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Ambulatory External

E l e c t ro c a rd i o g r a p h y
M o n i t o r i n g : H o l t e r, E x t e n d e d
H o l t e r, M o b i l e C a rd i a c
Telemetry M onitoring
Arjun N. Sharma, BSc, MDa,
Adrian Baranchuk, MD, FACC, FRCPC, FCCS, FSIACb,c,*

 Holter  Device  Telemetry  Ambulatory  ECG

 Ambulatory external electrocardiography (AECG) monitoring is effective at diagnosing arrhythmia in
patients presenting with palpitations, syncope, or presyncope.
 External AECG monitoring has additional utility in the monitoring of patients following pharmaco-
logic, device-based, or invasive therapy for arrhythmia.
 Diagnostic yield of external loop monitors and mobile cardiac telemetry systems exceeds Holter
and event recorders in the investigation of palpitations, presyncope, and syncope.
 Device selection and monitoring duration should be chosen based on clinical characteristics of the
arrhythmia suspected to be causing the patient’s symptoms.

INTRODUCTION for clinical use in the early twentieth century.3 De-

Background velopments in electrode, wireless connectivity,
and battery technology facilitated the evolution of
Ambulatory external electrocardiography (AECG)
multiple AECG modalities, each with unique ad-
monitors have a wide variety of clinical applica-
vantages and disadvantages.2,4 Multiple modal-
tions in diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias.
ities of AECG monitors now exist: continuous
AECG has long been used to evaluate patients
(Holter-type) monitors, event monitors, external
presenting with shortness of breath, chest pain,
loop recorders (ELRs), and mobile cardiac telem-
palpitations, or syncope in the outpatient setting.1
etry (MCT). General characteristics of each modal-
AECG also has use in evaluating efficacy of pre-
ity are summarized in Table 1.
scribed antiarrhythmic treatment, assessing
burden of arrhythmia, and in diagnosis of asymp-
Holter Monitors
tomatic arrhythmias.1,2
The original mobile radioelectrocardiogram was Continuous Holter monitors are portable multi-
taken by Norman Jefferis Holter in the late 1940s channel devices designed to be worn by the pa-
following the development of electrocardiography tient in an uninterrupted fashion over a

Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, Kingston General Hospital, Queen’s University, 76 Stuart Street,
Kingston, Ontario K7L 2V7, Canada; b Department of Cardiac Electrophysiology and Pacing, Kingston General
Hospital, Kingston, Ontario, Canada; c Department of Cardiology, Kingston General Hospital, Queen’s Univer-
sity, 76 Stuart Street, Kingston, Ontario K7L 2V7, Canada
* Corresponding author. Department of Cardiology, Kingston General Hospital, Queen’s University, 76 Stuart
Street, Kingston, Ontario K7L 2V7, Canada.
E-mail address:

Card Electrophysiol Clin 13 (2021) 427–438
1877-9182/21/Ó 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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Sharma & Baranchuk

Table 1
Review of external ambulatory external electrocardiography modalities

Monitoring Real-time
Monitor Type Duration (d) Recording Type Event Triggers Leads Monitoring Advantages Limitations
Holter 14a Continuous NA 3–12 No Quantitative analysis of Patient noncompliance
arrhythmia; 12-lead recording; with increasing duration
Holter parameters of monitoring
Patch 14 Continuous NA 1–2 No Ease of use; high adherence; self- Signal quality variation
contained leads; waterproof with body type; lack of
multilead recording
Event 14 Event Manual 1 No High degree of symptom-rhythm Unable to capture
correlation asymptomatic or
ELR 30 Event Manual, 1–3 No High diagnostic yield; capture of Requires continuous
automatica arrhythmic onset use of the device
throughout the
monitoring period
MCT 30 Continuous, Manual, 1–3 Yes High diagnostic yield; immediate May be bulky or
event automatic alarm generation; real-time uncomfortable;
monitoring resource intensive;
not widely available

Choice of AECG modality should be dictated by patient factors such as expected adherence in addition to the clinical factors summarized here. Characteristics and features of each
modality may differ between devices. The sequential use of multiple AECG modalities may be useful in improving overall diagnostic yield while preserving cost-effectiveness.
Abbreviation: NA, not available.
May not be available in all devices.
AECG Monitoring 429

predetermined period.1 The term extended Holter recording may allow the diagnosis of specific
has no strict or unanimous definition but may refer arrhythmic causes (Fig. 1) or subtle electrocardio-
to use of a Holter monitor beyond 24 or 48 hours, graphic mechanisms of arrhythmia (Fig. 2), or the
and up to 14 days with certain devices. Following avoidance of unnecessary intervention (Fig. 3).5–7
the recording period, devices are returned to a Holter reports are often semistandardized, with
central location where data are analyzed.1 Anal- multiple parameters and commonly reported ana-
ysis includes a combination of automated and lyses included.4 These analyses, including heart
technician interpretation, the summary of which rate turbulence (HRT), heart rate variability (HRV),
is delivered to the referring care provider.4 premature ventricular contraction (PVC) burden,
Holter monitors are available in 2-lead, 3-lead, or and systolic pauses, have clinical and research
12-lead configurations. Continuous multilead value and are expanded on later.

Fig. 1. A 55-year-old man presented

with a long history of palpitations. A
24-hour Holter monitor revealed a
regular narrow-complex tachycardia
starting with a PAC (A, black arrow)
with evident R-P>P-R (A, white ar-
row). A long-RP tachycardia was iden-
tified, suggesting a differential
diagnosis of atrial tachycardia (AT),
orthodromic atrioventricular (AV)
reentrant tachycardia, and atypical
AV-nodal reentrant tachycardia. The
tachycardia spontaneously termi-
nated with a nonpremature P wave
(B, black arrow). Another episode of
termination occurred with a prema-
ture ventricular contraction (PVC)
not conducted to the atrium (B, white
arrow), excluding a diagnosis of AT.
Observed PVCs were found to
advance atrial activation during
His-refractory periods without termi-
nation of the tachycardia (C), suggest-
ing the presence of an AV accessory
pathway. An accessory pathway was
later identified and ablated. (Adapt-
ed from Enriquez et al.; with

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430 Sharma & Baranchuk

Fig. 2. A 21-year-old man presented

with a history of palpitations. A 12-
lead electrocardiogram (ECG) showed
minimal ventricular preexcitation. A
24-hour Holter monitor was used
and showed spontaneous monomor-
phic PVCs with varying degrees of
postectopic ventricular preexcitation.
The variation in QRS morphology
can be explained by PVC coupling
interval-dependent retrograde pene-
tration of the AV node, accessory
pathway, or both. Maximal preexcita-
tion (coupling intervals of 507 and
500 milliseconds) was facilitated by
retrograde penetration of the AV
node (A, B) leading to preferential
anterograde conduction through the
accessory pathway. Retrograde pene-
tration of the accessory pathway
(coupling interval of 523 milliseconds)
produced a postectopic QRS complex
without preexcitation (C). Retrograde
penetration of both pathways
(coupling interval of 625 milliseconds)
produced a complete block of the
postectopic beat (D). (Adapted from
Longo and Baranchuk; with

However, reporting of symptoms and adher- used for 7 to 14 days but are limited to 1-lead or
ence to 24-hour monitoring systems is often poor 2-lead recordings and may suffer from signal
despite adequate patient education.1 Further- distortion with differing body morphologies.1,11
more, Holter devices can be bulky or uncomfort- The frequency of suspected arrhythmias is often
able and must be removed for showering or the most important factor in determining the length
bathing. These limitations and the short duration and modality of AECG monitoring. In many set-
of standard Holter monitoring may explain its tings, the diagnostic yield of AECG increases pro-
poor diagnostic yield, estimated to be only 10% portional to duration of monitoring.8,10,12–16 An
to 15% for palpitations and 1% to 5% for syncope extended duration of monitoring may be achieved
and atrial fibrillation (AF) after cryptogenic with the use of longer-term Holter monitors, or with
stroke.1,8,9 Common indications for Holter moni- the use of other modalities.9,17
toring and its expected diagnostic yield are sum-
marized in Table 2.
Event Recorders
With these limitations in mind, a new generation
of continuous monitoring devices (so-called patch Event recorders are small devices carried by pa-
monitors) were developed to be applied as a single tients for up to 30 days and activated at the time
unit adhesively to the chest.10 These devices are of symptom onset. They capture a short (30–

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AECG Monitoring 431

Fig. 3. A 67-year-old man was as-

sessed for routine follow-up after pul-
monary vein isolation for paroxysmal
atrial fibrillation, including 24-hour
Holter monitoring. Review of patient
history and recordings identified mul-
tiple asymptomatic pauses of varying
lengths (A–C). Each pause included a
nonsustained and nonconducted AT
with P wave morphology differing
from the sinus rhythm. The AT,
possibly originating from the pulmo-
nary vein isolation ablation scar,
causes overdrive suppression of the si-
nus node and concealed antegrade
penetration of the AV node, leading
to sinus pause and AV node conduc-
tion failure. Proper recognition and
interpretation of these physiologic
and benign mechanisms through
AECG monitoring avoided unneeded
intervention. (Adapted from Diez
et al.; with permission.7)

180 seconds), single-lead electrocardiogram symptoms such as nonprodromal syncope.21

(ECG), which is then transmitted via telephone to Even with successful identification of arrhythmia,
a central monitoring station for interpretation and the lack of looping or continuous recording pre-
analysis.1 Event recorders offer symptom-rhythm vents observation of arrhythmic initiation and
correlation superior to Holter monitors in patients quantification of arrhythmic burden. Although
presenting with palpitations, presyncope, or other event recorders still remain in use, it is probable
symptoms suggestive of cardiac arrhythmia.18,19 that this technology will become obsolete as ELR
In 1 randomized study of patients presenting with and MCT devices become cheaper and more
palpitations, capture of symptomatic arrhythmia widely available.
was made in 119 patients with event recorders
compared with 74 patients with Holter monitors
External Loop Recorders
(P<.01).20 In addition, total cost of monitoring
was smaller in the event recorder group. Indica- ELRs are multilead devices used for up to 30 days
tions for event recorder use are summarized in at a time. ELRs continuously record ECG data but
Table 2. do not store all recordings in long-term memory;
Despite their advantages, event recorders do instead, segments (loops) are committed to
not capture asymptomatic arrhythmia, and are short-term memory and constantly deleted as
not applicable in the investigation of incapacitating recording continues. When the device is triggered,

Table 2
Ambulatory external electrocardiography indications and estimated diagnostic yield

Indication Holter (%) Patch (%) Event (%) ELR (%) MCT (%)
Palpitations 10–15 50–70 50–60 70–85 70–85
Syncope 1–5 5–10 NAa 15–25 15–25
Stroke (AF) 1–10 5–10 NAa 2–20 5–25
Chest pain (CAD) Poor (diagnosis) Not studied Not studied Not studied Not studied
unclear (prognosis)

Estimated diagnostic yields and overall utility are based on summarized data from multiple studies, systematic reviews,
and meta-analyses.1,8,15–17,22,23,25,29,37,38,40–42
Abbreviation: CAD, coronary artery disease.
Patient-triggered devices should not be used in the investigation of incapacitating symptoms or asymptomatic

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432 Sharma & Baranchuk

ECG data preceding and following an event are 2013 retrospective analysis indicated initiation of
transmitted to monitoring centers by telephone, therapy in 61% of patients diagnosed by MCT
WiFi, or Bluetooth connection. ELRs may be trig- compared with 39% of event and 43% of Holter-
gered manually by patients on symptom onset or monitored patients.26 Indications for MCT use
automatically by device algorithms, enabling the are summarized in Table 2.
capture of both symptomatic and asymptomatic
arrhythmias.22 Patient tolerance of ELRs may be DISCUSSION
limited by continuous use of electrodes during General Principles in Device Selection
the monitoring period, whereas transmission of re-
cordings may be difficult for patients who are unfa- Device selection for AECG monitoring should
miliar with technology or live alone.23 encompass patient, clinician, and health care sys-
ELRs have high utility in the investigation of clinical tem considerations.1 Appropriate selection should
symptoms suspicious for arrhythmia. The SYNARR- involve clinical factors, including modality-specific
Flash study found 4-week ELR monitoring to have diagnostic sensitivity and specificity, expected or
high diagnostic yield for syncope (24.5%) and palpi- hypothesized frequency of arrhythmic events,
tations (71.6%), supporting the use of ELRs as a and estimated risk to patients of adverse events
first-line AECG modality in the investigation of syn- secondary to arrhythmia. Patient-specific factors,
cope or palpitations.24 In another randomized study including access to health care, adherence to
of patients presenting with syncope or presyncope, AECG recording, and expected cost, should
a diagnosis or exclusion of arrhythmia was made in ideally be considered in order to increase diag-
63% of patients with ELRs compared with 24% of nostic yield and effectiveness. In addition, the abil-
patients with Holter devices (P<.0001).25 ity of individual health care systems to provide and
Symptom-rhythm correlation in the same study collect AECG devices and interpret their record-
was 56% with ELRs compared with 22% with Holter ings varies widely, often limiting the selection of
monitors (P<.0001). Indications for ELR use are various devices.
summarized in Table 2.
Indications for Ambulatory External
Electrocardiography Monitoring
Mobile Cardiac Telemetry
Clinical indications
MCT devices are the newest-generation AECG Palpitations AECG monitoring is indicated where
modality, offering the advantages of both contin- initial clinical investigations (history, physical ex-
uous and event-based recording and allowing amination, standard 12-lead ECG) fail to identify
real-time data monitoring by clinicians using WiFi a cause of the palpitations, or if they suggest
or cellular networking.1 Event capture is second- arrhythmia as an underlying cause.24 Holter moni-
ary to both manual triggering and automated tors used for 24-hour and 48-hour periods have
rhythm analysis algorithms. MCT devices can low diagnostic yield and symptom-rhythm correla-
therefore generate patient and caregiver alarms tion in patients presenting with palpitations,
in real time in response to detected arrhythmias.26 although they may be appropriate in patients
Depending on the device, single-lead or 3-lead with frequent or reproducible symptoms or in pa-
monitoring may be possible. Because of their nov- tients older than 50 years.28,29 In patients who
elty, MCT devices are generally more expensive have less frequent symptoms, extended Holter
and less widely available than Holter monitors, monitoring may be considered, although there is
event recorders, or ELRs.27 little evidence supporting increased diagnostic
MCT has been associated with an increased yield compared with 24-hour or 48-hour moni-
diagnostic yield compared with other modalities toring in the assessment of palpitations. In light
of AECG monitoring. In a 2007 randomized control of evidence supporting their preferential use rather
trial, Rothman and colleagues22 found that diag- than Holter monitors, ELRs or MCT should be
nosis of arrhythmia following unsuccessful 24- considered as first-line investigations where
hour Holter monitoring was made in 88% of appropriate.24,27
MCT-monitored patients, compared with 75% of
patients monitored with loop event monitors Syncope Multiple evidence-based risk scores are
(P 5 .008). A 2013 retrospective analysis useful in estimating the short-term morbidity and
comparing MCT with Holter and event monitoring mortality in patients presenting with syncope;
showed a higher diagnostic yield with MCT clinical assessment suggesting a high risk should
(61%) than event (23%) or Holter monitoring warrant inpatient admission for further investiga-
(24%).26 In addition, more patients monitored by tions.30,31 Low-risk patients may be adequately
MCT are initiated on antiarrhythmic drugs. A managed with outpatient investigations for a

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AECG Monitoring 433

cause of their syncope, including AECG.32,33 As and 4-fold to 5-fold increased risk of stroke have
with the investigation of palpitations, diagnostic been independently associated with AF in multiple
yield in syncope is proportional to monitoring studies.39 Timely diagnosis allows early initiation
duration.34 ELRs (with automated triggering of risk-reducing therapy, and the utility of AECG
capability) and MCT monitoring offer higher diag- for this purpose is well documented in multiple
nostic yield than Holter monitors in this clinical settings.17
The use of patient-triggered devices (event re- Atrial fibrillation in patients with cryptogenic
corders, certain ELRs) that do not offer continuous stroke Perhaps one of the most well-studied uses
recording or automatically record arrhythmic epi- of AECG for the diagnosis of AF is in patients
sodes is extremely limited in patients presenting following stroke of unknown cause (cryptogenic
with nonprodromal syncope, because sudden stroke). Although there is no evidence supporting
incapacitation prevents their activation. indefinite oral anticoagulation (OAC) in this popula-
tion, subsequent diagnosis of AF suggests an
Chest pain The role of AECG in the investigation of embolic mechanism of stroke and therefore iden-
chest pain (for a new diagnosis of coronary artery tifies an indication for OAC. AECG is widely used
disease [CAD]) is likely limited. Transient, asymp- as part of standard investigation in all patients
tomatic episodes of ST-segment deviation may with cryptogenic stroke, with Holter monitors be-
be identified by nonstress AECG, but the clinical ing the most commonly used.40
value of capturing these episodes is unclear. Nair The diagnostic yield obtained with external
and colleagues35 found the specificity of ST- AECG in current literature varies widely. This vari-
segment deviation on ambulatory Holter moni- ation is partly caused by a lack of consensus
toring predicting CAD to be 91%, although it was regarding the minimum AF duration required for
poorly sensitive (19%), suggesting a limited use diagnosis and treatment. In the EMBRACE ran-
for AECG in the clinical exclusion of ischemic car- domized controlled trial assessing AF diagnostic
diac disease. ST-segment deviation in the same yield in 30-day event monitoring versus 24-hour
study was not a predictor of all-cause mortality Holter monitoring, paroxysmal AF was common
or future cardiac events. (12.3% of all patients), especially in patients
In patients with known (angiographically diag- aged 55 years or older.41 Changing the definition
nosed) CAD, AECG monitoring may have greater from greater than or equal to 2.5 minutes to greater
clinical utility. Silent ischemia, or transient ST- than or equal to 30 seconds resulted in an increase
segment depression (captured on AECG) without in diagnostic yield from 2.5% to 3.2% and 9.9% to
anginal symptoms, has been clinically recognized 16.1% in Holter and event monitor groups,
in patients with stable and unstable CAD as a respectively.
marker of poor prognosis.36 A lack of large-scale Regardless of minimum AF duration, evidence
studies examining the utility of eliminating or supports increased diagnostic yield in these pa-
reducing silent ischemia as a treatment goal has tients with increasing duration of monitoring. To
prevented the more widespread use of AECG for this end, the highest diagnostic yield is generally
this purpose, although this may change as devices observed with insertable cardiac monitors. The
become more inexpensive and frequently used. CRYSTAL-AF trial randomized patients with cryp-
Analysis of ST-segment depression on AECG togenic stroke and 24 hours of unsuccessful ECG
may be used to stratify future cardiac risk following monitoring to insertable cardiac monitoring or
acute myocardial infarction, although this is not standard follow-up based on local practice.42 Re-
routine practice. In patients with ST-elevation sults indicated superiority of insertable cardiac
myocardial infarction following primary PCI, ST- monitors to conventional follow-up, with diag-
segment recovery assessed by Holter monitoring nostic yields of 12.4% and 2% at 12 months,
predicts both overall mortality and the infarct size respectively. Evidence from similar studies sug-
assessed by sestamibi imaging.37 Analysis of gests an increased diagnostic yield associated
AECGs from patients enrolled in the DANAMI-2 trial with monitoring beyond 24 hours and until
found that the presence of ST-segment elevation 30 days, although data suggesting a superiority
on AECG predicted mortality and major cardiac of early initiation of long-term (ie, >30 days) moni-
events in patients who were treated with fibrinolysis toring to 30 day monitoring are lacking.8,40
following ST-elevation myocardial infarction.38 Procedures or lengthy follow-up required by
insertable monitors are not accepted by some pa-
Diagnosis of atrial fibrillation tients, who prefer external devices instead. A 2016
AF is associated with significant morbidity and analysis of existing literature found diagnostic
mortality; increasing risk of heart failure, dementia, yield obtained with Holter monitoring to range

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434 Sharma & Baranchuk

between 1.7% and 27.3%; 3 of 16 studies moni- AECG may also be used for the monitoring of
tored patients for more than 3 days.8 Yield was adverse effects related to antiarrhythmic drug
higher with ELRs and MCT, although duration of administration, including QT prolongation, sponta-
monitoring with either was rarely less than neous arrhythmia, and symptomatic or asymptom-
21 days. Beyond extension of monitoring duration, atic bradycardia. There is a lack of evidence
the most compelling argument for the use of any supporting preferential use of any specific AECG de-
specific AECG modality is estimated patient vice for monitoring in such patients. Diagnostic yield
adherence. Decisions on AECG monitoring in this of both adverse effects and persistent arrhythmia
setting must take clinical factors, device availabil- may increase with prolonged monitoring, but there
ity, cost, and patient behaviors into account. is no consensus on a minimum accepted monitoring
Evidence exists to support a stepwise approach duration. The pursuit of extended monitoring should
to monitoring. Sposato and colleagues43 conduct- therefore be guided by clinical judgment along with
ed a systematic review and meta-analysis evalu- local practice standards.
ating diagnostic yield of novel AF in patients
following stroke with 4 phases of monitoring: Ablative therapy Monitoring following catheter or
emergency department 12-lead ECG; serial 12- surgical ablation is simply and effectively achieved
lead ECG, Holter, or cardiac telemetry during with AECG. In patients receiving ablation for ven-
admission; outpatient ambulatory Holter; and tricular arrhythmia, surveillance for recurrence
outpatient MCT, event monitoring, or implantable with either 24-hour to 72-hour Holter or 30-day
monitoring. This method resulted in an overall yield event monitoring every 6 months for at least 6 to
of 23.7% following all phases of monitoring and 12 months is recommended by consensus state-
provides a cost-effective framework for the use ments.49 The use of antiarrhythmic drugs following
of AECG in this setting. ablation is unstandardized, but outpatient AECG
may have additional utility for monitoring in pa-
Use in proarrhythmic syndromes tients who continue them postprocedure.
Long QT syndrome Long QT syndrome (LQTS) Ablation is also a widely used intervention for
represents a group of genetic channelopathies treatment-refractory AF. Recurrence of AF or atrial
that cause prolongation of the QT interval associ- tachycardia (AT) is difficult to predict and is com-
ated with an increased risk of arrhythmia and car- mon in the early so-called blanking period,
diac arrest. AECG has long held a role in although this is difficult to correlate to long-term
diagnostic confirmation of LQTS and may have a recurrence and is not always an indication for
role in risk stratification as well. treatment. AECG monitoring is well studied in
The capture of ECG data from multiple long-term follow-up after AF ablation. Evidence
emotional, activity, and autonomic states may allow from multiple studies suggests AECG monitoring
some risk stratification for patients with LQTS. 6 months postablation for extended durations (7–
Among patients with LQTS, prolonged corrected 30 days) is significantly superior to monitoring for
QT and adaption of QT to changes in heart rate pre- less than 5 days.50 In patients with no detected
dict risk of future cardiac events in patients with recurrence by AECG, cessation of OAC can be
LQT1 and LQT2 mutations.44–46 In a small group considered, although expert opinion suggests
of patients, vagal and sympathetic control (based embolic risk may persist even in sinus rhythm if
on analysis of diurnal R-R and QT interval variation) atrial contraction is impaired on functional
were found to correlate with future arrhythmic risk in imaging.51
patients carrying 1 LQT1 mutation.47
Device therapy Modern pacemakers and implant-
Monitoring following antiarrhythmic able cardiac defibrillators (ICDs) have lifetime
intervention memory as well as event monitoring–like function-
Pharmacotherapy Quantitative reduction in the ality, reducing the need for additional AECG
number of PVCs and frequency of nonsustained studies. Captured ECGs from intracardiac leads
ventricular tachycardia (NSVT) have long been are generally limited to vectors approximating
measured as markers of ventricular antiarrhythmic limb leads (I, II, and III on 12-lead setups), depend-
drug efficacy. Early consensus on the use of Holter ing on the exact number and location of pacing or
monitors in this setting suggested a reduction of ICD leads.52 This limitation prevents the interpreta-
PVCs by 75% and NSVT by 90% to indicate suc- tion of positional or morphologic diagnoses such
cessful arrhythmic suppression.48 AECG has not as the localization of ischemia or hypertrophy.
commonly been used to measure the efficacy of Furthermore, the lack of recording capability while
antiarrhythmic drugs in the suppression of atrial pacing means that pacemaker/ICD recordings do
arrhythmias. not show loss of capture.

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AECG Monitoring 435

Use of AECG in patients with implanted pace- the standard deviation of N-N intervals (SDNN), re-
maker or ICDs is therefore limited mainly to investi- flects whole-body autonomic regulation of sympa-
gation of symptoms suggestive of physical device thetic and parasympathetic systems. Depressed
malfunction (eg, loss of capture, lead malposition) HRV has been correlated with increased mortality
or previously undiagnosed arrhythmia. AECG can in multiple systemic disorders, including sepsis,
verify (1) appropriate pacemaker inhibition; (2) hemodialysis, and liver cirrhosis.58–60 In patients
myocardial capture during active pacing; (3) depo- following myocardial infarction, depressed HRV
larization of the appropriate electrical structures; is a predictor of mortality and arrhythmic
and (4) appropriate activation of device functions, events.54,55 In patients with heart failure, reduction
such as overdrive pacing or ICD shock. in SDNN is a powerful predictor of mortality
The diagnosis of novel arrhythmia in patients caused by heart failure progression.61
with pacemakers or ICDs has significant clinical
impact. For example, a diagnosis of AF in a patient Novel and Emerging Indications
with cardiac resynchronization therapy can Cardiac monitoring in the time of coronavirus
explain clinical deterioration despite appropriate disease 2019
device function; such a clinical course should The emergence of coronavirus disease 2019
prompt surface ECG investigation if not AECG. (COVID-19) in early 2020 had profound effects on
New AF also allows risk reduction with OAC as in health care systems worldwide, causing both
other patients without implanted devices. Internal increased admissions to hospital for critical care
device capture is very sensitive for the detection and decreased presentations to care by patients
of AF. Israel and colleagues53 found diagnostic concerned for an increased risk of infectious
yield with pacemakers and ICDs to be 88% exposure.
compared with 46% with surface ECGs among Early analyses indicated a large burden of
patients with a documented history of AF on anti- arrhythmia observed in patients admitted to hospi-
arrhythmic drug therapy. Nonetheless, superior tal for COVID-19 in Wuhan, China.62 Cardiac injury
positional inference allowed by surface ECG leads (denoted by cardiac troponin I [cTnI] levels greater
may allow more detailed characterization of atrial than the upper limit of normal) was also observed
arrhythmias, especially in complex cases. in 14.7% of patients with cTnI measured on admis-
sion. Within this group, 25.9% had documented
Other indications arrhythmia. The association of arrhythmia and
Holter-based monitoring parameters The large COVID-19 has been continually reportedly in small
amount of data obtained by Holter monitors allows observational reports, but the true burden of
the calculation of multiple markers useful for risk arrhythmia is unknown, especially in the outpatient
stratification, autonomic nervous tone, or diag- setting. Suggested mechanisms of arrhythmia
nosis of arrhythmia. These parameters are only include myocarditis, systemic inflammation,
obtained with the use of continuous monitors increased cardiac demand caused by systemic
and dedicated analysis software but may offer illness, and effects of pharmacotherapy used in
some clinical value in patients poorly captured by the management of COVID-19.63 At this time, the
guideline or consensus statements. utility of AECG monitoring in patients with
HRT describes the cyclic variation of heart rate COVID-19 is unclear.
following a PVC. Physiologically, abnormal HRT The utility of AECG in allowing outpatient inves-
serves as an indirect measure of baroreceptor tigation and management of arrhythmia is further
sensitivity and has been correlated with increased increased in the current setting of the COVID-19
risk in multiple independent studies, although it pandemic. All AECG modalities may be used
has not been widely adopted into clinical practice. without significant patient exposure to health
HRT has utility for risk stratification in patients after care settings, either through postage return of de-
myocardial infarction, where both abnormal HRT vices to assessment centers or by upload of data
and turbulence slope (TS) values are associated to remote monitoring centers. Follow-up with pa-
with arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death.54,55 In tients can be conducted virtually by telehealth
patients with heart failure, particularly with moder- appointment, and infectious risk can therefore be
ately reduced left ventricular ejection fraction, minimized.
abnormal HRT and TS have been associated
with increased sudden cardiac death, all-cause SUMMARY
mortality, and progression of heart failure.56
HRV describes the amount of variation in R-R in- The development of external AECG technology
tervals observed with continuous ECG moni- has resulted in a wide variety of available devices
toring.57 The amount of HRV, often described as and modalities. Few recommendations or

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