Vero Poem Analysis

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Use of words to create pictures to the hearts and mind of reader in poetry

In the world of poetry and poetic writing, there is no autonomy. Poets have their work

with the consideration of many things that are all aimed at seeing to it that there is a good

delivery of the message.Poetry is about the use of words to pass a message. Poets are

motivated by many factors when having the presentation of whatever work they have in

poetry. Therefore, there are many factors to consider when looking at a poem. These factors

include form, content, thematic concerns, and diction. Thes are further laced with using

figurative language in a bid to express the intended message with emphasis. Such stylistic

devices is inclusive of imagery, which is intended to have the creation of a mental picture,

through the type of diction and wording by poets. There are poets who have used words in

their poems to create a mental picture in the minds of the readers, engaging them with their

poems. The audience gets to create mental images and pictures in the hearts and minds of the

readers, making whatever the poets are communicating clearer. The poets are Elizabeth Bishop,

Gwendolyn Brooks, and Ha Jin.They have the written the poems, one art, the mother, and

missed time respectively.

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Elizabeth Bishop, in her poem, one art, has employed the use of words to create

pictures in the minds of the readers, in a bid to engage them in the poem. This is important as it

has helped her have a good delivery of her poem, with the audience understanding whatever

she is communicating. The poem is meant to communicate the art of loosing, where Elizabeth

seeks to show how loses are, in the manner of their causes as well as the effects. Instead of

having this communication in a way that is clear and straightforward, Elizabeth has employed

some words to help her in having better illustrations. Firstly,she uses words to pacify the issue

of loosing, by stating that many things are intended to be lost, and this loss brings no

disaster.This way, Elizabeth engages the audience by making them have some attitude of loss as

not something that is intense. She then goes ahead encouraging loss and trying to appear as if

she is encouraging the art of loss. She uses the image of door keys, which is important to a

person, as losing it means that they remain outside, or are forced to spend some time getting a

way to solve the issue, with a solution such as breaking the door. Elizabeth uses images by

starting with things that one does not feel bad on loosing, such as a key and a watch. She

catches the audience by having a transition to things that are of importance, such three houses,

two lovely cities, two rivers and a continent. In fact, these things are had to find.She employs

the use of hyperbole to show this transition, as she ends up saying that all this loss is no

disaster. Elizabeth engages the readers in the poem by having these illustrations and objects,

making the audience see losing to be a small issue. However, all this is in preparation for

passing the message of loosing “you” This is important as it may make the poem appear to be

one that is communicating to a person that is loved, trying to show them that even losing them
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is bearable.If it were not for the correct use of words in that transition, it would have been hard

to have pacification of the whole situation of loosing.

Gwendolyn Brooks, in the poem, the mother, still employs the use of words to create

pictures that engage the hearts and minds of a reader to the poetic work. The poem is trying to

express the idea of abortion, as well as poverty.Poverty is an aspect of the poem, which is a

reason that makes “the mother” having to do away with the pregnancies that she had. She

employs words to have this description, in a way that is appealing to the heart and mind of a

reader. Firstly, the use of the word mother is an irony since she had killed children before they

were born. The words that she uses are used to have this definition, considering that the title of

the poem is a mother, and the first line of the poem is talking of abortion that the mother will

never forget.This is meant to catch the attention of the reader, showing them the irony.The

poet goes ahead and uses words that are attributed to how one enjoys when with a child, as an

intent of showing that it was a great loss to have an abortion. The words are “snacking them,”

“scuffling off ghosts that come,” silence with a sweet” and “winding up the sucking thumb.”

This is still an implication of the torture that she has gone through, especially when the poet is

talking of silencing them. The abortions are torture to “mother” The poet also uses the word

“all” to show how harsh and cruel the mother was, as it is an adjective that is emphatic on

number. The mother also has an imagination of gobbling the children, using the eyes, which

means that she misses them though she never had them. This touches the hearts of the reader,

showing the cruelty of abortion. When the mother is talking about food, with words such as

candy, sweets, and snacks, this is an illustration that she is poor, and may even be having

hunger for food, as the poet talks of gobbling mother –eye.

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Ha Jin, in the poem, missed time, has also employed the use of words to create images

in the hearts and minds of the readers, engaging them in the poem. The poem is meant to

communicate about happiness and legacy that one leave when they die. The poet seeks to

show that realizing happiness in life is important, as one can live well and leave a legacy after

they die. The poet uses the notebook to be a symbol of life.Writing on the notebook refers to

the idea of having actions in life that are to be seen by other, even after death. Therefore, the

notebook, and having a storyless life appeals to the hearts of the readers, showing that the

poet is talking about how one lives. The use of showering light around is meaningful, as it tries

to show some glow in the heart of a reader, and it is from such that they can refer the light to

be happiness.A storyless life is also symbolic to the reader since they can know that it is not to

try doing things for others to see or get impressed.One should live gracefully, and make their

living well.

In conclusion, words are very important in poetry.This is because they contribute to the

imagery as well an as the diction which is used to enhance comprehension by the readers, as

well as the communication of various issues that are addressed by poets whenever they are

presenting their work.

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