Specific-Relief-Act MCQs For LGAT-1-2

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The Specific Relief Act of 1877 was enacted on

A. 7th February, 1877 B. 7th March, 1877

C. 7th April, 1877

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A

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2. The Specific Relief Act, was enforced on

A. 1st March 1877 B. 1st April 1877

C. 1st May 1877

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C

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3. The Specific Relief Act contain_____, sections

A. 55 B. 57

C. 59

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B

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4. The Specific Relief Act, of 1877 contains_____ schedule

A. 1 B. 2

C. None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C

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5. The Specific Relief Act is_____ kind of law

A. Penal B. Specific

C. Fiscal

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B

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6. As per section 3, of Specific Relief Act every duty enforceable by law is called

A. Duty B. Legal duty

C. Obligation

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C

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7. Any instrument (other than a will or codicil as defined by the Indian Succession Act) whereby the
destination or devolution of successive interest in movable and immovable property is disposed of
or is agreed to be disposed of is called

A. Affidavit B. Power of attorney

C. Instrument D. Settlement

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D
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8. Relief can not be granted for agreements which are

A. Enforceable by law B. Not enforceable by law

C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B

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9. Section______, of the Specific Relief Act provide ways of relief granting

A. 5 B. 6

C. 7

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A

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10. As per section 5, of The Specific Relief Act provides_____ ways through which relief can be given

A. 5 B. 7

C. 10

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A

11. Section _____, of the Specific Relief Act deals with cases of possession of immovable property

A. 7 B. 8

C. 9

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B

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12. As per section 7, of the Specific Relief Act, specific relief can not be granted for the mere purpose
of enforcing a____ law

A. Constitutional B. Civil

C. Penal

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C

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13. When a person is dispossessed from immovable property without his consent he can file suit
under section______, of the Specific Relief Act

A. 8 B. 9

C. 10

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B

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14. A person entitled to the possession of specific movable property may recover the same in the
manner prescribed by the

A. The Specific Relief Act, 1877 B. The Code of Civil Procedure

C. The Contract Act, 1872

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B
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15. A, a warehouse-keeper, is charged with the delivery of certain goods to Z, which B takes out the
possession, A may

A. Sue B for the goods B. Sue Z for the goods

C. Sue both B and Z for the goods

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A

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16. The contract which may be specifically enforced are dealt by_____, to_____, of the Specific Relief

A. Section 12 to 20 B. Section 12 to 30

C. Section 12 to 25

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C

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17. A holds certain stock in trust for B.A wrongfully disposes of the stock. The law creates an
obligation on A to restore the same and if A fails B.can

File a suit aginst A for specific

A. B. Not make any litigation against B
performance of contract

C. Make criminal case against A

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A

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18. Specific performance of a Contract can be sought upon

A. Written agreements B. Oral agreement

C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C

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19. The Courts grant decree for specific performance in their

A. Statutory powers B. Discretionary power

C. None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B

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20. Section 23, of the Specific Relief Act deals with

The persons who may obtain specific The contracts which may specifically
A. B.
performance of a contract be enforced

The persons against whom specific

performance can not be granted

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A

21. Section 24, of the Specific Relief Act

Who may obtain decree under the Who are bars to the relief under the
A. B.
Specific Relief Act Specific Relief Act

C. None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B

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22. A, in the character of agent for B enters into an agreement with C to buy C's house A is in reality
acting not as agent for B but on his on account

A cannot enforce specific performance A can enforce specific performance of

A. B.
of this contract this contract

C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A

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23. Section 26 to 30, of the Specific Relief Act, deals with the contracts

Which can be specifically enforced Which can not be specifically enforced

A. B.
without any variation except with a variation

C. None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B

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24. The persons against whom contracts may be specifically enforced are provided in

A. Section 27 B. Section 31

C. Section 34

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A
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25. A contracts to convey certain land to B by a particular day. A dies intestate before that day
without having conveyed the land B

May compels A's heirs or other Can not compels A's heirs or other
A. representative in the interest to B. representatives in interest to perform
perform the contract specifically the contract specifically

C. May claim against State.

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A

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26. The parties which can not be compelled to perform specific performance of contract are provided

A. Section 27, the Specific Relief Act, B. Section 28, the Specific Relief Act,

C. Section 30, the Specific Relief Act,

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B

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27. Section 34, of the Specific Relief Act, deals with

A. Principles of contracts B. Principles of litigation

C. Principles of rectification

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C

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28. A sells a field to B. There is a right of way over the field of which A has direct personal knowledge
but which he couceals from B.

A. B has a right to rescind the contract B. B can not rescind the contract

C. A has right to rescind the contract

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A

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29. Section 31 to 34, of the Specific Relief Act, deals with

A. Rectification of the instrument B. Recession of contract

C. Cancellation of instrument

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A

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30. Section 39, of the Specific Relief Act, deals with

A. Cancellation of instruments B. Registration of instrument

C. Correctness of instruments

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A

31. As provided in section 39, of the Specific Relief Act, A the owner of a ship by fraudulently
representing her to be seaworthy induces B an underwriter, to insure her

A may obtain the cancellation of the B may obtain the cancellation of the
A. B.
policy policy

None of the above may obtain the

cancellation of the policy

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B

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32. As per section 40, of the Specific Relief Act, where an instrument is evidence of different rights or
different obligations the Court may in a proper case

Cancel it in part and allow it to stand

A. B. Cancel it in whole
for the residue

C. Can not cancel its any part

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A

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33. Which section of the Specific Relief Act, from the following deals with declaration?

A. Section 40, the Specific Relief Act B. Section 41, the Specific Relief Act

C. Section 42, the Specific Relief Act

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C

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34. In declaratory decree Court decide about

A. Righ of the plaintiff to any thing B. Right of the defendant to any thing

C. Both of above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C
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35. A is lawfully in possession of certain land. The inhabitatns of neighbouring village claims a right of
way across the land

A may sue for a declaration that they The villagers may sue for declaration
A. B.
are not entitled to right so claimed their right of way

Any stranger person can sue for


Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A

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36. A person can not be granted a declaratory decree

A. Where he has any other relief B. Where he is weaker

C. Where he is malafide in this intentions

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A

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37. Section 44, of the Specific Relief Act, deals with

A. Appointment of local commission B. Appointment of Court Officer

C. Appointment of Receiver

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C

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38. The power enjoyed by Court for the appointment of receiver is its
A. Discretionary power in nature B. Constitutional power in nature

C. Statutory power in nature

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A

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39. Where a Court appoints a receiver the mode of his appointment and his right, powers, duties and
liabilities are regulated by

A. The Constitution B. The Specific Relief Act, 1877

C. The Code of Civil Procedure

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C

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40. Section 45, of the Specific Relief Act, deals with

Orders to public servants for the Orders to any private person for the
A. B.
performance of certain specific acts performance of specific acts

C. Orders to Both (a) and (b)

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A

41. An application under section 45, the Specific Relief Act, can be made to

A. Any Court B. High Court

C. Supreme Court

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B
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42. Every application made under Section 45, of the Specific Relief Act, must be accompanied with
affidavit from

A. Injured person B. Respondents

C. None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A

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43. Section 47 of the Specific Relief Act, 1877 deals with

A. Declaratory Order B. Peremptory Order

C. Injunctive order

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B

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44. Section_____ of the Specific Relief Act, 1877 deals with cost

A. 47 B. 48

C. 49

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C

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45. As per section 49 of the Specific Relief Act, 1877 the cost of all applications and orders under
chapter VII of the Specific Relief Act, 1877 whall be in the discretion of the
A. Civil Court B. Session Court

C. High Court

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C

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46. Section 50, of the Specific Relief Act bars the power of High Court to pass

A. Writ of Habeas Corpus B. Writ of Certiorari

C. Writ of Mandamus

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C

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47. Section 52, of the Specific Relief Act deals with

A. Preventive Relief B. Statutory Relief

C. None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A

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48. The Preventive relief granted by Court under section 52, of the Specific Relief Act, is_____ in

A. Discretionary power of the Court B. Fundamental Power of the Court

C. Statutory power of the Court

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A

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49. Section 53, of the Specific Relief Act deals with

A. Temporary injunction B. Perpetual Injunction

C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C

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50. Temporary injunctions can be granted by Court

A. At early stage of the suit B. At any stage of the case

C. At the end of a case

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B

51. Temporary injunctions are such as are to continue

For a time until further order is passed

A. For a specified time B.
by the court

C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C

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52. Temporary injunction granted by the Court is regulated by the

A. Specific Relief Act B. Code of Civil Procedure

C. Transfer of Property Act

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B

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53. A perpetual injunction can only be granted by the decree at the hearing and upon the

A. Merits of the suit B. Discretion of the Court

C. Demand of the party

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A

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54. Section 54, of the Specific Relief Act deals with

A. Temporary injunctions B. Perpetual injunctions

C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B

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55. Section 54, of the Specific Relief Act, describe condition when

A. Perpetual injunction is granted B. Temporary injunction is granted

C. Mandatory injunction is granted

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A

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56. Mandatory injunction is provided in

A. Section 53, of the Specific relief Act B. Section 54, of the Specific relief Act

C. Section 55, of the Specific relief Act

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C

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57. Section 56 of the Specific Relief Act, describe conditions when

A. Injunction is granted B. Injunction is refused

C. None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B

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