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evsjv‡`k e¨vsK

(†m›Uªvj e¨vsK Ae evsjv‡`k)

cÖavb Kvh©vjq
50 119 gwZwSj, XvKv-1000
wWcvU©‡g›U Ae Ad-mvBU mycviwfkb

03 fv`ª, 1428
wWIGm mvK©zjvi †jUvi bs-34 ZvwiL t
18 AvM÷, 2021

e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK/cÖavb wbe©vnx Kg©KZ©v

evsjv‡`‡k Kvh©iZ mKj Zdwmwj e¨vsK|

Avg`vwb cieZ©x A_©vqb (Post Import Financing-PIF) msµvšÍ Z_¨ m¤^wjZ weeiYx cÖm‡½|

wcÖq g‡nv`q,

Ryb 13, 2021 Zvwi‡L RvwiK…Z weAviwcwW mvKz©jvi bs-12 Gi cÖwZ Avcbv‡`i `„wó AvKl©Y Kiv hv‡”Q|
2| D³ mvKzj © v‡ii 2.5(O) µwg‡Ki wb‡`©kbv cwicvjbc~e©K Post Import Financing-PIF msµvšÍ Z_¨vw`
mshy³ QK Abyhvqx (Annexure-01 I Annexure-02) cÖwZ •ÎgvwmK A‡šÍ cieZ©x gv‡mi ‡kl Zvwi‡Li g‡a¨ nvW© I
md&U Kwc wWcvU©‡g›U Ae Ad-mvBU mycviwfkb G `vwL‡ji Rb¨ wb‡`©k cÖ`vb Kiv n‡jv| GKB mv‡_ weeiYxi GKwU
Abywjwc e¨vswKs cÖwewa I bxwZ wefv‡Mi Uv¯‹‡dvm© †mj G †cÖiY Kivi Rb¨I wb‡`©k cÖ`vb Kiv n‡jv|
3| GB wb‡`©kbv †m‡Þ¤^i, 2021 G mgvß •ÎgvwmK n‡Z Kvh©Ki n‡e| weAviwcwW mvKzj
© vi bs-12/2021 Gi
Ab¨vb¨ kZ© I wb‡`©kbv AcwiewZ©Z _vK‡e|

Avcbv‡`i wek¦¯Í,

(†gvt Av‡bvqviæj Bmjvg)

†dvbt 9530093
Quarterly Post Import Financing Report-1 (PIFR-1)
Name of the Bank:
Reporting Period: 0-Jan-1900 to 0-Jan-1900
Reporting Date: 0-Jan-1900
(Tk. In thousand)
Client is a Sanctioned
Exposure Collateral
Sl. Name of the member of: Limit Date of Expiry Sanctioning
Nature Purpose**
No. Client* (Name of the Sanction Date Authority
Group Client Drawn Undrawn Total Nature/Name Value

Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

* Please report members of the same group successively
** Use 'A' for daily necessary consumer goods and 'B' for raw materials for industry
# Insert as many rows as needed

Name: Name:
ID no.: ID no.:
Designation: Designation:
Contact No.: Contact No.:

Quarterly Post Import Financing Report-2 (PIFR-2)

Name of the Bank:
Reporting Period: 0-Jan-1900 to 0-Jan-1900
Reporting Date: 0-Jan-1900
(Tk. In thousand)
Expiry Date
Approval of
Outstanding Enhanced Forced Loan Term Loan Payment Details
Enhancement Outstanding
Name at the upto
Sl. at the end
of the Status beginning Purpose**
No. No. Board Total Number of Last of the
Clients of the Date of Total Date of Total Installment Expiry Amount
Date of Meeting Date number of Installment Payment Period
Period Creation Outstanding Creation Outstanding Size Date Paid
Days Number Installment Elapsed Date

Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

# Insert as many rows as needed

* Use 'A' for daily necessary consumer goods and 'B' for raw materials for industry

Name: Name:
ID no.: ID no.:
Designation: Designation:
Contact No.: Contact No.:

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