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Roll No. Total No.

of Pages : 01
Total No. of Questions : 08
BBA / (RD) / SIM (Sem.–2)
Subject Code : BBA-202 -18
M.Code : 75917
Date of Examination : 20-7-21
Time : 2 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60


1. Attempt any FIVE question(s), ea ch que stion c arrie s 12 marks.

1. “Firms which systematically analyze and diagnose the environment are more effective than
those which don’t.” Elucidate.

2. What necessitated the adoption of New Economic Policy in India? What were the
objectives and how far these objectives have been fulfilled?

3. Discuss disinvestment policy of Government of India. Do you feel that this policy is
contributing desired results?

4. What are the main provisions of Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999?

5. “Business social responsibility is confined only up to balancing profit and social goals.”

6. Describe briefly the changing role of public sector and private sector in shaping the
economic destiny of India.

7. “MNC’s offer advantages to host countries as well as to the countries of their origin.” Do
you agree? Substantiate the role of MNC’s in India.

8. Critically evaluate the role of WTO in promoting international trade.

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