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Forces and shape

 A person is craving for ice cream and wants to go the restaurant where its available , they
decided to start at 3pm and reached her destination in 15 mins . They had to travel a distance of
6km to reach the distance
 Now looking into the analog math while returning she found out that she is 4.5km due south
east of her house
 Speed= distance /time
Speed= 6/15 , 0.4 km
Time = 1650/1.5
= 1100/60
= 18.3 minutes
 Velocity = displacement /time
 Average velocity = total displacement / total time
 Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity with respect to time
 V-U/ T
 Final velocity= v
 Initial velocity = U
 Time taken= T
 Deceleration is when an object decreases its velocity

Unit conversion
 T-tera -10^12
 G-Giga-10^-9
 M-mega-10^6
 K-kilo-10^3
 B-base-1

m – mili-10^-3

 M-micro-10^-6
 N-nano-10^-9
 P-pico-10^-12

Eg .100kp to p = 100 x 10^-3

= 100000
 If you are given a value and if you need to convert it to the base value , you have to
multiply the given value to the given prefix value (10 n)

 Kilo-10^3
 Hecto-10^2
 Deca- 10^1
 Deci- 10^-1
 Centi-10^-2
 Mili-10^-3

Forces and movement

Contact Non-contact
applied Gravitational force
Reaction force Electric force
tension Magnetic force
drag Nuclear force

 Non contact: work within range

 Contact : works when 2 matters touch or are physically connected
 Gravitational pull: weight
 Tension: pressure
 Drag : force against our movement
 Air resistance : the force of air
 Density : the degree of compactness of a substance
 Frictional : a force that slows down a moving object
 Newtons first law of inertia : if an object is at rest or motion it will stay that way
unless there is an external force.
 Force can change somethings shape change in motion
 Static friction : when an object does not move when given force to
 Force = mass x acc
 2 equal forces cause 0 motion
 Copper and gold are ductile

 It is a quantity possessed by masses in motion

 Momentum, p (kg m/s) = mass , m (kg ) x velocity , v( m/s)
 P= mv
 Isaac newtons law : F= ma
 Momentum before collision = momentum after collision
 M1 , U1 + m2, U2 = v( m1 +m2 )
= m1 U1 + f2 V2

Density and pressure

 Pressure is a measure of amount of force applied on the area in contact

 It is quantified with the ratio per unit
 It is useful for all states of matter
 P= force/area , unit : pascals [ pa ]
 2 ways of finding volume , one is mass/density
 Elephant and women’s heels cover the same amount of force
 Gas molecules do not have any limit
 As long as gas is not in a closed space it will move
 Alcohol vaporizes easier turning into gas like perfume
 In case of gases and liquid have forces exerted from all direction meaning it has
net pressure
 Force =Px A
 Mass= volume x P
 Volume = Axh
 Force = weight = mg
 Pressure = ( axh) x px g/ A
 Pressure , p= h x p x g
 Volume of cylinder = (pi)r2x h
 Depth increase= pressure increase
Motion in the universe
 Terrestrial : mercury , Venus ,earth , mars

 Jovian : Jupiter , Saturn ,Uranus , Neptune

 F= Gm1 M1/ r2

 Speed of orbit: 2 x (pi) x orbital radius / time period

 Nucleus : called the core, permanently solid part of a comet .

Irregular shape , typically very dark , diameter of 3km , made of ice mixed with large
amount of dust particles .

 coma :As the comet approaches the sun it undergoes structural changes . The suns heat
causes some of the ice to sublimate , forming a huge dusty atmosphere around the
nucleus called coma . together they form the head of a comet . Can reach upto and
beyond 10,000 kms.

 Dust tail : as the comet nears the sun, it forms a tail . Radiation from the sun blows dust
particles from the come and worms a wide yellowish and slightly curved dust cloud

 Gas tail: solar wind of the sun is made up of a stream of highly energetic charged
particles , this stream sweeps the gases from the coma in a different direction to the
dust tail to form a straight, narrow and bluish tail called the gas tail.

Hooke’s law experiment

 Spring balance measures force
 Upward force : restoring spring force
 Downward force : hand force
 There is a relationship between spring extension and applied force
 The spring cylinder has a scale
 Removing weight makes the extension 0
 While making a graph , force is y axis , extension is x axis
 F= 0.1 x E
 0.1 is constant

Terminal velocity
 Faster we fall , the greater the resistance
 Balanced force = constant speed
 Upward force needs to greater to slow down
 When a sky diver lands there is a force from the ground which decelerates

The turning effect of a force

 Center gravity : the point on which the whole weight of a body tends to act
 For any regular shaped object the center of gravity is the point at which the axis of
symmetry cross
 There in one point where everything can be balanced
 Usually the mid point .

Stability :
 matters on the position and base
 Center of gravity is high if the base is narrow
 High center of gravity = less stable
 Pivot : forces have a turning effect that makes them turn in a fixed position , the point is
called pivot
 Moment = f x d
 For force to have its biggest effect , the line of action should be 90 degrees
 Moments are measured in Nm , newton meter

Forces on a beam :
 When we are on the ground we are exerting a gravitational force .
 The total upward force is equal to the downward force
 The supports on 2 sides of the beam give the upward force .
 If the person in not on the middle me have to calculate the moment on each side
 Sum of anticlockwise moment = sum of clockwise moment

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