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Skill 2


TOEFL Pre-Test
1. A power failure occured, ....... the lamps went out.
A. then C. later
B. so D. next
Materi: Compound Conjunction (Coordinative Conjunction)
2. Soya protein isolate is used where a high level of protein is required, whether it is dietetic ....... hospital food
A. or C. and also
B. nor D. but aslo
Materi: Compound Conjunction (Corelative Conjunction)
3. When .................... nests during spring nesting season, Canadian geese are fiercely territorial.
A. building C. built
B. are building D. are built
Materi: Complex Conjunction (Adverb Clause [Peringkasan])
4. ....... will be carried in the next space shuttle payload has not yet been announced to the public.
A. It C. When
B. What D. That
Materi: Complex Conjunction (Noun Clause)
5. The fact ....... the most important ratings period is about to begin has caused all three networks to shore up their
A. is that C. that
B. of D. what
Materi: Complex Conjunction (Noun Clause)
6. That is a story of hardship ....... our own situation into perspective.
A. puts C. that it puts
B. it puts D. that puts
Materi: Complex Conjunction (Adjective Clause)
# CONJUNCTION : Kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan Words, Phrases, atau Clauses
baik setara maupun tidak setara
# CLAUSE : Kumpulan beberapa kata yang ada dalam kalimat yang terdiri dari Subject danVerb.

Keterangan = Kata hubung yang menghubungkan hal-hal yang “setara”
– Word : Silver and Gold
– Phrase : Over the river and through the woods
– Clause : George always looks happy, and He always cares to others
Compound Conjuntion Terdiri dari 2 macam
1). Coordinative Conjunction
Conjuntion yang hanya terdiri dari satu kata
– For : karena = I go, for you go
– And : dan = You are kind and friendly
– Nor : tidak juga = Norman is not wicked, nor is he arrogant
– But : tapi = Novan is short, but Mardian is tall
– Or : atau = Tom must write the letter, or Paul will do it
– Yet : namun = Ardi is sleepy, yet he keep studying
– So : sehingga = My mother makes soup, so i don't go to the restaurant
Note : – Ketika menghubungkan Clause penulisan Coordinate Conjunction selalu diawali koma.
– F, N, Y, S = hanya menghubungkan antar (M.C + M.C)
– A, B, O = bisa menghubungkan semua (N – Conj – N ) / (M.C -Conj - M.C)
– Nor = setelahnya berlaku pola inversi (susun balik) (Nor + verb + S)
2). Corelative Conjunction
Conjuntion yang terdiri dari dua kata berpasangan
1. Both ...... and ...... = Keduanya baik ...... dan ......
2. Not only ...... but also ...... = Tidak hanya ...... tapi juga ......
3. Either ...... or ...... = Jika tidak ...... berarti ......
4. Neither ...... nor ...... = Tidak ...... dan juga ......
5. Whether ...... or ...... = Apakah ...... atau ......
1. Both Nova and Dandi come ontime
2. Not only Nova but also Dandi comes ontime
3. Either Nova or Dandi's friends come ontime
4. Neither Nova nor Dandi comes ontime
Note : – Ketika menghubungkan antar subject, conjunction (Both...and...), Verb
– Ketika menghubungkan antar subject, conjunction selain (Both...and...), bentuk
Verb (dipengaruhi oleh Subjek kedua)

Keterangan = Kata hubung yang menghubungkan Clause yang tidak setara. Dikatakan
tidak setara karena clause yang dihubungkan terdiri dari Main Clause dan Sub
Clause yang bisa berupa Adjective Clause, Noun Clause, atau Adverbial Clause.

Contoh: - John went home after he had gone to the store : Adverb Clause
- The man who helped me yesterday was Yuli : Adjective Clause
- George mentioned that he was going to France next month : Noun Clause
Note : - Induk Klausa = Mainclause = Independent Clause
- Anak Klausa = Subclause = Dependent Clause

B. Macam-Macam SUB CLAUSE beserta CONJUNTIONnya

Terdapat 10 macam Adverbial Clause dengan masing-masing conjunction serta maknanya.
No AVC Macam-macam Conjunction & Makna
AVC After,as long as, before, by the time, once, since, until, when, whenever, while
Of Time Setelah, sepanjang, sebelum, menjelang, ketika, sejak, sampai, ketika, kapanpun, ketika
2 Where : dimana wherever : dimanapun
Of Place
AVC Of Although, eventhough, though, even if, much as, not that, whereas, while, despite the fact
Contrast that, inspite of the fact that :Meskipun
AVC of
4 As, because, inasmuch, now that, since, : karena
AVC of so that : sehingga
Result such ... that : betapa ... sehingga. It was such a rainy night that they decided to stay home
AVC of
6 in order that, so that :supaya
AVC of if, even if, in case, only if, provide (that), providing (that), unless, whether ... or whether
Condition Jika, bahkan jika, sebabbisajadi, hanya jika, jika, jika, Jika... tidak, apakah ... atau apakah
AVC of As, as if, as though, in that, just as, like (informal)
Manner Seperti, seolah-olah, seperti, dalam hal, seperti, seperti
AVC of as .... as, so .... as, -er .... than, more .... than, less .... than
Degree sama ..seperti, begitu.. seperti, lebih .. daripada, lebih .. daripada, kurang .. daripada
AVC of That setelah Adjective tertentu
That : Karena
10. Happy, glad, grateful : senang
afraid, sorry, : takut, menyesal
E.g : We are glad that you are feeling better today
Ada beberapa kata atau phrase yang mirip dengan conjunction dalam hal makna, namun mereka
bukanlah conjunction, tapi Preposition atau awalan, serta Transition.

Preposition Makna Conjunction Cara membedakan

1. because of
Untuk memilih kata yang tepat diantara dua kata
2. due to Karena because / since yang memiliki persamaan makna tersebut,
3. on account of pastikan bahwa;
4. in spite of although / - Preposition : Selalu diikuti Noun
5. despite eventhough / Noun Phrase
- Conjunction : Selalu diikuti Clause
6. during Selama when / while

Transition Makna Cara membedakan

Pembeda yang jelas antara ketiga kata yang hampir mirip

Therefore Oleh Karena itu secara makna ini adalah bahwa

- Preposition : Selalu diikuti Noun / Noun Phrase

- Conjunction : Selalu diikuti Clause
Nevertheless Meskipun begitu - Transition : diapit tanda "." diawal, dan ","
I like coofee so much. However, I don’t drink it everyday
However Bagaimanapun/namun

* PERINGKASAN Adverbial Clause dalam bentuk bentuk (ABRIDGMENT Dan REDUCING)

- Adalah Peringkasan dengan menghilangkan Subject dan Verb be jika ada, serta mengganti verb
finite menjadi infinte sesuai active dan passive clausanya
- Syarat subject sub-clause dan main-clausenya sama, serta tidak terdapat modal pada sub-clausenya
- Posisi peringkasan bisa didepan, atau di belakang.

a). Abridgment kalimat Nominal.

- AVC lengkap : When you are finished with the report, you are free to leave
Contoh: : When finnished with the report, you are free to leave (depan)
- Abridgment :
You are free to leave when finnished with the report (blkng)

b). Abridgment pada kalimat Verbal

Abridgment pada kalimat verbal dengan cara menghilangkan Subject, kemudian merubah
bentuk Finite verbnya menjadi V-ing jika clausanya active, atau V3 jika clausanya passive (V3).

AVC lengkap Although he feels rather unwell, The speaker will take part in the
Active seminar
Abridgement Although felling rather unwell, The speaker will take part in the
Contoh: seminar
AVC lengkap Once you are called, you can directly meet the doctor
Abridgement Once called, you can directly meet the doctor

Berikut adalah tabel Jenis Adverbial Clause yang boleh diringkas

AVC of
time condition contrast place Manner
Active since – –
when If
while Although
Once whether
until Where
Passive as
when Wherever

- Adalah Peringkasan dengan menghilangkan Conjunction, Subject dan Verb be jika ada, serta
mengganti verb finite menjadi infinte sesuai active dan passive clausanya
- Syarat sama dengan abridgement
- Posisi peringkasan hanya boleh jika AVC berada didepan.

a.) Reducing kalimat Nominal.

Reducing kalimat nominal, tobe juga dihilangkan
Contoh: - AVC lengkap : When he was a little boy, he was very naughty.
- Reducing : A little boy, he was very naughty

b.) Reducing kalimat Verbal

Contoh 1: - Active Lengkap : Before we go to school, we always have a breakfast first
active - Reducing : Going to school, we always have a breakfast first

Contoh 2: - Passive Lengkap : Once you are called, you can directly meet the doctor
passive - Reducing : Called, you can directly meet the doctor

Contoh 3: - Active Lengkap : After they had finished their supper, the boys went out to play.
perfect - Reducing : Having finished their supper, the boys went out to play.


Adalah subclause yang berfungsi sebagai NOUN. Sebagaimana fungsi NOUN pada umumnya, NOUN
Clause bisa sebagai Subject, Subjective Complement, dan Object.

Contoh: - Where the building is located is never explained.

Conj S V
(Noun Clause )
Noun clause bisa sebagai Subject, Subjective complement, Object, ataupun object of preposition.

1. Where the building is located is never explained = Subject

S (NC) V
2. The problem is that we have no much time to finish it = Subjective complement
S V Subjective Complement (NC)
3. I don’t know who they are = Object
S V O (NC)
4. I'm concerned about who will do this homework = Object of preposition
Prep. O (NC)
Macam-macam Conjunction yang digunakan dalam NOUN CLAUSE

No. Jenis N.C Conjunction Fungsi Contoh

1. Statement Subject That coffe grows in brazil is well known to all
That Subject after it It is well known that coffe grows in brazil
(bahwa) Subjective cmpl. My understanding is that coffee grows in Brazil
object I know that coffee grows in brazil
2. Question Subject Whether he gets the money doesn't concern me.
(yes/no) Wheter Subjective cmpl. The question is whether he will get the money
(or not)
If object Do you know whether/if he will get the money?
(Apakah) Object of prep. We were concerned about whether/if he will get the
Information Who
Question What Subject How he gets the money is his own affair
When Subjective cmpl. The question is how he will het the money
Where object I don't know how he will get the money
How Object of prep. We were concerned about how he would get the
(Makna asli)
3. Request object He suggested that i write the letter soon

4. Exclamation What object I hadn't realized what a pretty girl she was
Object of prep. We talked about how pretty the girl was


Adalah subclause yang berfungsi sebagai ADJECTIVE yang selalu berada setelah Noun yang diterangkan.
Secara umum, conjunction yang digunakan dalam adjective clause bermakna "Yang".
Conjunction ini juga disebut sebagai relative pronoun

Pola Adjective clause, Conjunction dan Contoh

No. Jenis Relative Pronoun Conjunction Contoh
1. Relative Pronoun Subject Laki-laki yang sedang mengajar adalah pak Hanif
who (orang)
Pola : N+ Conj+V The man who is teaching adalah pak Hanif
Mobil yang berada didepan rumahmu kemarin sanat bagus
which (benda)
The car which was infront of your house was very good
that (org/bnd) ................................................................................................
2. Relative Pronoun Object Wanita yang aku baru temui adalah seorang pemandu wisata
whom (orang)
Pola : N+Conj+S+V The woman whom I’ve just met is a guide
Pesanan yang aku kirim kemarin datang hari ini
which (benda)
Pesanan yang aku kirim kemarin datang hari ini
that (org/bnd)
3. Relative Pronoun Mr. Stephen is the man whose the car is new
Possessive whose Mr. Stephen is the man whose the car is new
Pola : N+Conj+N
PERINGKASAN/REDUCING Adjective Clause (Relative Pronoun Subject)

Complete : The car which was infront of your house was very good
Non verbal Conj + Conjunction + be
Reducing : The car infront of your house was very good
Conj + Conjunction + V- Complete : The man who is teaching is Mr. Hanif
ing Reducing : The man teaching is Mr. Hanif
Conj + Conjunction + Complete : The order that was sent yesterday arrived today
V3 Reducing : The order sent yesterday arrived today

TOEFL Post-Test
1. .................... was on television made me angry.
A. It C. What
B. The story D. When

2. This new service will be available to all users .................... up for paid membership.
A. that signed C. which signed
B. that signed it D. sign

3. .................... air is composed of about 78 percent nitrogen and only about 21 percent oxygen, is a little known
fact on the streets.
A. How that C. When
B. That D. However

4. This method is widely used .................... algorithm is not only effective but also very simple.
A. because its C. it is because
B. because D. because of its

5. Instructors who .................... teaching ability are prevalent at this university because publishing is one of the
major criteria for tenure.
A. lack C. do not
B. without D. no have

6. The oldest tree in this part of the world is the redwood, .................... thousands of years old.
A. which may be C. and which
B. its age D. it is

7. A congressional commite has been appointed to study a new procedure .................... to eliminate some costly
A. that is expected C. with expects
B. what is expected D. that expected

8. Dolphins form extremely complicated allegiances and .................... continually change.

A. enmities that C. enmities that are
B. that are enmities D. that enmities

9. ..................... the bad weather, he still chooses to go by air plane.

A. Although C. despite
B. However D. while

10. Swiming is a benefical excercise, ..................... aerobic activity and uses a number of muscle groups.
A. not only because it provides C. for provision
B. because it both provides D. are result of providing
11. ..................... getting the highest result in the class, John still had problems with the teacher.
A. Despite of C. Even though
B. In spite of D. Nonetheless

12. ..................... the variable drops by a unit of 1, the rank drops by X amount.
A. Why C. How
B. Whenever D. What

13. The play performed by Theater EMWE was good, ..................... it could have been improved by adding the sound
A. thus C. but if
B. and D. or

14. Kokanee salmon begin to deteriorate and die soon .................... at the age of four.
A. they spawn C. spawn
B. after spawning D. spawned the salmon
15. Until .................... incorrect, astronomers had assumed that the insides of white dwarfs were uniform.
A. they C. the astronomers recently proven
B. their proof D. recently proven

16. Scientists are now begining to conduct experiments on .................... trigger different sort of helth risk.
A. noise pollution can C. how noise pollution
B. that noise pollution D. how noise pollution can

17. .................... have at least four hours of hazardous materials response training is mandated by federal law.
A. All police officers C. That all police officers
B. All police officers must D. For all police officers

18. One of the areas of multimedia that is growing quickly overlooked .................... is sound
A. yet is easy overlooked C. it is easy overlooked
B. is easy overlooked D. that is easy overlooked

19. Small companies may take their goods abroad for trade shows without paying forreign value-added taxes by
acquiring .................... an ATA carnet
A. A document calls C. calls a document
B. A document called D. called a document

20. .................... in notrh American Waterways less than a decade ago, Zebra mussels have already earned a nasty
reputation for their reputation habit of clogging water pipes in the Great Lakes area
A. The first sighting C. Zebra mussels were first sighted
B. Although first sighted D. First sighting

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