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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019

Electronic Braille Alphabet Reader for

Khajavali Kovvuru, D. Jaya Kumar, S. Nanda Kishore

Abstract: Braille is a material arrangement system used by an It's significant for kids with visual hindrances to appreciate
outwardly debilitated and the apparently upset. It is a customary reading and writing braille, instead of seeing it as a
formed with constrained paper. They can make Braille with the strenuous errand that will be stood up to. Youngsters
initial slate and stylus or type it on a Braille essayist. In this
normally enjoy extraordinary "reading back" what they have
undertaking we are working up another methodology using a
Braille framework to scrutinize for understudies. Electronic "writing". This task enables blind kids to listen to
Braille Readers are becoming popular worldwide day by day English/Telugu alphabet names whatever they have written.
among the visually disabled people. Our project Electronic Give them a chance to claim to read as they
Braille Alphabet Reader for learners is developed to support move their fingers crosswise over a console, regardless of
Multilanguage. With this project we have chosen to give them the whether they have no clue what the letters and words state.
learning unit and undeniable gadget which can diminish their Also, let them structure examples and profess to write
work and implants excitation to learn essential letters in Braille before to deliver traditional braille characters. Toward the
to completely fledged use for outwardly impeded.
start, excitedly acknowledge approximations or all
Keywords: Braille learning advancement, visually endeavors to read and create braille. At that point
impaired people, Braille gadget, Braille alphabet reader, Tactile progressively guide comprehend themselves to utilize the
audio, Teacher independent. right stance and hand development, to read genuine letters,
to interpret genuine words, and to deliver Braille which is
I. INTRODUCTION progressively nearer to traditional braille. Our project is an
India is the country with half of the world visually endeavor to use innovation to teach the outwardly weakened
impaired population. Outwardly impeded individuals are a understudies.
basic piece of the public, yet their inabilities have made
them less access to PCs and web than the general population II. BRAILLE SCRIPT
with clear vision. A large portion of the general population The most popular communication system for visually
confronting issues in the regions of instruction and advanced impaired individuals is Braille framework that relies on
correspondence. In the created world, exceptional offices are sense of the touch of a finger. Braille is a framework where
stretched out to help the handicapped move around, work in it enables outwardly weakened individuals to read through
structures without having to intensely depend on the help touch using a series of raised dots on exceptional papers that
from individuals around. Specialized advances, particularly must be read utilizing the fingers. These dots are composed
in the fields of accuracy assembling and gadgets have of utilizing a specific machine.
brought about items which go far in helping the handicapped Braille was formed in 1825 by Louis Braille, a visually
adapt to their particular inabilities. In the underlying phase impaired Frenchman. Each Braille cell or character consists
of tutoring, instructing the Braille content to the outwardly of six spots composed in a very rectangular form. The sq.
debilitated understudies is basic. In this way, the Electronic form contains of 2 segments with 3 dots every. A dot is
Braille Alphabet Reader for Multiple Languages would be a raised at any of the six positions or any combination.
completely fledged gadget which will encourage self- Tallying the area, wherever no dots square measure raised,
learning of Braille at low cost. Visually impaired and there square measure sixty four such mixtures. For reference
outwardly impeded individuals are tested in their day by day functions, a particular combination could be pictured by
activities by living in a located world. Everybody, visually naming the positions wherever dots square measure raised;
impaired or sighted must probably read and write. Indeed, the positions being typically numbered one through three
even as innovation has turned into the essential methods for begin to end on the left and four through six begin to end on
correspondence, braille stays pertinent. Various devices are the proper. For instance, dots 1-3-4 would portray a cell
putting forth various offices and highlights for instructing with 3 dots raised, at the highest and base within the left
and upgrading relational abilities of the visually impaired column and over the proper column. Since the 64 particular
individuals. Material learning enables children to investigate characters are never enough to cover all conceivable print
the world through the feeling of touch. signs and their varieties, it is important to utilize multi-
character arrangements for certain reasons. Frequently this is
Revised Manuscript Received on November 15, 2019
cultivated by utilizing certain characters as prefixes or
Khajavali Kovvuru, Department of ECE, Kuppam Engineering indicators that influence the importance of resulting cells.
College, Boggupalle (Andhra Pradesh), India. For instance, a dot 6 preceding a letter shows that the letter
Dr. D. Jayakumar, Associate Professor, Department of ECE, Kuppam is a capital, though else it is comprehended to be lower case.
Engineering College, Boggupalle (Andhra Pradesh), India.
Dr. S. Nanda Kishor , M.Tech., Ph.D., Associate Professor,
Department of ECE, Kuppam Engineering College, Boggupalle (Andhra
Pradesh), India.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: C5826098319/2019©BEIESP 1739 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.C5826.118419 & Sciences Publication
Electronic Braille Alphabet Reader for Multilanguage

For another model, dots 3-4-5-6 called the numeric pointer,

causes certain after letters (A through J) to be reconsidered
as numerals. Dot height, cell size and cell spacing are
constantly uniform as shown in Figure 1. Critical qualities
of the content, for example, italics utilized used for
emphasis must be handled by indicators in braille. An
exemption to that organizing, such as the focusing of
primary headings, is generally utilized in braille similarly
and for the majority of indistinguishable purposes from in

Figure 3: Braille Alphabet in Telugu Language


The design of the system is finished keeping the wants of
Figure 1: The Braille Cell visually impaired people into idea and developed a kit that
There are different adaptions of Braille can assist users with learning by material sign and besides
Level 1, that includes of twenty six commonplace letters of tuning in back the entered letter sets. This kit is helpful for
the letters so as and accentuation. It’s merely utilized by beginning students, grade school understudies, secondary
those that square measure at first commencing to browse school understudies and any degree of training are appeared.
Braille. Equipment segments in this system are associated as shown
Level 2, that involves the twenty six commonplace letters of in Figure 4.
the letters so as, accentuation, and withdrawals. The
withdrawals square measure wont to further area in light-
weight of the very fact that a Braille page cannot work the
maximum amount substance as a regular written page.
Books, signs in open spots, menus, and most alternative
Braille materials square measure written in Grade a pair of
Level 3, that is employed for the foremost half in about to
home letters, journals, and notes, and moreover in Literature
somewhat. It’s a sort of shorthand, with entire words
truncated to a couple of letters.
The following are focused on clarifying the gravity of
visual impedance and visual impairment in India.
1). There is 15 million visually impaired individuals. Figure 4: Hardware block diagram
2). 11.75 million Blind sleep in rural and backward areas.
3). Out of every three visually impaired individuals in the Block Diagram Description:
world one lives in India only. 1) A power supply is a component that provisions
4). There is 9.4 million people with cataract blindness electric power to an electrical load. Typically it changes
problem. over electric flow from a source to the right voltage, flow
5). 6 million individuals becoming visually impaired and and frequency to control the load. As an outcome, control
low vision consistently. supplies are now and again alluded to as electric power
6). 3.2 million youngsters are visually impaired under 16 converters. Some power supplies are isolated independent
years of the age and 95% of them don't get any education. bits of hardware, while others are incorporated with the heap
In general, the visually impaired student needs a typical machines that they control.
individual's help while getting the hang of anything. Be that
as it may, they can utilize the kit according to the necessities 2) Language selector is the Universal Language
in a language of his comfort and begin learning with/without Selector expansion (ULS) gives a versatile strategy to
anybody's help. The Braille Script in English and Telugu design and convey language settings like interface language,
dialects are appeared in Figure 2 and 3. literary styles and information strategies. This will empower
customers to type message in various dialects not directly
supported by their console, read content in a script for which
textual styles are not accessible locally or redo the language
where menus are shown.

Figure 2: Braille Alphabet in English Language

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: C5826098319/2019©BEIESP 1740
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.C5826.118419 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019

3) Braille Slate comprises of brought dots planned up

in cells. A cell is comprised of six dots that fit under the
fingertips, organized in two segments of three dots each.
Every cell addresses a letter, a word, a mix of letters, a
numeral or an accentuation mark. The underlying ten
letters of the letters in order are shaped utilizing the main
four dots (1, 2, 4 and 5). Including a speck 3 makes the
following ten letters and adding a spot 6 to that makes the
last six-letter. Complement is addressed by its own novel
plan of dots, routinely found in the lower some segment of
the cell. In spite of the letter set, the Braille Code joins
various compressions which are braille cells that can
address for a mix of letters or the entire word.

4) Snap activity switch additionally trademarked and

as often as possible known as a smaller scale switch. It
gives numerous actuator design. This switch is used to
open and close the connections with the help of a string.
The switch provides a rapid transfer of contacts from one
position to another position.

5) The Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ is that the most up- Figure 5: Design of braille slate
to-date factor within the Raspberry Pi three space, Displaying the desired alphabet letter when the placed
bragging a 64-bit quad-focus processor with 1.4GHz, two pattern is exactly matched and the output will be displayed
fold band 2.4GHz and 5GHz remote LAN, Bluetooth on the monitor. (See Figure 6)
4.2/BLE, speedier Ethernet and PoE capacity by methods
for an alternate PoE HAT. The twofold band remote LAN
goes with specific consistence accreditation, empowering
the heap up to be organized into definite outcomes with on
a very basic level diminished remote LAN consistence
testing, improving both cost and time to feature.
6) Speaker is to create sound yield that can be heard
by the audience. Speakers’ area unit transducers that
convert magnetic attraction waves into sound waves. The
speakers get sound contribution from a contraption, as an
example a laptop or a sound beneficiary. To decipher a
partner electrical sign into a capable of being heard sound,
speakers contain an electromagnet: a metal loop that
makes an attractive field when an electric flow moves
through it.
Unique Features: Figure 6: Displaying alphabets
1).Particularly helpful for outwardly crippled children (3 to
4 years) V. CONCLUSION
2).Adaptable towards various local languages. Electronic Braille Alphabet Reader for Multilanguage
3).The straightforward learning of Braille with sound yield. empowers the visually challenged children to extend their
4).Diminishes human endeavors for instructing to visually insight in a self-guided simple way and it additionally makes
impaired children. their life simpler to pick up the mastery over Braille content.
5).Long-lasting companion for learning and correspondence. The kit empowers the visually impaired kids to be
autonomous without the need of consistent direction and
IV. RESULTS observing from the instructor to perceive and rehearse the
A cell containing of six spots wherever it fits underneath examples of Braille content.
the fingertips, musical organization in 2 sections of 3 dots
every. Every cell addresses a letter, a word, a mix of letters, REFERENCES
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the considerable number of switches which include alphabet usable buildings and facilities. Chapter 7. Communication Elements
and Features: Section 703 Signs.
representation and special character representation and the 2.
output of each cell is connected as an input to the raspberry Scenario.htm
pi. (See Figure 5)

Published By:
Retrieval Number: C5826098319/2019©BEIESP 1741 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.C5826.118419 & Sciences Publication
Electronic Braille Alphabet Reader for Multilanguage

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Khajavali Kovvuru obtained B.Tech (ECE)

from Kuppam Engineering College and
pursuing M.Tech in Embedded System from
Kuppam Engineering College. He is keen on
exploring various technologies like Artificial
Intelligence, Internet of Things and wearable
electrinics. He is also participated in
entrepreneurship Programmes, International Seminars and College
organized Industrial visits. His areas of interests are Internet of Things and
Embedded Systems.

Dr. D. Jayakumar obtained B.E. (ECE) from

Bharathidasan Engineering College,
Nattrampalli and M.Tech - Applied Electronics
from Dr.M.G.R. Educational and Research
Institute University, Chennai. He has completed
Ph.D. in the area of VLSI signal processing
from St.Peters deemed to be university,
Chennai. He is working as Associate Professor in department of ECE,
Kuppam Engineering College, Kuppam. His areas of interests are VLSI
Design, Signal processing and Embedded Systems.

Dr. S. Nanda Kishor, M.Tech., Ph.D., is working

as Associate Professor in department of ECE,
Kuppam Engineering College, Kuppam. He is a
member in Society of Digital Information and
Wireless Communication, International
Association of Engineers and The Institute of
Engineers and Indian Society for Technical
Education. He has organized multiple

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: C5826098319/2019©BEIESP 1742
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.C5826.118419 & Sciences Publication

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