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Technical Guide
Jamboree-On-The-Air / Jamboree-On-The-Internet 2019 - October 18-20

JOTA/JOTI 2019 is almost here, and there are so many ways that you can get involved! This
Tech Guide can help you participate from home, or at your local Scout Hall, or for when visiting
a Base where you can participate in these activities and more:
• Campsite – a digital interface for Scouts and Guides from around the world to
participate with activities arranged by the World JOTA/JOTI Team;
• Discord Chat – a text-based (also with setup for audio) chat system which is available
via web browsers, Windows XP/7/10, MacOS, or a dedicated Android/iOS/iPadOS app;
• IRC (Internet Relay Chat) - a text-only chat system, active 24/7/365, through the online
network ScoutLink;
• JOTA Calling Frequencies – a current list of all JOTA frequencies that you can listen out
• Scout Radio – there are a range of different Scouting & Guiding radio stations that exist
all year, but run special programming over the JOTA/JOTI weekend. You can connect
with them via social media/Skype to talk, request songs, get involved in competitions,
and more.
• Scout TV – using webcams, you can connect with Scouts and Guides from around the
world to talk, and join in on a Digital Campfire.
• TeamSpeak - a voice-chat program like Skype, with chatrooms just for Scout and Guide
users, moderated by Scouts and Guides.
• Web-Based Radio Receivers/Echolink – the ability to use a radio, without having a
radio! Listen to the JOTA conversations, with JOTI resources.
There are also games that Youth and Leaders can get involved with, such as:
• JamPuz – Every Base (even Scouts connecting at home can register to have their own
code) is able to get a Code, and you can trade them with others to what places that you
connect with over the weekend.
• Minecraft - there are special Scouts servers that you can play on, but you will need your
own copy of Minecraft to play (you need PC/MAC edition – Pocket Edition won’t work).

(Is this all really too much? Click here for the short version.)

JOTA/JOTI 2019 Tech Guide v3.5

In 2016, World Scouting created a Trusted Partners Programme, to help members from
around the world to get involved online. In addition, Scouts WA are also providing resources
help to connect to a range of Organisations for JOTA/JOTI. These listed organisations are
either authorized by the World Scout Bureau, or are groups that Scouts WA has investigated
and made a decision to document and encourage our membership to participate with.

For all activities listed, Youth Members should have a parent’s help and supervision when
connecting at home.

How can I get involved?

Some Scouts will be on their own JOTA/JOTI Camps for this weekend, where they will be able
to use amateur radios and computers to talk to Scouts and Guides globally. But you don’t have
to be at a camp to access this - you can do it from home, and all of these services are active
all year round (so if you want to play Minecraft more often or talk with your voice on
TeamSpeak, you can)!

Bandwidth & Data

When using the Internet (and especially for JOTA/JOTI), you need to account for bandwidth
and data use:
• Bandwidth = the speed of data between your device and the internet.
• Data = the total amount of data (measured in Megabytes & Gigabytes)
Some software will require a lot of bandwidth to use, such as streaming video from,
while others may not need that much, like IRC.

If the computers are all not working all of a sudden, check to make sure that someone isn’t
streaming YouTube/Netflix/Spotify when they shouldn’t be…


The event badge from JOTA/JOTI2019 can go onto the right-front of the Uniform, and should
come off the uniform by January 20th, 2020 (3 months after the event, like all other event
badges). For Scouts and Guides whose Leaders have organized a Base or have contacted a
Base to register before arrival, there should be enough stock of Badges for them to get one.

WA Scouts: Participate & need a badge? Contact

WA Guides: Participate & need a badge? Contact Guide House Shop directly.

Service Providers

While all of these resources listed are provided for Leaders to use for setting up Bases and
Activity Stations, it is strongly encouraged that Leaders look around at the different services to
see what activities that you want to run, and what activities that you feel are suited to your
Base. This may depend on factors such as bandwidth, the ratio of devices to youth, and more.

Full List of all Registered JOTA/JOTI Bases for 2019

To see what Bases currently are registered for JOTA/JOTI 2019 across the world, you can find
out more by going to

JOTA/JOTI 2019 Tech Guide v3.5

To register your location, there is a World Scouting Directory – and for the first time in 2019, an
Australian Directory. If possible, please register at both locations.
• You can find the World Scouting Directory at
• You can find the Australian Scouting Directory at and follow the
Base Commanders have already been sent the registration details at this point.

JOTA/JOTI 2019 Tech Guide v3.5


The Campsite is a digital playground to use during the JOTA/JOTI Weekend, with resources
and activities to do with other Scouts and Guides.

Currently, the content for this activity hasn’t been released – so we don’t have anything to put
here! But be sure to go to to find out more, closer to the

JOTA/JOTI 2019 Tech Guide v3.5

Discord Chat
Discord is a text & image chat software platform, where Users can create their own servers to
chat about different topics. ScoutWired, a group of Scouts and Guides, have setup a special
moderated server for use during JOTA/JOTI annually, but which is also run all year round (like
ScoutLink’s IRC is run). Scouts and Guides who have had their membership accredited by
their National Scout Organizations moderate ‘ScoutWired Discord Chat’, and the server is
setup to record all conversations, per child protection rules.

While ScoutWired is supported by members of the International Team across Australia, it is

not a member of WOSM’s ‘Trusted Partners’ initiative.

You can use Discord on Windows, macOS, or Linux, or on a mobile device (Android
phones/tablets or iOS/iPhones/iPads). This can be done with a special app
(, or with a web browser by going to this link

When you first open the link, you’ll need to register an account, by following the instructions:

After you do that, there’s a quick Guide from ScoutWired to help protect your Users by
changing some of the basic settings. You can click on this link to read the short instructions
(there are helpful photos too). There is a 10-minute wait for new accounts to start messaging
to help prevent spammers, so don’t create your accounts at the last minute!

JOTA/JOTI 2019 Tech Guide v3.5

IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
Currently, ScoutLink runs the only setup that uses IRC. ScoutLink use Scouts and Guides to
run their servers and moderate them. But remember that a private chat with another user won’t
have a moderator with you in that chat.

This text-only setup allows for messaging in a Server or on a 1-on-1 basis, with servers setup
for different languages, some for Leaders, an UNO game, and more. IRC has a ‘quick
connection’ (using a web browser - no other software needed) and ‘advanced connection’
(requiring you to download and install software) set of instructions to access it. Both will get
you connected, but it’s up to you to choose how you want to get online.

Worth keeping in mind - the “…use of Internet Relay Chat (IRC) for online communications
was established back in 1988 in Finland to extend the Bulletin Board System (BBS) to allow
real time discussion. It is an open protocol that uses Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and
Transport Layer Security (TLS). However, the age of the system and lack of adaptability
prevents it from being able to be secured to a level that would be acceptable for youth
protection and online internet security policy from National Scouting Organisations. For the
client-to-server leg of the connection Secure Socket Layers (SSL) might be used, and then
messages cease to be secure once they are relayed to other users on standard

In 2016, the Australian National JOTA/JOTI Conference determined that as a result of this,
IRC was no longer a safe & secure medium for JOTI. Having said this, there have been
requests on how to connect to this service. Therefore,
this information is included here for the use of Leaders
to make their own decision on what they choose to do.


The ‘Quick Connection’ instructions

• Using a Web Browser (eg. Chrome, Firefox,
Safari, or Internet Explorer), go to

• Enter a Nickname (this will appear to everyone

else online, so choose something anonymous -
‘RobbieKoala’, ’Scoutz1907’, it’s up to you!),
• Choose the Channel that you want to join, from
the drop down list: there are language-based
ones, some for leaders or youth, and more.
• Click the ‘Connect’ button
• When the webpage loads, your page will look
like this:

JOTA/JOTI 2019 Tech Guide v3.5

• Connected Channels are listed on the left; all connected users are on the right
• To view all available channels, type /list and press enter. Connect to another channel
by double clicking on it.
• To change between connected Channels, select the Channel from the Blue Column.
• Congratulations! Welcome to ScoutLink!

The ‘Advanced Connection’ instructions

You can download any IRC program or app onto your Windows/OSX/Linux/iOS/Android
device, and set it up to connect to the ScoutLink servers using the details at

Connect using the Android App, from the Google Play Store
Titled “ScoutLink IRC”, this works without having to do any setup. Go to,
or search “ScoutLink IRC” on the Google Store.

Tips for using IRC:

• To change your Nickname at any time when logged in, type in /NICK
• To see the list of all channels you can join, type in /LIST
• To leave a Channel, simply close the tab with that Channel’s Title.

JOTA/JOTI 2019 Tech Guide v3.5

JOTA Calling Frequencies

Scouts Victoria are keeping a list of all JOTA Bases this year, with the World Scout Calling
Frequencies, Australian Scout Calling Frequencies, and more. This webpage is a great
starting point to get your radio base up and going.

Go to to find out more.

JOTA/JOTI 2019 Tech Guide v3.5


ScoutLink provide audio chatrooms that Scouts and Guides can connect to and talk to other
members, using software called TeamSpeak. This program can also connect you with JOTI
Radio to talk on the air, and more.

• Have a microphone and speakers (a headset is helpful)
• Download the latest version at - for
• Try and set this up before the weekend, and give it a test.
• To help, create a bookmark for both services. You can do this by going to the top and
selection Bookmarks -> Add to Bookmarks

You can connect by clicking on ‘Connections’ -> ‘Connect’, then typing in as the server address and adding your own Nickname (no
password – leave it empty). Once you click ‘Connect’, double-click on the channel that you
want to join.

JOTA/JOTI 2019 Tech Guide v3.5

Scout Radio
There are a range of Scouting Radio Stations globally that participate in JOTI every year, and
while JOTIRadio (UK) is the official provider set by World Scouting, if your base is interested to
listen to a radio not in English, or with different music, then feel free to shop around! You can
listen direct from their websites, or via a dedicated app.

JOTI Radio (UK)

Avon Scout Radio (UK) rebrands themselves annually over the weekend as JOTI Radio,
broadcasting 24/7. With competitions, requests for music, shout-outs to listeners around the
world and more, you can listen to them via their app or direct on their webpage at Check out their website closer to the event to see their schedule and

• To listen to JOTI Radio via an Android Device with an app, you can download the app
from the Google Play Store at
• To listen to JOTI Radio via an iPhone/iPad with an app, you can download the app from
the App Store at
• To listen to JOTI Radio via a Blackberry Device with an app, you can download the app
from Blackberry World at

Scouting Radio (USA)

Less Youth-Led than JOTIRadio but still with a variety of content, Scouting Radio is another
service that you may wish to listen to during JOTI and afterwards too. While not a member of
WOSM’s ‘Trusted Partners’ initiative, the content from these guys is fairly good and worth a
listen to.

• To listen to Scouting Radio via an Android Device with an app, you can download the
app from the Google Play Store at

JOTA/JOTI 2019 Tech Guide v3.5

Scout TV
One of the World Scouting’s Trusted Partners for 2019, is another option for you to
have Scouts & Guides video chat online. You can choose between three different channels;
‘Australia’, ‘Asia Pacific’, or ‘World/. This is the first time that this platform is getting such
coverage, and will be a new opportunity for your Youth to get involved here.

The digital campfire is a great way to setup a webcam to record your base, and have it
transmit images every 15 seconds, to create an image of JOTA/JOTI Bases all around the
world – if you’re interested to get involved with this opportunity.

To learn more and see how you can connect, go to Make sure that you
register an account and test it before the weekend itself.

However, you need to be aware of the following:

• Bandwidth + Data: this service will consume heaps of it over the whole weekend, if you
choose to use the video chat option for lengths of time. You will need a broadband
connection at the minimum to make it work with the bandwidth, without cutting out other
Users at your site.
• The service is not compatible with Safari (so no luck if you plan to use an iPad/iPhone)
or Internet Explorer; you will need to use the Google Chrome Web Browser.
o If you’re on Android, check your Operating System is past Version 4 – new
devices purchased after October 2011 should be compatible.

JOTA/JOTI 2019 Tech Guide v3.5

Web-Based Radio Receivers
Commonly referred to as EchoLink, this is a great setup for bases that have JOTI and no
JOTA - there are a range of resources that you can setup for Youth to engage with, to help
have a well-rounded base. Please ensure that Leaders test all equipment before the event.

To learn more about this from the World JOTA/JOTI Team, go to

To download the Remoteham software, go to

To learn more about Echolink in general, go to

For a list of frequencies that you can use to listen out for, go to

JOTA/JOTI 2019 Tech Guide v3.5

Short for Jamboree Puzzle, JamPuz is way to swap identity codes with other JOTA/JOTI
participants that you interact with during JOTA/JOTI. Each JOTA/JOTI location is issued with a
JOTA/JOTI ID code (known as a JID) as part of the annual 'sign up' process.

JamPuz is designed for participants to start a conversation with, not to be the only thing they
ask for before they move on.

• Leaders register a Base at

• There are printable resources like the JID Poster, Region Code Sheet, Country Codes,
Bingo Cards (like this one or that one), Suffix Codes, ‘Find the Words’, a Log Sheet,
and more for Bases to use.
• Have some FAQs?
• Documents for the 2019 JamPuz Game will be available online to download at

Only one person at each JOTA-JOTI location needs to register as JIDs are specific to the
JOTA-JOTI location; not specific to each JOTA-JOTI participant.

There are no prizes for collecting (or giving out) the greatest number of JIDs or for the variety
of JIDs collected. After JOTA-JOTI we will ask each JOTA-JOTI location, however, to provide
us with some statistical information on the number of JIDs collected and the number of JIDs
issued. This will help us to record the success of JamPuz 2017, and further develop JamPuz
for 2020. The World Scout Bureau also encourages us to post to Facebook and the
photos of your JamPuz sheets.

JOTA/JOTI 2019 Tech Guide v3.5

Minecraft – who hasn’t heard of it at this point?! These servers are active all year round, and
have special activities around for the JOTA/JOTI 2019 Event. If you plan to use Minecraft
during JOTA/JOTI, be sure to test it before the event, so you know it’ll work!

To access ScoutLink Minecraft, visit to get setup
prior to the JOTA/JOTI Event.

To access ScoutWired Minecraft, visit to get setup prior
to the JOTA/JOTI Event.

JOTA/JOTI 2019 Tech Guide v3.5


What else can I do during JOTA/JOTI 2019?

• Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
o Be sure to post photos of your JOTA/JOTI 2019 event (with permission!) online
using the hashtags #JOTA/JOTI #scouts #worldscouting
o Like, share, and comment on the posts of other groups and participants of
JOTA/JOTI 2019 – you may meet someone new and make a friend for life.
o If you have some photos from your Base that we can publish (and you have the
permission of the people in the photo), email them to with a small blurb to say what is happening.

I’m having issues with a service provider during the JOTI Weekend.
• JamPuz
o If you’re having major issues, please email jampuz@world-JOTA/
• ScoutLink
o For any issues regarding ScoutLink during the JOTI weekend (including IRC,
Minecraft and Teamspeak), you can contact the team via a ticket at, or get live help by looking for an Op
(Operator) on any main Channel.
• ScoutWired
o For any issues regarding ScoutWired during the JOTI weekend (including
Minecraft and Teamspeak), you can contact the team via a ticket at or get live help in Minecraft by requesting
a Team Helper.

I’m interested to join one of these services as an Operator

That’s fantastic! However, for training purposes these services have their teams prepared and
ready before the JOTA/JOTI weekend every year. If you ask to join during this weekend, the
Moderators won’t be able to help you. However, after the event if you are still interested to be
involved, then please contact them to learn more, and they should contact you after

I want a whitelist to control what websites are used at my Base. Do you have one?
Please ONLY use this if you know what you are doing…but sure… here are some that could
be useful to whitelist (enable access) if you plan to run a base. These also include social
media websites to let you post content online:

JOTA/JOTI 2019 Tech Guide v3.5

The “OMG-this-is-too-much-I-just-want-the-short-version” version?
1. Click here to go to Discord Message Chat and start talking now.
2. Click here to start listening to the JOTI Radio.
Now you’re connected to talk to, type with, and listen to other Scouts and Guides from across
the world!


JOTA/JOTI 2019 Tech Guide v3.5

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