A Brief Historical Background of Modern Geometry

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Ivan E Deniega


1. Develop a comprehensive synthesis of the course modern geometry.

A brief historical background of modern geometry

Axiomatic system that guide us in a concept of different types of geometry

The different between Euclidean and non-Euclidean from their properties

In ancient times people began to discover and invent the formal element of
mathematics called geometry. Geometry is a branch of mathematics that must see in our
surroundings. A thing that we see in order. From a point to something bigger or a combination of
line, shapes and other things that lie in our daily life. This property unlocks new idea to shape the
scientific world and form an abstract idea that guide us through among other things. Things that
provide or creates different discovery of shapes and lead us to a modern geometry. The modern
geometry is about learning in a new way, that unlock new ideas through axiomatic system in
many properties. A concept that different from before. From Euclidean geometry as a
steppingstone that make a controversy in a fifth postulate made by Euclid. Many mathematicians
try to prove it, but it failed or used false reasoning. But this axiom made by Euclid is not a
failure. It’s drags as to new concept, properties of math and creates something bigger world can
develop trough time. Euclid is a true genius that led the world to bigger advancement. So, it’s
introduced mathematics as a formal discovery of modern world.
An axiomatic system is a list of undefined term. From this interpretation of undefined
terms, an axiomatic system creates different models and theorems. That led to finite, incidence,
neutral, projective, hyperbolic, fractal and other types of geometry. A finite geometry is
any geometric system that has end or limits in number of points. Incidence geometry is the study
of objects that represent shape, length and angles. Neutral geometry is based from the false
reasoning of parallel postulate by Euclid. The projectile geometry is the geometry left invariant
or a quantity that unchanged in projectile transformation. Hyperbolic geometry is having
infinitely parallels. Fractal geometry is a complex geometric shape that commonly have
“fractional dimension,”.
The starting point of geometry is Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry. We have
Euclidean geometry that most of properties deals with a plane or flat surface. It’s discussed the
relationship between lengths, areas and volumes of physical objects. And non-Euclidean
geometry that deals with the curved lines and a separate study of geometry that bring more
information in understanding of the world. Mathematicians describe it as a model of geometries
on smooth manifolds, which use math words.

2. Discuss at least 5 essential competencies a geometry teacher should have in order to

produce quality mathematics graduate.
 A teacher must have a logical thinking that will guide the students for the
better learning. I think logical thinking is a powerful tool in geometry in order
to produce quality mathematics graduate.
 A teacher expertise in geometry that have knowledge, skills and practice, it
will prepare students in changing future for both predictable and unpredictable
scenario. Because I realize, if you want to produce quality mathematics
graduate go learn from your expertise and make a difference.

 A teacher must commit a depth understanding of geometry, because it is not

about solving it’s about understanding.
 A teacher should have a learning plan that share a common interest in the
students on promoting higher level of thinking skills and conceptual
 A good mindset that will handle failure, challenges and problems in geometry
to make learning interesting. Because when you overcome different problems
it will makes learning meaningful.
3. Discuss the nature, relevance and applications of modern geometry to mainstream
mathematics and to 21st century education.
Modern geometry is the single most important factor in the mainstream of mathematics
and to 21st century education. Since it deals to the investigation of the better understanding of the
world. In such a way that it becomes the ladder to creates innovation in mathematics and change
the society standard of living. In response to digital and technology advancement. We have now
a higher different level of education as well as we build our future in a good shape and well-
organized things. It makes our lives easier with the help of technology advancement. So, modern
geometry connects us point to point that build something bigger. And become the key to open
scientific world.

4. Devise your own philosophy in teaching geometry.

I will adopt the knowledge and skills needed in analytical and critical thinking as
well as learning strategies in teaching geometry. Because in my own opinion, student
may learn fast in a way that I master my own expertise in geometry.

5. Choose at least 3 topics under the content of modern geometry. Elaborate.

Axiomatic system
- Axiomatic system is a method to create model and theorems. Models that represent data
and theorems that already prove by given axiom. Axiomatic systems consist of four main
parts: undefined terms, defined terms, axioms/postulates and proved statements. So
axiomatic system is a body of knowledge that derive theorems. Example is Euclid five
axioms and postulate. We construct different theorem from the book elements made by
Euclid, and we derive most of our geometry.

Euclid geometry and Euclid elements

- The foundation of all types of geometry, from the book Elements that create huge

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