Specmca Ons " "'H" Sections of The Technical I

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Confrfli® but should not be taken to be exhaustive,

Contract, listingandis reference
of the test requirements
be made of the
to the Contract

Specmca^ons " "'h" sections of the Technical

I Item
Description Item Test of Control Frequency Control Limit Remarks
102 Excavation 1. Gradation AASHTO T88-93 For every 1500 cu. m.
2. Atterberg Limits Test will be made
1 AASHTO T89-93
or fraction thereof or
every change in soil
properties one (1) PI <6
before materials
excavated are
incorporated into the
complete test. LL <30% work as fill

l 3. Laboratory

(No CBR Test 4,CBR Test AASHTO T193-92 For every 500 cu. m. or For every layer of 20
r Required) 5.Field Density AASHTO T191-93 fraction thereof, at
least three (3) density
> 95% of MDD cm Incorporated
T 103 Structure 1. Gradation AASHTO T88-93
1 Excavation 2. Atterberg Limits AASHTO T89-93
For every 1500 cu. m.
or fraction thereof or
Same as Item 102

AASHTO T90-92 every change in soli

PI < 6
properties one (1)
3. Laboratory AASHTO T99-93 complete test. LL <30%
(No CBR Test
4. CBR Test AASHTO T193-92 For every 500 cu. m. or
\) 5. Field Density AASHTO T191-93
fraction thereof, at
least three (3) density
> 95% of MDD

104 Embankment 1. Gradation AASHTO T88-93 For every 1500 cu. m.

2. Atterberg Limits 75mm>100%, Swell factor or
AASHTO T89-93 or fraction thereof or #200<15% shrinkage factor test
AASHTO T90-92 every change in soil
PI < 6 whichever is
properties one (1) preferred shall be
3. Laboratory AASHTO T99-93 complete test. LL <30%
submitted for
evaluation and
T approval.

4. CBR Test AASHTO T193-92 For every 500 sq. m. or > 95% of MDD
fraction thereof, at For every layer of 20
iL (No CBR Test }. Field Density AASHTO T191-93 least three (3) density
w >100%
cm incorporated
> 90% of MDD

IT 105 Sub-Grade
Same as Item 104 -i-20mm,'-30mm
C from design level
> 95% of MDD
200 Aggregate Sub- . Gradation AASHTO T27-93 For every 300 cu. m. or #200<66%, of
base Course
fraction thereof 0.424mm pass
(L . Atterberg Limits AASHTO T89-93
PI < 12
LL <35%
For every 500 cu. m. or
. Laboratory AASHTO T180-93
fraction thereof Loss<50%
l) Compaction
12% max
50% min.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project


f No.
Description Item Test of Control Frequency Control Limit Remarks

For every layer of

f 150 mm of
compacted depth
based on results of
compaction trials.

I' 200
Aggregate Sub-
4. Field Density
base Course AASHTO T191-93 For every 500 sq. m. or >100% MDD
fraction thereof, F70 as
1' set of 3 in-situ density

5. Quality Test

[[ 5. GBR Test AASHTO T193-92 For every 2500 sq, m. ±20mm

of fraction thereof +10mm,'-20mm
from design level
I 20mm
202 ±0.1%
Crushed 1. Gradation AASHTO T27-93
n For every 300 cu. m. or #200<66%, of
Aggregate Base Quality test includes
I Course
fraction thereof 0.424mm pass
PI < 6
Gradation Atterberg
Limits, abrasion,
LL <25% soundness and CBR

iL 2. Atterberg Limits AASHTO T89-93

u AASHTO T90-92

3. One Fractured Face

\[ BS 8 - 12

4, Laboratory AASHTO T180-93 For every 1500 cu. m. Loss<50%

I or fraction thereof 12% max

5. Quality Test

I 6. Field Density AASHTO T191-93 For every 500 sq. m. of 100% MDD
fraction thereof 80%

7. CBRTest AASHTO T193-92 For every 2500 cu. m. ±10mm For every layer of 15
or fraction thereof +5mm, cm or 20 cm
'-10mm from compacted depth
design level based on the results
5mm of compaction trials

I 300 Aggregate
Surface Course
1. Gradation AASHTO T27-93 For every 300 cu. m. or

fraction thereof
Gravel Surfacing

1 2. Atterberg Limits AASHTO T89-93


3. Compaction Test AASHTO T180-93 For every 1500 cu. m.

I 4. Quality Test
or fraction thereof

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project
.r Item
Description Item Test of Control
No. Frequency Control Limit Remarks
5. Field Density AASHTO T191-93 One set of three in-
situ density tests for
every 500 sq. m. or
fraction thereof

6. Fractured Face BS 8-12 For every 1500 cu. m.

or fraction thereof

7. GBR Test AASHTO T193-92 For every 2500 cu. m,

or fraction thereof

301 Bituminous 1. Quality Test

For every 40 metric
Prime Coat,
tons or 200 drums or
MC-70 fraction thereof

302 Bituminous Tack 1. Quality Test For every 40 metric

Coat, SS-1
tons or 200 drums or
fraction thereof

310 Bituminous A. Bituminous Materiak

Surface Course, l.Quality Test For every 40 metric
Hot Laid
tons or fraction thereof
(AC Surfacing B. Aqqreoates
Course, AC Pen.
Grade 85-100) 1. Gradation AASHTO T11-91 For every 75 cu. m. or
AASHTO T27-93 200 metric tons or
fraction thereof

2. Atterberg Limits AASHTO T89-93


3. Quality Test For every 1500 cu. m.

or fraction thereof
4. Fractured Face BS 8-12 For every 1500 cu.
m./or fraction thereof
e)Bulk Specific

C. Mix
1. Extraction For every 130 metric
tons or 75 cu. m. of
bituminous concrete
2. Swell and Marshall AASHTO T245-93
Stability Test

3. Grading Test AASHTO T30-93

AASHTO T164-93

4. Laboratory
Compaction AASHTO T156-93

D. Hvdrated Mine
1. Quality Test For every 100 metric
tons or fraction thereof
[t E. Compacted
AASHTO T191-93 For every 100 linear
IL 1. Field Density Test meter or fraction
thereof of newly
2. Thickness compacted pavement
Determination but not more than

!r; Test three (3)samples shall

ii Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project


r 1 No. Description Item Test of Control Frequency

be taken
Control Limit Remarks

tt 311 Portland Cement

A. Cement

Pavement 1. Quality Test For every 2000 bags or

4 fraction thereof

1. For source not yet

4 tested or failed in
previous Quality

a. Quality Test
EE For every 1500 cu. m.
or fraction thereof
Quality Test includes
Gradation, Bulk
Specific Gravity,
Absorption, Mortar

I; Strength,
Soundness, Organic
Impurities, Limit
Weight and % Clay

i: 2. For source
previously tested
Lumps & Shale

and passed quality

rctj test

a. Grading Test AASHTO T27-93 For every 75 cu. m. or

fraction thereof

EC b. Quality Test For every 1500 cu. m.

or fraction thereof

C. Coarse Aoareaatp^

El 1. For source previously

not yet tested

a. Quality Test For every 1500 cu. m. Quality Test includes

El b. Grading AASHTO T27-93
or fraction thereof
For every 75 cu. m. or
fraction thereof
Gradation, Bulk
Specific Gravity,
Absorption and

I D. Water

1. Certification from
Project Engineer
I 2. Quality Test if some
is questionable

E. Joint Filier

il 1.Poured Joints AASHTO M137-93 Per shipment on each

Quality Test type of ingredients

I 2.Pre molded Joint

Per shipment on each
type of fillers

F. Soecial Curino

1 Aaents Per shipment

1. Quality Test

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 project

Description Item Test of Control Frequency
No. Control Limit Remarks

rr G. Steel Bars

1. Quality Test
For every 10,000 kg or
fraction thereof for
Quality Test Includes
Bending, Tension
each size and Chemlcair

tr H. Concrete

Quality Test Includes

1. Slump Test
I 2.
Yield Test
% Air Content
Per batch
Per batch
Per batch
Gradation, Bulk
Specific Gravity,
Absorption, Mortar
4. Flexural Per 330 sq. m. of Strength,
Strength on 1
I set of 3 conc.
beam samples
pavement or 75 cu. m.
of conc. placed each
day or fraction thereof
Soundness, Organic
Impurities, Limit
Weight and % Clay
Lumps & Shale
I. Completed Pavement Five (5) holes per km.
per lane or 5 holes per
1. Thickness 500 m. when two (2)
determination by lanes are poured
concrete core drilling simultaneously
1. 404 Reinforcing
A. Bar Relnforcemp.nl-

i: 1. Quality test for

Bending, Tension
For every 10,000 kg or
fraction thereof
Per size of bars
and Chemical
rtC) B. Wire and Wire Mesh

1. Quality Test
[[ Per shipment
Per type of wire

(i 405 Structural A. Portland Cement
Concrete Type I

I 1. Quality Test AASHTO M85-93 For every 2,000 bags /

or fraction Thereof /
10 to 30''C Note 1-Quallty
gradation,% wash,
bulk specific gravity,
I absorption, mortar,
strength, unit
weight, soundness,
organic impurities,
I, % clay lumps &%

B. Fine Aaareoate

[I 1. Gradation AASHTOTll-91
For every 75 cu. m. or
fraction thereof

I 2. Quality Test For every 1500 cu. m.

or fraction thereof

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project f

tp Item
Description Item Test of Control Frequency
% Control Limit Remarks

C. Coarse Aoorenatp

i 1. Gradation AASHTOTll-91
For every 75 cu. m. or
fraction thereof
Note 2. Quality test
gradation, bulk
2. Quality Test specific gravity
For every 1,500 cu. m.
l or fraction thereof
absorption, abrasion,
soundness, soft
fragments and unit
D. Water weight

rc 1. Quality Test AASHTO T26-79 Every source

i E. Pre-molded Fillpr
for Expansion

I Joints

1. Quality Test AASHTO T42-92 For every shipment

ft F. Fresh Concrete

1. Compressive AASHTO T22-92 One set of three

Strength Test AASHTO T23-93 samples for every 75
cu. m. or fraction
1 set of 3 conc. AASHTO T119-93 Every batch during
Cylinder sample
I pouring

G- PCCP Acceptance

I 1. International
Roughness Index
AASHTO T119-93
ASTM E 950
Entire length of road
for both directions prior
Class I to issue of taking over
AASHTO PP43 certificate

I 500 Reinforced 1. Quality Test for AASHTO M170 1 pipe for every 50
Concrete Pipe Note: Mortar for
Strength, pieces for each size joints will be the
tc Culverts Absorption &
same as Item 405

ft Alternative

1. Set of 3 concrete For not more than 25

I cylinder for
strength test
pipes cast in the field

2. Inspection Report Representing 25 pipes

of each size

3. Cement, FA & CA, Same as item 405

Mortar for joints

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project

Descnption Item Test of Control Frequency Control Limit
r Cleaning &
Inspection Report
Every Structure

of Existing
rr Structures

505 Grouted Riprap A. Cement Quality

One for every 2000
bags or fraction thereof
1. Quality Test

B. Fine Aggregate

1. Quality Test
For every 1500 cu. m.
or fraction thereof
2. Grading
For every 75 cu. m. or
[t C. Stone
fraction thereof

n 1- Inspection Report

D. Water

1. Certification from RE
or Quality Test if source
fc, is questionable

2. Quality Test if source is


it Stone Masonry
506 A. Cement Same as item 405
B. Water
Same as item 405

[[ Concrete Curb
C. Fine Aggregates Same as item 405

600 A. Cement Same as item 405 Per Station Laid

B. Joint Filler Same as item 311
1 603 Guardrail A. Steel Posts

1. Quality Test or Mill

For each type of
1 Test Certificate

2. Inspection Report
material used

For each type and

shipment of metal
I 605 Road Signs Inspection Report from
Each type of Road Sign
the Project Engineer

606 Pavement Paint Quality Test

Marking One 20 liter can for
612 every 100 cans or
fraction hereof or PNS

I 712
Structural Metal 1. Quality Test or Mill
Test Certificate
AASHTO For every 10,000 kg or
Specifications every shipment, one
mill test certificate
2, Inspection Report
1 from the Engineer

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project

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