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To launch

The interface that pops-up…click “No” to start a project or “Yes” to explore the help doc.

1st step; Create a project

Place the mouse on “project list” at the left-upper corner,it will pop-up the window below; click “new”
to create a new project as circled in the diagram below;
Enter the following;

Project Name; Lagos VIP as shown in the red circle

Geo Area

Then “save” in the blue circle below

Load the “created project work space” by clicking on the “project list” at the top left-corner and then
right click on the project name “Lagos VIP”
Then Click “open project with view layout”

Then click “All_views_organized”

Then it will display the workspace for the created project “Lagos VIP”

To load Cell Refs

Click the icon “data import>>Import Network Configuration

It will display the window below

Note; 1)the format in the red circled part MUST be “Text File Delimited”

2)change target project in blue circled part to the created Project Name “Lagos VIP”
3)In the black circled part; enter a name e.g “Lagos Cell Ref”

4)click the brown circled part to locate the cell ref

Then click on “Site” in the red circled part and drag the following as indicated above;


LAT for Latitide

Lon for Longitude

Then Click on “sector” and do the same as displayed on the diagram below
Then click on “carrier” and change it to the preferred Technology as indicated on the diagram below in
the red circled part and click import as indicated with the gree circle

To confirm the progress, place the cursor on the “Task window” indicated with red circle then watch the
loading process as indicated with blue circle
To confirm if successful; the message as displayed in the diagram below must show

To display the cells on the map

Explorer>>click on cells as displaye in red circle>> then populate as displayed with black box>>then right
click on sites>>click “send to map view”

It will display as shown below,then you can maximize the map window by clicking the red circled part to
display the cells as bodly as shown in the second diagram below
The cells properties can be manipulated from with all the icons in the red circled part e.g the cell size
can be increased or reduced with the blue-circled part “cell site icon size”.

Also, the map properties can be changed from the green-circled part with any of the icons e.g click the
brown-circled part to “zoom in/out” by left-clicking and right clicking respectively

To name the cells

Right-click on the cell ref name and click “edit view options”
It will display the window below, then click on “site label” as circled by the red colour and check the box
“show” as circled by the brown colour.Then click “apply” below and then “OK”

To change the cell view from shaded to plain; click “Layer/View Option” icon as indicated by red circle
and uncheck the box “render solid pie” as indicated by the blue on “Apply” below as
displayed with pink colour to see the effect .

To change the shape ; select either “fixed file”or “pie per beam width” and then click “APPLY”
To Load other Tab-files like road maps, route maps, boundary, etc…

Click on File>>Import>>Import GIS OR click on the icon “Data Import” circled black and then “Import
GIS” as displayed on the plot below.

Then click on “Add files” to locate your cell file on your PC and name it from the green-circled part
“target Geo Area” e.g “Nigeria street” and then click on import as indicated below.
To display it on the Map view; click on “Project List” at the top-left corner. Then right-click on the
project “Lagos VIP”>>view/edit properties as displayed below.

Then click on the imported GIS with the name “Nigeria Road” as indicated below with the red circle and
click “save” in order to include it in your project properties as indicated with blue circle as displayed on
the diagram below.Then click “yes”.

Then click “GIS Coverage Map”on the 3rd window under project list as in below by the red circle
Click GIS/Coverage Data as shown by the red circle, then populate “GIS/Image Map” as shown in the
green box and then drag to the map view as indicated by the black line as shown on the diagram below

To Load Logfiles

Click File>>Import>>Import Drive Test Data OR follow the process as indicated on the plot below from
“Data Plot”>>Import Drive Test Data
Click “select data format & Add file” as indicated by the red box to locate the logfiles

Then change the “target project” to the Project name “Lagos VIP” as shown by the dark green box

Then type a preferred name into “target dataset” e.g “lagos logfiles” as indicated by the light green box

Then check the box “Merge TEMS DCx to MSx as shown by the blue box.

Then click on import as shown by the black circle.

Confirm the loading process from the “Task window” by placing the cursor as indicated by the red circle
and watch the importing process as shown in the blue box

To merge Logfiles;right click on the main logfile under dataset and then click “Smart File Merger”

Then name the merged logfiles as shown by the red circle and the black circle shows that you “checking”
that box will delete the source logfiles after merging which is unnecessary.Then click ok
To generate plots and Coverage KPI tables,diagrams,graphs,….etc,click “dataset” as indicated by the
blue box under Explorer and then populate as displayed in the red box shown on the diagram below

Then right click on the appropriate MS to populate the requested plot as shown below
To generate report

Right Click on the appropriate MS>> generate report as indicated on the plot below
To edit legend after populating the necessary plots e.g Ec/lo,RSCP,…etc as it is displayed on the diagram

Click on the legend as indicated by the red circle on the diagram below
Then right click on the legend title>> click “edit plot band” as shown below

It will pop up the window below

Then click on “New” as indicated by the red circle and give it appropriate name e.g Ec/lo,...>>>click “ok”
and then edit the ranges and colours accordingly as displayed below

NOTE; the 1st and last row named “minimum” and “maximum” are not editable. Therefore click the row
and then click “delete band” as indicated by the black circle. Then edit accordingly. Incase of insufficient
of “plot band”,click “insert band”. Then click on “save” and then “select & close”.
To generate report for RAN TUNNING;right click on the logfiles>>Generate Report to have the window

Then populate populate “TEMS Discovery Built-in” as indicate by the red box and then the condition to
“sample_ConditionExpression_single_Active_Set” as shown by the blue colour>>click on generate as
shown by the black colour.

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