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Mid-term Assignment Business Communication


Hamida Mosharraf Moniea (HMM1)

Lecturer of North South University

Submitted by:

Foujia Rahman Sorna




Submission Date:3rd , April, 2021

1. Analyze Hofstede Dimension Scores in each dimension for Mexico and the United

States. What do you think the impact of a team-based rewards program will be in each


Answer: In this question we analyze Hofstede six cultural dimension scores in each dimension

for Mexico and the united states.

The scores in each dimension for Mexico vs U.S.A

Dimension Mexico U.S.A


Individuali Mexico, with a score of 30 is considered a Individualist (91) cultures in the

sm vs collectivistic society, (Country Comparison, world reflects, (Country

Collectivis n.d.).Collectivist social orders offense leads Comparison, n.d.).

m to disgrace and misfortune of confront,

employer/employee connections are seen in e

thical terms (like a

family connect), enlisting and advancement c

hoices take account of the employee’s in-

group, administration is

the administration of bunches.

Power In Mexico there are high power distance In America there are low power

distance where score is 81, (Country Comparison, distance where score is 40,

n.d.).So we can said that Mexico is a (Country Comparison,

hierarchal society. So that there are indicates

high inequalities and society are more n.d.).There power distance is

centralize. unequal.

Masculinit Mexico is masculine society where the score American preface of “liberty

y vs is 69. (Country Comparison, n.d.). and equity for all.”

Femininity Rising imbalance is imperiling v

ote based

system, since a extending hole a

mong the classes

may gradually thrust Control Se

parate up

and Independence down,

(Country Comparison, n.d.).

Here the score is High, the score

is 62, (Country Comparison,


Uncertaint Mexico scores 82 on this measurement and The US

y hence contains a exceptionally tall inclination scores underneath normal, with

Avoidance for avoiding uncertainty, (Country a moo score of 46, on

Comparison, n.d.). Countries showing tall the Instability Avoidance dimens

Uncertainty Avoidance keep up inflexible ion, (Country Comparison,

codes of conviction and behavior and are n.d.).As a result,

narrow minded of irregular conduct and the seen setting in which

concepts. Americans discover themselves

will affect their conduct more

than on the off chance that the

culture would have either scored

higher or lower.

Long term The moderately score of 24 means that the The United States

orientation Mexican culture is regulating. Individuals in scores regulating on the

vs short such social orders have a solid concern fifth measurement with

term with setting up the outright Truth; they a moo score of 26, (Country

orientation are regulating in their considering. Comparison, n.d.) American

They show awesome regard for conventions, organization measure their

a moderately little penchant to spare for end employee performance short

of, the and term basis.

a center on accomplishing speedy comes

about. (Country Comparison, n.d.).

Indulgence With a really high score of 97, Mexican The United States scores as

Vs culture incorporates an Liberal (68) society on

Restraint a clear inclination toward Liberality, the 6th measurement, (Country

(Country Comparison, Comparison, n.d.). American P

n.d.). Individuals in social orders classified

by a tall score in Liberality for the most

part show a readiness to figure it

out their motivations and wants with respect t

o getting a charge out of life and having fun.

2. Analyze Hofstede Dimension Scores in each dimension for Italy and the United States.

What are your thoughts on encouraging workers to take risk and think "outside the box"

in each country?


Dimensio Italy U.S.A

n Name

Individual The foremost Individualist (91) cultures within Individualist (91) cultures in the

ism vs the world. world reflects, (Country

Collectivis Comparison, n.d.).

Power Here power distance score is very low which is In America there are low power

distance 40, (Country Comparison, n.d.). distance where score is 40,

(Country Comparison,

n.d.).There power distance is


Masculinit Here the masculinity score is higher than American preface of “liberty

y vs U.S.A, (Country Comparison, n.d.). and equity for all.”

Femininit Rising imbalance is imperiling

At 70 Italy may be a Masculine society –
y vote based
exceedingly victory arranged and driven.
system, since a extending hole a
Children are taught from an early age that mong the classes

competition is nice and to be a champ is vital may gradually thrust Control Se

in one’s life. Italians appear their victory by parate up

procuring status images such as a wonderful and Independence down,

car, a enormous house, a yacht and voyages to (Country Comparison, n.d.).

intriguing nations. As the working Here the score is High, the

environment is the put where each Italian can score is 62, (Country

reach his/her victory, competition among Comparison, n.d.).

colleagues for making a career can be

exceptionally solid.

Uncertaint At 75 Italy encompasses a tall score The US

y on Uncertainty Avoidance which suggests that scores underneath normal, with

Avoidance as a country Italians are not comfortable a moo score of 46, on

in equivocal circumstances. Convention in the Instability Avoidance dimen

Italian society is vital and the sion, (Country Comparison,

Italian correctional and gracious code are n.d.).As a result,

complicated with clauses, codicils etc, the seen setting in which

(Country Comparison, n.d.). Americans discover themselves

will affect their conduct more

than on the off chance that the

culture would have either

scored higher or lower.

Long term Italy’s tall score of 61 on The United States

orientation this measurement appears that Italian culture scores regulating on the

vs short is down to business, (Country Comparison, fifth measurement with

term n.d.). In social orders with a down to a moo score of 26, (Country

orientation business introduction, individuals accept that Comparison, n.d.) American

truth depends exceptionally much organization measure their

on circumstance, setting and time, (Country employee performance short

Comparison, n.d.). term basis.

They appear an capacity to adjust conventions

effectively to changed conditions,

a solid penchant to spare and contribute,


and tirelessness in accomplishing comes about,

(Country Comparison, n.d.).

Indulgenc A low score of 30 shows that Italian culture is The United States scores as

e Vs one of Restriction. Social orders with an Liberal (68) society on

Restraint a moo score in this dimension have the 6th measurement, (Country

a inclination to negativity and cynicism. Too, Comparison, n.d.). American P

in differentiate to Liberal social

orders, Controlled social orders don't put

much accentuation on recreation time and

control the satisfaction of

their wants. Individuals with

this introduction have the discernment that

their activities are Limited by

social standards and feel

that reveling themselves is somewhat wrong.

3.Suppose, John Sudworth is a 25 years old American adult joined your project group. You being

the group leader or one of the group members, what are the cultural differences you need to be

aware of so you can avoid conflicts that are related to diversity.


To avoid the culture conflict, I should do the following things”

1) Monochromic: I should plane the time in efficient way so that it can match with western


2) Space: Due to talking with western countries people I have to maintain a distance as

western countries are accustomed.

3) Odors: Although in few cultures people, body odor are not too particular foe them but, in

most countries, it treats as most countries unhygienic. And American follow this body

odor very formally.

4) Frankness: Since Americans are more direct and upfront therefore, we should

communicate with them at straight forward.

5) Social hierarchy: Although in many countries social cultures are strictly maintain and it

determines how people interrelate with each other but the power distance in America is

very low. Social class does not influence their interaction with other people.
4.Effective German leaders are characterized by high performance orientation, low compassion,

low self-protection, low team orientation, high autonomy, and high participation- explain this

employing relevant Hofstede Dimensions.


Employing relevant Hofstede dimension effective German leaders are characterized by high

performance orientation, low compassion, low self-protection, low team orientation, high

autonomy, and high participation are explaining are given below:

High performance Orientation: German power distance score is 35 which is very low, (Country

Comparison, n.d.). That means organization employer and employee relationship are very

communicative and participative. That’s why employee is more engage in the organization and

their performance orientation is high.

Low compassion: The relationship between employee and employers are very good. But they

hate their competitors. They are very straight forward and aggressive towards the competitors

Low team orientation: In Germany there are lacking behind in team work. They like to work

individually rather than in a group. They don’t like to cooperate each other. That’s why Germany

has low team orientation. Individualism score in German is 67, (Country Comparison, n.d.).

High autonomy: high autonomy refers to the ability what individuals can make their own

decision without influence by anyone. That why power distance Germany are very low

High participation: since Their relationship between employee and employer are very good.

Therefore, the employee participation in work are very high.

5.What management consequences does Hofstede's cultural dimension research have? What does

the above review teach you about the value of cultural understanding?


Different country has different belief, different languages, different perspective and different

understanding. Hofstede’s culture is a study of different culture in different countries and also said

that in different culture how people communicate with different cultural people. The Hofstede’s

cultural dimension goal is people are able to communicate easily all over the world. It is one of

the most effective cultural communication process for international businesses. In the above we

understanding companies should have able maintain cultural competency. Cultural competency

means in organization people are able to different culture easily and also they aware of their own

cultural practices.

Cultural understanding:

In the above research I teach many different things about culture. I think we should educate cultural

intelligence. For this cultural intelligence learning we can know different countries cultural

background, people, their demographic situation etc. Culture is an interrelated about a country

root. So if I establish new business new business in foreign country firstly I should learn about

those country culture. So I can indicate their communication culture in those country organization

and also know their uniqueness.

6.In the light of the video posted here

explain how globalization is impacting the landscape of business communication.


In this video we learn different thing about the impact of Globalization. Globalization refers to

the accommodation business ideas, different organization culture, communication, products,

communities etc. of different countries. Only one country does not represent the world. Every

country has different people, culture, behavioral differences, language etc. Globalization has

many positive impact of business communication. Those impact are given below:

1. Cultural differences: Through globalization we can easily adapt find out about other

cultures. For example, in this video Peter Alfandary was 21 years old he was a student of

American university. When he wanted to go his family friends’ house to have dinner. In

the end of the when he took a Cab and he politely asked the cab driver in details with

address the cab driver answered that, do you want to go or don’t you want to go. He was

surprised and learn new thing that directness is not always been rudeness. In America,

French, German this country people always like directness. So that, globalization can

help organization or people how to adapt other culture very easily.

2. Force of English languages: English is first corporate language all over the world. But

every country has different languages people of different every country has different

understanding. According to Peter Alfandary, English acknowledged as a global

language. As well as, we should give equal importance to all languages.

3. Increase competition: Because of globalization competition has increase among the

country in global market. Because of higher competition in global market price of goods
and service has decreased and due to globalization of technology more countries are

starting to do export without approaching much capital.

4. Technological advancement: For globalization no more people are able to communicate

participate and co-operate beyond the borders, new people are able to gain new

knowledge. As a result, people are not restricted in their technologies and ides while are

available only in their country.

5. Cultural Intelligence: For increasing globalization people should educate on culture

intelligence. According to Peter Alfandary if people educate cultural intelligence it will

reduce to help misunderstanding to cultural differences and miscommunication. It will

help to understand different culture, different cultural perspective.

7.“It’s important to use business clichés like cutting edge and state of the art to sound professional.”


Communication is one of the most important thing in business. If the employee cannot
communicate with their consumer properly they will not able to make profit. So, in business
effective communication is one of the most significant for customer and employee. In elaborate
sentence with jargons, unnecessary words make questionable and it might bring about of
disarrangement of communication. It is important to have effective communication for business
through better usage of word and sentences. Communication means two group of people one is
sender and the another one is receiver. Sender should ensure that the suitable words and sentences
uses for those sentence which receiver must understand sender sentence very easily.

There are so many slangs and clichés which are very common in different businesses. Some
different business clinchers are very famous for a short time and disappear. The use of different
business clinches in writing add comfort factor for business factor. Furthermore, the employees
make the language more useful with add of some clichés and the sentence is more effectively.
When business uses clichés the sometimes the consumer doesn’t understand. Another use with
clinches is that they face difficulties contact with people. There are so many cultural differences
in the world. This is may be common in one culture it may not be in another culture.
8.Write your analysis on the Impact of COVID 19 on the education sector of Bangladesh which

would mention How the Covid-19 is affecting the sector, Current Trends and Potential

Opportunities in the COVID-19 Landscape Key Areas and Proposal for one of the key participants,

North South University.

Ans: “On March 16, 2020 the Government of Bangladesh pronounced closures to

all scholastic institutions, dormitories and coaching centers as well, considering

the obliterating spread of crown virus, (Barua, 2020). With the developing open concern, the

closure period got expanded time to time, till June 15, 2020. According to distinctive news

sources around 30 million understudies in all categories of institutions and near to a

million instructors as well as instruction faculty in Bangladesh. The government

also contended the open to restrict themselves in homes by keeping up social removing, (Barua,

2020). These prolonged closures are not as it were influencing the scholastic career of

these understudies, it is also hampering their mental wellbeing as well. Considering

the display reality, there's a tall possibility of session jams at the colleges. The SSC examination

of 2020 fortunately has been taken and results have been distributed as of late but the HSC

candidates of 2020 are still in colossal uncertainty. Most of the candidates and their families are

going through an unfathomable mental pressure, thinking of their future career prospects”,

(Barua, 2020).

Current Trends and Potential Opportunities in the COVID-19 Landscape Key Areas and

Proposal for one of the key participants, North South University. Those opportunities and trands

are given below:

1. Virtual Learning: At NSU students and teachers proactively adapting e-learning. While

the digital divide remains major concern that what will virtual classroom are trying to
make up for their loss time. This virtual learning helps to Nsu student to keep learning

during this pandemic. Also NSU graduates apply foreign universities complete their

further studies as those classes moves in online.

2. Government Initiatives- Bangladesh government took some steps for their educational

sector. For example, UGC said that all Bangladeshis universities take home assessment

for their students. NSU authority also take home assessment for their students.

3. Social Distancing Norms- UGC set arrangement for student to avoid Covid-19 disease.

Nsu authorities make changes to sitting arrangement and change class timing suitable for


Barua, A. (2020). The impact of COVID-19 Pandemic: Education sector of. Dhaka: BIPSS

COMENTARY. Retrieved from


Country Comparison. (n.d.). Retrieved from Hofstede Insight: https://www.hofstede-

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