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TOEFL Pre-Test
1. The president ....................... the election by a landslide
A. won C. yesterday
B. he won D. fortunately

2. Most species of heliotropes are weeds, ....................... of them are cultivated

A. some C. for some species
B. but some D. some species

3. ....................... when lava cools very rapidly.

A. Because pumice is formed C. Pumice is formed
B. To form pumice D. Forming pumice

4. The boy ....................... to his friend needs a help.

A. has talked C. talk
B. is talking D. talking

5. Those suspected in the string of rubberies ....................... by the police.

A. were arrested C. arresting
B. arrested D. were arresting

Finite : Semua verb yang 1. Berada pada semua kalimat tunggal
berhubungan dengan TENSES, yg E.g: That boy is my friend
mana bisa berubah-ubah sesuai Finite Bebas 2. Berada pada kalimat majemuk, berposisi di
waktu/Sifat kejadian FB induk clause. Tidak diawali conjunction
Auxiliary E.g: After George had returned to his house,
- to be = is/am/are dll he read a book
- to do = do, does, did - Berada pada kalimat majemuk, berposisi di
- to have = have, has, had Finite Terikat anak kalimat. Berawalan conjunction
- modal = can, could FT E.g: After George had returned to his house,
Ordinary - V1, V2, V3, Ving he read a book
E.g : Ving - The boy who is sitting beside you is my friend
Hasil FT FB
Peringkasan - The boy sitting beside you is my friend
kalimat Aktif Inf FB
E.g : V3 - The boy who is phoned by Sarah is my friend
Verb Hasil FT FB
Peringkasan - The boy phoned by Sarah is my friend
Infinite : 3 verb ( Ving,V3, To V) kalimat Passive Inf FB
yang bermakna Verb,
tidak Berhubungan - The most exciting student who learns TOELF
E.g : To V
Infinite verb merupakan Preparation here is Susanti
hasil peringkasan dari FB
Adjective clause
sub-clause/anak kalimat kalimat Aktif, - The most exciting student to learn TOELF
dalam kalimat majemuk subject tertentu Inf
Preparation here is Susanti
S = Superlative degree : the most ........... / ........... est
I = Indefinite pronoun : someone, somebody, something
T = The only : the only .......
I = Indefinite time : the next .......
O = Ordinal Number : the first......., second .......
TOEFL Post-Test

1. .................... primary colors are red, blue, and yellow.

A. There are three C. Three of them
B. The three D. That the three

2. The child .................... playing in the yard is my son.

A. now C. he
B. is D. was

3. .................... who was elected the first woman mayor of Chicago in 1979.
A. It was Jane Byrne C. That Jane Byrne
B. Jane Byrne D. When Jane Byrne

4. Every computer consists of a number of systems .................... together.

A. by working C. they work
B. work D. that work

5. The packages .................... mailed at the post office will arrive monday.
A. have C. them
B. were D. just

6. .................... The dollar as its monetary unit in 1878.

A. Canada Adobted C. It was Adopted by Canada
B. Adobteb by Canada D. The Canadian Adobted of

7. .................... Almost impossible to capture the beauty of the aurora borealis in photographs.
A. Being C. There is
B. It is D. Is

8. Usually political cartoons .................... on the editorial page of a newspaper.

A. appear C. whose appearance
B. by appearing D. when they appear

9. .................... two major art museums, the fogg and the sadler.
A. Harvard University has C. Harvard University, with its
B. At Harvard University D. There at Harvard University

10. .................... for their strong fiber include flax and hemp.
A. Plants are grown C. Plants grow
B. Plants grown D. To grow plants

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