April Newsletter

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April 2011


Proclaiming the truth
of God’s Word to the
street children of La
Ceiba, Honduras
Little Evie from North Carolina
http://www.avoiceinthestreets.wordpress.com plays with newfound friends

So just what does it mean to be a part of my partnership
team? It means that I am not in this alone. In joining my
team, you are committing to pray for me, to walk alongside
me and possibly to give financially. I am so thankful for
the encouragement and prayers I have received from so
many of you. You can’t imagine what that means.

Currently, I stand at 42% of my monthly needs. As you

can imagine, this is not where I need to be in order to
arrive there by August. If you’ve been meaning to give but
just haven’t gotten around to it, then now’s the time! If you
don’t feel led to give financially, join with me in praying
that God would provide the funds for me to get there!

Want to be on my partnership team?

1. Click HERE for my prayer card.

2. Click HERE for an Electronic Funds Transfer Form.

3. Click HERE to make an online donation.

4. Mail a check with my account number (11781) to…
Mission to the World Donations—PO Box 116284—Atlanta, GA 30368-6284
lorem ipsum dolor issue, date


Speaking for Oneida
Oneida is a little girl who has stolen the hearts of
many who have come to Honduras. She is full of joy
and laughter and is always happy to see you. Oneida
communicates using only a few key syllables (not
words) and hand motions. We don’t know what has
happened to this precious child to steal her ability to
communicate, but the team is committed to loving her
and praying for her. She roams the streets most of the
time, and it is obvious that she mostly fends for herself.
Oneida was hi-lighted in MTW’s most recent
publication of “StreetChild”, the quarterly newsletter
that hi-lights MTW’s ministry to street children. In the
newsletter, you’ll also see a write up about me, the
“new voice in the streets”. Click HERE
previous.asp) to read the publication in full.

The Pettengills head back to Honduras this month, after their six month
furlough in the US. Pray for a smooth transition as they settle back into life
at home in Honduras.

The McCanns have returned to the United States. Sean has accepted a
pastoral position in a church. Pray for their transition as they settle back into life in the U.S.

Pray for the Lord’s continued preparation of my heart. He has been faithful to provide
opportunities here for growth and preparation.

Pray for the sale of my house.

Pray that I would be able to find a good home for my dog, Deputy. 

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