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Over the last several years we have seen High Throughput Satellite (HTS)-based services thriving all over
the world. Many satellite operators have launched and brought into service Ka- and Ku-band HTSs into
all regions and HTS capacity on its way to the market is still rising incrementally as well. Meanwhile, HTS-
based services have found their way to end-users in different vertical markets, ranging from consumer
broadband and enterprise VSAT to cellular backhaul and mobility services for aero and maritime. 
End-users in the different vertical markets are compelled by the benefits of these HTSs and the high
power spot beams which, combined with smaller end-user terminals, provide higher throughputs,
improved service levels and more cost-effective services. According to Northern Sky Research (NSR), the
GEO HTS capacity demand in 2017 was about 528 Gbps and estimated to grow to 1.9 Tbps by 2021,
corresponding with a Compound Average Growth Rate (CAGR) of more than 63%.

This massive GEO HTS growth is mainly driven by the following markets: mobility for aero/ maritime,
cellular backhaul and broadband/ enterprise VSAT.

Broadband Services - Enabling the End-user ARPU

Demand for HTS-based broadband services is growing rapidly in all regions of the world with an
estimated demand of 1.4 Tbps by 2021. With smartphones penetrating every place in the world,
including black-spots not serviced by terrestrial services, the key challenge for service providers when
meeting this end-user demand is to deliver services matching the customer spending for broadband.
Part of the market, with the higher Average Revenue per User (ARPU) potential, can be addressed using
‘directto- home’ satellite broadband services, while the lower APRU customers who can only spend a few
dollars per month can be served using satellite-based community Wi-Fi hotspots.

To address this high-volume broadband market, it is essential to deliver good user experience, while
also keeping Operating Expenditure (OPEX) as low as possible by leveraging the best bandwidth
efficiencies possible. Furthermore, the cost of onboarding a new subscriber needs to be well managed
by optimizing every part of the ‘customer acquisition cost’ – for example, cost-effective VSAT terminals,
optimized logistics to get the equipment to the end-user and easy and fail-safe VSAT terminal
installation to reduce installation costs.

True HTS-optimized platforms can address all these challenges in the most optimal way.

Cellular Backhaul – Addressing the MNO Reach

Alongside this, Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) need solutions to extend their service coverage into
places where there is a lack of terrestrial infrastructure. HTS-based satellite services have proven a very
good fit for MNOs to complement and extend their mobile services coverage for 2G, 3G and 4G. It is
forecasted that by 2021, 272 Gbps, representing a CAGR of 62%, of mobile backhaul traffic will be
backhauled over HTSs.

When doing so, delivering a good user experience is key for MNOs, including the desired level of
throughput and reliable services. Optimized OPEX and Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) of the satellite
backhaul services is also essential to enable an MNO’s business case. Remote sites are often located in
places without reliable mains power, requiring the remote tower to be powered by generators or solar
power. Lower power consumption helps to further optimize the total CAPEX and OPEX cost of the
remote sites.

To address these challenges, HTS service platforms need to be capable of delivering the throughput
and packets per seconds for even the most demanding sites and include embedded optimization
technologies to deliver the required 2G, 3G and 4G user experience. They should also be able to deliver
highly reliable services in Ku- and Ka-band, with the lowest possible OPEX and terminal CAPEX.

Mobility for Aero and Maritime – Delivering the Mobility Promise

Satellite has and will keep its unique value of being able to deliver connectivity to any place in the world,
including oceans and remote, vast places without any terrestrial infrastructure. The mobility Satcom
market is growing at a very fast pace, with demand for GEO HTS mobility expected to surge from 19
Gbps in 2017 to more than106 Gbps in 2021 (CAGR 53%). Importantly, although mobility services
represent only 5.6% of the HTS capacity demand, the aero, maritime and land mobile market accounts
for 18% of the total HTS revenues.

The mobility market has very diverse service requirements: from the very bandwidth-hungry cruise ships
requiring throughputs in the range of 100Mbpst to 1 Gbps, to in-flight broadband connectivity
providing internet access and live television in the air, to other maritime segments such as super yachts,
merchant vessels and shipping boats. In the past, delivering services for such diverse mobility
requirements was costly and required complex operations, including multiple platforms for each
subsegment, dedicated and very inefficient bandwidth usage to serve the very small antennas on
airplanes and lack of control on beam switching, resulting in inefficient use of satellite capacity and high
operational complexity.

Today, however, the latest technological innovations, such as those included in the Newtec Dialog®
platform, have revolutionized the way such a vast range of mobility services is addressed. With Newtec
Dialog, service providers can deliver on the mobility promise and can address the maximal market at the
lowest service cost while providing the best connectivity experience. By addressing the mix of
maritime/aero/fixed from a single platform, the previous compromises on cost and operational
complexity are eliminated.

Monetize Your HTS Services and Minimize Your Business Risk with Newtec Dialog

Newtec Dialog is
an innovative
platform which
ensures optimal
execution of your
HTS services
strategy. It enables
HTS benefits to be
maximized and
efficiencies and
thanks to the 500
Mbaud DVB-S2X
forward and Mx-
DMA® return link. Additionally, it delivers the best connectivity experience for your most demanding
customers and lets you enlarge your addressable markets in key HTS sectors for broadband, backhaul
and mobility and expand into newly developing markets, enabled by small electronically-steered flat
panel antennas.

Newtec Dialog is completely unique in its ability to optimally address the mix of fixed and mobility
services and small and large antennas while removing the dramatic cost increase and operational
complexity traditionally associated with legacy VSAT platforms. The platform is fully proven through Tier-
1 service providers delivering HTS services in different verticals, including broadband, cellular backhaul
and mobility.
The combination of maximal revenue potential and highest efficiency in OPEX and CAPEX – resulting in
best total cost of ownership and the flexibility to diversify into all HTS verticals – assures operators of
highly competitive and profitable services while minimizing the business risk, with the needs for different
satellite services potentially changing over time.

This article was also published in Newtec's latest NEWTEC
NEWS newsletter
newsletter-september-2018) next to other trend topics from
the industry and all news around Newtec, our solutions and

Read the September 2018 issue here (


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VP Market Development


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