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Course Name
1 Java 11 Essentials
2 Java 11 Beyond Basics
3 Service Layer using Spring
Persistence Layer using Spring
5 REST API using Spring
Creative Response web design
6 using HTML 5, CSS3 and
Bootstrap 4
Angular - Developing Single
Page Application
Spring Boot and Angular-
8 React Stack -DevOps Tools
and Capstone Project

Focus Area Course Name

Java 11 Essentials

Java Programming

Java 11 Beyond Basics

Service Layer using Spring

Service Layer using Spring

API Development
using Spring Persistence Layer using
Spring Data
REST API using Spring REST
Developing web pages using

Designing and Styling Web

Pages using CSS

Creating Responsive Web

Pages using Bootstrap 4
 Typescript Program for Web

Development using

Angular-Developing Single
Page Application
Angular-Developing Single
Page Application

Spring Boot and Angular-

FullStack Capstone
React Stack -DevOps Tools
and Capstone Project
Spring Boot and Angular-
FullStack Capstone React Stack -DevOps Tools
and Capstone Project
No. Of days


Topics Duration

Introduction to JShell, Java Basics, Packages and Access specifiers,

String, Wrapper classes, Arrays, Enumeration, SonarLint

RegularExpression, Date & Time API, Static, Method &

Constructor Overloading, Inheritance, Method Overridding,
Object class, Final
Abstract, Interfaces & Functional Interface, Exception Handling 9 Days
Collection Framework - List, Set, Map
Lambdas and Streams
Properties and Logging, Junit 5, Modular Programming, Maven
JDBC and Optional classes, Capstone project
Assessment Day

Introduction to Service Layer

Need of Spring Framework
Introduction to Spring Framework
Exercises & Assignments
Introduction to Spring IoC Container
Configuring and using Spring IoC Container
Reading properties file in Spring
Best Practices in Java-Annotation based Configuration
Exercises & Assignments
Introduction to Autowiring
Using @Autowired annotation
Best Practices in Spring Framework
Exercises & Assignments
Introduction to Spring Boot
Understanding the structure of a Spring Boot project
SpringBootApplication annotation
Spring Boot Runners
Configuring Spring Boot application
Exercises & Assignments
Logging in Spring Boot using default logger
Logging in Spring Boot using Log4j
Exercises & Assignments
Introduction to Aspect Oriented Programming
Configuring AOP in Spring Boot
Implementing AOP advices
Best Practices in Spring Boot
Exercises & Assignments
Writing test cases using JUnit
Writing test cases using Mockito and JUnit
Exercises & Assignments
Introduction to Persistence Layer
Object Relational Mapping,
Java Persistence API (JPA)
Defining Entity Classes
Persistence Context and EntityManager
Creating and Configuring Spring Boot project with JPA
CRUD Operations using JPA with Spring Boot
Transaction Management with Spring Boot
Best Practices in Persistence Layer
Best Practices in Persistence Context
Advantages of Spring ORM
Exercises & Assignments
Introduction to JPQL
Selection – The SELECT clause
Restriction - The WHERE clause
JPQL Aggregate Functions
JPQL String Functions
Grouping and Ordering – The GROUP BY, HAVING and ORDER BY
Update and Delete Queries 13 Days
Exercises & Assignments
Introduction to Spring Data
Spring Data Repositories
CRUD operations using Spring Data
Spring Data JPA
Exercises & Assignments
Pagination using Spring Data
Sorting using Spring Data
Exercises & Assignments
Primary Key Generation Strategies
Identity Strategy
Table Strategy
Sequence and Auto Strategies
Exercises & Assignments
Introduction to Association Relationships
Implementing One-To-One Relationship
Exercises & Assignments
Implementing Many-To-One Relationship
Exercises & Assignments
Implementing One-To-Many Relationship
Exercises & Assignments
Introduction to Web Services
RESTful Web Services
Exercises & Assignments
Developing REST API Using Spring Boot
CRUD Operation in Spring REST Using Spring Boot
Exercises & Assignments
Consuming REST API with RestTemplate
CORS - Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
Exercises & Assignments
Why to do exception handling?
Exception Handling using @RestControllerAdvice
Exception handling using ResponseStatusException
Exercises & Assignments
Need for validation
Data Validation using Bean Validation API
Path Variable Validation
Exercises & Assignments
Why to secure REST API’s
Introduction to Spring Security
Using Spring Security in Spring Boot application
Securing REST API using HTTP Basic Authentication
Exercises & Assignments
Why Microservices?
What are Microservices?
Example of Microservice architecture
Top Reasons for choosing Microservice
Microservice Usage Scenarios
Advantages of Microservices

Introduction to HTML
Skeleton of HTML
HTML in VS code
Basic elements
Web page on LiveServer
Form element
Input and Label elements
Various elements of form
Table element
Anchor element
Image element
Audio element
Video element
Source element
Heading elements
Text formatting elements
List elements
Character entities
Introduction to CSS
CSS Syntax and Properties
CSS selectors and types
Precedence of CSS selectors
Adding CSS to HTML
Units in CSS
Fundamentals of CSS - Assignments
CSS Box model
CSS Positioning
CSS Layout - Assignments
CSS RWD and Media Queries
Need of Bootstrap
Bootstrap features
Getting started
Container classes
Grid system
UI Components and Types
Navigation bar
Form group
Form layouts
Leaning Outcomes
Need for Typescript
First Typescript Program
Declaring variables and basic datatypes
Arrays and basic operations
Builtin array functions
Chaining of array functions
Intro to functions
Parameter types and return types
Arrow functions
Optional,default and rest parameters
Introduction to class
Access modifiers
static keyword
Introduction to Inheritance
Abstract class
Introduction to interface
Class implementing an interface
Extending interface
11 Days
Default exports
Introduction to Generics
Course Introduction
About Angular
Introduction to Angular
mCart-Case study
mCart-Case study Video
Angular set up and installation
Introduction to templates
Elements of template
Property binding
Attribute binding
Class binding
Style binding
Event binding
Two way binding
ngIf Directive
ngFor Directive
ngSwitch Directive
Attribute directive
Custom Attribute Directives
Custom Structural Directives
Built in pipes
Introduction to Nested components
Passing data between container and child component
Component Life cycle
Introduction to Services
Server communication using Http Client
Introduction to Template driven forms
Angular Form Validations
Angular Form Validations- Quizzes
Model Driven Forms or Reactive forms
Custom validators in Reactive forms
Introduction to Routing
Route parameters
Route Guards
Route Guards
Intro to Lazy Loading
Lazy Loading implementation
Shared Modules
Lazy Loading - Route Guards
Introduction to RxJs
Observables, Observers, Subscription
RxJS Creation Operators
RxJs Pipeable Operators
Mathematical Operators
Transformation Operators
Error Handling Operators
Introduction to State Management
ngRx Core concepts
Meta reducers
ngRx Dev tools
ngRx effects
Angular Material
Deploying Angular Application in Azure

Life cycle of Waterfall Model

Introduction to Agile
User Stories
Sprint Artifacts
Sprint Ceremonies
Why DevOps ...
An Introduction to DevOps 
Continuous Integration

10 Days
Continuous Delivery
Introduction to Git
Forking and Cloning a Repository...
10 Days
Git Operations - Server Side
Git Operations - Client Side
Need for Synchronization
Project Components
Maven - POM
Maven - Build
SonarQube Configuration
SonarQube Analysis
Jenkins Workflow
Lex link

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