Contacts Log

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* Log opened: 2009-11-15T15:09:11Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:09:11.20] 1198 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C9FA58: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01C92840', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:09:11.20] 1198 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C9FA58: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:09:11.21] 1198 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C9FA58: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:09:12.22] 1198 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C9FA58: (User='', Target=''
[17:09:12.22] 1198 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C9FA58: (User='', Target='')
[17:09:12.25] 17cc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01CA7DA0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:09:14.58] 17cc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01CA60B0: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:09:14.72] 17cc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01CA8968: Initial Sync Starting
[17:09:14.79] 17cc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CB5A18: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:09:18.40] 0ce0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@01CB5A18: status = 301
[17:09:18.40] 0ce0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CB5A18: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:09:26.74] 0ce0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:09:27.36] 17cc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CB5A88: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:09:28.84] 0ce0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@01CB5A88: status = 301
[17:09:28.84] 0ce0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CB5A88: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:09:30.92] 0ce0 Contacts: Roaming CAbPullHandler:
:TestExpressionProfileLastChanged@01CD4538: Storage profile contains updated pro
perties - pulling
[17:09:31.43] 0ce0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:09:32.81] 17cc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01D69F88: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x1 | annotation = 1)
[17:09:32.82] 17cc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01CCF108: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[17:09:35.03] 0ce0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::OnRedirect@01CCF108: Soap API call for got re-directed to: https
[17:09:35.03] 0ce0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01CCF108: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[17:09:37.97] 0ce0 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0692DCC0: *Roaming* CStoragePullHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[17:09:37.97] 0ce0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C9B2F0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-08-21T18:36:54.00-00:00
[17:09:38.02] 17cc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01CA8968: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:09:38.35] 17cc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0692CA70: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-11-15T15:0
[17:09:38.35] 17cc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C9B2F0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-11-15T15:09:48.00-00:00
[17:09:55.94] 17cc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0692CA70: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-11-15T15:1
[17:09:55.94] 17cc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C9B190: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-11-15T15:10:05.00-00:00
[17:09:55.98] 17cc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@06928D18: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:09:56.59] 17cc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0692CA70: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-11-15T15:1
[17:09:56.59] 17cc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C9B2F0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-11-15T15:10:06.00-00:00
[17:23:41.14] 17cc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0692CA70: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-11-15T15:2
[17:23:41.14] 17cc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C9B190: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-11-15T15:23:51.00-00:00
[17:58:47.96] 0a10 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C9FA58: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01C92840'
[17:58:47.96] 0a10 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C9FA58: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2009-11-15T15:58:48Z
* Log opened: 2009-11-22T15:26:39Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:26:39.49] 0320 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@010D87F8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00A2F260', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:26:39.50] 0320 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@010D87F8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:26:39.51] 142c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@010D87F8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:26:39.51] 142c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@010D87F8: (User='', Target='')
[17:26:39.51] 142c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@010D87F8: (User='', Target=''
[17:26:39.65] 045c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@010CD370: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:26:42.91] 045c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@010F2870: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:26:43.95] 045c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@010CD8E8: Initial Sync Starting
[17:26:44.05] 045c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@06C8B340: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-11-22T15:2
[17:26:44.05] 045c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@010CAC88: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-11-22T15:26:54.00-00:00
[17:26:44.43] 045c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0119C900: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:28:47.60] 12c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:28:47.62] 045c Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@010CE178: Removing shadow SID (0x000000d3) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Reverse|Passport|
[17:28:47.68] 045c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0119CB30: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:29:13.41] 12c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:29:13.43] 045c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@06CE17D8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:29:13.43] 045c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@010CD8E8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:43:34.57] 0e90 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@010D87F8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00A2F260'
[17:43:34.58] 0e90 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@010D87F8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2009-11-22T15:43:34Z
* Log opened: 2009-11-24T13:48:49Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:48:50.20] 0ca0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BF43A0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01BDA6F0', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:48:50.20] 0ca0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BF43A0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:48:50.39] 0ca0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BF43A0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:48:50.39] 0ca0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BF43A0: (User='', Target='')
[15:48:50.39] 0ca0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BF43A0: (User='', Target=''
[15:48:50.47] 089c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BE1EC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:48:55.17] 0e48 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01BF43A0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01BDA6F0'
[15:48:55.18] 0e48 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BF43A0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2009-11-24T13:49:01Z
* Log opened: 2009-11-27T11:47:14Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[13:47:14.03] 07b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00EBF860: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0002F220', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:47:14.04] 07b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00EBF860: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:47:14.08] 07b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00EBF860: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:47:14.08] 07b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00EBF860: (User='', Target='')
[13:47:14.08] 07b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00EBF860: (User='', Target=''
[13:47:14.10] 0c38 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00ECEE40: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:47:17.86] 0c38 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00EE3670: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:47:19.35] 0c38 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00ECE488: Initial Sync Starting
[13:47:19.55] 0c38 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@05EC6E18: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-11-27T11:4
[13:47:19.55] 0c38 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00EB9650: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-11-27T11:47:29.00-00:00
[13:47:19.71] 0c38 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F8D700: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:47:23.48] 0b58 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:47:23.51] 0c38 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F8D770: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:47:24.99] 0b58 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:47:25.00] 0c38 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@00ECEC20: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:47:25.00] 0c38 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00ECE488: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:53:34.07] 0c38 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@05EC6E18: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-11-27T11:5
[13:53:34.07] 0c38 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00EB95F8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-11-27T11:53:44.00-00:00
[14:03:13.98] 0d34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00EBF860: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0002F220'
[14:03:13.98] 0d34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00EBF860: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2009-11-27T12:03:15Z
* Log opened: 2009-12-01T10:41:16Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:41:16.49] 0c6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F91490: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F76E18', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:41:16.52] 0c6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F91490: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:41:16.59] 0c6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F91490: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:41:16.59] 0c6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F91490: (User='', Target='')
[12:41:16.59] 0c6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F91490: (User='', Target=''
[12:41:16.61] 0d28 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F8CB98: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:41:19.79] 0d28 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F7EBE8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:41:20.32] 0d28 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F87378: Initial Sync Starting
[12:41:20.45] 0d28 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@066E5D60: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-12-01T10:4
[12:41:20.45] 0d28 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FE4188: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-12-01T10:41:30.00-00:00
[12:41:20.58] 0d28 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0104B3A8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:41:22.63] 09e8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F91490: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F76E18'
[12:41:22.64] 09e8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F91490: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[12:41:30.29] 0f54 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:41:30.30] 09e8 Contacts: Replication CSyncOperationC
allback::LogResult@0105C3A0: Sync error hr = 0x80004004 for operation = 2
[12:41:30.65] 09e8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::~CU
serState@00F91490: (User='') exited with 00000001 sync
* Log closed (normally) at 2009-12-01T10:41:33Z
* Log opened: 2009-12-01T11:29:13Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[13:29:13.70] 0ed8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BEE900: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01BEAB00', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:29:13.71] 0ed8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BEE900: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:29:13.71] 0ed8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BEE900: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:29:13.71] 0ed8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BEE900: (User='', Target='')
[13:29:13.71] 0ed8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BEE900: (User='', Target=''
[13:29:13.77] 0794 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BEF270: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:29:15.53] 0794 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C12E40: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:29:16.11] 0794 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C025C8: Initial Sync Starting
[13:29:16.18] 0794 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@06019C68: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-12-01T11:2
[13:29:16.18] 0794 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@06016920: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-12-01T11:29:26.00-00:00
[13:29:16.29] 0794 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CC9C18: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:29:20.28] 0c64 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:29:20.31] 0794 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CC9C18: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:29:23.48] 0c64 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:29:23.52] 0794 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@06022710: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:29:23.52] 0794 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01C025C8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:31:06.90] 0e6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01BEE900: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01BEAB00'
[13:31:06.90] 0e6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BEE900: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2009-12-01T11:31:07Z
* Log opened: 2009-12-01T11:35:03Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[13:35:03.08] 0d1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F51AE8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F4B5E8', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:35:03.08] 0d1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F51AE8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:35:03.09] 0d1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F51AE8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:35:03.09] 0d1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F51AE8: (User='', Target='')
[13:35:03.09] 0d1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F51AE8: (User='', Target=''
[13:35:03.11] 0f6c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F4E0F8: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:35:09.83] 0f6c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F6B138: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:35:10.31] 0f6c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F6CAB0: Initial Sync Starting
[13:35:10.79] 0f6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@068E70C0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-12-01T11:3
[13:35:10.79] 0f6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01015DE0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-12-01T11:35:20.00-00:00
[13:35:10.96] 0f6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01019268: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:35:15.46] 08b4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:35:15.47] 0f6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010193B8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:35:17.47] 08b4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:35:17.48] 0f6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@068EE3E0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:35:17.48] 0f6c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F6CAB0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:35:23.62] 0e9c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F51AE8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F4B5E8'
* Log opened: 2009-12-01T12:59:49Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[14:59:49.64] 0984 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BFE4C8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01BFA708', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:59:49.65] 0984 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BFE4C8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:59:49.73] 0984 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BFE4C8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:59:49.73] 0984 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BFE4C8: (User='', Target='')
[14:59:49.73] 0984 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BFE4C8: (User='', Target=''
[14:59:49.77] 0510 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BF0C08: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:00:01.22] 0510 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C213B8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:00:03.65] 0510 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C0E420: Initial Sync Starting
[15:00:07.96] 0510 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C3FB20: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-12-01T13:0
[15:00:07.96] 0510 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01CD01E0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-12-01T13:00:17.00-00:00
[15:00:08.17] 0510 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CD39F8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:00:12.15] 0754 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:00:12.16] 0510 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CD39F8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:00:15.50] 0754 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:00:15.60] 0510 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01BFE820: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:00:15.61] 0510 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01C0E420: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[15:03:36.84] 07f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01BFE4C8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01BFA708'
[15:03:36.84] 07f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BFE4C8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[15:03:36.84] 0510 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BF0C08: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a45, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:03:36.84] 0510 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BF0C08: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a78, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:03:36.84] 0510 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BF0C08: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a20, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:03:36.84] 0510 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BF0C08: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a54, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:03:36.84] 0510 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BF0C08: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a2f, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:03:36.84] 0510 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BF0C08: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a63, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:03:36.84] 0510 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BF0C08: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a3f, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
* Log opened: 2009-12-03T10:52:15Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:52:15.74] 0eec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B71380: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01B5C7C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:52:15.76] 0eec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B71380: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:52:15.77] 0eec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B71380: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:52:15.77] 0eec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B71380: (User='', Target='')
[12:52:15.77] 0eec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B71380: (User='', Target=''
[12:52:15.81] 07f8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B6F9E8: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:52:19.60] 07f8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B83BC8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:52:20.14] 07f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01B7AF30: Initial Sync Starting
[12:52:20.28] 07f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@06FE85F8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-12-03T10:5
[12:52:20.28] 07f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BC4550: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-12-03T10:52:30.00-00:00
[12:52:20.47] 07f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C293A0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:52:22.63] 0b50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B71380: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01B5C7C0'
[12:52:22.64] 0b50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B71380: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[12:52:48.26] 0ee0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:52:48.35] 0b50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::~CU
serState@01B71380: (User='') exited with 00000001 sync
* Log closed (normally) at 2009-12-03T10:52:48Z
* Log opened: 2009-12-04T14:33:46Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:33:47.19] 0e34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C408A8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01C4A708', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:33:47.23] 0e34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C408A8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:33:47.38] 0e34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C408A8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:33:47.38] 0e34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C408A8: (User='', Target='')
[16:33:47.38] 0e34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C408A8: (User='', Target=''
[16:33:47.40] 083c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C60A88: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:33:56.00] 083c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C72B00: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:33:57.11] 083c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C51C88: Initial Sync Starting
[16:33:59.57] 083c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@06827660: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-12-04T14:3
[16:33:59.57] 083c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01CB09B8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-12-04T14:34:09.00-00:00
[16:33:59.70] 083c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D16DC8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:34:03.82] 0e34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C408A8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01C4A708'
* Log opened: 2009-12-04T15:22:22Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:22:22.70] 049c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BBB730: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01BAA8E0', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:22:22.79] 049c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BBB730: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:22:22.79] 049c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BBB730: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:22:22.79] 049c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BBB730: (User='', Target='')
[17:22:22.79] 049c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BBB730: (User='', Target=''
[17:22:22.82] 0334 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BB74C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:22:23.72] 0334 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BAE968: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:22:24.21] 0334 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01BBE868: Initial Sync Starting
[17:22:24.38] 0334 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@06AF5740: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-12-04T15:2
[17:22:24.38] 0334 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C122A0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-12-04T15:22:34.00-00:00
[17:22:24.50] 0334 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C780C0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:22:27.69] 0bf0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:22:27.70] 0334 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C780C0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:22:29.82] 0bf0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:22:36.81] 0334 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@06AF5740: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:22:36.81] 0334 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01BBE868: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:22:59.29] 0e50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01BBB730: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01BAA8E0'
[17:22:59.29] 0e50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BBB730: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2009-12-04T15:23:05Z
* Log opened: 2009-12-09T11:39:49Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[13:39:49.38] 0c78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01CE46B8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01CEA3A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:39:49.38] 0c78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01CE46B8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:39:49.38] 0c78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01CE46B8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:39:49.38] 0c78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01CE46B8: (User='', Target='')
[13:39:49.38] 0c78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01CE46B8: (User='', Target=''
[13:39:49.41] 0eb0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01CF1B90: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:39:52.33] 0eb0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01D15368: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:39:53.01] 0eb0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01CF6EB8: Initial Sync Starting
[13:40:04.93] 0eb0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00822840: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-12-09T11:4
[13:40:04.93] 0eb0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01DBB4F8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-12-09T11:40:14.00-00:00
[13:40:05.02] 0eb0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D064E8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:40:10.49] 0480 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:40:10.56] 0eb0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D064E8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:40:14.39] 0480 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:40:14.55] 0eb0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@067CEC58: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:40:14.56] 0eb0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01CF6EB8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:40:23.44] 0c78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01CE46B8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01CEA3A0'
[13:40:23.44] 0c78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01CE46B8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2009-12-09T11:40:30Z
* Log opened: 2009-12-12T11:52:18Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[13:52:18.91] 0f08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B3F008: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01B3A8E0', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:52:18.92] 0f08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B3F008: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:52:19.03] 0f08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B3F008: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:52:19.03] 0f08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B3F008: (User='', Target='')
[13:52:19.03] 0f08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B3F008: (User='', Target=''
[13:52:19.06] 037c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B5BED0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:52:19.93] 037c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B420D0: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:52:20.35] 037c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01B52448: Initial Sync Starting
[13:52:20.56] 037c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C1FE78: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-12-12T11:5
[13:52:20.56] 037c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BA15C0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-12-12T11:52:30.00-00:00
[13:52:20.73] 037c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BC13C8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:52:33.05] 0d44 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:52:33.06] 037c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BC13C8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:52:35.11] 0d44 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:52:35.12] 037c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01C1FE78: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:52:35.12] 037c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01B52448: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:53:42.00] 0914 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B3F008: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01B3A8E0'
[13:53:42.00] 0914 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B3F008: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2009-12-12T11:53:43Z
* Log opened: 2009-12-15T10:28:51Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:28:51.15] 049c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01025FF0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0100A8E0', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:28:51.16] 049c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01025FF0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:28:51.18] 049c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01025FF0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:28:51.19] 049c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01025FF0: (User='', Target='')
[12:28:51.19] 049c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01025FF0: (User='', Target=''
[12:28:51.21] 0c60 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01011B28: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:28:54.55] 0c60 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0100F008: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:28:55.33] 0c60 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0101E910: Initial Sync Starting
[12:29:03.54] 0c60 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@010010F0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-12-15T10:2
[12:29:03.54] 0c60 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01026990: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-12-15T10:29:13.00-00:00
[12:29:03.73] 0c60 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010D82B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:29:08.47] 0318 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:29:08.52] 0c60 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010D82B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:29:12.50] 0318 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@010D82B0: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = FullSyncRequired
[12:29:12.50] 0318 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010D8400: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:29:17.56] 0318 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:29:17.72] 0c60 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@06428CB0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:29:17.72] 0c60 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0101E910: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:33:20.87] 0c60 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@007128C8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-12-15T10:3
[12:33:20.88] 0c60 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@010268E0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-12-15T10:33:30.00-00:00
[12:35:00.10] 1098 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01025FF0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0100A8E0'
* Log opened: 2009-12-16T10:08:19Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:08:19.82] 0c24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01AD6518: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01ADAC28', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:08:19.83] 0c24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01AD6518: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:08:19.83] 0c24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01AD6518: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:08:19.83] 0d28 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01AD6518: (User='', Target='')
[12:08:19.83] 0d28 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01AD6518: (User='', Target=''
[12:08:19.85] 0894 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01AD6638: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:08:21.29] 0894 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01AEF160: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:08:21.70] 0894 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01AE9090: Initial Sync Starting
[12:08:22.76] 0894 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BA7740: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:08:29.08] 09f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:08:29.09] 0894 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@06112718: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-12-16T10:0
[12:08:29.09] 0894 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01B5B0F0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-12-16T10:08:39.00-00:00
[12:08:29.14] 0894 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BA7820: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:08:34.07] 09f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:08:34.08] 0894 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@06112718: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:08:34.08] 0894 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01AE9090: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:20:05.81] 08e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01AD6518: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01ADAC28'
[12:20:05.82] 08e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01AD6518: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2009-12-16T10:20:06Z
* Log opened: 2009-12-17T14:56:11Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:56:11.54] 07f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B7F730: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01B72840', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:56:11.54] 07f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B7F730: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:56:11.57] 07f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B7F730: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:56:11.57] 07f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B7F730: (User='', Target='')
[16:56:11.57] 07f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B7F730: (User='', Target=''
[16:56:11.60] 0c44 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B8BC20: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:56:14.51] 0c44 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BA2FA8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:56:15.07] 0c44 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01B8C378: Initial Sync Starting
[16:56:15.22] 0c44 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@06736960: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-12-17T14:5
[16:56:15.22] 0c44 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01B7AA38: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-12-17T14:56:25.00-00:00
[16:56:15.44] 0c44 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C4AA90: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:56:55.39] 0348 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:56:55.40] 0c44 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C4AA90: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:57:02.02] 0348 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:57:02.04] 0c44 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01B708C8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:57:02.04] 0c44 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01B8C378: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:57:10.46] 0fe0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B7F730: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01B72840'
[16:57:10.46] 0fe0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B7F730: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2009-12-17T14:59:42Z
* Log opened: 2009-12-19T08:53:54Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[10:53:54.87] 0c0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B720C0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01B6A8E0', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:53:54.90] 0c0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B720C0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:53:55.04] 0c0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B720C0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[10:53:55.04] 0c0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B720C0: (User='', Target='')
[10:53:55.04] 0c0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B720C0: (User='', Target=''
[10:53:55.06] 0fec Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B7B730: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[10:53:55.97] 0fec Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B99AC0: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[10:53:56.41] 0fec Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01B7BC28: Initial Sync Starting
[10:53:57.13] 0fec Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@066C7D88: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-12-19T08:5
[10:53:57.13] 0fec Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BD8678: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-12-19T08:54:07.00-00:00
[10:53:57.21] 0fec Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C3A630: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:54:10.30] 02c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:54:10.39] 0fec Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C3A6A0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:54:12.44] 02c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:54:12.45] 0fec Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@066C7D88: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[10:54:12.45] 0fec Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01B7BC28: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[10:54:49.19] 0c0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B720C0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01B6A8E0'
[10:54:49.19] 0c0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B720C0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2009-12-19T08:54:50Z
* Log opened: 2009-12-19T17:00:41Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[19:00:41.44] 0120 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01D1EC68: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01D02830', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:00:41.45] 0120 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01D1EC68: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:00:41.47] 071c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01D1EC68: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[19:00:41.47] 071c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01D1EC68: (User='', Target='')
[19:00:41.47] 071c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01D1EC68: (User='', Target=''
[19:00:41.57] 0dc4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01D12340: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[19:00:45.90] 0dc4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01D30ED8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[19:00:46.64] 0dc4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01D2A240: Initial Sync Starting
[19:00:46.83] 0dc4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@06FAA700: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-12-19T17:0
[19:00:46.83] 0dc4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01D0A5B8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-12-19T17:00:56.00-00:00
[19:00:46.95] 0dc4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01DDD530: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:00:49.49] 0a68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:00:49.49] 0dc4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01DDD530: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:00:51.14] 0a68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:00:51.15] 0dc4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@06FAA700: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:00:51.15] 0dc4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01D2A240: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:01:00.13] 0dc4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01D21E60: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[19:01:01.64] 0a68 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01D124B0: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[19:01:01.64] 0a68 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01D124B0: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[19:01:01.64] 0a68 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@01DDDFC0: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[19:01:03.63] 0a68 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::OnRedirect@01DDDFC0: Soap API call for got re-directed to: h
[19:01:03.63] 0a68 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@01DDDFC0: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[19:01:05.25] 0a68 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01D124B0: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 2
[19:01:05.25] 0a68 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01D124B0: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=2
[19:01:05.25] 0a68 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@01D22020: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateProfile
[19:01:06.59] 0a68 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::OnRedirect@01D22020: Soap API call for got re-directed to: ht
[19:01:06.59] 0a68 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@01D22020: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateProfile
[19:01:08.10] 0a68 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01D124B0: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 5
[19:01:08.10] 0a68 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01D124B0: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=5
[19:01:08.14] 0a68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@06FAA718: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[19:01:09.83] 0a68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@06FAA718: status = 301
[19:01:09.83] 0a68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@06FAA718: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[19:01:11.40] 0a68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:01:11.40] 0a68 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01D124B0: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[19:01:11.41] 0a68 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01D0A560: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-12-19T17:01:05.00-00:00
[19:01:11.57] 0dc4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01D125C8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-12-19T17:0
[19:01:11.57] 0dc4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01D0A5B8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-12-19T17:01:21.00-00:00
[19:01:33.14] 0120 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@01D1ECC4: ABChangeNotify Alert [2009-12-19T09:01:08.72-08:
[19:01:33.16] 0dc4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D212D0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:01:34.60] 0a68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:01:34.60] 0dc4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D212D0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:01:36.10] 0a68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:14:07.17] 0cdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01D1EC68: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01D02830'
[19:14:07.17] 0cdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01D1EC68: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2009-12-19T17:14:08Z
* Log opened: 2009-12-22T13:49:39Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:49:39.92] 0bdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B91900: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01B83410', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:49:39.92] 0bdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B91900: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:49:40.11] 0bdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B91900: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:49:40.11] 0bdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B91900: (User='', Target='')
[15:49:40.11] 0bdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B91900: (User='', Target=''
[15:49:40.14] 0ac0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B91A20: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:49:45.63] 0ac0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B9DFF0: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:49:46.60] 0ac0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01B90630: Initial Sync Starting
[15:49:49.09] 0ac0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@068ECAF8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-12-22T13:4
[15:49:49.09] 0ac0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C5E348: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-12-22T13:49:59.00-00:00
[15:49:49.36] 0ac0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C5BBF8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:49:59.95] 0fcc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:50:00.07] 0ac0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C5BBF8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:50:06.17] 0fcc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:50:06.20] 0ac0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@068EE890: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:50:06.20] 0ac0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01B90630: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[15:51:02.24] 0bdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B91900: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01B83410'
[15:51:02.24] 0bdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B91900: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[15:54:14.79] 0da0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0021FEB8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01BBB270', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:54:14.80] 0da0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0021FEB8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:54:14.83] 1140 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0021FEB8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:54:14.83] 1140 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0021FEB8: (User='', Target='')
[15:54:14.83] 1140 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0021FEB8: (User='', Target=''
[15:54:14.84] 114c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@068F4968: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:54:16.42] 114c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@068F4A40: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:54:17.21] 114c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01BF65D8: Initial Sync Starting
[15:54:17.35] 114c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01BB89C8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-12-22T13:5
[15:54:17.35] 114c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01B84B08: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-12-22T13:54:27.00-00:00
[15:54:17.38] 114c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C14C90: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:54:23.99] 1140 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0021FEB8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01BBB270'
* Log opened: 2009-12-23T13:43:01Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:43:01.49] 0e5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B07360: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01AFA9B0', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:43:01.62] 0e5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B07360: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:43:01.72] 0e5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B07360: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:43:01.72] 0e5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B07360: (User='', Target='')
[15:43:01.72] 0e5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B07360: (User='', Target=''
[15:43:01.74] 0348 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B23798: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:43:04.72] 0348 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B29090: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:43:05.72] 0348 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01B0E738: Initial Sync Starting
[15:43:06.63] 0348 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0652A2F8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-12-23T13:4
[15:43:06.63] 0348 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@06529710: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-12-23T13:43:16.00-00:00
[15:43:06.86] 0348 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BD9848: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:43:12.25] 0738 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:43:12.26] 0348 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BD9848: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:43:18.88] 0738 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:43:18.92] 0348 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0652A2F8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:43:18.92] 0348 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01B0E738: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[15:43:34.25] 0e5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B07360: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01AFA9B0'
[15:43:34.26] 0e5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B07360: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2009-12-23T13:43:35Z
* Log opened: 2009-12-24T10:45:27Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:45:27.07] 0ea4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F2DB40: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F2A518', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:45:27.08] 0ea4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F2DB40: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:45:27.19] 0ea4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F2DB40: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:45:27.19] 0ea4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F2DB40: (User='', Target='')
[12:45:27.19] 0ea4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F2DB40: (User='', Target=''
[12:45:27.21] 051c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F41598: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:45:32.07] 051c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F50528: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:45:32.59] 051c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F2EBF8: Initial Sync Starting
[12:45:32.71] 051c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@070FB888: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-12-24T10:4
[12:45:32.71] 051c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FFF508: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-12-24T10:45:42.00-00:00
[12:45:32.80] 051c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FFC310: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:46:06.79] 009c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:46:06.80] 051c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FFC310: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:46:11.52] 009c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:46:11.53] 051c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@002C75A0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:46:11.53] 051c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F2EBF8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:47:24.78] 09d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F2DB40: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F2A518'
[12:47:24.79] 09d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F2DB40: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2009-12-24T10:47:35Z
* Log opened: 2009-12-29T12:55:08Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[14:55:08.35] 0960 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FB15A8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F9A8E0', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:55:08.35] 0960 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FB15A8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:55:08.43] 0960 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FB15A8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:55:08.44] 0960 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FB15A8: (User='', Target='')
[14:55:08.44] 0960 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FB15A8: (User='', Target=''
[14:55:08.51] 04b8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FAD2B0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:55:11.71] 04b8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FAEAA8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:55:12.63] 04b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F9F008: Initial Sync Starting
[14:55:13.02] 04b8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@067C9FF8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2009-12-29T12:5
[14:55:13.02] 04b8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01069168: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2009-12-29T12:55:23.00-00:00
[14:55:13.24] 04b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0106C168: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:55:23.43] 0960 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FB15A8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F9A8E0'
[14:55:23.44] 0960 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FB15A8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[14:55:26.22] 08f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:55:26.36] 0960 Contacts: UserState CUserState::~CU
serState@00FB15A8: (User='') exited with 00000001 sync
* Log closed (normally) at 2009-12-29T12:55:34Z
* Log opened: 2009-12-30T12:00:56Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[14:00:56.89] 0cf4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B918E8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01B8A930', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:00:56.89] 0cf4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B918E8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:00:56.89] 0cf4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B918E8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:00:57.98] 0cf4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B918E8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01B8A930'
[14:00:58.03] 0cf4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B918E8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2009-12-30T12:01:00Z
* Log opened: 2009-12-30T14:13:04Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:13:04.69] 0de8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FB1D18: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FAAD20', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:13:04.69] 0de8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FB1D18: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:13:04.70] 0de8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FB1D18: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:13:06.10] 0bb4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FB1D18: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FAAD20'
[16:13:06.10] 0bb4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FB1D18: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2009-12-30T14:13:08Z
* Log opened: 2010-01-02T04:07:46Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[06:07:46.85] 0edc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BD1B30: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01BCB3F0', auth='7', sync='0'
[06:07:46.85] 0edc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BD1B30: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[06:07:46.85] 0edc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BD1B30: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[06:08:11.33] 0edc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BD1B30: (User='', Target=''
[06:08:11.33] 0edc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BD1B30: (User='', Target='')
[06:08:11.37] 0ab8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BDA098: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[06:08:12.54] 0ab8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BE4480: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[06:08:13.08] 0ab8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01BDA970: Initial Sync Starting
[06:08:13.18] 0ab8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BE8080: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[06:08:20.96] 0edc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01BD1B30: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01BCB3F0'
[06:08:20.96] 0edc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BD1B30: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[06:08:24.21] 0c54 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[06:08:24.42] 0edc Contacts: UserState CUserState::~CU
serState@01BD1B30: (User='') exited with 00000001 sync
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-01-02T04:08:35Z
* Log opened: 2010-01-03T11:11:51Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[13:11:51.32] 046c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01D01960: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01CFA130', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:11:51.32] 046c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01D01960: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:11:51.33] 046c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01D01960: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:11:52.63] 046c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01D01960: (User='', Target=''
[13:11:52.63] 046c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01D01960: (User='', Target='')
[13:11:52.67] 0f70 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01D09EC8: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:11:53.54] 0f70 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01D142B8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:11:53.96] 0f70 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01D0A7A0: Initial Sync Starting
[13:11:54.05] 0f70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D17EB8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:12:01.30] 0e8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:12:01.40] 0f70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D17F28: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:12:20.29] 0cb0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01D01960: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01CFA130'
[13:12:20.29] 0cb0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01D01960: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[13:12:41.33] 0e8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:12:41.34] 0f70 Contacts: Replication CSyncOperationC
allback::LogResult@01DDB520: Sync error hr = 0x84CB0007 for operation = 1
[13:12:41.40] 0cb0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::~CU
serState@01D01960: (User='') exited with 00000001 sync
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-01-03T11:12:41Z
* Log opened: 2010-01-03T13:41:31Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:41:31.43] 0f68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B91DC0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01B88380', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:41:31.43] 0f68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B91DC0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:41:31.43] 0f68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B91DC0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:41:41.70] 0f68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B91DC0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01B88380'
[15:41:41.71] 0f68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B91DC0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-01-03T13:42:05Z
* Log opened: 2010-01-05T13:16:08Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:16:08.67] 0e6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01AD2788: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01AC2830', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:16:08.67] 0e6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01AD2788: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:16:08.68] 0e6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01AD2788: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:16:22.83] 0e6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01AD2788: (User='', Target=''
[15:16:22.83] 0e6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01AD2788: (User='', Target='')
[15:16:22.88] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01ADB3A0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:16:24.40] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01ADC320: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:16:24.81] 0ac8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01ADB9F0: Initial Sync Starting
[15:16:24.90] 0ac8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01AE9190: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:16:56.15] 0ab4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:16:56.15] 0ac8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01AE9190: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:17:17.17] 0ab4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:17:17.23] 0ac8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@068122F0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:17:17.23] 0ac8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01ADB9F0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[15:17:17.51] 0ac8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@068122F0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-01-05T13:1
[15:17:17.51] 0ac8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01ACA5B8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-01-05T13:17:27.00-00:00
[15:17:41.96] 0ac8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@06812EC8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-01-05T13:1
[15:17:41.97] 0ac8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01ACA5B8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-01-05T13:17:51.00-00:00
[15:17:42.00] 0ac8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0680FBB0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:17:42.70] 0ac8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0680C5D8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-01-05T13:1
[15:17:42.70] 0ac8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01ACA508: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-01-05T13:17:52.00-00:00
[15:17:56.70] 08f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01AD2788: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01AC2830'
[15:17:56.71] 08f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01AD2788: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[15:17:56.73] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01ADB3A0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a45, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:17:56.73] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01ADB3A0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a78, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:17:56.73] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01ADB3A0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a20, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:17:56.73] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01ADB3A0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a54, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:17:56.74] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01ADB3A0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a2f, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:17:56.74] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01ADB3A0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a63, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:17:56.74] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01ADB3A0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a3f, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:17:56.74] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01ADB3A0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a72, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:17:56.74] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01ADB3A0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a1a, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:17:56.74] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01ADB3A0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a4e, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:17:56.74] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01ADB3A0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a29, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:17:56.74] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01ADB3A0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a5d, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:17:56.74] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01ADB3A0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a39, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:17:56.74] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01ADB3A0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a14, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:17:56.74] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01ADB3A0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a48, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:17:56.74] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01ADB3A0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a23, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:17:56.74] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01ADB3A0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a57, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:17:56.75] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01ADB3A0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a32, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:17:56.75] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01ADB3A0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a66, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:17:56.75] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01ADB3A0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a42, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:17:56.75] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01ADB3A0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a75, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:17:56.75] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01ADB3A0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a1d, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:17:56.75] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01ADB3A0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a2c, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:17:56.75] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01ADB3A0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a60, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:17:56.75] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01ADB3A0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a3c, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:17:56.75] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01ADB3A0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a6f, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:17:56.75] 0ac8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01ADB3A0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a17, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[15:19:08.87] 0c20 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01AC1220: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01AD16F8', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:19:08.89] 0c20 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01AC1220: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:19:08.90] 0c20 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01AC1220: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:19:08.90] 0c20 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01AC1220: (User='', Target='')
[15:19:08.90] 0c20 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01AC1220: (User='', Target=''
[15:19:08.91] 16a8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01AC2278: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:19:09.94] 16a8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01AC2350: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:19:10.38] 16a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@067F1108: Initial Sync Starting
[15:19:10.39] 16a8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01AC3CC8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-01-05T13:1
[15:19:10.39] 16a8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01B71380: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-01-05T13:19:20.00-00:00
[15:19:10.43] 16a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@067F1108: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[15:19:10.43] 16a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@067F1108: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[15:19:10.43] 16a8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01AF9270: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:19:10.43] 16a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@067F1108: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[15:19:10.43] 16a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@067F1108: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[15:42:11.66] 0ed8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01AC1220: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01AD16F8'
[15:42:11.67] 0ed8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01AC1220: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-01-05T13:42:12Z
* Log opened: 2010-01-09T10:04:28Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:04:28.51] 0ac4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B760A8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0018F220', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:04:28.52] 0ac4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B760A8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:04:28.64] 0ac4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B760A8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:04:28.64] 0ac4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B760A8: (User='', Target='')
[12:04:28.64] 0ac4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B760A8: (User='', Target=''
[12:04:28.67] 0820 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B71A20: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:04:29.74] 0820 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B8FCA8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:04:30.15] 0820 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01B89410: Initial Sync Starting
[12:04:30.62] 0820 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C4FDD8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-01-09T10:0
[12:04:30.62] 0820 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01B6A778: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-01-09T10:04:40.00-00:00
[12:04:30.71] 0820 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C38CF8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:04:38.79] 0f88 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:04:38.82] 0820 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C38CF8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:04:40.88] 0f88 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:04:40.89] 0820 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01C4FDD8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:04:40.89] 0820 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01B89410: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:06:02.28] 0c68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B760A8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0018F220'
[12:06:02.29] 0c68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B760A8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-01-09T10:06:03Z
* Log opened: 2010-01-12T13:42:00Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:42:00.36] 108c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C417F0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01C2AB00', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:42:00.36] 108c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C417F0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:42:00.52] 108c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C417F0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:42:00.52] 108c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C417F0: (User='', Target='')
[15:42:00.52] 108c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C417F0: (User='', Target=''
[15:42:00.54] 1248 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C41910: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:42:05.33] 1248 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C2E6D0: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:42:06.09] 1248 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C32330: Initial Sync Starting
[15:42:07.65] 1248 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@06868388: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-01-12T13:4
[15:42:07.65] 1248 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01CF77C8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-01-12T13:42:17.00-00:00
[15:42:07.81] 1248 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CFAE30: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:42:14.61] 1318 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:42:14.64] 1248 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CFADC0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:42:18.44] 1318 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:42:18.45] 1248 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@06896F30: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:42:18.45] 1248 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01C32330: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[15:50:52.21] 1580 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C417F0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01C2AB00'
[15:50:52.22] 1580 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C417F0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-01-12T13:50:52Z
* Log opened: 2010-01-14T10:32:02Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:32:02.38] 0df4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C2E948: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0025F220', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:32:02.39] 0df4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C2E948: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:32:02.39] 0df4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C2E948: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:32:02.39] 0df4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C2E948: (User='', Target='')
[12:32:02.39] 0df4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C2E948: (User='', Target=''
[12:32:02.48] 0f60 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C42868: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:32:03.63] 0f60 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C52C60: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:32:04.64] 0f60 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C215A0: Initial Sync Starting
[12:32:07.80] 0f60 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0674C7C0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-01-14T10:3
[12:32:07.80] 0f60 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C2A558: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-01-14T10:32:17.00-00:00
[12:32:07.88] 0f60 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CFC268: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:32:13.25] 0508 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:32:13.28] 0f60 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CFC268: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:32:17.68] 0508 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:32:17.72] 0f60 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0674CCC0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:32:17.72] 0f60 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01C215A0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:33:31.07] 00ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C2E948: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0025F220'
[12:33:31.07] 00ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C2E948: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-01-14T10:33:32Z
* Log opened: 2010-01-15T12:16:35Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[14:16:35.35] 08fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@007875E8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01C82840', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:16:35.36] 08fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@007875E8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:16:35.48] 08fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@007875E8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:16:35.48] 08fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@007875E8: (User='', Target='')
[14:16:35.48] 08fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@007875E8: (User='', Target=''
[14:16:35.52] 0ab4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C915C8: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:16:57.96] 0ab4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01CB5B18: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:16:59.37] 0ab4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01CAEB60: Initial Sync Starting
[14:16:59.99] 0ab4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@067C8FB0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-01-15T12:1
[14:16:59.99] 0ab4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01CF43A0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-01-15T12:17:09.00-00:00
[14:17:00.70] 0ab4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D100E8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:17:31.81] 10fc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:17:31.82] 0ab4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D100E8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:17:34.22] 10fc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:17:34.34] 0ab4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@007827C8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:17:34.34] 0ab4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01CAEB60: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[14:19:10.10] 15c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@007875E8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01C82840'
[14:19:10.12] 15c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@007875E8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[14:20:27.57] 1214 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@067CFE68: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '067C8668', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:20:27.57] 1214 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@067CFE68: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:20:27.59] 0ab8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@067CFE68: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:20:27.60] 0ab8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@067CFE68: (User='', Target='')
[14:20:27.60] 0ab8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@067CFE68: (User='', Target=''
[14:20:27.63] 1168 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C929D8: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:20:45.90] 1168 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C90E48: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:20:48.49] 1168 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01CCD460: Initial Sync Starting
[14:20:48.51] 1168 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@067D78C0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-01-15T12:2
[14:20:48.51] 1168 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C8C898: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-01-15T12:20:58.00-00:00
[14:20:48.66] 1168 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@067D74D8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:20:59.19] 0a8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:20:59.19] 1168 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CCD328: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:22:03.67] 0a8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CCD328: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:22:06.39] 0a8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@01CCD328: status = 301
[14:22:06.39] 0a8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CCD328: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:22:10.72] 0a8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:22:10.75] 1168 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@067D78C0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:22:10.75] 1168 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01CCD460: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[14:24:59.09] 0d38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@067CFE68: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '067C8668'
[14:24:59.09] 0d38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@067CFE68: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-01-15T12:24:59Z
* Log opened: 2010-01-15T12:25:51Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[14:25:51.97] 09d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C8E660: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01C8A250', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:25:52.09] 09d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C8E660: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:25:52.11] 09d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C8E660: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:25:52.11] 09d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C8E660: (User='', Target='')
[14:25:52.11] 09d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C8E660: (User='', Target=''
[14:25:52.14] 0680 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C8E2E8: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:25:53.82] 0680 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C91938: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:25:54.35] 0680 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01CA19C0: Initial Sync Starting
[14:25:54.73] 0680 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C96010: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:26:06.88] 14cc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C96010: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:26:18.89] 14cc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@01C96010: hr = 0x80072ee7, fault = (none)
[14:26:18.92] 14cc Contacts: Replication CSyncOperationC
allback::OnComplete@01D12708: WinInet error hr = 0x80072EE7 for operation = 2 ca
using us to skip remaining steps
[14:26:18.97] 14cc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01CA19C0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80072ee7)
[14:29:43.56] 107c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C8E660: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01C8A250'
[14:29:43.57] 107c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C8E660: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-01-15T12:29:44Z
* Log opened: 2010-01-17T13:50:54Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:50:54.83] 0ea4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01D85B78: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01D8B4F8', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:50:54.84] 0ea4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01D85B78: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:50:54.92] 0ea4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01D85B78: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:50:54.92] 0af8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01D85B78: (User='', Target='')
[15:50:54.92] 0af8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01D85B78: (User='', Target=''
[15:50:55.06] 0b48 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01DA2610: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:50:57.90] 0b48 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01DAFB78: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:50:58.48] 0b48 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01D96F20: Initial Sync Starting
[15:50:58.72] 0b48 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01E6FED0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-01-17T13:5
[15:50:58.72] 0b48 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01DF1088: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-01-17T13:51:08.00-00:00
[15:50:58.93] 0b48 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01E589D8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:51:03.05] 07fc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:51:03.07] 0b48 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01E58968: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:51:07.43] 07fc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:51:07.44] 0b48 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01E6FED0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:51:07.45] 0b48 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01D96F20: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[15:51:35.94] 0c78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01D85B78: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01D8B4F8'
[15:51:35.94] 0c78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01D85B78: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-01-17T13:51:37Z
* Log opened: 2010-01-21T10:27:43Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:27:43.46] 0d58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01CAB7E0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01C9A3A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:27:43.47] 0d58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01CAB7E0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:27:43.51] 0d58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01CAB7E0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:27:43.51] 0d58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01CAB7E0: (User='', Target='')
[12:27:43.51] 0d58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01CAB7E0: (User='', Target=''
[12:27:43.53] 086c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01CB9AB0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:27:45.27] 086c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01CC2A58: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:27:45.83] 086c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01CB9B88: Initial Sync Starting
[12:27:45.93] 086c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01D7FDB8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-01-21T10:2
[12:27:45.93] 086c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01D68118: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-01-21T10:27:55.00-00:00
[12:27:46.08] 086c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D6A9C8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:27:52.62] 0a2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:27:52.65] 086c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D6A9C8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:28:25.56] 0a2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D6A9C8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:28:28.37] 0a2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@01D6A9C8: status = 301
[12:28:28.37] 0a2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D6A9C8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:28:34.70] 0630 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01CAB7E0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01C9A3A0'
[12:28:34.71] 0630 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01CAB7E0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[12:28:40.70] 0a2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:28:40.71] 086c Contacts: Replication CSyncOperationC
allback::LogResult@01D7E5E0: Sync error hr = 0x84CB0007 for operation = 1
[12:28:40.75] 0630 Contacts: UserState CUserState::~CU
serState@01CAB7E0: (User='') exited with 00000001 sync
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-01-21T10:28:45Z
* Log opened: 2010-01-21T13:35:35Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:35:35.22] 047c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01A718D8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01A6A8E0', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:35:35.23] 047c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01A718D8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:35:35.23] 047c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01A718D8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:35:45.56] 087c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01A718D8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01A6A8E0'
[15:35:45.56] 087c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01A718D8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-01-21T13:36:03Z
* Log opened: 2010-01-23T08:50:56Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[10:50:56.57] 0f98 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B11EC8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01B0A708', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:50:56.58] 0f98 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B11EC8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:50:56.58] 0f98 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B11EC8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[10:51:02.55] 0a20 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B11EC8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01B0A708'
[10:51:02.56] 0a20 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B11EC8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-01-23T08:51:05Z
* Log opened: 2010-01-23T16:58:28Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[18:58:28.88] 0874 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B41AF8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01B3AB00', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:58:28.88] 0874 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B41AF8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:58:28.89] 0874 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B41AF8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[18:58:51.48] 0874 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B41AF8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01B3AB00'
[18:58:51.51] 0874 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B41AF8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-01-23T16:58:54Z
* Log opened: 2010-01-24T18:26:20Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:26:20.40] 0fe4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BB1AF8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01BAA8E0', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:26:20.41] 0fe4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BB1AF8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:26:20.41] 0fe4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BB1AF8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:26:22.65] 0fe4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01BB1AF8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01BAA8E0'
[20:26:22.66] 0fe4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BB1AF8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-01-24T18:26:25Z
* Log opened: 2010-01-28T10:21:54Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:21:54.92] 0f60 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F52BB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F43550', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:21:54.93] 0f60 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F52BB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:21:54.93] 0f60 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F52BB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:22:09.14] 0f60 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F52BB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F43550'
[12:22:09.14] 0f60 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F52BB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-01-28T10:22:12Z
* Log opened: 2010-01-30T16:36:00Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[18:36:00.06] 10bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BD1AD0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01BCAB18', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:36:00.06] 10bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BD1AD0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:36:00.06] 10bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BD1AD0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[18:36:03.43] 10bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BD1AD0: (User='', Target=''
[18:36:03.43] 10bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BD1AD0: (User='', Target='')
[18:36:03.46] 10e8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BD2E08: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[18:36:08.22] 10e8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BD1BF0: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[18:36:09.90] 10e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01BD1D68: Initial Sync Starting
[18:36:10.26] 10e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BE9300: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[18:36:24.39] 110c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:36:24.44] 10e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BE9370: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[18:36:26.95] 110c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:36:27.02] 10e8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01BCE0D0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[18:36:27.02] 10e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01BD1D68: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[18:36:27.30] 10e8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@068FAD38: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-01-30T16:3
[18:36:27.30] 10e8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BDC138: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-01-30T16:36:37.00-00:00
[18:36:32.15] 10e8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@068FDEE8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-01-30T16:3
[18:36:32.15] 10e8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BDC1E8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-01-30T16:36:42.00-00:00
[18:36:32.18] 10e8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@06900C98: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[18:36:33.75] 10e8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@068FDEE8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-01-30T16:3
[18:36:33.75] 10e8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BDC138: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-01-30T16:36:43.00-00:00
[18:37:30.32] 1014 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01BD1AD0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01BCAB18'
[18:37:30.32] 1014 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BD1AD0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-01-30T16:37:31Z
* Log opened: 2010-02-04T10:18:10Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:18:10.14] 0abc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BB5E40: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01B99490', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:18:10.15] 0abc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BB5E40: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:18:10.33] 0abc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BB5E40: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:18:10.33] 0abc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BB5E40: (User='', Target='')
[12:18:10.33] 0abc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BB5E40: (User='', Target=''
[12:18:10.38] 0930 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BAE4B0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:18:22.77] 0930 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BC1AA8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:18:24.95] 0930 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01BAE588: Initial Sync Starting
[12:18:25.67] 0930 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C7FED0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-04T10:1
[12:18:25.67] 0930 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C02B88: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-04T10:18:35.00-00:00
[12:18:25.89] 0930 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C68A80: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:18:30.55] 0af0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:18:30.58] 0930 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C68A80: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:18:32.81] 0af0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:18:32.89] 0930 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01C7FED0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:18:32.89] 0930 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01BAE588: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:19:17.47] 0abc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01BB5E40: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01B99490'
[12:19:17.48] 0abc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BB5E40: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-02-04T10:19:18Z
* Log opened: 2010-02-04T16:06:10Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[18:06:10.97] 0518 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C30C00: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01C29598', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:06:10.98] 0518 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C30C00: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:06:10.98] 0518 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C30C00: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[18:06:10.98] 0518 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C30C00: (User='', Target='')
[18:06:10.98] 0518 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C30C00: (User='', Target=''
[18:06:11.01] 0b48 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C3D758: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[18:06:19.40] 0b48 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C531C0: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[18:06:20.07] 0b48 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C3E058: Initial Sync Starting
[18:06:20.96] 0b48 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@06969930: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-04T16:0
[18:06:20.96] 0b48 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01CF9118: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-04T16:06:30.00-00:00
[18:06:21.17] 0b48 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CFC158: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[18:06:26.58] 0f4c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:06:26.61] 0b48 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CFC158: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[18:06:30.93] 0f4c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:06:30.94] 0b48 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01CA4640: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[18:06:30.94] 0b48 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01C3E058: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[18:06:38.83] 0598 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C30C00: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01C29598'
[18:06:38.84] 0598 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C30C00: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-02-04T16:06:43Z
* Log opened: 2010-02-09T10:47:36Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:47:36.67] 0ea8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FF7A90: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FE2830', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:47:36.67] 0ea8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FF7A90: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:47:36.68] 0ea8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FF7A90: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:47:36.68] 0b3c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FF7A90: (User='', Target='')
[12:47:36.68] 0b3c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FF7A90: (User='', Target=''
[12:47:36.71] 0dac Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FFEF58: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:47:40.35] 0dac Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01018440: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:47:41.78] 0dac Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0100DCA0: Initial Sync Starting
[12:47:44.14] 0dac Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@062AB000: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-09T10:4
[12:47:44.14] 0dac Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FEA5B8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-09T10:47:54.00-00:00
[12:47:44.24] 0dac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010BCDE0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:47:49.61] 0db0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:47:49.65] 0dac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010BCDE0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:48:01.10] 0db0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:48:01.11] 0dac Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@062B4F70: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:48:01.12] 0dac Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0100DCA0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:48:18.92] 0ea8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FF7A90: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FE2830'
[12:48:18.93] 0ea8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FF7A90: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-02-09T10:48:28Z
* Log opened: 2010-02-11T20:19:01Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[22:19:01.35] 0c78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C22930: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01C12830', auth='7', sync='0'
[22:19:01.35] 0c78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C22930: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[22:19:01.36] 0c78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C22930: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[22:19:01.36] 0c78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C22930: (User='', Target='')
[22:19:01.36] 0c78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C22930: (User='', Target=''
[22:19:01.39] 1534 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C2DD70: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[22:19:04.47] 1534 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C43000: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[22:19:05.56] 1534 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C3A2E0: Initial Sync Starting
[22:19:07.14] 1534 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@061F8D98: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-11T20:1
[22:19:07.14] 1534 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C1A7E8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-11T20:19:17.00-00:00
[22:19:07.32] 1534 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CE9F90: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[22:19:11.99] 0c7c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[22:19:11.99] 1534 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CE9F90: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[22:19:17.70] 0c7c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[22:19:17.71] 1534 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@061FC718: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[22:19:17.71] 1534 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01C3A2E0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[22:19:21.45] 0c78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C22930: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01C12830'
[22:19:21.46] 0c78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C22930: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-02-11T20:19:43Z
* Log opened: 2010-02-12T11:36:35Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[13:36:35.60] 0a9c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00DCDB70: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00DBA130', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:36:35.61] 0a9c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00DCDB70: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:36:35.64] 0a9c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00DCDB70: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:36:35.64] 0a9c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00DCDB70: (User='', Target='')
[13:36:35.64] 0a9c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00DCDB70: (User='', Target=''
[13:36:35.66] 0d2c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00DBE860: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:36:38.04] 0d2c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00DC1AE8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:36:38.97] 0d2c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00DBD7C0: Initial Sync Starting
[13:36:53.41] 0d2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0634B100: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-12T11:3
[13:36:53.41] 0d2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00E21600: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-12T11:37:03.00-00:00
[13:36:53.49] 0d2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00E850D0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:37:20.40] 0cd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00DCDB70: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00DBA130'
[13:37:20.41] 0cd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00DCDB70: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[13:37:27.47] 05a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@00E850D0: hr = 0x80004004, fault = (none)
* Log opened: 2010-02-18T13:47:17Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:47:17.25] 0ec4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BF6C90: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0075F260', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:47:17.26] 0ec4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BF6C90: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:47:17.28] 0ec4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BF6C90: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:47:17.28] 0ec4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BF6C90: (User='', Target='')
[15:47:17.28] 0ec4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BF6C90: (User='', Target=''
[15:47:17.34] 0d94 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BFD690: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:47:18.83] 0d94 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C10930: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:47:19.30] 0d94 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01BF6DB0: Initial Sync Starting
[15:47:19.44] 0d94 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@05913D10: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-18T13:4
[15:47:19.44] 0d94 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BEA560: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-18T13:47:29.00-00:00
[15:47:19.55] 0d94 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CC85C0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:47:38.99] 0a5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:47:39.03] 0d94 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CC85C0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:47:45.45] 0a5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:47:45.46] 0d94 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01BF0F08: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:47:45.46] 0d94 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01BF6DB0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[15:47:58.45] 1148 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01BF6C90: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0075F260'
[15:47:58.45] 1148 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BF6C90: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-02-18T13:48:00Z
* Log opened: 2010-02-19T11:28:28Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[13:28:28.14] 0c18 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B81A38: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01B7A8E0', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:28:28.32] 0c18 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B81A38: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:28:28.36] 0c18 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B81A38: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:28:28.36] 0c18 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B81A38: (User='', Target='')
[13:28:28.36] 0c18 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B81A38: (User='', Target=''
[13:28:28.39] 09c4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B7F070: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:28:37.70] 09c4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BA3C88: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:28:38.88] 09c4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01B9CFF0: Initial Sync Starting
[13:28:39.88] 09c4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@062ED528: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-19T11:2
[13:28:39.88] 09c4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BE72C0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-19T11:28:49.00-00:00
[13:28:40.01] 09c4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C5C990: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:28:47.54] 102c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:28:47.59] 09c4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C5C990: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:28:54.56] 0c18 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B81A38: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01B7A8E0'
[13:28:54.57] 0c18 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B81A38: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[13:28:55.34] 102c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:28:55.35] 09c4 Contacts: Replication CSyncOperationC
allback::LogResult@01BBB9C0: Sync error hr = 0x84CB0006 for operation = 1
[13:28:57.07] 0c18 Contacts: UserState CUserState::~CU
serState@01B81A38: (User='') exited with 00000001 sync
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-02-19T11:29:08Z
* Log opened: 2010-02-19T15:35:41Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:35:41.71] 0f58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01DB2640: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01D9AB00', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:35:41.71] 0f58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01DB2640: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:35:42.08] 0f58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01DB2640: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:35:42.08] 0f58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01DB2640: (User='', Target='')
[17:35:42.08] 0f58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01DB2640: (User='', Target=''
[17:35:42.11] 1210 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01DA1ED8: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:35:43.46] 1210 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01DD00F8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:35:44.54] 1210 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01DCAFD8: Initial Sync Starting
[17:35:46.62] 1210 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01E7CE50: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:35:57.87] 1278 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:35:57.90] 1210 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@04DCA500: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-19T15:3
[17:35:57.90] 1210 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01E79C00: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-19T15:36:07.00-00:00
[17:35:57.99] 1210 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01E7CF30: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:36:05.03] 1278 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:36:05.10] 1210 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@04DCA500: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:36:05.11] 1210 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01DCAFD8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:45:14.52] 070c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01DB2640: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01D9AB00'
[17:45:14.53] 070c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01DB2640: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-02-19T15:45:15Z
* Log opened: 2010-02-20T09:43:46Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:43:46.40] 0e24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B50C48: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01B52830', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:43:46.40] 0e24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B50C48: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:43:46.41] 0e24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B50C48: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:43:46.41] 0e24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B50C48: (User='', Target='')
[11:43:46.41] 0e24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B50C48: (User='', Target=''
[11:43:46.43] 098c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B5F8F0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:43:54.23] 098c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B62930: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:43:54.82] 098c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01B6EEB8: Initial Sync Starting
[11:44:06.41] 098c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@064EBB98: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-20T09:4
[11:44:06.42] 098c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01B5A7D8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-20T09:44:16.00-00:00
[11:44:06.50] 098c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C268A8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:44:10.38] 0a98 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:44:10.42] 098c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C268A8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:44:11.80] 0a98 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:44:11.81] 098c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@064EB038: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:44:11.81] 098c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01B6EEB8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:44:37.48] 0520 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B50C48: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01B52830'
[11:44:37.49] 0520 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B50C48: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-02-20T09:44:49Z
* Log opened: 2010-02-24T09:55:22Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:55:22.12] 0b1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAC158: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F97038', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:55:22.13] 0b1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAC158: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:55:22.20] 0b1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAC158: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:55:22.20] 0b1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAC158: (User='', Target='')
[11:55:22.20] 0b1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAC158: (User='', Target=''
[11:55:22.25] 0b04 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FA2DD8: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:55:38.44] 0b04 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FBA378: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:55:40.80] 0b04 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FAEB90: Initial Sync Starting
[11:55:45.02] 0b04 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@068EFF30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-24T09:5
[11:55:45.02] 0b04 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FC1858: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-24T09:55:55.00-00:00
[11:55:45.15] 0b04 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01071B38: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:55:53.37] 1174 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:55:53.38] 0b04 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01071B38: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:55:56.30] 1174 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:55:56.31] 0b04 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@00FDCB30: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:55:56.31] 0b04 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FAEB90: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:57:27.00] 1618 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAC158: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F97038'
[11:57:27.02] 1618 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAC158: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-02-24T09:57:28Z
* Log opened: 2010-02-26T13:45:45Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:45:45.63] 0d2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BFEAF0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01BFA3A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:45:45.63] 0d2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BFEAF0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:45:45.66] 0d2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BFEAF0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:45:45.66] 0d2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BFEAF0: (User='', Target='')
[15:45:45.66] 0d2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BFEAF0: (User='', Target=''
[15:45:45.68] 0ad8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C11938: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:45:59.70] 0ad8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C20ED0: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:46:00.22] 0ad8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C01B90: Initial Sync Starting
[15:46:01.17] 0ad8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@067D7A38: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-26T13:4
[15:46:01.17] 0ad8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C62D48: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-26T13:46:11.00-00:00
[15:46:01.25] 0ad8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CCA6A8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:46:07.44] 0cd0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:46:07.51] 0ad8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CCA6A8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:46:10.06] 0cd0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:46:10.07] 0ad8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@068362F0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:46:10.07] 0ad8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01C01B90: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[15:46:34.16] 0d2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01BFEAF0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01BFA3A0'
[15:46:34.17] 0d2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BFEAF0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-02-26T13:46:37Z
* Log opened: 2010-03-02T10:31:33Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:31:33.09] 0874 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B4E490: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01B4A6F0', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:31:33.10] 0874 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B4E490: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:31:33.17] 0874 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B4E490: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:31:33.17] 0874 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B4E490: (User='', Target='')
[12:31:33.17] 0874 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B4E490: (User='', Target=''
[12:31:33.20] 0ff8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B51E40: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:31:34.32] 0ff8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B714D0: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:31:34.67] 0ff8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01B69B68: Initial Sync Starting
[12:31:35.38] 0ff8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@066E9250: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-03-02T10:3
[12:31:35.38] 0ff8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01B6EA78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-02T10:31:45.00-00:00
[12:31:35.47] 0ff8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C17228: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:31:51.00] 0550 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:31:51.02] 0ff8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C17228: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:31:53.11] 0550 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:31:53.12] 0ff8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01B44B30: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:31:53.12] 0ff8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01B69B68: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:32:08.71] 1028 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B4E490: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01B4A6F0'
[12:32:08.72] 1028 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B4E490: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-03-02T10:32:24Z
* Log opened: 2010-03-03T13:06:43Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:06:43.24] 0fd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FDDE20: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FCA130', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:06:43.24] 0fd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FDDE20: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:06:43.27] 0fd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FDDE20: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:06:43.27] 0fd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FDDE20: (User='', Target='')
[15:06:43.27] 0fd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FDDE20: (User='', Target=''
[15:06:43.29] 1150 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FDDF40: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:06:44.54] 1150 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FDD528: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:06:44.96] 1150 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FE1160: Initial Sync Starting
[15:06:46.26] 1150 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01095190: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:06:48.38] 11d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:06:48.39] 1150 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01095200: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:06:49.73] 11d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:06:49.74] 1150 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@067EE558: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:06:49.74] 1150 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FE1160: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[15:06:50.68] 1150 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@067ED7E0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-03-03T13:0
[15:06:50.68] 1150 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@010307B0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-03T13:07:00.00-00:00
[15:07:51.11] 0bb8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FDDE20: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FCA130'
[15:07:51.12] 0bb8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FDDE20: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-03-03T13:07:54Z
* Log opened: 2010-03-04T17:34:25Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[19:34:25.35] 0ea4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BCE0F8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01BCAB00', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:34:25.35] 0ea4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BCE0F8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:34:25.37] 0ea4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BCE0F8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[19:34:25.37] 0ea4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BCE0F8: (User='', Target='')
[19:34:25.37] 0ea4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BCE0F8: (User='', Target=''
[19:34:25.39] 05fc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BDE888: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[19:34:26.64] 05fc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C033D8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[19:34:27.06] 05fc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01BFA408: Initial Sync Starting
[19:34:28.11] 05fc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0608A4F8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-03-04T17:3
[19:34:28.11] 05fc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C48528: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-04T17:34:38.00-00:00
[19:34:28.32] 05fc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CA8AB8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:34:31.08] 074c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:34:31.08] 05fc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CA8AB8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:34:32.63] 074c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:34:32.64] 05fc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01BD73E8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:34:32.65] 05fc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01BFA408: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:35:06.14] 0efc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01BCE0F8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01BCAB00'
[19:35:06.14] 0efc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BCE0F8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-03-04T17:35:16Z
* Log opened: 2010-03-07T12:57:05Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[14:57:05.51] 0cc0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BE1240: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0015F220', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:57:05.51] 0cc0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BE1240: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:57:05.55] 0cc0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BE1240: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:57:05.55] 0cc0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BE1240: (User='', Target='')
[14:57:05.55] 0cc0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BE1240: (User='', Target=''
[14:57:06.05] 0af4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BE1560: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:57:20.49] 0af4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BFF998: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:57:21.35] 0af4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01BFB100: Initial Sync Starting
[14:57:22.11] 0af4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@07089260: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-03-07T12:5
[14:57:22.11] 0af4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BDA778: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-07T12:57:32.00-00:00
[14:57:22.22] 0af4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CAE158: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:57:31.66] 0f44 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:57:31.72] 0af4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CAE158: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:57:34.18] 0f44 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:57:34.19] 0af4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@070E5D90: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:57:34.19] 0af4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01BFB100: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[14:58:40.15] 1528 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01BE1240: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0015F220'
[14:58:40.15] 1528 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BE1240: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-03-07T12:58:40Z
* Log opened: 2010-03-09T10:26:06Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:26:06.60] 0fe8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F27BD8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0069F220', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:26:06.61] 0fe8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F27BD8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:26:06.66] 0fe8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F27BD8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:26:06.66] 0fe8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F27BD8: (User='', Target='')
[12:26:06.66] 0fe8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F27BD8: (User='', Target=''
[12:26:06.68] 0ee0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F22A40: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:26:16.82] 0ee0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F38608: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:26:19.39] 0ee0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F10B58: Initial Sync Starting
[12:26:22.70] 0ee0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@06726FA8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-03-09T10:2
[12:26:22.70] 0ee0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00F1A5E0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-09T10:26:32.00-00:00
[12:26:22.88] 0ee0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FEBD50: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:26:28.30] 0cb8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:26:28.33] 0ee0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FEBD50: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:26:31.38] 0cb8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:26:31.54] 0ee0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@00F74D30: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:26:31.54] 0ee0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F10B58: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:26:48.89] 1090 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F27BD8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0069F220'
[12:26:48.93] 1090 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F27BD8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-03-09T10:26:55Z
* Log opened: 2010-03-10T12:44:14Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[14:44:14.93] 0764 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B2EA18: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01B22CF0', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:44:14.93] 0764 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B2EA18: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:44:15.04] 0764 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B2EA18: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:44:15.04] 0764 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B2EA18: (User='', Target='')
[14:44:15.04] 0764 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B2EA18: (User='', Target=''
[14:44:15.09] 0dd4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B4E030: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:44:20.54] 0dd4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B541F8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:44:21.03] 0dd4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01B3C8A8: Initial Sync Starting
[14:44:22.11] 0dd4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@06060038: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-03-10T12:4
[14:44:22.11] 0dd4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BFA5C8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-10T12:44:32.00-00:00
[14:44:22.20] 0dd4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BF7D00: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:44:24.44] 02d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:44:24.44] 0dd4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BF7D00: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:44:25.72] 02d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:44:25.72] 0dd4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@06064290: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:44:25.73] 0dd4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01B3C8A8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[14:44:48.61] 0764 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B2EA18: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01B22CF0'
[14:44:48.62] 0764 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B2EA18: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-03-10T12:45:00Z
* Log opened: 2010-03-22T07:30:19Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[09:30:19.69] 0758 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F5E0F8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F5AB00', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:30:19.69] 0758 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F5E0F8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:30:19.82] 0758 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F5E0F8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[09:30:19.82] 0758 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F5E0F8: (User='', Target='')
[09:30:19.83] 0758 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F5E0F8: (User='', Target=''
[09:30:19.85] 09d4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F6CEA8: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[09:30:20.80] 09d4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F756B0: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[09:30:21.19] 09d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F75608: Initial Sync Starting
[09:30:21.47] 09d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01025D70: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:30:34.66] 0de8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:30:36.21] 09d4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@06432548: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-03-22T07:3
[09:30:36.21] 09d4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FC8AB8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-22T07:30:46.00-00:00
[09:30:36.26] 09d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01025E50: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[09:30:45.12] 0de8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:30:45.13] 09d4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0644D9C8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[09:30:45.13] 09d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F75608: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[09:31:21.44] 09d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F507C8: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[09:31:26.84] 0de8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@00F507C8: status = 301
[09:31:26.84] 0de8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F507C8: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[09:31:36.32] 0de8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:35:09.27] 0468 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F5E0F8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F5AB00'
[09:35:09.28] 0468 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F5E0F8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-03-22T07:35:09Z
* Log opened: 2010-04-14T06:21:33Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[09:21:33.73] 0a88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C5ECC0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01C42830', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:21:33.73] 0a88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C5ECC0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:21:33.89] 0a88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C5ECC0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[09:21:33.89] 0a88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C5ECC0: (User='', Target='')
[09:21:33.89] 0a88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C5ECC0: (User='', Target=''
[09:21:33.96] 0f58 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C5EDE0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[09:21:36.33] 0f58 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C73E30: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[09:21:37.30] 0f58 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C4F460: Initial Sync Starting
[09:21:38.49] 0f58 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0623C2E0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-04-14T06:2
[09:21:38.49] 0f58 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C4A5B8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-04-14T06:21:48.00-00:00
[09:21:38.65] 0f58 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D1F318: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:21:46.91] 04bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C5ECC0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01C42830'
[09:21:46.91] 04bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C5ECC0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[09:21:52.37] 0d4c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:21:52.40] 04bc Contacts: Replication CSyncOperationC
allback::LogResult@062201E0: Sync error hr = 0x80004004 for operation = 2
[09:21:52.52] 04bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::~CU
serState@01C5ECC0: (User='') exited with 00000001 sync
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-04-14T06:21:59Z
* Log opened: 2010-04-15T17:38:02Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:38:02.10] 1240 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BA1AF8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01B9AB00', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:38:02.12] 1240 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BA1AF8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:38:02.14] 1240 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BA1AF8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:38:11.81] 1240 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BA1AF8: (User='', Target=''
[20:38:11.81] 1240 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BA1AF8: (User='', Target='')
[20:38:11.92] 0a70 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BA2E30: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:38:13.18] 0a70 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BB48E8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:38:13.72] 0a70 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01B90B60: Initial Sync Starting
[20:38:13.78] 0a70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BB9490: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:39:10.22] 1524 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BB9490: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:39:19.02] 1524 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@01BB9490: status = 301
[20:39:19.02] 1524 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BB9490: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:39:36.63] 1524 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:39:36.76] 0a70 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B9D410: Removing shadow SID (0x00000095) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Reverse|Passport|
[20:39:36.83] 0a70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BB9500: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:39:48.11] 1524 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:39:48.17] 0a70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01B9EDB0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:39:48.17] 0a70 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01B90B60: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:39:48.58] 0a70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01B9EDB0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-04-15T17:3
[20:39:48.58] 0a70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BB76E0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-04-15T17:39:58.00-00:00
[20:39:50.32] 0a70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01B9EDB0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-04-15T17:4
[20:39:50.32] 0a70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BB7630: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-04-15T17:40:00.00-00:00
[20:39:50.37] 0a70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01B907C8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:39:54.09] 0a70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01B90858: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-04-15T17:4
[20:39:54.09] 0a70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BB76E0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-04-15T17:40:04.00-00:00
[20:42:29.57] 0a70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BB95E0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:42:34.68] 1524 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:42:39.03] 0a70 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B9D410: Marking delete on shadow SID (0x000001a5) for type
= 9, index = |Messenger||Pending|Passport|
[20:42:39.06] 0a70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01B90858: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Delete, AB = Person
[20:42:43.86] 1524 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@01B90858: status = 301
[20:42:43.86] 1524 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01B90858: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Delete, AB = Person
[20:42:50.17] 14f8 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@01BA1B54: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-03-22T00:31:34.903-07
[20:42:50.66] 1524 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:42:50.66] 0a70 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B9D410: Removing shadow SID (0x000001a5) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Pending|Passport|
[20:42:50.68] 0a70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@000D2CC0: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[20:42:51.78] 1524 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@000D2CC0: status = 301
[20:42:51.79] 1524 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@000D2CC0: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[20:42:57.09] 1524 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:42:57.70] 0a70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01B90858: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Add, AB = Personal
[20:43:00.83] 1524 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@01B90858: status = 301
[20:43:00.83] 1524 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01B90858: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Add, AB = Personal
[20:43:06.35] 1524 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:43:06.36] 0a70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BB95E0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:43:13.93] 1524 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:43:16.54] 0bf4 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@01BA1B54: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-04-15T10:42:56.673-07
[20:43:16.55] 0a70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BB9650: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:43:21.98] 1524 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:44:13.82] 0a70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@000D2CC0: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[20:44:16.24] 1524 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:08:42.89] 07bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01BA1AF8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01B9AB00'
[21:08:42.89] 07bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BA1AF8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[03:10:06.15] 1684 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B91FC8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '06086F20', auth='7', sync='0'
[03:10:06.15] 1684 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B91FC8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[03:10:06.16] 1684 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B91FC8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[03:10:06.16] 1684 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B91FC8: (User='', Target='')
[03:10:06.16] 1684 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B91FC8: (User='', Target=''
[03:10:06.20] 1018 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BF0300: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[03:10:07.18] 1018 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BF03D8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[03:10:07.58] 1018 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01BEF048: Initial Sync Starting
[03:10:07.60] 1018 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@06087998: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-04-16T00:1
[03:10:07.60] 1018 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C1C4F0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-04-16T00:10:17.00-00:00
[03:10:07.63] 1018 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BF8408: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[03:10:12.00] 0ed0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[03:10:12.00] 1018 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BE9E00: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[03:10:13.43] 0ed0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[03:10:13.52] 1018 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01BF8C08: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[03:10:13.52] 1018 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01BEF048: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[03:26:37.70] 1540 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B91FC8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '06086F20'
* Log opened: 2010-05-08T11:35:15Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[14:35:15.50] 0340 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@010BC028: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '010AABE0', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:35:15.50] 0340 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@010BC028: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:35:15.51] 0340 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@010BC028: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:35:15.51] 0340 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@010BC028: (User='', Target='')
[14:35:15.51] 0340 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@010BC028: (User='', Target=''
[14:35:15.57] 0a0c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@010B22C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:35:16.94] 0a0c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@010D10E8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:35:17.44] 0a0c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@010BC148: Initial Sync Starting
[14:35:17.47] 0a0c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@06A1B260: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-08T11:3
[14:35:17.47] 0a0c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0112F400: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-08T11:35:27.00-00:00
[14:35:17.60] 0a0c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0117F030: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:35:47.16] 093c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@010BC028: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '010AABE0'
[14:35:47.17] 093c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@010BC028: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[14:35:59.82] 1714 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@0117F030: hr = 0x80004004, fault = (none)
* Log opened: 2010-05-15T17:07:28Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:07:28.21] 0520 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C32A88: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0002F220', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:07:28.21] 0520 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C32A88: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:07:28.22] 0520 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C32A88: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:07:29.36] 0520 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C32A88: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0002F220'
[20:07:29.37] 0520 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C32A88: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-15T17:07:40Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-15T17:39:19Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:39:19.54] 1348 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BA1488: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01B97038', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:39:19.54] 1348 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BA1488: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:39:19.55] 1348 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BA1488: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:39:31.65] 1348 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01BA1488: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01B97038'
[20:39:31.65] 1348 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BA1488: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-15T17:39:34Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-15T17:40:11Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:40:11.06] 0cdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@015218D8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0151A8E0', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:40:11.06] 0cdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@015218D8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:40:11.06] 0cdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@015218D8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:41:08.63] 1390 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@015218D8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0151A8E0'
[20:41:08.64] 1390 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@015218D8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[20:45:07.92] 0f38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01516168: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0151AFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:45:07.92] 0f38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01516168: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:45:07.92] 0f38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01516168: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:45:14.42] 0f38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01516168: (User='', Target=''
[20:45:14.42] 0f38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01516168: (User='', Target='')
[20:45:14.51] 0ee4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01516BD0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:45:15.41] 0ee4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0153BDB0: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:45:15.89] 0ee4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0152B418: Initial Sync Starting
[20:45:15.94] 0ee4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@06658D60: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[20:45:21.04] 16e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:45:21.12] 0ee4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0153D488: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:46:12.62] 16e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0153D488: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:46:37.67] 07ec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01516168: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0151AFA0'
[20:46:37.67] 07ec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01516168: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[20:46:44.32] 16e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@0153D488: hr = 0x80072ee2, fault = (none)
[20:46:44.32] 16e8 Contacts: Replication CSyncOperationC
allback::OnComplete@015FA530: WinInet error hr = 0x80072EE2 for operation = 2 ca
using us to skip remaining steps
* Log opened: 2010-05-22T07:53:37Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[10:53:37.13] 0998 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B12D28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01B06DB0', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:53:37.14] 0998 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B12D28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:53:37.14] 0998 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B12D28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[10:53:38.20] 0998 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B12D28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01B06DB0'
[10:53:38.20] 0998 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B12D28: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-22T07:53:47Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-27T18:26:41Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[21:26:41.23] 0380 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01561C88: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0155A6F0', auth='7', sync='0'
[21:26:41.23] 0380 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01561C88: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[21:26:41.23] 0380 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01561C88: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[21:27:03.41] 0380 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01561C88: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0155A6F0'
[21:27:03.42] 0380 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01561C88: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-27T18:27:07Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-29T05:41:10Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[08:41:11.00] 0730 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C22BD8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01C12840', auth='7', sync='0'
[08:41:11.00] 0730 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C22BD8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[08:41:11.01] 0730 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C22BD8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[08:41:11.01] 0730 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C22BD8: (User='', Target='')
[08:41:11.01] 0730 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C22BD8: (User='', Target=''
[08:41:11.06] 101c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C2B320: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[08:41:13.49] 101c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C35308: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[08:41:14.34] 101c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C2B7F8: Initial Sync Starting
[08:41:14.50] 101c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C38EB0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[08:41:18.13] 0730 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C22BD8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01C12840'
[08:41:18.14] 0730 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C22BD8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[08:41:21.08] 10d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:41:21.15] 0730 Contacts: Replication CSyncOperationC
allback::LogResult@01CFE2D0: Sync error hr = 0x80004004 for operation = 2
[08:41:22.42] 0730 Contacts: UserState CUserState::~CU
serState@01C22BD8: (User='') exited with 00000001 sync
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-29T05:41:32Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-29T09:38:51Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:38:51.51] 07d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BE1EC0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01BD9528', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:38:51.52] 07d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BE1EC0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:38:51.52] 07d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BE1EC0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:38:56.10] 07d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BE1EC0: (User='', Target=''
[12:38:56.10] 07d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BE1EC0: (User='', Target='')
[12:38:56.12] 07d0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BE2928: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:38:57.01] 07d0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BE8818: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:38:57.44] 07d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01BEAD08: Initial Sync Starting
[12:38:57.58] 07d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BF8100: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:39:05.24] 051c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:39:05.47] 07d0 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01BD2588: Removing shadow SID (0x000000cd) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Reverse|Passport|
[12:39:05.48] 07d0 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01BD2588: Removing shadow SID (0x000000f7) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Reverse|Passport|
[12:39:05.48] 07d0 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01BD2588: Removing shadow SID (0x000000c6) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Reverse|Passport|
[12:39:05.61] 07d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BF8560: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:39:09.19] 051c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:39:11.11] 07d0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01BDCFE8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:39:11.11] 07d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01BEAD08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:39:11.57] 07d0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0689A550: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-29T09:3
[12:39:11.57] 07d0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C4A320: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-29T09:39:21.00-00:00
[12:39:28.01] 07d0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@068FA580: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-29T09:3
[12:39:28.01] 07d0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C4A270: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-29T09:39:38.00-00:00
[12:39:28.05] 07d0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@068A5918: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:39:32.85] 07d0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@068F8260: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-29T09:3
[12:39:32.86] 07d0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C4A320: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-29T09:39:42.00-00:00
[12:49:38.75] 07d0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@068F8260: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-29T09:4
[12:49:38.75] 07d0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C4A270: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-29T09:49:48.00-00:00
[12:51:45.04] 129c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01BE1EC0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01BD9528'
[12:51:45.05] 129c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BE1EC0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-29T09:51:45Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-29T10:40:02Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[13:40:02.36] 02e4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01D56680: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0032F220', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:40:02.37] 02e4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01D56680: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:40:02.46] 10d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01D56680: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:40:02.46] 10d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01D56680: (User='', Target='')
[13:40:02.46] 10d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01D56680: (User='', Target=''
[13:40:02.48] 10d8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01D561A8: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:40:05.82] 10d8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01D567A0: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:40:06.43] 10d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01D4EA60: Initial Sync Starting
[13:40:07.88] 10d8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01D41BE0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-29T10:4
[13:40:07.88] 10d8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01D3B4D0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-29T10:40:17.00-00:00
[13:40:08.04] 10d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01E0E208: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:40:20.28] 10fc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:40:20.28] 10d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01E0E208: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:40:31.42] 10fc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:40:31.45] 10d8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01D41BE0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:40:31.45] 10d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01D4EA60: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:44:37.11] 0da0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01D56680: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0032F220'
[13:44:37.11] 0da0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01D56680: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-29T10:44:37Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-29T15:41:35Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[18:41:35.44] 0ef8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B48E70: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0084F268', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:41:35.45] 0ef8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B48E70: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:41:35.53] 0ef8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B48E70: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[18:41:35.53] 120c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B48E70: (User='', Target='')
[18:41:35.53] 120c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B48E70: (User='', Target=''
[18:41:35.71] 14ac Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B48570: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[18:41:37.61] 14ac Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B4B268: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[18:41:38.17] 14ac Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01B4CFC8: Initial Sync Starting
[18:41:38.21] 14ac Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@068CADA8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-29T15:4
[18:41:38.21] 14ac Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01B2A8B0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-29T15:41:48.00-00:00
[18:41:38.32] 14ac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BFCFE8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[18:41:47.46] 120c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B48E70: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0084F268'
[18:41:47.46] 120c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B48E70: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[18:42:11.81] 110c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@01BFCFE8: hr = 0x80004004, fault = (none)
* Log opened: 2010-05-31T15:00:42Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[18:00:42.12] 0ce8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01017238: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0100A708', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:00:42.13] 0ce8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01017238: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:00:42.20] 0ce8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01017238: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[18:00:42.20] 0ce8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01017238: (User='', Target='')
[18:00:42.20] 0ce8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01017238: (User='', Target=''
[18:00:42.22] 0e54 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0100E0E0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[18:00:56.63] 0e54 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0100EF88: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[18:00:57.92] 0e54 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0102B9C8: Initial Sync Starting
[18:00:58.33] 0e54 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@068C69F8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-31T15:0
[18:00:58.33] 0e54 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01073138: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-31T15:01:08.00-00:00
[18:00:58.52] 0e54 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0108F998: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[18:01:03.98] 0ab0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:01:03.99] 0e54 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0108F998: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[18:01:06.03] 0ab0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:01:06.04] 0e54 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0108A8C0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[18:01:06.05] 0e54 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0102B9C8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[18:52:47.70] 1460 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01017238: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0100A708'
[18:52:47.71] 1460 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01017238: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[19:48:54.86] 107c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0002FE40: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0100ACA8', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:48:54.86] 107c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0002FE40: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:48:54.86] 107c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0002FE40: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[19:48:54.86] 107c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0002FE40: (User='', Target='')
[19:48:54.86] 107c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0002FE40: (User='', Target=''
[19:48:54.89] 0bd8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@068CE960: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[19:49:00.27] 0bd8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01089E10: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[19:49:01.08] 0bd8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01049C48: Initial Sync Starting
[19:49:01.13] 0bd8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@010EA240: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-31T16:4
[19:49:01.13] 0bd8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@010722B8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-31T16:49:11.00-00:00
[19:49:01.26] 0bd8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01040800: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:49:06.69] 0d28 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:49:06.69] 0bd8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01040800: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:49:08.14] 107c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0002FE40: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0100ACA8'
[19:49:08.14] 107c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0002FE40: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[19:49:08.25] 0d28 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:49:08.28] 107c Contacts: Replication CSyncOperationC
allback::LogResult@01051228: Sync error hr = 0x80004004 for operation = 1
[19:49:08.48] 107c Contacts: UserState CUserState::~CU
serState@0002FE40: (User='') exited with 00000001 sync
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-31T16:49:18Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-01T07:54:34Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[10:54:34.67] 054c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C9DBE8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01C9A3A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:54:34.68] 054c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C9DBE8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:54:34.68] 054c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C9DBE8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[10:54:34.68] 054c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C9DBE8: (User='', Target='')
[10:54:34.68] 054c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C9DBE8: (User='', Target=''
[10:54:34.71] 0cc0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01CABF38: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[10:54:56.14] 0cc0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01CD2C80: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[10:54:58.19] 0cc0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01CCC2E8: Initial Sync Starting
[10:54:59.57] 0cc0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@06A2EFF8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-01T07:5
[10:54:59.57] 0cc0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01D35778: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-01T07:55:09.00-00:00
[10:54:59.68] 0cc0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D7F1C8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:55:07.24] 121c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:55:07.28] 0cc0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D7F158: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:55:08.86] 121c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:55:08.88] 0cc0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01CA6C08: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[10:55:08.88] 0cc0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01CCC2E8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[10:55:15.43] 0cc0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00077DC8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-01T07:5
[10:55:15.43] 0cc0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01D35720: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-01T07:55:25.00-00:00
[10:59:32.99] 0df8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C9DBE8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01C9A3A0'
[10:59:32.99] 0df8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C9DBE8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[11:00:28.61] 10fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01CD77B8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '06A2E5F0', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:00:28.62] 10fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01CD77B8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:00:28.65] 0ac8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01CD77B8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:00:28.65] 10fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01CD77B8: (User='', Target='')
[11:00:28.65] 10fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01CD77B8: (User='', Target=''
[11:00:28.66] 163c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01CE90E8: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:00:29.80] 163c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01CE91C0: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:00:30.18] 163c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01CDA808: Initial Sync Starting
[11:00:30.22] 163c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01D36630: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-01T08:0
[11:00:30.22] 163c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01CF1198: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-01T08:00:40.00-00:00
[11:00:30.26] 163c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01CDA808: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[11:00:30.26] 163c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01CDA808: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[11:00:30.26] 163c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@06A3A110: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:00:30.26] 163c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01CDA808: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[11:00:30.26] 163c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01CDA808: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[11:00:58.79] 1170 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01CD77B8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '06A2E5F0'
[11:00:58.80] 1170 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01CD77B8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[11:00:58.82] 163c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01CE90E8: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a3f, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[11:00:58.82] 163c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01CE90E8: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a72, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[11:00:58.82] 163c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01CE90E8: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a4e, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[11:00:58.82] 163c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01CE90E8: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a29, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-01T08:00:59Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-01T16:11:05Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[19:11:07.34] 0cd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F8F018: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F8A8E0', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:11:07.34] 0cd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F8F018: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:11:07.34] 0cd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F8F018: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[19:11:07.34] 0cd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F8F018: (User='', Target='')
[19:11:07.34] 0cd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F8F018: (User='', Target=''
[19:11:07.38] 00d4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F922B8: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[19:11:09.00] 00d4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F8E0D8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[19:11:09.73] 00d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FA2530: Initial Sync Starting
[19:11:11.96] 00d4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0106FCF8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-01T16:1
[19:11:11.96] 00d4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FB1330: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-01T16:11:21.00-00:00
[19:11:12.06] 00d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01058AA0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:11:16.92] 0b14 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:11:16.93] 00d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01058AA0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:11:23.64] 0b14 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:11:23.66] 00d4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@00F80BC0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:11:23.66] 00d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FA2530: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:13:06.37] 1534 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F8F018: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F8A8E0'
[19:13:06.38] 1534 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F8F018: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-01T16:13:07Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-02T17:11:56Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:11:56.85] 0a48 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00AFC750: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00AEA8E0', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:11:56.86] 0a48 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00AFC750: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:11:57.00] 0f08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00AFC750: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:11:57.00] 0f08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00AFC750: (User='', Target='')
[20:11:57.00] 0f08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00AFC750: (User='', Target=''
[20:11:57.02] 0b80 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00AF18B8: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:11:58.36] 0b80 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00B13228: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:11:58.87] 0b80 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00AEE2F8: Initial Sync Starting
[20:11:59.32] 0b80 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00BBB420: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:12:03.88] 0914 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:12:03.88] 0b80 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@06608A58: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-02T17:1
[20:12:03.88] 0b80 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00BB7FA8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-02T17:12:13.00-00:00
[20:12:03.94] 0b80 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00BBB500: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:12:05.50] 0914 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:12:05.51] 0b80 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@06608A58: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:12:05.51] 0b80 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00AEE2F8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:12:16.61] 0a48 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00AFC750: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00AEA8E0'
[20:12:16.62] 0a48 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00AFC750: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-02T17:12:22Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-05T07:22:04Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[10:22:04.85] 02ec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B77C30: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01B63550', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:22:04.85] 02ec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B77C30: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:22:04.93] 0aa8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B77C30: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[10:22:04.93] 044c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B77C30: (User='', Target='')
[10:22:04.93] 044c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B77C30: (User='', Target=''
[10:22:04.96] 0a74 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B77D50: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[10:22:08.00] 0a74 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B8F218: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[10:22:08.67] 0a74 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01B8CD88: Initial Sync Starting
[10:22:08.74] 0a74 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0723A9B8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-05T07:2
[10:22:08.74] 0a74 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BD6028: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-05T07:22:18.00-00:00
[10:22:09.41] 0a74 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BE6BC8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:22:11.23] 0aa8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B77C30: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01B63550'
[10:22:11.23] 0aa8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B77C30: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[10:22:17.22] 102c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
* Log opened: 2010-06-12T08:56:57Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:56:57.66] 1200 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00E9E838: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00E9A6F0', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:56:57.66] 1200 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00E9E838: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:56:57.67] 1340 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00E9E838: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:56:57.67] 1340 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00E9E838: (User='', Target='')
[11:56:57.67] 1340 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00E9E838: (User='', Target=''
[11:56:57.69] 14a0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00EADD88: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:56:59.80] 14a0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00E9E270: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:57:00.33] 14a0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00EA73B8: Initial Sync Starting
[11:57:00.42] 14a0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0638DE68: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-12T08:5
[11:57:00.42] 14a0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00EB0F38: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-12T08:57:10.00-00:00
[11:57:00.58] 14a0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00EA6DA0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:57:05.89] 1778 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:57:05.94] 14a0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00EA6B70: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:57:08.39] 1778 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:57:08.42] 14a0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@063C1D70: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:57:08.42] 14a0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00EA73B8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:59:44.54] 153c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00E9E838: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00E9A6F0'
[11:59:44.61] 153c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00E9E838: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-12T08:59:45Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-13T17:03:40Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:03:40.74] 086c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FB2850: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F9A6D8', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:03:40.74] 086c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FB2850: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:03:40.83] 086c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FB2850: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:03:40.83] 086c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FB2850: (User='', Target='')
[20:03:40.83] 086c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FB2850: (User='', Target=''
[20:03:40.92] 09f0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9E8D0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:03:49.47] 09f0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FC6F70: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:03:50.14] 09f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F9DE98: Initial Sync Starting
[20:03:50.83] 09f0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0691F880: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-13T17:0
[20:03:50.83] 09f0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FC7FF0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-13T17:04:00.00-00:00
[20:03:50.96] 09f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0106BE50: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:03:58.66] 0e80 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:03:58.68] 09f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0106BE50: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:04:00.28] 0e80 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:04:00.29] 09f0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0691F880: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:04:00.29] 09f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F9DE98: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:06:12.40] 1588 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FB2850: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F9A6D8'
[20:06:12.40] 1588 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FB2850: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-13T17:06:14Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-15T02:44:55Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[05:44:55.59] 0c00 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C618F8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01C42840', auth='7', sync='0'
[05:44:55.59] 0c00 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C618F8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[05:44:55.59] 0c00 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C618F8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[05:44:55.59] 0c00 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C618F8: (User='', Target='')
[05:44:55.59] 0c00 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C618F8: (User='', Target=''
[05:44:55.61] 061c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C61A18: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[05:44:57.49] 061c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C6A590: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[05:44:58.25] 061c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C57230: Initial Sync Starting
[05:44:59.85] 061c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@068F8C18: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-15T02:4
[05:44:59.85] 061c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C4B288: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-15T02:45:09.00-00:00
[05:44:59.96] 061c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D1C118: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[05:45:03.54] 04e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[05:45:03.55] 061c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D1C188: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[05:45:04.95] 04e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[05:45:04.96] 061c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@068F8C18: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[05:45:04.96] 061c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01C57230: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[05:45:48.91] 0890 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C618F8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01C42840'
[05:45:48.92] 0890 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C618F8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-15T02:45:49Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-15T17:01:39Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:01:39.71] 0d88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B9DE58: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01B83550', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:01:39.71] 0d88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B9DE58: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:01:39.82] 0d88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B9DE58: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:01:39.82] 0d88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B9DE58: (User='', Target='')
[20:01:39.82] 0d88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B9DE58: (User='', Target=''
[20:01:39.85] 0ce4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B8FB40: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:01:47.53] 0ce4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BB7D40: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:01:49.13] 0ce4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01B8EC10: Initial Sync Starting
[20:01:49.37] 0ce4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@060D1678: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-15T17:0
[20:01:49.37] 0ce4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C61F30: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-15T17:01:59.00-00:00
[20:01:49.57] 0ce4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C5CD08: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:01:53.11] 0f28 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:01:53.13] 0ce4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C5CD08: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:01:54.58] 0f28 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:01:54.59] 0ce4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@060D1678: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:01:54.60] 0ce4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01B8EC10: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:04:47.37] 0ce4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@060D8DD8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-15T17:0
[20:04:47.37] 0ce4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C61ED8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-15T17:04:57.00-00:00
[20:07:34.49] 173c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B9DE58: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01B83550'
[20:07:34.50] 173c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B9DE58: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-15T17:07:34Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-18T06:39:09Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[09:39:09.04] 053c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00BD30B8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00BB5C40', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:39:09.05] 053c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00BD30B8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:39:09.10] 053c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00BD30B8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[09:39:09.10] 053c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00BD30B8: (User='', Target='')
[09:39:09.10] 053c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00BD30B8: (User='', Target=''
[09:39:09.12] 07ec Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00BC36A8: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[09:39:09.92] 07ec Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00BC27A0: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[09:39:10.41] 07ec Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00BCBA08: Initial Sync Starting
[09:39:10.59] 07ec Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@05EEFED0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-18T06:3
[09:39:10.59] 07ec Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00BBDC68: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-18T06:39:20.00-00:00
[09:39:10.66] 07ec Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00C9EA88: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:39:13.97] 0f2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:39:13.98] 07ec Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00C9EA88: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[09:39:15.51] 0f2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:39:15.54] 07ec Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@05EEFED0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[09:39:15.54] 07ec Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00BCBA08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[09:43:26.27] 07ec Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@05EEFED0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-18T06:4
[09:43:26.27] 07ec Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00BBDC10: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-18T06:43:36.00-00:00
[09:46:01.99] 0c3c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00BD30B8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00BB5C40'
[09:46:02.00] 0c3c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00BD30B8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-18T06:46:02Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-18T07:35:56Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[10:36:08.55] 0dfc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B9D978: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01B9A130', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:36:08.56] 0dfc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B9D978: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:36:08.56] 0dfc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B9D978: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[10:36:08.56] 0dfc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B9D978: (User='', Target='')
[10:36:08.56] 0dfc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B9D978: (User='', Target=''
[10:36:08.62] 0d98 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BA1970: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[10:36:23.97] 0d98 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B9E900: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[10:36:25.68] 0d98 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01BA12B0: Initial Sync Starting
[10:36:26.02] 0d98 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0691B0E8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-18T07:3
[10:36:26.02] 0d98 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C05FB8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-18T07:36:36.00-00:00
[10:36:26.21] 0d98 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C6D500: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:36:31.54] 0fe0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B9D978: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01B9A130'
* Log opened: 2010-06-18T17:24:30Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:24:30.85] 0eb8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@009019B8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '008FAB08', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:24:30.85] 0eb8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@009019B8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:24:30.87] 0eb8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@009019B8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:24:30.87] 0eb8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@009019B8: (User='', Target='')
[20:24:30.87] 0eb8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@009019B8: (User='', Target=''
[20:24:30.89] 076c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@008FED30: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:24:31.88] 076c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@008FE300: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:24:32.30] 076c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00901AD8: Initial Sync Starting
[20:24:32.93] 076c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@009DF498: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-18T17:2
[20:24:32.93] 076c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@009C5558: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-18T17:24:42.00-00:00
[20:24:33.01] 076c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@009C8A80: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:24:50.74] 0e14 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:24:50.77] 076c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@009C8A80: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:24:52.75] 0e14 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:24:52.79] 076c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@009DF498: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:24:52.79] 076c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00901AD8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:25:24.12] 0f30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@009019B8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '008FAB08'
[20:25:24.12] 0f30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@009019B8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-18T17:25:25Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-20T08:03:06Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:03:06.11] 0d50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B8D6C0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01B7A8F0', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:03:06.11] 0d50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B8D6C0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:03:06.11] 0d50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B8D6C0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:03:06.11] 0d50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B8D6C0: (User='', Target='')
[11:03:06.11] 0d50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B8D6C0: (User='', Target=''
[11:03:06.14] 0f08 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B8D7E0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:03:16.23] 0f08 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B7E0E8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:03:17.26] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01B875F8: Initial Sync Starting
[11:03:19.11] 0f08 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@069D9030: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-20T08:0
[11:03:19.11] 0f08 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C48DA8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-20T08:03:29.00-00:00
[11:03:19.29] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C498B8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:03:24.96] 0a48 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:03:25.01] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000109) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.01] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x000000fc) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|subzeroil@WALLA.COM
[11:03:25.01] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000126) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.02] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000014e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.02] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000017c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.02] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000014c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.02] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000105) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.02] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000010e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.02] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000166) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.02] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000135) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.02] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000010a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.02] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000014a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.03] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000014f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.03] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000122) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.03] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000114) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.03] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000015e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.03] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000015c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.03] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000129) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.03] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000113) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.03] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000013c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.03] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000011b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.03] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000103) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.03] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000015a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.03] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000178) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.03] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000016c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.03] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000010c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.03] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000017f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.04] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000012f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Email|
[11:03:25.04] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000172) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.04] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000015f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.04] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000157) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.04] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000131) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.04] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000125) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.04] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000013e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.05] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000104) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.05] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000177) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.05] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000016e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.05] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000012b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.07] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000150) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.07] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000016a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.07] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000010b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.07] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000171) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.07] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000136) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.07] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000102) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.07] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000115) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.07] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000010d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.07] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000153) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.08] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000120) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.08] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000012a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.08] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000134) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.08] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000146) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.08] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000012c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.08] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000154) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.08] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000174) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.08] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000017d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.08] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000011f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.08] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000162) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.08] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000016f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.08] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000168) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.08] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000137) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.08] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000011e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.08] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000163) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.09] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000149) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.09] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000127) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.09] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000013b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.09] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000142) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.09] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000010f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.09] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000121) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.09] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000143) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.09] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000110) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.09] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000107) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.09] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000141) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.09] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000015b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.09] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000167) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.09] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000013a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.09] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000165) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.09] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000151) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.09] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000175) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.09] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000179) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.09] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000164) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.10] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000111) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.10] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000011c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.10] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000012d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.10] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000160) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.10] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x000000fe) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.11] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x000000fd) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.11] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000170) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.11] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000152) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.11] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000130) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.11] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000016b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.12] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000000c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.12] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000145) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.12] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000013f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.12] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000124) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.12] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000017a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.12] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000169) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.12] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000128) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.12] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000013d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.12] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000100) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.12] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000017e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.12] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000139) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.12] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000138) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.12] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000015d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.12] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x000000ff) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.12] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000012e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.12] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000119) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.12] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000108) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.12] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000159) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.12] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000158) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.12] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000011d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.13] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000123) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.13] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000106) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.13] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000118) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.13] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000112) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.13] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000155) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.13] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000014b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.13] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000011a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.13] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000101) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.14] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000116) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.14] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000017b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.14] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000133) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.14] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000161) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.14] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000014d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.14] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000117) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.14] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000173) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.14] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x0000016d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.14] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000132) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.14] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000156) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.14] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000148) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.14] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000176) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.14] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x000000fb) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.14] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000147) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.14] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000140) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.15] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01B7D240: Removing shadow SID (0x00000144) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[11:03:25.18] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C498B8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:03:28.22] 0a48 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:03:28.28] 0f08 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@069D98B0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:03:28.28] 0f08 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01B875F8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:09:51.47] 12bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B8D6C0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01B7A8F0'
[11:09:51.50] 12bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B8D6C0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-20T08:09:52Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-20T16:07:50Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[19:07:50.13] 0f7c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BDED60: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01BDA708', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:07:50.14] 0f7c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BDED60: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:07:50.15] 0f7c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BDED60: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[19:07:50.15] 0f7c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BDED60: (User='', Target='')
[19:07:50.15] 0f7c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BDED60: (User='', Target=''
[19:07:50.17] 0eb0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BDE888: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[19:07:54.07] 0eb0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C04898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[19:07:54.54] 0eb0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01BEE478: Initial Sync Starting
[19:07:54.71] 0eb0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01CA46A8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-20T16:0
[19:07:54.71] 0eb0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C77778: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-20T16:08:04.00-00:00
[19:07:54.90] 0eb0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C7A858: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:07:59.86] 0da4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:07:59.91] 0eb0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C7A858: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:08:01.80] 0da4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:08:01.82] 0eb0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01BE70B0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:08:01.82] 0eb0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01BEE478: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:10:26.83] 118c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01BDED60: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01BDA708'
[19:10:26.83] 118c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BDED60: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-20T16:10:27Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-21T05:14:30Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[08:14:30.84] 05ec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C9FA98: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01C96DB0', auth='7', sync='0'
[08:14:30.84] 05ec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C9FA98: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[08:14:30.85] 05ec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C9FA98: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[08:14:30.85] 05ec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C9FA98: (User='', Target='')
[08:14:30.85] 05ec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C9FA98: (User='', Target=''
[08:14:30.88] 0738 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01CA7EB8: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[08:14:31.76] 0738 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01CBAFB0: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[08:14:32.18] 0738 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01CAF258: Initial Sync Starting
[08:14:44.76] 0738 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C91548: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-21T05:1
[08:14:44.76] 0738 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01CF7D28: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-21T05:14:54.00-00:00
[08:14:45.04] 0738 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D3A590: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[08:14:48.19] 0608 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:14:48.20] 0738 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D3A590: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[08:14:49.58] 0608 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:14:49.60] 0738 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01C91548: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[08:14:49.60] 0738 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01CAF258: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[08:15:12.59] 0d24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C9FA98: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01C96DB0'
[08:15:12.61] 0d24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C9FA98: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-21T05:15:19Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-21T08:57:23Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:57:23.06] 1140 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B4D758: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01B4A130', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:57:23.07] 1140 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B4D758: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:57:23.08] 1140 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B4D758: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:57:23.08] 1140 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B4D758: (User='', Target='')
[11:57:23.08] 1140 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B4D758: (User='', Target=''
[11:57:23.10] 1490 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B51AE8: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:57:24.25] 1490 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B71E80: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:57:24.87] 1490 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01B51BC0: Initial Sync Starting
[11:57:25.47] 1490 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BE89F0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:57:29.58] 14b4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:57:29.59] 1490 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01B40B98: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-21T08:5
[11:57:29.59] 1490 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BE7FD8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-21T08:57:39.00-00:00
[11:57:29.67] 1490 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BE8AD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:57:31.64] 14b4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:57:31.65] 1490 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01B40B98: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:57:31.65] 1490 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01B51BC0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:57:46.72] 1698 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B4D758: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01B4A130'
[11:57:46.73] 1698 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B4D758: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-21T08:57:53Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-22T06:21:37Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[09:21:37.37] 0e30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BBF120: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01BA2810', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:21:37.38] 0e30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BBF120: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:21:37.38] 0e30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BBF120: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[09:21:37.38] 0e30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BBF120: (User='', Target='')
[09:21:37.38] 0e30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BBF120: (User='', Target=''
[09:21:37.40] 0e50 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BC8FF0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[09:21:48.29] 0e50 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BCFEB8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[09:21:50.50] 0e50 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0074B770: Initial Sync Starting
[09:21:51.89] 0e50 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C18B00: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-22T06:2
[09:21:51.89] 0e50 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BAA4B8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-22T06:22:01.00-00:00
[09:21:52.21] 0e50 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C499F8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:21:55.43] 0754 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:21:55.45] 0e50 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C499F8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[09:21:56.82] 0754 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:21:56.83] 0e50 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01BB0D60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[09:21:56.83] 0e50 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0074B770: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[10:08:23.16] 0e50 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C74C08: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-22T07:0
[10:08:23.16] 0e50 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BAA460: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-22T07:08:33.00-00:00
[10:51:51.81] 129c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01BBF120: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01BA2810'
[10:51:51.81] 129c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BBF120: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-22T07:51:52Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-22T17:30:06Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:30:06.85] 1644 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01CCBBF8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01CBA118', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:30:06.86] 1644 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01CCBBF8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:30:06.94] 1644 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01CCBBF8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:30:06.94] 1644 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01CCBBF8: (User='', Target='')
[20:30:06.94] 1644 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01CCBBF8: (User='', Target=''
[20:30:06.97] 173c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01CD7EA0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:30:13.08] 173c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01CBE2D0: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:30:13.66] 173c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01CCDFA8: Initial Sync Starting
[20:30:13.89] 173c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D5CDC0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:30:18.21] 17f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:30:18.22] 173c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D5CDC0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:30:20.13] 17f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:30:20.14] 173c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01D85BF8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:30:20.14] 173c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01CCDFA8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:10:21.39] 012c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01CCBBF8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01CBA118'
[21:10:21.39] 012c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01CCBBF8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-22T18:10:22Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-23T05:39:27Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[08:39:27.04] 0c74 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C82918: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '009DF220', auth='7', sync='0'
[08:39:27.05] 0c74 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C82918: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[08:39:27.05] 0c74 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C82918: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[08:39:27.05] 0c74 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C82918: (User='', Target='')
[08:39:27.05] 0c74 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C82918: (User='', Target=''
[08:39:27.07] 0c84 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C8EE98: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[08:39:33.82] 0c84 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01CA41A8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[08:39:34.58] 0c84 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C7E930: Initial Sync Starting
[08:39:34.74] 0c84 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01D47040: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-23T05:3
[08:39:34.74] 0c84 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C79650: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-23T05:39:44.00-00:00
[08:39:34.86] 0c84 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D19C30: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[08:39:41.16] 08dc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:39:41.18] 0c84 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D19C30: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[08:39:42.51] 08dc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:39:42.52] 0c84 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01D47040: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[08:39:42.52] 0c84 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01C7E930: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[08:39:46.77] 0854 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C82918: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '009DF220'
* Log opened: 2010-06-24T06:42:24Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[09:42:24.38] 0ef0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C9E9F0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01C96DB0', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:42:24.39] 0ef0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C9E9F0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:42:24.40] 0ef0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C9E9F0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[09:42:24.40] 0ef0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C9E9F0: (User='', Target='')
[09:42:24.40] 0ef0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C9E9F0: (User='', Target=''
[09:42:24.42] 0a34 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01CAEFC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[09:42:25.24] 0a34 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C9EB10: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[09:42:25.55] 0a34 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01CBA710: Initial Sync Starting
[09:42:26.18] 0a34 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01D60580: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-24T06:4
[09:42:26.18] 0a34 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01D37498: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-24T06:42:36.00-00:00
[09:42:26.37] 0a34 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D39C68: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:42:29.40] 0eb0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:42:29.41] 0a34 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D39C68: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[09:42:30.71] 0eb0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:42:30.72] 0a34 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01D60580: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[09:42:30.72] 0a34 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01CBA710: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[09:46:46.27] 0a34 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C90BC0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-24T06:4
[09:46:46.27] 0a34 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01D37440: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-24T06:46:56.00-00:00
[09:52:18.41] 1740 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C9E9F0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01C96DB0'
[09:52:18.41] 1740 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C9E9F0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-24T06:52:29Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-24T13:49:02Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:49:02.42] 0730 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F3E7D8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F33BF8', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:49:02.42] 0730 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F3E7D8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:49:02.47] 0730 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F3E7D8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:49:02.47] 0730 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F3E7D8: (User='', Target='')
[16:49:02.47] 0730 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F3E7D8: (User='', Target=''
[16:49:02.49] 0de0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F429A0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:49:03.30] 0de0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F63FC0: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:49:03.67] 0de0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F3E960: Initial Sync Starting
[16:49:04.25] 0de0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01001B00: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-24T13:4
[16:49:04.25] 0de0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00F39E50: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-24T13:49:14.00-00:00
[16:49:04.33] 0de0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FDB1C0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:49:08.70] 073c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:49:08.71] 0de0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FDB1C0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:49:10.65] 073c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:49:10.68] 0de0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01001B00: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:49:10.68] 0de0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F3E960: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:49:31.53] 0e98 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F3E7D8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F33BF8'
[16:49:31.54] 0e98 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F3E7D8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-24T13:49:44Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-24T17:50:23Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:50:23.68] 046c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FDDFC8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FDA8E0', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:50:23.69] 046c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FDDFC8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:50:23.78] 046c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FDDFC8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:50:23.79] 046c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FDDFC8: (User='', Target='')
[20:50:23.79] 046c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FDDFC8: (User='', Target=''
[20:50:24.17] 1128 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FE20D8: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:50:25.32] 1128 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FDE170: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:50:26.19] 1128 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FEE638: Initial Sync Starting
[20:50:26.95] 1128 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0107AA40: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:50:38.31] 11d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:50:38.35] 1128 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0107AA40: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:50:41.04] 11d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:50:41.11] 1128 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@00FEBC88: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:50:41.11] 1128 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FEE638: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:50:56.77] 04d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FDDFC8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FDA8E0'
[20:50:56.77] 04d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FDDFC8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-24T17:51:01Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-24T18:08:12Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[21:08:12.43] 1570 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAE8A0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FAA8E0', auth='7', sync='0'
[21:08:12.43] 1570 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAE8A0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[21:08:12.44] 1570 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAE8A0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[21:08:12.44] 1570 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAE8A0: (User='', Target='')
[21:08:12.44] 1570 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAE8A0: (User='', Target=''
[21:08:12.48] 0ae8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FAF068: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[21:08:13.92] 0ae8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FAE0D8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[21:08:14.94] 0ae8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FC1CD0: Initial Sync Starting
[21:08:15.03] 0ae8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0107A7F8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-24T18:0
[21:08:15.03] 0ae8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01050E38: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-24T18:08:25.00-00:00
[21:08:15.16] 0ae8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01079C10: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[21:08:20.28] 1058 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:08:20.29] 0ae8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0102A050: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:08:22.85] 1058 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:08:22.86] 0ae8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0107A7F8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[21:08:22.86] 0ae8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FC1CD0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:24:22.47] 0a08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAE8A0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FAA8E0'
[21:24:22.47] 0a08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAE8A0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-24T18:24:23Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-25T04:41:57Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[07:41:57.49] 0dd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F71608: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F6B668', auth='7', sync='0'
[07:41:57.49] 0dd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F71608: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[07:41:57.63] 0dd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F71608: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[07:41:57.63] 0dd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F71608: (User='', Target='')
[07:41:57.63] 0dd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F71608: (User='', Target=''
[07:41:57.66] 0d70 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F7E308: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[07:41:58.52] 0d70 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F88300: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[07:41:58.83] 0d70 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F6DDA0: Initial Sync Starting
[07:41:59.35] 0d70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01031540: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-25T04:4
[07:41:59.35] 0d70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01007190: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-25T04:42:09.00-00:00
[07:41:59.43] 0d70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0100A108: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[07:42:03.08] 0e00 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:42:03.09] 0d70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0100A108: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[07:42:04.66] 0e00 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:42:04.67] 0d70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01031540: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[07:42:04.67] 0d70 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F6DDA0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[07:42:35.97] 0dd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F71608: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F6B668'
[07:42:35.97] 0dd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F71608: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-25T04:42:41Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-26T04:26:22Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[07:26:23.02] 0f5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0162EE80: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '009FF220', auth='7', sync='0'
[07:26:23.03] 0f5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0162EE80: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[07:26:23.03] 0f5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0162EE80: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[07:26:23.03] 0f5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0162EE80: (User='', Target='')
[07:26:23.03] 0f5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0162EE80: (User='', Target=''
[07:26:23.21] 1078 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0163E018: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[07:26:26.20] 1078 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0163C428: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[07:26:27.95] 1078 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01622AA8: Initial Sync Starting
[07:26:30.98] 1078 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@016EBDB0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-26T04:2
[07:26:30.98] 1078 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0161A7F8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-26T04:26:40.00-00:00
[07:26:31.09] 1078 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@016BD2B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[07:26:34.72] 1218 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
* Log opened: 2010-06-28T07:12:54Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[10:12:54.20] 0fd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0099C3F0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0098A810', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:12:54.20] 0fd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0099C3F0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:12:54.21] 0fd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0099C3F0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[10:12:54.21] 0fd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0099C3F0: (User='', Target='')
[10:12:54.21] 0fd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0099C3F0: (User='', Target=''
[10:12:54.23] 0ab4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0099E5E8: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[10:12:55.25] 0ab4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@009ADEA8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[10:12:55.59] 0ab4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0098E038: Initial Sync Starting
[10:12:57.06] 0ab4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00A51548: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-28T07:1
[10:12:57.06] 0ab4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@009EBF88: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-28T07:13:07.00-00:00
[10:12:57.18] 0ab4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00A29FB8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:13:02.05] 0324 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:13:02.48] 0ab4 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00985478: Removing shadow SID (0x000000a5) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Reverse|Passport|
[10:13:02.48] 0ab4 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00985478: Removing shadow SID (0x00000014) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[10:13:02.64] 0ab4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00A5C2F0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:13:04.94] 0324 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:13:04.95] 0ab4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@00A5B468: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[10:13:04.95] 0ab4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0098E038: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[10:13:37.09] 0c98 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0099C3F0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0098A810'
[10:13:37.09] 0c98 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0099C3F0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-28T07:13:47Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-28T10:54:50Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[13:54:51.15] 1390 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00C908B8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00C9AB00', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:54:51.50] 1390 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00C908B8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:54:51.50] 1390 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00C908B8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:54:51.50] 1390 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00C908B8: (User='', Target='')
[13:54:51.50] 1390 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00C908B8: (User='', Target=''
[13:54:51.54] 139c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00C9F288: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:54:59.16] 139c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00CC8E08: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:55:00.70] 139c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00CA75E8: Initial Sync Starting
[13:55:01.30] 139c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00D6B4A0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-28T10:5
[13:55:01.30] 139c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00D6ACB8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-28T10:55:11.00-00:00
[13:55:01.47] 139c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00D3E250: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:55:05.67] 14c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:55:05.68] 139c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00D3E250: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:55:07.50] 14c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:55:07.52] 139c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@00D6B4A0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:55:07.52] 139c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00CA75E8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[14:31:41.33] 1468 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00C908B8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00C9AB00'
[14:31:41.36] 1468 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00C908B8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-28T11:31:42Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-29T09:10:21Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:10:21.41] 0aec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0101E950: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0101A6F0', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:10:21.42] 0aec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0101E950: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:10:21.80] 0aec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0101E950: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:10:21.80] 0aec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0101E950: (User='', Target='')
[12:10:21.80] 0aec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0101E950: (User='', Target=''
[12:10:21.82] 0dfc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0101DCA8: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:10:30.25] 0dfc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01040F78: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:10:31.08] 0dfc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@010324C8: Initial Sync Starting
[12:10:38.54] 0dfc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01021C68: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[12:10:41.79] 05c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:10:41.87] 0dfc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01010A60: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-29T09:1
[12:10:41.87] 0dfc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0103BCC0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-29T09:10:51.00-00:00
[12:10:41.94] 0dfc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010BF738: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:10:43.29] 05c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:10:43.29] 0dfc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010BF738: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:10:44.57] 05c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@010BF738: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = FullSyncRequired
[12:10:44.57] 05c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010BF6C8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:10:46.69] 05c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:10:46.70] 0dfc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01010A60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:10:46.70] 0dfc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@010324C8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:14:10.79] 1718 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0101E950: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0101A6F0'
[12:14:10.80] 1718 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0101E950: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-29T09:14:11Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-29T17:39:32Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:39:32.19] 154c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F57EC8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0018F220', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:39:32.20] 154c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F57EC8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:39:32.21] 154c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F57EC8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:39:32.21] 154c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F57EC8: (User='', Target='')
[20:39:32.21] 154c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F57EC8: (User='', Target=''
[20:39:32.31] 13f8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F5F238: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:39:33.85] 13f8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F4EAE8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:39:34.96] 13f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F52C40: Initial Sync Starting
[20:39:35.08] 13f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F5C3C8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:39:40.96] 0880 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:39:40.96] 13f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F5C3C8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:39:43.76] 0880 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:39:43.83] 13f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@00F40BC0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:39:43.83] 13f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F52C40: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:03:07.06] 17f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F57EC8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0018F220'
[21:03:07.06] 17f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F57EC8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-29T18:03:07Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-30T14:24:26Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:24:26.19] 0864 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00881850: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00B4F260', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:24:26.23] 0864 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00881850: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:24:26.23] 092c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00881850: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:24:26.23] 0864 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00881850: (User='', Target='')
[17:24:26.23] 0864 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00881850: (User='', Target=''
[17:24:26.26] 0f7c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0087DA40: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:24:29.11] 0f7c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@008A1940: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:24:29.63] 0f7c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0089B0A8: Initial Sync Starting
[17:24:29.92] 0f7c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@009459E0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-30T14:2
[17:24:29.92] 0f7c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0087A7A0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-30T14:24:39.00-00:00
[17:24:30.06] 0f7c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0091B970: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:24:36.19] 1070 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:24:36.19] 0f7c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0091B970: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:24:39.08] 1070 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:24:39.09] 0f7c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0088AE80: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:24:39.09] 0f7c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0089B0A8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:26:27.30] 15b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00881850: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00B4F260'
[17:26:27.31] 15b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00881850: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-30T14:26:28Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-01T10:10:14Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[13:10:14.66] 0940 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01ABF9B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01AB5E98', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:10:14.68] 0940 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01ABF9B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:10:14.86] 0940 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01ABF9B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:10:14.86] 0940 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01ABF9B0: (User='', Target='')
[13:10:14.86] 0940 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01ABF9B0: (User='', Target=''
[13:10:14.88] 0540 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01ADD9C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:10:23.55] 0540 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01ACE168: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:10:24.28] 0540 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01ADDA98: Initial Sync Starting
[13:10:25.24] 0540 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01B85E80: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-01T10:1
[13:10:25.24] 0540 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01ABC810: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-01T10:10:35.00-00:00
[13:10:25.32] 0540 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01B42220: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:10:30.76] 10dc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:10:30.79] 0540 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01B42220: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:10:32.74] 10dc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:10:32.75] 0540 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@000D27C8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:10:32.75] 0540 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01ADDA98: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:12:37.00] 1684 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01ABF9B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01AB5E98'
[13:12:37.00] 1684 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01ABF9B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-01T10:12:38Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-03T13:13:19Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:13:19.31] 0e50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F5C3D0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F4A4D0', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:13:19.31] 0e50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F5C3D0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:13:19.40] 0e50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F5C3D0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:13:19.40] 0e50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F5C3D0: (User='', Target='')
[16:13:19.40] 0e50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F5C3D0: (User='', Target=''
[16:13:19.42] 05a8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F4DC88: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:13:20.46] 05a8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F5BF80: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:13:20.79] 05a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F5BED8: Initial Sync Starting
[16:13:21.65] 05a8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01025A28: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-03T13:1
[16:13:21.65] 05a8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FFB570: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-03T13:13:31.00-00:00
[16:13:21.72] 05a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FFE520: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:13:25.55] 0394 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:13:25.56] 05a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FFE520: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:13:27.20] 0394 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:13:27.21] 05a8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01025A28: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:13:27.21] 05a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F5BED8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:14:03.98] 0e50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F5C3D0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F4A4D0'
[16:14:03.99] 0e50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F5C3D0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-03T13:14:08Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-04T06:48:04Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[09:48:04.07] 00d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01AEF920: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '000FF220', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:48:04.08] 00d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01AEF920: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:48:04.15] 00d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01AEF920: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[09:48:04.15] 00d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01AEF920: (User='', Target='')
[09:48:04.15] 00d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01AEF920: (User='', Target=''
[09:48:04.18] 0ac0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01AF2A48: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[09:48:05.25] 0ac0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01AFE888: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[09:48:05.58] 0ac0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01AFE7E0: Initial Sync Starting
[09:48:05.91] 0ac0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01BB1A58: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-04T06:4
[09:48:05.91] 0ac0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01AEA5E0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-04T06:48:15.00-00:00
[09:48:06.00] 0ac0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01B8A3E0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:48:09.09] 0ff8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:48:09.09] 0ac0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01B8A3E0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[09:48:10.50] 0ff8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:48:10.51] 0ac0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01BB1A58: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[09:48:10.51] 0ac0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01AFE7E0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[09:48:25.39] 00d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01AEF920: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '000FF220'
[09:48:25.39] 00d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01AEF920: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-04T06:48:29Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-04T13:20:41Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:20:42.92] 0db0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C32878: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01C22840', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:20:42.93] 0db0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C32878: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:20:43.00] 0db0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C32878: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:20:43.00] 0db0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C32878: (User='', Target='')
[16:20:43.00] 0db0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C32878: (User='', Target=''
[16:20:43.03] 0a2c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C2EC78: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:20:55.11] 0a2c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C68070: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:20:55.98] 0a2c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C3ED28: Initial Sync Starting
[16:20:56.99] 0a2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C208B8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-04T13:2
[16:20:56.99] 0a2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C2AA28: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-04T13:21:06.00-00:00
[16:20:57.15] 0a2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CCCC98: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:21:01.90] 112c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:21:01.92] 0a2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C46640: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:21:06.75] 112c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:21:06.76] 0a2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01C208B8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:21:06.76] 0a2c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01C3ED28: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:26:31.58] 0a2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C27A98: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-04T13:2
[16:26:31.59] 0a2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C2A978: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-04T13:26:41.00-00:00
[16:29:46.21] 1694 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C32878: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01C22840'
[16:29:46.24] 1694 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C32878: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-04T13:29:47Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-04T14:21:10Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:21:10.03] 113c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C318D8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01C25150', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:21:10.03] 113c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C318D8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:21:10.04] 113c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C318D8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:21:10.04] 113c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C318D8: (User='', Target='')
[17:21:10.04] 113c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C318D8: (User='', Target=''
[17:21:10.15] 1418 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C2DA50: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:21:11.29] 1418 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C50BB8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:21:11.65] 1418 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C319F8: Initial Sync Starting
[17:21:11.71] 1418 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CA19E8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:21:18.26] 15b0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:21:18.26] 1418 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CA19E8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:21:21.10] 15b0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:21:21.11] 1418 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01CF2E18: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:21:21.11] 1418 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01C319F8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:36:31.34] 0a0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C318D8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01C25150'
[17:36:31.35] 0a0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C318D8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-04T14:36:32Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-04T17:37:39Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:37:40.13] 1194 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C820C0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01C7AB00', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:37:40.14] 1194 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C820C0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:37:40.18] 1194 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C820C0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:37:40.18] 1194 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C820C0: (User='', Target='')
[20:37:40.18] 1194 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C820C0: (User='', Target=''
[20:37:40.35] 1260 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C97710: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:37:58.34] 1260 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01CB28B0: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:38:01.35] 1260 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01CABB18: Initial Sync Starting
[20:38:08.80] 1260 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@000C28B8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-04T17:3
[20:38:08.80] 1260 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01CE6378: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-04T17:38:18.00-00:00
[20:38:09.18] 1260 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D0AAD8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:38:18.12] 14a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:38:18.16] 1260 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D0AAD8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:38:20.33] 1190 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C820C0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01C7AB00'
[20:38:20.33] 1190 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C820C0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[20:38:23.50] 14a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
* Log opened: 2010-07-05T05:17:05Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[08:17:05.41] 0f80 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BC7DE8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01BAA8E0', auth='7', sync='0'
[08:17:05.42] 0f80 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BC7DE8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[08:17:05.43] 0f80 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BC7DE8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[08:17:05.43] 0f80 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BC7DE8: (User='', Target='')
[08:17:05.43] 0f80 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BC7DE8: (User='', Target=''
[08:17:05.45] 0498 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BCBAF8: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[08:17:08.72] 0498 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BB22C0: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[08:17:10.41] 0498 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01BCC360: Initial Sync Starting
[08:17:11.82] 0498 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01BA0DE0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-05T05:1
[08:17:11.82] 0498 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C46E80: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-05T05:17:21.00-00:00
[08:17:11.92] 0498 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C4A300: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[08:17:16.46] 06ec Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:17:16.49] 0498 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C4A300: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[08:17:18.24] 06ec Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:17:18.26] 0498 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01BB1158: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[08:17:18.26] 0498 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01BCC360: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[08:20:42.16] 0498 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C74C30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-05T05:2
[08:20:42.16] 0498 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C46DD0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-05T05:20:52.00-00:00
[08:22:05.34] 0b90 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01BC7DE8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01BAA8E0'
[08:22:05.35] 0b90 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BC7DE8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-05T05:22:05Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-06T07:15:06Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[10:15:06.54] 0844 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0103DEE0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0103A708', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:15:06.54] 0844 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0103DEE0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:15:06.54] 0844 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0103DEE0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[10:15:06.54] 0844 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0103DEE0: (User='', Target='')
[10:15:06.54] 0844 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0103DEE0: (User='', Target=''
[10:15:06.57] 0478 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0104E478: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[10:15:07.61] 0478 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0103ED68: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[10:15:08.00] 0478 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01041E38: Initial Sync Starting
[10:15:09.56] 0478 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010D8788: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:15:13.88] 0b90 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:15:13.93] 0478 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0110E7B8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-06T07:1
[10:15:13.93] 0478 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@010D5130: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-06T07:15:23.00-00:00
[10:15:13.97] 0478 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010D8718: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:15:15.33] 0b90 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:15:15.36] 0478 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0110E7B8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[10:15:15.36] 0478 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01041E38: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[10:20:09.26] 0478 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@011069E8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-06T07:2
[10:20:09.26] 0478 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@010D5188: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-06T07:20:19.00-00:00
[10:25:10.66] 16bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0103DEE0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0103A708'
[10:25:10.67] 16bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0103DEE0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-06T07:25:11Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-07T07:13:38Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[10:13:38.87] 02d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BDD990: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01BC2830', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:13:38.88] 02d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BDD990: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:13:38.89] 02d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BDD990: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[10:13:38.89] 02d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BDD990: (User='', Target='')
[10:13:38.89] 02d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BDD990: (User='', Target=''
[10:13:38.91] 0af8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BCF8A0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[10:13:41.82] 0af8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BF3910: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[10:13:42.38] 0af8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01BCEA20: Initial Sync Starting
[10:13:44.17] 0af8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C96198: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-07T07:1
[10:13:44.17] 0af8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BCA7D0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-07T07:13:54.00-00:00
[10:13:44.33] 0af8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C67120: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:13:49.65] 0c50 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:13:49.69] 0af8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C66FD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:13:51.91] 0c50 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:13:51.92] 0af8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01BD7AD8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[10:13:51.92] 0af8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01BCEA20: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[10:19:01.51] 0f04 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01BDD990: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01BC2830'
[10:19:01.51] 0f04 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BDD990: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-07T07:19:02Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-07T16:39:28Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[19:39:28.12] 0bc8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B33CE8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01B12840', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:39:28.13] 0bc8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B33CE8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:39:28.13] 0bc8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B33CE8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[19:39:28.13] 0e78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B33CE8: (User='', Target='')
[19:39:28.13] 0e78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B33CE8: (User='', Target=''
[19:39:28.15] 10d8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B1E9B0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[19:39:41.64] 10d8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B22920: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[19:39:42.25] 10d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01B27CA8: Initial Sync Starting
[19:39:43.57] 10d8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01BE1E08: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-07T16:3
[19:39:43.57] 10d8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01B1A7E8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-07T16:39:53.00-00:00
[19:39:43.65] 10d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BB7310: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:39:58.22] 1164 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:39:58.28] 10d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BB7310: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:40:18.02] 1164 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:40:18.03] 10d8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@00272C08: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:40:18.03] 10d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01B27CA8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:41:15.42] 159c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B33CE8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01B12840'
[19:41:15.43] 159c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B33CE8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-07T16:41:28Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-07T19:15:38Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[22:15:38.94] 0cd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F71D78: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F5A6F0', auth='7', sync='0'
[22:15:38.97] 0cd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F71D78: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[22:15:39.11] 0cd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F71D78: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[22:15:39.11] 0cd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F71D78: (User='', Target='')
[22:15:39.11] 0cd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F71D78: (User='', Target=''
[22:15:39.13] 0200 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F71E98: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[22:15:48.00] 0cd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F71D78: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F5A6F0'
[22:15:48.01] 0cd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F71D78: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-07T19:15:50Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-08T17:42:54Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:42:54.30] 0ad0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BDE260: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01BCA6F0', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:42:54.31] 0ad0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BDE260: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:42:54.45] 0ad0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BDE260: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:42:54.45] 0ad0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BDE260: (User='', Target='')
[20:42:54.45] 0ad0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BDE260: (User='', Target=''
[20:42:54.47] 00c0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BDB980: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:42:55.32] 00c0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BE91F0: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:43:07.85] 00c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01BE0C00: Initial Sync Starting
[20:43:09.49] 00c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C6B3C0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:43:13.88] 0ffc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:43:13.95] 00c0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C90A40: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-08T17:4
[20:43:13.95] 00c0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C67F48: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-08T17:43:23.00-00:00
[20:43:14.15] 00c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C6B4A0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:43:15.75] 0ffc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:43:15.77] 00c0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01C90A40: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:43:15.77] 00c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01BE0C00: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:44:09.82] 00c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00222DC0: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Add, AB = Personal
[20:44:11.16] 0ffc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:44:11.21] 00c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00222DC0: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Add, AB = Personal
[20:44:12.90] 0ffc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:44:12.90] 00c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00222DC0: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Add, AB = Personal
[20:44:14.56] 0ffc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:44:14.64] 00c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00222DC0: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Add, AB = Personal
[20:44:16.28] 0ffc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:55:57.20] 15b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01BDE260: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01BCA6F0'
[20:55:57.21] 15b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BDE260: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-08T17:55:57Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-09T08:12:05Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:12:05.37] 08f0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00E8F880: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00E83BF8', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:12:05.37] 08f0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00E8F880: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:12:05.38] 08f0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00E8F880: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:12:05.38] 08f0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00E8F880: (User='', Target='')
[11:12:05.38] 08f0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00E8F880: (User='', Target=''
[11:12:05.40] 0ec8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00E8E7D8: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:12:18.24] 0ec8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00E8E958: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:12:18.81] 0ec8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00E92BD0: Initial Sync Starting
[11:12:19.77] 0ec8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F29178: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:12:23.17] 09bc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:12:23.32] 0ec8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F56768: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-09T08:1
[11:12:23.32] 0ec8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00E89DF8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-09T08:12:33.00-00:00
[11:12:23.37] 0ec8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F292C8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:12:24.80] 09bc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:12:24.94] 0ec8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@000675E8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:12:24.94] 0ec8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00E92BD0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:13:20.34] 0888 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00E8F880: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00E83BF8'
[11:13:20.34] 0888 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00E8F880: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-09T08:13:22Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-10T07:21:13Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[10:21:14.01] 0fb0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F2E730: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0079F220', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:21:14.02] 0fb0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F2E730: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:21:14.10] 0fb0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F2E730: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[10:21:14.11] 0fb0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F2E730: (User='', Target='')
[10:21:14.11] 0fb0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F2E730: (User='', Target=''
[10:21:14.14] 045c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F32B60: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[10:21:14.99] 045c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F51108: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[10:21:15.74] 045c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::IsFileSystemCorrupted@00F3EF50: (sot = 9) The checksums don't match!
[10:21:15.74] 045c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::RunCorruptionDetection@00F3EF50: clearing MEMBERSHIP timestamps due to cor
ruption in the filesystem!!!
[10:21:15.76] 045c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F3EF50: Initial Sync Starting
[10:21:16.60] 045c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FF0AA0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-10T07:2
[10:21:16.60] 045c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00F29650: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-10T07:21:26.00-00:00
[10:21:16.68] 045c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FCBEA0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:21:22.00] 0c0c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:21:22.19] 045c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01003AB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:21:27.03] 0c0c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:21:27.04] 045c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@074A7C80: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[10:21:27.04] 045c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F3EF50: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[10:22:01.77] 0a3c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F2E730: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0079F220'
[10:22:01.78] 0a3c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F2E730: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-10T07:22:02Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-10T10:31:29Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[13:31:29.65] 06a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C4C1D0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01C36E18', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:31:29.66] 06a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C4C1D0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:31:29.75] 06a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C4C1D0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:31:29.75] 06a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C4C1D0: (User='', Target='')
[13:31:29.75] 06a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C4C1D0: (User='', Target=''
[13:31:29.77] 0b28 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C41990: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:31:30.37] 0b28 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C5FFD8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:31:30.65] 0b28 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C3DC58: Initial Sync Starting
[13:31:31.20] 0b28 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01D02AB0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-10T10:3
[13:31:31.20] 0b28 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01CD98E8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-10T10:31:41.00-00:00
[13:31:31.32] 0b28 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CDA210: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:31:34.27] 0ec0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:31:34.28] 0b28 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CDA210: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:31:35.65] 0ec0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:31:35.66] 0b28 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01D14158: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
* Log opened: 2010-07-10T12:47:34Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:47:34.92] 08b4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BBE378: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01BBA8E0', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:47:34.93] 08b4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BBE378: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:47:34.98] 04e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BBE378: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:47:34.98] 04e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BBE378: (User='', Target='')
[15:47:34.98] 04e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BBE378: (User='', Target=''
[15:47:35.07] 0e50 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BCE690: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:47:48.25] 0e50 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BBEC70: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:47:49.14] 0e50 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01BC20B8: Initial Sync Starting
[15:47:50.92] 0e50 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C821A8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-10T12:4
[15:47:50.93] 0e50 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BCBC30: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-10T12:48:00.00-00:00
[15:47:51.03] 0e50 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C5A720: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:47:54.10] 0b90 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:47:54.12] 0e50 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C5A720: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:47:55.44] 0b90 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:47:55.45] 0e50 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01BB07C8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:47:55.45] 0e50 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01BC20B8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[15:48:16.09] 0eb4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01BBE378: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01BBA8E0'
[15:48:16.09] 0eb4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BBE378: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-10T12:48:18Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-10T15:41:27Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[18:41:27.59] 0e94 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B81DD0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01B6A8E0', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:41:27.59] 0e94 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B81DD0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:41:27.61] 0e94 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B81DD0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[18:41:27.61] 0e94 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B81DD0: (User='', Target='')
[18:41:27.61] 0e94 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B81DD0: (User='', Target=''
[18:41:27.63] 1008 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B81EF0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[18:41:28.54] 1008 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B94878: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[18:41:28.91] 1008 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01B82A50: Initial Sync Starting
[18:41:29.51] 1008 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C32AA8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-10T15:4
[18:41:29.51] 1008 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BC62C0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-10T15:41:39.00-00:00
[18:41:29.61] 1008 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C0B458: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[18:41:45.28] 1020 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:41:45.37] 1008 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C0B458: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[18:41:47.00] 1020 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:41:47.01] 1008 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01B607C8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[18:41:47.01] 1008 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01B82A50: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[18:41:58.13] 12e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B81DD0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01B6A8E0'
[18:41:58.14] 12e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B81DD0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-10T15:42:00Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-10T17:55:50Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:55:50.68] 06f0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@009D2428: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '009BA8E0', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:55:50.68] 06f0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@009D2428: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:55:50.69] 06f0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@009D2428: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:55:50.69] 06f0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@009D2428: (User='', Target='')
[20:55:50.69] 06f0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@009D2428: (User='', Target=''
[20:55:50.71] 07e8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@009D2548: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:55:51.52] 07e8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@009DE888: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:55:51.80] 07e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@009C22C0: Initial Sync Starting
[20:55:52.10] 07e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00A584A8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:55:55.00] 03a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:55:55.00] 07e8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00A80D58: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-10T17:5
[20:55:55.00] 07e8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00A57D78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-10T17:56:05.00-00:00
[20:55:55.06] 07e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@009D1078: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:55:58.03] 03a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:55:58.04] 07e8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@00A80D58: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:55:58.04] 07e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@009C22C0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:57:05.54] 09e4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@009D2428: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '009BA8E0'
[20:57:05.55] 09e4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@009D2428: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-10T17:57:18Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-10T18:07:28Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[21:07:28.06] 1150 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C6E828: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0013F220', auth='7', sync='0'
[21:07:28.07] 1150 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C6E828: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[21:07:28.07] 0784 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C6E828: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[21:07:28.07] 0784 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C6E828: (User='', Target='')
[21:07:28.07] 0784 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C6E828: (User='', Target=''
[21:07:28.13] 0550 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C7EFB8: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[21:07:29.39] 0550 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C93E18: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[21:07:29.87] 0550 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C7F090: Initial Sync Starting
[21:07:29.95] 0550 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D0A238: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[21:07:34.03] 11cc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:07:34.03] 0550 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D0A238: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:07:35.71] 11cc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:07:35.72] 0550 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01D38FF8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[21:07:35.72] 0550 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01C7F090: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:11:37.19] 17cc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C6E828: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0013F220'
[21:11:37.20] 17cc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C6E828: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-10T18:11:37Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-11T07:13:12Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[10:13:12.62] 0ae0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F5D950: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F57EE8', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:13:12.63] 0ae0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F5D950: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:13:12.64] 0ae0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F5D950: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[10:13:12.64] 0ae0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F5D950: (User='', Target='')
[10:13:12.64] 0ae0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F5D950: (User='', Target=''
[10:13:12.66] 0e44 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F62CE0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[10:13:13.37] 0e44 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F6D138: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[10:13:13.64] 0e44 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F748F8: Initial Sync Starting
[10:13:14.31] 0e44 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01025120: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-11T07:1
[10:13:14.31] 0e44 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FFA140: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-11T07:13:24.00-00:00
[10:13:14.39] 0e44 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FFCA98: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:13:30.24] 0834 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:13:30.25] 0e44 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FFCA98: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:13:32.71] 0834 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:13:32.74] 0e44 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01025120: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[10:13:32.74] 0e44 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F748F8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[10:14:35.92] 1328 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F5D950: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F57EE8'
[10:14:35.93] 1328 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F5D950: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-11T07:14:42Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-11T15:28:57Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[18:28:57.63] 0f34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C4DEB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01C3A8E0', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:28:57.63] 0f34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C4DEB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:28:57.64] 0f34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C4DEB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[18:28:57.64] 0f34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C4DEB0: (User='', Target='')
[18:28:57.64] 0f34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C4DEB0: (User='', Target=''
[18:28:57.66] 0d24 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C4DFD0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[18:28:58.41] 0d24 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C58CB8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[18:28:58.69] 0d24 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C4E880: Initial Sync Starting
[18:28:59.25] 0d24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CBF480: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[18:29:02.73] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:29:02.74] 0d24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01D0AC08: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-11T15:2
[18:29:02.74] 0d24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01D021F8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-11T15:29:12.00-00:00
[18:29:02.81] 0d24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CBF4F0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[18:29:04.28] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:29:04.29] 0d24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01D0AC08: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[18:29:04.29] 0d24 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01C4E880: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[18:50:06.61] 0338 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C4DEB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01C3A8E0'
[18:50:06.61] 0338 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C4DEB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-11T15:50:07Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-12T06:46:24Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[09:46:24.68] 0b04 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00EBC6A0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00EA2840', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:46:24.68] 0b04 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00EBC6A0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:46:24.69] 0b04 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00EBC6A0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[09:46:24.69] 0b04 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00EBC6A0: (User='', Target='')
[09:46:24.69] 0b04 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00EBC6A0: (User='', Target=''
[09:46:24.71] 0a48 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00EBC7C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[09:46:25.78] 0a48 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00ED32B8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[09:46:26.14] 0a48 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00EC4F78: Initial Sync Starting
[09:46:27.61] 0a48 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F70978: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-12T06:4
[09:46:27.61] 0a48 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00ED3F38: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-12T06:46:37.00-00:00
[09:46:27.73] 0a48 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F4AD30: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:46:31.45] 02f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:46:31.58] 0a48 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F4AD30: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[09:46:33.03] 02f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:46:33.04] 0a48 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@00F70978: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[09:46:33.04] 0a48 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00EC4F78: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[09:47:27.62] 0a48 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F6FD20: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[09:47:28.96] 02f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:50:05.94] 0a48 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F70978: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-12T06:5
[09:50:05.94] 0a48 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00ED3E88: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-12T06:50:15.00-00:00
[09:56:39.88] 0954 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00EBC6A0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00EA2840'
[09:56:39.89] 0954 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00EBC6A0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-12T06:56:40Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-12T12:25:16Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:25:16.87] 17f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00D50FA8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00D3A8E0', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:25:16.91] 17f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00D50FA8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:25:16.93] 17f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00D50FA8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:25:16.93] 17f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00D50FA8: (User='', Target='')
[15:25:16.93] 17f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00D50FA8: (User='', Target=''
[15:25:17.01] 0f3c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00D42070: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:25:19.66] 0f3c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00D3E0D8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:25:20.40] 0f3c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00D4E638: Initial Sync Starting
[15:25:20.84] 0f3c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00E01B50: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-12T12:2
[15:25:20.84] 0f3c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00D637E8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-12T12:25:30.00-00:00
[15:25:20.93] 0f3c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00DBC038: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:25:25.42] 05ac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:25:25.63] 0f3c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00DBC038: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:25:27.10] 05ac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:25:27.15] 0f3c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@00E02350: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:25:27.15] 0f3c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00D4E638: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[15:30:06.02] 1694 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00D50FA8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00D3A8E0'
[15:30:06.02] 1694 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00D50FA8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-12T12:30:06Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-14T14:20:13Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:20:13.19] 0e50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C1F210: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01C13550', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:20:13.20] 0e50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C1F210: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:20:13.20] 0e50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C1F210: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:20:13.20] 0e50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C1F210: (User='', Target='')
[17:20:13.20] 0e50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C1F210: (User='', Target=''
[17:20:13.28] 1098 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C2EF58: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:20:15.88] 1098 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C474F8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:20:16.64] 1098 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C1E898: Initial Sync Starting
[17:20:16.94] 1098 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CBEEE0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:20:22.38] 10c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:20:22.51] 1098 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CBEEE0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:20:26.50] 10c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:20:26.60] 1098 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01C226D8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:20:26.60] 1098 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01C1E898: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:46:42.89] 12fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C1F210: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01C13550'
[17:46:42.90] 12fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C1F210: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-14T14:46:44Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-15T17:55:31Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:55:31.57] 0df4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00B434B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00B32A98', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:55:31.58] 0df4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00B434B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:55:31.58] 0df4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00B434B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:55:31.58] 0df4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00B434B0: (User='', Target='')
[20:55:31.58] 0df4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00B434B0: (User='', Target=''
[20:55:31.60] 02e8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00B3E800: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:55:48.83] 02e8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00B633D0: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:55:51.03] 02e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00B5C6E8: Initial Sync Starting
[20:55:51.55] 02e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00C03F28: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[20:55:56.10] 0df4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00B434B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00B32A98'
[20:55:56.10] 0df4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00B434B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[20:55:59.83] 0960 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:55:59.98] 0df4 Contacts: Replication CSyncOperationC
allback::LogResult@00BEFE08: Sync error hr = 0x80004004 for operation = 4
[20:56:02.30] 0df4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::~CU
serState@00B434B0: (User='') exited with 00000001 sync
* Log opened: 2010-07-16T13:49:02Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:49:02.45] 15a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C020C0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01BFAB00', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:49:02.48] 15a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C020C0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:49:02.57] 15a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C020C0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:49:02.57] 15a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C020C0: (User='', Target='')
[16:49:02.57] 15a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C020C0: (User='', Target=''
[16:49:02.67] 168c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C121C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:49:04.12] 168c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C1A4A8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:49:04.51] 168c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C0E858: Initial Sync Starting
[16:49:04.55] 168c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01CC9950: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-16T13:4
[16:49:04.55] 168c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C1C7B0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-16T13:49:14.00-00:00
[16:49:04.71] 168c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CA1CC0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:49:08.49] 16a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:49:08.50] 168c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CA1C50: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:49:11.51] 16a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:49:11.57] 168c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01CCD708: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:49:11.57] 168c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01C0E858: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:26:05.54] 12ec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C020C0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01BFAB00'
[17:26:05.55] 12ec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C020C0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-16T14:26:06Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-16T17:51:15Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:51:15.58] 0e08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@016238F0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '007AF460', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:51:15.59] 0e08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@016238F0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:51:15.61] 0e08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@016238F0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:51:15.62] 0e08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@016238F0: (User='', Target='')
[20:51:15.62] 0e08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@016238F0: (User='', Target=''
[20:51:15.66] 0de8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0161F310: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:51:18.17] 0de8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0160FC10: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:51:18.60] 0de8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0160ED58: Initial Sync Starting
[20:51:18.80] 0de8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@016D93C8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-16T17:5
[20:51:18.80] 0de8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01609A78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-16T17:51:28.00-00:00
[20:51:18.93] 0de8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@016ABBC0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:51:23.62] 0914 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:51:23.62] 0de8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@016ABAE0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:51:25.65] 0914 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:51:25.66] 0de8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@016DC4B8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:51:25.66] 0de8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0160ED58: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:04:37.47] 0de8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@016AE570: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[21:04:40.98] 0914 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@016DFE70: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[21:04:40.98] 0914 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@016DFE70: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[21:04:40.99] 0914 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@016AEB60: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[21:04:44.98] 0914 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@016DFE70: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 2
[21:04:44.98] 0914 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@016DFE70: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=2
[21:04:44.99] 0914 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@016DA3C8: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[21:04:48.31] 0914 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:04:48.31] 0914 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@016DFE70: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[21:04:48.31] 0914 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@016099C8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-16T18:04:40.00-00:00
[21:04:53.96] 0de8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0160ED58: trigger = 'RoamingIdentityChanged',
command = 'pushstorage', needs to be delayed: (174383)
[21:05:06.95] 0de8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0160ED58: trigger = 'RoamingIdentityChanged',
command = 'pushstorage', needs to be delayed: (161391)
[21:05:09.69] 0d88 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@0162394C: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-07-16T11:04:45.47-07:
[21:05:09.70] 0de8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@016ABB50: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[21:05:11.60] 0914 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:05:11.60] 0de8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@016ABB50: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:05:13.55] 0914 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:07:48.35] 0de8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@016AE490: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[21:07:51.23] 0914 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@007A27C8: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[21:07:51.23] 0914 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@007A27C8: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[21:07:51.24] 0914 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@016AECE0: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[21:07:56.64] 0914 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@007A27C8: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 2
[21:07:56.64] 0914 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@007A27C8: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=2
[21:07:56.64] 0914 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@016D93E0: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[21:08:00.13] 0914 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:08:00.13] 0914 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@007A27C8: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[21:08:00.13] 0914 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@016099C8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-16T18:07:52.00-00:00
[21:08:22.54] 0fdc Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@0162394C: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-07-16T11:07:57.277-07
[21:08:22.55] 0de8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@016ABBC0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[21:08:24.52] 0914 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:08:24.52] 0de8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@016ABBC0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:08:28.05] 0914 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:10:42.74] 0de8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0160ED58: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (17424)
[21:13:37.14] 0de8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@016E0E88: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[21:16:31.53] 0de8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0160ED58: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (5607)
[21:19:25.92] 0de8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@016E0E88: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[21:22:20.31] 0de8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0160ED58: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (5609)
[21:25:14.71] 0de8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@016E0E88: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[21:28:09.10] 0de8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0160ED58: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (5606)
[21:29:12.58] 0ef8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@016238F0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '007AF460'
[21:29:12.58] 0ef8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@016238F0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[21:29:12.58] 0de8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@0161F310: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a78, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[21:29:12.58] 0de8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@0161F310: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a20, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[21:29:12.58] 0de8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@0161F310: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a54, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[21:29:12.58] 0de8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@0161F310: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a2f, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[21:29:12.58] 0de8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@0161F310: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a63, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[21:29:12.58] 0de8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@0161F310: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a3f, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[21:29:12.58] 0de8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@0161F310: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a72, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[21:29:12.58] 0de8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@0161F310: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a4e, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[21:29:12.58] 0de8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@0161F310: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a29, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[21:29:12.58] 0de8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@0161F310: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a5d, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-16T18:29:13Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-17T09:32:55Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:32:55.78] 0e2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00CE47E8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00CCA8E0', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:32:55.79] 0e2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00CE47E8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:32:55.79] 0e2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00CE47E8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:32:55.79] 0e2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00CE47E8: (User='', Target='')
[12:32:55.79] 0e2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00CE47E8: (User='', Target=''
[12:32:55.81] 0af8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00CDE8D0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:33:13.05] 0af8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00CCE0D8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:33:14.79] 0af8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00CC0F58: Initial Sync Starting
[12:33:16.86] 0af8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00D97E10: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-17T09:3
[12:33:16.86] 0af8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00D28300: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-17T09:33:26.00-00:00
[12:33:16.94] 0af8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00CD6E10: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:33:23.40] 1194 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:33:23.56] 0af8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00CD6E10: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:33:24.72] 1194 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:33:24.73] 0af8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@00D97E10: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:33:24.73] 0af8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00CC0F58: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:44:31.09] 1448 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00CE47E8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00CCA8E0'
[12:44:31.10] 1448 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00CE47E8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-17T09:44:32Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-17T16:22:58Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[19:22:58.48] 0f6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C81908: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01C76E18', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:22:58.49] 0f6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C81908: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:22:58.50] 0508 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C81908: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[19:22:58.50] 0508 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C81908: (User='', Target='')
[19:22:58.50] 0508 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C81908: (User='', Target=''
[19:22:58.55] 08f8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C7DC58: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[19:23:03.43] 08f8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C90800: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[19:23:05.03] 08f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C99B90: Initial Sync Starting
[19:23:06.02] 08f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D44778: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[19:23:10.48] 06c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:23:10.54] 08f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D18870: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:23:12.72] 06c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:23:12.72] 08f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D18870: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:23:14.78] 06c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:23:14.84] 08f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01C70FF8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:23:14.85] 08f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01C99B90: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:13:02.37] 1064 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C81908: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01C76E18'
[20:13:02.37] 1064 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C81908: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[20:46:31.20] 0980 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@007DFE20: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01D47CA8', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:46:31.21] 0980 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@007DFE20: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:46:31.27] 0e54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@007DFE20: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:46:31.27] 0e54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@007DFE20: (User='', Target='')
[20:46:31.27] 0e54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@007DFE20: (User='', Target=''
[20:46:31.28] 1704 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01D456A0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:46:32.32] 1704 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01D47B58: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:46:32.84] 1704 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01CAC448: Initial Sync Starting
[20:46:32.91] 1704 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@05B268C0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-17T17:4
[20:46:32.91] 1704 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C86C58: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-17T17:46:42.00-00:00
[20:46:33.02] 1704 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CB50B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:46:37.18] 16b0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:46:37.18] 1704 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CB50B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:46:39.30] 16b0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:46:39.32] 1704 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@05B268C0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:46:39.32] 1704 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01CAC448: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:59:06.46] 1270 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@007DFE20: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01D47CA8'
[20:59:06.46] 1270 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@007DFE20: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-17T17:59:07Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-18T11:07:15Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[14:07:15.96] 0de4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C4DE18: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01C49760', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:07:15.99] 0de4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C4DE18: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:07:16.00] 0de4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C4DE18: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:07:16.00] 053c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C4DE18: (User='', Target='')
[14:07:16.00] 053c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C4DE18: (User='', Target=''
[14:07:16.11] 0f38 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C5C710: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:07:18.67] 0f38 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C5BBE0: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:07:20.30] 0f38 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C60D00: Initial Sync Starting
[14:07:21.15] 0f38 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CEC048: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:07:25.76] 0df0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:07:25.76] 0f38 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CEC048: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:07:27.57] 0df0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:07:27.63] 0f38 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01C5E5E8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:07:27.63] 0f38 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01C60D00: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[14:07:50.04] 0738 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C4DE18: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01C49760'
[14:07:50.04] 0738 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C4DE18: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-18T11:07:53Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-18T16:16:17Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[19:16:17.42] 0ad0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B8F1D0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01B7A698', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:16:17.42] 0ad0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B8F1D0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:16:17.43] 0ad0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B8F1D0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[19:16:17.43] 0ad0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B8F1D0: (User='', Target='')
[19:16:17.43] 0ad0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B8F1D0: (User='', Target=''
[19:16:17.45] 0afc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B8FCD0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[19:16:18.71] 0afc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BA3248: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[19:16:19.03] 0afc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01B8F2F0: Initial Sync Starting
[19:16:19.17] 0afc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C4E008: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[19:16:23.34] 075c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:16:23.43] 0afc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C242C8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:16:25.59] 075c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:16:25.60] 0afc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C242C8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:16:27.77] 075c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:16:27.88] 0afc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01C515E8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:16:27.88] 0afc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01B8F2F0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:23:23.65] 0afc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@001B7808: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-18T16:2
[19:23:23.65] 0afc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BA52F8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-18T16:23:33.00-00:00
[19:59:08.35] 0ea8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B8F1D0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01B7A698'
[19:59:08.35] 0ea8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B8F1D0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-18T16:59:09Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-19T17:00:20Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:00:20.12] 12c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C420C0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01C3A8E0', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:00:20.13] 12c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C420C0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:00:20.13] 12c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C420C0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:00:20.13] 12c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C420C0: (User='', Target='')
[20:00:20.13] 12c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C420C0: (User='', Target=''
[20:00:20.16] 1384 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C3E0D8: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:00:21.16] 1384 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C642A0: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:00:21.63] 1384 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C5B608: Initial Sync Starting
[20:00:21.66] 1384 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01D05F50: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-19T17:0
[20:00:21.66] 1384 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01D04BC0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-19T17:00:31.00-00:00
[20:00:21.78] 1384 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CDD7E0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:00:28.23] 13d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:00:28.23] 1384 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CDD7E0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:00:32.04] 13d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:00:32.10] 1384 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01C50DC0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:00:32.10] 1384 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01C5B608: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:00:45.87] 1684 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C420C0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01C3A8E0'
[20:00:45.88] 1684 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C420C0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-19T17:00:47Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-20T10:32:30Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[13:32:30.30] 0c5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00A22B18: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0009F260', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:32:30.30] 0c5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00A22B18: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:32:30.31] 0c5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00A22B18: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:32:30.31] 0c5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00A22B18: (User='', Target='')
[13:32:30.31] 0c5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00A22B18: (User='', Target=''
[13:32:30.33] 0c14 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00A1DDF8: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:32:31.45] 0c14 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00A32828: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:32:31.80] 0c14 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00A1DED0: Initial Sync Starting
[13:32:32.50] 0c14 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00AD5680: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-20T10:3
[13:32:32.50] 0c14 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00A0A560: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-20T10:32:42.00-00:00
[13:32:32.59] 0c14 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00AA9310: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:32:36.87] 0f48 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:32:36.88] 0c14 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00AA9310: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:32:39.02] 0f48 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:32:39.03] 0c14 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@00AD8A38: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:32:39.03] 0c14 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00A1DED0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:49:13.08] 0f70 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00A22B18: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0009F260'
[13:49:13.08] 0f70 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00A22B18: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[13:50:00.47] 0f70 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@000975F0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0009F920', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:50:00.47] 0f70 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@000975F0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:50:00.48] 0f70 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@000975F0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:50:00.48] 0f70 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@000975F0: (User='', Target='')
[13:50:00.48] 0f70 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@000975F0: (User='', Target=''
[13:50:00.49] 1054 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0009A478: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:50:01.39] 1054 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00A229B8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:50:02.24] 1054 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00A4B318: Initial Sync Starting
[13:50:02.31] 1054 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00A74B30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-20T10:5
[13:50:02.31] 1054 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00A2F1B8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-20T10:50:12.00-00:00
[13:50:02.59] 1054 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00A4B318: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[13:50:02.59] 1054 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00A4B318: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[13:50:02.59] 1054 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@00AE37D8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:50:02.59] 1054 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00A4B318: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[13:50:02.59] 1054 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00A4B318: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[13:50:14.71] 0f70 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@000975F0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0009F920'
[13:50:14.72] 0f70 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@000975F0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-20T10:50:15Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-20T15:49:42Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[18:49:42.41] 0e58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C6E0C0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01C6A8E0', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:49:42.43] 0e58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C6E0C0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:49:42.44] 0e58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C6E0C0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[18:49:42.44] 0e58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C6E0C0: (User='', Target='')
[18:49:42.44] 0e58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C6E0C0: (User='', Target=''
[18:49:42.46] 106c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C7E840: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[18:49:44.13] 106c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C7D738: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[18:49:44.68] 106c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C7E918: Initial Sync Starting
[18:49:45.07] 106c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D37BA8: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[18:49:50.25] 110c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:49:50.34] 106c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01D39C60: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-20T15:5
[18:49:50.34] 106c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01D35060: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-20T15:50:00.00-00:00
[18:49:50.37] 106c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D0C260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[18:49:54.08] 0e58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C6E0C0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01C6A8E0'
[18:49:54.09] 0e58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C6E0C0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[18:49:54.84] 110c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:49:55.04] 0e58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::~CU
serState@01C6E0C0: (User='') exited with 00000001 sync
* Log opened: 2010-07-21T18:44:28Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[21:44:28.97] 16fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C1EEF8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0086F220', auth='7', sync='0'
[21:44:28.99] 16fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C1EEF8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[21:44:28.99] 16fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C1EEF8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[21:44:28.99] 16fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C1EEF8: (User='', Target='')
[21:44:28.99] 16fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C1EEF8: (User='', Target=''
[21:44:29.01] 16f8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C17DF8: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[21:44:30.52] 16f8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C12910: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[21:44:30.91] 16f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C17C38: Initial Sync Starting
[21:44:30.99] 16f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CD3D20: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[21:44:35.81] 14d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:44:35.93] 16f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01CD0C98: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-21T18:4
[21:44:35.93] 16f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C09650: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-21T18:44:45.00-00:00
[21:44:35.99] 16f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C17660: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[21:44:38.69] 14d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:44:38.75] 16f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C17660: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:44:43.08] 14d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:44:43.12] 16f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01CD0C98: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[21:44:43.12] 16f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01C17C38: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:45:40.99] 16e4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C1EEF8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0086F220'
[21:45:40.99] 16e4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C1EEF8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-21T18:45:41Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-23T17:15:25Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:15:25.94] 111c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00087608: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0008F260', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:15:25.94] 111c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00087608: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:15:25.95] 111c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00087608: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:15:25.95] 111c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00087608: (User='', Target='')
[20:15:25.95] 111c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00087608: (User='', Target=''
[20:15:26.05] 11f4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01AD1A48: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:15:41.54] 11f4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01AE9630: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:15:45.04] 11f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01AD6DA0: Initial Sync Starting
[20:15:46.96] 11f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01B6F028: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:15:53.48] 14ac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:15:53.53] 11f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01B6F028: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:15:57.39] 14ac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:15:57.40] 11f4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01AF5D38: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:15:57.40] 11f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01AD6DA0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:12:34.68] 1608 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00087608: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0008F260'
[21:12:34.68] 1608 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00087608: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[21:12:34.82] 11f4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01AD1A48: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a69, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-23T18:12:36Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-25T17:11:55Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:11:55.62] 0b88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@009077A8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01BAB910', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:11:55.63] 0b88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@009077A8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:11:55.63] 0b88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@009077A8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:11:55.63] 0b88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@009077A8: (User='', Target='')
[20:11:55.63] 0b88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@009077A8: (User='', Target=''
[20:11:55.66] 0e4c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BCB4D0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:11:59.80] 0e4c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BD42C8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:12:01.37] 0e4c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01BCB5A8: Initial Sync Starting
[20:12:05.75] 0e4c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C72BD0: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[20:12:11.68] 10ac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:12:12.18] 0e4c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C4ADA0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:12:17.61] 10ac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:12:17.80] 0e4c Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01BAD900: Removing shadow SID (0x000000a4) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Reverse|Passport|
[20:12:17.94] 0e4c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C79188: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:12:20.35] 10ac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:12:20.57] 0e4c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@06F4DE60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:12:20.57] 0e4c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01BCB5A8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:04:23.88] 0b68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@009077A8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01BAB910'
[21:04:24.03] 0b68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@009077A8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[21:22:43.76] 0c58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C73438: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01C71C48', auth='7', sync='0'
[21:22:43.76] 0c58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C73438: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[21:22:43.76] 0c58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C73438: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[21:22:43.76] 0c58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C73438: (User='', Target='')
[21:22:43.76] 0c58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C73438: (User='', Target=''
[21:22:43.78] 1108 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@06F112E8: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[21:22:44.82] 1108 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@06F113C0: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[21:22:45.18] 1108 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@06F2A928: Initial Sync Starting
[21:22:45.22] 1108 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C7C800: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-25T18:2
[21:22:45.22] 1108 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C6A518: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-25T18:22:55.00-00:00
[21:22:45.30] 1108 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C060F8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[21:22:49.15] 1080 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:22:49.15] 1108 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BBD518: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:22:51.25] 1080 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:22:51.27] 1108 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01C7C800: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[21:22:51.27] 1108 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@06F2A928: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:34:51.65] 1198 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C73438: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01C71C48'
[21:34:51.65] 1198 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C73438: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-25T18:34:51Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-01T06:24:22Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[09:24:22.14] 04d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C51A30: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01C33550', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:24:22.14] 04d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C51A30: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:24:22.15] 04d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C51A30: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[09:24:22.15] 04d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C51A30: (User='', Target='')
[09:24:22.15] 04d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C51A30: (User='', Target=''
[09:24:22.18] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C51B50: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[09:24:32.45] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C3E898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[09:24:34.11] 0424 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C42808: Initial Sync Starting
[09:24:34.59] 0424 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01D085A8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-01T06:2
[09:24:34.59] 0424 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01CE0A78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-01T06:24:44.00-00:00
[09:24:34.68] 0424 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CE1348: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:24:39.02] 1168 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:24:39.24] 0424 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CE1348: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[09:24:41.68] 1168 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:24:41.69] 0424 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01D085A8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[09:24:41.69] 0424 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01C42808: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[09:44:01.26] 0424 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01CA1368: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-01T06:4
[09:44:01.26] 0424 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01CE09C8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-01T06:44:11.00-00:00
[09:52:11.88] 1110 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C51A30: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01C33550'
[09:52:11.88] 1110 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C51A30: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[09:52:11.91] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C51B50: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a5d, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[09:52:11.91] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C51B50: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a39, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[09:52:11.91] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C51B50: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a14, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[09:52:11.91] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C51B50: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a48, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[09:52:11.91] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C51B50: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a23, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[09:52:11.91] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C51B50: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a57, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[09:52:11.91] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C51B50: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a32, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[09:52:11.91] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C51B50: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a66, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[09:52:11.91] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C51B50: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a42, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[09:52:11.91] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C51B50: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a75, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[09:52:11.91] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C51B50: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a1d, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[09:52:11.91] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C51B50: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a2c, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[09:52:11.91] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C51B50: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a60, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[09:52:11.91] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C51B50: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a3c, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[09:52:11.91] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C51B50: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a6f, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[09:52:11.91] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C51B50: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a17, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[09:52:11.91] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C51B50: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a4b, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[09:52:11.91] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C51B50: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a26, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[09:52:11.91] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C51B50: (store:, sot: 3,
id: 56c00008-0050-a87c-11de-d1f8dc877a5a, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-01T06:52:12Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-11T16:44:26Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[19:44:26.87] 053c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B8DEF8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01B7AB00', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:44:26.90] 053c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B8DEF8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:44:27.00] 053c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B8DEF8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[19:44:27.00] 053c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B8DEF8: (User='', Target='')
[19:44:27.00] 053c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B8DEF8: (User='', Target=''
[19:44:27.27] 11ac Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B8E018: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[19:44:30.23] 11ac Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B7E2F8: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[19:44:30.83] 11ac Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01B875E8: Initial Sync Starting
[19:44:31.09] 11ac Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C436C8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-11T16:4
[19:44:31.09] 11ac Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C1AD70: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-11T16:44:41.00-00:00
[19:44:31.50] 11ac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01B86F60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:44:37.16] 02e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B8DEF8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01B7AB00'
* Log opened: 2010-08-14T18:21:22Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[21:21:22.73] 16f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@009D2930: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0085F220', auth='7', sync='0'
[21:21:22.74] 16f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@009D2930: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[21:21:22.74] 16f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@009D2930: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[21:21:27.42] 151c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@009D2930: (User='', Target=''
[21:21:27.42] 151c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@009D2930: (User='', Target='')
[21:21:27.48] 1760 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@009DB298: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[21:21:28.34] 1760 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@009DBA18: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[21:21:28.73] 1760 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@009DB8E8: Initial Sync Starting
[21:21:28.89] 1760 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@009EC798: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[21:21:40.27] 1744 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:21:40.73] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000041) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.73] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000038) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.74] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000006f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.74] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000007d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.74] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000018) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.74] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000007b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.74] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000048) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.74] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000095) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.74] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000003c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.74] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000002b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.74] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000074) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.74] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000004d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.74] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000078) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.74] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000033) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.74] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000082) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.74] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000060) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.74] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000073) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.74] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000006b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.75] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000008f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.75] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000004e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.75] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000008c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.75] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000014) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.75] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000002c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.75] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000030) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.75] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000089) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.75] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000003d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.75] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000063) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.75] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000053) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.75] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000029) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.75] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000052) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.75] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000058) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.75] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000027) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.75] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000081) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.75] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000004a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.75] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000005f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.75] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000085) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.75] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000002f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.75] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000002e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.75] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000012) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.75] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000070) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.76] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000003e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.76] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000008b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.76] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000002a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.76] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000087) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.76] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000006a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.76] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000025) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.76] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000004c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.76] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000039) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.76] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000019) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.76] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000007f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.76] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000010) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.76] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000046) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.76] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000003b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.76] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000006c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.76] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000003a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.76] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000001b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.76] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000049) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.76] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000044) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.77] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000067) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.77] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000002d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.77] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000005a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.77] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000004b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.77] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000001e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.77] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000088) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.77] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000001c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.77] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000079) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.77] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000001d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.77] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000007e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.77] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000043) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.77] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000086) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.77] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000005b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.77] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000062) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.77] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000072) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.78] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000055) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.78] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000051) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.78] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000066) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.78] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000076) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.78] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000092) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.78] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000020) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.78] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000034) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.78] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000007c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.78] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000001a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.78] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000084) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.79] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000090) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.79] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000031) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.79] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000016) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.79] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x000000b7) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Reverse|Passport|
[21:21:40.79] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000071) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.79] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000008d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.80] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000007a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.80] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000068) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.80] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000064) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.80] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000017) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.80] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000075) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.80] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x000000d5) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Reverse|Passport|
[21:21:40.80] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000037) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.80] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000032) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.80] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x0000005d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.80] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000045) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Email|
[21:21:40.80] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000069) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.82] 1760 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@009CB218: Removing shadow SID (0x00000050) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[21:21:40.90] 1760 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00A9CDC8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:21:45.72] 1744 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:21:45.86] 1760 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@00AA2800: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[21:21:45.86] 1760 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@009DB8E8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:21:46.27] 1760 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00A9CBD8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-14T18:2
[21:21:46.27] 1760 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@009C9700: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-14T18:21:56.00-00:00
[21:21:48.38] 1760 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00A9CBD8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-14T18:2
[21:21:48.38] 1760 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@009C95F8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-14T18:21:58.00-00:00
[21:21:54.39] 1760 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@00A9CBD8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[21:21:54.76] 1760 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00A91AB8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-14T18:2
[21:21:54.76] 1760 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@009C95F8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-14T18:22:04.00-00:00
[21:23:14.52] 1280 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@009D2930: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0085F220'
[21:23:14.52] 1280 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@009D2930: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-14T18:23:15Z

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