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Islamic Revolution,

Lecture 11th (Morning session)

SID NO: 9823622081
Date :23, August.2021
In today's class the light was put on Apartheid, Zionism and America's resentment
for Iran.
Apartheid: it is a policy that governed relations between South Africa's white
minority and nonwhite majority and sanctioned racial segregation and political
and economic discrimination against nonwhites. From 1948 through the 1990s, a
single word dominated life in South Africa. Apartheid, Africans for “apartness kept
the country’s majority black population under the thumb of a small white minority. It
would take decades of struggle to stop the policy, which affected every facet of life
in a country locked in centuries-old patterns of discrimination and racism.
Zionism is a political movement that was initiated in the late 19th century with the
aim of actualizing the Jewish sense of peoplehood in a physical nation, leading to
the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. Zionism today informs many Jews’
continued support and commitment to Israel.
For centuries, Jews have lived all over the world. Almost every country has its own
Jewish minority. Two countries have a large Jewish community: Israel and the
United States (both around 6 million people). But out of a population of more
than 300 million, the 6 million Jews in the United States are but a small minority.
In Israel, on the other hand, almost 80% of the population is Jewish.
The state of Israel was founded after the Second World War, in 1948. In the
Middle East, in a place where Jews had lived for thousands of years with their
Arab neighbors. Because of their history and religion, Jews had felt a strong
connection with this region for generations. Many European Jews who had
survived the Holocaust, went to live in Israel after the war. Many Jews from Arab
(Muslim) countries also fled or migrated to Israel.
The United Nations supported the division of what was then still called Palestine
into a Jewish and an Arab part. And they supported the creation of the new state
of Israel. Among the Arab population, however, there was a lot of resistance.
Immediately after the creation of the State of Israel, five neighboring Arab
countries declared war on Israel. Israel won that war. Many Arab residents of the
region had to flee the country. The seventy-year history of the State of Israel is
characterized by the struggle with the Palestinians. They see Israel as the
occupying force.
American’s resentment for Iran
The USA’s main goal was to create the biggest client state, the day that Iran
decided that they are no longer a client but have foreign policies independent of
USA and have a different system of government. Iran has systematically decided
that it wanted to deter from USA. This caused the USA to have a hostile
relationship with Iran and led to the sanctions that have been imposed on Iran

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