15 years.
in inadequate dosage, for non-bacterial The results further indicate that in Africa,
infections; Asia and Latin America, only about 40% of
 over-use of injections when oral formu- all patients were treated in accordance with
lations would be more appropriate; clinical guidelines.
 failure to prescribe in accordance with Figure 1 shows the treatment of acute
clinical guidelines; uncomplicated diarrhoea in the private-for-
profit and public sectors. Generally, such
 inappropriate self-medication, often of cases should be treated with oral rehydra-
prescription-only medicines. tion solution alone and not with antibiotics
or anti-diarrhoeal drugs. However, the data
clearly show that many cases are treated
Lack of access to medicines and inappro-
unnecessarily with antibiotics and anti-diar-
priate doses result in increasing morbidity
rhoeal drugs and that this is more so in the
and mortality, particularly for childhood
private compared to the public sectors. Less
infections and chronic diseases such
than 40% in the public sector and 20% in the
as hypertension, diabetes, epilepsy and
private sector were treated in compliance
mental disorders.
with clinical guidelines.
Inappropriate use and over-use of medi-
cines is a waste of resources – often out- Towards rational use of medicines
of-pocket payments by patients. It also The first step to correcting irrational use of
results in significant patient harm in terms medicines is to measure it. Indeed, prescrib-
of poor patient outcomes and adverse drug ing, dispensing and patient use should be
Cover photo credit: Gideon Mendel
reactions. regularly monitored in terms of:
Promotion of rational use of medicines is
important in resource poor environments The over-use of antibiotics is leading to  the types of irrational use of medicines,
increased antibiotic resistance while the so that strategies can be targeted to-

2 Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006


wards changing specific problems; with supervision, audit, group process and Relatively few
 the amount of irrational use, so that the community case management. Furthermore,
interventions aimed at
size of the problem is known and the the effects of training were variable and often
unsustained, possibly due to differences in promoting rational use
impact of the strategies can be moni-
tored; training quality and the presence or absence of medicines have been
of follow-up and supervision.
 the reasons why medicines are used implemented and
The review of intervention impact carried out
irrationally, so that appropriate, effective evaluated
for ICIUM 1997 is presently being revised
and feasible strategies can be chosen.
using the data from the WHO database
People often have very rational reasons on drug use surveys. Of the 700 surveys
for using medicines irrationally. Causes of included in this database, less than half
irrational use include lack of knowledge, were conducted in order to evaluate the
skills or independent information, unre- impact of an intervention or strategy to
stricted availability of medicines, overwork promote more rational use of medicines.
of health personnel, inappropriate promotion Thus, relatively few interventions aimed at
of medicines and profit motives from selling promoting rational use of medicines have
medicines. been implemented and evaluated. Most of
In the last 20 years progress has been made these interventions were introduced only at
to promote rational use of medicine. In 1977 the local level and only about 20% of them
WHO established the first Model List of were adequately evaluated for their impact
Essential Medicines to assist countries to on medicines use.
formulate their own national lists. In 1985, Although we know from the first review
the present definition of rational use was in 1997 that some of the most effective
agreed to at an international conference held and sustainable interventions combine
in Kenya. In 1989, the International Network managerial and economic strategies, still
for the Rational Use of Drugs (INRUD) was only 25% of interventions being reported
formed to conduct multi-disciplinary inter- are managerial or economic, the rest be-
vention research projects to promote more ing educational in nature.
rational use of medicines. Following this, the
In 2004, the second ICIUM was held in
WHO/INRUD indicators to investigate drug
Thailand5. All the evidence presented
use in primary health care facilities were
at the conference made it clear that the
developed and many intervention studies
misuse of medicines continues to be
widespread and has serious health and
A review of all the published intervention economic implications, especially in re-
studies with adequate study design was source-poor settings.
presented at the first ICIUM in Thailand in
Although many promising and suc-
1997.4 A summary of the magnitude of pre-
cessful interventions were presented at
scribing improvement by type of intervention
ICIUM 2004, global progress seems to
shows the effect varied with intervention
be confined primarily to demonstration
type. Printed materials alone had little impact
projects. There were few reports of
compared to the greater effects associated
effective national efforts to improve the
Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006 3
use of medicines on a large scale and teach about how to use medicines;
in a sustainable manner. Three major • regulating pharmaceutical promotion
recommendations were made at the (much of which continues to be excessive
conference: and inappropriate in many low and middle-
 Countries should implement na- income countries);
tional medicines programmes to improve • evaluating medicines use in chronic
medicines use and these programmes diseases and how to promote more cost-
should: effective long-term use.
• be long-term (since implementation
The future
takes time, continued stakeholder com-
Irrational use of medicines continues to be a
mitment and adequate human resources
serious and widespread public health prob-
is crucial);
lem. However, rational use of medicines for
• cover all levels of health care in public all medical conditions is fundamental to the
and private sectors; provision of universal access to adequate
• be based on local evidence from health care, satisfaction of health-related
inbuilt monitoring system; human rights and attainment of health-re-
• separate prescribing and dispensing lated Millennium Development Goals. It is
functions (since there is evidence that therefore crucial that measures be taken to
prescribers who dispense tend to pre- improve the rational use of medicines.
scribe more medicines and more expen- Following the evidence presented at ICIUM
sive medicines than those prescribers 2004 rational use of medicines was debated
who do not sell medicines); at the World Health Assembly in May 2005
• extend broad-based insurance cov- and the resultant draft resolution was set
erage (since insurance systems have to be debated at the next WHO Executive
a strong incentive to monitor use of Board meeting in January 2007. Further
medicines and curtail unnecessary over- debate of the resolution will be at the World
use); Health Assembly in May 20076. Hopefully
• measure drug prices which influence a WHO resolution may galvanize govern-
access to medicines; ments, donors, non-governmental organi-
zations and the international community to
• avoid flat patient visit fees which en-
invest more resources and effort in promot-
courage polypharmacy;
ing rational use of medicines.
• encourage generic prescribing and
dispensing policies provided there are
drug quality assurance programmes.
 Successful interventions should be
scaled up and their impact regularly
monitored e.g.
• Prescription of 3-day antibiotic thera-
py for pneumonia which is just as effec- Dr. Kathleen Holloway is a medical officer working
for WHO - Geneva in the Department of Medicines
tive as 5 days; Policy and Standards.
• Use of multi-faceted coordinated References:
interventions which are more effective 1 World Health Organization. The Rational Use of Drugs. Report of the
Conference of Experts. Geneva: World Health Organization; 1985.
than single ones; 2 World Health Organization Promoting rational use of medicines:
core components. WHO Policy Perspectives on Medicines no. 5.
• Implementation of structured qual- Document WHO/EDM/2002.3. Geneva, WHO, 2002. Available at
ity-improvement processes possibly 3 International Network for the Rational Use of Drugs (INRUD), 2nd
International Conference for Improving the Use of Medicines (ICIUM
through Drug and Therapeutic Commit- 2004), Policies and Programmes to Improve Use of Medicines:
Recommendations from ICIUM 2004, URL: http://mednet3.who.
tees. int/icium/icium2004/recommendations.asp
4 World Health Organization, “International Conference for Improving
 Interventions should address community the Use of Medicines”, Essential Drugs Monitor; 1997; 23:6-12.
5 World Health Organization, Database on medicines use in developing
medicines use by: and transitional countries; work in progress. Department of Medicines
Policy and Standards, WHO, Geneva. Initial results presented at the
• improving patient adherence as an inte- 2nd International Conference for Improving the Use of Medicines,
Chiang Mai, 2004. Available at URL:
gral part of global treatment programmes; 6 World Health Organization, Rational use of medicines: progress in
implementing the WHO medicines strategy, EB118/6, 2006; WHO
• encouraging school programmes that Geneva; URL:

4 Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006



From the work of the past 20 years and the evidence presented at two international conferences on
improving the use of medicines (ICIUM 1997 and 2004), much is known about how to promote rational
use of medicines. Based on this evidence, WHO has developed recommendations for twelve core
national policies and structures that are needed to promote rational use of medicines. These structures


A mandated multi-disciplinary USE OF MEDICINES
national body to coordinate medi-
cine use policies
 A mandated multi-disciplinary national body to coordinate medicine
Many societal and health system factors, use policies
as well as professionals contribute to how  Clinical guidelines
medicines are used. Therefore, a multi-dis-
 Essential medicines lists based on treatments of choice
ciplinary approach is needed to develop,
 Drugs and therapeutics committees in districts and hospitals
implement and evaluate interventions to
promote more rational use of medicines.  Problem-based pharmacotherapy training in undergraduate cur-
A national regulatory authority (RA) is the
 Continuing in-service medical education as a licensure require-
agency that develops and implements most
of the legislation and regulation on pharma-
 Supervision, audit and feedback
ceuticals. However, ensuring rational use
requires coordination with other stakehold-  Independent information on medicines
ers in more activities than those normally  Public education about medicines
covered by RAs. Thus a national body is  Avoidance of perverse financial incentives
needed to coordinate policy and strategies  Appropriate and enforced regulation
at national level, in both the public and
private sectors. The form this body takes
may vary with the country, but in all cases  developed in a participatory way
it should involve government (ministry of involving end-users;
health), the health professions, academia,
the RA, pharmaceutical industry, consumer  easy to read;
groups and non-governmental organiza-  introduced with an official launch,
tions involved in health care. The impact on training and wide dissemination;
medicine use is better if many interventions  reinforced by prescription audit and
are implemented together in a coordinated feedback.
way, single interventions often having little
impact. Essential Medicines List based
on treatments of choice
Clinical guidelines Essential medicines are those that
Clinical guidelines (standard treatment satisfy the priority health care needs of
guidelines, prescribing policies) consist of the population. The use of an essential
systematically developed statements to help medicines list (EML) makes medicine
prescribers make decisions about appropri- management easier in all respects.
ate treatments for specific clinical conditions. Procurement, storage and distribution
Evidence-based clinical guidelines are criti- are easier to do with fewer items, and
cal to promoting rational use of medicines. prescribing and dispensing are easier
Firstly, they provide a benchmark of satisfac- for professionals as they have to know
tory diagnosis and treatment against which about fewer items. A national EML
a comparison of actual treatments can be should be based upon national clini-
made. Secondly, they are a proven way cal guidelines and should be the focus
to promote more rational use of medicines for government activities in the public
provided they are:
Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006 5
sector, e.g. procurement, distribution, tial medicines lists, can help to establish
insurance reimbursement policies and good prescribing habits. Training is
training. more successful if it is problem-based,
Only health workers who are approved concentrates on common clinical con-
to use certain medicines should be ditions, takes into account students’
supplied with them. Medicine selection knowledge, attitudes and skills, and is
should be done in a transparent way targeted to the students’ future prescrib-
by a central committee with an agreed ing requirements (WHO 1994).
membership and using explicit, previ-
ously agreed criteria, based on efficacy, Continuing in-service medical
education as a licensure require-
safety, quality, cost (which will vary lo-
cally) and cost-effectiveness.
Continuing in-service medical education
(CME) is a requirement for licensure of
Drugs and therapeutics commit- health professionals in many industri-
tees in districts and hospitals
A drugs and therapeutics committee alized countries. In many developing
(DTC) is a committee designated to countries opportunities for CME are
ensure the safe and effective use of limited. In these countries no incentives
medicines in the facility or area under are offered for CME since it is not re-
its jurisdiction. Such committees are quired for continued licensure. CME is
well-established in industrial countries likely to be more effective if it is problem-
as a successful way of promoting more based, targeted, involves professional
rational, cost-effective use of medicines societies, universities and the ministry
Only health workers in hospitals. Governments may encour- of health, and is face-to-face. Printed
who are approved to age hospitals to have DTCs by making it materials, such as bulletins or newslet-
an accreditation requirement to various ters, that are unaccompanied by face-
use certain medicines to-face interventions, have been found
professional societies.
should be supplied with to be ineffective in changing prescribing
DTC members should represent the behaviour.
them administration and all the major special-
ties in any given facility. The members CME should be provided for all cadres
should also be independent and declare of health worker including in the informal
any conflict of interest. A senior doctor sector such as drug retailers. Often due
would usually be the chairperson and to lack of public funds CME is heavily
the chief pharmacist, the secretary. supported by the pharmaceutical sec-
Unfortunately many DTCs are pro- tor and may thus be biased. Govern-
curement committees. Their activities ments should therefore support efforts
should however be much broader and by university departments and national
should include developing or adapting professional associations to give inde-
clinical guidelines, medicines selection, pendent CME.
monitoring medicines use and tak-
ing corrective action, staff education, Supervision, audit and feedback
Supervision is essential to ensure
controlling drug promotional activities
good quality of care. Supervision that
by pharmaceutical industry within the
is supportive, educational and face-to-
premises of the health facility and moni-
face, will be more effective and better
toring adverse drug reactions.
accepted by prescribers than simple
inspection and punishment. Effective
Problem-based training in forms of supervision include prescrip-
pharmacotherapy in undergraduate
curricula tion audit and feedback, peer review
The quality of basic training in pharma- and group processes such as self-moni-
cotherapy for undergraduate medical toring. Many industrialized countries
and paramedical students can sig- have a strong supervisory infrastructure
nificantly influence future prescribing. but resources are often lacking for this
Rational pharmacotherapy training, in low-income countries.
linked to clinical guidelines and essen-
Independent information on
6 Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006

medicines pense or sell medicines. Patients prefer to

Inadequate knowledge and lack of access get 2-3 medicines rather than one if the total
to independent information about medicines cost to them is the same regardless of
significantly contribute to irrational use of the number of medicines. Flat prescription
medicines. Often, the only information that fees covering all medicines in whatever
practitioners receive is provided by the phar- quantities within one prescription lead
maceutical industry and may be biased. Pro- to over-prescription. User charges
vision of independent (unbiased) information should therefore be made per medi-
is therefore essential. Drug information cen- cine, not per prescription. Insurance
tres (DICs) and drug bulletins are two useful policies should provide reimburse-
ways to disseminate such information. Both ment only for essential medicines,
may be run by government or a university not non-essential ones.
teaching hospital or a nongovernmental
organization, under the supervision of a Appropriate and enforced
trained health professional. regulation
Regulation of the activities of
Public education about medi- all actors involved in the use of
cines medicines is critical to ensuring
It is essential that the general public have rational use. Regulations
the skills and knowledge to make informed only have an effect if they
decisions about when and how to use medi- are enforced, and the regulatory
cines, and to understand their potential risks authority sufficiently funded and
as well as benefits. Without such knowledge backed up by the judiciary.
and skills, people will often not get the ex-
pected clinical outcomes and may suffer Sufficient government expen-
adverse effects. This is true for prescribed diture to ensure availability of
medicines, as well as medicines used medicines and staff
without the advice of health professionals. Irrational drug use is caused in part
Governments have a responsibility to ensure by the lack of essential medicines
both the quality of medicines and the quality and the lack of appropriately trained
of the information about medicines available personnel. Without sufficient competent Prescribers who earn
to consumers. This will require: personnel and finances, it is impossible to
carry out any of the core components of money from the sale of
 Ensuring that over-the-counter medi- a national programme to promote rational medicines
cines are sold with adequate labeling use of medicines. Poor clinical outcome,
and instructions that are accurate, (e.g. dispensing doctors)
needless suffering and economic waste
legible, and easily understood by are sufficient reasons for large government prescribe more
laypersons; investment. medicines, and more
 Monitoring and regulating advertis- expensive medicines,
ing, which may adversely influence Monitoring pharmaceutical policy
both prescribers and consumers; WHO Geneva has created a database to than prescribers who do
monitor the pharmaceutical situation in not
 Running targeted public education countries. This database contains data on
campaigns, which take into account pharmaceutical policy from all countries
cultural beliefs and the influence of who were member states of the WHO in
social factors. 1999 and 2003. The data was collected by
sending a questionnaire to the Ministry of
 Avoidance of perverse financial Health in each country. Data show that, while
several member states are implementing
Financial incentives that encourage irratio-
some of the national policies recommended
nal use of medicines should be avoided. For
by WHO, as described above, a significant
example, prescribers who earn money from
number of Member States are not using all
the sale of medicines (e.g. dispensing doc-
available options.
tors) prescribe more medicines, and more
expensive medicines, than prescribers who The way forward
do not. The health system should therefore The main recommendations from the
be organized to deter prescribers who dis- evidence presented at the second ICIUM
Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006 7
2004 were for countries to: Strategies to promote the rational use of
 implement national medicines medicines
programmes to improve medi-
cines use; Governments
•Do a situational analysis
 scale up to national level suc-
cessful interventions and monitor •Evaluate the impact of programmes in terms of
their impact regularly; medicine use, quality of service and costs

 implement interventions ad- •Lobby with doctors and MPs

dressing community medicines •Involve consumers and the media
•World Health Organization (WHO) country offices to
Implementation of national pro- make recommendations to Ministry of Health (MOH)
grammes to promote rational use to establish units, with sufficient resources, devoted
of medicines, as recommended promoting rational use of medicines
by ICIUM 2004, requires imple-
mentation of the core policies and NGOs and donors
structures within the health system •Advocate for the benefits of rational use of medi-
as described above. Many of these cines from public health and financial perspectives
interventions are within the techni- •Include a rational use of medicines indicator in
cal and financial capacity of most every proposal
countries. Unfortunately, imple-
•Involve NGOs in rational use of medicines activi-
mentation of these policies has not ties
occured in a significant number of
countries and without such policies •MOH/WHO to coordinate NGOs and donors, in col-
rational use of medicines can never laboration with civil society, with regard to activities
concerning rational use of medicines
be attained. The situation is now so
serious that the subject will be de- WHO
bated at the next Executive Board of •Appoint staff in every region with a specific man-
the World Health Organization with date to work in collaboration with MOHs to promote
a view to adopting a resolution on rational use of medicines
taking a coordinated health systems
•Support countries to establish a unit on rational use
approach to promoting rational use of medicines within the MOH
of medicines at the World Health
Assembly in May 2007. •Undertaking advocacy
•Budget for activities on rational use of medicines
Output of group work at WHO technical briefing seminar
in September 2006 on how to stimulate governments,
NGOs and donors and, WHO to promote Rational Use
of Medicines.

Dr. Kathleen Holloway is a medical officer working

for WHO - Geneva in the Department of Medicines
Policy and Standards.
1 International Network for the Rational Use of Drugs (INRUD), 1st
International Conference for Improving the Use of Medicines (ICIUM
1997), URL:
2 International Network for the Rational Use of Drugs (INRUD), 2nd
International Conference for Improving the Use of Medicines (ICIUM
2004), Policies and Programmes to Improve Use of Medicines:
Recommendations from ICIUM 2004, URL: http://mednet3.who.
3 World Health Organization. Ethical Criteria for Medicinal Drug
Promotion. Geneva: World Health Organization; 1988.
4 World Health Organization. Guide to Good Prescribing. Geneva:
World Health Organization; 1994.
5 World Health Organization, Promoting rational use of medicines:
core components. WHO Policy Perspectives on Medicines no. 5.
Document WHO/EDM/2002.3. Geneva, WHO, 2002. Available at
6 World Health Organization, Database on country pharmaceutical
situations; work in progress. Department of Technical Cooperation
for Essential Drugs and Traditional Medicines. Geneva, WHO.
Some results presented in the document WHO Medicines Strategy:
countries at the core 2004-7. Document WHO/EDM/2004.5. Geneva,

8 Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006



A summary of the recommendations made by participants of the session on Rational Use of

Medicines hosted by Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network (EPN) and Health Action International
(HAI) at the World Health Assembly on 19th May 2005 in Geneva
them and grassroots groups to demand appropriate use of their
Measuring the impact/obtaining the evidence medicines.
Studies should be done in areas where rational use of medi-
cines (RUM) policies have been developed and successfully
implemented and the findings documented and disseminated Providing practical messages
Countries that have managed to implement policies with
to all stake-holders. These will provide the evidence that positive outcomes should document and promote their
RUM can save treatment time and costs and finances and successes. This can be done by starting to use simple and
can improve health of individuals, consumers and their com- practical messages focusing on one issue at a time so to
munities on a large scale. The same data can also be used avoid information overload that can cause confusion or
to show the negative effects of not having RUM policies in misunderstanding.
place, e.g. acquiring infections, death due to inappropriate
medication etc. Proposed activities: marketing widely the Swedish model on
antibiotic use; replicating and publicising the positive ICIUM
Proposed activities: conducting cost benefit analysis; providing outcomes more widely, sharing successful local experiences
cost implication of irrational drug use to politicians; quantifying within the country through support of local WHO offices and/or
the drug misuse; documenting the cost in terms of burden of Ministries of Health.
disease, mortality and morbidity due to irrational use; and publi-
cising financial incentive fuelling irrational drug use.
Advocacy and lobbying
Advocacy for RUM should be done with all stake-holders, i.e.
Formation of alliances governments, donors, training institutions and student asso-
Alliances should be formed between prescribers, consum- ciations. This ensures that all who are involved in medicines
ers (community members) and politicians to ensure that all are made part of the political agenda.
stake-holders are working towards common goals. In addition,
policies and strategies to promote RUM should overlap with Proposed activities: making RUM part of training curriculum;
major health programmes like HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB and making presentation on RUM at all possible venues; providing
politicians with data for their deliberations in parliament; provid-
drug and substance abuse.
ing factual sheets on RUM to lobbyists.
Proposed activities: inviting politicians to venues where the
benefits of RUM to their constituencies is highlighted; provide
evidence to youth and communities on the links between irra-
Address at global level
Policies on RUM should be clearly defined and supported
tional drug use and their lack of access to useful and safe drugs; by organizations at the global level, e.g. WHO, World Bank,
integrate RUM requirements in development programmes. Global Fund, PEPFAR etc. which makes it easier to imple-
ment the policies at lower levels i.e. regional, national, and
Communication strategies community level.
By using the media on a wider scale, clear communication
strategies can be developed to put RUM on the political Proposed activities: passing of a strong resolution on RUM
agenda. This gives knowledge to individuals, consumers and at the World Health Assembly, allocating of funds for promot-
their communities and raises levels of awareness in areas ing RUM in the budgets, including RUM as a requirement in
agreements, addressing RUM as part of strengthening health
like the risks caused by irrational use, the drug resistance
problem, e.t.c.
Proposed activities: providing regular updates to the media
on positive messages for RUM; highlighting consequences of
Address industry power
WHO and other international organizations should address
irrational drug use such as deaths from resistant organisms; “big pharma” issues such as the pharmaceutical industry in
naming and shaming activities promoting irrational drug use. developed countries which are biased towards producing and
promoting drugs mainly for the profitable markets of indus-
Empowerment of consumers trialized countries, while neglecting much-needed medicines
Consumers and communities can be empowered in the use for illnesses that affect the poor and vulnerable people in
of medicine e.g. in areas of antibiotics use which are amongst resource-limited countries.
the most abused medicines.
Proposed activities: providing leadership in addressing excess-
Proposed activities: carrying out simple rational drug use es of the pharmaceutical industry that lead to irrational drug use;
activities within the communities to ensure step by step learn- holding industry accountable to their social responsibilities.
ing of RUM; providing communities with information to enable

Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006 9




I nappropriate use of medicines is a

s erious concern, especially when it affects
the more vulnerable people and occurs for
to decide which medicines they think they
need. The forces that drive one to use medi-
cation include: real or perceived ill health,
extended durations. Inappropriate drug use ignorance, and addiction or dependence on
can have dire consequences; it has been certain medications.
associated with hospitalization and even Self medication may also be facilitated by
caused deaths of inpatients in health care certain situations including:
 Poor access to desirable health care
The management of a patient’s ill- because of high costs, long distance and
ness is a tripartite engagement discriminatory policies;
involving the patient, the health-
care provider and the health  Poor regulation and/or implementation
care facility. One seeks health of regulations on prescription drugs and
care for various symptoms pharmacy practices (with profit motives
that may arise from: acute overriding the professional require-
curable disease such as ments);
malaria or trauma; acute  Overzealous advertisements of medi-
and chronic disease cations, that make claims of efficacy
conditions like pain- and scope of use but conceal adverse
ful joint inflammation effects;
such as in rheuma-
toid arthritis; chronic  Poorly informed public on matters of
non-communicable health and self-care;
conditions like hyper-  High burden of diseases, many of them
tension, mental illness with overlapping symptoms, e.g. pain,
and diabetes mellitus; fever, insomnia and depression are
and lastly chronic infec- common symptoms for different condi-
tious diseases like HIV/ tions which require different medication,
AIDS and Tuberculosis. but the correct medicine can only be
In each situation the physi- determined by consultating a medical
cian makes a diagnosis of the condition and practitioner for diagnosis;
then prescribes the treatment, which may  Poverty which puts consultations out of
be medication. There should be adequate reach for people who cannot afford to pay
There should be accompanying explanation from the physi- for professional health care services.
adequate accompany- cian to the patient on how to administer
prescribed medication. If the patient is not Commonly misused medicines
ing explanation from the
properly advised, or misunderstands the The most commonly used medications
physician to the patient instructions, then the medications may not world over are analgesics (pain-killers)
on how to administer be used appropriately. and antibiotics. These medicines are often
A variety of situations and circumstances used inappropriately. They are either taken
prescribed medication for the wrong reasons (that is the wrong
promote irrational use of medicines. This
may take the form of using wrong medica- drug used to treat particular symptoms) or
tion to treat certain indications, or using used incorrectly (taken for incorrect periods
medication for durations beyond the desired or in incorrect amounts). This misuse has
period. undesirable outcomes. Antibiotics are also
commonly misused. One common misuse
Self-medication is non-adherence many patients fail to take
Some people do not consult a doctor be- the full course prescribed. When medicines
fore taking medicines. Instead they opt for such as antibiotics are misused they gener-
self-medication, taking it upon themselves ate drug-resistant strains of the bacteria.

10 Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006

Promoting rational use of medi- mentation, these include the establishment References
1 The challenge of chronic conditions: WHO
cines of national regulatory bodies and national responds. BMJ 2001: 323: 947.
2 WHO Guidelines for Drug Donations
Rational use of medication saves lives, drug policies.2 Revised 1999 (2nd edition). WHO/EDM/

makes sense and saves cents. It limits There are many areas of drug use that re-
3 Lore W. Rational use of drugs: what is
undesired toxicity and adverse events and quire tighter controls, such as the regulation
it and what are the pre-requisites for its
fulfillment? Editorial .Healthline, Journal
maximizes on the benefits that can be de- and supervision of drug donations3,4, free
of Health 2006: 10(2): 15 – 16
4 Thuo HM, Ombaka E. Drug donation
rived from optimal use of medications. health camps; and use of medicines.5 While
practices in East Africa. An exploratory
study from mission health care facilities.
Patients are encouraged to always obtain philanthropy is the driving principle for most Healthline, J of Health 2000: 4:2 – 11.
5 Nabiswa AK, Godfrey RC. Diagnosis and
advice from a healthcare provider to interpret drug donations, it is not always guided by prescriptions for patients managed during
a free healthcare day in Eldoret, Kenya.
symptoms of an illness and the appropriate needs arising from the beneficiaries. Con- East Afr Med J. 1994:71:363 -365

remedy. One should avoid self-interpre- sequently, the donated drugs are not always
tation of symptoms, self-prescription of the ones required and there is therefore the
medication, and self-acquired remedies. It is danger that they will be used inappropriately.
equally important for one to view with caution Some donations are motivated by sinister
advertisements that promote medications. motives such as dumping of surplus or
Furthermore, it is just as bad for two people expired drugs, promotion of certain brands,
to share medications simply because they preliminaries to win future tenders, or politi-
have the same symptoms or their situations cal expediency.
are similar. On the same note, free health camps bring
Based on the review of innovative best health care to the people in dire need, albeit
practice and affordable health care models sporadically. In these situations irrational use
to improve clinical care and outcomes for may be promoted, for example, antibiotics
chronic conditions, the WHO proposes the may be prescribed for a short time and not
following nine strategies:1 be guided by both laboratory tests and good
 Developing health policies and legisla- clinical diagnosis.
tion to support comprehensive care; Conclusion
 Reorganizing healthcare finance to facili- Governments, private health care insti-
tate and support evidence-based care; tutions, individual health care providers
 Coordinating care across conditions, and patients all have a responsibility
healthcare providers, and settings; to promote rational use of medicines.
The professional and business angles
 Enhancing flow of knowledge and infor-
of drug acquisition, prescription and
mation between patients and providers
dispensing must be regulated quite
and across providers;
closely. This is best done by the profes-
 Developing evidence based treatment sionals themselves, facilitated by the
plans and support their provision in vari- governments. Patients must be edu-
ous settings; cated about rational drug use through
 Educating and supporting patients to the mass media or through private
manage their own conditions as much consultation for maximum gains to be
as possible; derived from the medications available
 Helping patients to adhere to treatment to them.
through effective and widely available
 Linking health care to other resources in
the community;
 Monitoring and evaluating the quality of
services and outcomes.
The physicians’ role
To ensure RUM, the role of physicians or
health care providers should be enhanced Dr. C.F. Otieno is a senior lecturer in Internal
Medicine, in the department of clinical medicine and
through training and multidisciplinary prac- therapeutics at the University of Nairobi’s college of
tice in healthcare provision. In this regard, Health Sciences. He is also a consultant physician at
the WHO recommends certain pre-requi- the Kenyatta National Hospital, and runs a part time
private clinical practice in Nairobi.
sites to national governments for imple-
Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006 11


I n the practice of medicine, doctors
recognize the importance of “the pla-
cebo effect” phenomenon. This refers
The other extreme of the spectrum
are patients who visit doctors with the
expectation of receiving a prescription
to patients getting better from an illness for medication. Unless the doctor pre-
even if the medication used is only a scribes strong, brightly colored medi-
“sugar pill.” In some cases this effect cines, preferably in capsule form, com-
can be fifty percent or higher. plemented by a painful injection, such
patients feel the medical practitioner
has not taken their cases with sufficient
seriousness. Many rural people believe
the severity of an illness is judged by
the number of pills and injections re-
Many therefore quired in its treatment. Conversely, the
may get better be- urban rich believe the seriousness of
cause of the psycho- an illness is judged by the number of
logical belief that they investigations and associated high cost!
received an effective If one is suffering from a psychological
remedy for the illness disorder like anxiety or depression, the
they are suffering from. physical complaints associated with
This fact alone is of great these conditions may sometimes take
clinical significance for both greater prominence than the underlying
the doctor and the patient. cause of the symptoms. The patient
The former will incorrectly visits the doctor and complains of pains
claim effective treatment of a and aches rather than that of stress and
disease, while the patient will sadness.These two examples show
assume effective treatment from that, both the doctors and the patients
the doctor. Many medical conditions require education on the rational use of
are self limiting. This means they medicines.
come to an end by themselves, with
Misreading the symptoms
or without treatment. The common
Between 25 to 30% of patients who
cold is a good example of this. In most
attend primary health care facilities
cases the symptoms, if left alone, will
do so because of minor, but common
subside in a few days. So when doc-
psychiatric disorders. Many of these
tors or pharmacists prescribe medicines
conditions are presented to the medical
for the common cold are they part of
providers as complaints of headache,
the “rational drug use culture” which is
demanded of all ethical practitioners? backache, abdominal and other body
This particularly applies in the use of pains. In many African communities
antibiotics. In most such cases medi- these symptoms are described simply
cal practitioners prescribe antibiotics as “malaria” and prescriptions of anti-
for their own psychological satisfaction malarials given for what in reality is de-
and relief, not that of their patients, or pression or anxiety. The overwhelmed,
to retain their relevance and influence overworked and undertrained primary
over their patients rather than because health care provider who does not
these drugs are absolutely necessary have time to delve into the underlying
for the condition concerned. Often they cause of the symptoms simply takes
do so to save on the time it would take the shortcut of the irrational drug use
to educate patients on the rational use to quickly attend to the high number of
of medicines. patients.

12 Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006

Typhoid is another condition which the treatment of complications arising
is often irrationally treated at primary from the prolonged daily use of different
care level. In the absence of clinical cough mixtures. Symptoms of addiction
evidence many patients are treated with to cough mixtures are similar to those
strong antibiotics for typhoid when in of heroin addiction!
reality they are suffering from depres- Another problem on the increase is
sion or anxiety. the abuse of laxatives and diuretics to Public education must be
In Kenya there is currently a large scale induce diarrhoea and fluid lose respec- complemented by the
program between the Kenya Psychiat- tively. This is done to lose weight. Stimu-
ric Association, Ministry of Health and lant abuse which is believed to increase dissemination of accurate
the Institute of Psychiatry in London, the passing of wind and encourage information
to address these issues. This program weight loss is also on the increase and
plans to train nearly four thousand pri- leading to addiction. These are danger-
mary health care workers in Kenya on ous activities that have led to death in
the diagnosis and rational treatment of some cases.
common mental disorders.
Bad use of good medicine It is evident from the foregoing that ra-
Self medication is another common tional use of medicines is an important
example of the irrational use of drugs. current issue that has many important
In many cases it is supported by poorly psychological aspects, affecting pro-
regulated pharmaceutical practitio- fessional and lay players and which
ners. demands action by all. Public education
From a psychological perspective, the must be complemented by the dissemi-
most common cause of self medication nation of accurate information to these
arises from complaints of insomnia or professionals who may not be aware of
lack of sleep at night. Insomnia has the dangers they place their patients in
different causes (both serious and not by the irrational use of otherwise very
serious), some requiring treatment and good drugs.
others requiring none. Dependency on
sleeping pills develops because their
initial use was not supported by rational
use of medicines. Transient insomnia
which lasts for only a short time may be
treated for long periods of time without
supervision by qualified persons. This
Dr. Frank G. Njenga is a psychiatrist and the Chairman
leades to addiction to otherwise good of the Chiromo Lane Medical Centre, a drug and
medicines and gives a bad name, not alcohol rehabilitation centre. He is also the Programme
only to the medicines but also to the Director of the Student Campaign against Drugs
(SCAD), Kenya and a Fellow of the Royal College of
doctors who prescribe them. Psychiatrists [UK]. He runs a clinic at the Department
of Psychiatry, Upper Hill Medical Centre in Nairobi,
The solution to this problem lies in Kenya.
public education on the importance
of proper and competent diagnosis of
insomnia. The causes of insomnia are
varied and include anxiety, depression,
bereavement, pain, good and bad news,
excitement or anticipation, such as
preparation for exams and marriage!
Care should be taken before prescribing
sleeping pills to avoid irrational use.
A less common but increasing problem
of irrational use of medicines is the
misuse of cough mixtures containing
codeine. Cases have been reported for

Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006 13



H ealth is a personal responsibility.
Taking care of one’s body and
health and the health of one’s family
This is not necessarily the case with all
physicians and pharmacists, but not all
professionals are bound by ethics.
should be the priority of each human Medical experts are dependent on an
being. industrial-based system (medicines
However, the responsibility of personal and medical equipment). The industry
health has been handed over to the is, by nature profit driven. In Germany,
healthcare system. The belief is that every physician running a practice
doctors, pharmacists and other health is visited on average 192 times by
care professionals are responsible for medical representatives from phar-
our health since they have been trained maceutical companies. These medi-
in that area. This belief results in de- cal representatives are well trained to
pendency on health professionals and convince doctors about new medica-
neglect one’s personal responsibility of tions. The new drugs are always much
his or her own health. The question is: more expensive though they do not
How confident are we, as lay people, necessarily have increased efficacy!
that the medical experts, are making the From research conducted by an in-
best decisions or choices for our well dependent expert, only 7 of the 450
being? Since the medical practitioners’ new developed drugs since 1990 can
incomes are directly linked to our ill actually be said to be totally innovative,
health does that mean they would be 25 are partially innovative and the rest
more appreciative of patients rather have no therapeutic advantages.
than healthy persons? The results of another study
conducted by the Ger-
Influx of information:good or bad man Government on
for rational use of medicines? new medicines showed
that 300,000 doctors
were prescribing a new
type of insulin (analogue
insulin) which has no
added advantage over
the existing insulin. As
a result of this finding,
the German Ministry of
Health decided to ex-
clude new drugs from
the list of medications
paid for by the national
health insurance system
as long as they are more
expensive than existing
approved drugs. This is
an important step into
the right direction.
Another disturbing
statistic shows that,
300,000 patients are
hospitalized annually in
Germany because of ill-

14 Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006

nesses caused by consumption of drugs in the German market classified in
medications. There are several possi- categories depending on the efficacy of
ble causes for the situations described the drug. The book also provides over-
above. They include: views on pricing of which companies
offer a particular drug at the lowest cost.
However, unlike the Rote Liste this book
Most health workers are not regularly
is not free and neither is the monthly
informed by independent sources. In
independent newsletter.
developed countries independent media
which offer independent information are Software
available but are hardly used. Many pharmaceutical companies offer
software to physicians to facilitate the
Medical and pharmaceutical jour-
prescribing procedure. The software is
easy to use. It generates a prescription
Most medical and pharmaceutical
for each diagnosis. The snag is that
journals depend on advertisements for
in most cases the drugs displayed for
income from the companies that manu-
each diagnosis are those manufactured
facture drugs or medical equipment.
by the company providing the software.
Such journals cannot provide totally
The suggested drugs are not neces-
objective information as the articles
sarily the most effective in treating the
cannot be too critical of the activities or
products of these companies.
Until recently, all physicians in the Training
United Kingdom received a free copy When many pharmaceutical companies The British National
of the “Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin invite doctors for training courses, the
(DTB) which was edited by the British venue of the training is usually a plush Formulary (BNF)
consumer organization. Unfortunately, hotel with exotic surroundings. These provides healthcare
the UK government decided to cancel training courses are offered at no cost
professionals with
this service due to financial constraints. to the participants and in some cases
It costs two million Euros annually (or the participants are given the option of authoritative and
0.2% of the UK-Ministry of Health bud- inviting a guest. The “training” some- practical information on
get) to publish and distribute the DTB, times takes place during the flight to the
venue, or in a day or less of the time
the selection and clini-
however, the British Pharmaceutical
Companies spend 2.5 billion Euros on to allow the participants more time to cal use of medicines in a
advertisement annually! The amount of enjoy the venue. These are some of the clear, concise and
money which could be saved if doctors incentives given to doctors to prescribe
prescribed medicines rationally if they medicines manufactured by the spon- accessible manner
got more independent knowledge from soring pharmaceutical companies.
publications such as the DTB would be
even higher! In Germany it is estimated LURING OF CONSUMERS
that the budget of health insurance com- Consumers are lured to use medicines
panies could decrease by about 3 billion irrationally through:
Euro annually if the doctors stopped Commercial promotion of brands
prescribing drugs whose effectiveness Most medical and pharmaceutical
is questioned by independent experts. journals carry advertisements of medi-
cines sponsored by pharmaceutical
Reference books
manufacturing companies. Most of the
Every year in Germany all doctors re-
medicines advertised do not require
ceive a free copy of the Rote Liste, a
a doctor’s prescription making them
book which provides information about
appealing for consumers to purchase
all medicines available in the country.
over-the-counter. Often, when asked
The book is edited by the pharmaceu-
about the efficacy and cost of these
tical industry. Another compendium
medicines most pharmacists are not
edited by an independent institute and
truthful as they want to make profits
based on independent scientific re-
from the sales.
search contains information on all the

Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006 15

In addition to open advertisement, there invited to grassroots and consumer
are covert promotion practices which are groups activities and presentations
even more dangerous. In these subtler outside the university environment to
promotions, articles on a health issue expose them to different situations.
are written and reviewed by purported  Fighting for independent informa-
authorities on the subject. The article tion. To obtain independent informa-
carefully focuses on a specific therapy tion, it is important that the sources
and medicine. The medicine proposed of the information are not linked to a
is highly recommended by the “health pharmaceutical company. Govern-
expert” giving the impression that it is ments should be urged to support
the best therapy available. However, the publishing and wide distribution
should one conduct further research of independent journals for prescrib-
on the author of the article, the source ers, dispensers and consumers of
is often found to be the pharmaceuti- medicines. One needs to be critical
cal company which manufactures the of invitations to events; the presence
drug. of a logo/name of a pharmaceutical
Direct to consumer advertising company whether prominent or in
Direct to consumer advertisement for small print is a sure sign that it is
medicines that have to be prescribed by being used for promotion, whether
a doctor is forbidden in most countries. It openly or covert.
Direct to consumer
is however allowed in the United States  Advocating for transparency
advertisement for of America and in New Zealand. In the in the health system. This will
medicines that have to US, pharmaceutical companies invest ensure openness and allow exact
up to 4 billion dollars annually to con- figures and sources of money to be
be prescribed by a doc- vince consumers that they should insist shown.
tor is forbidden in most that their doctors give them a specific
countries prescription. These practices do not
promote rational prescribing.


The negative influence of media on
RUM can be mitigated by:
 Educating health personnel on
rational use of medicines. This is
a challenge as the health sector is Albert Petersen is the manager of the Pharmaceutical
Aid Department at the German Institute for Medical
sometimes dependent on the phar- Mission – DIFAEM. He is also the Chairperson of
maceutical industry. Several univer- the Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network (EPN) and
sities which educate health person- Country Focal Point (CFP) in Germany.
nel are also financially dependent on
the pharmaceutical industry for funds
to conduct research studies and
projects. Unfortunately governments
in most developed countries do not
provide enough funds for universities
to run independently.For example:
a pharma-critical drama group was
invited to perform at a university and
the professor in charge of the phar-
macy department was asked if his
department could be the co-inviter of
the group. His answer: “If we do it I
will lose my job because we are get-
ting so much money from these com-
panies.” It is therefore crucial that
students are, whereever possible,
16 Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006

An estimated one third of the world’s population lack regular access to essential medicines with this
figure rising to over 50% of the population in the poorest parts of Africa and Asia. When available,
the medicines are often used incorrectly: Fifty percent of all medicines are prescribed, dispensed
or sold inappropriately, while 50% of the patients fail to take their medicines appropriately (WHO

T he way consumers use medicines

is influenced by a wide range of fac-
tors including: knowledge about use, the
knowledge on the use of medicines and
therefore sometimes end up pressurizing
the prescribers and dispensers for the
Some sections of the
population have
cost of medicines at all levels, regulatory expensive branded medicines in prefer- developed a
systems, cultural factors, community ence to cheaper generics which are just misconception that the
beliefs, communication between them as effective.
and prescribers to ensure correct use
expensive medicines are
of the drugs, outpatient support, access Inadequate regulatory systems more effective than the
to objective information on medicines, In most developing countries, national drug
cheaper generic
and commercial promotion. regulatory agencies do not have enough
qualified personnel, financial resources versions.
Cost of medicines and equipment. As a result the function
In economic terms, inappropriate use of regulating the importation, distribution,
has led to the wastage of limited re- promotion, and sale of medicines is not
sources and to non-availability of es- adequate. This has resulted in medicines
sential medicines where they may be being dispensed by unqualified personnel
needed. in facilities that are not licensed to provide
According to surveys conducted in 2004 these services.
by HAI Africa and WHO in 11 Sub-Saha- In the poor parts of Sub Saharan Af-
ran Africa countries in 2004, the median rica it is common to find prescription
availability of the essential medicines in
public health facilities was below 70%.
This means that many patients who go to
public health facilities for treatment often
go back home without getting the medi-
cines they need. Some of these patients
have to resort to buying the required
medication from the private sector where
they are more expensive. The problem
is that essential medicines are not af-
fordable to majority of the population. In
Kenya, for example, more than 60% of
the population live below the poverty line.
This results in situations where a family
ends up sharing medicines that were
prescribed to treat one person - a classic
example of irrational use of medicines.
Some sections of the population have
developed a misconception that the
expensive medicines are more effective
than the cheaper generic versions. Middle
class patients in developing countries
who may have the purchasing power
to buy medicines, often have limited

Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006 17

medicines being sold in the markets and Poor communication between pro-
open areas by unqualified people. Such fessionals and consumers
unregulated scale of medicines has Communication between profession-
increased to fill the gap not covered by als and consumers is fundamental
the public, private and NGO facilities. In to the improvement of rational use of
Nigeria for instance, prescription drugs, medicines by consumers. Profession-
including antibiotics and injectable als should provide the following infor-
drugs which should not be sold over- mation to the consumers: the name of
the-counter, are freely available in the the medicine, the purpose for which
informal sector from drug hawkers, ven- the medicine is being taken, dose,
dors and stores. (WHO 2002). Although frequency of use, and duration of use.
the medicines sold in the formal sector The prescribed and dispensed medi-
are usually cheap they are either of poor cines should also be properly labelled
or unknown quality. The consumers of indicating the above information. The
these medicines are mainly in the rural shortage of qualified health personnel
areas. These consumers are often not in public health facilities has resulted
given adequate information about the in inadequate labeling of medications
Professionals should medicines and end up using them ir- by prescribers and dispensers, and
rationally. in insufficient time spent by them to
provide the following inform the consumers on how to take
To exacerbate the situation, qualified
information to the con- health professionals are often concen- the medicine. Chart 1 depicts status of
sumers: the name of the trated in the urban areas. In Uganda, labeling of medicines and the adequa-
80% of the 215 private pharmacies cy of patient knowledge in 5 selected
medicine, the African countries.
which are managed by pharmacists
purpose for which the are based in the main urban centres Exit interviews were conducted for
medicine is being taken, (WHO 2002). To cater for the rural patients/consumers of medicines in
population franchise drug shops which the public health facilities and it was
dose, frequency of use,
are managed professionally have been found that the adequacy of labeling
and duration of use introduced in Ghana, Kenya and Tanza- medicines according to the above
nia. However, these shops only cover mentioned criteria was on average be-
one or two regions of the country. Faith low 50% while the adequacy of patient
based organizations have also become knowledge was 80% and below.
one of the main sources of quality medi- Also important are the possible drug
cines but they are also inadequately and food interactions that might occur
resourced and the health workers are after taking the medicines. In cases of
often overworked. medicines for chronic diseases such as

18 Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006


anti cancer drugs, the adverse effects awareness on problems with drugs Adapted from Baseline
Pharmaceutical Survey, 2002
such as memory loss, depression and and publicizing serious health hazards
many others should be explained to the related to drugs. However the media
consumer. has at times been used by pharmaceuti-
All this communication requires ad- cal companies to covertly promote their
equate time between the professionals medicines. In some parts of Africa the
and consumers which is not always existence of counterfeits has sometimes
available due to the enormous work- been used to discredit generic products
load of the health professionals in the by some media houses. The consumers
developing countries. The situation has end up with mixed reactions on the use
been made worse by the increase in the of generics. The shortage of qualified
spread of HIV/AIDS and the attendant The method of administration has influ-
health personnel coupled
treatment issues which have placed enced the use of medicines. Consum-
further burden on both the health pro- ers in Uganda for instance believe that with inadequate staff
fessionals as well as consumers. medicine injected into the blood stream time in public health
does not leave the body as quickly
Lack of objective information as that administered orally. (Birungi
facilities has resulted in
The pharmaceutical market has been 2004) inadequate labeling of
saturated by medical representatives
medications by
whose aim is to achieve higher sales for Inadequate public education
the companies they represent. These Developing countries have ineffective prescribers and
sales professionals have become the public education programmes. For dispensers
principal source of information for many example, in Nigeria although there is
prescribers and dispensers despite the a high level of self-medication and un-
fact that the information they provide controlled sale and use of medicines,
is geared towards promoting the sales especially antibiotics and injections,
of pharmaceutical companies. The es-
there has been little or no public educa-
sential medicines list, standard treat-
tion on rational use of medicines (WHO
ment guidelines, national drug policies
are often good sources of literature on
medicines use, but these reference The most important sources of informa-
materials are not widely disseminated tion for consumers about medicines are
(WHO 2002). doctors, followed by the pharmacists,
then nurses and other healthcare per-
When brought to their attention, the
sonnel. Medical professionals must not
media can play a key role in raising

Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006 19

only know the correct information to Rational Use of Medicines by con-
convey, but the skill and the time to do it sumers in developed and developing
well. However, skill and time in this area countries is highly influenced by other
are scarce resources. Patients may not players. Consumers especially in the
be aware of the kind of information they developing countries are not often con-
need or what questions they should sulted on the treatment decision; this is
ask, so there is a significant, general in contrast to their counterparts in the
educational challenge. developed countries. Public education
The emergence of HIV/AIDS and other on rational use by consumer organiza-
chronic diseases has exacerbated the tions will empower consumers to be
problem since there are higher patient involved in the decisions that affect
numbers but fewer of them are able to them at policy formulation level and
access the medicines they require. In health professional-to-patient level.
the event that the prescribed medicines This ‘bottom-up’ approach will create a
are dispensed, these[HIV/AIDS] pa- long lasting solution to rational use of
tients go back home but most of them medicines at all levels.
do not get regular outpatient support to
encourage them to take the medicines.
A successful patient follow up mecha-
Medical professionals nism has been put in place in many
countries to encourage the rational use
must not only have the
of TB medicines. Unfortunately no simi-
information to convey, lar mechanisms have been designed at
Patrick Mubangizi is the Coordinator of Health
but the skill and the time the international and national level for Action International-Africa (HAI-Africa). Mr. Mubangizi
other diseases. has more than seven years work experience in the
to do it well private for profit and NGO sectors in Uganda. He
Increasing consumer awareness is a registered pharmacist and has been involved
in pharmaceutical procurement, medicines policy
In countries such as the U.S.A, Canada,
Australia, and in much of Europe there References:
1 HAI/WHO (2003) Assessment of the pharmaceutical situation in
is a tradition of patient or health con- Kenya, A baseline survey.
2 HAI/WHO (2002) Uganda Pharmaceutical Sector Baseline
sumer networks. In Central and Eastern Survey
3 WHO (2002) Baseline Assessment of the Nigeria Pharmaceutical
Europe the development of democratic Sector
4 WHO (2002) Baseline Survey of the Pharmaceutical Sector in
civil society has enabled the emergence Tanzania
5 FDRE/WHO (2003) Assessment of the Pharmaceutical Sector in
of patients’ groups, and in Latin America Ethiopia
similar consumer groups are growing in 6 WHO/EDM (2003) An assessment of the pharmaceutical Sector
in Ghana
number. In the vastness of Africa and 7 WHO/University of Amsterdam (2004) How to investigate the use
of medicines by consumers
Asia where access to health care is a 8

major issue, a few consumer groups are

emerging, but their impact has not yet
been measured. Treatment and con-
sumer advocates in these continents
have concentrated much more on lob-
bying for increased access to essential
medicines, but now a few have begun
focusing on rational use. Initiatives such
as the drug literacy programmes by the
Coalition of Civil Society Organizations
in Kenya and in the Southern African
Development Community (SADC)
countries which are geared towards
empowering the consumers are antici-
pated to have influence on rational use
of medicines.


20 Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006



The development of Antiretroviral medicines (ARVs) brought with it a lease of hope for people
living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA). Like with any other medication, it is important for patients on
ARVs to understand the treatment they have been put on and to use the medication rationally
for maximum benefits to be derived and adverse effects to be avoided. James Kamau who is on
ARV treatment recounts the benefits he has experienced from using ARVs rationally.

James suspected that he was HIV positive over 14 years such as these cause irrational use of medicines since
ago after his wife fell ill and was required to undergo when the patient falls sick, or when they get opportunistic
medical tests by her health care provider and was found infections (OIs), they are unable to travel long distances to
to be HIV positive. He went for the actual test two years access the treatment they need and are afraid to ask for
after his wife was diagnosed. James has been taking help. They therefore use any drugs they can get but which
antiretroviral (ARV) drugs for over 36 months. Before he may be inappropriate.
started taking the ARVs, he was on prophylaxis for two The lack of equipment in hospitals to conduct tests includ-
years. Prophylaxis is a measure taken to maintain health ing liver function tests and CD4 count tests is another
and prevent the spread of disease. In James’ case he was challenge faced by those on ARVs. “You have to go out
put on antibiotics to boost his immune system and prevent there [private hospitals] and that is expensive,” James
him from contracting TB. His CD4 at the time was 300; it says regarding these tests. Other challenges are the lack
is currently over 800. of good nutrition. “One has to eat and for some it’s very
Before he was started on the medication he went through hard [to get food],” says James. Patients may therefore not
counselling sessions to make him understand the different take their medication.
aspects of the medication including how to take the medi- According to James the government has a large part to play
cation, the benefits and side – effects. It is important for in rational use of ARVs and treatment. “The government
one on ARVs to take the medication at a scheduled time needs to get the healthcare workers to understand what
everyday. This keeps the virus from developing resistance HIV/AIDS is,” he said. He proved this by explaining how
to the drugs. he had visited one of the largest private hospitals in Kenya
In the 3 years he has been on antiretroviral therapy (ART), and the laboratory technician would not tell if there was any
James has only failed to take his medication twice or thrice. correlation between TB and HIV! In instances such as these
This was due to travelling for long hours at a time and into the laboratory technician is not at fault because he has not
different time zones. When this happended, he waited until been trained on this aspect of HIV. “We need HIV/AIDS in
the next scheduled time to take the medication in order to the school curriculum and before that the teachers them-
maintain the routine his system is used to. James explained selves need to be taught so that they can pass the correct
that he is on first-line medicines which are more readily information on to the pupils,” says James.
available and less expensive. Should the virus develop The government also needs to reduce its reliance on do-
resistance on these drugs, he would have to start taking nor aid to provide treatment to its citizens. As most of the
the second-line drugs which are more expensive and less funds for treatment of HIV/AIDS are foreign it is difficult to
readily available. sustain treatment for long periods of time. This would be
James is well versed with all the aspects of taking ARVs dangerous should the funding be discontinued or eased
and Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) in general. He explains off for any reason.
that even before he began taking ARVs he was an advocate Treatment to all those who need it is the government’s
for access to essential medicines which he says made it responsibility. “If we can scale up and keep the people who
easier for him to understand the treatment process. “I am are there alive and give hope [to them] then we will send
treatment literate which means I understand what would a clearer message to the wider population on prevention
happen should I miss treatment.” He continues, “For me, issues,” says James.
it has been easy taking ARVs, I have had no problems.”
He has been fortunate in this aspect which is however not
the case for other people on ARVs.
James is a member of a support group for PLWHA where
they share their experiences. The challenges most of them James Kamau is the coordinator of the Kenya Treatment Access
Movement (KETAM). KETAM is a Kenya-wide activist movement whose
encounter in taking ARVs are stigma and discrimination. aim is to advocate for access to medicines. He is a member of the
“You will find people leaving [their homes] going very many steering committees of the Pan African Treatment Access Movement
(PATAM) and Women Fighting AIDS in Kenya (WOFAK). He was
kilometres away [from their homes] to access the medica- interviewed by Jacqueline Nyagah of EPN on his experiences in using
tions to get away from that stigma,” he explains. Situations antiretrovirals (ARVs).

Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006 21



The Newly Independent States (NIS) of the former Soviet Union became independent in the
early 1990s. Since then, the countries have been going through political, economical and social
reforms, which have been associated with economic crises, political uncertainty and change of
social structure. The concept of Rational Use of Medicines (RUM) and Essential Drug Lists (EDL)
is rather new for the NIS since there was no EDL in the Soviet Union and the Soviet System
considered all registered drugs as essential. In the mid 1990s, the World Health Organization
(WHO) introduced the RUM and EDL concepts to the former Soviet Union states as a tool to
improve pharmaceutical supply and rational medicines use.

T he essence of an Essential Drugs List

is to provide a catalogue of the
minimum medicine needs for a basic
cases of adverse reaction in Moldova
or any of the other NIS countries. This
dangerous drug was included in the first
health care system in a given country. It edition of the Essential Drug List of all
lists the most efficacious, safe and cost NIS countries and is still found in many
effective medicines for priority condi- Standard Treatment Guidelines.
tions within that country. The process
The Newly of implementing the EDL concept in Drug promotion
Independent States the NIS had many obstacles because The situation is made worse by large-
(NIS) of former USSR of a lack of willingness among govern- scale promotion campaigns for any
ments to restrict the use of inessential drugs but most especially for medicines
drugs and because of the insufficient that are banned in developed countries.
educational programs for health care Direct advertisement of drugs to con-
providers. In spite of the existance of sumers was forbidden until the 1990s,
the WHO Essential Drug Model List, the but is now widely prevalent in NIS
first edition of EDL in many NIS coun- countries through all kinds of media,
tries had a separate column for brand including TV, newspapers, magazines
names. For almost every generic name, and direct visits to physicians and phar-
a number of brand names were indi- macists. This has resulted in a flood of
cated. In some cases the brand names new brands in the market.
were more than 10. For instance, the
Proliferation of brands
EDL of Kazakhstan mentioned 7 brand
Irrational drug use is directly related to
names for diazepam, 11 brand names
the number of brands on the market
for ibuprofen, and 14 for paracetamol.
and to their promotion. Between 4,000
The EDL of Tajikistan had a similar col-
to 10,000 medicines are registered by
umn. It included brand names for most
the national drug authorities in NIS
of the drugs in the list.
countries for populations of between 3
In former republics of the USSR danger- million to 6 million people. As many as
ous drugs such as metamizole (dyp- 70% of all registered pharmaceuticals
irone) which is banned in other develop- are duplicate or non-essential drugs.
ing countries, is still widely prescribed Many are variations of prototype drugs
by physicians and is even available over and offer no therapeutic advantage over
the counter in community pharmacies. drugs already available.
In Moldova metamizole is registered in
The number of brands per drug varies a
27 preparations while in Ukraine it is
little from one country to another in NIS.
registered in 37 brand forms and in 38
For example, the number of brands
in Uzbekistan. One of the arguments
presently registered for diclofenac var-
given by pharmaceutical companies
ies from between 50 and 65; while for
is that there has been no information
paracetamol there are between 38 to
from the regulatory authorities about the
49 registered brands.
banning of metamizole, and no reported

22 Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006

Prescribing errors the total amount of sold medicines using
Relatively little is known about the in- “special” prescription forms. The lack of the
cidences of prescribing errors in NIS doctors’ stamps, medical institution seals or
health care system. Knowing what the prescribers signatures was also reported
kinds of errors are most likely to oc- (See picture 1a).
cur is the first step in trying to prevent Another finding of the study was
these errors. The first investigation into that doctors may prescribe several
the errors in prescribing in Moldova medicines that potentiate, weaken or
was carried out by the Ecumenical neutralize each other’s effects when
Pharmaceutical Network Country Focal taken together. For instance, com-
Point Organization (EPN-CFPO) - Dru- bined prescribing of diclofenac and
gInfo Moldova in 2006. The study was diazepam leads to weakening effect of
conducted in 3 public hospitals and 4 diclofenac.
community practices located within the
same geographical area. Pharmacists The study also revealed that quite often
doctors prescribe drugs fractionally. This Doctors in the NIS rarely
recorded prescribing errors during a
12- week period. The errors were cat- means that they prescribe a half, a third, use the prescription form
egorized by the survey team composed a quarter and even one eighth part of
a pill. In such cases it is difficult for a
approved by the Ministry
of physicians, pharmacists and a clinical
pharmacologist. In total, 84 recorded patient to accurately divide the medicine of Health for writing
prescriptions were examined using into the stated portion. One of the biggest medicine prescriptions
the British National Formulary (BNF), problems is the fractional prescription of
the WHO Formulary and the National enzymatic and iron-based agents to chil-
Moldavian Compendium. dren. These medications are contained
in a shell which is designed to dissolve
The study findings showed that doc- in the bowels to give the desired effect.
tors in the NIS rarely use the prescrip- By opening up the shell to divide the drug
tion form approved by the Ministry of into fractional portions, the desired effect
Health for writing medicine prescrip- of releasing the drug when the capsule
tions. Rather they use form-notebooks, dissolves in the bowels is not achieved.
known as blanks, which are distributed Without the protection of the containment
by pharmaceutical representatives. shell, the drug ingredients are destroyed in
Since the names of brand medicines are the stomach. In such cases it is therefore
often printed on these forms, there is a practical to prescribe iron-based agents
tendency of doctors to prescribe these in the form of syrup or drops. There are
specific medications to patients so as humorous anecdotal accounts of a doctor
to receive a share of the profits made prescribing Aevit, an oil solution in gelatin
by the pharmaceutical representatives. capsule, to be divided into three portions
Such cases were reported in 10-15% of twice a day!
Two examples of prescribing errors

(1a) Prescriptions written on blank paper without the doctor’s stamp, signature or institutional (1b) A prescription of 23 drugs for one patient!

Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006 23

Another prescription error is the solution! Another amusing example was in-
duplication of medicines. This structions which indicated the intramuscular
refers to doctors prescribing introduction of pills!
2 medications of the same Children’s prescriptions are an area where
pharmacologic group or which many errors are likely to occur. The prescrib-
contain the same ingredients, ing of drugs which are contraindicated in
for example the simultane- children or which should not be prescribed
ous prescription of the same to children below a certain age is a com-
medicine under different brand mon mistake. For instance: Famotidin is
names This is most common prescribed to younger children in doses of a
when prescribing new medica- half and a quarter pill daily. However it is not
tion for a patient who is already advisable to prescribe the drug to children
on medication. The main moti- less than 16 years old. This is because this
vation is that the doctor feels the drug is contraindicated to younger children
need to prescribe a safety net as clinical investigations have not been car-
medicine to ensure therapeutic ried out to decipher the effects the drug may
effects. The consequences are have on them.
an undesirable increase of pre-
scribed medicines. Finally, the act or practice of prescribing too
many medicines to one patient known as
Errors are also made in the indica- polypharmacy is one of the main problems
tion of drugs doses. For instance, that is presented in the health care system in
some errors occur when converting all NIS countries. The misconception is that
milligrams into grams. Doctors may a disease or illness should be treated with
make errors in the quantity by placing many drugs. (See picture (1b) which shows
commas or decimal points at the wrong a prescription of 23 drugs for one patient
place. Incorrect comma and decimal point after one visit to the doctor!)
placement can increase or decrease the
dosage by dozens or hundreds of times. For Conclusion
instance, Diazepam is produced in doses These examples of irrational drug use in NIS
of 5 and 10 mg. Doctors may erroneously countries give cause for concern. With little
prescribe 50 mg or even 500 mg instead of or no monitoring of drug prescribing these
5 mg resulting in an overdose ten and one could have serious implications for appropri-
hundred times more the desired amount! ate drug use and patient care. Moreover, the
present situation shows that self-regulation
Prescription without dose indication is also
by the medical profession has failed. In most
a common prescribing error. For instance, a
of the errors deduced professional advice to
prescription may give only the name of the
pharmacists would help to avoid them. Day-
of preparations without indicating the dose,
to-day tests and regular analysis of prescrip-
the turnout form or the mode of application
tions would reform the treatment and reduce
or a doctor may issue a prescription with
the risk of adverse reactions which appear
only one word on it: “Metrogil”. A patient
as a result of misuse of the preparations. It
would not know, what drug formulation is
is necessary to resume cooperation of fam-
intended, what the correct dose is, how
ily physicians and pharmacists regarding
many times it should be taken, and for what
correct and efficient drugs prescribing. This
duration. Since “Metrogil”is produced in 6
cooperation would reform treatment.
drug formulations (in intravenous injection,
solution, in pills, as a gel, as a face cream Natalia Cebotarenco, PhD, is a doctor working for
and as vaginal suppositories) a patient DrugInfo in Moldova. She is the EPN Country Focal
Point in Moldova.
would not know which of these the doctor
had in mind. Elena Shkurkina, Svetlana Shetinina, Sergey
Cebotarenco, Olga Shemshur and Veaceslav Gonciar
Blunders also cause problems. For example, participated in the research.
the following irrational instructions were References:

issued in the manufacturing department 1 Health system in Transition, WHO, 2004.

2 The most popular errors when prescribing medicines, ISDB
of a drug-store: Rp: Sol. Glucozae 2%; Ca Newsletter, June, 2006.
3 Ten recommendations to improve use of medicines in developing
Gluconatis 0,2; Mf pulv. No 20. These are countries. Health Policy and planning; 16 (1):13-20, Oxford
University Press 2001.
instructions to prepare a powder from a
24 Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006


Dr. Amelia Villar is the General Executive Director of medicines, production agents and drugs (DIGEMID)
in the Ministry of Health in the Peruvian government. DIGEMID regulates the use of pharmaceutical
products, medical materials, instruments and cosmetics which are available in the Peruvian market.She
was interviewed by Josefa Castro Sáenz and César Aylas Flórez both from Servicio de Medicinas
(PRO-VIDA), a member of the Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network (EPN).
Q: What is the legal framework for play in ensuring RUM. In Peru, the Na-
RUM in Peru? tional Committee of Medicines, brings
A: The current National Medicine Policy these players together and includes the
approved in December 2004, stands on civil society organizations, professional
three supporting pillars: equal-opportu- schools, universities, institutions of co-
nity and universal access to medicines, operation, churches and others.
regulation and quality assurance, and With regard to specific actions to pro-
promotion of the Rational Use of Medi- mote RUM, the Ministry of Health has
cines (RUM). The RUM section of the made significant progress to increase
General Management of Medicines, access to medication, and to lower the
Substances and Drugs, DIGEMID has prices of medicines by means of corpo-
developed the national plan for RUM. rative purchases. We have also made
Several strategies have been put in strides in encouraging the use of EDLs,
place to ensure the achievement of the formation of Therapeutic-Pharma-
these intended goals. These include cological Committees in hospitals and A training manual for Ministry
of Health staff in the supply of
rational selection, promotion of the health centres, at the regional level so drugs, titled: “A guide on training
use of Essential Drug Lists (EDL), af- that their work is more effective. methods for the supply of drugs and
fordable prices of medicines, updating Progress has been made in promot-
productions agents processes”
and strengthening the Pharmacological ing teaching on the use of medicines,
Committees, training of professionals, and in integrating curricular contents
sharing of information with and educat- both in university programs and in
ing communities, and the development secondary schools. Pro-Vida provides
of research on the use of medicines. support on designing educative book-
Studies on the use and adverse reac- lets for schools about RUM. Twelve
tions of the antimicrobial drugs in hos- universities now teach Pharmacol-
pitals are currently underway. Another ogy and Pharmacotherapy using the
study has been conducted with proto- University of Gröningen methodology
cols of evaluation and use of antimicro- which is recognized by WHO as the
bial drugs in health centres. This is on a best adapted education for Rational
peripheral level and will help reduce the Pharmacotherapy.
irrational use of antimicrobial drugs. At a national level, the government
Q: Who do you think should play the has developed and implemented best
main role in promoting and ensur- practices for prescriptions of medicines.
ing RUM and what specific actions The best practices of dispensing and
have been taken in Peru towards for therapeutic drug follow-up are in the
this end? process of implementation.
A: The government, through its agen-
Q: What difficulties are there in pro-
cies, those who prescribe, those who
moting RUM policies at a national
dispense and health professionals in
general, the population and the pharma-
A: One of the most critical problems
ceutical industry have important roles to
Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006 25
is the lack of involvement of the main the National Drugs Policy and having
actor. Inadequate and lax laws do not created DIGEMID, a specific depart-
guarantee quality and prevent wide- ment in its management structure, I
spread access to medication; and the have confidence that we will continue
patients quite often, incorrectly use to promote RUM. Moreover, the 2007
their medication and usually take them DIGEMID RUM Annual Plan has been
without a doctor’s prescription. Health approved. We coordinate work with dif-
professionals who use inadequate ferent organizations to help achieve this
standards in prescribing and dispens- goal. For example, there are advances
ing of medication also contribute to in the proposal and elaboration of the
the problem. These standards are National Essential Drug List. We are
worsened by excessive and overwhelm- working to create Drug Therapeutic
ing advertising campaigns from the Committees and also to have medicine
pharmaceutical companies which use purchases done within the public sec-
irrational and illegal means to entice tor. This would greatly lower medicine
those who prescribe, who dispense, prices without lowering quality.
including pharmaceutical technicians
Q: What do you see as the pharma-
cist’s role?
A: The pharmacist is the specialist of
medicines. It is inconceivable to talk
of quality pharmaceutical care without
the promotion of RUM. As someone
who is aware of drug issues, I believe
that a pharmacist’s role must be that of
supervision, quality control of products
and processes. He or she must assume
the responsibility of managing, advising,
informing and investigating, according
to the principles of RUM. Because of
his or her expertise in pharmaceutical
issues, his or her participation is vital in
the formulation of policies and regula-
tory mechanisms to ensure appropriate
use of medicine.

Q: For the last 21 years PRO-VIDA

has promoted RUM in Peru in di-
verse levels. What do you think are
the positive outcomes of this work
in the community?
A: I greatly admire PRO-VIDA because
it is one of the faith-based organizations
that helped the poor when the country
was going through its most difficult
and pharmacy aides. PRO-VIDA introduced and promoted
the concept of RUM when it was un-
Since the government does not have
known in the universities and in the
RUM as a priority the lack of resources
public sector. I believe that PRO-VIDA’s
is also problem.
work has been extremely important not
Q: What future do you see for RUM only for DIGEMID but for the country as
in Peru? a whole. We are now reaping the reward
A: Having considered RUM a pillar of of PRO-VIDA’s early work in RUM.

26 Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006

Q: What aspects of the community nizations like PRO-VIDA do is crucial.
work of RUM promotion must be Although we have managed to increase
supported further? Do you know of availability in urban areas, shortage of
other countries that have developed supplies persists in the remote areas.
these strategies successfully?
A: Since it is difficult for the government Q: Your final comments...
to reach remote places, the health pro- A: To our friends of EPN and PRO-
moters and the grass roots pharmacies VIDA, I would like to express my grati-
continue to be a good option to improve tude for this interview. Let us continue
working on the promotion of RUM. Although we have
the access to medicines and healthcare.
Education and training in the handling Many African countries are developing managed to increase
of medicines must continue. DIGEMID, important strategies in this field and
availability in urban areas,
together with PRO-VIDA, has devel- it important to share our accomplish-
oped a manual on the handling and use ments, lessons learnt, best practices shortage of supplies
of medicines for those in charge of the and the challenges we encounter to persists in the remote
Pharmacy’s Office in the health centers. improve our work and further promote
This is a handbook used to instruct the RUM. I believe that more frequent com-
community on the correct use of medi- munication will facilitate learning from
cines. There has been some success others experiences.
in implementing strategies to promote Additionally, I congratulate all the
RUM in Asian and African countries. churches, all the sectors that support
However in this region (Latin America), I the work in the community, the work of
have had the opportunity to share expe- community promoters which is a great
riences with other regulatory authorities support for all the official systems of
in the South American region countries health.
including Chile, Argentina, and Brazil.
Unfortunately RUM has not been well
developed in most of these countries

Q. PRO-VIDA was set up to support

the efforts of the community in ob-
taining access to health services and
essential medicines and to make up
for the absence of the government Dr. Amelia Villar is the Head Director of General
in this area. In your opinion, how do Direction of Medicines, Production Agents and
such efforts combined with those of Drugs (DIGEMID) a branch of the Ministry of Health
which regulates the use of pharmaceutical products,
the government ensure that RUM medical materials, instruments and cosmetics which
becomes a reality? are available in the Peruvian market. It contributes
A: I believe that these institutions have to equitable access of essential drugs, to the
population, based on an integral system of drugs
helped in improving the access to ser- quality assurance.
vices and medicines in remote settings Josefa Castro Sáenz is a pharmacist and the Manager
and which government still finds hard of the Drug Supply Area at Servicio de Medicinas
to reach due to civil unrest, terrorism, PROVIDA in Peru and the EPN - Country Focal Point
in Peru.
budget constraints or shortage of quali-
César Aylas Flórez is the Pharmaceutical Assistant
fied health care personnel.
The Ministry of Health in Peru has made
an effort to improve access and supply
of medicines. We have also managed to
lower prices of medicines and achieve
the goal of ensuring the lowest price
available is maintained all over the
country. Nevertheless, we still have dif-
ficulties in the distribution of medicines,
for which the work churches and orga-

Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006 27



The phenomenon of ‘street medicines’ is widespread all over Burkina Faso. Street medicines are
unregulated products whose origins are often unknown. CINOMADE, a non-profit association in
collaboration with Pharmaciens Sans Frontières - Comité International (PSF-CI), have developed
an Interactive Cinema Debate (ICD) strategy to educate and sensitize the public on the dangers
of street medicines. The strategy involves the screening of a film, in this case “Tiim” (meaning
“medicines” in Moorè,one of the main Burkinabè lanuages) which focuses on the street medicines
phenomenon. This is followed by a facilitator-guided debate on the subject of the film.

E nclosed in plastic bags and displayed

on a stand on the sidewalk of a
street, carried in open cardboard boxes
street medicines. In 2005 to communicate
and sensitize the public about street
medicines, CINOMADE and PSF-CI used
and hawked from one person to another; the documentary to conduct awareness
carried from village to village on a bicycle campaigns in three provinces in the
baggage-carrier for door to door sale, or Northern region of Burkina Faso.
neatly arranged on a mat or on a table The strategy used to create awareness of
in the middle of a market: this is how street medicines was Interactive Cinema
street vendors market their medicines to Debate (ICD) strategy. ICD consists of
consumers. This phenomenon of ‘street open-air public screening of a film which
medicines’ is widespread all over Burkina is followed by an audience debate on the
Faso. Street medicines are often un- subject of the film. The debate is guided
regulated pharmaceutical products whose by two facilitators, one male and one
origins are unknown, if not dubious, and female. An ICD event lasts about four
therefore often have harmful effects on hours, typically running from 8pm up to
the health of their consumers. In spite of around midnight.
this, business is booming for vendors of
street medicines. In the CINOMADE/PSF-CI campaign,
preliminary visits were made to all of the
PUBLIC AWARENESS CAMPAIGNS selected locations in the 3 provinces in
In 2003, CINOMADE in collaboration with order to meet local partners (health cen-
Pharmaciens Sans Frontières - Comité tre workers, owners of pharmaceutical
International (PSF-CI) directed a docu- stores, members of associations, etc.) as
mentary entitled “Tiim”1 on the subject of well as the administrative and community
authorities. This ensured smooth running
of the ICD events. In this campaign, a
unique approach was taken: during the
day in each location, the local people
were interviewed on the subject of street
medicines. These filmed interviews were
shown the same evening to start the ses-
sion before the film “Tiim” was screened.
The evening program also included the
screening of filmed interviews with man-

agers of local pharmaceutical stores and

a cartoon film about generic drugs entitled
“Ya boum yenga.”
The campaign managed to attract ap-
proximately 27,000 people in 12 different
locations. A total of 210 people actively
Ongoing debate after the screening of the film “Tiim” took part in the debates, of which 144

28 Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006

were men and 66 were women. The infor-
mation collected from the debates helped
to answer questions such as: Who are
the street vendors? How do they sustain
their businesses? What kind of medicines
do they sell? What alternatives are there
to street medicines?

Who are the Street Vendors?

The street vendors of medicines are trades-
men who are hardly concerned for the health
of their clients or the harmful effects that their
products may cause. On the contrary, they
use all kinds of strategies to keep their busi-
nesses thriving. A street vendor of medicines
can be compared to someone who sells sec-
ond-hand clothes or shoes. Their common
Street vendor Karim Compaoré
goal is to market their goods to encourage “On a good day, I can raise up to 10 000 with his bag of medicines
their passers-by to purchase them. FCFA (about 20 US Dollars)” said Karim
Asked why he engaged in the sale of street Compaoré in the film Tiim.
medicines, R. Salifou a street medicines
How Do They Sustain The Busi-
vendor interviewed in the village market of
Ingané during one of the filmed interviews
responded, “Since I have a family to take Easy accessibility
care of, I must do something, that is why Street vendors seek out their clients
I sell medicines.”2 “I don’t have to recom- wherever they can find them, be it at
mend a medicine to the client. Usually home, at the workplace or on the streets. Although the sale of
the clients have been treated before for They know their clients well as they see
medicines on the street
the same illness and remember which them often and chat with them in their
tablets were prescribed on that occasion. own language to establish a bond of trust. is illegal in Burkina Faso,
Therefore when they fall sick again with They often sell their wares on credit for this business is thriving
the same disease, they look for the same the convenience of the customers who
cannot pay immediately. because street vendors
medicine,” declared Alidou, a medicines
vendor interviewed in the village market “I live 12 kilometres from here. There is are rarely challenged by
of Youba.2 no pharmaceutical store there. When I the authorities
However medicine vendors do not know have a headache, I prefer to buy drugs
much about the medicines they sell. Their from a vendor who comes to my home,
knowledge is often limited to what they can instead of cycling all this distance to come
learn from the pictures on the package. here, because the pain might get even
According to Karim Compaoré, a street worse on the way here,” said one of the
vendor and the main character in the film participants of the ICD session held in the
Tiim, illiteracy is not a barrier for the street village of Bidi.3
vendor. “Even if you cannot read, you can “If my children are sick, I buy medicines
still sell medicines. It is good enough if you on the market. Often, the vendors come
refer to the pictures on the boxes”. to us and I seize the opportunity to buy
Although the sale of medicines on the some medicines,” said S. Azeta, a mother
street is illegal in Burkina Faso, this busi- of twins.
ness is thriving because street vendors “When he comes, what does he say?”
are rarely challenged by the authorities. asked the facilitator of the evening. He
This explains why these vendors con- says: “Come and see! Come and buy
duct their trade openly. Furthermore, the medicines!”
income that is generated from the selling
of medicines on the streets is often higher Cost of the products
than the average income of a Burkinabè. The prices offered by the street vendors
have a big influence on the consumers.

Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006 29

“We all know that the packaged medicines Alternatives to Street Medicines
from the pharmacy are better than In the documentary Tiim, and during
those exposed to sun and dust. But the evening debate sessions of the
if you are not able to feed your awareness campaign, essential generic
family, it is difficult to go to a medicines were recommended as the
pharmacy. This is what pushes alternative to street medicines.
us to buy in the streets.” Was Essential generic medicines are not
a response echoed by ICD difficult to get thanks to the pharma-
participants. ceutical stores set up in the health
“If you fall sick and you have centres. Generics can be used to treat
only 50 FCFA (approximately up to 80% of the pathologies found in
10 US Cents) with you, what Burkina Faso. These medicines are of
would you do?” D. Salimata good quality and can be taken without
interviewed in the village of any risks while their prices are more af-
Bidii2 answers: “I’d buy medi- fordable thus making them accessible
cines at the market for 25 to poor populations.
FCFA and I would save the Despite all these, it was noted during
rest.” the ICD sessions that there is still a
lot of work to do regarding information
What Kind of Medicines do
and sensitization to guide the public
Street Vendors Sell?
towards the use of generic medicines.
Asked “what kind of medicines he
A lack of communication between the
sells”, Alidou a medicine vendor in
health authourities and the population
Youba replies, “Paracetamol, Ibupro-
on generics was observed.
fen, ‘Medic 55’, ‘Two colours’, ointments
and others.”2 Several participants of the awareness
campaign did not know what generic
While Karim Compaoré, the main char-
medicines are. When asked the ques-
acter of the film Tiim explains, “I sell
tion “What does generic medicine
medicines to treat human beings, but as
mean?” Diallo one of the participants
many people are asking for tablets for
responded, “I am sorry, but I do not
their animals, I have started selling them
know this disease, I have never heard
of the word.”
Unfortunately street medicines often
To promote the use of generic medi-
have harmful effects on the health of the
cines, interviews of the managers of
consumers. “I don’t like street medicines,
pharmaceutical stores explaining the
because you can take them and a few
advantages of generics were filmed.
moments later, you think that you have
These interviews were then screened
been cured of your disease, but this is
for the participants of the evening film
only temporary. The illness will come back
soon and often it even becomes more
complicated,” stated a participant at the
evening debate in Ridimbo.3
You can also buy doping substances from Moumouni Sodré is audio-visual technician by
profession and in-charge of the Interactive Cinema
the street vendors, like the “Blue-blue” and Debate tours of CINOMADE.
the “14s” for example. “Out of every twenty
CINOMADE is a non-profit association based since
people here, you will not even find three 2001 in Burkina Faso, specialised in creation,
who do not take the “14s” because if you animation and sensitisation. They use audio-visual
take them, you will not be hungry anymore tools, direct films and diffuse them through four different
sections (Interactive Cinema Debate, Youth, Women
and you will have the strength to work hard. and Video Clubs).
I started by taking two, then four, five, and
nowadays I take nine of them per day. And Reference:
1 DVD/Video “Tiim”, produced by CINOMADE (,
to make me sleep well at night, I take two and PSF-CI, directed by Berni
Goldblat, length 31 minutes, available in Mooré with French or
“Blue-blue” ” said a participant at the debate English subtitles, December 2003.
2 Source on video, available from CINOMADE
in Kera-douré. 3 3 Source on tape, available from CINOMADE

30 Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006



MATTHEW 21: 12, 13
The following reflection has been prepared by Manoj Kurian of World Council of
Churches (WCC)

An indignant Lord Jesus physically cleansed the responsibility to ensure fair and equitable access
Temple, as he saw that worship had been com- to medicines for all.
mercialised. Increasingly, provision of services is driven by
Those ‘who were buying and selling’ in the Temple market forces and not by the needs of the majority.
traded in animals which were used for sacrifice. Majority of research, innovation and development
The ‘money changers’ provided currency that was is directed by the needs of the minority who can af-
acceptable in the Temple in exchange for the Ro- ford. The profit motive of the market seems to decide
man currency which was considered defiling to what medicines are good for us, not necessarily the
God as it bore the image of Caesar, the Roman ‘Essential Drugs List’.
Emperor. Although this trade seemed to have
a legitimate role, in the eyes of Jesus the Questions for reflection?
excessive commercialisation defiled the 1. Is the situation described above ac-
holy place of prayer. In response, he ceptable?
acted firmly and with authority, by boldly 2. Can we allow the instruments cre-
overturning the tables and out casting the ated to serve humanity to be used for
tradesmen. the enslavement and impoverishment of
In the present day, the cleansing of the people?
Temple should not only be seen as an im- 3. Should business and industry con-
age of cleansing our souls, but also as a sign to spire to suppress potentially cheap yet essential
purify society. I believe Jesus saw the Temple as a ‘bread’ and only promote ‘expensive pastries and
place where all believers would have free access cakes’ which have a higher profit margin?
to worship God as a fundamental right for every 4. Should nations and societies suppress ‘Essential
human being. drugs’ in favour of superfluous and non-essential
Today there is the flagrant tampering of the funda- medicines, which may bring greater profits?
mental right of humanity to have fair and equitable 5. What is our role and what should we do?
access to balanced nourishment and good health.
There are also glaring examples of societies and 6. What would Jesus do in times like these?
institutions created by society, thereby shirking its

Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006 31

Essential drugs monitor ABC of Rational Use of Medicines: A handbook
This newsletter aims to address issues on national drug for community education
policies, current pharmaceutical issues, rational use of The book is designed to help consumers to understand basic
medicines, access, operational research and educational issues about medicines use; to create awareness about the
strategies. Published twice a year in English, Chinese, risks of misusing or abusing medicine; and to help individu-
French, Russian and Spanish, the newsletter is designed als and groups to take personal and collective actions that
for policy-makers, prescribers, health educators, adminis- helps the community to use medicines wisely. It is a useful
trators and health development organizations. Readers are handbook for students, NGOs and people working in health
encouraged to make contributions to the newsletter with the at the community level.
authors’ guidelines provided.
Author: Godwin Nwadibia Aja,
Available online at:
monitor/en/index.html Published by HAI - Africa, ISBN 978-35088-0-6

Promoting Health or Pushing Drugs? A critical ex- Guide to Good Prescribing: A Practical Manual
amination of the marketing of pharmaceuticals Primarily intended for undergraduate medical students
This book is an excellent resource on the murky world of about to enter the clinical phase of their studies, this book
the pharmaceutical industry’s promotion practices, critically provides guidance to the process of rational prescribing. It
examining the key issues surrounding drug promotion. The contains many illustrative examples and teaches skills that
book discusses a wide range of issues including: the cost of are necessary throughout a clinical career. Postgraduate
promotion, industry codes and practices, direct-to-consumer students and practicing doctors may also find it a source of
advertising of prescription medicines, post market surveil- new ideas and perhaps an incentive for change.
lance studies and the consequences of uncontrolled drug It is available in print in 15 languages including French,
promotion. The final chapter makes suggestions towards Spanish, German, Slovakian, Arabic, Japanese and Chi-
solutions to address the excesses of drug promotion. nese.
To order, email: Available in English online at:
Published by:HAI Europe; 1992; 46 pages; who-cc/ggp/homepage.html.
ISBN 90-74006-03-5 Published by: WHO/EDM, WHO; 1994, 115 pages

Practical Pharmacy Newsletter Developing Pharmacy Practice - a Focus on

This newsletter was first published in 1996. It was created Patient Care
to provide appropriate and practical information on drug This handbook is written for pharmacists, educators and
supply and management for health workers, particularly students in all healthcare settings. It presents a step-wise
those with no specific training in pharmacy. In 2000, after approach to pharmaceutical care within a general practice
fifteen issues, production stopped. environment anywhere in the world.
The newsletter was relaunched in October 2006 by: Health It can be used for self-directed learning as it provides prac-
Action International (HAI) Africa, Ecumenical Pharma- tical examples and care models. The book is available in
ceutical Network (EPN), Mission for Essential Drugs and English and a French version will be available soon in both
Supplies (MEDS), and Sustainable Healthcare Foundation electronic and print formats.
(SHEF). This issue focuses on the topic of malaria. The
older issues of the newsletter are currently being updated Available at: under “latest pub-
lications” on the WHO Medicines home page.
and will be reissued soon.To subscribe, send a request to:

Contact deals with various aspects of the churches’ and community’s involvement in health, and seeks to
report topical innovative and courageous approaches to the promotions of health and healing.
Contact, magazine of the World Council of Churches is pub- Editorial committee: Eva Ombaka, Stella Etemesi, Jacqueline
lished quarterly in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese Nyagah.
by the World Council of Churches (WCC). Present circulation Design and layout: Stella Etemesi and Jacqueline Nyagah.
is 2,000 copies.
The average cost of producing and mailing each copy of Contact
This issue of Contact was published by the Ecumenical Pharma- is US$ 2.50, which totals US $10 for four issues. Readers who
ceutical Network (EPN). The topic of Rational Use of Medicines can afford it are strongly encouraged to subscribe to Contact
is a key area of action for the Network.
to cover these costs.
Contact is also available on the World Council of Churches’ Inquiries about articles featured in this particlar issue can be
Website: directed to: Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network (EPN)
Articles may be freely reproduced, providing that acknowledge- P.O. Box 73860 - 00200 City Square, Nairobi, Kenya.
ment is made to: Contact, the publication of the World Council Tel. No.: 254 20 4444823 Fax: 254 20 4441090/4440306
of Churches. A complete list of back issues is published in the Email: Website:
first annual issue of each language version. Printed by Capital Colours Creative Design Limited

32 Contact n°183 –Autumn/Winter 2006

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